HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-08, Page 6- -S ffilfoSvS (fixvar .5 Ite.-.. a tiv h Ute. .. 13% ao A libs. 2 to :3^i l^te- mi ° CANADA wJ •'mar,,, -.wju>- til li(JUi^y‘■t,1 meur Lt-aimm. IRcuvi iriiiwtty liiitiJ-tuiU. J-J'nn 11 i>,vuntirdinp st. the. ium. . ttii' tite jicointts-'uuth.oi ' - ' uiUi« m.x.cn.hj’- tummdt, lef, ■n'iiV'J vih&ii , wiiiLun um’-urU).,Ui, ('Jilt1 ‘Cccftltp iuafiion noulld he ’ war. ;j athir(ues.uitmaii$ us - (fUV.-l£gfl mn.uiteii ■cud. Db® ” •! nd iin' , .Win32 • •Vffittiio (ifihi n -. ‘Sumr • Homar For Vtarsiiy ChasacdHsr,. Sir Vffiam ®M©e& if.'li) TH E WORLD AT LARGE iMor-e Cars Ar® Bought , In. the -.eight months to the end, «d; v August ’ in /this, vbj&i’ (’anadians have i hought SS;975 ■new" motor‘vehicles. !in the ‘ same' pailod pf 1935' the number j • - was 80x895, so the .gain is ten percent. ‘ 4 -In August the number of vehicles plir-. .chased. ■a.d"anced by 8:9 [percent .land ..the value 12.3 percent, . seeming to show that Canadians are buying moi® expensive cars.1 :It as .interesting at least, and possib­ ly significant, to ncte that an eveiy ' province excepi Alberta more new ■ cars'were fidld in August of 13G than in Angus! of ’35, Thus Manitoba lhas ' l^bwed :. gain of. 36 percent, .Saskat- •... .yehewgn of 2ft. ,,British^CoJnmbays^3S? Quebec >of .23, -Ontario <of seven, the Maritime Provinces of Hi Alherta sales declined by 13.G percent. — (Ot­ tawa Farm Jo10312^- SpeetLln EHncaiion -531 parents wish ttheir teilttren no be smart te school. Some pareute push -their chi'! Ar An (ahead <HB fast (fiS fis pos­ sible, land even urge Ite teacher to ■'^fiv® them special rati teion,, r that fopy will ifeeep up wfiflh —4 ior excel their playmates of the same age. The Ottawa Journal •fbir’1-® fois fo^a/ahis- ttake. and goes on to make oiit a ssn- mble (Case .against efforts to equal the •records of the exceptionally brf IHant (students. . / . [Nothing is gain *#y passing,Ahem through the public schools too (Qiiick- ly. The training a child receives fin the piumagy grades as thefoundation am on which iit 'builds [future education. The grounding cannot be too thor- ough. St is far Ihetter to slow down the briniarrt xupil than to rush the ?aver- iage tcinld, or, (as the Idoumal espress- ®s lit ‘teducatiim iin Tnwer, .hroader (doses mnxed w£h sflay 3s Ilikdjy tojbe ihetter in the tend than xrahen thken in inffigesfiitile gufos.'” ~ (CIhafhaimJSeEWE. ZSoak'nM’f’ lAjem ■ The ^British ({tovernment has collect­ ed nnteratanee itoxesffilBmouiiliing to ■ the ®glnvalent of ^gjBdS^ZTD from the [ testate tDf the late ' • Hdenry W®n- i'. ®ome. The toifil testate amounted to 5101693$’95. This Is a -liveable ®um, seven tor top [British Trsasray — mid indicates the fletermrngfirm ^ov- (ernmeiils an toese timpg .to rmakp m Sgreat testate hear ran ndeguatg Aharo toff She harden <cff pufiHc fmanriing. — Ea THfsrr “Herald. ' Straingp IwiBwffi . ILloyfl George was a re lesjumsiille Hxrobto^F than togc other man nuteide fflf fhe IRrentih -statemn m tor top [harsh «*nd impossifilB terms of the Mersa3ileF 'Treaty. IHe wteflfl hang toe Kaiapr (and drive (Germany into toe nn^t A-nri much (Of toe trollies nS ffGnrnpp to- <d^ are hue to toe ai - mtpte that were made to (humble Gp-rmurry apd jsdnce (her to 'to-: status ^of a -second-rate jrower. Idnyd 'George must! act *pt a (great rd of toe responhibilifieB for V’ blunder® of T" *9. Ulpyd George lias been vi^iti-ny (Gentteb. r ’ the mercurial "Egelshman retarns hl ad-t mirer <nf Hitler, declares "that Ger­ many is all. ’tig Tonly for defence m ■ iher extensive mar iiait' plate, rip- iends toe way she has forritem toe Tact of “Versailles and supports T?h- Her’dS demands for a (return to toe German .'T pile- of Memel and 23an-f : Sig. It all sounds . ary strart^p com- j ing from Lloyd Ger -ge. the ohanTpinn • ®f democracy and Lib alism. It is ano wonder that the BriCrh , people , cheer Lloyd Geb e. but refuse to trust him wfrn pnv iflays of pea cp — ~ CAWMOA THE EMPJRE This ..case near 'Seaforth is .typical oij ntoers. W.e hax® no doubt Mr. Storey j ■entered toe stall or pen where the 'hp"Tl wns kepi in .order to attend to ft. He would do nntiplr 'to provoke an aitark and probably he had entered toat same pen 2 good many times De fare and nothing ever happened.- Bu: on ".-this .occasion t^ie. (attack came, and one san never tell just when toai , will take- place. It is '.-bat undertaimj '■ which .niches ihe bull such a danger ' ous animal. And it is toe ’long pe^os When ;a man may work in toe pen with a bull and receiiv® no injury 'wlauh iputs form tofi guard and -causes 'him- to forget toat toe (attack -nay ntnnB teiy tone, ;and with no warning: — Peter borough Examiner.. - The papers report foe case inf an tilinais woman who has lived foie years with only hailf a brain. SSLcfoine Temarkahle about toat. Some car ififii- vers get by wiiflh mane at fill. -— Strat ford Beacon-Herald.^, ©33^'Walk W® get toed Tecartiing statistics «rt glpbe-girfihng ships fin ®efi anti in tflte lafir, <cf ttengetiistanee tennis fill yar iieties rnf jspeedteers. iSlere are some facts and figures about wallkfing in foe nyrjinary eourse of ypur day and rnffne. SV®, flo inoit,wonto for tfiheir. abso­ lute accuracy, thui tthey were given as foTows in a paper mead lb fore the Itttionfil AssociafliDn >of (Chiiropodista tand nunted iin foe (New 'Y.ark Times-: ‘fot- is said toatt a- housewife white .SEimetfliffng Hike mon** anf ! lher work. & Ihufimess to ttwteve dday/in <nfcice hours A former iat foe Yte r wallte tfLweffiy five miles a id^y:. woman shopper walks -fight imileE. The ploughman iis a IEtfile iharh to accept. The (bargain counter slave r rams about might. IBul toe Ihonsewife and toe i-siness nroam simpTy cannot ite ’ ’laiized. Say ’ <a kitchen is tfweniy feet fong. To waiik iiune miles’;a iday, ior intent iflifty final- sand feet, means wtilkfing two thous- and fo® Ihuntired times foe length. ®f foe [kitchen, •or its egfirvfileirt fin u^- teauffi, dow-teairs and iin my -llady’s (Chairihef, atelai;, Item and teflic. if foe lbiiFfiTtssR man who -filtetten mdles a ptosiflss (oroer mn etefotehmmrt wfifh a fonr-imndrefl-fnot finmrtage, ite would (have to ttrayocse feat floor spate one imndred and wenfefoye tffimes m (flay. IH he tefiBy <fl.oes fit fiie iis not ta weiy good ihnteness man. [But fit the experts Sued calculotedfo tt|a Ibus iness man fin ifhe tennse off a year efle folups tes fitehes (Eff fikin foUosily iin pressing buttons, fit would sound more Ik® ft:” -—Thel' ■■? -^rdfc. :a .dai about Wfilte mine r?’ : 1 ■ a Arrangements te-ve been (epngfieted tor n [homecoming mimipn <te graduates. i'af to®’Ttehiersity. <off Toronto, iit was nano unted liy to® ' ' Alumni’ lEteterteibn -nf toe Knwutoy <o£ TEanofteo. WHY THE U.S.. WOT TO WAR '■_________. <*- ________ ' ■ , . commanded’ tfl[ seas land ilite IDamim ions wei® imeteky pant mf h great Em gpiire toere wTas jno necessity (for — .and iff tilhere Ifaad been mecessily 'there was mo possibility ®f — ifiutey- [poptfiteefi porticins <cff toe Emph® pkoviding (ex­ clusively Sot tfiheir (defence. (Present (CiBcumStances meBiiine tote eadh ®o- jiiirrinn srihall plgy ate part, (2nd toe rmanufateurers ceff Australia may the irteied ippon to ^contribute tto natomall solidity.—Mtebpume Argus. Tnbiiiet© Workera -“The (average rm an ror gid <ou lleawe wants tip get lte.dk ‘in waiik ®B ffibpu ®b possible—-weiy (Often flbffifoi® iit Ub wise to Allow iit!” ' Tlte' ite tee toihute peiifl to Eiiitaiiite. vgnrfcorfi ®s <a (Whole Iby tor. M. Eow- anjfl Tffnmmery,' phainmBn fflf tee As- sodiatinn (Of UnfiuSfliiifi] iELeiiitel toffifi- •rmra tin tee (Current ossue ueff The iPrar-ffrtinne.r. Ganneniing iillness. ite fleclaihE: ■ ‘ •‘-tennmg 'hrmrstrial workers tone rmriiingteteg ite dBxcefifiinjSly amrann- rmnn. JWhmi tit (exists tto (am^great tetortt, foe reason Wall ite ifoiinfl iin ifatilfcy ihanflling jfi . tflte fintiivfiiiuall ".either iby toe works medical (officer tee^panel pranfltfcmer, ior ifhe Jb^qpital staff- ' . / j ' "‘A valnahle asset nn heading wdfl) any tuntiue Absenne ite pnWliflefl wrihen tee tfiirn p^s iitB einfilnyes tfhe riiif fferenrra (between panfil mfik tenefite or amfifleni p^ Krifl foil wages. Aiib lent xo medical officers’ reports being aHtisfactuiy.' •‘toffrrrmrng tthe patient teat . 'this grant 'has mow Ibeen raxhaustefl unvar iififily terjiiinBEtes tuny tunnetessaiy Ab8eIrtfieifim:•, rtirik ttoiine tflhai Ameiiiea ted me raixuii® itten tty ®o to .wair width (Genuiitny-.', Iffnilraim teifliiffi, ms ®Lr„ fojlter pairtto tert. teem rauaiile. tty msasy tfite <emo- ttqanall fences ihitetarad. lBetuuffie stey raaimat tu-ntiersfand tflheae ramutteaffi, ililxey stek for initial-te -anirttes so powerful umii ran rttett ’ foe ranhii® tetewihtetd ihrto Miry [Hater (Guited li’ii irneiu" iClo»opHUltMU' (Gw nu®. giajiiair itoe tolteWhig ■ ipriiue . dor piKiiiiH®:: EQW — ffirlues to pi.MilUBEiffi, diUBiis iimunned Ihuai-s, tdRl&toieiii 'Tmiuuko: “A”’ Uai’ge .................. , -1-1' •’A'” nnsditim ...................... ^t' Hifilkto, "‘A’’ ----------------------------' ,‘-39t “ar’ .................................. a...',.-.. 2to •‘icr ..............■.............;............... :... UM- iWTTIUi----Sia. It (Qutariiw riihiLls 2Ae:; 3Sa. 2. 2te- WDOLWi; — ({(Quertatfiiaus iiu coalite.)) | •' ■ '' Hihe.neli ■ " . : ' '(Lm® dJaffisull Alii! -A" “niiglhL Ufkzid :h. mitt. itetw for aite o®^ 1 isiimptiio.n art (Ute puteuftr.ite hampfiigu . iin iite raxtaeme form, as :anniutiicafi ffitw .IJiEnnary 181,. DMto foe' Onr-ttdl States wftiffti pjirilifiijily axeu.tr " Ihiw® gone to ••.war.., tout hi ictne uiesptrai IMir. tofilief’s arthnirfihle :anfi\vsis Lis iineqni-1 pilete. UH® Ajqpnses rafiiesiihxeXy ®tf inauny j (off tilte iiw’foi.nraiiis. off tfin'e modern)! adhoril off meuiirfility rariiiiics. tout ite' foils to. auenliion tee linnst powerfol i fetter ®fi .(fill—fount A .was put :£®j iramdh ladheitent® to omr pauiraJ liiigfite ! tflhfit' gstt uis hili' tflte '.fiiM' ps .tflte ? font nitei (German^' tegMH.tefl ;.us ®s ' .surih tan impoiinit ;anii ineffitete® [I ®uniiia±ant .tfltett site riuil msi ihefiitate'l jto intek •inmirrihig iuuir leimxroy. i |' 'STite \cam diuuixt, i«u ®’xuinp*a, fitett . _ |iff iflte [Uiiiitteil ’ States mid ptesfffiaefi,! Sjniifig ^toilers 'pin D£9fl.» snfl fofliii a uimy as gtii-mtg. J a1^ - foo Lite...... lius mbe mow has, (German?’ wu;tiu • Spiting'iQhidkeiis j husi® riraflnajned foam pmiioimfl?.®'] .L'miler Ute ads'.? lit iwas mat so mud4-. <£mr mau- \ tio\5 lite...-.... ttfoiiny roas (tuir.........., tfihitt mfiufluallitj' stifecifoey ' tfltett’ got ■ «Mer 16 .lite, tus iinto \want. Ths iis fite £gn®ai+ 'les- foosteiffi- -•• ®im (hf tflte ffporih — And ’tflite iis Hite ’'XWkiSKLESOJE' tPtopWlffiKErtN IPtoiiSxSB soiuail Hessan wdhidh maflenn oir.mms 'art mem flbfolity.. littffuse to heeil. Ttey folk' icff-'ratetergnes,, pirdififiiiiiuns, (fibsten-l tfiions. tout tfltese iwffi—fiinr...tflte imuHii. part teff-flsnyii.ng sfoiinanmes. ’’ Sp' llnng we mmhinite to .hiiilti ixp (our mawy mo mteiop, iin tflte (fewent off a mew wmilfl war;,, willl risk iteirikiing Ala. 3iJe,wflo.n HD.., lEfiker, iin ihisfoattii-1 tee iin tflte (October ’‘IFarraign Affair^,’” i has ponrrafl ia mefottehing way* , ■sanity \oter tflte iliscussion uff why ArmteiCn went to '.war iin IE9J177 udbserw^s tflte 3few Tioflk ISratoltitetebune. iii£g fotom iiufiimato Ikoipwilaiige ;as 3Sir. Wifison"® ffiecrteaigr <c(f Wmn;, • .anfl! wfewfing ravetes iin metoospect laffiterj immfli rmteui® mteectinn, he irejjetes ame^jfowacally -tflte suggestion iflhatj .teter tflte muiiiflions nnalters <or tfite ■‘firitennaflicnfil thtotefo” fnroteAnefi- oca into tflte wair. ®e raven, minimizes tflte (flffertt off IBhiflitei prnpaganflq, priirtfimg sort, dgrtite (cnnteHiDy,. tflltet Amteican .‘synpaifliiies i&mn tflte. weiy final Aeej («ff tflte war were pourfoliy— Himg Itefoi® tflte . Alliiefl pippa§anfla imadiiine tfaggan to ffiunhflion ! ^hy, (flhen (flifl fomeriiea jjriin tflte Aites’? (One tflhing Alone was nrfopnn-l affifle—taccorifing to rffr. ©alter—, (Genmanj^® suiunarrne icangiatgp,, sand hll tfltett iit iingitefl iin tflte w^ aff ’ fto SEJE5* A hi. .mirthless ffifiregamfl off tflte lives off';--------- --- --- . mpmeonohteanis.-------------- nmhinife ttffi! how tflte pritey (eEfoerrtraltey wts igen-, rafelly taxurapteii ht ttte •outbreak ufft tflte war. Silo ame (Other tflhan fflir.' ®h3fon (quesflionefl. tflte might off Ann-! raiiieans to tfamvel am thdihgerent ws-• site mitt • marrying unuhiflijans off war. •Every one meseirteii tflte IRriflidh iin-| iterfieranne Wiifih Amorrngn- tfcrafe snfl tflte (iteregarti off prqpeitty foghtei fort tflhis iresenflmeitt was meyer teen ®s tflte htereil off (Gennumy when tflte .siibmmiiue ‘campaign Ileti to foe isirtltoig off imerctiairtmeitt tana tflte telling off metentes. (Str. 'AMiteon®; ferhearam® raeemefl to many perente1 so ratoreme ms to Ite m weakness, fort' ;it served pt, least to (unite mil tart1 kthEiAl off paerfists tfadfiinti fite riter Jtii ^’'AWCKT^OJ. “■ "V . -te hiti" . flj®, wm'uul. fofe mxd 'UUHirv-Hn tt ite. rafitel LT years piraute •owm-viLi 4» (Qi'tef’s foiacfi, mov ite.nte.iw toeaufi, wte'tfffiteteti ibjy 'fliw D-.-ifiV m .fouiffi (Gipfii,, h-H. ai pimtuguiH.t ar 'Ute . Ilxite'ttowu-i’(Wirt .sto’iu^k ■ . „ _ iaiHUid iQi®eu‘. a®iiuiiwbi"‘4' b .,11k- (.;' ;<■ up-tty r.u.-ifiut' fo ■ v if: ut UUp-i! .Hiinufiil 'Ob -fite fei1 - 7 ;• Dlte foiteg iteniefote ’ •te.*- Jb,’. ShenitiM '$’• 3 Ariusyuiq* Itette ptety iff pdtee o'" ime) (Gutter met foum wirl :■ (■(iff •ihudktffiirt. Afow .tt.ii*' twite .urf,li|iin: . tflie itefl dlearittti p'tey fieveru icasute ifos w®r® ttiditiu In ttht- •i<u/^Mii! firn® jtilte ymmr ’hnniesrteuH"’ •fininwii -to iitel. ..■ • ’ , ■ I(Qiittar axfAiiteffi-iff,'flte-'.liiv. annfoii am , _________ ______ ____’ A'". 1 tfli® feifii^1 tfotinttiu® anti • Wtettetel" pwlteni)’• itefilte- mifijlaateti iit ton ® 1te?r par. AWUn fihey. <jnoiling fo® fellowling piiidfis tto tflte started to rruae tflte lluiusr Jlltrs. iGipar Tmtoni ixertail ’ ttnmte apufiteiffiti Iby utanuMihig ;h«j ffumteui® • JFfoik-Hams,±te,;f^liimfs,teAxr' tflte ®ar. (Mitteto n'usbtel limdk.. butt®. IHe;’ him. fo-;; afiefite, flte. “ • to -flte .car lOifly.to ffiinil Iflte teuunte [(tefemfler Itefl n®piffise-!>ted’..ttii'*' Hinn&- __' • ■•, . <t A pteh^. was It ted ■ ■ .’Ate-. (GuMar Ihuitfi. HTite;' Ihiiii. 23L;; aiimlics, flfte. ILaidl •—Him® timaies,. lUc,, ttiii .. ( jpails, IL-ftc;; ghiinhi, ft2?c<C- ■ ' Shnntahins — UmumfSi, iW«V ttui®. j [pmih$ was thdUI. ■ .W-. tthtwor , W&e;; pahr Wi®; jniiutB, DW-.'Ohcs';.-ag!i®at3 to ®imr®uiiar pi.-wutiing ltd® I to It® uidflafl to T slheitttnung nuihiuH. :jiiiwiadai$ (.aaiyfet utafl mritot!. ,!her- II . ; ‘ ’ ■ 'v ii “ ji-.: -..--w __•ati.—.n ii____ .f.-i..' . nu.’^ i!' (W® Aifitsmsi . ' f ' . IFfftllo.wiing san® qjuitotiniK ton grain ' (dhidkoms, anti imilted !hw ici>-v: ■ ilUiffi, wins sagKOfifl to.mnti 5or tor ute-to ipte . ( anauisteniians tor «tar dirt®, pijites «iu <rif tflte Haw wei® (busily 'Ibaiiffi.iedA -buy -'.-to: ' . „ •Ei'j«£«xttriiit& tflte wpnte fliw ®rjunfi .ciiulk-. HUmMlm(SSlteMt — Xia. a riXimlut .ji®1®;- ■ .. . y.„;,k.■: Sana S; 3Ss. i SSnrtBaani.. Sam IMS: •! .¥to lie' 'cl,‘“e ‘''I'e '“'•“•“"0'J* ; <Si>; 3 Xtotani.' UM SB;; Jto. « ®«“ ^»*W«.«« tern, W.0B ssa. S SwtiiteLU, SMI. !’«““»<*■ taBBf »;m- torn ly ... “k!8;; Essfl.Wteiu,, TPbc. i :j WtEstom, ’dhaiffi — 3Sn. 2 (C.^l,, | •’. 3&n. 2, (C-W.,, • 1 ’feed ®te$J i ’•dTT^c,; 3S®. n feat}, ' . '. i I Ultentciba Ihaiih®" —e 255n 3R<i. H 2 ~ H par fon. 'i (Gntfiriib .grain, (appresfimtee gmitet. i._ . - - . - iteifl ®uir imoi® tmcdiaini graiift®. ynu ! toadfe ffidfirsting piiite — TOihete, will Sinti toey omuiiSy fill ®gi®£ ’w® ^USS- ptes <te to ©Dr ua“ tflhfit Sgptoniter iss rifte anauto. witen ; to (62c; (cnun-, J8fic to S82t;; ns®, Sw tto (fite I toe ufog Muskis ■ ®n® amugEiit- " :mtetiing .!iut:Aw. ■t'?® tto fenffl;; ■.iniiliing!> ((TEhte iis tflte.garefiter mutetejriL ®tes, to UAc. - Sams tsS. Hites® totes sspjfly. to All ; lLIWE55Tn®©K fPffi [game ffiidte Btett mow tflhai wteto-iin . j Steesg,teP to UdW libs, tflte season iff 52ttekia, IHife samfl 1 Utete TEmuff* <csri toy tfitem ®ptt. tons 3w»srm. to <cnteing, a gi®te unary psqpi® nnfite tflte mfetote off toytog to. tflhnbw tflte gdhig (Cttetetelll ffteh- tem)) wiifih tflte witete ttefffeh This te wtong Itenaute tflte sa&- to® tflteowing iyo.war fe (finr® tty A <qiiidk torwarfl temp off tflte wunite. Ttem pgkin iit te®HBS to Ite tflte puyniter iiitea to tomw tflte gdlug dull off P^ht. rpnEsiilLe)).. TTW grant yon tfltett stunsflim^ iit te. mmffiffismty to u®ate sl spirt tote ® iimpOEsible to npproadh ®sra®grt ily a wtey, Umg autet. . Sfeiffi ife a teateiing tote. ''Sh-ntey par (Bate, off tflte tfto anuxtofl white iraterng !tes® teaii fcoiitefl ton (curtte ' ttekwasn toiitty ■ •anti hbay tote- So toy to ®B®e inp <nn tflte miuB- <dte aanfl putt tflte ffiteg wtteo® you wmrt .iit. iS (vai^ tomtey tote pwuy. TDte ilise off giliigs fe iteuorriing. yetety am® off tflte inete ®nfi nntet spnittHmafilife vw®ys iff tetelkir.g toto. Stoking your ®wm gilu^ fe ® ........................ ^neat IteSfiy-• ®te that® ife smteher '• ................ tflhing. Wu /cum (buy .tflte hste gitac. ©nod ®.w& .and wteter ®ff ®iy off tflte Heading mtiifer- tturars, flfor ---------‘X-*. IHare m® a tow totes yo.u inagiit padk itenpg iin ttoe add totefe-ftuac. ISlow tote ttoe anniler (fla$$ te® idea® nmfl-w® nan nspete toe.ffiitet ifimkte. Auctediipg ■ to to® Unilites gnrppfitiSj’.. Ulfe 'baitlv •nnil^ll Hut titHie .. time lhamg wufib'- toaisfGa) ntf .Wees. • (Gi®ar. (imfl [her (dh'iliiRtm to town. Hite ffig^hi ton ipiffisesshri. uff tfli®.. Ihurndteilfl, lh.o.wiM®r„ tcuntiiiueii iin ;Bi,ii Wii'®* ™*wttE- -S* llate « »» !j (Qtear . was tenteavunriiim ipM«® owuersiig) to tflte prqimr’v. ffl® iflieii • gnofl .... .......... IEta„ rmeiliam .1 IEta., ®mnmnn ... Eteers, inter HilS® lite,, i odhoine ........... .—«.*.— Ute.; goofl......................... t ton,, im®ilium ......... .... ton,, ammmnn.................. IHaffieoffi, gpofl ;anS alhriice ton,, aneffiiim ....... ton,, rrtnmmtm ...... ..... Eefl (cfihyes gonfi (anfl *i(l n>toe »...••.. ton,, gonfl ...--------------- .. ton,, mffiibiim (Stew®, ©noil ......... .... ton., nneBium . ----- ffilD., rttnrrrrrrrrn ...____....... Eanneiffi smfl piternffi----- IBiilis, guiifl ................. Etuflfiar .and feeflter. sea ’vuiten tflte (finite® ffiirsT- aros*. to&y lyeais.ttetonte. ' 'n - ■ .1 Oi-Jh # S2»! AttS AuTG ' SSI)425' 55jS>tfittW'l 5(25 - .$21511 ASH S25j| Ahl)415fo SKffQ (525’ a®6 A25' • .TfSD TlSD ttSlUil ffiSD ’TZ^f n.te $25 $^5 .2,Sb SMD 3525 2S»2-®> H25 • 22d S(D» 2SII 27«> iffi. rtto 33125 ttffitDD ®MTO 'Ette ■ste •5((H)■7Z5&W ’ 3,=5b 7ZS1) 7ZJ85 SHOP $25 t£ *«"hiJJP it JcfP 7I.UD 3.775 uiUU tfilWJ).*6*25 !8.»0 htwo 2.TP 3i5r' jljto It’ll' (SLAEfflAlI^, ijitek*—Hijs]iii®ti wjiflh liffie am tflte pteiite, (Claflk .‘Suniier- anufk- (Canaiiiaii pote passed :a year teaching tin ® .on&nrnnni niihoriliiouae Iteto. ffhmm ftite ce?^®r rance mmy raome werse art tflh’is (ihiteti rate teea. IMO® nriites isoitflh off Itleg’imi'. ' Tte liiigh teiwil touhter amil puflhnr roff ‘‘townee iin tflte toutote ’ .'Skifll” unit4 ‘“JUte. 'fcfouflhem; Hitehf” jjs Ihteily (engagaiLpm ra nnwdJ <fif 'Xfirtte* rann Iter iin tflte-ratei^ nii.ys’' anti ttw lbnig poems. [Hr rai-pira-syed ,u >tesrnr tto tell ®ff tflte (biigttt 'rtf stati«.ms'umti teadiiaip iin tflte teougb' -areas omiT hoped .s'ome’dtey tto <ifovm*- h( mitin® tfihte tto wtrifliijg- fidaniiitiais tin stimonnutiditti.iim art tflte piiiite ffidhorii [ter® \v«p® jute toy ' tomfimg a pudlnaunn. .ImJking on ‘ ^impteent. iiiitto ra «sdh«ii..mnim (for uffvamieti students Ulte ttea.il.te> (ftteh .uni! tendh iwei® ■•'iniitennuiie;” iStuttenf ’-s. Hedte .wm® :bwcruw<Hl to/om .ffiimrouniling sdhirrife Ai nUiontriUUe ’■hiitem> Siifi'raeil for 'a re-innt. Ural' nnti to ,-rnfite qp for ,fi tiinnttuj® ,itf itete llrafte' w .‘Suntieryu-Q vu;.. d ITUJU) ■b<>’ irf/iiKnti'hinil;^ il*ue '-'"tii crag ifi-prc a tjuriias *•' ttiie s-lhouhrannti •: tr -tm- "onimuntt. air 1 }>• | Buri. ji. (.iiiur n- ft? ' *' H 0 ilH * H1 “Jp* .ft.unnouh t-, iiuiirpij; su-ra^ku iHPih;,- nr-. ty tto' nr Sire 'vV-teomn ' ue .nuf •*!,],r.m ■"ii"• <5 ■®S w for laround sa lib liar. Th'ffi Hi, urr- n h :m w h. whr.' .:f tv ' .* . .* ' jfctfacatioiS ■ £• r.r Preparation fo- maT. lace, is about the last thing thought of in school-; « there are tfp cours-°s in hom^-makius- (2nd mothorhurid. I; is true tote domes­ tic economy ° is taugm bte where is the teachifir. elating household-, economy, to home decoration, dtesa.; fryghnr. r.ursing ar.! ’ csic. all .mat- ters which hsv^ $. inarms .m home-[ making? Xr.Tiai most po ar' carter n: v ^manhood and'the train- j.,-- -r,_ ;. . ot> jj. a >u-ze mea sure The destre t'r> h..v^ jfi toe back- •grotmc tbs rd*»a n* ccAni-m'-c L.’3epen ■deuce and ■ i he prepares to achieve •it, if necessary ■> al'. , y»ry wA;. but there • i. m tea .impor- 'tairt. «n" ;= •:-.. mrkgr y • 6 jBSD="£P IM BCfflfB BfiOK ytSi tSp-Er £AUS . Sf&ER vE- 4&T>I285E .. £ltesr, £RL5’«5 d*j JEfcH -H?*! *&£ BWEfc i&wJEfcH HI**! Tig BWEfc W| lt£ ctilrr stcgrs nm^iRDiisw. l)fo£s W^-kckk® pw wks w&~F££?r HSE5 -R.^SEH Wll&H 1 -Urmtl J ' Hbb- iinclufies nrrmpllgte .feateipfiinn <cff ‘ Eudte tew to fdhtajn the best (resiilte iin dBte (use pf 'tots [tackle [Retiffiniber iit te mrtt te toe i nS-ritje tote to* . wihtile radbirui' its aernmpiisted. SFor ;iusihnn». hfter toe Tute ite . Trmfe. ‘the trwd ® toarffiSemtel to to® 'Iteffit hand mow .we teaitt irate- . iirir. Btest •blow??;, toen m little nateer, 'Stow we jars toe rod up-. wards or siteways. 'Tter. *w® ’fei toe tarikh? settle a little 7’1- "verr ■tuse to «sy to'is irfetood wull ■ teing' resiilts. (Qne last wnrh — -‘ret out vm tog water anti cast fErom Beep water to shallow. Lure your tosr- ••where he'toe Is -sator arrd te 'fmr® in toe vrrril tletete. Btehcle fcoteie Prettteied Sass fcasr-.-£n 'Wto imr R* .wS.Ckm- ■■ ' Tifenp <4 XVAS®r.VGW^-^to_ mem. Uotm- voh nil fl’an airnuH- intent ing ifi tttW '3P» ^iumaf ‘iteete .nrcmti'- iBtettes sum. woiiifl was anti biJizatrrm fte tff ttira Tmiied tioudie vita* *the ttep~«rain!. tturn^r *<■ ‘if •tex ’ . ■ . ■X* a'i ttffi low thin* o: 4 10**!?**•** "*$“* ‘ rrr*-.; , •* nyt* J ■. forth Durett • TOWNT0 _ Trft vWhiiace was a wrifinn romnaruc wish iOnifed 'Ohiirch mmi.^er. «G. T>. t;i'pB'jrnjk <Chbr * M'- ** ’ , fc£ll£, m, 'aT'nrifOT-' ZxitrmiF Hl/nii rtterar -art vt ■ti itr uar v i,„k fb"[ f teliU’v te ■j.nv.i-p Th* ' I'uiu-nuo, te umt’ if tup lint! ar t.'uu .witii JHlhii. ite U.K." T.urni*: cu-u H, m-|"ruy id uu .UlUUI .......i msm *rd )>• a irate Wtmit 1 hr -aevetei ■L-muHutoj, oriuiiHuu.i .v-inn*.^, * ’oat a- :nmim m tligj,' «'■. b;m .1 ,:□£ ' i'“kup tfittu !(■■<■ iHild pur: in •tt ‘til* UjipUullq* ■ 'j vraM/ailrad.i re y«iai. Th*, •<n <rt i llHW • JtegLStl • 01U JU’CiSjiut. iniheQ iti. u’-niTi"