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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-22, Page 1
S2.00 A YEAR—$150 IN ADVANCE—pOc EXTRA TO U. S. A.LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 195«SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS !>■ V ■»—-V •SPY APPLES-Xr sale—Irvine Henry, R. 2, Lucknow. FOR SALE OR RENT—House on corner of Havelock and Willoughby streets.—Mrs. E. Congram. FOR SALE—Quantity of red eap- . rots, for table use. Arthur Cook, R_ 3, Lucknow, 68-r-5 Dungannon. » _--------------7, -------- —------------------------- PRIVATE SALE — Of Household furniture on Saturday, October 24th. Mrs. Angus Ross, Lucknow. APPLES FOR SALE—Guaranteed from apple maggptt. Choice Tahnan Sweets, Snows, Spys, McIntosh and Cooking Apples.—Phone J. W. Joynt. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Country store and blacksmith shop, about 6 miles from EtheL—Apply at ^Sentinel Office, THIRTY OXFORD EWES to let on. shares and ram lambs.and shear lings for sale.—John Farrfeh, Thone Dungannon 82 rl3. NOW READY to hull and clean Sweet Clover or any other kind of grains or seeds.—S. E Robertson, ’Phone SG-w. ' ’ PIANOS—Clearance sale of guar- ant^ useiU pianos, all thorou^dy ■ overaauled by mar'experts. Write for ■' special. fist of bargains,—Heintzmaii & Cou, 242 Dundas SL, London. “SISTER SALLY” DREW LARGE AUDIENCE THURSDAY Humorous Play Presented To Large Audience By St. Peter’s Dramatic Society. A well filled hall greeted St. Pet er’s Dramatic Club players, when they presented their play “lister Sally”,'in the Town Hall last Thurs day evening, It was the first play of the fall and winter season and was; well received. *", " : It was a farce-comedy that devel oped many laugh provoking scenes by its complications, evolving chiefly around the well enacted female im personations of Hugh Coming. Rev. J. HL Geoghegan, gave a brief resume of the play before the curtain was drawn, Mr. and Mrs. .Jfaek Ern est and Mr. 'Art. McCartney^played several enjoyable ’ numbers before the play opened and between acts.. The. 'cast was as. follows: Dr, James Fenton, Melvin Johnston; Sam Crosson, -Hugh Cuming; Barbara Chase, ■ Eileen Johnstone; Mayme Hathaway, Dorothy Cooke; Capt Kate MeGuire, Maud Cooke; Patrick McGuire, Rev. J. Geoghegan, who al so played the part of Roger Belnap; Teny,' Stewart Lavis and Mrs. Alice Hathaway, Mrs. Hassafi. They staged the play in Brussels cn t Tuesday ■ night. Big Increase In Vote Schedule Until End Of Good-Will Contest BEGINNING SATURDAY AND CONTINUING TO OCJC. 31^t, THE CLOSING DATE, VOTE COUPONS ON CASH SALES AND PAY- . MENT OF CURRENT ACCOUNTS WILL BE DOUBLED—ALSO PAYMENT .OF OLD ACCOUNTS, ADVANCE CREDITS AND ARREARS, RENEWALS AND NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS] INCREAS ED SEVERAL TIMES ORIGINAL SCHEDULE. REBEKAH OFFICERS INSTALLED ‘FOR YEAR Mrs. M. C. Orr, Noble Grand And Airs. James Smith, Vice Grand For Ensuing Year The Bread of Health - --------!—___—____ i i—-x /»<<**» The Bread riOVIO of Health DANCE NOVEMBER 2ND. A dance will be held, in the. Town 'Hall '.on Monday, November' 2nd, .under' Basebafi Club auspices, . at which prizes in the^Good WiR Con test will be presented to tire winners by E L. Taylor, contest manager. McCartney’s Orchestra.' Admission 25e, tax ineludedL PARAMOUNT DANCE Dance m Paramount Hail, cn Fri day, October 23rd. Musfe by Hogan’s Orchestra. Admission — Gents 25c; ■ Ladies, 10e (tax mduded}. L O. O. R INSTALLATION Lucknow Lodge, No. 112, LO.QF^ wiH hold -"its installatton of officers on Friday evmnng, October 38th, with the District D^uty in charge. . Members are requested to be in at- trnsthmeeU' - ' ■ PLAY AND DANCE . “Leave It To Aaron”, sponsored by Teeswater W- L will be presented under Jomt C&b auspices in the Town HaH, Lucknow, Friday, Nov- . mnber 6th. Dance after. Admission, inelmfing play and dance, >Ch3d- .ren 15c. JOINT CLUB MEETING. The Lucknow Joint dub wifi meet . in the Orange Hall on' Saturday,' October 24th. Special business, please ' -attend. 1 1,1" ■ U . . II _ . I I II . Mrs. Peter Torrance Pied At Advanced Aje Passed Away In Wingham Hospital On Tuesday Morning —Was 65 Years Of Age And A Beloved And ‘ Long Time Resident, Of The Im mediate Vicinity. / Mrs. Peter Torrance, who for. more than fifty years 'has | lived . on ' her farm at “Terrances Corner”, about" 2 male east &£■ town, passed away in Whigham Hospital on 'Tuesday mora- ing. “Aunt Lizzie” as she was known to many,, was 85 years of-age.'Her death, occurred just slightly mope than two-years after that of her bro ther “Uncle Billy” Miller, who died . October 2nd, at the age of 94 years, Mrs. Torrance’s death ■ removes ' the last of a. pioneer West Wawanosh family? • • V ' Mrs. Torrance, formerly. Elizabeth Miller, was born at Ahna, coming to the 12th' Coneession -of West Wawam- esh as, a young girl. As she grew to womanhood, on visits back to Afina, she' met and married Peter T ahd the young couple fanned in t community for a time, where two Jef their family of four . children born. 'I ' • • ’ . , More than 50 years -ago they mov ed here and bought the farm in Kfn- Iqss, just east of the village, that for' a half century has been a home ,®f hospitality and neighborliness. Mrs. Torrance ■ loved to ' have .peoplecall, and by The Sentinel Good-Will Campaign ■ has been thrown wide open. . ' Practically any one of the contest ants now has a chance to finish at , the: typ. . ” . Not .only: the vote schedules .for store coupons and subscriptions have been increased, but©’1 the cost of cou pons to Club Merchants has been - greatly - reduced.; Contestants should. ’ focus their- attention on securing' subscriptions, hew, renewals' and ar rears, while Club Merchants will be able to stimulate business by offer ing special vote features, without any additional expense. The purpose of tills, announcement is to add more “pep” to; the closing days of the Good-Will Campaign, both in the way of stimulating busi ness for the co-operating merchants and -securing renewals, arrears and' new subscriptions for The -Sentinel For full particulars' of the increas ing schedule of votes, read the special advertisement on] "page. 5. With only about, ten days in The ; Sentinel Good-Will Club competition ^contestants are advised. that paid subscription will add- big votes. In featuring these votes,, contestants really can better 'their .positions in -the'rehto . ...The record df votes published be-^Catherine Johnston' ' ■ low shows that, a-large number of !M'iss Elizabeth Robinson - contestant still have a chance to Mrs Irvine HenKy _____ wni first prize, while others can im- Joseph Whitby ■ ___ ■ prove their positions enough to' still , jjfjg Jas. T- Webster- ______ secure one of the grand prize awards.»Eldon Henderson ___ Special prize Announcement j Mrs- Ewart Taylor -----3- —. ■ ' . • - , ■ . , ,. Sadie MaeCharles —______The prize winner far the most sub- „ -__. sermon tonrf n> fast week: Jta was won by Mr. Cecfl Malta. , Etu Bc!Ie MacDonald ______82^25 , Next week’s prize, is the last spec- Mrs. Malcolm Stewart _____ 30325 tai prize and wiH be $3.00 in cash to Mrs. Gordon Ritchie —______30,050 the contestant turning in the largest; Note—Contestants with less than amount on subscriptions. This,, is! 30,000 votes not shown in this stand open to all contestants. -‘ing. V ' • • Jewel, Rebekah Lodge had a new slate of officials installed to office last week, with the District Deputy President, Mrs. Doll of Southampton in,, charge. An installing team from Ripley carried out the ceremony very effectively. ; <’, ■ Officers for the year are: P. G., Mrs,.„:C. Steward; Noble Grand, Mrs. Melvin Orr; Right Supporter, Mrs. Walter Hamilton; Left Supporter, Mrs. Fr^d Nixon; Vice Grand, Mrs. James Smith; Right Supporter,. Mrs E. Johnston; Left Supporter, Mrs. Wai Fisher; Warden, Mrs. Sproul; Conductor,, Miss Elva Johnston; Chaplain, Mrs. Harry Nixon; Rec,- Sec’y, Mrs. Temple Clarke; Fin.- Sec’y., Mrs. Viola Jewitt; “Treas., Mrs. H. jMtchison; I. G., Mrs. Dave Huston; O. G., Mrs. James Geddes; Pianist, Mrs. Jewitt. Card playing was later enjoyed, followed by lunch. Mrs. Clarke was the winner at cards. 1 ‘ Standing of The standing appearing below is for'all yptes for publication up to Monday night. Mrs. Duncan McDonald (Jr.) 330,050 Miss Doris Eadie,__________319375 Robert Moffat __- /________283,175 Mrs. Archie Paterson —........251,300. Mrs. Henry Carter ..... 206,725 Mrs. Armstrong J. Wilson _205,275 Mrs. Lome Durnin ... ■....204,150 Clara MacDonald (Mrs. Orland " Richards) _________ _____191,675 Cecil Mugf^/,,., '___ ____482,350 Mrs. Stewart Durnin , 175,125 Miss Maudie. Fisher. —__—142,475 Mrs.. James Ritchie ' " 142475 Miss Eileen Geoghegan -—139,009 Mrs. Harvey J. Ackert ....-—138450 Archie Graham ---- -—----- ----136,650 Mrs. Thomas Henry .........'...124,450 Miss Joy Henderson ... , .119400 John K. MaeKenzie. :—1------118475 Virden Mowbray ■■ ______113,100 Miss Margaret McNaS _____109,975 Mrs. WmJ Lloyd —________101325 Miss Olive Kilpatrick _______ 97,725 Marvin-' Solomon - ^■ ..'7. 87,725' Mrs.” Archie Aitchisan ______ 77,600 Miss Ethel Martin ___________76300 Mrs. John Carruthers .——J. 74450 . Mrs. Oliver MaeCharfes ;____-65475 Miss Flora Webster ________ 63,850 Mrs. M- E Dudley....._______ 60475 Clayton Alton —— -----;______58325 ' Miss Vera L Little _____ _ 58400 — 56,750 __51,725 -44350 — 41300 ' — 38,125 — 37,975 ____, — 36325 Waddell an^ Mr. William Malcolm _ 33475 ’ J ’ , ’ ‘ ' QUALITY AND. SERVICE OUR MOTTO ’ Let Hollyman's Do Your Bakins. FOR THE WEEK-END CHELSEA BUNS ROLLS COOKIES 6 . JELLY ROLLS Of “ STRAWBERRY TARTS RASPBERRY TARTS HONEY TARTS - MAPLE WALNUT TARTS And A Large Supply Of “ CHOICE LAYER AND CHOCOLATE CAKES TRY OUR ^SOY BEAN BREAD. IT IS"PELIC1OUS. - H Kinloiish Congregation Marked 50th Anniversary Mr. J. R, Lane Gives Account Of Highly Successful. Service And A Brief Historical Resume Of 73 . Year-Old Congregation — Church Is Debt Free—At Present Without A Settled Minister * "_____ '* ■ ■ -. The anniversary services held in the Kinlough Presbyterian, Chufch, on Sunday, October 11th, marked the 50th anniversary of the present buil ding erected in 1886, and the 73rd of the old frame church which was er ected m 1803. . The minister at that time was the Rev. A. G. Forbes. In 1864, Mr. Jas. were chosen the first elders of the •I LAYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY yPl|Diie36 ty Lucknow _— ------------- -----------—.— ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph MeCam^ of • Cofborne T®pu, .ammurfce the engage- mmit of their - youngest daughter, Jessm Rachelle, to Wm. George Twamley, youngest son of Mrs. Twamley and the late Mr.' George Twarailey, of .Ashfield Township. The marriage to take place the latter part of Octobtor. eheerfness and friendly /had "formed a, wide circle of friends, among old" and young, that ! are "grieved by her passfng- •Mr. Torrance died in 1915, and much attached to her home.- Mrs. Torrance has insisted ori living afone ! practically ever since- For • a - few i years before his death, her aged bro ther made his home with her. i Early in June,. Mrs- Torrance suff- : ered. a strike, fust the' day after' she i returned from a. visit to familiar] i haunts at Alma. Cared ■ for at ■ the ■ home of her -daughter, Mrs. J. .D.l Anderson, she made a recovery to a.; degree that enabled her. to- get back j t to her honie a' few weeks ago, where ■ I she was looked after by Mr: and Mrs.! Maxwell Raynard. Failing strength^ made her contfition quite, grave fori ! some time and' about a week ago she ' was ' taken to WmgfcanE pospitaL . The funeral service is being held I HHL . , 1 „ _ : from her tate residence this after-! Guide Week, Btoswnies and Guides of noon- She was a member of South number, attended the United Church ■ mtetment wECE be m South Kfnloss, by the meh returned to work on Wed- f._ _ -----t------------------------------------------ ---- were Under the supervision of District. ducted by Rev. John Pollock- | Commissioner Mrs- A_E_ MeKnn-The’ . Guides to charge of Gaffe-Cap-! deceased, wiH be Wallace Mfifor, Ed- , tain Manon Johnston and Frances 'Thom, r Jack Miller, Wm. Thos. Mil- Armstrong, Lieutenant. Lb the ab-' for, Wingham; James Maier, Fergus; J sence of the Brownie Leader, Miss;'and Ed- Miller, Ahna, Peggy MacDonald, the “Tawny OwP", - There survives one daughter, Mrs. . Marion Johnston and I^ck Leader,' X D. Anderson of St Helens and one Jessie Henderson, were nx charge. I son, Mr. Harry Torr^ncfe of North ty___ _ _____ ____„ Rev. Mr. Martah of Phisley can-1 Bay,' who> has visited7 here numerous' reception in Lochalsh Hall on NEW BUTCHER SHOP Preparations are being rushed aheaa far-the opening off a third But cher shop to Lucknow- “Nic” Hedley is staffing up to W. J. Efttle’sbufld- Eig,„ next. Esher's Barber. Shop, and expects to be ready for business the end of the month. ATTENDED CHURCH MO’S AFRAID OP •’ ^WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF THE LITTLE BAD SKUNK BLOOD there is no remissitm.”— ...2— . • iHeb. 9:221 ' F°r once that little black and white! The Gospel in simplicity and truth. ; animal, known as the skunk, held .no 8-30 . P-M. Sunday, 0ct_'23th. 840 PJM. fears for Lucknow shoppers the .end;’ Norman Lowey Speaker of the week; . In fact ft was eonsid-' BIBLE STUDY ered “rate” by many who watched ft-’® '.B-Mr Wednesday, Oct. 28, 8 P.M. > ambling around in one of MacDonald f Norman Lowey, Speaker - Bros, show windows. Here’s the rea-i YOUNG" PEOPLE’S NIGHT son, in ease you didn’t knr^w—the 8 PJJI. Friday, October 21st, 8 P.M. Kttie fellow was “deodorized”. | . George Lowey, Speaker First it was pigs, then an owl, and i -GRANGE HALL finally .a .skunk to climax a mena-j _________. igerie exhibition that these shoemen j 1 < -■>. ; used to' goad advantage to -advertise KINLOUGH L O. L. ELECTED ■ their store. I , J—- .ECTED • OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR Members of Kinlough L-O; L. at their regular meeting on Friday night ' held their election of officers as fol- Peter Carter; STRIKE AT WINGHAM George Fenwick, provincial inspee- ; fi|r for the department of labor has: ^OW5: Wor, Master, •been in Wingham the past few days Dept. Master, Art Graham.; ; endeav?5ring to iron out differences 'Fred Jackson; Rec.-Sec’y_. | between employees and heads of two j Fin.-Sec’y, Lecturers, Henry Pinnell, elared. The Wmgham Manufaetur- ao<ite; Marshall, John Johns tourist ing Cot, a novelty shop' operated by Charles Cook, and Brown Bros.. Finnell, Noble Guest, Art novelty factory, are the two plants’ afected. ‘ ■ The outcome is creating more than usual interest here in view of the action recently taken at thef local furniture factory; ■' ' V. Canty Levi .Boyle; 2nd Conp, Isaac , , ; Graham, itenry Pinnefi. \ 1 District Master Earl Hodgins had charge of the installation ceremonies. John Miller, County Master for West Bruce and his brother, Thomas Miller County Master for North Huron were present and gave' very interesting addresses, winch were appreciated In fceepmg with » nation wide church parade, during Csnuufiah Guide Week, Btajwuies and Guades of f noonL 'Site was' a member at Saatli the focal companies, twenty-two in . Kinloss Presbyterian Church, and | An agreement was reached where- number, attsnied the United Church > fntetnient wiH be m South KhiIqss , by the meii returned to work on Wed-________, .,__________ _ ns a body on Sunday morning- They t Cemetery. The service wifi be con- nesday on a new scale of ws^es, by the Brethren of 1139. . ------- - ” - - -—* —•« r»-TT__T_ which means-increase for some, T” ’ ~ ' * ' " ” " The pallbearers, six nephews of the • others are not affected. while' The Royal Scarlet held their meet- i .ing on Tuesday night. Sir Kt. War. * Cammsader m the chair and repre- sentafives from Kinloss and Luck- PRESENTED NEWLYWEDS AT f now present. RECEPTION ON FRIDAY f After aH business was done, the Mr. William Scott, and Mr. Alexan der Scott and m later years l§r John Lane, Pet^r Fisher, Thomas Mal colm, W. H. Scott, J. R. Lane and Ben Scott. Rev. Mr. Forbes remained as min ister until 1882, and then came in the order named: Revs- Coulter, Wm- Gallagher, Robert Gray, in whose pastorate the present church was built, JohiA-MaxweH, B. M- Smith, Peter Mathieson, C, N. McKenzie, now in Ripley; W. A. McWiHiam, now in Dunblane, J. A. James, A. K. McLaren and J- L. Burgess, now of Knox Church, Puslinch.' . At the present time we are with out a settled minister. .The Sabbath services were conduc ted by one of the congregation’s own boys, Rev. D. J, Lane of Goderich, who brought messages both morning I and evening to capacity congrega tions. On Tuesday evening, the 13th, we had a fowl supper and Social even ing, again having a full church. Rev. Mr. Pollock of Whitechurch, Interim moderator of the vacancy acted as chairman. Those taking part in the program were Mr. Cameron Geddes of Lucknow; Mrs. Robert Mowbray of Whitechureh; Clark’s Male Quartette, who also sang at the Sunday evening service; Rev.- T. O. Miller of Markdale, another old j boy of the congregation. Rev. C..NJ McKenzie of Ripley and Rev. D. J. Lane of Goderich. MrSThonias Mal colm, who acted as Treasurer of the congregation foF 50 years “retiring in- 1926” and who is now -its oldest member1 and senior elder, contributed j a paper on “Reminiscences of thei Sixties” . ; ' i WEDDING BELLS * DURNIN—DERRINGTON A’ pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at four o’ploek P. M., on Saturday, October 17th, in the Dungannon United Church parsonage when Rev. T. R Turner performed the ceremony uniting in marriage, Violet Kathleen, eldest daughter of Mr, mid Mrs. Victor Errington, con- cession six, 7 West - Wawanosh, and John Stirling Dornin, second eldest son of John Dprnin and the late Mrs. Durnin of the same concession. ’ The youthful bride looked very winsome in. a costume of rust colored crepe, with satin trimmings. She carried a bouquet of carnations and roses. Her hat and veil were in the same shade as, her dress, while her acces sories were dark brown and her coat 8' dark green. The witnesses were f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster. Fol lowing the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride’s parents where a wedding dinner was served, only immediate rela tives being present. After a honey moon trip to Guelph,; Hamilton and ■ other plac east,-Mr. and Mrs. Dur nin will i^de on the bridegroom's 1 farm in West Wawanosh. iN—GRAHAM iy last at 8 o’clock a. g was solemnized at the Friendship,” Unitedf BEA COME AND HEAR Ralph Gordon THE CARTOONIST AND entertainer In The Town Hall LUCK NOW Auspices Library Board Thurs.r pct. 22 A delightful pageant of won derful variety-—Humor, Wis dom, Inspiration. 'There is no silly stuff, but two hours of fun and laughter. t ADMISSION Adults, 25c. Children, 15c. m’s Mrs. Joseph Salkeld Passed Away Sunday Mother Of Thomas Salkeld And Sistep Of Messrs. J. M. And G. A. Greer AH Of Immediate Commun- _______ _____e___ »ty. ' ■ Jaines Graham l>f Ed- I SSa weddit] - , ... .____ b Manse, Toronto, when Meta j Graham, eldest daughter of i ouiet “House . of Church Elva t Mr. arid Mrs monton, Altai, became the bride of i John C- Beaton acru , .of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Beaton early Sunday morning, after an ill- ' of Toronto. The bride was in pein- ne3s of some six montfife2 winkle bine chiffon and wore a navy f _ j'j iturban with nary accessories aids The decked, was formerly Mar- carried a bouquet of Talisman roses, i i of the Th. bridesmaid. Mis, Leah Benton, *nd MarT Greer" yas born At Gome and in 1881 tvas married to Joseph Salkeld, who pre deceased her in 1907. Mrs. Salkeld has been a resident ’ of Goderich Township for 56 years, the last twelve of which she hhs resided in Goderich;? | - - - Mrs. Joseph T. Salkeld tn her 77th of Toronto, only son . year, died at her home in Goderich SheThe bridesmaid, Miss Leah Beaton/1 sister of the groom; wore pale green crepe with brown accessories and carried roses. The groom was attend ed by his cousinT Mr. William Dean Agnew. After a> wedding reception the bride and groom, left by train , to spend a few days in London and (‘Lucknow. On their return they will .'Sb^ was a member of St. George Letters of regret at not being able reside1 in Toronto. The bride travelled Anglican Church in. that town and to be present were received from ‘ tn an ensemble of brown and yellow Rev. J. L. Burgess, Mrs- Agnes Gray i tweed and brown accessories. Craw of Toronto, daughter of Rev. — ------1——— ‘'Robert Gray; Mrs. Helen M. Smith,1 ENTERTAINMENT CLOSED formerly Helen Paxton; Rev. R. C. McRitchie, rector Anglican church, Kinlough and W. R. TomRnSon, M. P. for Bruces Finaricisilly- we will now be in the tweed and brown accessories. A • ......■._____i__ ' INSTiTUi'E CONTEST There was a jolly time in the Council Chamber last Friday even- ...... ' . . rmanaauy we win now be in tnojng, when a Social time was held .to ’ s? r__a-__.. position of a debt free congregation ’ close an attendance contest conducted i and hope by the co-operation, of every | by the Women’s Institute. Mrs. member of the congregation. we may J Greer’s side, as the losers, entertain- &««£ tty service wMeBtef S. T.aimes .faring Sfaess yjj w» M?ter Sir Kt. WHIfart j their sincere thanks and appreeiaJ Stewart, a piano duet by Mrs, Me tlon, to all, who in any way, either Kendrick and Miss McMorran and a by their presence; ar assistance, or reading by Miss Hazel Webster both, helped to make these services f were interesting numbers on the Mr. and Mrs Orland Richarris .Were meet in Lucknow,, on December 14th. guests o f honor at a .largely attended tor the regular annual meeting and ’ ' 5 Frrrfay election of officers for' the Coming cne of the first members of the Gode rich branch of the Women’s Insti- itate. . The funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon with interment in Madland Cemetery. Surviving1 are two Sons and two daughters, George, Goderich 'Town ship and . Thomas J. Salkeld, West Wawanosh; Mrs. T. r] Goderich Township and Salkeld at home. Of a family of six Tucker had charge of Harvest fe present for tire funeral. Another • groom received a very well .filled Thanfegiviug services to Pafstey.! daughter, Jtrs. Jahn Sherraf, died; purse of money. Mr, Jack Macintosh Besides tire chair anthem, Mrsu'Ernre' to the spring of last year. A sun, t made fitting remarks with Mr. Dtm-| Ackert sang a sofot Rev- G- N- Mae- James, aged 23, was "totally injured ’ can Fmlayson making -the presen- j R Benzie, who was to the congregation’ when thrown from a Band ‘roller, by patidu. Dancing was enjoyed to the'and offered the closing' prayer. ■ I a runaway team early in the centuty. wee sniar hours. Boys' Coats and puU-f , avers.—THE MARKET’ STORE. . > Rundle 6 of Miss, Mary brothers and five sisters, three bro thers, George and Melvin Greer of West Wawanosh and Wesley of Seattle and’ one sister, Mrs. A. L. Stewart of Detroit also survive. An other sister, Mrs. W- E. MacDonaldr r ▼▼ * JE**. JldLLyUHUltl such a success, and that we may all program that ended with lunch serv- of Lucknow, died early in June last profit thereby in the days toeome, ed to some sixty-five that attended, year. .