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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-01, Page 8
{OCTOBER JST, $986 -/ HAW R1TW) ■ i ■ ■ i ,J Alberta, \was m visitor (last week with land, real iher Kl 4 .t ’ Each isaueidmiiig the-soampeiiiiiiin thins coaupan, when nneal’h «ant iuut aaaid mailed nor Ibnuiighl!(tottbe'®lnl)®eddqttiir±er6,.rtvi?ll<euunt . Sior tifihe ipereanwfoHHennmne ^appears fehdve. DIGGER AND iikBT tER THAN EE^EE »»HGADSoa barley, twentypigs, three sfeves,am! • mndetpmiTned mnniber off poultry mud, i some machinery, was placed rat aa ■ ffigrrr-p :over the >$2^000 mark. -Uhesley Enterprise. McKenzie aff JSpley (corifluet^^ jflm nnaanuJatjfcttiers have lengthened , ■ (ceremony in Jhe presence ;(ff mxty gnosis, ' ’wn“* 'cfi< The bride, gjiven an paanaage 3jy iHramairfmju OCT. S and 9 / ' ■ / • ‘ •’ ■ EEROGBAM 'GETS.(UNlablRWAY AT11 Aft'iTClmice iSDME’BHJNG iDDFNG EEY3ERY 'iMlNUTE ' mg. The (reflectaoii was moticeable’ jhere... . ■ I Estimated doss, which iindhided Jhe "ToxiSh' istmctiire, sixfer Jons icff hay, J 1!. J (viiilpirit meport. (out bis tweu^Mwo ico.ws to (safety., but the nfeves mnd fegs ^returned to- the feaming flirim fefter being rrihanefl feat, (and were burned to Seafih. jjeard’ Jash-—Senior-—-Dorofhy EIRE EltEVENHEION WEEK Graham, Anna Euflayaon, Maiy Me-1 -----—-----;----;— — Kirn.. Juniors—Helen MacDonald, Bessie Stewart, Margaret Salkeld. {Running fefeh — Seniors—Hilda i; (i “BHB” MacKenzie., man iof Mr. aand Mrs. WUim. MadKenzie,, (ileft liast ’week 2 ft z I - ievis is used in connection with ,/ of JW < Jqyut, {Harold ’Thompson, Dong. Clarke. Junior—Jack Cook, John K.{ MacKenzie, Boss MacDonald. H dinn *"-^y _ -— eronn .. . Bunhing Jjroad jump—Senior— (George .Joynt, Harold Thompson, Wm. {Jewitt. Junior—jack Cook, .John H. Waegenvie, dffiord McNall. ft reaseR 3 (vdlved. STUDENTS SOCAGE ANNUAL SPORTS DAY TUESDAY XCoatinuedfromFage 1?) j Helen MacDonald was high Junior ■OBaSIJEY EACTORIES 3BEKJT . ■ '■• ; * •'■ The (general improvement in Jhp* {furniture industry ds quite moiieealifei in* ©hesley whore (condiiauns in iall{ Jhr.ee factories . were mever better! | ^spending Jhis weak din Jfetrmt. { o . '• : •-• LOtM.^ Mrs. Dr. 7SK. W. Johnston las fedte ung in Taranto, Mr. mud Mrs. T.W. Hunfh fete; %•J.I !! WE NW DESIGN IN , • ' CAMMUNITY PLATE WE ARE OFFERING , •■■A SMALL ■... .■;■ Server J®r 25c LEGULARLY ILlCED :$l^a compote in ttto tator-eehud! tmeot So SHfe ,O^X“re {Ripley, Commencing At H -ann. Luck- n TnatmxreT TRx*v <r W Jhe last vonr monmis aff J.936 mre ^wrnhaKkr 3^ltz’ Distowel. Jtev. L. A. -to ie ihjjgy iin Jown rnsijiow, Eipley Teeswater amd probably 3Bpfey (conducted ’ Jhe Ttverion &chodls will (compete ior Jhe rup, wop both past iyears by Lucknow. Ufcy winning the. acup Jbosj year, at would become Jhe penman-!’ iafcheC w lovely W m white Oufeqy Chair Go., mid the Ghe^ -mrt property of the Lucknow school tRgf|n ;bridal She if” Winners were ms (follows: - * BOYS’ EVENTS - - ' jfey MaraTaeturing Go., aremow work-. teamed ia bouquet aff wibite apse Ms. , Ifer (sister, IKEHs Margaret Uam^phdll, avag.w ^snaln umfl longer ’working 100 yard (dash—Senior—George was (bridesmaid, apfl wore ja ptek isa-, Sn egect;d)he semi-monibly pay (tin gown, with Julie, tanfl itaAiedpink- jgjntg ^substantial, land ; ^pse buds. Mr. is xjuite .evident tlmt more ajmmey.1 { brother’s groomsman. The (circulation docaByJhain khir-i Yard/Dash—Senior—George! jmarph was played by Miss Margaret ^he (quiet ^summer months., Joynt, Harold Thompson, Donald Mc4 Askin, and Jhe (soloist was 5Rev. L.S.t ' - - - - - I Nott of Bervie, who =sang ^BecaHBe’L ■j 1 wore blue (organdy. i MraWtetri” BY ,A. M. NTCHOLgiON Jme HinBe wunfe same ®b ms- vhjngg ctmtinng Jo (replace meh iinj _ Jhe ferge (industrial (centres. Through Jhe Hciiulness sff Martin Mclnnes, m» ald school mate, ! ®ew Yhrk Central bhoi» iin Detroit. He fe Jorenian off Jhe giflant Ahop. Whm Jw^wpTit Jn'DetrditTff teen ~yeafs a®FO,:«H Jhe feat mns wane, painted ^rath snnaH Ban&^pW ®ms. {Now a ’ififinEty =gE0hm jeviE^, Jhe jnmhlfen, ', ^M^^asdmwssllmowhatadHml, ito whieh(a spray operated Ugr croup- pTpwien air 3®. (Uttacneo, mies ttne work m itwen^ mmutes wifieh i3to- ■ (0u*rly rpquirpfl u mUtn Jskd buffiffl. ■ ~At Jhe ±Evans Dock” aighiy men ,«ere busy meaning ^Ev*n Baeks” i>n mritnninlffjp bnr These JneA- mriirttl dfences -smalm Jt JWSBffile JoT; 3taur automdfiiles Jo be Hoaxed mi Jwen^r minutes as compared with anxj bnum jtn feafl, anB eight, rtn -pnlnafl as{ webO as some fgoud feonher wastedas ■was Jhe case a JEew yeara w>. Other <cm® -are 3^pnpj®fl Jo haul1 axtea and Jransunamm parte Dann HuJory Jo assenibly plant without; any baling. Th*w> mmple innentions- Sane meant That Jhbnsands <tff men{ Tnnwrly gmplqypd {fn Hip auLomribilp; and femhermg business are mow mrt :gJ";~'3^'iI^^aa7"E^md wn^anotho^om Junior-Doss MacDonald, jfevice b used on (connectum With p —-r Joaffipg FJymoufh (engine. {Narrow ; igage. Jraeks are ^fetenemd Jo ,O» (roof bf Jhe bara wlueh connect with, a munhsr Jrack m t&e plant. The m^iues mow xffi (conveyed right mto being uEated. The oxrat iff iMbdingmow; is 3&D0 per bar as computed witL .Jlie old price of ?100. When men, vifiho’ have been (doing highly (speeidlizea wade fend Jhat a machine, am Jo J&ejr work bheaper, Jhey fend Jhem- > selves out iff work and it extremely ________ , > Aiffieult -tri spcttfp -annther job if Jfiey? Lane, J^oroHiy Graham, Mmy Mac- . are peer ihirtyfeve; Jf Jhe state must Kim. Juniors—Margaret Salkeld, jeare lor these men who are cast aside by industry, must hot Jhe (State insist on having -the (assets as well____, _ _______________ as the liabilities in connection with Kim. Junior— Helen MacDonald', the industries. Bessie Stewart, Ellen Andrew. KinmiiL^^ar^Jai&A^kr = MdNaH, Boss MacDonald. ........ J The bndels Jwo^ Tittle ■flower igffiEj A4D<jmjd dash-^Senior—Hugh Mc-i wore blue lo^andy. j Grostie, Harold Thompson, Wim. Jew-! A wedding (dinner was served iaj att. Juriior-jlaek iBook, Cliffm-a Me- six b’elock, Miss Agnes Maephail be- Hanr {Ross MacDonald. " W mie aff Jhe quests. Mr. mnfl Mrs. stanah® Bub, stop (jump- lea mi m jto ■Wzmdio ami ifipriinr—;Rporge Joynt, Doug. Clarke, {Niagara. They will ^reside «at ‘Kirk- . Hwrrila Thompson. Jrnnnt-Jank Gnrik fend Lake. "" i -L Jefan JG MacKercfe, Bob {Mclntekh. Ma^DNAED—SH^DLS j ■'SIMP—WjHIML . cJ^Wl££fp .HJuBHr-1, bld Thompson. Junior—jack Uook, < John 3K. MaeKenzie, {{Ross MeDanald. Funning bigh jump—Senior—Jack Lmth, George Jpynt, Jack McDonatlfl. - . • Il Mr. Ewart Taylor Hhas ^purchased Mr. Josepb MallQUghlB FordGoach. !; Mr. James JKidbie “ifeas been with Jamfece idnifeg the TasiweaL j ing aa jbvoralfele (’recovery tifuoin m tfej? cent iHness. ■ ' ” • il Sacrament wall he fednmiistered: J in the TLnbigd Ghnrah this Bunday; f imorbing, Dctoher Abb. J f Mass Yiola HKew uff i ; {Lucknow idffiee, -Rpent jfet week ahoa-! ■ > ;daying aat her feume iat Eden iGuoiffi. {Misses Blsihuel DougiaB oafe jean MeKEllan, Bfcraffrirfli MormOl aUfeebte fspent week-eiffl fet their ” ' »* tgjmyv •wnFlltl‘BTKK tliUUik. irnst? ■LB--*IIC ■ tJz£>.£2k.«uir .rrsluiii.mi-ucj saxaosj' J/luw iui -prowr JJhited (Church -rmanse, lEeeently JjOflD bushels tof mheat, mats mxffl { when Emin Hohena, (daughter off Mr. Robert ShieUs jand 4he Hate Mrs. ; Shiells iff Amberley was minted an’ marriage ito George A. MacDonald, ‘tenior-Jack Co“k’ ^ohn ;jK“' mm offMr. mndMrs. ^xMacD®nalfl,j . Mr. fefe Mrs. Eeagan mnd their ®en5a^> Gerald (Culbert. . • i second 'concession off Huron. j {five children were in the ham ifiming ♦Role Wiaiilt Senior {Sack sSUac-. The icauffe were (attended by Miss'; the milkinK off the icows, when they {Donald, {Harold Greer, Drland Hat- and (Mt Murray MaeDbnaldJ lheate m Hand tsizzling mdisg, font mo tsiater fgnii brother inT rfche (groom. The violent veport. ibride Honked lovely hija midh, white;'. Mr. HEeagan fsncceeded in afaiving (transparent velvet igowsn, wdfih Mack (accessories. The (ceremony wcas 3>eF- zz-----■... fformed fer Bev. J. ©. Wehdlson,pas- Standee Sofefe-^- idt wMeh jflto aw»rtaing party' llefLffor dhe British. Phrehgngo Hotel, Goderieh, wehere m* tweddhig idinaer was -Hewed, ’ The (groom^s jgrft Jo Jhe (bride was -a {feather paekaway; Jo Jhe ibrides- unaMxa mmmc <ease and Jo Jhe Shest man ia«mlver watch. ] Later the vnuple left Tar sa matoati George Joynt;, Doug. Giarke, Jack Lmtlh. Juffiar—Jack Eodk, John 3£. MacKenzie, Bnb iScIntash. Hliot Eut—Senior—George Joynt,’ Jack Tfeteher, Gordon Miller. Bel^r—lSeriinr—{(Hjardlfl Thomp son,Jack Fletcher, Don. MeKmnon, Hugh MeErosfrel, ((George Jxsyut, Ezgunond (Richards!, Gordon 3ffiHer, Aylmer Aatehisoni). Junior—-(Jack' Godk, Hunan {Solomon, Lae McNaB,- Jinuiferrah),, <TJdhn 3L McKemfieJ Bobb MacDonald, Dtntefid {Enflaysim,; Bob {MELntaHh). ~. 1 Baseball Jhrow, ppen—Gordon MBL? der, Bob McKenzie, Doug. Gfefke. [ Bicycle Lamp—‘Reriiar—Drlaitd Eat- losieapafihy. Double and triple wotes care mffered'. ton icertain imjicles liby 'Gobd^Wiill liPflitb i merchants tfiis week. SBfed the (items > listed iin the Gibb fed. Mr. Alex MaeEfemud Teinmned' ilast (Week Hrnntumotor tiapthnorffiih ! ihe Western iStiites, ^eiuruing sbyErsal ibywayidfUanada. ’ Mr. james Htenthers, HS11 mnd {Russell Tamil Miss Mgfjnrip ^MaeElut-- feeon «ff Acton, (spent the week-end { fet the home fef Mrs. HR. SSfcBiitheitH. > , ■ i, Mr. mnd Mrs; Afex .Johnston feff ((‘Ihicago twere Tvecert wsmtora -xtvifli Mr. land Mrs. 'Dan Wiyids. Mrs. John- * { ston land Mrs. Wylds mre festers. ' rn- -r ™ ‘ Mr. land {Mrs. Frank Etfe ahsve keb^, I turned Jhmnm fex weelte’ maaffeg ■ trip., iflnring wthririh they femterl tflw» ■ Joint idisirict mfe aatterifled 'tfie Lnn- iflbn Fair. Mrs. .;<Dri)) HR. L.TreleavenwasdSP- pwmtefl (Convener uff ■rfthn cenniiriittee ion -lefineatinn mt the Friday session! in WaaEton fe the Wirimerds Umafliinte I icauyentaon jiff the mmaaffEBrnce. { Mr.!iqnd {Mrs. Edhert Fuss iilettvyes-- ieteayJortheHriflira^feiStrict,where Mr. jRobs thqpes to fend .mujflifeimni^ ! land iin which (case stfey wall nuudtej their home an the 5Norih. j| Mr. fend Mrs. Thos. Hteouat ^sf ! Eocbester, 3S3L, iare fefetdrs with the Jomnerts fester, Mrs, "3B. (Ehemmt. They were mccmnpamed ’fey Masd WBlena Ehesnut, who had ibeen femt- TTffg Un ■trbfinnpREPr- Bonus votes ion (payment uff fed taccaunis ^brought GnriflvWBll (mer chants m total fe igppraxiinately $8001(10 ion Ehd^ iandHatarday wroth' rcuntestaiits foenefitEing mccaEfimgly. , An immense jnffiF ihall, weighiiig • mine pounds was (recently feiscoverecT by Mr. D. G*. McMonam, feetteuing iby half fe {pound the ume recently found in FanlOHs hy Mr. George■■[fe-< ; wan.' ' ■, i Miss Eranees Eiflflal fe Tornnto, motored to the feHqge the mid wif the week, laccompanied ’iby {Mrs. Fun dee {Newton. Mrs. G. A. Fifehl, who (has )been wifemg here,ar€tunned wdfih U.rJuIlCIll, u ‘ ' 1 . ♦ The Lucknow Eipe Band (has. mu gagemenis Lor both Duqgaimnn uud Haisley Tairs. At the fetter fetir, Messrs. uD. G. Mcffiorisni ^and Gam- reran Geddes wfelfessittt in the ieven- ing tenteriainmeiit. “ Mr. mid Mrs. Hscqc Torrance mnd. nluldren, Beter mnd June uffN orthBay vjsiied the und idf the wedk with 'has . raged another, Mrs. Beter Torrance, who was (quite all, ihut who was reon- siderubly improved the feral fe the week. Attended Wfefeng Mr. umd Mrs., James 'Baker fe Hdlyrodd, (attended the Efetz-Caiuii- rhdll wedding mt. the home i©f Mr. mud Mrs. 15. S. Gimqpbfflt Lakeside ■Farm rat 3Cinioss, Hast "Wednesday .fef- fernoon mt {ifuur id’feoek. Mrs.’ J. ML Murray feaB-jgune to Toronto to care Sor her muni; Mrs. John MacDonald, while iher (daughter Catherine is ’visiting fefefivea in the ■'SVIest. Mrs. MacDonald is-past the mnejy year mark umd iis wdHJonowh in Ashfield where tfib^aformei3y dived, Mr. Gordon Thompson mud his friend Bob Ban riff HReghfe, deft tor the West inn Wednesday^ ‘By thetime they complete their - journey, they ano eeisee w®eees efxkb ■ ■ ’ 5Wa^(OF(LW . WIWFOT0’’ I'l'laf■■IMw.mOir drYI tfttet Ifbeawy -fe'linfr—trelieveH triyisuesKiia. IHf . , , _ ■ . . _.'_ • _• , y{HM14rBT€<rfii£’k'Hid £ttofc*£n.i,, f tffeia wwrnriffeittfiil TaaiID<Wa®ATWSas£ir satmnaBhiiiJmider'ctixhiy. ^SHK®NCE^U1 ■ 13EIMJ ■HEHSS.W atsIlD ■ . . ttthmjsnifls.-^ctidllifengHataisa.J I • GASIIROMOK ■ . ... ■ ' fGN {SAI5E ■ AT —- .WjBKJMS Bmw rfSWIEE ■ ' itarer me cu^m mua, .Tg. McLean isma trip Jo the United States, Jhe fernfe. . sRj«<avMi : wearing a mauve (shear Jrock, tweed! I wasMjUE ja and Mrs. B. Slessor fspent Sunday J '^iare MsiitaE xm Aesnmmg; . Mfe, MrX ®SHa*r fem. & * 'aarm. ^ana Doneentnon. J «ni^ W L?‘ ■ -n, „ ,,^^-1' ■ i past mx mnnfihs-wsfeb her (daughter -flu, nrift 5Ka^ <3Kemttan.-3 Masses Edna bud May SBqyfe an-! 1 ® il. ji.uir ’ T®waar tertained a nnnnher aff Jiiends ion mtaaaay iitamuan, fe.Mdfe . j __ , • nl TUilU.1 ‘ffions ■shfwsCT an ;ihimar «ff (Mass ©hrra an ^mt ag Johfetan^ 3tete iHaffltanalfl,. itaafle ata*. The Ifeang 3,8 ' ’ J8. 'Tas, artLf xolHn agas )±aste£i£lly dleeoErted -fflie m ardte «a®me 1*® •nanfea amt an---------------------• — ,/Eanfe^e ■Mora wae W a sdjo was TOD yard feash—Seriiar—Dorothy tstetes Jhab Jhe setamnent al :sndh Malcahn. 3Read- WU& jiarEtes m-i ^ngg g^y Misses Anne GfewdU, Hazel ! ...................... ................. 1 OUTdfflgB 4EH TD 7HHM : Appraxhaately Due Lafe Js Sacrificed Anii '$110-000 Warth i]0ff FroM&y Destroy^ By Eire Each D»j43n’ Gauda ' ' J Un Canada sand the Hinted Etalfes; . LL7 i , -ra, . the week «ff Dctdber -Jth to Tftfiitas| Misses Margaret Malcolm ;and Edna feeing (observed ‘ms Eire Treveniian Boyle played (several piano (duets. Week. The Dominion Eire JEhseveiFj tion Association m :co-operacion with Erovihcial Eire Marshals, local Eire Ciriefs jand (others ere eo-eperafcingi wfeh emc (orgmuzatidfis in the Tur- theranee ;cff the .jams uff Eire Ere- weution. About J50 peupfe ere (burned to (death end i& much larger mnnber (are injured by Arp in Ganado ®very year. The (recorded loss tof preperty by fete in Canada (during the Jo years, L921. to 1935 exceeded !$630.-000b00. Tn other words, iat our present burning -rate, upproxiinately .-one fepnah life is (sacrificed mnd WOjOOO worth icf property is destroyed hvery fey m the year. Fire is mo respecter «ff* persons. Every man has i& Tcespohsibility to-. warda frfa oieijjhbors rand that resnon- sibility should cause severy tight- tbinking person to pause mad tcon- sider What fee owes the xmifeinffty sin which fee Jives. We^owe ot to bur- selves but in a (greater idegreb to «ntr {fellow-citizens to permit feo emdi- tioif to -exist upon ouy ptemiBeS that will invite a visitation iiff fere. A great majority riff feres are so /easy to prevent that it is certainly a moral crime to tolerate the things which bring them tibout. Cities and towns, Hike individuals, teap what they «ow. To permit the erection tiff fere-traps, to Jhil to 3>ro- l vide san abundant and -reliable -water supply and feeans of using it tor to fail id apply the ^everyday "rules tdf fere prevention; is to constantly 3»ce ,a menace of heavy {fires .and -sweejung conagrations. ■ « ' Why tolerate a condition which mot ' only levies tribute upon life and {P^o- Cora was the winning- name on & ‘petty but in -effect imposes an added card sold by Mrs. Jack Garniss. The ;.cogt to the conduct of every {feature • 1 of business activity and mereases T. . , - _ .. 111 the burden of the people in providing of Wuigham, who has her choice the necessitaties <ff life. <ff a blanket, bedspread or silver- We cannot afford to go on and be ware Mrs. Garniss had the publisher ’hdifferent io it ail. Fire Prevention ______ _ _________ __ _____ ____ , _ break the seal to reveal the lucky his ^anfearents, Mr. -and Thompson *ff Jown arid Andrew »»-e. :_______ ,OE ata.j®>e»T. W^fe=r. Mwnw* .« afewnmnuille. Pae McNall, {Bob Mcfntash. j THifff ^lle-mpmiinr——Hngh MeTTrns-; lie, Harrild Greer, {{Raymond Sidiards.j | ' . GIRIS’ EVENTS " ' J ifhe compartment, {in tfhe acar huthout nraiham, Hilda Tiane, Anna {Enflayson. being ersted, The ceogt aff J<MUii»»g wy| Junfor—Helen MacDonald, Ellen An drew, Margaret fSalkeld. i Helen MacDonald, Louise Greer.. Running JBroad r»—■ Senior—.{Hilda Lane, Dorothy Gr^iam, Mary Mc- {Bessie Stewart, Ellen Andrew. Standing Broad-Senior—Dorothy Graham, Anna ■Finlayson, Mary Mc- {Kim. .Junior—-Bessie Stewart, Marg aret Salkeld, Louise Greer. Standing hop, step and jump—Sen ior—Mary McKhn, Anna (Finlayson r Jean Culbert. Junior—-Margaret ' Sal keld, Helen MacDonald, Bessie Stew art. ’ ' ; ' Basketball -throw—Seniors—Hilda Lane, Dorothy Graham, Mary McKim. Egg -race—Seniors—Dorothy- Gra ham, Annie if. Corrigan, Etta Belle MadDonhld. Junior—{Louise Greer, Evelyn Taylor. ; ■Relay Pace — (Dorothy Graham, Hilda Lane, Anita Finlayson, Mary McEim),. (Helen MacDonald, Mar garet Salkeld, Etta Belle MacDonald, Jean Culbert), (Louise Greer, Bessie Stewart, Gladys Penrose, Elva "Twam ley). Bicycle race — Anite Finlayson, Helen MacDonald, Dorothy Graham Bargains in Sweater Goats, Mac- ddnaws -and Windbreakers — TH-E* MAEfcET STORE - CHURCH {FRshyterian GuiltT^ Presbyterian Young {People-s So ciety meeting opened On Monday evening by singing hymn 7L The eeripture was read by Marion John stone and the Lord’s prayey Tepeated jn unison. Hymn-254 was snug. Grace McPherson gave a reading, {followed by a solo by Mrs; P. Steward. It was decided to^invite the' teachers rand pupils of the high school to a social on Monday. Hymn 671 and- the Miz pah heftediction cWsad the meeting. United Church Y. P. S. The teacher? and pupils iff the High Schoo were the guests of th< Y. P. S. on Monday • evening when : Social evading was. held. Followim the opening eKt*”-'Hes’ the meetinj vzas addressed i>\ lit^ S. T. Tucke and the {Tiptu’e passage was "Teai by Doris Bit',hie. An interesting pro | gram consisted of violin selection! Jby Dr. Little; sqio by Mrs. Fisher; piano instrumental by Mte. N. Wil son and a reading by Miss Eva Greer. Contests were conducted by winner was Mrs. James {Robertson Mt. MacIntyre following which lunch was served. ' • r.........— -■■ • New lines of Hosiery,1 Gloves und Mitts at THE MARKET ■STORE. Miss Watson and Mr. Allan aff Seaforth, accompanied by Misses Dorothy and Evelyn {McDougall, visited on Sunday mt "the home Mrs. John McDougall, 2nd can. Won Prize •„ • Ber?y mnd {-Kathleen Graham, {proved (quite ihnmnrnnR. TMjiss WncDmidTfl (then ttodk iher {place iheside a weTh {filled basket wshieh ^contained nnany Iheauf^dl mud nraeful Jg5fts. Miss Jean Anderson ^assisted iin [opening hhe I partels, whole Mrs. Arthur Graham ; xead (the iattahhed verses. {Clara * made ta Titting1 ’-reply rafter 'Which { A (dainty Huncheon was -served. ’Mas1- 1 {Nellie Haldoim poured Jea (assisted ; (by Miss Bmherine (Robertson zand ’ {Kathleen Farrell. •' Annual Harvest Thanksgiving ser vices will ibe held on Jhe Amgflican Ghurdh. mext Sunday, October -4th lat 11 jam. mnd X80 pjm, Bev, E, C, McEitchie will have , charge tdf tEhfl morning service land JBev. "W. H. Hartley fdf Fmcardine wall be Jhe -speaker Jor Jhe teveumg. Mrs. Thomas MacDonald, Loch- idlsh, -entertained Jhe ladies nff Jhis community iatja Jrunsseau tea Tuesday (afternoon, nn (honor mf (daughter Clara. BOUNDARY WEST Wedding ibells fere hinging. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bussell anti -sons Clarence sand {Billie ■ of Wfedbau- nhene sand Mrs. McGregor of W;hite- church, were Teccent -visitors With Mr. and Mrs. .Jack {Henderson. Mr. Jim Struthers rand “two son and Miss Marjorie McCutcheon rof Acton were miso -visitors with Mr. land Mrs. Jack 'Henderson. Mr. mnd ..Mrs, Jim tKetchabav land tbabe mnd Mrs. A. Ketchabaw, -visited with {friends an Gait. Mr. H. Wolfe (accompanied -them rand visited with {friends on Waterloo. Mr. sand Mrs. {Robert G. IReid, Mis ses Lucirid sand Maggie Heid sand Mrs. Ed. Merner >of Bayfield spent .‘Sunday with their sister,” Mrs..James T. Web- ster. ’ Murray McNuin as ;at present visit- A ’CLEAN, MUMWOES J-ACT ’PLAY ENlTrDED ■ asiHi smur { W ITHE, 'ANIHACAN 31SRAT.hATUC -;®W. W -EEMmW an HSitam Ml Bttofe n, MME MT1« JME PU! JAMES LYONS, ‘HEES. ' vMEDVLLliE. CULBSiarr, •SSEtT^rRR.p.As JMr. U. .J. WacDismnid .Of Sxanrnn. . ... . .. _ Hun .feather,'.Mr. .will .have .covered .came IS000 uriiieK, 2Mr. -afecDiamnid wont IWeet .as ,a Vonoesahm 1»R, ■ i .dram® .a Wife: tflttfe eveeKa, ttmp. tSouifc. man wfe» ,he m. .nTOaired mid Country -- ---------- - *........ ‘~ iboaineas. in nfete ,h,. ,no),,,,) ,a,, ilul. ; -of xaduanmug ’years, ihe as .quite me- mda.uind ,he. thorn,a12 "tivc mild irravpls >n rp-rnnt <de..> i t............ { (il»Sttiicfvwas . (spent {three recent w.iniers an "the frpm/Van«onX\ h rbturnh*E'Gid Dounto. " .‘.p1 “2.“ e’' ’™hcre lhe ’Md were sacconipanied by. Mr. D, W. Save mrid [travels m ■great ideal ihaviup a ,bnnnie sftaL o'.-^r* ..ZMtUwii'■'»«* . -femAiTCl V'A^J > ■. 2T.BM1 » . «... " ‘ 1 Thompson of Bewmanville. • Gid {Gauntry<•cd this Hifetar