HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-01, Page 7■>. . ror, 7'- To vtn jasiesv^ wxarxEO into a tfcn MUSHROOM SPAWN <.en- ••It is obvious mat wuue. h --------------- t- '.*•■sible to propagate fish by artificial *j° h,s wife. “Y’cd I6 nn h rr? -.1 ft- -. Il*- I .fi.WAMK address.r i Ain’t .Cheese Sweet I have n S'S' IL • A that I rr.r’t?" rriv. have a cthin2 iund, • ^lbbean.. iiritish. ■ filler- -TAMP a Chines:- Receiving replied the man, closs- wa. establishing ton ’inie-.-nationai Household <irite.es. t^ee. Labor Saving 3 7<) Uueen Lu-si, TORONTO—Hon. -Ian Mackenzie, inister ' 'of national’ defence, ’ in-... n;;lv <n,« in the dr .'.h'F points in yA.VZIBAK—Also tiiidur., tiori Tigerstamps, Togoland, CJ Algerian.. Central Americans. Colonials.’ This Magpicarhcious lion fnee for 5e postage. GRAY. Co.. Dept. PC.,' Toronto. “One dollar.'’ “Me dollar.” I "Janet/ysaid vthe f irmer, .turning a’c it fou r! Is a sad story of suffering, has a happy ending. This was attacked by -severe rheu- Relic. Unearthed by Mine Employe, Includes Sword and Chest Protector ' /< .’1 - •-'’"-.I r-i '<■ LJACx-Ltil Vh. able impru. eU Diterature, sample Devices. Limited, r-'i'oniu. Light Literature Brown: “I want a hc.< home with rue.” . Librarian: “Yes.- light/’ Eroyn.: “It dee/n’i r.i. t- ; :ry car eta tale.” ’ OFVESrTOBSM A.x" • Tn EVEK1’' l.X V E..X T'jil, ' L;«t of’ Warn-?-d. invention:?, arid..full inf'-rinarion s^r.r free. TMi! KAJSSAT Company, World Patent Attorr.*-?273 Bank street. Ottawa Canada, tata-'i weekly made crowing mush rooms for u.-? <-r yrrtir !<->'’;il market Itaterted f-r.muin . write f<.r in format tert' anti free ■ X'erth ■ A<,r;i-a^i Spawn i”<>m- tati’ ',F>ep». (I'n'tar:.’ li't’.’.ii.ng T--r- r’ta . ’ " with an insta.lation of <22 horsepower “There, was a concerted1 shriek fromi :s J'JPI-TfiWK St W. A. DRYDEN .. Rheasnatisin Spread Jfo AO Her Joints Grilled ReEei By Using Ksuscfeea Safe „ •. IL-re but it wrnmn mutism which spread to all her joints-. But Kruschen brought relief as- she , d-e (-tribes below:. •‘I feel it my duty to tell you. how Kruschen Salts brought jna re­ lic f front a severe attack’ of - bheunr at-ism.' E had rheumatism in my legs ..and knees, later spreading to every joint in. my.-body. This lasted over a period of 13 weeks. I was then recommended, to try Kruschen and be­ fore finishing the second bottle I was able -Ln. .perform my normal •.Nv dures.”—.(Mrs;)- I.D. ' . RheumatC. conditions frequent­ ly' due to an, e.xc.e.ss of uric aci<i in t’le body. T\yo .of the ingredfentsjof Kruschen■’.Salts have" the power of dissolving uric aeijl. Other ingred.-. ients *in these. Salts assist Mature to ' expel’ the dissolved uric acid th niigh- the natural channels. since the Syndicat^formefi as a result -has progressed steadily and sanely to- I j wards the goal of at producing mine. Jlie best technical) direction has been engaged^ a capable crew kept steadily •at wqrk, adequate camp buildings er­ ected, stripping and trenching done on ’an extensive scale, holes spotted Jojr I diamond: drilling, soon to commence, antf even the help oT.the Provincial Government secured ir respect to the road-building. ' , j Assays made, by Thos Hayes. &• Son,; Analytical Chemists from Rebair ore gave over 26’’ $25.55 and ovej? 36”" was '$24.50 values. Drilling on the property will soon be under way, Engineer Sic- . CLurtock having /already spotted the holes," jCreniattyn on Farm is Only ' Way to Get Rl j of Disease Surface exploration on the Kent M;ic Donald Red Lake. Gold Mines has located several <pjartz veins, J. L. Ramsell, Ramselk consulting geologist reports. One east-west vein lias been. traced for 2()o feet, with width vary­ ing from a few inches to 2^'feet The gnl’d and: silver values have been en? . countered.-and samples'-firomgthe vein, ■' returned- values, of $6.80, S20.1O and ?23:S0; Tlie ve£n is being prepared for systematic channel sampling. Two of -----,tt)(.i„!:toc!ai.iii-3^are-4ield--U.nder-xiptian.— *• W. W. Mills, mine manager of Mar­ garet Ried Lake Mines in a wire to Toronto Interests reports that dia- ' mo ml drill equipment has arrived at , die property in the Red Lake area and: ■ work in this connection will get under way immediately. A series of holes will be put down to thoroughly probe .the occurrence at depth "and plans for the proposed enlarged " development campaign will be based on the results obtained from this- work. C. W. Green­ hind is the company’s consulting en-, gineer in charge of operations. A third" body- hae been Ideated on. the noitoern section off the property, and shows ff feet off quartz which has been traced for a length of 200 feet. > ■ . - u Shaft sinking at the Kenora proper­ ty of Clark Gold Mines Is continuing to the second Iteve!.' at 2.50 feet, and the shaft Is now down to a depth of 140 ft. Sinking vWll be continued to a depth of 500 feet. Three miles of road lead­ ing intd the property has. been, sur­ veyed By the government and toe company has been placing the road tn shape in nrr&r that they will he atfie to> move iiif additional equipment pnr dhased’ for deeper development as well a~ enlarged power pltait; which gj.-tey <?-prrd up* all opera?ten--. The samples taken in channelling over the whole stope; both walls and along the roof at , Moffatt Hall Mining Cto.. raw SELOI average over 7.3 feet, A - M, Pottor. M.E.. In charge of oper­ ations reporta Crosscutting on the 301 north and also, north on the 55flkfoot feveF has been started where diamond drilling wilt be spotted to' test the stnicDire north and south. Named maiuaglr or ROYAL WINTER FAIR William -A. Dryden, first President- of the Royal. Agricuilhure Winter Fajr, is the unanimous ■ cnoi’'., of the Fajr directorate to fill the managerial Va­ cancy. succeeding t>he late A. P. ''VVestervel-t. ' • Mr.” Dryden, a son o£ the late Hon. John Dryden, former Ontario Minister I of Agriculture, .was born in Brooklin, jont., .and tag been actively, connected ! with Canadian live-stock affairs for ( the past twenty-five years. After hjjs 5 election to tile Presidency of the cmf- ganization fns.1919, he held the posjt ! until 1923* covering the formation ; period and the first . two- Fairs. 1 Measures Taken Also Protect Game. Among the more promising junior prnspectlvegold mines none holds any higher place than Rebafr. ftfebpir Gohl Syndicate’s property ‘les Immediately on to the claims of Elizabeth. Gold Mines. Limited, on which a very fine report mode by Mining Research Cor- porfitlon appeared’ ini our columns Inst 4 week. The "Dome Vein” on Rebair Ifty ' unsuspected by the discoverers and Statlers off the Ellzab'eth anti! one day Eco- W, Rhe chanced upon It. Recog- niztng its vab$ from the outcroppings he said: tn himself. "This is Elizabeth Kfas 2 Iff not Elizabeth Nd. L“ and pro* ceeded to stake and record ft Re was then fortunate enough to find a finan*«^‘ rial backer th X ML Baird, so long as* seriated1 with the MarKenzte-MUnn in­ terests in Western Canada, ami ever Oxford’s First Prize County. Herd, at the Canadian Nafonel - ] a fir-A Exhibition, Toronto, 1936, Headed by the five-ydar-old sire, Hay's Sensation. Oxford County, flolgtein Breeders have won this much coveted group award, annually,, on all but tvvo occasions., since 19*2G.-. •Not more than two animals to be owned by any one exhibitor. In order to keep tj3& form fields ail8‘ rm yards ..and barns f.'fce from con­ tamination, the farmer must be sus- p'teiocs of every death, whether qf wild animal dr dom-stlcated. that hdis^not •'.been diagno.-ed by-a skilled .vet^hd be careful n; t to leave it lying around. Burying th* m. is net*a method that wi-1.. free the. farm, from inflection. ..The'" ; reappearance of these diseases on , ' .ground that has been infected by bury- ' ing dr hauling of the dead body across , ,'l is due to the spores or resist- . 1 ant forms which .retain their vitality !;fdr years', even though their surround-’ jingsi'are unfavorable. Though' buried ’ '1 .deeply” worms and insects take these '' _ ’&ppre$ -to the surface and the oppor- i tupjty is .thus granted..for dissemina­ tion. . ’ ’■ ■■"!- • Every farm should have ah incinera­ tor or pit where sueh dead bodies And the litter and soil which have come in contact with them at death are burned. It should be placed away from the Jealousy n Actor (modestly): “As a matter of fact, I have received letters’-from ladies in almost every 4place in which' I have appeared.” Rival: “Landladies, I presume.” Qualified ? The’ ahimal-traincr had been taken ill and’ his wife reported for duty ip His stead.. “Have you hr.d any experience in -this--4ifl-e-'?-t-:''-a^<<'ti--“thg:,"’prop:r7e'tor'-'-df"" the circus, doubtfully., “Not exactly in .this line,” replied rthe woman"; “but my husband man­ ages the beasts all riq'it. doesn't he?” .. “He certainly does.” " ■ • *’Wq-!l, you ought .’to tee Irow eas­ ily I manage him.” Father. Sa*d No Mere. “Jimmy, I wish you’d learn better table manners; you’re a regular lite tie pig at the table.” Deep silence on Jimmy’s part. So ,father, in order to impress him more, added, “I say, Jimmy, do you know what a pig is?” “Yes, sir,” replied Jimmy meekty, “It’s a hog’s little boy.” Reasonable ' Two Negroes were boasting about the merits and qualifications of their I respective motor cars, both typical worn, shabby, ol<L wrecks. One of them said: “Dey’s jus’ one reason why ah car.’t turn dis heah 1 cab o’ mine twi hundred miles a houah.” . , ‘ “An’ whut’s dat reason?” asked the other. “De distance is ‘ too long fo’ de said the ^TORONTO:—Thirty-three areas of ■ ' . , . , . j * 4. r-hawtness of do time,Ontario's lakes and streams are to be-I set aside for the natural propagation! • of game fish, says the department of 4 games and fisheries bulletifi. ‘ “These closed waters serve as bases of supply either for self-replenishment or for the replenishing of other waters^ or for the purpose of building up a properly balanced relationship among all the organisms in the body of water dosed.” the bulletin says. “In these -restricted areas all fishing is prohibit- j- ed. ft will .be obvious that a closed1 season for several years will not only take care off replenishment but will also conserve the-parent stock.” The closed areas include 15 lakes ' [ A gentleman called fit laundry for his washing, the parcel he noticed some mar}>s on the bundle and^said—"‘My name, T suppose, i n Chinese K “No nSme, Sciiption,” bChinaman. “S^y ’lil.ol’ toyed, no tcct.” f —■ jj A Scotch farmer went ’lists office. v “Hoo much "do yc charge for fill­ in’ te^th?” asked the fariner. • _ _ ’: “Five dollars,” replied 'he <.er. with tributary waters and IS creeks l,sL .' and: rivers. This totakrepresents near-1 j An Ifoo muc.i for poo lin ly twice as many as in the previous,011^ year and is significant of the value . j placed on this method of propogation “It is obvious that while it is pos- methods the question of maintaining • <R‘t- the supply of game presents an entire­ ly different problem,’’ the report con­ tinues. . . “Big game such as deer, mouse, elk ,and caribou must be propagated under natural conditions, and the- best way to accomplish this is to afford them protection in the wilds:” Art informative booHet tfkat every Minmgr investor sfajulB readt • ' 6 ILirntfeft TORONTO Little Giri: “No’-m; jirt a night­ shirt.”. ■' - ■ A Frenchman was relating his ex­ perience in studying the Engli's’i .language. He said: --- “When; -I--£ia?st— ddseo-v^ped—that—if—farn^buReHrigs-so-t-hat-rt-he-&rnoke-wi;H-- L was-quick, I was fast j.that .if I was not become .a niiisanceTand all rub- tied I was fast; if J spent too freely bish that .periodically gathers and bar-, I was fast, and that not^to ea.t was hors disease around the farm, should to fast, I was disCquraged.. But when- be consigned to this place. The_angi; :‘F^~dame"u'aci:bss"""’the'• "sen%e^ alive to the fact of the first one won one one-dollar prize’ I gave up trying to learn the English language. .’ A clergyman abobt to board a■-Tras saw. that■ one of the men getting on had had ‘one over the eight”. Turn-, ing to, the conductor the clergyman . said: “Do you allow*, drunken men on your bus, conductor?” • “WelJ,” was.''the startling reply: “We .don’t as a rule, guv’nor, but just step in- quietly;' “I never saw a man more-interested ■ in his. liaiefis clothes than PitesTdenS Coolidge and the hansomer and more elaborate Mrs. Coolidge’s dresses were the bfettfc. he liked them.” say^JMagy " Band o! pjj, jormerT^ White Jdnuse retary to Mrs. Coolidge jin her chat- ' ty rt fnixi. cences, '"Presidents and .the ' First Ladies ’’ ’^He wa^ond Qf bright colors, fcbnspinmtfs 'o'rhttments, gliter- ing bead’s, Usually careful of expendi­ tures, 'unbelievably economical in *a great manyytvays./life to at-iid ' ' extravagance when it came to*a ques­ tion of Mrs: Coolidge’s clothes. •’ “Bfciieve .it or not, he never wanted her to- wear the same dress" twice to a Stit-e Reception. I have seen him stop beside the.-her where her. gar- : geous . dress for the. evening was laid; .. out, and .hav(e hea^d him say tersely:". “You’ve woriHthat'd.re'sg before. And- l l’ve.-heard? Mrs. CooHdge ..reply: !-• “Yes, of. eouf$efi have, ilttesarye^ , ’ 1 handsoine^res^ and I iike to wear it/' I “But he would have given her d .new and expensive gown for every . State occasion. Nothing was too much and" noi expense too great. This was 1 the one extravagance of an otherwise over-conservative somewfra: mniDit- - k' ■; I Says Canada Has I 43 Million H.P. ■- ’. i Only Hiyht Million pEOifttced, l;e^. D0^yy econoniieaT o . . '. fdt)W6 Ttills, PoWfiT Men . Once. When Mrs: Cooldige was try- ling, on a gorgeous "new dress with a- ■ tremendously iojng f'CtaE’tiraiiV’ for. -"TTranRma” was”"TieTpTrt'g_TF.ggy o'ma k e'-' out a list of the little guests for her birthday party. “How- about the "Mor:oh twins?*’ grandma asked. . ; ■ “Well, there’s no neejd to . ask them both,” Peggy an:-:vered; “they Ve ’zactly alike.” - * I.* There’s one thing about baldness, says ope who should know; it’s neat. i • A corpulent teacher wa?/.givii lesson.fo a class of s-.nll ck.il ire; jjie canary. Teacher: “C.in anybody tell what a canary eon do ' Sharp Bov: “Pteasc. ^th in a saucer.” ’ Indignant Customer: irigr suit T bought here .’ wtis in the water only an hour and I re shrunk five inches.” ’ .Modest Clerk (examining the gar- ment): “Lady, it’s.a good‘thing you eaane out when you did.” Hubby (calling upstairs-) : “Please i Bqrry down. Mary, and meet an o'd r college chum of mine.” ,? Bride: “I can’t. Tom, I’m just of^my bath.” , | Hubby :,. “Oh, stfell. just slip ; sofiiethingil and come down.’ [ Jffary slipped on the top step and I cartro 'down. ■ ( 5 . • I ’ • •i /-i’T'TAWA __ -----c.......... ------ — ----- of v-’idely distributed water-power re­ spread of di.--.ease from dead bodies, sources which; it is estimated, would ana the. phrase, the ‘’ashes' of the SUppiy a’turbine installation of 43,- urn,” is a relic .of their practice in ooo.OOO horsepower, Hon. C. D. Howe, cleaning out disease.----------------------7 .j Minister of Transport, told .delegates ’ 'to the World Power Conference here recently. • ■ . - < At present "only about'"8,00<).b0u h-p. is. being produced, which is less than half that- of the. United' States, and ex- /ceeds .that of Italy by 2,000.000 horse- Tan-ks and Armored Cars To ' P°*er- On .a per capita, basis, Canada, thedength of the materia!! ~ , with an insta.’.ation of <22 horsepower “There was a concerted: shriek from _P«:. .P9I^L’!>IL.c?imf^econd_on^ .Xoalid4^^the^tterrJEha_h2.d_ •’" A°. -^°rwa^‘ jlr , ■ „ fifing herself on ail fours toward-the precious train. . ‘‘Mr. President,” I said sternly, "with the fearless frankness of long asso­ ciation .“get right straight off that, train!” . ■ ■ “Apparently meek as a' iamb, but with a. twinkle in his ey*e. he did get- right off. sauntering slowly out of the ’room while the almost fainting dress­ maker looked. to • see if any damage had. been done.” . But it was all right — not a,spot on it. •' 1 ” Intelligent Animal “Mike,” said Pat, “I can’t pay my rent, so I want to hire your horse./ and cart to do a moonlight ^move.” “Share"’ said Mike*,, “and ye P couldn’t have come to a better jnaa. j That horse of mirie is so wen trained I Re.p!ace^O1d Style Of ~ yFonyesT 7'7"' pened to stroll into the room. “What dp you think of it?” asked j Mrs. Cooldige. ‘‘After fi iorfg^ cfiticaL survey,"tak- ing in - every I detail: Very handsome - dress,”, he said; »and then to our hor- relates Miss Randolph, “he-very calmly walked -up "the lbttg white' brtf-, caded train which swept fbr yards on . the floor, putting one foot deliberately before the other as though pacing oS ly ro Norway. - Mr*. Howe. maue. brief reference :to- the-St. Lawrence power. In the purely ..Canadian, section of the river, above’ formed the board of control the main. Montreal, potential hydraulic-resources 1 were estimated at 2.000,000 horsepow­ er. he said. In" the internatonal. rap­ ids section of the river it would be possible to secure an output, of ap- . ther 2.000,000 horsepower. This would* be divided equally between Canada and .the" United States. . Mr' Howe presided at a dinner given . by the government of Canada to ap­ proximately 300- delegates, represent­ ing more, than 'thirty different conn- • tries of the woridj • object - of the proposed reorganization of Canada's’ i n on-per man ent active militia was to modernize the Domin- ■ ion's defence warfare in line with . methods of warfare, r.owcurrent , throughout'the world. . : Mr. Mackenzie wrote th# city in reply to a resolution - of the board . protesting against a reported plan' ", to reduce the number’ o£ militia units well-here and abandon . several known regiments. _________ ___. The reorganization calls for a prbp- he’ll walk past the landlords’ house ; eT*y balanced fbree and formation of on . his tiptoes.”__________________• j a number of modern units, - ----- - , ! Mackenzie said, particularly anti- < C*ut*ou» I aircraft' and mechanized batteries, The... solicitor who prefaced his tank battalions and . armored car love-letters “Without Prejudice.” ; regiments, none of which Canada .tow ——:— , ' has.- Reason ' ■ “Whereas amalgamation of certain Wifey: “I wonder why it is that of the' infantry and cavalry units or, a nautical mile is nearly a seventh alternatively. the:r conversion into OnJ?[k,ha"m .T’1! 9,? land-”. . ■ ffirmatiwns of modem type may be ■ Started., no question arises, to :ion in the total, either of I units dr of militia personnel as a whole, in Toronto or the military dis­ trict ,of which that .city form's, .a fart,"’ he satdj. simple. You know how things sweih the reduct: in water.” "’ ’.’V , ' ■ t----- ------------L— • “Emily Post says it is all right to drink a toast in tomato juice.” After all, perhaps it would he kinder to give the fellow tlyee cheers. Mr. Rosco Invenizzi claims? thgt he and his family have been importing gorgonzola into this country for 40 years. What i£ more, he‘claims that he has never had to rai.te a hand to one of ti.em. except- in sr?-f-d?fen''e •STEPHE.\’Vi I.LE. T--n Fi ve min- uti s afio:' iaj'.nL’ ecc', N<». 312 in -less - than elev',n months. h»-1 No chok­ ed to death nr the J >hn Tar Mop poul­ try fa-r.i. wh»>r-» she a record in th" Tnr'.e (pj.’-injin? contest. The h»-n «■;.« Gm United St..:ps to -oa ton months, and was leading- the field. A post-mortem examination showed a pibep of corn Iod windpipe. ; PARIS — F war equjnment buy 79io.oon.nno v planes gur.s. tanks : Prem er the inc.rr3.r s "to bn risrhine in a <'.’ta-te in fi"! The money in* t dcc'ded. efT’cicnry "fa,: ■s zo. ]X-my Tter.iitare "o 273.000.(“,(') ' ’o .at on, -- ■J '. U” hauf of r< w Mnrr- /r.r.'.'p w.-it . :n,io the market la-t tveek, to erth of fighting n ’ ar rored cars. El-im’s rani nor. approved • in r.-Cf-'lar a-my expen- ?r the • Frr--.-a railitai^ r.pw’r-r ’(tor-.’aay's in- .tiDT per.-on. ie tn tn i: h->- ■ rh-ofs f * ’• p ft is estimated that the commercial apple crop in the United States this i year will fie 64.500.000 bushels, com­ pared with 93.866.600 bushels in 193S and 97.895000 bushels, the five-year average.i , . .1 FORT WILLIAM—Armor, similar Classiried Advgrtfyng in every detail to that worn.- by the ■ . ■_______' ' Vikings in their discovery of North Am ” ru been found, at "Beard- rncii-, rn r.irg- "settlement on ' the „ western tip of Little Longi^/Lac,. 130 mites east of here? ‘ i The historic relic, unearthed by a mining company employee, consist- ~ ed of. three pieces and included a -. long s-Aord and a steel chest pro- rfciKRiTvKY avail- tector.> Markings oh" the metal ‘are said to oear rcsembiances to those found on suits worn by Vikings in the l-2tn and 13th • centuries. Previous discoveries have proven that the Vikings once visited Min­ nesota and: parts of Manitoba. This, ' however, was believed the -first con- I elusive evidence hjfrdy Norwegians, .had ventured to the' hinterlands of the Thunder Bay district. . - The theory was entertained that men wearing pieces -cf "^le armor found at Beard mere were cut off from a- main hat entered district west lakehead. was became lost in the •' the-Flush Poisons From Kidneys and Stop Getting Up Nights the It The sleight of-ftand • performance was not going very well. ^Can any lady or gentleman lend me- a egg?” asked the conjurer, coining down to-the footlights. _ ‘Tf we ’ad one,” shouted a man in the audience, “you’d av got it Jong before this.” [i !I Visitor, (to little girl): “And was your grandpa covered with insur­ ance wlien he died?’* | Hundreds of Farmers Endorse This Service T’tetimc-ni.-il=: frdTh h * i rt. 1 rr ■* < ’.trmerjs praise ’ ,thn rx- •’.;»-«• ■' -rvJce arid durability «'f rn.He ;■.. ? barns built and r.-• c-.i ;,;•• ■'i^MUghout Orifarte and Q;:--bv • \\> promise you th* snmn snt.si'.t t;<m. tVrite ps TODAY" --n your roofing teqtiirprvnte ROOFERS SUPPLY CO. LIMITED >X‘T-> TENDON Ab'XTRriAL QFEnF.C . OTTAWA ' * t • ,> r • • -a ■ ..I. h was {• •., <» • . •'eiis- for th ■ rsa: :' • ■'rd’ rod for ndd-rc tch n: ca I r< - nn *• ’ a t ’be ■ proper;.on cf ■ n:\i • iters by grantixc hicl c. "aesripts w'.-.o re-erl st The eabimi also vnt- for' the navy, artillery fences. A separate fur ^00 was allotted to r; ■ the government inailgu; lie works program wh 1 port do- •f *$29240.- areas as |'d a- pub- co’mpriscd campaignfor reducing uremp.loyment. ' ’ The tens? <t:iatter. meanwhile, w.hich arose as result of . Cummun- :st' demands for French aid" tothe Spanish Socialist government' eased’ .off after a nriH’.-strike of metaT workers in the. Paris district. More than 2b0.000- n-t tallu; gist' st ruck for ar/ hour1 tv. protest asfa:n.«t the French jioiicy cf non-.rr.ervertion in the Spanish er.',', wa”. IN UR-TO-DATE STABLES —Old Reliable MinartT s When hor>'"’ come in ;to stable *it,i •ir'’- euts ar sarfdW boils, or sows have eaK-’ udder, the thing to do hottie at once, as Mr. knows. ■ He "1 like your Mitiard’s have it’ rft the house. ■ Minard's -Liniment barbed wire cuts A family doctor •nt Ma?>?py. Crnadiar. hic-h f :r. London, told, mem- r"ar.a',lian tjlub at a tn- inc in Toronto mat bri'r.srF home the - rli.." democra^v av »?»<>!< word, •>- Ret ' cte mr era tic fo c beer - T"-rown -ove uhe”® it was given •r.u! ar.d tendencies ext rente.* or either r»gi dirta:p; - h:;>? following is .teteworthy-that ir. British ■ fl as ( fo- the peoph rkd than e and th« tite nt a 1ta: intern is C*1' the St tn nr Dowd of Gier.ii. writes : Lir.-.ment. !.&•' I have for; nd y-u Do not rh’nof'" cause he has .'a gree unless ho i« himself.