The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-15, Page 5" /., . ' '' ’ 4Z * i i - 'V1, - :: ’ 1 J ■ ,„•->>• ' -rSri* w» Ai ^|,.te».;... . ... J«Lw.-•• » >•■■ ■■■ M>- .-J<-InW* a > *1 4 Effffi EnEKBKW SBNWFSILTgmf_ is§k t jwinrnsk 'Ba® SfllESHCms^Rt .Hi. THHMH50M W. WE. HHIIL . DTHE ST • How* long, since* E wrote last- to tfei ttaare? isi &■ faarty roomy space. Sentinel, E do- riot. recall, It m^st^‘*vaeutinr is* Sir important: part: fere been. nt whiter time* ffrr lire- thesemetofcltoepmgtfesnow Sh member writing something’ about _ . *■ 1 ‘ sterna-fee ABSie^b^ 3eln® vs® ci‘Brer' « .fag th ■ - ' '■ • • > e® roofk out ofc long grass;. Japa■ Now- summer inhere* again; For - ~ tfe itate tfaHf staee «mW to TM. tanHerK »te ta. protm- t. .. warn we- are spending’ all ofc ifc trere: snow-pits? from. any rain attorn? that •*-- me.----i, QaF mission s'tafF b'ehrg’ happto, along;. Air® we DO’have ■' :~ ?--------------------*-■' - ’■ ■ ' sehhh: HUE SVIHOJ GMKW£E F:- ML. , Sf^DHR^JN? SINWSESSUJw BSKIJS. t "EAGK 'FIW / uHMISDHTOK AS. Gffi WML MUHDIK & M, HL MMW BB‘ STWREE Di- H® MJSPKW7' ' '"EL -W.:. MfeuflfltNvWIDJ ilKUSS ' tMOTKOPEffi am®w winimss. ’ . I, OMSSHmaif. ■ I ' ■ ' •, "EEHIEEKHOIN'E* ^OSTHMil ______’ _■ ’. -------------r-' c J ‘Mbs. Won. ESbicte air® WEEnra? res^ Missess Elisssaredc J^erer. EaasnM- '.ppm. [ rp?tt>ber- 6€. E9a$i tmpe® ore S&tmridy ffornr Hetrnit. ' ■ Ta- 'TOBSfiMWj mobire'tfc® when® they bav® beere. visitmg f&r- t’Mitovk uffij® w ’h®.;toov®-ddtfet aarj th® pm® f&w weeks;. jaSr.afcrid Mrv~.cE. ffiimnswraJarr :irerid m.im NwE.MEia-Sky pmsidhurire! 1, ' "■ MdrjMift**, ttohMHar- rto- tWK we.!' ■ att.£l EEi&fiHssraB&eiss. ■ . ■ . . • ' ' - .-pvm- th® .ueek-en® wit® Mi; aanfc ,Wot- VW (LiWC [L TTf5ir. W®'®n^®»ry-ttort^sfctfe2r. ffifctohfj Hcmaidti • ' ..■ EEadem^imurnidmtJfefidetomis.m®.. vfe-fSy .eeQuridfid ;Wst Russel ffiteiri® has® Mfes-.E! E®£ryare®<idasa^P£rT Atatney 'ey Ham EJ- .McHonad® 'hor th®, mere- - ,Tn^vp*^t rG>' G^’u htrns® i>nr th® faatmr .ofc ^.. .,t-’meecmg- b® iBehi®. iutenri^ '■ddrn vfimedd l&r® -wem the- ; to work by ^h® <tay ffemanym®nee®- llt HI rr” ' ' FtEs" ,(JarrTec^’ ,1 irmJris .xssiutanc® fhr a& f&w rnomim-. j ■ ' Mow®, by' toixftr WV (■'oiweiL seetm®d • _ . < ■ ■ Mrr. asrid Miss, ffirrry WEKenr. mrrtd )Sr ’j.te x vEcHctrnddcrhai;- -Ecu tok- lemaghaaa. spent: |MW Bt0TO„ ■ iubIL wawes- I A'rrsKjgmemis a»fe being rami® tom'' ‘ aa ®wrid S&ppper inc ' tfi® A&g&aren ’ h fH&nrrfib msg TEhasddy. • Miss.. EE. Hbxi^nss of? ESmferjw^., ;ss ’■ - visiting iter btefifebg, Sfc: J3dqu Mfc- ^2jps.” ss*®*-. ’ X’ 1 Mj?vg:.. .mbhpriBffiriagriri Wr .aasrid Mrs? ■ pife MSseu WT -E ■ nW? -^m^’SanTfriy- ng s&faarr wemur ^SoMOt Wfon.ffiErytfe. (&mng.L . bj,. . ooers&im’.Vffis|d^y CEsck o^ GHEicito spent-. f!0nL. fibbe weteesdd a0i bfeer hbmee. co®. IDE' ' M6w«- . W^eteendd visia&m afct -James.- EESdc- ‘v ghhswg®Mfcr-ore® Mis's. EEmerT.iAKc--l1'rc'SI^1Gnt • , Mtoaanfc v>- E3Bto Wnnmfjaredd ffitorbb® ^ctmioir ' bmwmtore rr H^mitCk ougS?- Mfcr aandd Mfes-GSK MScthiwum. -sr OTi1 • SSI- (nafcgrg^- Mfc. .imE Mis.. ^ererarv orrespnndem®' (Jtas.GamsTOMftfi Tntorro ' ; ' rekiiiiv® o 'pernttoTC m i-stos^ • .M$edrtg 'ten* rnjoosue® taf raeetl Miss.? MSytife HMifchg arerfc ffTera®.' tgim iv Newmow "I’fc utr kh® mmriil ofTTTrEmbt-. smmnt tfe* w«?ei&egr withr hfo-t«r • ifflfc .fine® ■ '.*' * . j smuaay frog Africg.gEve.-aa v-ury- ire* . _ , , terestrag address -ter- work, there* ilaarnhic EEumerrom wages [?fT'day ^eivmning inre tfe Hktedt . <2JJ)0r Dimcag H. MeLeo®. CTrnrrhr. Mfe X ITtfigamfcMfesLettig i£Jdf)Oi $2iU)0st (Lmfarrr Gene-tfe Misses? Arenas.Mfe are® iMK ''«d» 5Eta».- Mfe.- Bfes (SSV feorav Etamwraw. w‘«' «**»« wriptanr Unf ' ’aumimre Tetepton® ahtk Careee > Wfc. -akiry . Sfeptomber $SDOU)Ol, <S5jW naw® EE Hona&h—. ^SDR 3“ ' cmrred’l. • , ■ w T;w □? MaDonahl- «ee- ;.bmt’ Wi ikl'keHl 'feT "te” ireri' ''m-Rriiare ..lkt&nrit "fe WHHELlfiiKiS <X?T Thwrctoo. sppnlrt tfe wekfcefrric ’vrtfc few* ■ tre® .mum ■ bferi tonal,Mss. .Jfeo.l^dfesiffe ■ Ross'Fl ’/ . . . fl ww m aw Fm . vm nrow ( vrm .rmss FA'iws-i rs-'. m' FKx>w,’rMSEi® ' remu» at: ’ E&g tree hhve; tfifeiir arffidcssesp unfr w wifil sen® aa'ffee* I- sample* ihiwIwk' '■. ' ! • O ’ I I iw. 'EUnsEET, ( . . . „ __ I low- iru. number ifc is* impossible* t&' : ge-tt away fbrr holidays.- owing- hi- de*- I. maaidsi- -mssfe- by these- toeetic'- dsyh. in-. the Chiewt;. ow. those* wfe hdl® offreial ^ posithms* irf. society.. ■ I e. FerspiriEtimr. ffaws> freely tha^i&|- ; days; This* |s> sal® .tax- bg spmethingj rtbi be* thankful, fbfc'iw the* Tropics*, i Thaste who* cfe> ifisti. perspire* usually' I suffer: Nothing'. nrorg: exerting than. the* wr.rtiug'.oif thies'g''few. notes* s ees* tpv make*, the* icsap’r i „ ..... . Ienstt Srarr “spiteC,’. theg enefc off onej®| j nosey. two.- ear^- aard: chin, I, _ rain: sthrmsi- in Jag^ir ..as? you, no doubt- know*- from, your reading; ‘ ■ When summer' comds'; an® the* tfrer- Bmeter goes* up th a* hundred, and. •fa gets: sour; air® meat: won’t:, keep;) afc thenT East: summer' where our' I amtily spent: the* month- o£ July, we jTia® the use off g farmery's* snow^pitt | Whay- do yow say iff we h&ve iee*- reream- for supperT' someone sugges- .... .. —• —----'p"r I||os: the answer-' consisted; off going? to i Ifthe snow-pit: with- .ai big' pasil. an® an ME «£ wttdx reaiiT rte Qg nJpy wnMat.tte -■ .- -- - " Igtow'. pit of? half: 3^ bushel, off snow— p&kes* Fbn making' ice* creamy snow |Ait'eh’isopr rC 3ias* advantages* .o-verr ic<& Ire the first ' Macig, ifc is* already ground:: .up- inte Email- particlest an® thus? fits* aroupu- -grr jifc maxes* mare, easily with the salt -amt speeds-up*’the* freezing’process* :, 1 What- do- you* do: En ice- in. tropical) iCansiiir. you* no- doubt: wish th ask.' pee.“is* sol® everywhere* When we she®® ifc we* jDsfc sen® down- town and ,raave* the* boy thee i®e* store* bring tap g ten. fan® bioefe on. his* bikes Ice -r. icostsi- about two: 3'en- ® ki® ('E&, g 1 Were* yog. to- visit: us* tfaig summer1 ut a® Tanst® you* woui® probably won- liy ^derr what- se& many beys* an® nien go- ifc ang- through, the? streeth on. bicyctes? 5£- .are* trying: tot ssy an® sell wh^/they si?;. 'shout:. “his® kffnday. aas® kanday.”’ re* 10®. the* bicycte carrier tfc^ have a r&- -po®-' about: ® fholb an® a* halff square* rg 'One- ihapr rfding'aiong’is? seen, t® stop th® box? Hd;. take- out idet®' I'bokipgr thing’ o®.® stick an® sell it to* ® cfaiJ® f&r g. se® This* is? the &- !mou® ^ie& candy1" so pbpuilar in Tai- ' ,. th® past: couple* off years;This- ^Ecnmrerr at: least: severe-storestopened'. Up i® Tansui. aiort® But. th® popudar- :|ty, ifc is* said; promises; t® b® short: {Jive®. .A. rrelcshuman the othen day ^ 'h-xpl^ne® that: already thro® otff the r seve® stores* ha® ffeile® egeit losing] ^ab'oufca& tfibusan® sen from install- in®' th® refbrgeratnrgr plan® lit would: : therefor® seen® tha%>iff saiy bigr prw- 3" fftfe wer® m®d® th®Japanes® firm, seil-- p’ ing’ th® refrigeratjjjrr gob ® shur® The fiaEur® of? th® ic® candy business* is* .* regrettebl®. H shoiii® prefer: tO see £ childreur; .eating’ clean, ie® mad® from p Tansni^s* fhmou® spring’ watOr' ah® « inspeete® regularly by TansuiKs\pe ~ liceme®. tfe® sum® cHrty sugary t tffiflly mile® inr th® hpnd&* o£ g, grimy j. pi® peddferr sitting inc th® dust: a® the curb. According’ to the rickshamaig : the* id®?- sprea® that: ice candy . wore!® it kiH' folks* because it has* am evil spir=- r ifc ire ifc j^c* friend;1 the riefcshamap. t hadn’t hear® off any death &om eafc . ihg ie® candy, butt h® ha® not doubts about th® ic® candy trad® It: is* cer- - taaniy dda® New ideas;- particularly nroney- mafcing’ ideas; sprea® rapidly in the Bast these days* but they often get serious* set bucks? when they come up '-against:. ol® customs: ap® super­ stitions; dust these ffey- jottings:- from: a? hot1 August day • to renew contacts, with: Sincerely, Hugh MacMjilTan, run from: at t? fefc.libfcday The first' part An apnual event, ® challenge soft- 1 game, between the High School -nd a town tehmr saw. “history re* eat it&®lf.-”' last’ Thursday, as the- | wis® an® otherwis®” lads caw out Ip th® short en® of1 g 2® to 22- score | Ire six: inmngs of: the sport, ne (less: than ’SE runs: were- score®. in at\ {high powers® hitting- barage thgt [wool® have put- tire Yanks “Mair® ererk Row^ ta shame.| Et was: g see-saw battfe all the Ivay along? with the Uown-Towners- : (breaking out in ai ten-run rash in |th® 6thT that put it in the bag. Jock. BSacEeo® ass seoreUceeper; benefited £by brushing up g bit on. his*, mental japTthnietie; • "■ " | Students^—HaaPI® Greer; p; Jack -Mac-DoTral® 1^.: Gordon Miller, ss1; .„>ug; CIar.k® , Ektt EEarol® Thompson , ,JrJav; r»U aew- ep Aylmer. |Mh --------- ^U1U.. tavmpson. ferret; Boh MacKenzie^ Sid:; BHI Jew- 5tfc. cf; 1 'Afesre Mclhto: . — 1 — H Town-—Jack Fisher;. ss£ Cam. Thompson; 3rd; Art McCartney, 1st; ~; Mel-. Johnston,. Ifc; George Web-- cf; Hug h: .Hustog rfc. T Umpires—Rev. fG. S', Cuming; 2nd; We® V <2 McIntyre, R" EE Ricfcur® on® ■k^l zw |i Mux-’h sympathy g felt , for "Mr. Ipeslie McKerthr wtro: sustained at l;^KSBetkfce^> reg last week,, as1 neither’ :|h® or* Mrsu McFeith hove been iir th® enjoyment off the best of' heal tip . Off lad®: _ . , I Th® ground: is? covered, with •white manti® ofc snow to. the depth, bfc A or 5" inches? this, morning’ (Tues­ day) the fest snow- oE the season- In the passing ofc the 1st® Mrs; . ■ Wire Huretep S®.. tins? community loses? one who. w highly eattiemeri ., II re this? neaghborgod; where she had spent the rn&jprr portion; ofc her life. The sympathy of[ tfe* community is? extended: to the members: ofc her family an® reJgives; Mk Alfre® an® Mise Mydde Eifc- ctag.. Mrs; EHreresfc Gartfirem an® Mar-- ipig visits® with- Hiende in Guelph to® Fort Hope over the wepkbmr® m® Thtoksgiving: * Wesker® ^r® holiday visitors? ofc tfcar bonres^/fter® inetude®'5Ir: D®vi® j&rdersow. ofc ntndbp, Misg BUeda- EGnrtfer; Strattor® Normal, Miss* Daisy Ritchie Euefcn'ow, Miss? Gardner; Toronto arr® Mfe Sidney Smith, ofc Albert- College, BellevilT® with Mr, ore® Mrs? Ralph Nixorr- Qiiite a& numb'ear from here atten®- e® the Teeswaton an® Dungannon Fa4E fairs? last week. Teeswator still continues:- to- (fimw crowds^ os? it is? estimate® between twelve an® fifteen- • thousun® were iir atten-dtocet onWed- mes®^; despite* are-tmfavorzdfie day* Those desiring to contribute to .the Reliefc cmv being loads® for the West, on. Tuesday Wednesday air® Thurs­ day next in Euckrrow; may leave their dorrationr at Zion Church shed; iE it suits? their convenience; \Some on® will b® in attendance. Fotatoesr, tunr-- ips; frait; vgetobjesf eto, will be very accegobl® ' 11 .! i Ota C&rter or GSndiai vMMj **""*.^S1®' W”» Wlfcltertooafa® W Hoter ;ro4i^>* WS«*--«. lengthr « con-. j •afc Uta*™ l»r. weta. Matter- , x ■ * •, , th® snow? nroun® Between’ the ftrends:Mrs; CE>xr. spent Im? week withr her’ _j.tcovering: on® the. snow pile'parents;, Mfc;. aaa® Mrs; Baftersou of., . • . xVitbuamt > ■ » _. ] ' Th® St- off the* Unite® churchri lueldd as teaa at: the horn® off Mrs; Meet ! Hria&r. last Thesday ' 1 ! 3&. George* J&ss;. sou off Moe: Efobt:! Ross; met withr a? very painful □%>--' ciduntt last Tbesday while* cutting: come He* gut his-, arm eretangie® ire) th® belt: resulting' inr ifc being' broken;, He* wa®- taken:. tt» Wmghamr. Hospital-; A; spehiairafc was caiEa® from Eonriarel to aftemfctpiite We. hop® fbrggood'J recovery,- .' ! TE® Ynungr ES*©pie*k Kaily wit!'be*! hehfc ire tins* Bfesbyteriaar ChuEcte her® ore. Friday. October LGth; beginning; fct» ofclbete;. evening sessiog at 72$)M ok luck. All.' arfe* cordfaMy invite® to-1 atteurid ! Mr: are®- Mas; BEardc Srngr arnitl ddreghter Lois?, off Hetroit; spent: g- day Ia»t. weeks' withr Mrs: Haaridc GEE-', Ims? sin® .Joel® Mig GtEEes;- rekttrttedtf to* Fetroik wit® them to spen®'g. few] weeks; them. OW Miss’, Grunt. 'Miffewtirit Mfeta* ■ EEougtas- an® Miss: Marynret M&Btity' spent TEank^ginTig'with Mr; apdl Mist JSmeEc? HTtre 'off Amberi-ey. - .:. - Met Jos'-EH Brckermg^punt a dW . last week' a%t Jast Murray’s; . i I,., iiuv'i.iini ■i.iii rr ii >■■>" I ’ My*,4^ Im- been nvrsdny g grouch j I oM. week..' ] BSenr I±i® up haw® ywT* 2* ©onrer® ' ’ Mrs. AE' Ipkens' an® Christenst of Lucknow, ite® with her* sister; Mrs: Ml Gartij • Ote Wednesday last, Mr:McQucerr of3 Eucknow, called: on fkend's? in our burg' last week,' y Our . grnrial, teachers? Mis® Logon air® Mr; Fralicfc. ofT Turnberry School1 No, lh, /attended: the teachers^ cot® vention:/last: Thursday an® Frrday. < Mrs: / Fre® Graham of' Mb Forest an® Miss*'Susi® Carrick of' Whit® '.jchurcre called: on th® former's? irefc® Mrs; Mark Gardner last week? . W® are gia® to report that Mrs; 'Welsh is* able to go arnuri® again: af- ’ tfey- rearing a. very serious: heart at­ tack Quite at few from oxrr vicinity at-, tended: the- Agricultural FalT Fair ,af Tfeeswater and: Dtnrgamrou last Wed­ nesday an® Friday. With ideal wea­ ther the fairs attfcucte®. Targe crowds • i^pn® the exhibits? were exceptionaiTy ■ gobd; considering’ the hat dt^1 sun® mer we experienced,1 , • • . 2NU CON*, KTNEOSS i<r or at* i Mr and'. Mrs; George . Fisher Hamilton ' were recent visitors Ro® UampbefPs: k Miss?' Mary Irwin of St- Helens spending a couple of weeks at her home here. ■ ■■ Mto. A, Ml Nicholson' on® Huth of Tbrbmo are® Miss Hawh McDonald < visped: over the1 week-end' with* Mfcv Archie McIntyre; Airs. Melvin: Irwin an® Helen spent Friday afternoon witlt Miss Edith Hughes; Ripley. A' mxtnfer from this burg attended anniversary services at Kirilou.gh ow Sunday