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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-08, Page 4
lucknow swm ZION t- PtaE3e®E£ Monday ewraiHg- PARAMOUNT lirni •(BY HAROLD. B. BURNS) prefer wme, for drinking -water fer Ashfield Council No Money Down if your radio is worth 10% of a aew t 41 CON.. KINLOSS «•■-■/■ I last Mtl hstwe ©Beet visited of harass® Mr. . . . September, Ittoi CssmaB met cm afowe date, aHmmehb- bera present, Huaaufos ' of August .nneetoig wests read ami adapted dm fo®- tfos fflff Sforwrad sad McDmsaM. Rmfis IfcCn^gM. .taring ®ff dead mm- be»1 $018; .Ouafi Board off Hedth SHMHEttnsgf $11215®; Cfeffks % saJfoy 50® WitaWe fSiM®; Wi P- Bred, ew- dfo stamps; |fcW; X;M- RoBerte eaw- aty dfok, ttowrohip sfofo Hasptall anr-, $ft2L«5; Lmdkmcw Sentinel^, pvifo-' ■eg w&er Bsns ^US;' Ernest. Bfofo salary, refoff otfirer $00; D_ J, Me- Gar«. uefoff amuuaxt fear Jane, July aad August. Boy Meyws gBWreffing ■ fe*. J- DfflfiffiKBl® ■ Basts amfi repairing 3fol5i; WEEmEu EL Grok tfofor $OW; W- GL Andre® ffimgh'-pmfos SL.1®;•• Etae dfc SWtteuuji- sfosgfes^Bnd spikes $OU>; Haarvey Av- fofft pfeugk jutafis SLIM} Ftetev Gforaa; grawd S<2tfK .Haarfe Ckmnram wook <s;fl me® SffigsLSi); Efenfe Omrana sebUscis •fiSoS®; CBuntty .jf Husram, csflrnumi1 «&fo- rntfe 1W; WBEuian Quigfey repmSrasg scrapper SL5®; Lmr&nuw' SanttfeaEfewi temfora TStr; Mowed By- CdB- j Best atsd Sforwfod ttfo grant to Lim> know Fs’er '&«• fEOlS; Jflwed.By Ftrasy- m» -Jfc McDmudit grant. to suftmfi tads Be JtSuip Moved By SSriswaod J£ Fnay- . Be Moved," By S&ettwwd' and ■Fraym* gWwnsr to IDtagOjuMni Foor Bw SSti’Ml*. Moved By Sfosrwuad’ amf Fnwyae tthxus to$- gtnsnt to ttfo Dtau fctesrow Ldirawy SHSiiM ’Moved By Caiffient sasra gforwcsd ttfott a . By-Hew. Be db"Jdted setting penxshiy aw anpuhl « tfcw» a&+ ibLw-t Kwnj) |jw reutt to Be aaUfed vfot- DtivemiBejr DStth aoifl ote' ■ getr renx meet** jatASetd -c»ina toe- D3to day &S■ Feb triiHffy jver and aifove cfo stattu totry gseuaJtty Bb’*af D ffW rfaWt ffui’ HU5Jcdt& easnel 3£amM! By WDbWilll1 m§ S&K'tn»>.>!d..aaiS tfainrM tt&stt sa0': lite saKSid't -anisit Be ffani By Maanr& I®& UKitr.- Catmutl ad^iairuHdi atc'nn^- tta«o af Fir-iyne? aaivS Qd&»nrto Neytt ■ Hamfiihg- wtH Be (Oktefesv IX C EL. cfeaSu St. Helens Smithy At The Job For 60 Yean > /'4 ) '■< Iters., Fri., Sat., - Oct. 8-9-10 BARBARA STANWYCK—-CLIFF EDWARDS—ROBERT YOUNG Genufir^- ViyelTa FTantiel TAR- TANS, 54'*' widtfifr S2JS0* per y<L New stfltofc of House Ftimfsft- -.im ort display. Come and! see* ’ ttfrem wHile stocks, are conxplete Mr. and Mrv‘Herb Laidlaw spent , Sunday with Mrs. James Phrves. * , ?r-ir PVlr, B^JHe of Paisley, Mr. “ a«d Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook and 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER. Sth, 19*36 FROM LONDON TO THE CONTINENT BY WAY OF DOVER AND OSTEND J^y zsth _ l _ ___. _ JI Leave Viffitoria 'Statton, London at (he mast part is eoHspfeutms by ito 10130 in advance of raw* party, A| very large crowd of people are mfli- sng aberatt the platform. A 'raHway depot presents interesting ' sight especially in eosmopeffiitaiiii' London. 'Expressions; of hwry, &Etertogattfon>, exeitementp joy .and sadness ..suexse^s- svely -reenfcr ©m,., toe many teces as fiareweBIs are .exchanged, and friends depart to toe four corners ®f toe g&sbe. | . FhsalSy the trahm pulls' away, I find, myselfa wondering, as,, to toe' na- tomalSty of toe man seated across fetop' me. The silence fe now broken —-In^affire from my friend toe relative values ®f toe. BeE^am .'. and French franco He is a man -nf affairst;—a FteEchman—and is qiafite interested* The . day-js bright, and dear, the qpiet- in economic conditions, 'The eonvetr- CTtiim gradually' becoimes^ oBu&e'.reef-- preeal I Team' he is an espxsrter and speaks 5 languages, French, ^aiS^' Italian, German and ' English,' AE- to®ugh his"'acce^'Ts' shghHy fareign his English is grammatically very correct and 'his - ■ inter^ts are qpEte ■broad. We discuss the mtesnatiion- aB sitoatthm' and toe necessity of doing away with trade barriers; he mcpnires abewtt Canada and appears to be fas-, , cinated by- its vast expanse, We‘ refer to tod St, Lawrence Waterway scheme and exchange comments as ,to ife feae sMlity- I uMjuire abasitt France—toe j. views the. ;p®ditical situation with un certainty r bntt ■ fuarnHy admits the sociffllfetic programme is gaining mo mentum,., ''As a business man, how ever,, he feels ' that amy,hgowerrament that makes for stahSSty amf security is E^fittimatte. ■. ■ - " ■ Across'the arsEe are twa> m&n. The younger hhs a dark, hrome-complek- &m_ As he reads a volume' emtfttfed “Cnttep and fits Uses”,. I infer he is . a Hindu student retturniinig te> a na tive Band, He .putts bra bonk aside. ! takes "some coins from his pocket..' and passes them to toe man beside him wit® is a, cultured Gsrmani. The latter is *’ quite interested," The coins are passed our way. They are- Indian coins. We ..a^nnwifedge toe ftiaidEy gesture of toe ■. Hindu ste^ 1 dent by am. eschazige ®f French and ‘ Canadian ronas^^’The Kittle Hindu is ‘ very geufiEenanly and somabfe—toe* ! German fe most affable and fefaidEy .—toe' .Frenhmam very appreciative of toe sltuatontt. A Eady across the ’ way (an Amerfcan, J toinfc)' seems to Be ;en®oytog toe InterhatmnaE Co'n- ’ dJave^ and deEigEitts toe German by speakmg Ecto mnto^ tenigae, I wonder what made for toe eBe- mente. of interest and frfendEpess m tofe EttijEe ‘‘TniteimatojnaB CotrfialU? Wssiblly toe ©smmon' bond of culture tended to engaader- a spirit of com- taonaEty,’'' I regret toe language harnfeffi^o. that prevented a wider hs:- efiange of tocraght and idea. May toe “War Bogey" demand tont^mnnhere of tofe EtttBe group'be pitted hgainst each other somje.d^F? I Eoxto butt toe wimfdw—over. yon- der are to© chant cffffs of Ebrver, I recall an early hfetory Besson—a pre--! tore ffashes mtto> my mind,—one of a Roman gensml. pdenfetg across the eharnreP, who, upon catching sight of the chaHt cEffs, inquires, “Who are: toe strange inhabitants beyond those dSSIsT”* . We hoard;' toe steamer and Eeave England behind. -The tea is. a bit !choppy,- ft takes about STB hours to' cross from Dover to ©sterrdl On em- Barfemg it is almost impossiBEe to ehrde toe Belgian: p’^rters; finally I iget some money changed and araite- ■at the .Majjsstec PhEaceHoteL Ostend. J. ■ This i® a typical seaside city with' a popuEstian of shout '200'jIQG m sum mer and TajMG ire winter. A sloping buttress off brick masonry forms a s^a wall, above which a fine concrete prumCTcade extends fair four ar five miles afemg toe sea-front, with its mxpqsrng background of hotels and emusenents houses, ■ Rows of smaB bathing' houses sett on wheels form .Ettof Monies here and there ora’ toe riLvftfng beach; horses, at the beckon: of toe tofe stand ready to puEE them. ■towards or away* from the, waterdfiie.’ i . Uppm Toeatirtg nryseEf at the hotel wander down to the fob-market : wfehre'-the Erttte street shops display toseEree. ‘ .. . Da toeeveafn-g: I waB akrng to® P®®- meaade to toe Krusal, a eSreuIar, ’ edifiaee, and ■ <joite iu&- 'pasEn®' 'to designa. and arfetoy--- Here one is privileged to listen to a fine ‘m ®f classical rnhsfe- by ara es> ly fineEymphoBy archestra. A MB day—a weary traveler .reforus to fcis room fm toe hotel where he soon yields to beneficent Sleep.' „JW 21 j. At 5J5 AJML toe pdrter eaSs me (with coffee). The motor coach arrives at 545 AAL'-'and soora we are «m.ow- way-to Zebrugge, where we meet the remaimfer of toe party at 7 AJML A COMEDY-DRAMA “ . ALSO TWO REEL COMEDY “DAME SHY” ft ’ • : ’'AND FOX .NEWS' . ■ COLDWYN Present* ffrru> CJNIETEO ART'ES’FS also - - - • WALT DISNEY — ^OCK OF - THE WALK' “’iWO SHOWS "EACH NIGHT, 8 ,an«f 9*.50t ADMISSION — Adiilts ^5c- CferMrere 20te George .Waxweil, driver of the ban- . drt ear daring a sensational effort to escape 'after toe attempted • robbei’y of the Wrarten Brewery ■■ Warehouse', was sentenced to> 5 years in Kingston, •last week by Magistrate Walker. ■ Other members of. toe gang wiH Be tried at toe FaR Assizes, and Max- wdil will! EikeEy remain in .WaEkertpn. to appear as a Crown witness ait srlitmg- •' ; , is „■ an ’ expert .ear driver, having taken part in the big motor races at Minneapolis and other Am- effcan cities hot returned “broke” ‘to Toronto a couple of years ago later faEEng in with companions that fed to Ees present predicament.. He came to Canada from Wales when 17. HAVE RECEIVED NEW ■ , ■ SHIPMENTS OF: ■ LADIES7 COATS ' DRESSES IP , KNITTED SUITS PULLOVERS AND TWIN SETS' . BLOUSES HATS and ACCESSORIES^ AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL ■ cssiiDerete dugouts (held by (feirmans during the Great War) stare at you ahrng toe route, "adding a subdued note te> toe moraiiig stuffiness. The scars of War are sfififfi apparent in this Band, Shortly^ after. aur anrivaE the channel steamer with' our party docks at Zeehrugge, . ‘ . ' From Zeebrugge we g® to Middle- burg, -Halffiand, Once agafni we; are ! seated im toe bus,—eur first eaffi is lEfeystt, .where we breakfasfc. (The i cmEtmeuttaE breakfast consists of raps; and coffee). The early rising and the fresh morning -afe-' fend a' foem edge to toe appetite making for an uncan ny disappeamce of those large plates ,off cr^ray rofflfo. ' By bps and exeursEora steamer we pass toreugh 'some fiat, sandy country of sparse vegetatfanB, About 11 ofehsck we are at toe boundary between BdEgium and HoUEandi The muntryside is more interesting i now. We pass through a little' Dutch vfEEage;’ neat;'. EEttle Brick horases with ■ hfrn?1 shuttere; ap- .foar along the way; here and toeie are wnrdrniffils. At. the auts&frts of toe vilffiagfe we see a Dutch peasanit in wooden shoes,—over yonder a Buxom Eady in white formet^ short sleeves, and Eons' fo® skirt apears to be op for w^f to church. Simplicity, and a Each of architectural d^ail ra evi dent in. ttfo* hiiifldrrrgtc qf tha Efttrfe- Wms.; . We' arrive at MikidiEeburg; ■ Hoifood about noon just as toe town folk are retujrundg from church service. We see buxom ladies of middle* age and young maidens in ', native costume; some of the younger Easssra^ mounted cm bicycles and accompanied for their gentelisnen escorts (attired fo cEase fitting jackets & Baggy truusera) add a touch of glamour to, tfo pageant The narrow streets wind fo and out, and the dwelling pfoaes meet toe edge of ■ the Brick pavemeit. Mirrors an adjustable type are attached to tfo window casements , permitting tfo householder to view toe fixR Eaigto of tfo street. No doubt a gEfopse of Efe down the curamg tforoughfore fends a EttEe coEoui^ to toe mundane and drabs aspect of the krfefoii. One of our party accompanies me down a narrow, winding street to tfo church. At -toe entnanfo just: above toe door ra an effigy of skuE and crossBciiies which appears somewhat grotesque and weird, Tfo verger indicates that we afo free ta> wte& about; fo (Erects us to a pulpit Bible which Beats ttfo date 1®Z2. (fctag- pnal m shapes with a central dome; toe ietfifiCe hois & vety tradrtrmtffil atmos- pfore, . A number of pews are parti- fifoned off from tfo others, which, nu doubt belong to weEE-to-do» famrEes, , We hurry back to toe hotel, where , we find tfo remamdfer of aur party at dinner. Evening brings us Back to (fotend, • The vista firom our • jTlLVyYgL> I naans provides a grand and deEghtfol expanse of blue water; it is strange haw tfo, sea eaEEs to' some native urge within ust; one never seems to get Efo fill of ft, A walk along tfo . promenade . m toe quiet of iventog, where toe trafoifer'^nay4’ aEaw tire sfctfstry of sky and sea toe fen play aThis aesthetic ifoEfotians, is a-mast fitting cEniax to a busy dayj To-morrow we entram fob Btus- . - 7----- -— . - - - - , seis, where we spend two days^. tfofr strings of safe and fflfot whiteA ffbra there we gu> to “’gay Faroe” to Bowfe a£ shrimps, mussels ®rd - Wk, chapter ^spread an tfo^auntofoFh^; must, ’fowevm- be left for another' ; folk srt st tfo tables’ drfnkfeg Beer j ton-ff • Jand eating shrfmpk with nn- apparent ( jtfought of ' (fo • rnorrow. f make my .'/ ^way towards the centra of the* Busi-' iness (fetrfct.—same ■ of toe streets Three Year Sentence ■ I X Haggard, Seafdrto lawyer, fe.t wa* crnKtanfat ’ “ta ®S{ OTratry ”* azejKM fe mtamstinsi .. Ttare' is w. tal,I®"f pfeafixg: gtsSty te theft feiifc of service an the part of the <3^ OalMW*. af securities from bis I2F... ....... .JA.-^..... .^.T*;. ....... .............. -----..-..-to i M/lFtUllNG Must (Rev-) Ksttaov Tens and Bs- tboar ' were guest* of 3&r- and Mrs. Thuma® BIh&e* Smnd»y_ '■ ’ Mass Etaarfl Tfompsom sdT LuskHsrar, spent. S&ndsy at bar boore fore, ■ Amravwsamy smfines wfiil -be foeSsfi fe Khke Cburntb Stonfey ©htt. liStou at and TS® F-SL Bev, C, Mac- ■Keaure Esgfey wiSl presdhaff hath reavihesL Mr, Sage of Sh^paraEtsm rofliist, ■ A A (rihnriktEEn pfe supper wiEi be amred sm the BoilS Tuesday evwrag, fe&wed ,by a, pfisy By tthe EfenmaEiar Y©oa«g ffkupfe*. OMENSfe-FHfildJIFS' , 'A ^xfet wedding; was rofleumfoed iu> t&e Dafend St. Efeeptfot ^omteuag^. 'Woodstock ' .Qtn Setordtay tort- XnL wftein tW Rev, W_ mrSiedl h& mamridge FtnEmres L ’elder i.&urrjgftifttw ef Mr, and Mre. SL ESnreir IPhdEpev As-fcfheid and Meftsua Thomas youngestt rota of Mr, and Mira. Fred tonuena^ Detroit; • . • The* b cttfe Im navy toipfe sfoer„ with B'Btek amreseinries was .attended . by Mrs. Leslie Grftfi-tfo, rm navy crepe ttninnned with- w&fte. The grodtm W- suplpnoted By Mr, Leshe Gciffitfo,. ■ After ' -toe caremuny ’ ® wediferg Kneu&ffot wms""'teroed. &t toe bdnre of Mr, oasd Mira.. Thra. Htemfo Huartter nu WtWH&toeft, The ' Basppy cettphs wf® resafe- im EfettofiL Mr, tad- Mira. EEmeir PhdlEp® fldttend- ed toe' nmmriiiige of tftffnt daughter SBranftes In Wadfotaek- ^todifeiy. ■ .Mira. Pftrlfipd bus jfot retained feunn m afeitt with for parents ®t ©teawuu tfeffodS, tew dhys n® ptife and fifo twafters Jt the'courses are cprite num-clients was sentenced to three years _ , dciirazr's p®ra®& «jE®re®ed ~ ~ 3&r_ Piretfl ffindl Gsfifie Sfentfni jTj.fg'nrg' foosnfffis sit sghxdc fff t&e UallE .Fanis East.-weeL. FaTrgTrniftirTaXffmys an® exteni^tfl to W/ imd &ES. CMbtod BBrifemEs' fraee Oebjb ^EariDenifflEd^ ^sritose niaamEge toffifc f^Bne.lted Ss&nnBy. 3^r_ EgaseS Bt^toni E^f Been ©xgaged to weefc. &nr jMk. W_ Dumxnadi ©retae. Jffim'Jfiary C®<. R-- NL spent a. few &ys Wtt wee& wfiffii fefeuxfs im Wftigr- Bsob. Mess EM WgiiWtm spent; pert ®f Bssfi wee& jJitEguig" st t&e* Ss&toS Fsees mi toe Emm®. FmxnsuM. Mfc. ffiiufi Mess- Xehihs RfcifiErfc, fe-fus Fltesfegrton^ M&s ILyEa Rfc&Hnfe franr Taranto sraf 3&r. NcHrwaB RfitosErfe fifeun torn .'& AL CL ^aelp&i sEpait toe wedfc-emfi. wfCfti toenr parents Mr. anti S&iSu EL Rntoam^ and atternfed toe Entoainfe^MsarDana&fi Weddnigr mi Sat> ujrtBiiy. . • , • , Must Jafau Jamreson fee cpxfte HE at praseirfL fter daugfitor Mto. Etoward Hasnrs firona EoEyra0^ ® stoyrrrgr wBto ton. Sfc, tod Mrat' EUfeto SsmfyL I^to Con?- were Eetteuti toftoirs wrtoi '5fe. ®nf Mirs. Airftfenr Ctofc. •/ 11 ■ "! ~~ - ” ■ '........’■ 1 Dnrnte. EBsefefesafjr Jto& CoCtox erstwftfle speed&aU to&t Of (toe Wmgftato Emfinns; was dfiaengg^ . wfto ueefcress tod dtoffeff-l ou» (fnitoig ttr EEtooweir oti^Ftor Dtny., tod was fined $3Jl tod ratoK. or nr . "..".....'■" 1 CROSS ROADS AND ' > INTERSECTIONS . . " '/* '___________ ... You cannot see approaching ven-- feEes an many af toe roadways whibh jarass toe ape you are-traveling be- ; cause yottr vision, may be shut off by... »Bufldiags trees, etc, Yo'jr speed should be lowered at suph ap rnterse'.-- - tom so that you., can- stop if vehicles ■ ; approach the fntersecuion' from, risht !ar left, ■ " ...H . ' ' ' ‘ I.i In toe case of .two 1 pere-tns ap- . preaching ar entering an inteteeetiort i at toe same' tone the. perron to to-e ■ right has the'right of wayj. .otherwise itoe first perron to reach toe inter- .' jse-eticn. This rule applies e'pually r<>- ; through highways after the driver itoe intersecting highway has.cnrnpEet ied his. stop. >0 the driver on toe thro :; highway should exercise every pre caution, although it would be a - matter laf courtesy- zq pernto busses, heavily ' IacEem trucks of several cars follow- ^hurch are invited mg each other, to pass Before, entering -tourch -m 1 tie t&roaft .Eishirar. BM^e-er. it .Edith Clark of Teeswater'a'trtmnS is- not wise' toc argue with the MiMi|■MH ton to toe left at the expense if a ' ;crash. Renretftoer, the -other fellow may not see you or ntay be .a ver;-' 'fopfoh driver to take no chances. i Highway? 'designated, is through :roads require - the veh?,de entering ‘,VUUJU'w.a''lu®' ™ ■ to =OTe B-a ' I'betare so datog.' not only, at intete ' ’ . . . . I'secttans But at all -laneways,-or en- ttrSphes-thereto. Watoh for.. pe-ple who’ 'igitetes red Mighte, at' interstoti ,niA lWl. LA&sk, when- ittittog 51S. through high, and 5rr'}' Thntoias of. Hefenfg |ways where Jeu have toe rignt-pf- 3nri 5trs- Charlie Coo^'-and • way, U gi& toe fcafcout for people who °X Lncknowfe visited on Sim- • ' sr© net oservtog toe stop signs. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. James McEnnes. and family visited on Sunday, with Mr, and Mrs. George Harkness of Lang- •’ side. , ■ ■_ ’ Miss Myers is visiting her' sister Mrs.. Rhys. P’oHock. Mrs, Caution and Miss Mary Cau tion are. visiting the- fornleifo daugfc- . .ter Mrs, George McKague of Tees- wafer. •■ r The Sacrament of the Lortffe sup-' Per ^e held in the Pres byterfani tourch at n a.m. next'.Sunday, Preparatory service .wilT be held on Friday evening at 8 p.m. |( ^The W. M. S. of the Pheshyterfarr ,..vlund to the Urritedj ^y' Fttoayjjvening to hear Miks missionary. #r. and Mrs., Harry - McCloskey of ’ Guelph visited his uriefe Mr. David Kennedy- and other relatives East" .■week' - .t^r’ an^ ^r=- Andy Me Edward’s of day . with Mrs. DayiA Gillies.