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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-22, Page 4
.5 . $ FO®B WESBAT, . OCTOBER K®. ROUND TOP RAH. 7RAVEL BARGAWS LUCKNOW > ■ H Oct. 30 end 31 to CHICAGO $7.5O \ I OCTOBER 31 V 1 Detroit •3-m CROUP 1CROUP 1 SELECT ONE MAGAZINESiLSCT ONE MAGAZINS £L THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL —----------------------------------—A-------------------------------- -------------------- • ■ SJCESSE SWT MACHINES CDCNTF. RSri$ SNOWPlJOW Sfimmomto OmaMaS tees ifernfefl S&atft- Ow&fturfh—T&i? (Gynnfty off SBrizre ’ b Intonhe £’1W? to g-lared am fet tas jETtt amrtfptei.fi. <.fe&a?eTy off a mew ■ am3 jflffig' ffiriMiteoifs' ■■t<’ Ml ©®OTfife£thM,tij sm5WKpjG®wM .taarife . asne .MafesnEBta^. ^'■31*'- sa tesftsr 'fee -®T oorifi fairapey, a. ip-frwirfefl snsdlfee^ tfito Joi® .jib BSat® aor gwin tiErifek. &asi*oifc3; Sutost .rf. fits tSyT^- A. few yaiars aa®® mztofcwma, i;iS mJ firfE .■SEurm- Conprty C'lmnxHS ’ tamn.iaffiy i& ' • rP**5** • , , ■ fe ats3L®liiij® to Sito IBra-mgre fe“, mi>. reKs&E&hw mit to .-imswpilhw fits nutofis jpeftstiril fefer #irifee® y*HBrs-. <®ff -a® wmtiMt. ItoMimg' fit ® wtsEste rf mriim- tsrSH &e gperarfitfefl to' ®y„ Bat ttoire foass Beam »■ meatarsaB off. m-atfitoTrtxc- rfey .icamut Be 'jpemtefi' jrfitotoj 'fljpw&m fia ttito ftustt ttwcw yfoars. ■ cm Saifey tor befeiute feme' aAdknfo fi® ■ K3ae tffittrafeg., tsri, 2£&ar t&&® ' taelhe' artifact aat najgjM, . ta petfiiilaty anfite item. $50 ®air fa^mdhe^ # - g. 4 CON.. KINROSS 77'"~..................’41" • \ ' j ■ ...................................................... ■'' ■ ■' " ' •’’ ' '"•.............................................................. ’ ”, - ■”-• ■ ■' ' < .......................■ A Reminiscence Of K nteugh In The fieties THE OW-FASfiRONW. NIGHT SHMST. a ay be- Q^CQl easutty I leHDaHter as a yrafessteir total W fattfoer rased to say TBtat Boas flatfoar ratan? a nu^flifefofirtt ttjEHH toe day foe passed away- w' ffaittWr anajd nay naatoear rased to SBBg®e {sew aimd ttfoenn Wfofefer nwgfotsfo&rtts ©ar pyjjafeais wife ttfoe parser tofimgr flair raem. Bunt my fifottfoeB dhmmg: to nufigfottsfoiaitsy flioar' a stofofousanaj Esairn raas^fo^ S® my fidcndmeas flair ttfoat stasfe's . da® to W fosredfify.. * BEAILTTHM SERWKEE <DF I VBKE (CtMBWyjDIMMW tWEEBISCAU.. I ' ASSGSOAiniCBnH g&nq). OfFE®b®ssea»ce: cssmmwaniEs ' WW COMS* /■■ Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM , Stew Starts at 8UW PJHL .Thaoafoy. F¥i^y, SatenSsy-. October 22-23-24 MIRIAM HOPKINS r¥ EDWARD G_ WBHNSDN •' JOW'WCKEA ■ ’ r, to- , “BarbaryCoast” ' SAN ■FRANOS'CO' IN -THE.; ! ' . ’; GOLD 'BUSH DATS ■ Madfay Moose 'E® ‘ , ,' . “THE BAND ■ CONCERT’’ • .. '. And eon 'news' ' 7‘ A J1—11".. • ’ rrt^fh^nT^; SQlSWmi H£SEUuW£!t wniiaL- nem eaarfiy fin Efl& to <*»amrniw»» estoy pntoBHdnm wfosai am ®r a&xurtt tfifa frpgfcw^yK. Itt- eg fiirpnssifife to steps sa oQr tor lluuufe as ejjEii&I^y am aato dEfftt omit am tffos sttneeX Tfosy s fos tom^folt to to&tor and amns am tffa> imgfctt foamd -differ a®d mfetor ai^g^ttogr ;to mtoraar (Brass; fe- mtoSiEfeCy Beiifnd fife ®air &u£ to wstet w>n,tti31 ttftw=y <mm - ' a afeBir ’iw toFj taffic. Many mxodarto fotoxe tagegntofr- ed i&mniglk! -imitate gfirfag ofoffifirton a E®t to air ffirximci sdhtolL Tfoe gflmUfi- wtoD to ttfafir eagearmefs; to jgffitt foomos tor to, ‘wfael! fed to- sto®, fondz and’ Ifefem afltor aEg^hfeg- and &efanre msKig . tdhg ftfgfeGByj j§Sas^» tfe . mn&s&tot ite; | {gfofrred ffimro to at Jpssfiifiini tBurr^g^r ! foy ^Sriirrgr tffosto tn imfe„ foe sfooedd foe J fiitejreKsted to tffoeto safetiy_'Itt 5s toorifoi ssifer for tt&erm .to ®rate mS' mteiiaisr- 1 ttfirito tody to Qjir&ffini UHEEttn^L j fa my TOK1MmJ- ] ^UlW SK$g®& ■ XBttnlill 3EU® CTWWH3 3Hl ? L\-,r„L.j-.ff r. « ^ ■.. ’ tr rm _L - |afeddto&&to espease to ttfoe pmEfep ; azr© &efag storissd and unite fibtedL Tfoe fes&itottato tor defesefetot. |tof gtoife? gtoipisEBlfesi' | ffltotottfifaites .4 stor- LPWl • wiy gsffSmjatt&xe ano®, to® ajpsrE^&t surra- j’wiaas, arfatat toe otay pferre fe ntetatB to j Be ssaL ( TT&e rasry ffiratt tamteir «n£ ^ra®® rafitfo a raftfp) satw rano toe Bsaanfc. off ■ ,.801® CTefifc am MfolimSm JLtafe's flaanm. jfflfa EHSEffl ®EB tfe> aaiffi ffiffiffi tfelfaXtC ffllt jiaaife matt mfatrie &n ftfo& as sew sfesar-H ira® Ito o^Htorwd .feirig 8fe Fwfomfo fcirae 'Seton s&nt fMl off Badtes- „ SdeccrSe'ir (^a&wnst to {jtstetra? a fcii|g^'T&e. sefoitd feadtets aa®$| piEittortis <EEm * t&rtuEmte? <£3dfftt *toC®rint yas mcSte St assfe-t Sm ggtoffiarysStfed' a# titesfe- sptoEfiaB 'fer ^njg' Ssfemiiin* £ " wmadi to <taU2 wt& raSe?” . tetoife atf twhs gufilic.. f ! L * i jimw spotet tfte? ■. weefe-end wifflfo' Mir. But. ttSis nxaw wfiK&i ffeg ■ dtarik !3Etafl 3&rat Bate SratL^ ‘ gdhsesH* qjnKftliy rrarawarsd M. L JBeqms;- ^mffecMn. M?. (Slff Amr- .0 tiftriasM ynw tsrare , , „ , m ’ gamd tt&ty ma® writo ltor.fl t&nnxgnt tlto m»W) pweodis^ Mr_ ®Jbd KfitSv X EL MotiriBsm ’ . 'fe. atod Sfex T®a < Ete- 11 m^jribn-W&ril grnrsu .life, arts iffcs.. Ted ®o^hsy. rf s&L” W saad. “Tto ymft toKaijg 1 Tfe&staiEtojr: t£n$:, Mrr_ Wirsfer E&r&a®X wtfcflfe Ete^s ait tfto mrrJton"' ? oar® tnmiAniH. •gHiiEffi&affife fty Sfc* dented ■am- Mir., and. Mirgt <5.., ■, ,, , -................. ... ,1 ■ iffto.' ffiir migmwwrwrtm-ift.'• Tito gftrOtoii jWftffimfeaii'am ffirafey tet.. Jfc WaX'. * . , jto&* 'ffiKfcfifflitfea® nttottM&toj? firMTai ffew ■^s3^ S&f’- .FaJksnear WntigjteniB jfifiEjaf* yfeEt. 34&r_ Tarin Effiia^tos w ® ,w®p.;id .fed t-uiito Saldfedy. IBs tod jinst tM'W^iD«d ^ffigfe©£TeewatoB"„ wftN> 8ffitansjj adhngr wdfom ^ffijnroaiady Ewsd ton tt&e- (Stfc eotn.. Cid-' nujmflieir aff totftfflrss to f??i> om a rftorft; :w^a®d w® te urawrirBewd By( and Itod y13t riraay •« t& oamrrim^ ’ ■' • a feiot rfetore Wand 5HW® nssKatord &ct® ^rotoy li ^wggitod ' LANGMCE H -r-ifes raftfafo aar® pfofed '&* to® pntaJ®11*iis TELL. THE EffiDEXE' ; ■ TeED 8&g. peapfe- We foawe tofid 'ttfosnm | tifosrtt ttfay TOmrntl pfa^ta^wirye iffrerar rmififf; - and we foarae teikfi tfes® wdfiy. Tfoe pe&- t ®fe ebu® teforn fit weBL N®. dofet fit ■ isais' at sfooeik to iifoea® art ferstL N® I dtoefott tifew amp toidH sorae imiBeffiter- eira_’N® docnM tifoare aare'at.few towns , a®d < ■’dllCages wfoeie 'wfiEfo is mtot. peas?- ■ tEEsnrisEd and -’wcfeeiiE ussy matt. &ee ‘ 5ffitteS!i®a$t einaagfo to aaiBusSt'- a EBy- JLfiBsf fisgr ttfoe 'pmsteoniizattfcHJi off rnnfilfc s® Xansanry jjsX IS®a„ N® (fofo toere . may foe searse '^ss^s ;v.foeare sudo . a 8>y—ILc&gr Way foe (fefeiEtoX iflj s-xnfo-l nfeted ®m Xanjseiiy; Hst„ U2SX Tfofflse wfo® wte Nay’asre jpatoffiy Sesgra®3®^ Stor £&e ' fefeniy*^, ■ 'feafolhmigrd- and i deartfo sassed By. ti&e-usrif off n®g®totenr- Ea^ 'n®. ‘Skit toe peapile foaye Itafem toe mews we01 and to toe <mra®tbry inmay ,e^[ aanr feadtog femme&s. foarwe toy nrmllfe- wwfl £m iffomnr foouHEfoollds ; Mted fflras mfaBtes art *7 to toe ta^te off fit and toey. fomow wfoy toey foarae fit foaflted- , We foarae taild toe jpeopfa, (JS®T 33®£& SSSg® wfoem Koc&. dtowssred toe ttnuii*- . ende. fimtdfoid a®d pwxed tomt fit was; , .toe esKise tedmitoilafe^ltost ttdw- giritaffjg; woee sa Itiitazisidte&Bile dfeease^ amd toeuefitoe tosdt fit cnxdd .foe pare- w£aL DsaHt Het fit foe fhrem^mfitted. Ewry ®me wfo® foes tofop^trafady g®(t toe Effifledtnaui firaan sonse atfoear peirwai raft® Bad, tofoearraAsfei. Tfogae- ffiniei, fiff aweary pwssun raft® foes ttoiBeir- afesis fissctoipxAa&Ily <dss® amdaanre- 5®n and maifefs stare tftartt amyttfomy tfoartt foffi fflooigfts; tq^ any. sptattauL to bunrnsifi ®r (ta&erwtoe' dastooyedp- totai foe uses paqjeir fttatt&aantonafe a®d . toey- ame foaanied and mot kept to foto priefet. tosfit foe does mot emxgfo to peapiGeto fosto ear ototorratoe tause foto toemto. to foe fonemtoed Bytoen®,, ttfttat fofedtofo- es mrre wasfoed By tofeaseiteff to Baffl- tojg ratatesr and matt used By atfoeto and fif foe takes; ■ aEQ otoesr necesstary pne- (iataliisuay toens m® tofedtom to toanta- nift&Ed' By foton and msfoady gets tofo- etetahffi^'ffireni] foton. ffteoptle raft® rauarfe to Soaiitairuijms: fair Tufoewuflbsto s^g- s<Efletr ' fiufedtDsni ton® aaiyaBie 'e&^ foffiswsie toe'ymmrtttoms tafem to' smefo a SsEnfitaartem aare perfect ■ami! m® arae gets toe tefentira rf ttaieamtal- asto toasre. .We fcarae told toe peopfe a® toto a®d toey .fctaxe tafeesn fit aitftft sfiiee JS8K2 ttfoeire foarwe Bean santo pe®- fffe jrafo® ordy foodff-taidar&tecd tW foto. Tfoey ©at toe nfeu total fetfiei’- etahsto raws taansndssiSiJe and toeta. mtodfe strapped at toat point and 's® to^y ware afemfid toe pdefedm raft® fad tufifatniilhffto aaid raete srira5efito(Es, ojtukII to ftainn. Ed apjii. aifiraid '.&£. tod ofearn arid etaefludl pees®® raft® ftruf tototadhsfet Be us safe. ' Tfa. oaiy; fee to Be afifed fe ifo toe pe&a®® raft® foes toBfflratabeia; and fees net famra fit tar rantat adntfit fit a®d s® rail! mot talto. any' jpfikataferita., Efe fetad foe efantaned By toe Best nxafem metoefe to asearftad .rafoatow foe Bass tofoer- cm&sth- air matt and eE fte fcm.* fa sfauM gp> to a .Samttamiani" .mi, toiat ftj© fem Ifauntf faxft to awe arid penttraet fofosdC and toe® pmjtei-i: ©tow perar- pfe rafam fa’ fis rae® m>u®fo to «»nie Brime agaaan/ Ted toe phujj&i. > pays.. DUNGANNON Mir, Nainmauii Suato and- Ufc. ■ Jafffe Sefiam Moose' Jaiw„ "Saisfo^, fed Mfe MiUdiied ' Steraairt toil • JBEinuissidl^, wear® Sraaday 'wisStMars at toe .tew off W. X B. Yoratm®- • Tfo® auMtoa® saife. ®ff paropfely and fofefefaM rffesfe off toe Eat® 3Iirs_ JJast. Memamy. was foeM Saitrarday' aff- tearnsoxME„ sand. despaite toe dfefefiiEig iran® nmost off .toe ’aftean®®<®ta-- a. good crowd ,tEBB®ed. ©®t and ' good parifes wear® refeized, Tito foams® was. pw- ccfoatsed By,’tw, Bfaefeora ■ nMfe, ABes Agaur arad Ctatear„ anxdl ”raffi' eedebu® Seeb- HiBEtffiatoBy- ." - Affiertt WasfoiimgtorD off Tairafe® was a irefefe rfsfears raiitoi foes fetes- .Mrs. (Gfedocn ■ Amto-ffgam, ~ . Tito wefeDy Eforayear rmafeniy ©£ toe Ufafited OnOTeifo was foeJd Tuesday str— tRiAtg- aft tfjto Itomng Mrs. EEfomBfefo Cfewfloaid- ■ -•< •£. tMhr_ and 3&rs_ JJas- MeEiMfar^F^hfr fffrffllldiTffiBr Many a®d 'Kolifo ©jff ILffimdoirav wen© v weefe-emd. visitoto ■ wirOn . -tfito'1 Bad^s >paiie®tor.'sML\. a®d. Miis_ EL' A. Ufa' and Musl Sana Sraa® and fsn®3y spfett Shmcfey rafitfo toe ■fearmen^s psor- esfe. Mfr.. 'and Mirs. (Eeovge Sraa®„ Sir- AgfofoeM. Mrs. Sraani us iremafefimg:, fifor a fera dsy^. ■. - . Mir_ Jfefom Eya® fis ifepwfeng; Bfe uefefeofe toss raeek By fcayfiag: a aatat rf sta^to P’te onL “flfflairraist ffifeinirf' sernriiees' raesre pareaefted fa St. FfotaTs ‘Affigfeau® (rfoaanEfo a® SafeEay at UH aunu and X’50) pus® JEfey. X @rmfoa®E ra^F Eftriassefe raas? fa aftsEBgie^ assisted By toe efefer ®ff toe Angfeam fefeefa ILnifemsw„ Tfoe afomrnfti rases detMaraited; rafitfo Bfetatiflid amfaan® ffimraerrs- firufits and fege-.„ tafofaR'. " , Mirs. Many TiiSfa and 'Mrs- Cfofe- (Gnnrfa ra£ (Ghderfefo,, feEfed am ffiriSsafe and refatores ftene or® TaesdaEy. Mfas Many Xaie Era&fo fa spemfefa: a. flew days fa Ufa rfEfag© fajfifo Mrr_ and Mte. Wfe -®ray ®ad ratoeir [Friendsc. . Mrrs. Safa Sraa® spent m ■ ffera- fays ■ Ifett raeefc raitfo foe®- firfemd. Mrr_ F- Eosef^ 'AnBunmu Visiters. Ihteiy rafiifo M&c amd Mrst Wnir. Euay fay® foeenir Mir., sihd Mrs- (Ge®. Ehne and dfeg^fotoir EPnarratliy- EL-ussefe; Mir„ >fom SeEDeiiS- Mraene ■fara; Smsft-; Mir- and Mbs. Colle and Mrs.. Xtoim (Gtarniss off ILnekmora'- ,• Mrr. fond Mirs- Mfofefa Dtamifa ante feaSfngr flhir a ra.fcfa raififo refaftiwes -i»< toe Bitterr at AppfefofiX ©nt- T® at great nntny. it raais ferred fa toe BegnmatEgr fe toe grrarainir seajgw®- tout, arafagr fa tfa drnutfr- toe 'pfeatra- I’.tepi raauftfart Be rarretfo raftnle any- raay_ fl graess we- s&ouJdrffr ' ermas Brffeeg. Beffefe rae; atraie to toemp flfe raito toe pfentoftd rafafaSl' fee faitteir I part , of toe seasranu nnrast ewiyone . amiHisid i» realifangr wsy grjwd results raififo . toefir'’ potatoes ■ One- ' fe toe ’’fa-feET' spefenens tafami op By Mrr' Wanmeir Armtera^ Bafaaieed toe- sfeDes; at 31% ®s- Nfa fad efo? A C- @L IL T- efapxentfam of toe Ctated Cftmrcfa faftj at (Scand Efeiid rafiffo ai flidB-fay pvaifeafa- rates repm^ Tented toene By fays and gwfa . pt toe Diiaigfenn® grumps- • namely:- Wintered Sraafa’ PMerw®- .( Erfa -Kiraete„ Etetoy Btadffa< Wfasd Anfeirsom. Mir., fed Mra. T../R Turw- and sue ILynn,. Frank and '*'. Ifady. ILfiiytil Wfee. towfem Ffafa- gaw and EfaroM Effifat ■ Tfay ire^orf- ■rd ai very ihteirerfine fay.. • 3 r ' :........ - Mrantt iSforMg Tarefe Cmuntry Sfefefife to toe Semfbrffo ILtans CBifa Captt.. W, C. Lanes o€ Torrmtov, cfaafatsd tout Wfehfam. Ffafar'aU and MurifidpmC Coxr®?nnTCW were mttfofe toe- Ifepoyers ninre than £9<WjTO0Wd a year;- and, total Canfem rates toe mest; Bigftl'y taxed etfantey a® eaaftfa I ■ • aafafe&ig; ifo; popuifeiouL i Si