HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-08, Page 5PAGE FIW CULROSS CORNERS ———,------—---------------——-------j;..,; i..................... DUNGANNON THURSDAY,, OCTOBER 8tfi, 1936 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 20 Valuable Prizes Given Away Free To The laying Public of Lucknow and Surrounding District Ashfield Bride Elect Was Showered By Friends Miss Clara MacDonald. Received Many Useful Gifts At Shower In Her Honor Held Last Week Prior To Her Marriage On Saturday. On Tuesday evening of last week about sixty friends and1 neighbours gathered at the home of Miss Clara MacDonald to surprise her withT a miscellaneous shower in honor of her approaching marriage. As Mrs. Dun­ ean Munn of Ripley played the wedd­ ing march the bride-to-be took her place in the decorated chair. A bas­ ket of useful, and pretty gifts was set before her while Miss Sadie Mac- Charles read the following address, composed by Mrs. Neil MacKenzie: Dear Clara, Here we gather in conclave, The keynote is mirth For on this old homestead, A romance had its birth. In all the events of life,'__ » The Gods have a place And old Dan Cupid is sure Miss Frances Brydges of Nanton, Alta, is a guest with her aunts Mrs. Geo. Irwin rind Miss Celia Pentland and other relatives on a six-weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. jWilfred Nivens and three children of Seaforth were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith. ‘ Mr. Tho,. Webstey and Mr. Victor Errington have each lost several sheep lately. -It is thought that the wild cat, which is still roaming at large in that area, is responsible for the losses, i'' ' • Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. McWhinney tcere Mrs. Chas. Fuller and three children and sister Miss Bogie .of Goderich township. Mr. Benson Pentland of Detroit is on a visit with his mother Mrs. A. B. Pentland. ’ ’ ’ . Mrs. John, Anderson is visiting her iSidn Mr. Tho. Anderson, Goderich. - Misses Bertha anfl.Donalda Jones, G. C. L students were home for over the week-end with their parents, Mr. M Coupons Gi/on Free at the fallowing Club Merchants: TEMPLETON £ CO. - A. E. MeKIM THE VARIETY STORE T. W. SMITH MacDONALD BROS. ‘ ‘ • I' : ■ THE MARKET STORE RAE & PORTEOUS THE FORD GARAGE F. M. PATERSON FINLAYSON BROS. « WM. MURDIE & SON R. H. THOMPSON D. H. AGNEW HOLLYMAN’S BAKERY W W. HILL RATHWELL & "REED F. T. ARMSTRONG B. PEARLMAN A. T. DAVISON & SON * LUCKNOW SENTINEL Accounts at all Club 5 Night, Oct. 10 For Further Information, Write or Phone Club Headquarters-- THE SENTINEL R. L TAYLOR, Manager f rom Tues., Oct. 6th to His eyes are always alert, His aim is so true, While he was throwing his darts uld pqot Clara do? e stood| firm in her fortress, ’She clung to her right ' But with an onslaught of arrows, She succumbed in the fight. However she later arose, A victor with .pride, And before this week is ended, Will be a sweet bride. So here we have gathered, Our thoughts to reveal. Our ^hearts o’er flowing with wishes ' To grand to conceal Please accept these wee tokens, All wrapped up, in rhymnes. * Which in the days of the' future Will be read betimes. These wishes are too varied, . And many here to recite, One wish however is common To each one tonight. May God . in his great goodness, Your home, with love adorn, And never, never, let it slip Until that hallowed mor^. When we gather on yonder shore, These loves to renew, And thru eternity thank God Who kept them true. The gifts were then handed her while Misses Maribelle MacDonald, Mary Fihlayson and Sadie McChaTles read the accompanying verses. Miss Marion Munn rendered vocal solos and Mrs.. Dunean Munn enter­ tained with instrumentals while the- trousseau was displayed. A dainty lunch brought a pleasant evening to a-, close. ’. ■ ■ ' - - - ........... ■ II........... ■ KINLOUGH BOUNDARY WESTST. HELENS i Dohald on Monday. Mrs. Dumin re- _____ turned.with-them to Drew. The meeting of the Y. P. U. was Mr. Peter Barrie of Paisley was 'a held on Sunday evening with the vice- i president, Mr. W. A. Miller in the E. J. Thom and other friends. Andrew Gaunt H ■ Bonito. • . prepared hy Ma. M. C. Rutterford week-end guests »ith her mother . Mrs- w- H. Simpson of Mooresville and attended them brother (Manto -mroor fnr Pnmthir MtTTw .. ■ „ . ... - - .. • ■ js visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Boyle, marriage to Miss Clara MacDonald on I Mr. and Mrs. Ott;o Hewitt and son Saturday last. We extend our heart- - , , j of Bervie. spent Sunday at Bert Me- * iest congratulations to this young end with Mr. and Mrs. MacCharles, f lans’ ' Couple and welcome Mrs. Richards to Clover Valley. . * Mr an<j Mrg R were Sunday our community. Rev. Mr. Patton of Ashfield circuit visitors at G. B. Hodgkinsons’^ Miss Myrtle Webster of Wellesley preached in the United . Church on fiftieth Anniversary services Sunday morning. Rev. H. M. Wright fje held in the Presbyterian- Church Mr. Peter Barrie of Paisley was a Mrs. Ai Crang of Kinloss and Mrs. Jim Richards of Fie-' week-end visrtoir with Mr. and Mrs. | .^r' an<^ Mrs. B- Logan and Lenore of sherton,. Miss. Lila Richards 4>f Trir- - - — • • - [Ripley were Sunday visitors at Jas,- ‘cnto and Mr. Noryal of Guelph Q.A.C. t,. , . _ Hodgins. spent the week-end at their homeMrs. Andrew Gaunt and Murray | _ _______________ ____ ____ __m _ I _ road by Dorothy MHIer. ; gherwood in Ashfield. I Mr. and Mro Wnt DalEn? of Moro Miss Annie-Wateon spent tfe kton and the latteris two sisters from - -- . I the West were callers on Thursday with Mrs. MiHer and Mrs. Gordon. Messrs. Cecfl and Horold Hyde of Kincardine were home for the week- en<^- conducted anniversary services- at Mrs- EDroH Webster of Wingham Hackett’s Church was a recent visitor with Mrs. John Webster.', -> ' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods, Mr. Wawanosh Council and Mrs. Lome Woods and Mrs. R.| u / X Woods'attended the Golden Jubilee « - “ . • Service of the Brocefield United - ' Chnroh on Santoy evening. The West. Wavran^h Jo^sh>p- ' Council met on the above date with . Anniversary Services will be con" ^ff^bhe ; members present. • 'Jhe min- ductedi in the United Church eg Sun- , 0^es of fagt meeting were read . and day, Qctbber 18, whprt Rev. J. F. I accepted oit motion of Councillors Me-. Anderson of Whigham will be thej special speaker. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dornin returned from their wedding trip On Thursday, j. Mro. Elizabeth. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. JuMlS^ylor, Betty and BiUy, Mrs- Lumby and ■ Mrs. Edrth Mudie of Guelph were recent visitors with the former sister. Mrs. Webster and other friend’s. Mrs. Taylor is remaining for ag extended visit. Mr. Dan and Miss Annie McKenzie of Wingham were callers on ..friends | Finnigan, m the village on Monday. A TT‘T>a-FzX'w» -I Charles of Drew were visitors with ’ The Council adjourned tfi meet Oct. * - • 1.22 ?: M. . \ pURNIN PHILLIPS, clerk. ,.y. 1 couple and welcome Mrs. Richards to next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7-30 pun. Special preacher will be Rev. D. J- Lane of Goderich. Misses Edna and May Boyle attend­ ed the Richards-MaeDonald wedding on Saturday Sunday visitors with Mrs. “J. Percy and Mrs. Blackwell were Mr. and Mrs. Geo? Percy and family of Glammis, Mr. CJarence Blackwell and Mrs. B. Blackwell of Kincardine Mr. and Mrs. Chester Blackwell of 'Bervie. Miss Myrtle Webster of Wellesley i parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hender- son spent last Saturday aftetnoon in Kincardine visiting Mrs. Henderson’s sister Mrs. Donald CardisS who is a patient in| the HospitaL . Quite a few frpm around here att­ ended Teeswater Fair, on Wednesday. Mr. Donald Henderson has been busy conducting'Wear Ever Allumin- um demonstrations in Wingham Dis­ trict. Quillin'’and Aitchison. It was decided*, on motion of Coun­ cillors Aitchison and Gammie, that the Reeve, Councillor Smyth, and the Road Superintendent meet with those interested on the sight of the Kearney, drain and. arranged for the Constac­ tion of a new drain. ' The following accounts, were rpad and ordered paid on motion of. Coun­ cillors Smyth and McQuilTm:- Sigpal Printing Co.T printing, J7I.25 YKrnnigan, Sheep Claim, . $5.00' U. Thompson, 2 Sheep Insp., $3.00 Harry McAllister ^ and son ’ Thomas ' Webster, sheep claim* $20.d0. her mother, Mrs. Chas. Dumin Sr. 15th. at 1.30 P- M. ( ■ and with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mac- pURNIN - PHILLIPS, clerk. * ... Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Fisher of Hami­ lton and Mrs. Hedley were guests of their sister Mrs. Robt. Hunter for a few days last we^k. Mr. , and Mrs. Jno McKinnon, of Tiverton spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Hunter’s. Mrs. McKinnon and babe remained for a week. • Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gibson of Clin-? tpn spent Sunday with Mrs. Gibson and family. , Mr. and Mrs. / Less Ritchie and Alvin visited Mrs. Sherwood at. TAnes. Miss5 Lorena Hogan of , Markdale spent week-end with her parents. COST OF FEEDING JAIL INMATES 4’/zc PER MEAL The annual report of . the Bruce County, jail shows that the commis­ sariat of the institution has - been feeding its charges at the rate of 4fiic each per meal. which/is sure feeding ’em eheap as compared with prevail­ ing cafeteria rates. 1 > ' • ■ The total crist df operating the Bruce jail for the past fiscal year was $2974.15. This includes food, fuel., clothing, officials’, salaries, riiaintenance and repairs. According to statistics the Bruce County citadel has the lowest paid officials o^ ivay jail in the Province of Ontario, There are 24 cells in the Bruce bastilb and the highest number occupied at any one time during the past year was 19. Of the 134 admitted during the year no less than 128 were males, as compared to 5 females. . • ASHFIELD Miss Jessie MacRsfe of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae. Ashfield Native Dies Word was received Thursday Oct. 1st. of | the death of Mr. David Mac- Lean of Chicago. Mr. MacLean was the youngest sori of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacLean arid had made his home in Chicago for several years. His wife predeceased him. We extend sympathy to his sister Miss Mary and his two brothers Alex and Donald who still reside on the homestead. t; ■ The Rally Day service which had been postponed from Sept. 28th was field on Oct. 4th. Rev. J. K. MaeGilli- vary was in charge and tfie children all took their part very welL Misses Mae and Bertha MacKendrick sang a duet very sweetly. ^Pins were presented to the children who had attended thirteen Sundays, in suc­ cession. This is a plan carried out by the pastor of the congregation. ' On Tuesday evening the friends of Miss Clara MacDonald, a bride elect met to shower her with miscellaneous gifts. Friends were present from Lucknow and Ripley arid a very pleas­ ant evening was spent. Clata was completely taken by surprise but re-, plied suitably when presented with •her'gjftSi' '■ - : ■ \ ’ On Saturday, October 3rd the hbrETe^ of Mr. arid Mrs. Trim MacDonald was the scene of a very happy event When tftfeir eldest daughter,, Clara Isabel was United in marriage to Mr. , A. Richards of Pai^riiount. J. K. MacGfllrvary officiated. Only a few of the bride’s intimate friends were present. After the wed­ ding dinner the young couple left on( their honeymoon. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm at Paramount. Congratulations. _ and Mrs. Frank Jones._ ______■ , ■ Friends regretted to hear last week­ -end of the head-oh-cpHision and accfi- Fred Treleaven and son, Conrad,. Tor­ onto, which oceured on the highway between Fergus and Toronto, meeting another motorist. Mr. Treleaven’s son Conrad was the most unfortunate, suffering fronx concussion off the brain and only rallied to conciousness about four days afterwards. Mr Tre­ leaven’s recovery is quit* likely hut for the other motorist little hope was held.' We, hope for better news of their condition. Mrs. Robt. Trelea­ ven is Mr. Fred . Treleaven’s mother. Miss Marjorie | McDonald of Ches- ley was home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. McDonald on Sunday. . A concert of high standard<■ was given in the United .Church oh Tues­ day night to a fair crowd.; The talent Was composed of negro spirituals “The Carolina Singers”, and was re- cieved with good applause. The W. M. S. of Erskine Presbyter­ ian Church held the October meeting at the home, of one of the members’ Mrs. Frank Jones on Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. R. McWhhmey presided and after the devotional period gave a talk on the subject, “A Cloud of Witnesses”,; and Mrs.- Davidson, Mrs. Fitzgerald, and Miss Mary MacKenzie gave missionary readings. Two quilts made by the ladies were on display and sent to the supply secretary of the PresbyteriaL After the dosing prayer by Mrs. W. R. Stothers, lunch was served by the hostess. Dungannon Fair is the big attrac­ tion this week, being held Thursday and Friday, with all’ that goes to make up a real fair, the last, but not least We hope for “good weather” and a “good time”. Mr. Goodfellow a returned mission- ’ ary from B. C- is to speak at the Y, P. U. of the United Church next Thursday night Oct. 15th. Lantern slides on B.C. will be a special fea­ ture of the evening. AH are wel­ come ”■ The Y- P. U. of the United Church, reorganized for the coming season on Wednesday evening of last week with Thornton Eedy, convenor., of Christ­ ian Culture, presiding. Miss Olive Farrier offered prayer. Rev? T. R. Turner'had charge of the topic—“The Drama”. Election bf officers followed directed by Mjf. Turner and resulted as follows: Pres. Marjorie McDonald; vice-pres. Olive Farrier; sec. Lucille Eedy; trees. Kitchener Finnigan; Christian Mission; Cora Finnigan’; Christian Fellowship Convenor, Cora Dickson; Christian Citzenship, Hugh McWhinaey; Christian Culture, Helen Anderson; Directors of Recreation, Cora Culbert; assistants Wilma Tre­ leaven and Thornton Eedy; Directors of Publication, Winnifred McClure; Boys Work Promotion, Kenneth Hodges; Director ..of Leadership Tr­ aining, Rev. T. R. Turner; Pianist, Wilma Treleaven; assistant, Marjorie McWhinney. Mr. Harvey Nivens of Sault Ste Marie was a visitor-the first of the week with his uncles Mr. Wm. Dave NivOns and their relative’s. SPORT NEW$ After battling their way practi­ cally to the Ontario “C” finals, Wing­ ham dropped the 3rd game of ths semi-final series with Sunderland in Kitchener on Saturday by a score of 7 to 5. • ♦ ■» • A walk, an error and a fielder’s choice gave Sunderland, last year’s “C” Champs, their margin of victory in the 9th inning. . ♦ ♦ ♦ . V* Sunderland now meets Woodstock for the Championship. Southampton^ chances of becom­ ing Ontario **iA” Champs dropped sharply on jSaiturday when Filder bested Goldsmith by a score of 4 to 2 in the Fishermen’s own park. ■■ ■ ■ Rounding into late season ‘ form, Gordon Irwin, who has been a feared pitcher in these parts for 20 years, is still hurling them in *a formidable . manner and is drawing regular as- singments with the Wingham. Hurons. —Gord pitehed them to a-fi-S win in - the 3rd game in the Petrolia series and in Sunderland last Wednesday; whs on the hilltop when the Hurons lost 3 to 2 through no fault of , Irwins. ■ * * ' •' With Bob Thompson leading the hitters, with a mark about .375, these two Lucknowites provide considerable power to the Hurons in their quest for the Ontario “C” Championship. Concerning Irwin’s performance in the game at Petrolia the Advance- Times says:, “Lion’s share of the honours rightly go to stout-hearted old Gord. Irwin. Undismayed when a double-play mis-. fired and two runs scored in the 3rd and two more pattered across on - a misjudged fly in the fourth, bld lion­ heart kept pegging right along and allowed only one earne^h run. And was Gord ever bearing down in the ninth! The big felow would have thrown his arm off Ms body if ne­ cessary to retire those last three bat­ ters.” Miss. Helen Haldenby spent the week-end with her grandparents Mr. and Mr. J. H. WalL Mr. Jack Ross spent Sunday after­ noon with Mr. Art Hodgins. Miss Mabel Ross returned home Saturday from Ceeil, Robb’s,” where she has been engaged for a month. Mrs. Earle Hodgins picked A nice sprig off a raspberry bush with sever­ al large ripe raspberries on it last .. week. | . Mr. Jack SchmnUker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell and fam­ ily spdnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hannah. Master Kenneth Thompson is spending a few weeks with his grand­ mother Mrs. W. Hodgins. Mt3. Wm. Alton and Douglas spent a couple of weeks with Mr. and ■> - Mrs. Fred Thompson. - r Quite a number from around here attended the funeral of Mrs. Krae- . mer winch was held on Saturday at Holyrood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith and Gertie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whytock. Mr. Dave Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edgar and family spent Sunday with Mt. and^-Mrs. Frank Dobson of Pais­ ley. Detective Seargt Wm. McCullough and Mis. McCullough of London, spent Monday at Earle Hodgins.. 4 RAPID CITY and' LITTLE GIRL KILLED .The home of Reeve George Feagan of Colborne Township was sadly ber­ eaved on Saturday- afternoon when their six-year-old daughter was in-, stantly killed. Thrown from a farm wagon when the team bolted, the heavy wheel passed over the little tot’s head causing instant death. Her fourteen-year-old brother had alighted to open the gate, when the horses started to rim. Grabbing the tailboards he hoisted himself up and made a valiant effort to halt the team but as the wagon bounced over some stones at the roadside his little sister wa^ thrown out. . 1Mr. Allan McConnell of Sudbury was a week-end visitor at his home here.. ” BORN—On Wednesday Sept. 30th j to-Mr. and Mrs. R. McQuillin, a son. Congratullations. . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Webster spent Thursday in London. • Silo filling is the order- of the day i in this vicinity. , | ® Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed, Jean and Eunice spent Sunday with Mr. • hud Mrs; Archie Nicholson, Belfast. Mrs. R. McQuillin, St.. is with her daughter, Mrs Wm. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm-Stewart, Mr. and\ Mrs. Harold- Stahley visited bn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eng­ land, Ashfield. THE BEST SERVICE Ur* . YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR FRIENDS AND THIS PAPER TO HAVE THEM READ IT! v