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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-22, Page 3
Sales Mouni EVERY DAY LIVING By Dr. M. M, LappinLASHES ■INANCIAL '<■ Twenty-tour feet of the 55 feet of ore • so far opened up on the down- . ward extension of the new east-west vein on the 7jth level at Darwin Gold Mines, averages $20,50 per ton across • three feet, according to company of ficials., Assays tor the remaining 31 feet are expected shortly. In the sec ond round in raising operations in this vein on the sixth level fairly well mineralized quartz was encountered. Some fine free gold was noted on the right side of the last face/ On the 7th level, in addition fe work on the south drift on the Grace vein and the downward extension off the east west vein, a raise has been started with the object of locating the down ward extension of the Grace vein north of the new shaft On the eight 'level the last two rounds on the Grace vein drift were in well-mineralized ■ quartz. Cross-cutting has been start ed toward the downward extension of the east-west vein. ' z ' • • • • • • •♦■•4 • »< A SPEECH HANDICAP. i"I wonder if you could help me,’’ writes a young man of twenty-six. "I graduated from -hjgh school ■ at seventeen and, then took a course at a business college. Although I did well in my business course an. am well recommended, I only seem to be able to get minor positions and .1 cannot see any hope of my ever get ting into a job with prospects of ad vancement. A friend of inine tells me it is due to my speech: - I have a slight impediment, but it is not al ways noticable. I can speak to cer tain folk all right, but when I am speaking to others the defect is quite apparent. Do you thiiik this is the trouble and is there anything' I can do to get rid of it^ Perhaps your friend'is right. Indeed I think he is. Your handicap Seems to be due to some form of fear which -asserts itself when you are in the presence of certain people. Perhaps you are afraid pf not saying the right thing, or of mispronouncing certain words," or of not making a sufiScient- Practsce reading aloud . to yourself alpne. This.will accustom you to..the sound off your own voice. It will also enable you to familiarize yourself with ’.the sounds of words which you are likely to use in conversation. When you come across words which are strange to you, or .of which you are not certain, turn them up in a good self-pronouncing dictionary just • to make sure that you have them correct. You will then be less likely to be afraid of them. , If yon will practice this you will acquire facility -and readiness of speech, and, if you can cultivate an. attitude of indifference with regard to what the .other fellow thinks of you 'then I -am quite sure you wall find your handicap disappearing. By getting rid of your , fear and building up. confidence in your abil ity to cany through an intelligent conversation you will be able, to effect a cure and take your place in life. I know of co better method of doing this than that which I have suggested. Writes the Halifax Herald figures, continue steadily to climb \ Over twenty-five million dollars of \ ‘toew ordinary life insurance” was sold in Canada and Newfoundland . last month, according to returns compiled by the Life Insurance Sales Research Bureau and just published ’ by the Canadian Life Insurance Ofii-1 . cers’ Association. These sales, ,we ‘ The man who 2n inflated idea read, < which are based on returns of hie own imporfeoce. usually -find*; ‘ from nineteen companies having 90 that the eomsnunity has him <5fed per cent, of the business ip force)' up he would look after defWton / "are exclusive of .group insurance and; ’ ' of annuities , and ' ' * ’ “' rein pension bonds,” August sales were as follows: 2,192,000 1,095,060 853,000 Agnes Macphail Says Other Dominions Do So In Old Country T. C.. Fawcett, M.E., ip charge of operations at the Morris' Kirkland . Gold Mines, in a wire to local offi cials, states that a slash ton the 808 '.. ,t crosscut bn ' tfre 808 wein’’ relumed a ,x y value, of $28.70“ acrq^3 8 feet on the ea^t wall and $1L55 across 4.6 feet oh the 'west wall. This Is nndercut- ting^the708- orebody. ' - .. ";^X. D. Turner, mine- manager Skookum ■ Gold Miffes<,?' re'jtorts that ■ ..1,.. .diamond torfR* hole No. i put down 3 veih-lias, cut a 50-fdot .dyke' and. is in altered granite. Both' the '.XT--- -^yke and-, granite contain quartz and j : mmeraiizafion. Surface work to date ’ •' J- bn. the property, has revealed ' nine ■ ..y ■' veins which have been' opened up for. . various lengths. w,.The prefent drill. _ ; • ■..;■ programme .is designed to test these. showings ■’* ' ' - * ™ ’ " ronto, > Lo: - ■ • Hamilton . .' '-property.. . _ e. . .P\ tte .wfektoqd.-■ : ,t Y' . ~~ ■' ' - Brae-Breest .Gold Mines.. ■•• :. ri/tecoip^'-qf a wire from the property .",...-in. fife?. Kenora-A-mining ." district, re- , .r bbrts^’lhat. 4(1® feet south; of ..The -or- igiahi showing a discovery has been ' ’made^iwh'ich is - . ........ 'Tnaiittorebody.- ' 'Trenching of. the • the campaign of. development 'showing 'has revealed mineralization I that wjH involve the opening .of ..two . , across-60-..fOetewifh-.15'-to 20 feet of-; new levels at -and . 5<»d feet. He \ ' ma(,ei^l’''.'.'^a-rTyi^g .high''. values, i slaIes that ^reljminary^ work on the . \ ■ •' An ■ ’.programme .of surface i Solo shaft, . from- which operattons ■ exptoraijioh,--'5^ad?^deeper diamond Grill- 3 he carried out. is practically V ing Mas: been,’fecomnfended by' H. M, | completed.' . . Whimster^ mihiBg geologist of Winni-, ■ i ’ Pc?- .wfeg recently■ .examined and Te-' . , ported on the_property. A contract for additional -'-driaing hs^'. been let ■ while the cre-w>Jias been 1 augmented” to speed tjp^urfjace work77 ——— . '4ir- - •.• ” •Directors of Rondh Gold Mines at a recent meeting decided lo follow the. ■ recommendations of Mark Little, M. E_ and proceed with a new program' of development' involving an expen diture. of approximately $75.00'1. The . . new! campaign ..was. dectoed on as a j result ot. eiidourlgipg results secur- \ ed from preliminary Work at the pro perty in the West Shifting Tree area. tv ■ ' ,... . * j . •// ■ j ‘s' Toronto.—Agnes' MacphaU, here af ter her .return from a trip to Europe, urged Canada to put on a ’idigmfied and .reasonable” advertisfrig campaign • for Canadian products in.’the United Kingdom. Other colonies 'are advertis ing, she said. '.■'»' "Somebody .is to tdame, something is vt-rong,*-3 said Miss Macphail. '“Whe- 4|er the other’ 'colonies are spending m®ney on advertistog «r not 3 do not know, bat Canadians feel Canada is .• not as important to the people in •»' London as are the- other colonie-.” '. • I -She- said''she feii more at- home in j Tien-mark and .Sweden - than in ' any ! rtthg-r Countries in. Europe. Russia has '. made wwtetevahle advances -in ynany' fields of ■-endeavOT,. liM • ^se doubted, if tfee/pefipae'.'iGS Russia wcndd be so^ ctmtast' rif they ki'efc- what was'go ing on in other lasads,” "There .must be terrific snanotony,” she said. ■‘“There must. i»s awful _ 'fear of getting into disfavor with ihe ■ sseSsgts-' 2S. -iliera is no tear ©f eco ■ tamme insecurity there, 'of esfhsr - ufifl , .age or hut-they do hot 'know the ..saape .sense of ssfey sa ve do;” ' ‘ -• ! . ' ■_____ The customer proved most exact- ! ing, and - the clerk grew impatient: Customer — Are yon sure this is a genuine crocodile skin? I Clerk — Quite- -sure. 4 know the ‘ man that shot it . . ' ’ • - i ■ Customer —- It looks rather „dirty. 1 Cle^i. — Well, yes, that’s' where ' the animal struck the ground when.' it fell out of the tree. •. > " ‘ ' ’ ' ■^--7— . T When you aJways tell the vruth ' you don’t have to remember what you’ve said. . I Bride, — Dear, what'is. the true definition of a groom? . j Hubby — Why, a groom is a wan who takac care of dumb animals. .. j Our wants. wfH, at any time, vast ly outrun, the most high-geared ' production of the machine age. But . the onp trouble so far as the <5e- ’ _ mand on the producers is concern-^' ed, is that we want vastly mote than CdTUlda GcSIiS . we can pay for. : ■ ; ^s" :----- . J1 Mother — Wnat ■ is ' your ■ baby i brother crying for? / " _ *? GE_XEV^ - Economi^n;' ^Canada 1 Junior — ties OTg a big hole in has now .recovered to the ges- the back yarS and can’t bring if in era! level • of ■ 1926 which is %«- Oh! What a BoD! Yes, sir—Yeas' ’can bank <*n ' rolling a tetter cigarette with Ogden’s Fine Cut. ' For Ogden’s-has the-balance yod want—coolness, smooth ness, fragrance that «tari efiea on every oraat Ogden’s gives you a higher percentage. of smoking enycyment/becaiJse. it’s a better tobScoa. And' feeppre to«rse'“Te©Be” or "Chantecler” papers. ■ NJEL—The purple easy-open ing ' ribbon cn the Ogden's package1 is a great conveni- '' ence." OGDEN’S FINE CUT —Year Kpe'Xsum Qgifaifa G*** iPhfg "British Columbia 'Alberta ______ Saskatchewan ___ Manitoba ______ _ Ontario ____ Quebec:------— •New Brunswick____L... ’ 882.000 Nova Scoria __ 3,173,000 Prince Edward IsL .__ 109.000 Newfoundland 289.000 . ' .Gordon F-, Perry. President of -i.be ly good impresston upon the person to Note: The writer ©f this column is a trained psychologist and an author off several works. He is willing to deal with your problem and. give you the benefit of his wide experience!. Questions regarding problems off EVERYBODY LIVING should be ad dressed to: Dr. M. M. Lappin, room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toron to, Ontario. Enclose a 3-cent stamp- ■ ed, addressed envelope for reply. > a trainedwhom you are speaking. I think you can cure yourself. 1 The first thing to do. is to face up to t fhe, fact that you are top' self- i conscious. Having done that, then- torget yourself. .Don’t'think so much about making ah impression on the person to whom you are speaking. Think more off the subject matter of the conversation. >• “/J. D. Turner, mine manager of Skookum 1 Gqld. Mines1,:"''re'ports that ,^on. Nb. 3 vein lias cut a 5<‘-fcot dyke — at depth...' 'A party, of To-, St. Catharines and t business, men visited the yi. in. the Red Lake area, over ' J' folic wing beHered to be the 'Trenching < 'The programme 'calls for^about .2,59.0. 1 feet of diamond drilling, and the sink-. ing of a 2-compartment internal shaft from the SGh-foot level to a depth of 556 feet.' Additional power equipment 'will be purchased immediately. ' . A party comprising' Pittsburg .and Toron’o business men as' brokers have left for .the Duquesne Mines pro perty in Destor and Duparquet Town ships, Quebec, where a - programme of diamond drilling is underway on the Galatea section'of' the- property.--" ' a report . to local officials . of Beresford Lake Mines, E- S, McCar thy, mine superintendent, stater that work will be started without delay on 6 , ,. • „ z ' ' Resources Must Be Developed for AU And Not For Favored Few, Declares Hon. T. A. Crerar to Ji is'being-held'-Nov. 1S-2C. He is i. V ' J - ' - - chairman of .the English -Ejectric - „ , - ' ■ , Lasana.- me review ssjs, "aided T;orQ' E Cempanv of Canada,-Ltd- director ; 7" Tf° fcad £bont' ' r-v the Unr^Srates. Irr ^*stn»me National Railways' and ■ blac^mAh. ■ creoh.- expansion ' whrip the Phone.'blokes several oth^r public’bodies 'in the ‘ ~ ■' . ' /.by a.better wCrid .market'' Dominion. •'.' ' ■, 'Herb^ arreriec for for whfez. ty. ■ inereasttg gold prte ,rse .forgery. cucricm. by ■ 'greater demand- .f for bat_ihe ” j', ■ ' '' ^-■’^rierrsEs meiaJs, experienced fnr-. after • A local doctor says Js^^-nswered a thcr; considerable recovery > '1U£5.~. .telephone call a few nays ago and ____ '________■ ____ ____— side world and make no mistake about iL, . “Banks' cannot be blamed for lack of development as some people do. Investment experts are uncertain of the -future and it'is this- fear that is . responsible. There must be confi dence. . '' ' ' "If Germany’s position were dif- ferent, giving us again a wheat mar- i. ket, it would . spur bu,=iness,. here and soon. ' ; "I greatly fear ■ anything ■ ' that shakes confidence is oound to re tard development in this prom-re ' as well as, elsewhere.'' ' ■ . '■ '"Re-forms.ah| not achieved in or- '-r ■ j . r ms • "'j'' emighh jumps but are always" going iMZC« Of NlOlStUre m ____________ _ _ ________________ on. Yet I do not ..say we must com - ,. . ^dost InitSTtOlIS - "Sayr Doc. mv wife. A ■ E" 7done things of the past, but reforms . ■■ ' ' .just .'dislocated, her jaw: if you-'hap- :. ^*assme<3 AaVerhSillg ■ • • CzcfcMg’ £WC FiOCfZ must Le’brought about in an orderly ’ [ ■ ' pen to be out This vray in the hext *rSr«' , ' . Dry air at'the usual roara temper- *:“e“ or 4-M<*- C5^J1 hn. and See her. 5 f speaking re-. ■•21ares jc injurious 10 healrh. Ii rends .-' . 7 .. '_1 -e *^y wi a mjen _ ' 230 . o-ds ^jje jjjaco3S membranes of Indignant Mother—-Are you kiss- Lt T®206 “ proimneaa bonds and throat, a.nd ’ 'weaken-, hjg that -young man- Geraldine? ■ vLcZ2EX JTtVv2^' rerisrance of 'rhese organs ' Geraldine No. -Morher. J’m'on- ' — at diease in •srire V broshing.my^eeth cn his nxm--_ teST “ “’.Wv to* ’KA «*■'■»*• ' G “Tiat may be an K onesies but it certain^ is a penS fT*”" ^.tarsnenmg eSe« « tie ■ent .one,’’ said Mn. Crerar . haar and skin. • ■ .. . • ------------ ... . t, ■ c Neuritis Pains dace an,, enervating effect and nervousness' and irritability. 'i ■ . Z'<EDMONTON — Declaring Cana- •das’ resources must not be develop ed in the “interests of a privileged few/’ Hon. T.,' A. Crerar, ' Federal Minister addressed a gathering of the Edmonton Chamber, of' Com merce and Edmonton - Chamber of . Mines ’ here ■ recently ' Uncertainty and lack of confi dence on the pari of investors were .factors in retarding deyelopment, he '•told the gathering. ' "Development must not be In thO interests', of a privileged' few as we j have had too much of - that- in' Clkn- , a'da,” Mr. Crerar declared. “To do * that you must have help of the eut- Newfoundland Series to Ready About Time Of ~ Coronalion .• A man. -who seems cawh and. ri:o ,realize?• it, wore or les.. qirize often . succeeds ' where a man of superior mental ' at-ralnmenis fails: ■ Reason. 3 trices F?—' !;•■ -■each . anc effljip y«c ires STAST? CplZ^CTZSG — A3ss>. I Sawm, ■ Sumajlian: 1 Cjt-ini-ear. Atsasr as.' Cemra’ ' Asneitasw Snrst . Cw-'zmai ' l^ar-,,.car'»rr ics • ires lq- s >-sras>' -3n.<LT StTT-_3C= Cl. PC. T rjar • Tree Trade. . For Amazingly Quick Relief Get “Aspirin” If you suffer from peins of neuritis what you want is quick relief. “Aspirin” tablets give quick re lief, for one reason, because they dissolve or d:sin*egra*e alm-c^t in stantly they touch'’moisture. (Note illustration above.) : _ Hence—when you take an Aspi rin” tablet it starts to dissolve al most as,quickly as you swallow it. Ard thus is ready to start working almost instadtiy . . headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start en?:ag almost-at'once., • “Aspirin” tablets. are made in ■ Canada. “Aspirin” is the registered trade-mark ofthe Bayer Company, ' Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer iri the form cf a cross on every tablet, 1 Try iL You’ll say. it’s marvelous. . ----------- . , Little Ek$t ' t locking .; , er's new fnr cos.T»-Me i NFLD„ — Ne yiund- land will 3ssu- a new - serx-s 01 stomps about ,1;me-of. the .coro nation of” King ' Edward Yin 'next yea^, according to an announsement of ■Major E. E. HaTpcr, secretary for. ppsts and teferraphs. Although j: ha? no: .been decided ■* ( definitely as ye:..' the new' Issue prob-: ■ j ably will be of three detemhtotjem?.' jjl ; similar; in. size and design to a, new ikolonial series being prepared by the ne * British 'Government- _ | The new colonial stomps n-?w' s being .prepared wiE have ■. a three-, »• quarter profile vignette of the' King's. head in a circle placed’ fowaad the ' top left-hand comer of -the stomp ‘ ?p., with the imperia] crown in zh£ 1 top - Cjj j righ^-hand cornier. The frame cf the cokey, 'is shown beneath 'the vjg- 3O nette. the dutyjiabfei at the 'bottom _ rigfct-ha •" corner, and the denc-ttin- Y?n ■jer.- £< me< ns ' says vx; Rfe Van W.r.- ■ ■ k,e sitpt. twenty years . teraixse ne took his nap nefrre there wefe dies in tre country • far Sa^bsas, • Cannel, Fists asi Banfete Seed PLATERS TTas£ <**r!aes!' <m. dp* weott ±ta*n? iris *■» **• &*** 5ME3& amzuisM Srlawr** S«rbf tsjo®r-4w 5. . ’ I ■fc. , ijv-* C"; •■'g. ; h v, e-'are Jirine. jh ■ -1 h c ■ ry ' - i”--; Pc> s'-mf-’jae- d>C'"’yer • a - gpr^fils'e . ■ t- "n—?s C’-nnv'-'ra® or Ene of vr „■ a s'.me'*'* in r>, v.<x'.:.:n: for st -A jeo* • b eta ’he Th ■ ■ tier, are ©se.2 te - * u.* , r -m- 2.1* • -; T. v;„c "ps 'ffe ef ft' •> rutt. -■ hmv the kind <r«: ■■ is psTti-uis’? *-fe- c.vttr 11 “ Ax. *3.airp> i- cravn ’--r :.t- texttoii' by G, A. vu-. n As sjsrarr Trace r t> New T.-rs. vpg-jn a. to rhe 'Cam- ,uteri ia. ix^Essesice Jouraa’ sn-ak- yo-h S- -of- .y ar- ', C.:ma- sr.y— ■c by V; J)eman and Get2 Stop Getting Up Nights To hamieihlv. flush p&isons and ' acid ■ from kidneys and oorrect irrita- ’ tson of. bladder so that you can stop I “getting • up nights’’ 'get a 4<»-oent |-package off Gold Medal Haarlem Oil ' Capsules and take-'as directed. Other symptoms of kidney and . bladder weaknesses are scant, burning GT . smarting passage — backache — leg cramps—puffy eyes. ’ l. 1 .ha*. MOVIE PROJECTOR A YOUR SAFEST I^ATSTMENT SV >;-• Ca.--; %ra :■ c»a : - POWER i**-**' FP* U’ The . cf' ;-Prart.-.cal <scSS£? AppEed Psycitology me trar for the Or. w£ ~e • ' cork. . E:r< - 'ar"* titre! / ■ns.An movjv-- 'ey \ 33." Zti’! J®? igi‘F$33CACSSX5E:Cara- jtee witi)Shis '.!<<•:s\vi »*Bt:er34s ai sij-gEEteiA sscr--f®a.iessS fe 'w-sjfrsstSyttu to . i^eraia.<ei ■ , sx . ; ■ The man, who tries to wars several thinrs at t tirfe stands very g-xto era get any them done. l:’s €~.£n worse f ■.■ Ct - TUX-/ TH • *tlh 'reqtire--