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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-01, Page 5
f '• ) ■ •'c •.'■•■.- ’ - ■ U|H-. -rr>. •*•-rf T'“- •' ■ * fHE WCKSTOW SESfTISfflSL ‘ - -' - - ---:- ~ J. , . r -'- ,.z^ T" u •> 0 *J rt -- „ j . „ OMEES TO UDCKW' JOH38 TOLL AGA33C 'OGHWlSTS'G ®ELT-TO FAY SEEW EX-- ' PEJWE A^MA®E?fT FJZOG-KAM--Sm: GA^AlJ'KAfCS - CEEET .KOJG AT BOCONGHAM .PALACE \ ■ •- ' <? - !- , ■ ®y IL CfeL ®L E. Peuse, ©L^L, I Ju Londim aghin. 'The heart pff fhe ' Cuneeming ffajs an® Lofefijn jomEnab ! Empito-—_jfee greatest fead most in-; S 1st wrote: "‘Thsy fell heavily ppim llteresting city in the wadi Oar trip: the .sfispite 'with en ' unreheassed -efi- '- overseas would have been most in- j ecu pff (profound sjgMdfcance. , They ■- -| complete- -wptlMMJt ,®weaa a few days in", weirs the wfite-off time tolfipg -•.out I fibs "haunts rand seep®® frequented ■- white., on leave ffefe tee.ffemti.wrtb importunities to. feew tome off- the jl changes teat have taken plate- ,' || Throughout the pilgrimage we were ' | privileged'to 5fe£ a"go»d deal off Mum- ii erons feen wite whom we -'had' torved- -jifin the. -C.E.F. Sirty. were present at | Vimy ,.©h Sunday, and- the first might; tin Kfighty we attended a highly suc^ )' feessfjfi Tegimental. dinner'fin a dhrir bearing the .illustrious name .off JO- femby, commander • -off tee army that “ broke- afe tee Turkish .forces in Tfek -ertine in a setnapaign teat wound up . -with' ifW -capture off- Jerusalem. • For. 1 the first trine since teej war ladies ■graced tee occasion—and toey. too, enjoyed te® party. We had the plea- sure -feto -off- meeting .several -chaps Tien. . 'J with "whom w .had ‘been in cl'ose--tesn- " ifewy, and Who ate 'now .residing inf | England. The IS years__ we 'have. ,been|- ^^aa^^^maewhfe^femifert^parti^znrA '11 Canada they had ifeen out off it. ’ ‘ I _ -,- ■ II Ey- tee toramittoe in charge (am- the palace, tolhmmg. tee rain, some . — — rs •. . ti . . -n ‘ — tD » "•trnwuw l*n1 Twadrt# *ww»n, UJUW&MA» ’ ■ JJ4- ? isOTtinag . rer acted -as Post and hostess and fcv. P. EL Sinara, «fem fees ' ■ Sheen astistirig .art St, Jtemss and ' South Unifitcj Anglican <temtees feuas (been apprimled assfefcCTtt curate to tee Bev. JL SL (Gecgfee- gaix <«f iLaidkii»v/ giarish. fit Ss . jsmnfiEmcsa ■' fey SStewp Steageg. The appafejimeist became <d!fec- tee today, ■ ' '>• . 8-' tee- Ifittie span- 5betfe&en tease fete® J steep, .and tense tteo are-yet awake.” ■■“The StevefiteC—cazry ■ fes; „ ^fesd The' 'parade was soon - marching,- fifi tee tefe, "to - 'tee Efirae (Guards ffferaste for- -dismissal A special party ar teis .feme went- to' tee- 'grave -®f tee. Oriteoraa War- rier -fe ' Westmfeis^/Afeh^_.v«^^ a Ganadian -moEher,. feh® faad -.lim] seven 'sens in tee war- 3asd a -wrearfaj The King’-s Garifen fftarty _ 'Kfe 'feg- .feym said -.and written I gegardfeg tee'.Ktog’s .garden party! ^uh Wednesday ' sfiemauE; With-tete'j 'ffferttem ’tee fest' ■gateering in Eng land was' ewer- for ass. ^True. teej party ivas '<guito -fiifierert ‘ from an$y <ever itefiate held in. tee .King’s gar--1 - _ The- .’Ffemueks toate itM .st feome fend s-amfi. precedents, fin garden parties at ffitotetog3aanii_ Ffel- aee were "shattered- A bit fe® ' tetor- l-mal.to some resperts; totes were top' SPCRTNEWS v. Wtegtem - mnsefl '.out Simteij- fend ’'<hs tetamfey fin •& KfirfiBifajg M.' fimfeg- hartes S -tto IL', * * ■ * W^ng”tea^ <ate ifitr'Smt.' terfete ' ■ ais^r Ke&enterahgfi ... ®fe% We&sesd^r rmoteteg, nfer-fite tesute iff- ‘ tee sgte^tes^tr .gte^uffss fin tee. '■‘tC’L . series.' Simteriand' wsm -^2Li . w ■ ■ -* «' ‘w ■ ' t' C'onfisfam, SfejK&ete (Qtearis ■ -ctere- teons, itew irfeyHTitef? to ffiestote, tee Eafifihs against eiteer '~~nr Wifem?. fin ■ tee **iS* • • ■fiEEfe.." SuuteangiaaE Fisheirmen wmU west Stearfaroy ifi® Soutea^tori?Sff;?=^§^^:?s: day fin tee first naff tee ©JBA^A. rtA" -.finals, •' ','•■' i fegn.’ .aimd while - groups' tarried . fin' ihtar- have refereed,' fet 'w® ohsetved ready objectionable. The ©uke -and Ttaehess -riff Gtauees- ___:__'_ :______ ____l u "when * His Majesty, anespecteffliy. strolled .--across -tee few® Ihis guests surged about him. in their desire to sspress appreciates® ' pi Tteis ,®fey! gracious-..act on has .part. The Soy- 'sreign- ^as -fin top term. He -msafie his''way to'tee ®dya! enclosure, (aefc- .nowledging, teis -demonstration ®rif affection and l«®fehy.. -—•£> owErteame--ay ~cfeferingv-'TStanrr'and ■64MJ® people mshed tor shelter fin tea tea terns.. There.- with , other ; fesfflff- dtenehed ' CamscSs, -,we drank tee- King’s tea apd . helped ourselves - to ■jiris estelient' pastry. 1' | '. FiiualBy, 'Hfiward tee -.^hgfafh,'' wav ing aside tor attendant who prafiiic- •ed an umfetelfe. started feaek' to 'tee .pafeee with -'teis. ■ anost fiemocHatir crowd dosing -fi® u® fem. -and fin a few minutes' after fes te^enstty. tee- King appeared on tee fea&Mnty.' rtfe- gd- ote 'hand ' tor. silence, "and ’’ made. . one off , tee ■ (neatest fitepsoinpau . -spee ches one -could imagine___L_Anotfer hurst ■< applause-----Someone iSSSECEtti" || .sd-to teog '“For fee’s io. iofiy good feL. tew”“and tee crowd swung finto.tefe Ffinafiy. ■ teete. 'Whs-a scene aufefer- fefefed 'in festigy fes <fiJ9W guess feff. tee. King -stood'. on tee ' King’s few® .arid sang fi® fe anajmer teat left tost tee' slightest fiteuht teey meant jetory ■With another wave off fids ’hand ®s Majesty withdrew, and. tee pfigtims commenced to leave tee garden fey ■way m tee palace. They had been tee guests off tee Hing -<ff ’'-Canada. .An event fin a lifetime. 3t iaad rained, fem, teat did 'not- matter—much. Windsor State Apartmente . .-' fifering tee- few d^ys off onr sigfe- sering tee1, offirers '-iff tee' tomirafafe Metropolitan Pofiae Force could, nrt .have teen more obliging; fi® fact •■ev erywhere we - went ’ folk wete most tonsiderate. 'One afternoon -®s took a “trip to ^Windsor to see tee 'State Ap- hrtments. which- were mot oifen when we were -at 'tee caste- during fife war.- .and t® -vfisw St- George's Chapel-■ Be-i toeath fit is 'tee tomb <ff .BEjug iGe»rg»| M. ' ' ' -' ,- When foreign moEastes are guestei off tee Sung, teey oscupy tee jStatej Apartments, and- in tease magfehcexiE;- tovms we saw. sinong tee pricelsss; ■possessions, Jacobean armour, -splen-j did- canvagses .of ISttebeis. Tan. .and Canaletto, fetemtote-psribd fiurni-: tore .and tee splendor off St. Gtergefe- Half, with its walte arid window to-< 'cesses decorated wite tee .'arms off tee Enrights iff tee Garter, also terse' Terri© - ceilings -and -tee 'w«wd-car«ing-_ off Gimdiing- Gfteons. . _ ’ Proceeds iff tee charge for Jarimis- .-simi to'tee apartments, -which feave. amounted h® recent years to OW pounds annually, ate .distributed " '11 Canada teey had teen out off it, II — - ■ - * ' . * »posed off • toys we -ordered around a- I gwd. deal during tee years tee. Cama- ■ - ^.dia®'’Gmps was functioning)),w wers s "ordered” to take ©ver-'tee -duties fes- .; toastmaster. Tried to dodge teis witi. ■ ’ ;j a® offer to d® ■ -a turn in ’the program.. ;| but were obliged to tcarcy un” .fem II endeavored to keep things moving- II '. 'Welcomed fey tee IP- -30L \ !! The pilgrima®® was. in fu® force .•'-iM Westarifesfer ®2ffl tee .fxdiowing ji morning to be omtiafiy wetaimed fey ..; the • Government off Great . Dritain. ^Tffii''te'Sbrir '“'stipetete." ’ ■ dati®g’'';feek' .-rto Morman times, fin white tee first Parliament ..was field TO-® years ago. ■■" fisecame .a Utile Canada 'today . ..^nsi : tW piaple leaf was displayed p® -ev ery side,” one off the Usndon Slews- ‘ ■’ papers remarked... ■ . ' - - _ ',< - The British Press gave tee pUgte mage '' conspicuous ■attention, and ■ •among the pictures -reproduced i® « Canada many off. iwur.rearigrs -ffloufatftess .-• ii have ■ seen one off ‘tens gathering. ,-i From' M. Downing' Stirtet -came j tee Pt 'Hom Stanley Baldwin, <tee “prime Minister, and as -one fistentoj || to firis moving address one was sen- jsative off tiae honor, off "beang-a anem-) J her of body off .Canaffians to whom j sueii! eloi|uemt arid -obviously -smeefei ' 1 words were being -spoken. • : « ' After, -ariknowleriging bow yyou lj d Canada) leapt to' our -side and st^r- ■I ed with us to tee finish” < off tee wfe) J he 'made fh*1* following striking -Utt— _ _ —,-- . . -.s . ~ ■ I eranees in fhe -eourse .off Iris address: word iri fit TGbfi. Save tise ^ingT.^ ’ II "He "have fio doubt tisai mait. .op ji tee - troubles 'off this world are due to! the fart' teat we have lost jmar best -mom i® tee war.--our best, who "today! ij would have betotne our leaders------j 1 am confident-■ off; tiris. fit- "tee --dead, A could come back today there worilrii ' he no war. - . , I, j 'll rttff Europe and tee.wofld can find ■no other ■’<ilff settiing disputes; '- than the way 'off war,- when we' ato still find™g -and fehtyang ■ tee' buffife off those who fell 2® years ago.-----.; -••iff we "can find' im other way, teel world deserves to 'perish.” , ‘ i Every word Mr. Said win ■ had I ii spoken was followed closely fey fens'- l| audience, standing beneath tense IIbeautiful 'carved •,arches, .and' as fee ,|! concluded there was a few 'momeuti 5 off complete sfiense. fess temssnris off’ . feeareis' bemg -emotionaliy affieetofl a fey Iris address- ... teen. finding fheir' '|l voices teere wris a Tousfing -cheer; ’’for tee-'Prime ’ Minister-----feT 'tet | attention” while the IBoyal Cap®-- I rfia® 'Horse ArtiBery 'Band played tee -■ “| National . Afiteem. and after bearing jj-some .aimouncemente. tee pSgifinss. • ‘ J! moved out to torr®'up fin’Palace Tard ’’and . Parliament Sipare fur tee I ■march to the Cenoteph. *Ttemenabermg* -at' 'Wiriaehan^' As -the main'purpose 'off -tee, ynS- H________I__ _ ^grimfee was to pay ^tribute, in the L -—'--—■ «lands in.which their died, to tee,Them- ; '■' c ja.rl-r- ji Vrrmc off those whs?' ‘passed on** fey-tee j;and tsudbury. returned home ka^ , - , H 'p •AH (feff fefeeh sptete -uMjgifi^ vteH- far -itee’ jfefifare tfiff iWP arfisteg fife jfe tee Bmee ' ILeagne. 'Sfirtee -tesnuem' sept into tee '©Mtari© gfi^mowns ( ■ .aM <®ff teem -so-'i^r Ksatefijg'fefeer tee finals tar teg senfi-fihals -fie ttefer.-“iss&- ■^tsztive tfisfetem. A teigg rm fey IESseet (£aassii|y fin-. _ tee ifite imfing wtite ®ne <mh fease. Kfiniress za W T® '22 fifetiny huer A=- m®vj- ’3ate .tee feiaimtenteto -tee -Kfecgrfimg, Hnrsn 'janS. Sfiite toDE&- ■.feffi league...- ' .’'''. The to® taaams ifias® staged toff-- gid sveriiy nriatcnefi .-setiss, -one game ending in :a irpijsfipgteat resulted juz replay -foeiijg «rafeg®g . for -last Satarihgr fey ttee -Ciniarfe' ■Sfiffi&al! AsojcistioiL .. •'•■ ■ • •• , Martin fifesder -riff JDurrfaam fess been jffiesnstatefl into amter hadfe^? ranks- -and teis gear-waU fee plgyiijg ■coach off the HSuanmfe Stommfa, !&<■• fis trying a®- ihsiinee -Jo^y 'Hhsyrhimhi-to • g® north to jrim tW Himwiaiws toam Tomberry ComersST. HELENSLANGSIDB ■ *-------- s. Mss. Je^-Hdta fe rdfeterits Wr. ate Mrs. Orwlei4 T&l, 3oe — ------------ „ ------- w.„_ ® l( tere tee® ’sredc ' • Dam’spenit Friday fin Ijiadkrnow at-. lEfefia -were wasni waiters wfifa tteir 'gammer ate early ffa®'bn IDeifcrufi " -tn to- nn' s®^fo®Fy- hum® fest p^fch'”<“a2y and ^selff saeranee. ' ’ft jiamong charities., and., it' fi Wt Jaafmri- jn ghat -s Mar. JManncu® MelDfewBini off JVesitateS Saturday.'. J. w21s fafejMy fitting • teat w® should | patted teey waU sufier -W ‘tee toe being t “ ; ■ '. '. ; -assemble in Whitehall, -ter a ser- fritesced toring August from one shill- * ‘ We extend wngratofeuMms- to Mr..-to aij Brifeh I mg to six ’penee. by efifier off -Fto King. -esEfiux cash st ate Mrs. • George" Giousher on tee Tens off teuusates of - Huteon- [ The Canadians; iwwm. were afimh- "ments ate hoc arrival off a baliy- giri fest week. -erg fined te® ’ route, ate it was a f tec free of etearge. jTaacafiy ail nan- ^By_ -gg-_ , '■ ’ ‘ , terilfing .and impressiw sight as, wmalirifis -are represented among tee g.&Eo^v j Mr. Gewrgg Bajrd has •bee® engaged ; swat htey fiff Canadians, eight" crowds that "feit Windsor. _ tee past gftpfc Tiuad w®rfc and abreast with Welsh Guardsmen, fe» Unsafe Engaged lc Jte-armmg - - ,-, •faridsp xr,h nea- Brussels. scarlet tonics, acting as .marh-* fe Hngiand. ^faere ttore ? wrj Mfe= .MeGni , |! ®rs. proceeded to tee ‘ Cenotaph. The mar«tec imprwrement • in trade- • anc ■ <g g. visitor w Those who ' attended te&. Hardest veterans fijefeded sewrjal who had dnmmense. ate where . -estens^e Mary Foliate fe tee Sfefeatfer. Armr. teen hWteL scores tabling .on ^temes off wtetemg are evmeur. ' T^w 53V s The topic “Tine eyeteng, listened to> ~ery were in- a 'separate regard tf tte weadter; fe has rained' ffcgtffote. - -l ampressaw. services. ' i: section. Twenty-lpur stopfcitek off pra-rts<sar^y every day "teis summer l.. -p—• TO- u ■ tee British Iggima we «ried with Cnmnawd to -taxes. fewte m *tee We are. sorry to tear tte. ...^ -Tegi^ Sags.' Old Cmmtoy ithe people «f Canactn hlnoti attends James BriB. bag.been sick'fior.owr a? -gfehop off. feondon cwndnrtte' tew wry Wtie u compfefe of: and testers ."ntsiB. I! week • with tee ■ summer fffe- p a brief service teat was rewrentiv John Bui. tes Ttarteer fiigfatened hfc- 3 Gd-tertcr < . -•■».= • ■ - »followed by . teat 'vast cruwd. In belt to .way w the vast and vert ex- a L^,,,..^,' ■ „j( . The. Ttamberyy nafi fans wto att-, '■0BWsa^ffl*"> ^as never nensjw re-armament ■prognam: But | Oters-uAors • «. -r -r- - ’ - - ■ .- ." tested tee ■ Wfegfaam-SumderfeW rheffow s®ng &v .s© fenny Canadians. ■'th® people off. Stoat- Britain are sat-5 fe the rassfeg off TonwutiO) Vffimtersffitr,- •®®3® jgiaeste1'^^ Batanrfiav. afi say at vrasliagd -fi fegy never he sung teere by isfied their defense fetees ate espis-p-J ~Aller." hrwk. <off Mrs. Bofieri Woods fest wste. e ««=m3sfest '-MS fe; lafeje a -number, again. The Bate fetes -efe rteuete to W point n: --■ -- M S5a^fes£ gam. ftfeTWsfeb Guards pfeyte ram- rafate feseterity. ate they. W ’ — s' “O Gte this reversal'' fe psfey has not terne' (ir Busaijr mrj s*°w'u. . .Pto fe»~ T—- —■■——«... After' & iairse toemufeali tereate BriBaas _presti.se and -mfiutece n»-Jj j on toe l ejbw j j?, ttiE®' sane- pMestiuisassiy * sHiUetfeE. r5 rn. ^-o«r=r y-^su®. .teto "wgs firoSfe®' by tee intenm^fi; rtfees,^ the past year, ano ever, j . . . ~ • LT" ..'. T~T,’ " last week after sptetemg' a ' t autos off *“Tfa® 1.3SS Ppst.~ ate teen, tome - off the ofifefefeding paritefetti-. ^’Rs‘ taave poxfesstjjr, nx ate? writes fe tafeatefiewSB'ate Alterta' merely by acrifefiL W Ben” hegnn admit the wfefew off the *tep« now |tew*_Es well, till W -was tetter artnen ~ “ ' " ' ■ ■ ~ tens taken, by the Government. | Thmsamuni' Ffefe wSl Tate ’plare •'■■•"•—■ " I"1'....... •'"■ "'■ ” i 'f i “ 1 h t - Ii»n» j Artob*-’- arriri ftSi tttifffc its. MAFEKING Mr. and Mas. Hendrick off Port jl ' Mfes-Maiigatet Powe® ©ff Staatffbrd tonriina-' 'the fair and visiting write irirtfeer-iin-Iaw. Mr, James Hyde, tee ©ff . her ,-firiemdl Mr. arid Mmsc Gmton' Jamieson. — — - — -- - - ’ — Jffiaan AmdfSrsife,, Sunday. - -\ MfS.- John Mrihmes and feafey-. re- Mr" gmd ' pribwrfr. ®ake aff 'turned fr-oun Wimgham hospital “ on Cfetia amd Mira.' A. B, McKentie ©f .Saturday last • to her ■ home hete. -' E&HuCKntoffl, iffisHnoassriy Mass Barbara ‘ ®O1H3£—In Torjoiito. on Friday, Bfeake off Ctewe. we® guests, ©ff Mr. September Site. to^Mr. and’Mrs. Bert totefe gwst with hej- -'cmasm, Mr. ' «md "Mire AkAbw Bil-stW Sunday. . Harkness, a son. Bert ti a ton off ®L W- MiorthEy.amd ©tear- friends here *Mfiss ®ff Stasttoiti >*- .1^' Ge*®©* Harkrass ®ff Mortnal spent tee week-end at ' ter'.teas tealfcy. . to~ ___- , ~wff.,*-««■’= —■ — — terne tens. ■ ' ■ G^.?^ i&ferifam Ablegate ¥- ^-' ,ara1' Sunday evsmmg. Murray H(Csme service? in the Salvation Army, been ®C®2b—In ToepmSo, on Friday, and Mr.- George Clark off Hanrilton, “ stalled .bn. frieiBds'in the vfflage on Friday. . ■ • , Mrs. John Mulvey off Betaate was . The vise-president, Mr, It. JL Mader presided- ait the meeting off tee WHITECHURCH fl ' “ ■ ■ • Caskhnette ®3 ■ ©etiwit Mr. and Mrs. D. A_ MeDcrnald, aJhdl Oto. kpert iTedaesday write Mr. and Mir's. E. Tiffin. ' The Xaidhfeesj- of fte WUteteurte runted -W. Mj. Si. "• 2nd 'and 4te art, held a tea.« Wednesday last st tee bntee^dff Mrs.- tea MeCfetia^aajn. We wste to Gwngratiriate ’ Mrs. (fer>w Srr<t’« wimring first place at tef emtest teM fin Wingfcam.® Mr. Wat. Fd®rster fe • febte to ' he fejan&e again, afifer ffaritag ffiptirated ■ <®u .an Wasgzfatan HusgfitoL ' Punte® snri . Stouten Tferatijssra have g<o®e to Stew.Gfeari''-' to wcirfk aaa tee wstees teepe.- Mass Hfcapgareit Esihteae ©ff luotitewr spcrtt’ Sunday at tee fete® off W-' Gefegie CfertteL • BaW dhgj sffirfese wS® he htel ™ tee Ifbnraibytem® dtefete mrht Snaxirtfey „ ggi®mj ifijs < > 'Xfi fefifeff mpriffuamts tefe .Mfe. Aaaaarififai- Hnft^gfaifer. spCTt ttee ■ we^k-«®a at feer fiame 'tee. - Ifc Bbsem ■ WitemaM roff St HdL ems„ Us astestaag Wife. X Faster wate tee telD wfek. ' 3tou BL M. Tacofehrae ®ff Gv»fefefh spent a <3asy wnte ter 0W- '! -. «iS3vW-feW Mtet.lL '. SrtfipSnjnre Besssaii. ’ History ©f Dmateafes'i ’-®as ab^y ttafi- en tF Mrs. ILurw W<ow3s. Stesr/IEL M. Wngk'-ds® sgwte teefiy «m iber sfifijedt. . ’ ’ , . |l ' Mr. X W. tete Varuna, Mrs. .tefeL tefifl W' M'hiidaxwr lanad ber’sfem ESsarfi :': ©f Wks. tefiefit Whafis fest weefe Mte. Ates Mferdfie < Toronto, -wfingfiam^r a ,W tens. Ww*a® ■ 7“ r~ vjr™ -~r ’ L? the weefi-mtf the igMest off her par- fa^g a sfrutmp- fea® wfitfa tee adds- .©te in ages ffert*4. entts. Mr. taad- Mrs. Woods. Mp.firmi Ladmw. ■ ■ » t ____ . -fite. D. ToM agfi fs^r' w. JtateS Cfcgns wtotoed fems^*8* j Twdfi imoitored to Mfefiigan tor tee; - - weefi-effiidL. ' " Wass' Jfeam MeAfifey off. Wramiramt1 ■®as &■ awefc-snafi ^fester wfifa ter lun&ete Mr. Jute S^ap ate-Mrs. Snssaa Mir. «aM Ife .Jas. WFarteae sate Mttngo off Hhesfete were recent gfiesSs 'wnte fr, Mm,. tetSte MeFter- rteam 'wtefe-etad vasfifRS yfigfc Wa- sown. Mr. l^eFarfeane rennsnted for- a 'amd Mrs. Jcte- femiesra® ' were Mfe~(- WsJt. „ |fK ‘---........ ■■ '*s^-_. TJ-_tL. «...- The 'Ortoter fitestfiag off tee- W®-'lMfes Amis? Iwfetan ffrurro tetfto?;.' L PARAMOUNT off ! John Dariur Jr.' off th*- enn- ws |!~J> ■>«=• - !’ ^sran^r,. iate- ,tw fete to ‘’ytire^erat. another -waar ’ rnisfrwm«;0 fcgr jk finld car. wter .... . . . f ..mg a-ter fas: in tfe- «w>-nmeWBSrtwnoiJ • *^r JW. , ' I- to toll' tee slow twelve notes’ off wm. HwiSse ?tr2WT3 Vehfefes .Vrafififer to ttlk®' Hfefa^ay 'Traffir . . Art ewrj" rehfefe utter than a -^aut^ Maynste 3®hafetofi atafi thaw Jotestoira, ■ wtaefe. Bsiejftele m- finwy»?le when asn a __ _ . TL-. ___Z-. ZZZZ__ _~-_____ ..;.' hfe^ay-afffer dnfefc and Wffare tfewn. -mon1*®, imttfinnte wffl fe?'faeW ®® !! Wrto j«*in Ffc and te s^'. A3«- ’^nnry to a , WS^Jue « iw haw w«fi« shfiktefi teara,^. Ortufeer 1&te tertraw fro®. ®W: Mr toTte firmfi and ■ S “Z to »wtr the ®®stt ®( rdfeff. granted.jl&. Gecirg® PMW®. MD-fiS® ..Etfear s^ - tet Sgtetogta© and M-te- reS -r^y jfejy fe^ w -THted “ ' ' Kmrartlfite m® wtt feasnrd afidp ana gdafi 1 fe fin SSnlwi^- ' teg WEfe- Wftnway amd terns tert- =sfcaiph®- dearly ws&iie sfi. a dfefeante WCTne'' itw: tfife kEterigfe usS Mttb- E&L Wte frras . Wk. »w«5 Wr^. ■ nf’ The- * way fey __ * .-sN&iBwym W&rcc,i 'iT^lkrffipjiBj' TB^jrrrTF— W’WMtau tefeimod ' tan® in^WfettfeW. iwpnmfi a wf^ertW of an •ate r^n^enrfimijg: to. tfcafce <tate. ®f fiay„ Wfefii sttagfe ’ ' • IK"-____ ’ To Wffigrit Ort Eefieff ^Khktaiinta® GownwaB teas d&tr-eed. that ; year innititsft. w^te at ..tec rate off for an hirato u&- sfow tea?. giiswgrfejtento Forvess. H<osdestoSL Wsn ’<»©■ Mfcnri HoWtag Bfertfe iftam Hblytwd 'taw togrilation permit a wferttor off .. ...juM-M Sfa/W- w-■<* J’S W* -A Waiter. ' ■ ' ■ “Stewart. and isawfe from Ltettrt. ^aife.. | .Imm?anwTOs ffeir 'W® tsfee 'Tftaite ■ | fktohipT and _ Stffe . -wife a wrtec . U5MS-. w*le fiWmd * ta- i» '.^±”5^ ■*'"««=.. W~»- -«a- «- tfhfi regard and by to dmw ate. ete ii ^ijESfc a. nsrmnsEe? to n® hfege- an, 'ifengerite tffieir H5we«' and' | .hmw that eteri nOwrt; tK*fe?E- TOff^ting ntfart mrt at« ..Aun*wrsiQrr -^ewtes or “h® TWte, iteft: s fe MMfc wjfa S-ttaret..™^ - .Bfe®^a W -s^-- *■** = tftay wnt.redfiite hfi >fersae ernwd attewried fii the ewrunc mr fe a- as 1 >firoinisttaHe«? J ter: • ‘Sjasgi- ’Wtenm of StahutT '*&-■' ync S?feater. We eteir w '“ ------- C -^ ' iassKted tfe tite- swninr li Many «s?M?rtiitors of. hrtto#1 dte-wr), , ', v .. . , , . ‘ . ._ wta’te 'wnL to ttW. 'rtfefi. and ttew’f^0®1 Gndsrt2^ and Wr. Wcte-fiel: feate a M: tort, wtffetot nrrt r^ndma toto' .dn^ts. W to ttfoag w- «ms ns totetonjG .Wss:'teFfe SwHfa.'fe tt^fesn a >w". tthrtn. Tito nsnntetoK Whind may tornt ifer. sssssttmg- in ffe rF $£- ■ymu are filing mm-tee 3j)br Toct it V •# . c ’ <ra?'