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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-01, Page 1
u II > ■( GI® ETOH5® mWLWgni H£nr Stems?, ^iptyy tto «H. ®. RiriimU gup. ’EBhmtyDbn^pmm. WANW® T® H®NTP-A&. @Jbdl used! pikmo flfrrr winterr moortite^, pty chilliiem tto tefefsee itt—Appljy ott/Sfem- .. ttritel (Jffifee, ' > ■ ‘ : ■ ■ . AWTIHN? '®£E3EL-Gff fferrm sterik . (Horses?. cafttUe and! sHefepM att Hatt55. < w CoHEBBsibm KShlriss^, tHity Bricfey,’,. Gritoteh-lSrdl, att U20D Sfege Hillfe ’ ' Hbfertt MIrffhtt,Btop> ' * Mhttt. '(flt&mtey J&tce.' HEW! ’ A^fiRWr — ®ne _ rail.' Skottforai EHaffesv, sttoyed! frirnn Hott 4^, Gbm. 1^, WJD„ Anjymee throwing; off wHeresHautfcs, commuirii (Sfffee witth SS. HL Hbikatteop, Uuridnow ■ KARSK HGRt Hee raeeivedi ffrir ttke salty, off. Hott 0) Gate 3?. Kmltass Twp?. Tike ffer?m eom- stetfes off IB® actress, imxre& arr Ifesty off and! good! tsmSfetteilty House?. Tfenferas willl Hee remvedi uff> tto Ghtbifefr l^ty. Dowestt arr any ttendfen iroH neeesssriljy srocegtedj. H&tr ffutikri pmticulhrty app>lv tto Wwii Wiffimgetell TR. 5). nucMnotwy. NGW^GBFGOIIHIffG^R Nbttety ife Ikareriy^ ©vem tltett ctmrtf willl Hee Heidi pursumrtt tto ttke Wxterty’ Ifistfe Akstt att ttke TBwnsHiip Efell J, Wfett Wtevmrotei). am (Jhtiritetr lbSttk, .att 44 ty&btesk pom,, f&rr Hearing tell cown- pihiirtte mtetty a^Snsff tike Ibtt and! Srib parti off ttke V&tferaS’ DiSjtL fS®r trie SKnririjpdiiW off Wbstt Wtevmrosty frirr 18865. DHRNIIN nminm®, Glfe^ 1«,'. -xvv ■■.' ,.«„...»-■■-•♦‘Vs- ■ ■ ■ .••u*‘ > 7 .1 6 ' < c Jr • A •5» r*i • ( ■■■’-"- —""’■ y A HOW MW Frihes:I®-Ost h local Coodi-Will Contest DWENfffW GRAN® AWARD® WIU1L NUW ffl® GWEN? IN? ADDITION? TO TfflE SPECIAIL WEEEW PRU5^ — MR®. ARMSTRONG c JI WIU8ON? NOW HEAD® (MNTESTANTS? —DGUBEK VOTES' ON? NEW &UHSGRIHTIONS:. THee HbnomHlte Dhnemn Mba'sHalty Miriisterr off Ajgribulttire?. wtyo opened! IIueHnowv sHaw am Kri<iky/"iss aa busy Itte s^wldee att t<wp) meetirigss om THursdriy. ®e wass lityllf am tynnr lritte iin arriving? Horae qty Fridfejy ffcom? Steatf&rdJ, and! afSfear speaking;, spent! aa Hidff Hourr am ttiee graundty, meeting; friemfe and! tttem sped! am tto officially’ opem Hbaristem Fair att 4ASS). Ehnm ttkate Hee 'W geheduleditto Hurry? <m . tto GMtt tto actress? am rigHtt oSribei^ gpttkririg;. ' , . Mfcr. Marsttente? visitt tto Huekriowv wafes almost? aa biitHd&jy celebration; Ttye Hanwablty member- msrikdi Hiss O tyribdhsy tike praadeuri. First! mi® ttfett Mir. MaisHalll gtwtt- edl irftbrr (ifeeending? fiioim trite spealfe. ertys plritfrirmi am Ericfey, was?” oun ; =ttytesperii^we^^^ lhs^Mbnd^^m^tty==^ estirigr criatt fbrr a?- ffew? momentty. MK Jbyntt iss mxtt iin ragged! Heal tty, Hutt wass drivesn tto trite Wrirnffi! Heard! Mr?. M!irKHsll’ss aatdiesss ffcrrim Hiss emt Ronner Willes Rteriifiait ___IB ■®cH0^B30y3 s HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER! FDR? MTRTI.E GR AHAM '■ Gontfessthntte and! tfiteiir supportiers*, THtys week: agsirii ?3-00J costy will) arte now e^t ttke HeigHtt off enthusiasm), and three sbovee omrouncementt should! _ ., .. . . ibsil uuesuasy wj J»xon|u«act, wetu--eneomagfc some off tfe liw<w earn- ij(ar 5^ jj^ v0te3. newi 3ub. Hee given tty tike contestant’ who turns' ity ttke largestt number off vote coupons-! from last? Tuesday tty Monday,, Oeto-- ttethntte to workk Harden:. Naw ttiee......... ... -...-. ' jSeriptionsstHisswtofo. first? twenty'"tty lead ttiee listtatt tike clbsty off1 ttfe competitiam will! receive. Brito swords?. THity'ity ity addition; to we „1 *> -8. < • SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS N®nn^wcR®Hmii^ Un tike MMtterr off ttke JStetty off Dhncsm IL. MkeUbnolty, lhtee off tty* viili^e off nucHmxw' im ttke Gountyy ty BBnce?, GMfineitnsdk^t, dkee^ed!-' Nirtieee iss Heretyy ggvem tto sill ore?- dittoBs Hsadrigg o&iniss agoiristt tike estedte off ttke'ssdd! Uhneani lL- Mltte- Dbnalty, wtim died! urn orr aHaatt ttk< <££ S^ptynlk^r M®. 1W mee requited! am bar tyf&rty ttke ttwesrtty f&mtiii diqy off ®teHer?, AMS). tty swidi tyy postt grejpdd), orr d&ivefer tte I ttke urrifersignety, JEa^tett MHRmzddj ” nuridnuw?, (Ditty., Wcthm- off ttke said &teeaasty, fltriir manes?, addtessess smd diampftbns?, ttke falll pmicnHa^ of! ttkair.ctidinty, aa stetewrentt off ttksiri aceonntty, and! ttke naturae off ttke seee- uritfety, iff Htet&i tyy tttam. | Arid! ttddee naticee titett offterr ttke lkstt meotientdi ditty, ttke'ssddi Mfergorett ' Mtebhmddi wittl nati Ike liaHlty tty tery IJwebhi oar percams off wHasee etyiim sike s&dll nuttttfem Ikevee Hod! mxiieee. Dhffedi aft Huctinowy, (Bitty, tifiss 2&tty - <aqy off ^Pttynikr?, AMD,, SEty^ratt Mhcftyrndd, nnekfrnxwy, ®rtt Mrs?. Wfm. RL MiadBnreiai Hfe® Iin ; Hfeir Yeotr (Jty■ ttvee off (Samaunityr Arid! Brirmen Villkgfc Rteideritt ' " > ' • ' . Word! Hass Heem reemvedi Mfes. Wiiltte?? NfeeEfenzity off ttfee <fertbi off He*r Mf-ss. WSnj- JR. MJteDbwulM wHo^pateteity awuyT am Sattirdiyy’ att Ihirisf&i j 1 Hbspitej J, neaar Efewdferi;, Alite wHenee tet Herr, awm request;, irittermerrtt w®ss, made?- ' iJn Herr 75ity ymr, dfeeeasedi wfiaas ® d&ugHtetr off ttfee latte MH. snty -ffifes; Saaajdell M&eDbnald?, eonpessibw OQ, Kinlfess. THee di^y agfferr Herr dbstte would} Hove? msriJed: tttee verssry,- off Herr ‘wed&irigj wHiety tterii plrieee im HS9S?, wHem ^iee Heeafnee tife Hridfe off Wmi. W,. MMbwsity. They ffenpedi im ffiunm T&ww^fity until! 1MKJ, wHem ttfejy retired! tty HueHnwwv Eburr yearss liter?, Mic MJasHbmElty died! aarty wittiirii aa couptte off years; Mbte- MkefDnhd&i moved! tty Alfertty Hsviri^- sty^i He®r Humee Heree tty Mir. Mocffim'rnidi. She rettoned! eastt agaiir im HW Eriidl spentt fburr jiesrgs chiefly im tike IIucHrmw aaidi f&ree going? Haeisk 1 TfflANKSGIMIN® NIGHT DWGEE THankfegiving rrigHtt cfereee wtlll fe ffeddd ity tike T&win HMIJ, IIiieknow>. cor Mfrndiy- averring, CfetbHetr 122ty, wifH mu&ec Hjy Artt MfeUarttrey and! Hiss rHytHnmi otess. IIMLVMIHINT IIAW®’ Dknece im Hfczanwntt ow Eridhy irigHtf, (DtoHerr 22riff. Mbsitt Hyr Hbgptyty Gfrctksttm. AUinissiaty, Genite 2S&;; Dadifes 1W ((nribding ttec)),. Iluridnww aardi Riplbyv' communitibss Hty- f&ree going? Harik tty ttiee Westt. ■JSftss. MIsaDhnsl&i wass Hel&Hin HiglP regsrty tyj'aa widfe cireite off fftemfe Here?, wHoo re^tett tty ltemr. off Hen dfestty. SHte wossai liffelbn^ anH a®«- tivee meMrtferr off ttiee Htesbyteriiari cHurcty: . Sfee i§s survived! tyy ®m- j^riptfety dangHtetr snty saty, ttiee litter?, Mfc Ririiiyy ffiess off Wnontbty, Heingj preer sentt stt ttfee ffmendl. sister?, Miss JbHm Goose off.. NbHlfef&rty, Alim,, and ttvoo ■Hnxttifea^, Jiangs M&cDbnalty' off Hkwdtem andd ffirm (C. MhteDbnaid: off Wuimuver?, olioo snrvivete ■ ■, ' ' IJ - i • HfaudMI Dtown ErapteSste fiijw Hanll ^tafeitt HMIMi U» ESee TftreH. WWn Uewrim HSfek Gta Bfcsjrik Gto IlOyv Gferae MbKrimw), dffugHtbrr off Mfr. ami! Mfes. ED. IL. MWKnmm?, concess- '• ssiofi 4}, Hrifttes?, sate! strid&tt att Duritamw EHgty SBifetyH, esaaped! sera- iemss injirixtes wfitem stfueik am Um peririll ®H tturidc drivewi tfyy Walfecet Briscftk am T&esdigy. Dt waas lhlfee iin tike afffemamr;, near? ttkete^frffttfeeffi^^ktelEH’eifiinay Heingj Hridi im.tHte (fel&fem&m F&rHj tHatt tikejirisHwiP oectnTOtii- Grikee was? liakirigg tike iWfe om Herr Hieycityf asrdd wikelfet! intto ttke ptelk offl tike Heavy ttrteki. Rn ate effbrtt tto mites ttke giiff ttke drived! swerved! ite msriiihte well: im tdwnarris ttke BteTriitsrteffixttxry, Hutt f&ilirig? tto mite3 Herr entire!^-,, string tike gtyil aa gfenririg; bldw ttiritt threw lkrr off! Hm wikedl. :Slke suffered! to ■ •• Hralsjead te ateB aa shaferig: up?,.fertt molkteS^ ikorassteidiwutysikdr^^ thWetii tto Herr Hww. Sfee afeodked! tw driverr off tell Hfemee, differing! sHte / Hhte’ffiil^ti tto wntoty f&rr apprea^Hing? ttteSc bfeffxrcecyetingr msttoff tike drife^- ww oorito tike pavement!. TIfosee wHto wtthessedi tike affaiir maaveltedi utt tike wayy Mfr. fflk&kk ipom- auveredd Hiss tfcrkkk tto aartod! likel^' serimks aacid^ntt. SSrerving: stiaxplfo- HeesEmttHity tri?el& Hettsneewi aatb^pWow porieand! tlkeffi»ttoy?,1kiwgfe^tlke Higp TH® WOHIK GE CHRIST “Brittaa -certfaaty Samarittoij, zzs Hee jwmeyety, camfee. where? Hee waste and wlkw Hee saaw Hiity, Hee Hadi compassion am Hirin’.'’ Mee Hft3^834. 77000 EPML SUNDW, GGTaHEW 4tH BIHUE STUW WK. GOGHER! 7tfe — & H?MI - ’ YGIINGi HEOHHBZ® NIGHT ss mi—Friday,'. gbtghekl 2nd. Mir. Georgee BoweyMSpeakm. PUIIIJIU' SHEMHN® GGNTBS3F , IKIHUHIHAILHAHL WIN NERS' TireBread! of fTearrlii QUALITY and SERVICE OUR MOTTO Let Hbllyman’& Do Tour Baking, SPECIAL® FOE THE WEEK-END STRAWBERRY TART® , CHELSEA BUNS rasrberkF TARTS ? ROLLS HONEY TARTS * , COOKIES MAPLE WALNUT TART® . . _ JEEIX ROLLS '' Arid!'A liargiar Supply Off ' GffOliE^ EAJEE AND CHOCOLATE CAKES 5 TRY OUR SOY BEAN BREAD. IT I® DELICIOUS; BffLO MAK’S QUA LIT Y ' BAKERY,: FliiowM Uwtoow b ■■ The Bread ilO V I! J3’- ai Ffea Ith jHfeldi Gin Tuesday Evening: prior Tto ' Hbtr Departures Tto Enter Stratford? |L Genera]!Hospital! Ak bandkercHieff shower arranged’ Hy? her girl! friends-,, Jielty at? trite Home jOfi Miss? C. A. MacKenzie am Tuesday evening; came as- & complette sur prise tty Myrilte Graham, the guest’ jOff Honor,, write lef^L on. Wednesday to enter Stratford? General HbspitOl;.a& aanurse-itytraining; 1 A. pleasant’ evening' was spent with: jM&rtfe first- being: required! tty Hunt;; jifer thte many pretty Handkerchiefs itiiatt were hidden: about trite room, ^eadn accompanied! by aa suitable verse;.'. . Dressing’ ty clothes pin tty repre- jggirtLdMntyBteeWate^ test', , trite prize? Winners being Eaurine Millerr and: Frances Armstrong: A social! Hour wOte spent at-, lunch time wbem tttsty refreshments were? served, r " ■ ' ■ - i ’ •' ■'h i r Sthndiffg; off Contestants Trite standing; appearing? below isi t fbr aR? vottyp four puBieatiom uty tto Mrs;: Arntetfrang? JI. Wilsom —1B9;4O& Mrss Dbnte McDbnslty ((&?)) 157;75ff Geeill Miillini ___________ 155;35ty HbHertt Mfoffbtt ............... Misty jJbrity Endite _______ A5i;775! Misty Glia-m MheDbnslty ____l!4$4(Iff MSss Stewart: Dimrity U^g2S M&ty. Henry Carter- M&ty. Harvey JI? AcHert: —LLBJfiSty Vird&n MbwHroy ...........'......... Miss; Archnte Batferson: 108;5PflL ^rebite GteHaim .ipffiarty Mrs; Btyorrte Drirnim ’....’ rriiiaar Mrs;. Wfm Eloyty SffSda ______8^025! Mutvim Sblbmoni .............. ■ ,, T^fiTSc i Miss. Arcriite AiteHisoni ——— 75;5(IO . MSsty Jbjy Hfenderaoty SSjlOO DKsty EXWell Martini . 59;S5ff Misty Flbraa Webstear_________52357K 3K«s. ®iverr MfeGHartety ______5LS0O Misty Mhrgdrett MfeNoll! —.—, ffiUOT GtytHferirite Jbbnstbm ___;___5ty775> Glaytom Altbm .......... ' ' 4^825! JbHty Ku. lUfecKmirite ........--------47;02ty Mfes. THomass Hfenry -----------4^(KTEp Mfcty...UK.-EE. Dudley-______ Misty Elizabetto RbHinsom —___AL45U Misty Mhudite Eisikar ____!— 4L2Q0L Ddfes. JbHm (ferrntberty__—4fi,’4QflC Misss Versa H- Littito , _________3^51® Mfes. Kvam Tayferr 28,9W iMrss- Jfess. TL Webster ——26,^5! Miass' Mriribffi JbHnstbty , i..,.,',.,. • Mrss ETdbm Hbmfersgty —~—25jn5f Misss Aterite Gblwelll ,....'...-.....'■• 2^87® Mrs;. Jbsepty WHitby ______— ^32755 Miss. Mbdcolim 'Stems# .......2§§2ST55 Miass Eileem GeogHcgten 22§359C Miss. Gordrim RrtfeHite ................23^69(1-' I Mrss. JI ®- MfceKhnzite . . r^POff: Ettto Bbllto MacDonald! ..........2tyL7£ , Mites JbsepHihte G&untt . .........2ffil2g Georgee Aliom ......... 19^67Ec Mfes. Btett Treieavem , l^UWJC Mites (Sfeudto TSeleuvem .......18§900C Mrss. Irvirite Henryz -Ity025i Mfes. Elliott: T&yibrr ....... ITjSKI j' ®- IL. MfeKirinoty ,. , ...-.....- ityiSSc Mfes. Aaiffty McConnell _____L I^SSK Mfes. Dotr Wyrifes........... ...........-14^1511 Mfes. EHizarietty Bbltt......... .. .....14<125c Mites Mfeggie MheLeotfc 13,575! Misty Riitty Wiritersteim ___lS^lMi Mfes. ®am Gupskey 12^7dtt! Mrss Mferkk JbHnstbm......... 1SJ550C Mfes, ML ®- dfer ___—- X2J275! Misss Sadie E&; McGHaries? _ HX,D75C ________________.J ____ ___ WJ95ff ■ ■ Chester- Twamley: ____ _____-10,709 ; Mites Catherine (L Hamilton _ lff,'35ff Ibrry Gilbert- __________ ______10,'^ Mites RbHy Reid! ____i Mfes Jhmety Ritchie? —— 110,000 Notte—Cbntfetants witty ‘less? than ! ltyOOOO votes? not: shown, in- tbity stand; ing;. ■*''". ! (The- above dries? not? necessarily sHow thee total! votes-, Hutt gives- thee correctt standing' off each contestant); ; - . WON? BAI® OF SHOE® mentt off yv&d? tike extfeai awards aa^, fbllbwssbelow.. TUke suecesss ffnancitely off tHiss GhadiWiill and! tike resuita acki- aowiedfeedl Hy' dirty members? proves? witHouttaa dbuHtt tHatt itthss? stirinte fetedi casty Huying; among; tike stbfety whm are.- ra-aperatingr im tike plsmlm feet;,, itt iss tHity success tbstt promptty uss tty odd! tto tike origtyngl prizes lite;, and! from? mnw-tto tike clteee off ttke ctompteteri tike intterestt ity tto iricraasee weefe Hy week;. Hferee iss trie litet off grand! prizes Wives Kilpotriety _ awaad^, ineiuding: additional! prizes?, arranged! im ordferr off retail! vteiiee and! wliibty ares ff spfeyeteriy tike ftelbwin^ mercHanttet: .. 11—ffidioqmi arr GJksterfifel&l Sbitty —W. JJ. Davisom 22—GdmEinatiomRange. , —Rite? <S& Kfftefpiss ■ ar? EU&tetity Washes —-Wrm Murdity Sbm :<!—Eleetrity R&dity or Htetfery' Sett - ’ I" —TC. W- Siritfe 44—Wteriutt ©kstt aw Dhvenpeartt ' Garicik—W’. JI- Drivitem OTlpieeee Dinnerwaace Stet —Jas?. GMfites 6S—Silver?- Tfeaa Stewfee - F?. TL Armstrong; TJ-LIady^ss our Genttty Writet W&tfcty -r-DL Hl. A&kte .88—Gongoleurm Rbgr . . , —Tfempltetxm «8&r Gao 98-Ftediri^ Gtemcrty-M. E£. KKOtm l»t_45wtelingj H^-WHwtell<£&IEtety ill—1TO ifes. RMiitety Sigte-r —Hi . Hl . Thompson IB!—AlliWboll Btdi Throw -■Thee MhrHett iBS-GHirisa T^j —Wim. Mferdke Sum lM-®xx parity Badass SSttk Hbsse —SB. BteaHnam ltyL-lTO ltfes. Bbritw EUtenr . --W.W.EH11! lfiS-Wtefennam Efem and! ®nrill Stet —EEMlBhterson 1177-ia^om Site Btet! ■ " 9 —Thee- Mtorket? lB8-2ty—0hee Yearn SiiHtyjriptibm tto SbntiheL Ftefftiree Votess f&ir Friday Stetartfey HOadl tike odfrertisementty off tell riiity meretymtty fc specially priced! ffeonardi MhcLeodi itemss aard! dbuHifee votfee ffesttirety. Should! am errorroccurrim. the-sthndi- irig? off vdtess published! beldw?-, Ike sure, and! notify- Ghity lkodipiartefes Hef&re tike next! count! aridity ctfeekk will! be mtytty tyfgj any errinr rectified!. ®Her? witee ttke cowrit will! Ike adjudged! cofe- reett-.» WomSri^allHrize Dastt we&ty RbHertt Mbff&tt worn the fSWJ prize?. FALL FAiR ATTENDANCE ON FRIDAY SHOWED INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR THee annual 1 HMflity SpeakHn^ ctmtestt undterr tike, aaispieess. off tike B&ncet County-’ EBbeatibnUl Ahsomdirity, ynH! Hee Heidi tHite yew im HMsity^, on; BSii- cHsyy evening^ (fctbHerr IBS tty, adt 88 itnr, THiss oHaanpionsHiip contfestt iss opem tty fifcstt prizes wirinms att RbrailseHorall Fterssityl^wnsHiptewHeTtescHo'oHf&irte arte- Held! and! fifrgtt yriite winnerBs ait crttterr nmnieipaltttes?, atta&cowttett ftyr ciiiiai-Om off priHHty seHodll age?.' THreee sptendi&i prizess Willi Hee givem andJtHte ofHetr contestfcntte geteaa pirn Efrste [jritee winner? wffll 1 representt ttyss Gbum- tyy ait thee GiretyHi ffistttctt Gbntfett. Hlliottt Hrirvety, wirinetr att thte Kiin- Ifess ESarf, ite eWg^htee ftyr tHiss event!. . HRU GE! THAGllHRg? T® CftJiNW® IN< WRONT® THIS< MKAW DYCEUMI SPECIAL off tike seasotyss Hij bteiii^g featured att tHee Dye tree tHiss -week’. Fredd Asthiret-''d? Gingerr Rbdgifes ity ‘Follow T5ke FleetV THity ity ty rollicking song and dance tyritirae tHatt will! pravidty ttroo Hours? off real! enjoyment!. Twoo sHowss each fright!. Rtod tfe? adi. MINISTERt® SON! TO STUDY? AGRttJUIimRES IN< ENGI1AND tto ity Th'ety- ttteHig gasofihee caarievr ttoaa step?, parnll^h tty, and! only aa few iriritas ffom? ttfee cementL building. Weatt Effneee teasthWas will! departt ffwn th'eitr usual 1. cttsttym tHite year?, wHem tHeyy Holdd tlfeitr annual I convem- ttom irii“T&mrtty ow THuredigy and; ES-idkyy, (fttbbterr 2Sfedl andl 23fcH-Mfrcty off tike tihree will! Hee spentt im oHserv-- ing? im Toorontty scHoolte- THeTte arte 11-22 tfeochWes im thte Westt Btucte IiP- apeetbratty. Wfett Hfcrom tfenaHetBs meett itn GRjdi- errcty tHias THmdkyy andi Kfidkyk’. . Htuto Marshall/, youngesff sow o>£ ttiee Horn. Dbircani MfcrcMJ, Minister off Agriculttoo,. sailed! ferr England recently and will 1 spfendi.tHty nextt two yearns Off ffidfeftff University striding? AfertcwJttirsdk Eeononricss. HHteee will! bee ttfee first: Canadian? strident? tto&ttidy Afericul three att CJkferty, wHichh rrowHaa- rneeoff thfee fest? organized: departments off Agriciilttanll Economiess tto Hee found! anywhere,-. ffincee Hass tkerri aaff- . i M Hearn guessing? contest'- condue-* tfedi Hy MacDonald Htess all tike Fair: om Friday and Mt tikirr store, om Sate urday created! much interest and: more thorn TOW gneses were? cost;. At ?S;000 pain off shoes? ww thee prize; worn tyj Mri DJ JI Btooty, RJ RJ,4i Riplby. Trite correct: number off beans? wass 2£W) His? guess? was? 2*698! Mrs; Harvey Atkerf was rririte from- the actual! count!. ........ . . t LOST VALUABLE- HORSE Horsemen and fell ffcit? followers will' know Hill i Dbcker’ off ZiirreH?, who- lostt a£A voidable horse last: week; Mr. Decker? was? woty on? liity v may show with aa pair purpose greysj. for - which He .Had Lto Mildi- F general tyiitfed! tto Hfertffrrd GoilbgB^, sniff willl turned: down ty $60(1.00 offer; The commence' Hity stiidies^ om Cfttbber?12!. prize team?, whiety Has? seldom- been ■Hk ity oh? Hortorr graduatfee off Tbrontto beatorr ity thte district; was in ty trail- Universit^ ity HMiticall Science? otrdi er{ and id making’tlre turn intb Mild- Economics^, Hsviilgr specialized! ity AAgi- may .ow offttfe anijnalsj?in soffie man-’ ricuHttrtei Economics?. During? Hitynerfracttiredita-leg-andit-.wasfbimd com-se/ott Torontix- University Hee Hsty necessary, th shoot? him ty few min- Heerr one off thbe leading? debaters?-, utfess lktfer. Busy Building fem Near Ifejfilhge Hdve Fellfidf Timlkrr Gte Fmw Off Rbd MacDougall! Ato Fireff Stepp Tto Dim? Bifeii The Hfecfe Creety-Never Be fore Known? Tto Bto IinTKity Vicinity Canadian Heaver are busy' building ty damn witHim three miles? off this? village,, arid! sm fair as we can learn iff is- the first- trine Heaver? have ever? Heem known to ii ipi this vieinitjK These industrious' laaimtee are carrying on theirr clam building' op eration! om the f&rmn OffRbd! MheDbu- gall?. eoncessiom 41- By' the Gome and? Fisheries Laws?, these animals Ore given particular protection; and Con-j stable Mhore states that trespassers? om the farmss off Mr: MhcDdugtel! or Anguty Graham; ity trie vicinity where the Heavers are working;! will! be pro secuted! v , . _. . Thedamitkey-aieHuilding:ityscrass tern? tty ihtrodiice Mr; Marshall! Tto a the Black; Creek; and the largest tree they- Have fellteii sm fer ftov the pur pose measured? about: m foot? or rirdrty ity diameter fit iss poplar and Mr? MhcDdugalll cuff ouff trie section? at? tike Hase off tbee tree tHatt the rodents ^piswed ity ordcrttofeir iff. Hee brought? iff iiitto town on Tuesday, where iff 'was? viewed by many’ interested per sons; THity big: tree lodged coming down;, Hutt those who are acquainted Witty their ability-,, styy- tHaff . very- shortly- they would! Have iff down? and intO position flli the riven. Other smal ler treoss "the size off ty stove pipe?* are being' used to raise the water and already- tiw-- Have ty fall! off bout? aa fboff. : . 1 i Wood;, stones- aard mud go into the conteructiom arid! the scaly- tail; dff the animal’ ity used? fbrr plastering the mud! ass cleverity as? m plasterer would use His-trowel! Iff ity difficult: to observe them, in aetiom Two have been seeir;. vbut? whether there iss bigger colony, is notknown. In winter- they live, in houses; 8 on44 feeff High;, built’ by tfiOm. on the watterity edge. They are substantial structures? , witty am underwater en- trance,, affording protection. These hedges” will! Hold usually from 44 to 8- animals; Iff ie when they find to stream not? suffiieently deep for? their home that: the beavers proceed to build ty dam? and! evidently they .are irow. rushing’ work fbr their winter Headquarters; Already the- owner off the property Hsk? observed! ty rise in the stream, Hutt we understand ty two-fbot rise is!- possible? without* flooding’ valuable property? so Mrt and Mfe; Beaver will likely-be permitted to continue their ingenuous work unmolested. ADDRESS B¥ THR HONORABLE DUN€AN‘ MARSHALL AFTER THE PARADE GF EIVESTOCIT, WAS A FINE OPENING FOE LUCK NOW’S FAIRte-ATTENDANCE UP—FEWER EXHIBITS IN COME CHASSES; ' •• ' * » I ‘ ( ‘‘II know of no better way to keep i inhabit the streams PRESENT Ar WEDDING A noteworthy guest at the Fritz- Campbell wedding' at the home of Mr; and Mfe Duncan S. Campbell, Kinlass; last Wednesday, was Miss Agnes Macphaih M;P., who has: just rocently returned from Russian Misr Mkcphail is? at> close frfendti of! the Campbells, ®i friendship which was' formed when Canada’s prominent' lady member, taught school at Black horse. ; • . Win Big: Cask Ffize , Mfrsj. George Scott: of' Eangside, whri took an early- lead ifr the Wings fiam Campaign, succeeded iff ' re maining in first, place throughout and Woff the $800.0(1 cash prize, which she Ws presented* With off Mbridhy evening during a dance in the Wing ham armories! fair. The first nighffs crowd was very -wI^»w1lr', Iwa’ty* 'A'Wnc.. ■ .wuuinfill. tbWiat- jwas well. filled; THe dance that fol lowed was attended by more than 1400. Music, was? furnished by McCart Hey’s orchestra; J The prize winners? follow: ' '■ • HORSE® ' < * ■ Heavy Drnfff Brood? Mare—James Bollock. Dt X . Brooks, 2nd &. 3riii; Fbal^Jwety Pte- lock, D& X Brooks; L Two-year-old Gelding—John lffcQtiillin;; Three-yr;. bld: Mare—X G Anderson 4^? Son; Span in harness—Peter Wataon, Jaty 'Pollock; D. J; Brooks; Female; any agto—Jas; R. Hackett, Agricultural Brood Mare—Harold Campbell, Iff G; Martin; James; Pollock; Foal— Harold Campbell, James? PdUbclr,, McNay Bros?; One-yearrolty Gelding —Robert Moffat.. John McQuillin, R. X . Button; Two~year-olty Geldings— Peter Watson,. Clifford! BisIce;, Xa*. T Webster; Three^yeai^ld Mare^r-Pete er Watson ; Span ity Harness^-Bert McLelland,. Peter? Watscnr Femolity-— Bertt McLelland! . , General Ptirposty Hones? . . . Spam in harness—Stewarff Kfato* Donaldt Brood Mare—Ewart Tiylbr; Foal—Dave Brooks;. Albexff Alton;: One-year-old Mferto Jas; Forster; Two-year-old: Mare—A. Sutherland; Jris. Forster: • I' Carrie^ Dorses Single Carriage Horse—A Por- teous, Jas. Johnston; Stood! Mare- George Alton; Foal—Geargefc. Alton; Two-year-old Gelding—Ernest. Blake Road! Dorset Single horse—A, Pbrteous; X Johnston, Di Carruthers;; Mare ll! McQuillin; Two-yesrbld Gelding —H; MbQuillin; One-year-old Geld ing—H! McQuillin. ' Specialty Lady driver—Mfe; Kirbie; Gentle man’s Turnout—A. Porteous, Jas; Johnston: A. Porteous;; Ladies? Hite ching race—Janie Alton;; Female? any age pt class—Bert McLelland, 1st & 2nd. X G; Anderson; Gelding, any age or class—Stewart McDonald, Peter; Watson, Harold Campbell; Best halter broken ftyd—R. €£ Martin, H! McQuillin, McNay,BroS;; Match ed Span offHorses—Bert McLelland; Trained: team—James Pollock, Stew art McDonald; Brood Mato and two of; her progeny—Bert McLelland; Mare—Jas. Pollock? McNay Bros.; 3 Horses in Twp.—2^ Bert McLelland, 1 Jas, Pollock; 2 Peter Watson, t X G. Anderson; 2 Harold Campbell, I Alex Sutherland; Horse hurdle Jumping— Geoige Alton; Frank Mc&iillm; Hal ter broken Colt—R. G; Martin (Continued? on Page 4) Ithe Hoys? on ttite fhnm than to giw slim, but the second night the hail them: some good beasts?’ said the H.ot rot Honorable Duncan Marshall! im his address that marked the opening’ of- Lucknow’s .71st Agricultural Exhibi tion; The remarks were prompted by jthte fiffte displayoff livestockthat pass ed by thee speakers? stand; a few miir- 'utes? previous; noteworthy among whiety wast the number of calves in charge off thee members of? thee Calf1 Club, k ' , '. ’ Both, events were newly introduced this’ yesaar and drew favorable com- rirent ftonn all; sides*. Arriving' Here a- little behind sche dule; The Honorable gentleman was met at the Town Holl by Fair offic ials? and escorted tty the park by the E?ipe Band. President’- Jbhn McQuillin spoke briefly' andicolled on Mr; J. G Ander- 9 Isigte crowd gathered around; tire speaker off the day pointed out it wa® pver 4K years since He had addressed te gathering’ here, He recalied the iCaledbnian games which he had at tended;. and! spoke o£ gid friends among? them being' the late Peter MhcKenzie and Mr. Valeris; i Hte took pleasure in the livestock, parade which would do credit to ione off our Gnturid cities; he said. He congratulated the men and boys ori; bringing’ out their stock so well ffttrid! Ass. well* as the money it will make you;, it will -bring’ you- pleasure and satisfaction, We added. The proof off the'value off the success oT agri cultural fairs is the long’ life they have enjoyed, and this village,, de pendent' a® it is- on the rural com munity heed not worry; os? long as farmers? keep breeding? the class of' stock he had” just viewed, were his closing' remarks, as he wished the ^^BOard continued] success in declaring the Fair officially; opened. Music was provided throughout the afternoon by bpth local bands, is well ..as four members of the '•Kitch ener Fusiliers Pipe Band. Scotch dancing? by Reid McKim, Etta Belle MacDonald* _ J^otn Culbert, Mary Louise POrteous and Mary Lorraine Johnston was watched with interest. Gate receipts showed an increase over lost year; with about 1800 pay ing’admission to the grounds. Follow ing; a dismal, cold day on Thursday, Friday dawned bright and clear and the afternoon saw ideal, fall weather prevailing: Thera was* a strict ab sence off all games off chance. Mr. Blackstone from Goderich had the booth privileges; - Hall exhibits were down somewhat from previous, years. The root crop display was exceptionally good. Mac Donald Bros., Wm. Miirdie & Son and Treleaven's Flour Mill had mer chandise displays in the hall. Out-of-dpors the cattle classes were exceptionally well filled vrith high quality stock. Fine horses, but not as many were judged in the two' horse rings which were introduced this year to speed up the judging. Other stock classes were about their usual standard. 11 Trie. Boys’ Galff, and Grain Club were keenly contested. After the calves had been judged a calf race was Staged that was a feature of the afternoon. About 15 boys1 and their calves staged almost a neck- and-neck heat* the four* winners be-; ing Goldie Martin,. Allah Miller, Ir- ______ . _ ___ ____,_______ . . . _________ — . • Winners in these two Clubs are not events. Dorothy Graham was announced until a later date.________Senior champ with 24 points, with The Cowan Concert Co., provided. Hilda Lane a close second with 18. fine entertainment both nights, of the' ■(Continued on Prige 81 Students Sta^e Annual Sports Par Tuesday Full Afternoon's Events Saw Junior And Senior Hoys And: Girls Strive For Premier Honors — George Joynt, Jack Cook, Dorothy Graham And Helen MacDonald High In - ’ Their Respective Classes. Supervised by the teachers, with assistance by other-interested towns- ‘ men, tire Lucknow High School an nual Field Day waas 'successfully staged on Tuesday; when a frill af ternoon’s sports program saw the students vie for the championship in their respective closes. This an nual event is an interesting affair, although it is generally run off be fore a slim number ctf spectators, other than) the students themselves. . George Joynt ran off with the Sen ior honors, with a total of 38 points. • Harold Thompson was runner up with 14. Jack Cook scored eight .firsts and handily won the Junior class with ' 40 points^ John K. MacKenzie was in second place with 18. _ In the girls’ competition, the first win Carruthers and Blake Alton, seven classes counted as medal 5 the t 0 * '.'li'l'ia'xikrK.’i’.at'to. ......"'iiiaiiigiiMfliitfiiiiM