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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-22, Page 5
•X , ' - THUBSRA.Y,' OCTOBER. 2&, W fHB WCKKOW SENTINEL I PAGE no ST. HELENSs PORT HEW S Jfr ■ ■ * . xnux t^i a’vj r. t* gn- Tfe® Brace Eeagrae title wfH Heft , Kitchen; and Mrs. Jarvis 'of Towrato, be decided Ws year. : ^e visitors fest., week wifetireir * • • *' • ■ *' 'amt, Mrs-'R- EL Miller, The final game between Sorateamp- ‘ Mr, and Mrs- A_ Willard and Mar tons and FalmezHtoa was pushed! irate garet of Exeter, were recent guests toe bssi-gzataEd s> as not to inter fere' witffia toe OLBLA-A- paydowns.. • !P * «► ' By toe fete SmrteaBsptoni was ptat etat ,®ff ;toe- “ACT/pbydl®wnsr basebai® weather and . enthrasiaam®. was past arad tfe'Etataerstim Chib has efishara- ' ded for toe searog. ;. • •. • ® . ©aracje®afttoai ®f toe title game, tfess .prevented a repetition; of the Souteraaspta® - TjUttoniwr ftosera of ftwffl years ®g®, ; • ■ • •.) • • i Jack “Shaggy” MacIhmaM of Mr. and Mrg. Arthur Dancy, Mrs. X In Wisconsin h The Meaford KriigMs, “TF* cham- pmEs-Taff Otetamtop, played consistent. » a® sestoera to reach the pfmmatee ©f fame Wffie dreamed of aft tee start of the. seassiB- I • . . : ♦ *..■ • *• KfiuSEffiffiuie^ Itoggesft 'ftreiffife. semais .ft© be ’ft®'g^t urn -eieetoiiwe 'to* ftafae* ekagg^, dtoe ft® ‘stome dJffitonssees fthac. ■ ° arose Be^weeja’fesft yesFs pls^ers aoad exeiLufttofe. •of Mr. W, F_ and toe Mfeses Peatrire and Mildred Br. and Mrs. Phelps and Mario® of' Port EBgim ■were visitors 00 Sa-ft- inardaiy with Mr. and Mira. W- A. 1VO- ! Bef and Mr. and ^rst EL J- TBnw. . i- Mr. and Mrs-. T?^. Salkeld,. Mrs. E_ EL Mffler, Mrs. Gordon, Mr. WL. L MiUfer,' Mr. and Mrs^ Wafeae Milter afttomded, toe fimmupyaill of toe fofTm^r's motoear, Mrs. j. T. Salkeld aft Go.der- wto, ona. Tuesday. Skieressfid Annswersary. ( ' Very stueeessfnil auwSversary jsesrK- iess were teld iai toe. Emitted 'OmmrEfe <5® Snuniday,- vtoeni large. cxm^rEgaftSo'ms assenniBled 'boto -rmnwmmmg; anmd' dv^toug’. to-, bean toe" .gmiest spemkery, Eev. X FL Arutarsomi of ‘ Wwgtam,. Ini toe nwnnimg, ebooe-inig' .as..bis test "Jfesdsi said iniiiutoi toenai, Fcdllow mei and I wiilffl. innake yon® fiisfeers of ■mem,”’ tog. sjsffiaLj •key dlelivered. a' message df. <toaJL Eeiage, .wbile im toe evening* Be ©mi- timuied toe.toemi& taking as.bis .sailb'- jecft “How .to/., meet toafr dRiaiTTieege-^ Special] miunsae. inn ..tog timoTrnnmig- was. provided by toe- Iloeail <tonw, win® ©om- Iriiltoted twor roumnibers. im toie eyej®- ing/toe' 'Westfield Senior ,QnKsrtettie" rronjiposed of Messrs- ManMlaamd Henry, •Iota, Wih. arnd Alva MeEdweM wito Mrs. MeOEmfbey ®f ■ Ahe&wte. ais, ae^ ewmpanist, added nanmto to toe service' wito toeir ' appropriate s^ieetoranis.. “The' Wayside Cross'7,. and *T ■ wwf nmy Me to' teliB for Jesns"- . Om. ■ Monday ' inn ■ c®rnnieetiiofflii ■®ito toe amnf^@rsary.L sctvwe^ ■ ■ to*? f-aseft pillaiy ““A' *W(to»te Omitnsist",. was presented. '& tog CbianMnsfity Ha® by toe TP-EL of' toe Bemtoffler Cnited Omumto. Between 'toe aetts; nd!!®®, and a dmet by Wb-gg Helen' Tame- wd Mr- ■ McEdweffl; of Godarfein, were hngftilly aHpipiirpffiarterfi. PURPLE GROVE "’Ey A, M. -M^faafeew I® WSseofflsto, a^CEfitoasfo; Coheb®*- the* of OhiffiE JtEsfete Itoseraberry, feas_ carried eeft a most vatetefe ajMvey to eoramraetiora witfe TfeihJfet Weiftera. -Some fifteen | eyperttg have worked order the cSr- eetiora of Prof. X H-'Ktefe and .are aboiaft to' rma-lfe reeor"VT|wipndaftiMWis. re- M^hrnfimy legislation to bra iatrodured conicermtog, ecoraonrid and socfal pro- ble-ms', Recently, I spent, a few days wife Au C- .Btanjee. of Maffisora who bias, fieora working ©m tee suirvray dte- tog'-fera . steamerL' I have .been pagtite- ■JairBy toitorested :fo' toto'-of tee tiNew DieaT’’ expe-rime-iits white fee has 110- v-estigated, Farm. Zoning, and Etoral ■HEtfeai IhrinteEftimra- -.- Twgtoyr-tered temunBiSes iu> Nortfeferni Wisterasto’ fetee . planned, deweMted and'' eraaeted compurfifemiswe ; eommfy- &a®. five- miWpra teres, •nnra-^^tadltaaX*'' /feawb teased to- agriefeBfeiE . _ rand legal ->seiftfetoeiiit- Tfe^ra ■ lands, wfeatei sfeorald never feawe feeera opened- L__’ '.' forest iresrarves, . reoeafttojju 'groanmjds,.1 ganmre! vrasteves^, *and water- <aa^|sova-. fttornu eraterprises- . . ! . ■ , ■.'■■.“ . ■- * IJ '.•t I ♦ . ..*>. *'■.'• McKay was s. ftomesr tfctognaauii. wfife fee toafietofei aaStos^ ted Bast yerair jdhyedl defense wif&\fee CTtofto®- Ccfitto, ' v‘ * . Ttoan^tera .wffil jp®®- Bahly paar up> ®hi. ftEte Etottaanffime cfe- ftese toaft to® be wffewft Barrows, steJBuar rerarguardtonara csf Tteto yeaafs -ssqpradL .NEXT WAR .WE? •■. Wbeni the sabres of Enropra are raft- and dfvtlalioits - foarat irgFTy shout. "We are ready tor war,"- a gloomy prophet presents toe follcmfog irre- fo&ibfe .proof of toe date of toe next ereirffinrrtt, The African war began to 18801 Eft Basted _______-____ . 1 year Total ____ Add t&eaie figures to oirdear to fee- total _ Bate of ‘ fee Ecer War...'...■. !BS59* Wfencl® Basted ——______ 31 years Bate of ‘ fee Boer War__JS5S' Wfend® Basted & years Thtal _,190S Add figures too fee* 1 SEEHIZ^ 9* 0* , 2 . Dtete- of fera Qreaft.. War .-19*1141 ft years TotaL _ Folllswtogr sasnne proca^ffire HelU] At Waffierts®—WiH Be Annnall Aflfenr Etej& fltefio&ssr 14ffe—Efert ■ OfiSkess, Ntoeteeh ntetobersF ' of the lOth Etoiee - EafttaiEhn. Associaitto® held!' g get-tagetoer to the form of a ©anner andi a Itostoess seatoio® aft. Erdmanm4? Elestanwanft to Wafkertom last Weffi- nesdfay evening, - Oteftober* 14ftSn.. The date to one" tifet wfffi Eke' forever* to the* laannwfe of fotiner metobsrs; of the Elittaifimv for It was on® tffiat (Saf e years- ago- that the teats .were stna«fc * on. CarEimgto Heights, • ILowrito™ acrid!' the Soys erntraiimetJ for' oversets.. Irt was uaaoiniinmoirasly dieridiedi tout every • y&anr <to Otetober life, ai tfitozaeir wfffl be keldi by the- Assoriatiw® aft ?onae town, or vfiUage toL tite cranafty, : sand Cftestey wu® selected as the imeet- tag pfefte* ftor 1W7L ■ The efeetto® (of officers resulted to all betog re-elected' except -for ft&e . secoato viee-presideaacy. The (sffieeaah are-. Hora. Pies-—Cot B. ®L Stohcr*- lirnd. Pres,—X C. MeDorfeM. Ches- ■ ley. 1st Yice-Pres,— EL ®- Cameromu Waffeertora- . Slid! Vice--Pres:-—Walter Yamwyck -, Wtogfisraai- SeoTreas,—- EdL EL Walker. Waifertarat . C- These "who attendieS' * were EL®. ! Ctenere®. EM. Walker, Art Efeugharr- Hanrry Wafes.. George Craig. EEaroto SteweHL Harry BaMiera, Mate- Mc Carter, Treve Jamies, ’amdi B® Dobson, of WaHkerton ; ‘ Tony Nebfitoag,' Han> 'overt' Wfitora Beil, Ptoe. Efvert Mor- jiuaw CEitoion,. ■ Etowtordtoet Amfer Eofe- ■ toswnu ®L EL 1. Ktocardtoet ■ Albert ■ iMriLea®. ritoi Walter Van-tvyck, Wtog- ; tom.7 Neil MaeLeiffiam and DtotoM ‘Chroegto, -Etofey and X C- McDtotoTdi, .C&esfey. * ... ., ....•. '....:..., Mr. Ehffiard Wananrartor; -of .toe 'Twfenid!! Constiractinw Cto, w&©> tofe 'been: ettofitoted to hto home1 fere tor .RftrSte' time with a severe eajte''.of( ! praesimnrifei. is got maktog a® rapid! 1 /progress’ W Bis friends wwl® Ete,' j and! feto, week, ®r. ■ felfo'Wr of JLnSfe- mw ta 'been called to ora fee Gases. - '' ■ • —B^yfe Stoadardt id. Wistonsto" totora, ptenraed,, cteteEffiped wide rorail - tonptoS' dtotoiramieeg," More ■ < "” '~ ' _l'~TV's^st of ift-. rapto' been ' __ __ t_ .. s •■. dgretoimeiit,. ’ . /aundj Bega® ^griitfeEieniit- These ■ ItedK j wtoiribi shionuildl ruevear halve besa raperaeffi fbr* ftewnmg, tee. ww to> bra used as>. forest, reserves, . reoeafttojju gamma,! ireteimsi^ *ted! water oa^lsovra-. ttomi etoteBTtosras. ’, . / ! ....'- “ . '• ? ■' Altooragh annr airit was passed* to1 .fee W'totoosto legfslaitorra- to 1SSS ent-: aibiTHimg ^nnwtftoy, t® “ zojme itorpai lands,; to .was wfc' iuaffitto fete the_wherife ! were' set 'to- tojottora. to (fete wfto toe. proibferaB of s^tttog rastoe fear ftoestsij Baandls atoeaidy settitedL The eateft gave j . fee foiElowimg' toa®«>rtatit deetowMnc tifeL fttos <fey wrae* wEH! dfepwto feat govAj e'lrinwi'iiiemitt to'feie 'eiEffiirEise of its power', toay, tonpoise r^ftririSoras' .' ng®©® toe ' ;iwsra of .property to fera toterest of piHribilto- hraaltfei, . rsDorates aand safety■ • ’ THtoft -fera stems reffitrfetikaras * may, he . tonpoig^jj ugpow .feue rase’, of property to ' parraanMatfiora of ■ toe pifibife . welfare^,. ]■ ffiswwmferaera, arid geraerte prosperity is ■ ■ perhaps to>f to we®! iwndipnstood, brat ■ nuevertoefess, to firtoty' estabifitoeif fey ' . . ! feu?, deeafeDimi of tows and the' federal! ■. 0 srapremue. ■ eorart- ■ ■ * . Wfcaft -tera. so®& of fee* .proifeferas' tote ■ yoimtog to (feigned to craffreetT' Ito Wfectomptor ■’fe®®- were staB to J 1S133. withiia eomrnty, . state raatoumte I forests, ■ • mteuy paroefe' of Baumd pri-' vaitely bwraed-,. ABfecwiigfe a. farmer' crated 'jurat hope- to bra self saupprartenig ora prae' rat • these' toriras, if fee. feorajgtoi BaiBud, ioyteidbly itUrrafe wrated fee a <fe- mrcanndL for' -a sehraoife' . miarfcgft roads, amid hetethi services' wtorih feie .cor®- imuitefy wffltoM have to- provide,. Whffe tihnrraagbiorat ffie-. staite .- as ,a ’wiiofey fenildremi wearra. ectatoted te a rafte. of 2iborat ^®L per prapmE, rinfldrem ewmtog? frorau these' imra—productive farms were1 .cosKfeng- -fera toramjty as. fei^fe as $3i0WL per: pwpiiO pte yeag, ft Eras tesra- l&eera' foranidl fete ami isofeted' seftidte* ■ffirongfe has fffearirag operartioras May bracoirae a seriisras fire hazard ft®, "toe!., ■forest and reereaitiiora 'areas nearby-1 fedSviitfeal 'srattfers feave. erast tfee'ienrara- j mnnmiifty,1' eoramfty and tfee state1 tHKDre -to. a" simgie yete team' fej^* eoraBd refeirra to. taxes to a Ififteftiiiiriieu |. -.Ei*fe qfeooras tote trentendloffis. ad-* vamtaiges '/woited. ’ have fhfflbwed if* every dfetrfet- fea$B feem eassminDed j canreftePy .before festosr torots® epenu 1. ■ ■for setiderraramt, fennf nraw fete tosntoes W estobEsfeed.. ora Bands umuffit" for* prodtaetive agriictetarte use, 'wtoft ca® dope abomft tone probteira? Tfee zxte- togi'■ BegfeBaftSora wrsmrgs tfeaft fee- toto- tafces of fee past wfllE tooft fee repeated agafim, Ewt it wifi take several! years- to*- refeeafte .thra isolated settifers. Fam— .-hires; feecranae aftteefeed ft® fetor farm® BaJrase1 evtou if -teie sate fe- praort Cora— edrii^rteifle progress; to btomg? toade to gstearsgiiiig* tomas witfeto rest r Tinted aresi®- for otfeer fotiras tfcte are -nraw eopnty-ownedL ©tfeecs are .provided for ira rorafeectiioTO wijtEb Etorte Befeab- ! illtofem1 wtoefe 1 sfeaiE dtocrass toiefiy- ■ Crader fee* Wferorastoi' EmraB B&hab- Bffitaftiom, 'white' was Eater Emerged ariMin fere' F.K.A (Federal* EefeaibS- iftatitora Atetenstratiionl needy farm fanraiiEjes featre feerai® estabEsfeed ora stotaMe* farms- .. v ■' Tra 'beenrrae a cEtont, a irate nrast ■ Trnave' •expisrietice' as a fanraar* or farm ■ TabotmCT- He’ mmst 'bra married, of good ■ nwrte .character,, and bra to need j of ■ assistamee. . The ’ fam® fee totends ’, to' rent to exanrainiied and atoo> jfee rem- •taii .cwntoato.' When botfe are satto- ! ftetwy- a ' item managejMeto plan ■to wnrtod wrat- and stock and*? eupnrip1-1 > iraerat '* boragftt to make1 it wuteabfe. r give- th®' family a clean, start.. A1. ora Tuesday. -I ”! note' is fee® accepted bearing inter- I i est at' the ■ rate of five per eerat nan.- I ning frem two to .five years for tfee* j . total amotraat arfyaneed. . Era Safflik Coramty iffi thirty-five ftefiEte! ; were estahEshed. tee- average loans 1 being . This ■ -ttovered $2T2- for umaicfiiinery; f eed . and seed •Oi2ig 1 rent $S<Eg and payment, .for toght. |e®W. three horses, forty pngs .and ; ^tfifoty-fow hens.. Et to smrprfsisg to1 ■1 feewri -that of fee * $TiU»38v advan ced to tfeirty-ferera farmers to lS35t| ;$SuT4L or nearly feas been; re-* .paid, ©to aerotomt of tfee ‘drongfet-feto [year, .payments, ’w® mot. -bra w 'large-- 'Et to afe®' interesting to wte that ; one gfenpi of tro* faMiSniras received $14Lffiy7 ira relief dteing Marte, April asrad* May,' ®E35i_ ' ©taring*' ' fee same' three- Mwntest ira 15W> 'when ate1 .of. fee- grorap1 ^tote tandier ELELAu, smge ' of the’ fspjriEies received emtegMsey grants IlL'iTsk ' fest others taf fee’'. same' . growp' Tsmre 'busy r^saytog Ioans to- the -extent of Had ..feey all beem ora! WLPLA- ait $4©' per Jrawtoiffe, if w-M feaw cost, tee? eoran- iftry Naturally, E have . compared Wfe- .consra®. wife ©toftem and' Saskafteewu a® w&ere 11 have'.*®ibservted Band seft- tliemetot steenaesi. i® operation- I feaye- drawn, three ©ototeisTOrasr L Before- crown; lands are made 1 .ayateaibfe for forming, the area I ghnpJd be zoned, to? ditewver whether it to stetafefe* 'for farradrag (tor mot, 2L. Farmers ’ w-hio are advtered goverriiifflent Iroamis for refeaibStoafttora, shndM! be grte® stefiritet steefc and • eqnsip’ment to become self-snpportinig. X Era order* that estahfefeed . far mers shntald not be subjected to 'four competition 'respiting from min— toe J t'~ 3 V ii $ V (I ■ • • I ■ri ' Mi^» ~ . '.‘ “ T I * aw....'dte .,>,.Jl^l.^.,jUuiIii^., ■.....-.,Mias................................................................ On Casl 1000 SAME AMOUNT, WHEN-CREDIT SUP IS PRESENTED AT THE SENTTNErf.'' PARAMOUNT . seats to view donation WUITECHUPCH -------—•' I ?®0CESSK»».lfiP TO S525®.* ’ -______ __—--------------------- . .- - - Mr. and. Mrs-'Ad. MadDoraafld'and ----- -—- " Miss' NraE&e Waiters of Wtogfesm gfeher ,M5s3 Hetem, visited Morada^ family from Ptoe Erver. were reeent Enquiries are reported by. many hospital staff, -Spent fee wete-rand wife tke' Lame' fanrailiies feere-' vfeitors .with Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur agents of .fee Canadian National wife her frrrrfhffr Mr . anj'' Wrs AJ- • Mtog Wtonae PeftyT EL^V fe at Cook. - Rail-ways both in Canada and the herf Walters*. “ ‘ - Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wifeon anad ’ States wife regard to trevd ■ jg^- Leggatt of Win ten m,’ ’ ______ ' ■ . Kenmete from Saskatoon, are visit- fo^ci&ties and arrangements -for view- Sunday wife hyr p^-renfc Mr Sbmre from here attended the fall ing wife Mr. and ’ Mrs. Johm JamvA- ftke corranattoa procession of His aTld Mrs. Wesley LeggafcL KINLOUGH pm-ggpint at the home of'©Mr. E_ Fur- re®, . Etaw.' • .Kenmete from. S^kteoffan., are visit- ^^riEties and arrangements -for view- ■Church here. last Sunday,. owing to , Chester Eoyiq. ®f Leaders” Ttatofiag School to Wtogham : -k^!UB tne ’toe anniversary services in St. Hel- ;to, are vistotog -with on Monday. • , ^es??!1^ _ ;**. ^ Ekslr High when .quite a mnhber from, here ! _ ■ . Commissioner fur Canada will receive ,. ’ , ,fat- £ X. B tSn gBettrcea of foT fte ' . . . I (^aatadaan visiters aani agqOcafjoti for ^E‘ sold a borso xo and' >SMy fr°’m 13056 a±teniied ‘those seats,wfB have to he made to ^^3G® Underwood, near ICr^ ' -aronoiu^oae • , ca^ptow to toe Lochafeh ha® on Fri- THob - CrrnTTrrissirms-r'a ' Derowrt. efc?r' W Eovtes. 1 r m tton'OT -of 23113 ®rs-, raent. AppEtatjons may he madL -ferQ Mr. Thus.. Ingfe has let the enn- _. . ;'Objand Bicfcanfe. ' ■ London,, England, office cf toe 'tract of finishing ■ his new house, and - - - - J *??, '?y i 33±- Carratoers. Mts. J. Car- Canadian National. The form of ' several men are working toere. ItH^iep-hy, spent Fnitfey fest vrt ■ David, Effiatt ’ and Irwin, . pficativm may fie obtained from anv b®'^ fine iunlffing when firto'hfed. Mrs. F. Ba®. Ktocardime. ! were recent visitors wito* Mr. and’agent of fee railway. Charlie' McDonald of St. Hel- Thg cwgre^tMajof /toe Anehran ( Wn3_ 33^^- ' ’«[t ^nnld be noted, hoiveyer feat ■ > assist Mr. .Patrick MfiL Cfemfe ew»y. tovite yon to fee . . - • . ten with toe fa® wmte Hot Fowl Supper 0® Thnrsday ifighi)i. | ■ ' (tO- PREDECT HEAVY SNOW Xi Ihadfenst working in toe fcnsfc to toe . The first jack' rabtot dr St- Hfifenfs MUatriict, say toere wiH besseaso® took place on *14e .two' feet of stow on toe' growd by December Ty amd can rite 16 reasoSs observed fro® nature, to -back wp *toeto' eomtetoSsn. Hdwever, Boh Anmstoorig. veteran Godtofito • tna® carrier rixfcnJe?' - tons forecast cfetoatog toere ■ vmw’t be naiGeih wtoti^ tii® we® on to Jamary. and ■ forteSs tofimdet storms aboto •fadd Xovemte- tocrease in toe mnmiber of farmers .and* decrease to toe nnatoiber of eun- ' sasners ressJttog from . “Barfe-ttetoe -Lamd Sehearaes'", i _1. L_ Canada shteraiki' he restricted .to farhi- ‘■ers. ' . . «4.’ ■Y Day wife a largie party makrng Erfe ■= ’- ■ ,. V. . '■miserSibie for "the jacks in the virin- 1 i ity of • B^rvie. The bag for fee day was fairly good brat considerably Tess than those secured ■ last foU to fee same neighborhood when a hundred rabbits were generally knocked over when the, hMSterto put toi a '-drive. ' Soae smhDer parties hunted in . tee vitefity of Cfeesfey but wife mdifier- ! ~ ■ "7 '" ” • • ent success and the gatefeftd exists teat tee jack' rabbits sire nest,. ? hack at CtoRege— .xwouu., ________ _ 'nearly so mranerous in these parts as ^ka^. fefe few&Y •■ster. rteahil'iftatiim' in they were a year or two lag’n.—•• ' ' , u<-t gaining knowledge ■ o^py 'F-tEtorpro.' I ose the ear. . Ml- ' . ■ ' ’ appli.catwras are reterted. erertog. The afternnon session-- was- ’ Apart fronj 'toe . tetotonadHiferte , hgja M £ p.m^ :-KfaJ a ^tten- toM he nxafe . nvafiatle tottJH£$r toe dance presfigL Ssp^per ^s served at . Hteh CotamissiuhEr^ office, . Stotts ' g p_m_ ahen stat tetenSy-fc sat' ■win be cm. sale 'st pri.ce5 varying from ■ diarwn to sapper After snpper. f .ast- HOAO to S?3L5®**xa CanadUn money. t _-G' Kingd ^as -given by Wito.e- Arrangemente • Itove' been made so-J church T. P. S.; to-, our Gnrmiry. by that -Canadian National .agents, can ) Brussels Y. P. SL; to crar ,€fc,EreK to have ’ toe Liondon offices of toe Com- Teeswater ' Yr P. SLt to ogr Ycntoc- pary purchase - tickets fnr those who 'people, Bipley Y. P. S. The e>-ehtoc wish to-secure them- in advance- js^infi was held at'TJW arid was much -enjriyed by aTL wish tn • secure teem in advgrre. I ft