HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-08, Page 3. ’-F W™3^"T ■ •" 11 ^S'V . ’-i' < ‘s, N^iMnsiits wiceMK'W^WRai^^ UNDAY J * THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1936 THE SPOKEN AND THE WRIT TEN a WORD—Acts 17:1 15; 1 Thes­ sa! ons 2:112. Printed Text, Acts; 17:1, 5-11; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12. Golden Text—The word pi, God is living and active, hnd sharper than any, two-'edged sword; Hebrews. 4:.12.- Hr ■ . *1 ■ b ' ■ The plan of the Lesson ’ .Subject: 'The Powe'i} of fee Word ■ of God .When Preached, fee Right Approach to Its Earnest. Coissidera- tidn. • • '. “ T, Now- when they had passed -■' through Amphipolis and ApoKonia. .. 1 Ampa-pol-s , was. , about thirty-three- iniies from'"fee-.-city--of- Philippi, and ' 'Apoilonia was about thirty ■ miles . farther.. at» *1?^ fryfi. , as well as fee next one mehuoned, were 211 on’ the famous road called the ■ 'Via Egnatia,' which extended for a distance of over ..five hundred miles, from fee Hellescont to Dyrrachlnm. ■/ “It was' really' the contihuataon through Macedonia of fee Via Ap pia (see Acts 28:16) and it might be tmlj said that ^wfeen St., Paul was on the Roman road from Troas to Philippi he was on a road which led to the gates of Rome.” They came 'to Thessalpmca, where was’a.syna~ - gogue of'the Jews. Thessalonica was ■ the- largest and the most populous z- city in Macedonia. ■ . ■ . 5. -But the Jews being moved wife, jealousy. "When the Jews saw pros­ elytes and dentiles, and many |af fee .. leading women of the city, convinced • ' ' by St- Paul’s teaching, they must have felt feat his. influence'. whs _. , silently, undermining theirs. Took un­ to than certain vife* fellows of fee rabble. The word here translated . “xi-t-ble” is from a word meanin marketplace,” and .hence, ■ “InUirtgers' in fee rnhrketplaeer’ And gathering a crowd, set fee 'city on 2n uprhar. .., The unfairness and deliberate base-. nest1 -I? -these Jews’ is revealed hae. They went out and brought together a great mob, which, of course, could not be controlled, by . reason, but were driven on to do outrageous things, under fee power of mysterious- mob -psychology. And assaulthig j tha house of Jason, they sought to - bring them forth to fee people. Of this man Jr further from records; he ’may or may not be fee om by fee same name ’referred to by ths» apostle Paul in Romans 16^L 6. And when they, found them out, they dragged Jason ant' certain of the fason, we know nothing m the New testament i .2. S t;• > /C r ■ Ifc. ■ brethren before fee rul city. The' vord here . “rulers” is . the Greek w arches, a word that occurs in -no other place in fee New Testament and in no .Greek classical writer. The remarkable accuracy of the author of Acts is again' shown in his use of tins very word, for in this very city of. Thessalonica, an in­ scription on an .arch ._spamiing a .street of fee city has., been -preserved . an arch which is ■ assigned. to • fee 'tnhe. of Vespasian, on which thi.-= very word is to be found. 'The inscrip­ tion itself was placed . by fee x,. itjsh council 'ia 1876 and is >u me 'British Museum -in' London. Crying, ■ ‘These feat have turned fee world- upside down are cone hither ‘2lso. 1 What -a- .magnificent tribute to fee- ■ power ‘ of fee ’ Christian faith within o generation »f fee- ascension of bur Lord! . 7'. Whom Jason ham received: and ' these all. act contrary to fee decrees of Caesar.' “This- may here refer to fee successive decrees g: the Emper­ ors 'against treason.” Saying that there is another king?‘on. Jesus.. This was- the charge, the political charge ■ of hgh treason, brought against fee ■Lord himself by fee Jews (Luke 23:2: John 19:12. 151. ' S. And they troubled fee mthtkude and fee rulers df fee city, when they heard these things. 9. And'-.when they had taken security from Jason' and fee rest, 'they let them . go. “The' “charge'. brought ' against Paul’' -was . subtly, conceived and 'most .-^a-nger- > "- bus " .-'••■ 1 ' And fee ortferen- immediately • sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Beroea: who when they,f were , come. thither went into • fee syna­ gogue of fee Jews. .Berbea was about forty miles from Thessalcmica. IL Now these'were mere fetsoSe than . those ir. Tkessalonica. The' word 'here ' translated “noble** ■ is used ■ elsewhere ?by th? ap-xte Paul; in speaking of men nob’-e bom M Cot. l:'2n) It i.- the word ■ from which derived ‘Luke 19:I2>. .Why .hey were More. no’.-.> t the • is -about to tell us. .fes* they ."■“‘ive? rife rt’h i of ninH., 2«: H 2 Coi Eva min ~g “ . whether' these handicraft, which he, had undoubtedly been trained in when a young man before his conversion, fee making of haircloth tents, which are still in constant use in fee Levant (see Acts 12-4; 20:34). , 10. Ye are witnesses, and God also, bow holily ahd righteously and uablamably we behaved ourselves to- -ward you . that believe. The ■ word ..-~holiiy” has reference primarily to one’s relationship to God, and the word’ “righteously”" to ©fee’s honest relationship to men; while fee word •tahblamably,” of course, means that the <ii sciples were so 'undeniably living godly and upright lives '.sat no one-could honestly j ace any just criticism against them. - 11. As. ye know how we dealt with each cne of you, as a father w:tt his ewn- children, exhoning ydu, and en- ' eouraging you, and testifying. *’Ex? hortihg” is the genera! term fcr ani­ mating address; ~ “eneoun ging is fee calm and consoling side of <x- Farm Problems , ' . ■' -'• ;...-■ CsMB^EKteS • fay ' . ■ PROFESSOR HENRY G. HELL V wife the co-cpsratsDEs ©f,' fee varsoos. >1^.. ' OBtasio AgziEa&Gaas! College. - > • ’ aid other zninsals are pictured cradhsg land cm Maynard Rasch in Ho Woman Learns Of Mills of Justice ___— ■ II Took Her Five Years To Get . Vindication On Speed-'• '. ing Gaunt. . SANTA -ANA, Calif.— Mrs. "Edna Pj^ferT. ©f- ©owney, Calif. ■ fess SeanB- ed anew feat fefe of ypstce grind slowly. . - It repaired Sve ■ years for Mrs. y.^-^vp-y 'i.g . ©btain legal vindscatfon on a charge ©f driving an .^LlBi©3E©hbte, E^ore feaws a© ^sidles an • tour, and while her ease 'was ‘pending, fee stale .legislafere efiange-c' fee s®a®d -'Lsmt to 45 miles an' fcosjg t ■ Not only feat, ■ but ' daring' . feg •■ timp fee ' Kras awaiting dispbsi- uxkb fee as^eS-’te o&urt jhas .feeM tSaat -Ca'^<-yv»> s slaitEfery. speed Izmit bs ne* binding. ' • •'•.••■ Mrs-.' Fefe-aiL was .arrested . after , an oSrer ■ pursued- Ifen at '58 ' , I an; heur. She/was tried' before Jgs- ... t'ee of fee Eennefe' Morfessn.. here,- . was senteioced t© • ®ve days,. 'in- jail, rbree of whife ..fee seswed “ j before she ■ was released under habeas corpus. ' ' ' - age appealed ifee- senfenge, cfass ged - '--Jfetj - ^5 ■ Jsrdsasictiien- — Azdd Production Lower In A? r business naes,. vv&tfkess. fa-jEaens, persons ©f-sul «casfe ,03 Life feu' 23 . 'Stales. ' ' ' 1 ■ ""One ©5 the SJ&ThgS’ *bi3 s_s 'sac tkniariy •sErsdk me ma’ e-es-y' rsiy 33wS sowfe 11 bare rssStseC -. «.»e MasichM®css '.said, ~%e= tees 'v.;± latent hiEua s&ipesi .’ wealfe. xnsa' &s in the yoafe ®f fee c®fiwry.~ ' •She . -also- eo-snrnfesxetu ., aptn fee .* SpoeaaSd - .Mscay feg.. ]p=»<p?-a have 'spent ifee-ir xpoiiey fe' enrica feesr xsties and Stales." ' ,' . 'Lady. Reading sainssi' fees t&jr koss- pr^^mxr.ed by fee aov’e -of .her late hus-Seni. fee; Maroaess -,-g for fee United .States, . Observe Gnsiam’s ’Teaiar^ramcisii. “It -zs c - :e '-'ferfe eiariaia- ••‘fet x mat ran be ®w®e aand ~r:At r r-j :S.-~ ' cud/'ho-me. 'vex a r.ti.’ thxt '*«’« s .cfZv st fesati.'* W.ghcr: gzdxg fet.o fee 'jgyferMg- .-ra? reasrfs :»fefec it. Marsh saaS . diiVCSg sdstrftfeals? ' •“ferFSF-Zrdi &£ . wae