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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-24, Page 5
. . MFEM® ► . ■ '. c ; ’ 4‘ ‘ . .... ....... . . , ' ' ’ ’ ’ ’ * ’ ”" ■t 11 ; Tie* mwrnanlh? weestfitear ounuitirnis tfite foill &ar tfte preniiratfinn off Iteufi fficrr tfte SHsdihgj off te&att camdterl wtgh tfte gnseraiiiiigr iinweasEe fin tote gnuxee aff witeig, Hesse ns^iitisil iin sei rmxulb lixEgssr aurEtagge tffewn usual] (Gni toils sseatfinn an Iteetb) . Haahg; sacrem. ?/• . k • : ■ ' . fWCSRE WITHSHMffi IL^W HtigJUHW) h®j LW. ti *-■ 3Dfes.. WiHiaffi 'a^ge SSg off WtnggiiKnq,, wgaB aftnustt mptorTifty |3siltea tin am ummuffl mutohr toExfiiteut, jWffilHi nmrirTOl am FRirnthaiy afffe^EMHim 'qm go. H311 uh TinuBfgiajy 3355^ f infitete ’flanm Wng^hsm. ' .„_ I' THee oshx. tfhusBm Hjy ihafitr ^httor Wfa ; iHStlvaaxd Hatepirtri^;. am tHm .- — . - —.. . ____ ®ill tond wste Handhipg dtown. .IlnngMug' RHce EBSHHitt sfiuwars^, ffrilfommfi fcijy Tama 'tfee aan;, tfhe wiitfim sarifeiwnHdi' w„ ' too greavsitt fit ffrmn tonjniiing qcre&r intto tfitti ditttfii,’ hurt Hrer eSnntto ™>w tto itml aavifil, amfi tflae corr unroitorl gpaegr antfap; .Hffit;,, K’tramhng: Hag too aWHy Thy .SHfr-' jiess wage sEOfeeEa. •wSm mcaiffiEaH Hpato .'fcflftyroy, S^xeeitotl gufiffiBs am'- TnwaSfc. TEnwedR- j iiig^. WtoHi (Taftes. W. aett — RffiEE.; WM33T ggnrowMi! ' ": ’ ! SKssb ©raise HJMee off M^qirn. s^snt | tike WH»&eeiifi wiQj ^bst tpHEeitto,' Mr |ton£l Mrs.’ Thus. FRhffap -Mess'* Olive i EBlitiec, ttaihr) Hm£l Ebewm ynwtfhig to4te- > ‘tthess aat SSa^aitflj., Wamnm aauff Htoy- ; ififeelfl, dnmmgaaiiigil Sea- Hnpwe , . " 'j . ,3fe' (Etthae ffiaijattiiyi; was. Hama iriroin M±whbB tHiffi weaStoenll. —- —Wfr——'-A^aJePT,"',‘S^e»it.r. 'Vittf (WastfiSdifl,' were §gifp?tte' off Mr. andj Mas. ZSoarman jSha^Betrm ^aomr Run/ ‘ "■ Tfliiy. ..........■............../......./"' ' ”~ ’ ’■' ” ! . Mr. EBaiice Stofiseto, who Bros Ekshti. ' ’ceoirviilffiaingg Saar ^syeaG^l We^ss aa± tfhae ’’ fhome off this sshtoex, Afe. ffiurtam aaudi ['Mr. Eirrtnn, rtoturneS too Trmfima with iHiss Hrnifhm;, Wrr, R.©. SfthifhffiEs Sim-' Idiay. EHas Hmdtth ie ggrafiualg’ imgrrnv- finjg ainfi, wae Hug® tffe oHun®e will f£ur- i- toteer EtaffiSten .His EEeernBsisy.• • .• ■' Mbs. Jhaiee Hkeefi -off • ©nterifii iss/ ttiae ggirest ■ off Htor nmige -Mto. Thxnui&''; ’ '.Mnitesson, tniis «&., ' . ’ . j -A nunriisffl’ Srnm Hmm a^ttoniMT Hom-: idhm fharr OEStf wstofc. |;. J !, Ttee EBldfee"’ W. 3ELSS. matt WfefiMto-.5 iuda-y aStempxm tot tote .Humse off Mrs. . Hjrni^i EBidte with aa gtotetaatoteemfiante. i } [Tte mienil'aers off tote HLiijy ffiaufi aate toteeir. mutotes Were psHtoTtoterft aat •tttrte rneffiftoipg. Mbs. EH. ffihurxsm wis ^p-.. ’, gooiitted too tottond tfte intel towtea . | ring' jat ERiytii. ■ Tte ©ttodter mcesfiigg ■ ■■will Ete-Hteii aat tfitee Humree off' lbs.’ .Ram® WhtettoT. / ! wawn WHaBter towee gmsfiiEsfi aa eb®P- I idl g^Errmhstiinii efi tofe sessfi auidt esarfiy [ ssnvffifl ffeliife gnaseeitt aa ^feuSifi aeg/ ’ gfiehmnise'. 3h. 3HifI ,Ws. JhffiE. aunil r2H^k off ffiaslh®, wsifeefi wrifii 3Sx. aaidl 1 Sis. BiKcnn am SRaTwfi^.-- ! '®r. EEtoarrjy Mitm}, Wee. THamiiffi’ Mtoan,, Wsseas S&nsih Wxillnigjh amid Mihm Mtton off Hac&nDsv,.c3E£Ife»il ■ dm! Sfas. .'Will' (Gfrrihfer am' Sferrirribyc 'SB. SB. Rgilyr SBj^t gnagtoUm'wzsi aft-i ssciweef] att 2Sinii am Sindipy / Jpss; Migpitfin Htitifi^e ^SBs Has£^si"tool .t±fe ■’ ’SET. SB.1 - am WTrotlhy"' mwaifegE.’ wthfin.m Laami my»gtt\mtf] Hinnr wsnee sifjiyeefi. ■ ’ ' ■’ 3Kx. Utoyffl. Mntesam off Hiinihg), aand Wsss SSkse? HttaHiee off Wtrwa,’ sgsent tfiee we&eanfl am tfeefr tosgHB4-' tfree Hohmesb JUtaEl' WIL CGSi&gg, .'as dtetesate Staim' ZSian, atateufefi. tote Torn off'' T&rautto -fit $FOITHEWS ERRffiww wo® SMHinmmM •i. __________ _ Hflcfinuw SWft&ntB Ussgge- team, ; unit .off aagfiim saireer ’Burffi smssm. anm ’ wt& (QterSi 'E&S^sstm' estotHing’,, an. ! Sfethttt&Ey- topafik -tnti, Wfhghaan;, nh»m_' s giiiiKss aff' t&e ©arttaail Haggle;.. 'Hnee fltesfl ssgmtB mongedl affi’ mtoij ton'EE' nj.> '« yfiitoaigv wft^i ESliaitt. gtonnutfiffis and ‘ (Shir&m WilhEr diriiigg the- mvui.ingr.U ir . tfies SfegnEBs. ' THe? Itoslfe,. ffiiafi up) as ffilltovsr: Bm&sssaii, ag' ®Jiaw. Caayurfto egEs gt; Etenlifi HftoHfg;. Gtirdun .Wfeg. .2to&; - Jfeclk. Zffl^cOhHsIet ssf' Mfes: Wtt$ixttxs&. '3ML.' EFsmllii ffPEwn of!" , Hint! THamgsam, St, BL i VBelteier and! HL Jfeojrati^, off. , . * ” ; Hiicfiinnv.; _ Jhy^ifRs •wea'ee hr. Dun- ggtonwm am ‘SbtiMriigy. vsfieiEe they de- Satefl tfie? Dhngtonunn Hags- ED IMglLW MW) EKETNOMV ' -. »■ . ' S3HEDESTS ekes;. EBgihiy aotfl. Hm^hmwpr ^gftnfjgnto. Etaftfr.. ; aanafl lfrmifcefi _uj» ths satffia^H. J eeiggggniEeitteB Hem.- ajn TKiessiaay ansi! i ian tftee Ihtte. aeffitechiain ■■ ii>Knggg£gri top, HrEffifr- Bron. RHee' HjesI. ;■ feteigs? dfcufiSeail tfte. wisstoffiEs SR—whiles gghfe wsret- dhihg’,' fcite- ssmee. tfiihg- ttotftee IhsasErihssse^ ESI tto 9L q.- ■'HEfee ghg- eeeessc ; ■ JHE&aoPg, gt< .Ttow WferffitorreDd Tfafrtf- Tsa-‘ ' Efefl .WffifeS. 22hR; • Msoy ' WraJTrntt-' adM. nSt ffigtite HtopsEs. eft:' Saasto H&Ife Hnd^ssog, M. { TlB&imVr—Mmrov WhWrmn .eg ■Am^ (HiniMnssnij. gt; ttiirrbi TTarrar, Ttetr FFMkffT. rjWarcFRwisjlil. 2Snft; ISfeng? WmDfowgilfi ’ ERtte Hfeflte MhrJDmxiIdj, ss; ISlxr— lieS Saiirmnii;. wfi- .jfomtHy ffi-sHrn,.1 ..jeifii; 3hafiie~eii RHamg Jjf[. i nassSnuwp—Mtex WrFhttoi^. ee. ffise4- [affil (GasEsx, fft: Hhugi. GRarSee. ifest: Hhar- ■oiffi .TfHtiinyssgn,, 2SwFj:; ftiiTT Jhawitl. ! EHxifo UShtHfemsiBe, Stcfi;: JfeaxSk 'MblltoiazfHi; ' ta; HbiEsd'iil WaHSnnaqrig ,et2. -Magnegr M+- ; toHissnrr^ • 1 r’ ■ HSjIfegy —r- ■HsgatB MhfThmricS;. Jfe£&'Hl|is5iKE$.-^; BSIIl HHxmfsj...c(g:; KRhmrg- Ware, 'gi. (Girmey ERdHrix&. Stott; Jahn ' , ®sjyiB“, r££; EEMSegt' FFDrrftg Ffeiyrgy ! Ilinfeeg;, SSrit^WC.. JL ox. . * ‘ ’. VVhngHsam, ItoSEns tffee seer- ; Ms mith ERgrrdfei am S&&trnfeiK,;. xs&sn . tohsy totgikk ’.an. 88 too ® dfemsshm tin tfee ?®il ttasm. Wmgtsrmi tteitk xi-mm ! Stead im .tfee Srsst innnig;. saasv ft tffeil ; am S-a> im tfee Sttb- Ehtot fiwtfawigp^j .tifeatr • agWHKaitks 38 ttjb R tin tfife.Hzstt Ifeifi' gfi ; tffe cSn^Hmgf fetofte dlStoROJB. , * • I ( WnxSagy ■ Hrrirfhes ages Hhgcy ffilingg SL Mdfenf School lair ((iGmtfnureil (from IRuge U» sspectar Reacom sgave ra ^hurt .tellxcss. This was (follower! ifry ‘the recitation jconipcfition, with EBilly -Stewart win- tiiiUgffnstt gRaue with '“Taintinothinp' ming Hirst iplaee with 'Tairi'-t nnthing tto laugh aat?’ lean W^llwouti. who cchnse aas Efer ^siiijject “SCing SEHwtml Will’!, "lefl rim tthe gniBlrc tspeaidiig ccoriteit. while ©liffmel ERarrier with Hies 'violin, won Hirst -place in'“the in- aStrumental shto contest. ’JHther -ntnn- ihcrs nn fifhe qrrognhn .were «<ifos hy SKiss (Clahrt! Tentland, 'by Wiss Mhrry aSMran, Hjy 3ftr. ERcrt ’Ciiliinwre anti iijy Wr. 'Clifiae HETogan; aa Hance hy. EDonifhy W^ehh; 3a meaning hy ^Ir-s. E. 3&rr^imf sa ■vocal Hluitt *by Wbfscs ~Lok aanil Wumaa Tfttoleuyen; a 'phtno -sol<i iby Miss BlamHiie MEDnugal] anil 'ntw«- tiedl ^selections by tfhe "‘SJolly Time nXxitcrrsrry Society'-’’' To Hnspector EBeacom was .accorded tfhe honor of ghtesertfing tfhe T. HSaton Uo. grrixes. tfiardline tHumpinrex’ AT iS. U. 3Sfn, UB. was -proclaimed winner out tthe HmniisoTne asiheer entiree rlish with sa sscore xff groirtte. tSecond gprize *‘M gircture BSfcttory xff tQanada” Was won Hjy BErnest BBeecn^t of 'No. U4, with 10 Ijronrts ebHiite “®aTjy rim Canada^rAthe Hhrrd girtee went to -Annie Tartar, The tfoltowing ris 3a cmuplete list of -fhg rpTrze wmners: ■’' 1 (Grains. JRortts, Weg^taffile <SS& HRlowcrs 5hriing Wheitt. <iftr^-®owsnil War- tfih. XIa<Sk -Alton. riSitriw ,Whieatt, ^he^T—Hack Alton. kGrtartt ''’HH'UuiiJiuxil. " . tOdts., qjtr-»Ciffforcl HTaTrier, SHarold Mitoipnrby. tfMfcs. shenf-lLdis Webster-, HSarold BHUntpinsey. Hlairley, ptr—Stoss HKenty, Willie EFIiimpitnSey. t -t&a"ttey, sheaf—Willie EEIuntpirrey. SRnss ■Efi’Cniy, 4 . iBwedt Gom l&reta HftmtlHrt'o.y. tErnest •Beecraft, ^iSwriidn WiSBohnlr], EBetty HSHRrtt.. ' ” ’ Turnips—EHugh Htufherford, Tris iRivdtt. (Gliyser XESehn. Jledte—Tllorenee McPherson. Percv BRamagn, Mary EHirmphrey, Annettai 'SBtpwirtt. ' . , ' Garrrite-— Mae .MdJtoU'dliti, Anno Tqylar, 3H&hel HMiciiirtlson; TNorris ! Utee • ©tesar. rE£bte'n Ttanim, Muitetba ■ SStemrtt. Mtaaa Mtetemm-. Mfagp EBrnawmgr ■ J 3toil CCtess—-31g?) off yjosirr TEowteffigi J—Htoss SEfeen^t. Jhtek Mlton. HeenxiEt TtoEenee. Tterrdft. , , idbanada—Heenxree /M'ttGiflfe, ’MHffipirrse Tnngtoes-Thisen HbtfteHge, felte- • Rewmg ’ ’ t ‘ ®na^tol1- '^*=3^1 ____...... . —........ ------- -------- retuse WTherson, '©retia EHampihroy,-; EBittton ®ag — Mfcrry ETimphr-ey. vnM nM™-. ^cwh - - - EItoT)^ilkeRtovra-rt.Rhrtonw M-(- H&ttteresxm. .Tsm ^i^ite/lDxri® ffiitt-/ ' SBtes. .ffiacil W& iss : listing?’ iw» aa sWmbliinsy Rtersnn. Amw Wfe. . • | ©rfterife. . - to/ tote Sfi^ tte- I gHrtoy’’ EEiteen SBtell i Mfcg-> off tote- JWxrfB—t HficrEenee EStete off Ttrrtertx, yjeette’ tog> xsfei, tetHi Meesfixni. i*- m«tr 3S!. Oowimeffiinnjrtnsi.mmwffieeH. ” w»i Apron — .fcntetta 'Sw^ii. aamasm TOato-mm IBs-Bafe manj^ w, w sslMh U ereen > in. Mtt " • i i Wr. Jjto&k -©niHumi TAt-cr rpa)irraacffl too tite? yeaac with HStaret. ‘“Wairgjy ’tss- : Trt ©tess-©nayxm dhrawtog ,aff-aa, ,Mnn’Miterr. W^.ajfftersste^iingr^te’Wsan off liitte usee too tote In a grntes tor ffinwer—EElelen ©mnuee-, ®H4- ppsst town waSte witii Etes gaaisitog, jpi©haim: rate’ ver (G-lemi-. EDateffi ©iltepte. J3ean Mh’. entei Wba< PR (Gtteaam '■ ' ' “ ’ Wrfitoiit. . i 13Sisp MhrteH MEiEEafian te viisttiigg- < 22tel ©tess-xTajymi .ilrawipg .xff aa-,W-kr WHItem ’ERas^WH TOarfSmij Ihairifeaape—-ERardid EBtergy. ffitesnuor rT—Tl—__.-'17^ 11,, a&iiyft: HIsrrdfil EErrugtocni, EReto. Step- tH® MigHirem ®farcSh tefll Ete Iteffl am’ iiian- ■ ' '■ ’ M. , X— i 33ril tUUssss—HMtteni ^suttaSle f&rr Tsrn'Tm-.1. ~' • . . • Tiiiclxitii .jerr Eknidteuni — Miyin Mhxni. SGcian. BRtotelia HHulip®.. .Ate >^^5^2x2', fitoir aitt' Bjateish liast tee&k.. > LlwX.M>V • 1 ’ ' t ’ - - -- ‘ - - ' •‘- ’ ' *• f«S. Wgb BtuftorTmii. Mhw fi^te4te “ ■ . _ «.7l-.vm»r®teafll Miiott. ©nmb Htanil ttmn. , ___ . mS guy, R-Niliecfton iff vi rasteiil f&rrm Mtnuto: StTi, ' a<f<sw^ amgaam., Htoe^ptoerfsan CSfaantoh will bhe hteSitor. —-©teuton Mlton, .Archie EPhillips. ^j^^ikiV^yTnn....i1L-.tr-,.L ,t? ’ ,;Sn2ate^.,©etxtefin-nttthaat 121 oasn. atei ’ - ^ni«T+ ' (Gtesft-intitetnatem off seeose ate- . .•merited inn tote tShst recsse aff TBialeeiTs : ' —** — hn ©snip’-—CBnaee Wfegftertete. .Ate ' •netto SRswtott. Hteten Utamim. t' .. I -H&wsr " . ttth date tofh (Uteste? “TSfetass xff : Hniptoving tote'MqgiesrraKiee (iff ^ctewil — ----------- 1 (T'ounte'^-EItonia Htaa'£h. Stary Wr- terra to <ii®' Iteto we& Mfa aan. Xfetan WteWte: ■ rate Mtet Mlfeztt ©o&k. ’ Tiihiic Sjpsitehig—Jitehh -Wte1wi®ffil, Stessrs H&en. EHsrto&r atari Cite lies’’ ’’Jltaty ETtotan. Tmotohy Write, Mferfie ERtahtey' rate■ Mihhrr Ehtefat ■wsto Itest . • • 'iSwian ' - ■ WfeerifeE(3siijij‘ tin ELwiteto tatteiii&gr Cite' .' .Mt IteKff .TI Tiscita- ERec'itolten-EBfliv ERtowatt. ERirttentomil. Utesilte ERt. Ataric. ’ W5ta Clteytoir. j Wrifmg. Mfcpi EliPHwhra^ tt ifteiamite. , ■■“ . Ma& • BHatitor Bftrdkon fGaff—Aivin Mlton. Tfim^rgtege ttOO'1—Tynn Trmer. T.vai > Cteyfop* Attoh.■ FHsrrdid FHwmfrirtey. Wntv.'U><ma#p Twin. Tttmgton. iRmts ’nhm'tesou.. -■ 1 /' " ‘ .....................-. - ■ o ‘•Rciehee -ffxrr tgHJs omSfc?) jFRivett. ■«. l.’Ute, 2XJ____ ______ / |^Wt Wtffthm—Tottel ETteHirps./Iteis |EHeten 'Gun-mite.■" • ■__.• _L ’ (traw’fnnl. - . ’ • I Rdoy-—-Wsngauet Mitchison, Mugifs Migite ©remfr-^ardliTK' EHimpiriirey, ERattoBson.’ EEarl Widltoiaiffl. Onibris—"George‘ WdSge. Oaijy« WcIDoniiitl, -Jtean Mrtciiison, EHirrdld .ELurisse Martin, ” 'r,',^' 'nrT" Wright. Milan Miller, Mugus Mar-^Tuylwr.'. ■ ' ' ,, ■• 1 |MnrieeTaylor’'. Donald. . ‘ ' , ■ •.. r ~ 1 SRarsnip — Caroline Hluniphrey. ' '... •' !IMamieTayimto TimiXtosp—Tteeen ERirtteilge, SECtafF- I I ‘l ;mgMwii tthss Stetmitey. )• ■ W_- *»•*•» ‘' TEte EEsiggatEs, ’EBnitee Etefl^iae **EBr.’ ytanssj, drogste aa «’. to. H dteis^asr ■ to> Hfesseraigr ini tofe* Srssr rosnte off tote (Etam. Msseetetiim.I5L chjihan. , ■ Pumpkitp—TRo&s Erringtan. 'Asters—TRtjy clones. SRetty HSUiutt. Mabel TNicholson, Hlnzellu EPhillips.. ' 'Scabiosa—Many diunipirrey. Zinnia—-'Jack Gaesirr. W'illsi Hrvin. Greta Ilinnphrcy. Grace '•WeUfherhoatl f'osmoi — Gerald Currie, atasstd ’W.pTnb, -Ciiftord Tarrier. Johnny .JJam- iesmi. •Hn«p 1 Wagon—1 Harp Id 'Humplrroy. Georgy WcGet. Alvin Mlton. tEtta ‘Relle Webster. ? HeHHitysum—Caroline TtunildtrQy, TW Tlenty. Russel HHiilljps. -Angus McDonald. . Calemiuki—-Mae WdDondltl. Wkmi *Doxx, Chostei '^iHioteon. Allan Tetriv r twvopsi—Allan Willet. Nasturtium —Iris Hlivett. Humphrey. IloTirihy Webb, ffitenrj’ ’Elliott/ 1 'RinpileuieutSrratGhFSses Whiter, ‘Wheat, qt.—^Gxnrion Mae- iHhmaftl. Luis Mobster, Tack Mlton. i Chtinf-TtiEtiietford. "Potatoes. Irish Cofrhhrr — ERussel Irvin. 'Raphael Bt. Wnrie, Mae Wat4-. Donald. Tlcnn ‘lilliojtt potnt > Stewart WaTic. •. Tntptoo: aid. Henry./•Elliott Earl *ijeDeniaid. MungoRusse’ TWin. DnrrieT. "Slargaret MeRtenson. Amtit Tuvlnr. . tlanbngf—Robbie Ttrigham, . “Beta ^svaiii. fiurnime Humphrey. TWtinr Jongs. _ • . _"Rouqiwt front H<nne Garden—JTaok Alton.’Russel MtMib. Cifffnnl HiiaTriei'. |. ' ' *’ *’ I’Rjfl'rou’ev. Ttojp ’W.ehstgi’. ERj’rby SMtct- ' '.Snri -'Ciass.'gD TittleT<rvrr 'df Slcth- Wojbil ■„■..■ . TAh^7E-4Ieenscj7g ERgtorsoh. tkojs WMth- FRasph'crr.’ — Wtogtaret ■ .Art- ktfeeg. Sfcmiffi Hlenry. HeePnanli FRiv^tt. ’ ehison, llRrcz^tta ' ThilWs;Wttfjmcw’' /'*hil ('Gtes "TPhe MeMhig .m#F. *Bto Tbrrdon. ftWte .HRTOip'lTCgy.- ’ 'WEhtogA’’'—!J..-<nrent> Mfethi&i, .Xfcrfih "Whity Csdes—sDstodlrne iRitotiHiWy:, kraaesar. Wiffired .Arrd-eFson..! BEfcrnMl Tcati xWelyMnrl. T-hrren'ce EReeerrtft. fTBgy-tat. ... ji»ouise Wnrtin. * / ‘ "Dpeomterl *— UiaSSjy Sfer- person. tRetfy ttEIihrtt, Thr? Hiiv-ett.^5fia^y . wwriv Wrtef 'Tnrdpn. Wat.hh’io tRrrr- , '■ ' xlon. ffilugfertee HS^crxfft. iQEiteen riBtedll.. , IPariitry Tarred ERwtik, ^cwffiteere croft. Timesee Hteecrxfft, Mngns □ ‘(maid. AV iff red EKamage. t Tmrre] 'Ilock, ‘pullet—TlnrCnce BJee- ( craft. aErnest Teecrxfft. MsUgdipi Hiie-■ rhanan. Milan flSrumtton.' ' White Teecrcfft. 'Chan-ston I White' ■SReecrrfft, EBii^hauan'. djairta’* Thwin I icCarndine IHimpdixey. MlBHfjttrie ERuTitan. . ’ FEtousxdnjlr] ."Reienye :Rer^4rndk— k1" .Annie Taylor. HtazeUa rPhiliips.«Caro lling FHiTnqdrrey. Minn freed Sraan.. ERfran We&ariiBr (iGweff; <wrfM’) i Wlwd'tSI jin rpiaSfmne nif aa Trail aand 'iEtt—31a? ®aiffeeiTnsd. .Angisp Htiih Teghmtn, «w©eerel—HSrnest <’toner. EHarnHH < Ganrphell. .MrSite ERur; iDhiEenee Teeerrfft. Mihm 'rtiwn. - z ' , EFloreitee WtEPhersan. Rati. tRox Tit Storck —- .IT.■ T. Miton. ■Reghurn, rpiillet__FErneSt': OhaTiie ERsii’eoncr. (Gixnrt Hhitii-ef f-cril. IPhKKh’er'aietercnffit. Sldledhn ^hn-lNiaidison. , WinUow ERxrx Torr Rowerp—ERass EEe-~ '■»■<*-.: Green *51 omiteiin—^Tillie ;ia«k 'Alton'.. Itaphtel •-fR.. Caroline Himilihroy. Doo ley s-^Helen aiintc 'MciDote to&ewtfrtt, ■ Cijffnrd ’'hie /I vyxms. , ltn+ht?vToT<l. V ' . . ■]’ __i__ I ERrown iRgg.^—Tlaten’oe MhERherson. I^Tayton JAtton. Tuelh) Tteidinw. t___.... _____________ Mine HhtHieTTrxl.. i "■'-. Eliivr i'Rt*rtfk ' i Tarry •TkiS. SBLeffer—IGnrriion SHsre- EDomilil. ’1 'Heer, Quit. /Steer th- EHeffer—^Giay- Stwn ’Alton, Hfeatol WtSHoipifil. .Miviii MP- rto7i.;ERcFS:s Tanitettm. .Agriaiiturril w EDtsfft <Gdtt—EEteuost EReecivfft. * °' tehve. Hranii*—^Ciayton Mlton. Miyin Alton. Arthur Rarmig-c, .Aimio Tgyter , ^Ituhltet ©anil*—©tey ton Alton. Al- f vhi.' Alton. Amur Ttyhir. .' .. ffbiiter Troken ' Ctoit—fftenest Tee- ’ • errt'ft.. ' , • '.I' ■ ntrinwn', '*®ny 1 Grant FRitthetforil. Htaymote CChTrie. tLravsme GMlhert. - * ! 'Aferiiehse ' (Gifthmt — _ ff... jlBHsrfie. Htnssdl EPhHiips. SEtardtE Tay- ItrtT, (George 3StaGeri. .. (GuHtecfams . I H2 rpiotirees off rtteiive wiffi aanintek . t—tEois Webster, .Dfeta/Mit<Hiiton. Htoip iaMtbanffv. 'Ctarrte ERaiccncr. • I HE -ygxeeinumr iff rates* miici tercim rphrnte—(Grant ■ iTitttte’fara, •• EHiigh ! ffbrtheffartl. . - EBasnBBS TEhaiids^rivh^ ssejraa®: -iin^ .IF. ■ ’' 3hnij$g.y. ®tet^fear -tifchjm EQ aonn. sasB-. . ‘ UJ.__.'. Mj .SSnaaij;- Bairr reetsrnsai: . rmis* M ramntfeer f&join'hijSEe attfeea&dd tfte tfctomj an uau intt' tSG^dadtefSewranL ' • HI*SS n-0*® -reesains3Srrs. W. Hs®<te rss vtsswe® 'UiUJltv t. . ■___ _ ■___ ___ _________— t»> ffep. weete- yrtte Mst Wisfireti. Siis- We? tiffffffiSth samiTeesairsy off tfitec- kfeett <x£f ( ' Wet are <sOTyi' to ■ rep^mtr: ^etfWsss- iHisssss- oarf .SfcHi .Hrnaesb H&ilttadsL i Msse Hfehfesi. dtoliiKt- ist ’faixhEst- S«r -eu, »■.' - . Uh Will 5tC'ut .aaask; dssagih-r&r' Miu - Mr.aankilSirs.Giy^^ odl Ma*- v'r^ii. ^teesshtd: that Ehnsfei -eethafen^rs. I Mitchell MHivitt. ^ Geranium - in ,.hl<wm—Tsahol Thil- l.ips. Mutu* Chisolm. Razelia EJHiillips. 'Winnifrexl ■Rwan. •School rolloetron of Garden Wnge- -tj',' -s, /N<>/ 13. R. R- Jfta. 4;. < K <m -s '”'• Trait 'NorHnnT -Rny—Mulrohn "Rndntnnn, WuTie •Aite’liHon. Mnnie Tiyter, W»- gaipct Wia<El*htosKoh.* * 3Bifiey ffiaw. iMUkituuuLiaaMAP S^a^lifasg ISfuttSt-—.IWinn Trit&snii. • ____ __________________ ____ _ •Hohn xanil FPetor FRxy&Bie tBrigEmj. (Tirndiiasip ffiiufipihPgy Hfe'■wree&keeind fbi rTrwrtr, -Tr-rrw™,- fflTr., .5?§h. ^SWree; ’ . troctati. -"•’. , ' u' '"' n>Stram®Eatttil BSx&k*—-TjlffiBonil ' Hear- ‘, JJfr oamt TSfrs (EGeiil • WeSStee: ' od\ 1&kkw J® S&iailgy Tst t£tess Tiiigito jEfde’—Thi rr*g. (GOT&jn Taxeidsy., HHaggh ERaifbet- Tm^oti s^pEitt't&e xrce^ikeeaid 'sat ttfe*"' -II.CC.. Mlton. tDlto-er tGhton. Twfd. HTimteirGt1 ffiecerdfit. ■ aaojadHtEs .Ikaaassi-'H Weffih- '. MtortUil '____ ____,____ _____ ’W££tor«M)ii., H§eme EBattortou.' '^^toathffThfiaid. Hkgtofid Twin.- ’ ffignii^g tiWffl)] Sc^k fGcnipCtitton— •nihrp.. HlainpHto^y, MmiiC Tauten'. ullus^, . WeeeM, .ttohtest—.Arametfe^ 'Btw’^rrt. Attfhw IRgmgge. EEtto ER£Kr (Wj&b-StoT. -Itean We^iksoodl Tiye Stofik Tfdgwg -77—•_ - .. A-tthur Htoinsage. ffiamMd mataji^resy, GHhtoaL .sath (jffibsss "‘Witai Elxtaxii'yn^fcha"'-1—Made- < ISihyton Mtton. EHatoid Ifrwin. Atr. -ERxteffrt ERte aate Xtfsss Illite* • ’ntarte&jy tort tote Eli^tetei ETteit • 1 3Sfr. rate Mitta.'Miteti (ijwsfci 5^®'. I&ss: ^eekix ,>3Sh aajhL Hi'Si. (Wreswe* (.Idarapt^tl off s$temt MxEKton. aat: Mi”. ‘.Laa. BMItefifcib. • ' / ' ' ' (ToossgmtaiMiBWH: to Mh ]maa Sir. HtsseS' t hsdilhffie oiei th» rrrtvrai ' ,n ' be®, ■ 5Sh Sraaski-. iltarriee vrsstedr . xr ht-j ■ tMto‘ , _____r. Mrs ' VKe&bsfe&r rtotnigHshd ihxfcnae s??®53^ ^itwraaax afltt, IJh dtarite (’.»•- . ©taiep ’'with tfcfeem niff tor vtssiiscsp J^tor aa ffesx us®s- ■■ • Mh Uta, _ . (Jiailtoaa tranmlbtor mwai tffee biMam- •' \_____norifejaaaw. gStessaim ™3'1 ' 1 ' Hfr^taej* ■wrftdi 15n- snail Mto Sytvin Hy-< QMife aa nntosbto: ’ fftW: litoen^ .utee?-’ —------. ''dtetfcitfe Haar jet Ssma®xife3i& las? Hn- . Uh sfiagi AStos .Ifiaaaas Wtomtof Hfass txi__ ' Miytt*' aa»gj W^iii®tomstaid Aiass HiMnj., w , ■ z Taydcrr. 5$»estJ< ~ Wr ataki IJi'Sf GHta^sk'x AiKMim s^esst' -™. , . Smiiy 'aitwMi ®ooi*£t. (Ti)&t«e4a'bt .