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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-24, Page 7
International Plowing Match Today's diligence insures tomor row's dividend. Usually, the men we'd to help don't-'ask for help. There’s profit in order 2nd elcau- Eness. : B Contestants in Action at the 1935 Meet r The 50(Lodd sturdy plowmen from Ontario, Quebec, Maritime Provinces and New York State who will take possession of several Hundred acres of farm land near Cornwall during the 24th International Plowing Match from Oct, 6 to 5 should not besurprised if their plowshares torn up several arrow heads, stone axes, or other relies of the original holders of the land. According to J. A.. Carroll, seere- taryjmanager of the Ontario P2ow_. , , i - MardonaM of men from Glen- carry was famous- .They, came, most of them, from that strip of country .back from the St. Lawrence through Glengarry County, known as the Indian Land^—-once an In dian reservation.” _ This strip of land, says Mr. Car-. roll, was about two m3es wide at. the Western ^de of Glengarry bor- derijsg Stormont, and ran the full length ef the county. Deeds were first grarxted to white men about 00 ye^rh 2go. £—------------------------------------------------------------p-r—T World Is Now Past the Corner LASHES .' I. •* li -■ Little Jane, age 5, contentedly Eek- mg a laEtjrpop# came tote a drag store. an<£. .said'-her mother wanted a roE ■«£ fcssae paper. The clerk wrapped it up-and handed'it to her. ■Little Jane — Charge it, please.' . Clerk (net knowing. her) .• — • Ger-' tatoiy. But who to ■ it for? ■ ■ ■ . Little Jane (sauntering bl’tE&ly gh her way) — AS of ss. ■ Mother —- What, is your Baby bro ther' crying- about? ■ Junior. — He has dug a-_ big hsle m the -backyard and wants to bring it. in the .house. , ’■ A- me^s company;? • Dertok (Bed 1^) Gold' Mines Ltd. has been or ganized <m the “Dc«’“ Oakes claims Located zdizeent- to Rouge D'Or and -■pie*, north. Madsen'..Red. .Lake./ While the necessary legal work 'and •organization, a XTelmie'to an oTer- ing ■ of shares,, is pesi- in i-zno,' st ss understood that, applications in ez_ eess of g&Qfi&j shares have been re ceived- The company'is .eapkzKzed at 3JJ00X«>0 shares,' of ' which • |. were eiioted ' to ' the vendors and I are. pooled. While em» discovery has. been made a picket line.' from the 4J0OO-ft ’-feds&n'.b-reak indicaies' that.' if/. tfe$- di^svery continued , to ' carry north it should pass through., the 'Oakes '©r Lfertak .'ground ever a twcreSaim width "■ K-B-. Heisey, M-E- wiU direct c-peretien for- the etmapany. At the-. .asmsal meeting ©f; share. ■ holders d .'f^ymastcr Consolidated . Mines' -held at.: Strath Poreupfee, Sep- .tereher 14th, toe feilcwfeg ^ese ei- ■ ■ected as officers of toe es®i^hyr E . H- Walker, presitent 2nd managh^ dipeetor; A.S. FuEer, vfee-presi^rt.; \E- L. OTBedhy. secretary -treasmer; , A, W_ Hodgetts, assistant secretary and . te-asar&r- The pressdent dzheS 'tost produeto® costfnued to increase as eviderced by a baSHon shipm^t Eesreserfeig toe tost M ^ys of Scew- tsztoer aTsoantfeg • to $33-545. 35S3- • heads, averaged .flfi_19.- during tons . perasd-. - ^Gesafea AaxazdcSe Avar^s^tvs. fx 4 ' ifedsEtJ ysar-tosoccstoaGii. MnSczpeSj' bB yadB^asaSesc 1 cf sas •’ CzazcSwa • Ficks A&SCEZaCffi £SjA V3C£- gcesi&sE ’<□£ J. J. Gi&cos Ixaaad. / ' Gold Production by ■ . Finest Ids ■' tevel n^iersestod a .new veto. ■srSE Be further' By work. ' . ' ■ •\ . r • The Cow Decides —J----------—. <A A dagy1 esw ,w£3 res^snS to feeing aizs gstod toestssest. ser, haps better' t&aiz z&j cither fans, be a. <■.—■...... '_ _ _>. anrEtol Eaefe ntorrsdisal! Gtoryr e®w | sma&2 "fee a ®srt by Itorse-iL. V :kesr fem assfasofe, carry c&ws cast ®e efSefeiEtly fei if aE easts are fed alike as>i given . .the &sz& QnEEt^yi ' '• The s&ir d&o^s the gxz~‘uty fa t&e..rzthi®. ■ ss the re- ‘easaifeseEito'• for .each e&w may ©e fdEfferest. Cnsess1 toe hsfjtsnsas euSivato. toe tost ©f ©feerviCTss. ss to toe csaEtoty ef fe&& eacfe 'e©w tea zs.-fejSsre- '-be w® fegi ■ to • S&ee toe .Esaxasssm, ejaantoxy ,@f wSe es bed 4f | / J^aae PkotSscfBCEj .... $1€^000 .faty Rwfafion .. —_____ _________ -- 17,000 I AaguH. Ptaiax&m ...........-.................ZlfiOO Berk tarar feeastg rcsfiteJ to s&z& prOs&w&Rm wp to IGO. toss® pev / " ' ’ ■jr<5r,fofcTE2S^oia WrSe AG. WHITE & CO. 512 METgOPOLITAK BLDG. EL. 6323 ' . * * TORONTO Model Aircraft Set I Five New Record*^ . WINNIPEG, — Five new Canadian f records for model aircraft flights were • claimed here following annual contests, under toe auspices of tog Model Arr- j craft League ofManitoa. Lem Fisher. of Winnipeg, 1934 can- t adian junior champion, won the to-' door junior stick contest with a flight j of eight minutes, five seconds. The er- I toting record is 5.43. : The same 15-jear-old youngster was declared indoor fuselage junior victor with a Cight of 4-4L The, exist mg re- A cord Jgr 4-35. ■ ■ '' ■■ Fisher also captured . .the junior ; I ! Wakefield butdeor fs&eizge contest to 1.40 slow tirrte compared with the tor- tser record of seconds. Senior hon ors to this' flight went to Bob McLeod bf ’Wtonipeg with a 3J39 flight comj^r- ed the torm&r .record of L54- , George Lord made it an all-V»'tonf- r»eg affair,when he ^'&s declared the winner of the. outdoor stick senior &r- ent. The time was annimneed zs lh .mtoutes. wtdeh- compared with the- ■ isting mark of 5.41. . - -(Vy"---------# Sneezing Time J' " 1 • \»\ < *. PROBLEMS OF EVERY DAY LIFE . By Dr. M. M. Ltppm ■<<>'< 1 « « «■< <> <■ < <<.<.,» CO O O O o 00 * e b <* » » < THE JEALOUS CHILD Part of that framing in 'this.'< A , '• Will be making it dear 1© Jads t Wt ta,e teo^ildren, Mb dojs, atthoagh Eteara tea ease into I Jaez I- 2,/nost five and Edward ?s yoa , | Jffit «o. teA teens to have, a as im bim S2 :«■», ataort a erne, str&k w nan. tto » | ward, ana > «*»» V>UKe_ a Ae^at u z M |»> toaS:ng_Edward. He is always „ tbe y00 . panernng toward wnen ne gets a nr rm ' An Ato-erlcan magazine announced last- v^eek that hayfever sufferers were ©p toe move, gwamp* 'tog1 rail and feds ..stettons,^ steamship .offices 2n3 hotel desks 'to" p&fiemfree districts; Many thtogs besides. pol len set .people, sneezing, but pollen to __ ___ _ chief offender. The ssfL ye-i.ow; chance zpd 1 have to wptto. him like ns,' when under 2 mierpseepe- ’ a hawk. Tf Edward ' is playtog- with t^e cfeief The sDft^ | s.nd I w wateia ’him l&e ' grains,' when under 2 mierpseepe.' a hawk. If Edward ' is playing with ' look -Kke .miniature golf balls thickly,;^ -e.-ioy, Ja&k'wiii watch his oppor-, Digest, ...and- “when these' come to • frem" hirm • Do' yon think Jack w«h — .act.'Wrto m"?eus membrane fhe'!grow ent’’c^.this? Is there znythtog spike? jab little .lioles through which \i ezn do to help him. grow out of to?” the poilen ..gram' discharges & jelly- |j tg Eot u’seommon to find the like, mass,” Tne sir of North Amer; - child, develop a little jealousy, ica is charged with pollen' from the j middle of August until toe frost- 2nd ’ hay-fever szfzerers. of whpm there ‘________ ___ ______________ must be at least ■ oegto to,. ee, for almost three years you ■ lav- have 1 " " ' ’ *' ’ ■' ' ______ _____Z__' ’ —__ __ _ Various-cures have been tiered- tor \^zrd eame' along and. took up your rtoctog 'insertions d poEen,' but the ‘'attention, and ''Jack, 'j^Hzsng '>e*t'.of theto $* smply to’.go. where,-jEdward kps, to 2 masmez* .eome be-- ‘here 3 no • pollen- '.Yet, with 2B i-tween-yon 2nd him, and'has fch^ered^ Ame.txa. s transport ■ facilities, this * you from gtotog hito your imdiviided.. rgre to out of the question for very ; attention- as b^ore- feels'■ resentful, zs&zy s.uS’erers- Among, toe causes -d. 2nd -.pats his '. spite . out fito-Edw2rd. . anr-oytog ■ fcalady ' the eornmun < 'Rut I err sure' it' is only a passing ragweed, is by fa'r the .most proline-! phase and he will.'grow, otrt d jt- ” ■ oexng responsihle fes* mere than. aS ; . There to much that you can do to', .other- irritents e&snbsnetL,, It is 2 ear- "help him groor out of it 2nd, if y&n ■ ous. thing that he arnmals 'have hay^ * zre wise, you will do 2H you ear-.. To lever. Before the year ,1673 medical ■ 2How this resentful .feeing iordih^e '.terztore' made "no reSerenre to toe s to -yoar child wfE certainly not. fee "tor ■d:=ease among humans. • , ', I the toad’s good to later life, so you studded' with sp.'kes, says toe Liter i tentoy "and then take toe toy '2wav 2'«yr P'_ • - ’ •’ ' f - • ' - ' _ -....- r. contact. with mocoh^ membrane 'the > obt'o^.toto*? Is there anything when the second appears,. and that to hard-y to be wondered at, tar toe child does, not qnite understand. You . :... ,___ _ ~. a'. m-tot 'urx-omfprtable time. ■ tohed your love upon Jaek,"' then Ed- ’ ■ in family "uses what RIB ROOFING 3>i?33ft5SisSC3S tsESSStS TSfjf ZZ' V© • ’GSS was&erj easy v® Jsy. K«®t» Zrtcfegr gSs-as yea ^raster aiij jsagBsf sarsfe# &ec®x®g 55 is tSa^ c-izSzal ■ ’7-=fio9 ’ sfictes®. ' XEafe' is C0tnitftoa&' szassasn m^aaagr-a* 'csa^sy.■®re -^3 g&Sy. 7®a 'gteSS-isffle ^nis -feijjfcffigtt. WsSfis vs siffW'' ROOFERS SUPPLY CO. LIMITED isstoirto ' Xotejtoffir ‘ .^SBsrSiazAX. - Issne No. 39— ’3S ' Dog’s Sixth Sens£ -—^Writes the Vaneoisver pr&rtnee ■-*- Dsselosures at the ecrnference d ' tte ■Britssli.'MedieaJ 'Asseezatton at Oxford that three dags had saved tiseir mas ters in the Quetta earthquake last year has. revived' disesssion ,«® ■■ toe mystery .of essdne "girth sense-” ' The reve-atiicra at the amterenee was mide fcy Sir Hesry T. HoH2n^,tor: 3^ years cfesef d the Quetta Mission HospitaL He related how ax Quetta, an 2-mry EEStrudtor whs pulled .from 'fits bed by ass dog '22 minutes before the earthquake, and was to the ganim hunttog f'-r j&e-sihie teKgtars wtsen' bis souse crashed. ■""t other dogs.'he eopiatoed one ezlfad Whisker, fretongtog to a soldier and 'another owned by-a deaf wccnan, also pu-!ed their owners from their ped*. . . ' ■ UajiM fea= fcinnd many fm-rta «ynem was to.acquire a . farrr.- 2xa work tserai eith' zzvis'- cf .men wfeo travefed tefseis '.ito' ■q/rxiw? estates. ViOages •“s:cas’^ tosito-raT-d jj»‘ ffeg Farm1 Tsere puHed down ®r i’to'weif to to/ay.” . ' [ La;. 1.- X'r.e~ 'ix.g' ’ bst grain: He wa* -5^.-. i'sssr?’ vtamz) Calted Udder Cleared «4r-TEr« feat Jfcsais'iS* w----x'-^- trraSK*' s-es*' ‘■—assw. «&£.. '&»*« si KW aKsJ Sasteise.