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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-24, Page 4
w ten I 1 «• IFlashing, 12-tube perfuinianry with 9iw-i_ ~ , “.'“L _ Tubes. Roweiful (Dynamic (iTilf^yr. IffffeJKfry ttnyie-' /AmWwrfw»ihrMim absorber. Beautif ully imposing cabinet. A tw‘^y honest Ffog™» ■nralm* O to 18 months to pay get Tuning. Xtawerful Speakers aeiunfii iij- A%r Mew, beautiful cabinets. The greatest Rogers Inuit—rand that’s usying a Hot. - Rut act uowit Take advantage off this me- marioiBfe opportunity to save money and ' raws Tnggwrt- <thtiIL—"(tihf''mew ■'.E9S7 -" 'iiiii! Spiag^ • ; :'L?',.■''■’■ :<’x ■■ *. • - >*r ... .*■ "s r «B wmw -sEsmssL ‘ubvrsdo’. siira wiser M auss - 4 conO 9 k inodss IN DRIW NO Monjey Down when you trade in your old Radio on a new JRC^GEI^S -. if your radio is worth 10% of the new model '9 I Wilson’s Ratfio Service Rogers 12~Tube Performance wth famous Rogers -Stoops ' ■ ■ i'" W"OC' ■ ' **No-Sginntw Target •■ ■ ■ ■ Tiirt*ng . ' Flariring,/i2 ~ „Z “ «29 new-type noise-free MetalSpray Comj»^*F0werful w Standanl Wave Band * Metal t . — ” .t Decorated Codkies—Lorena Croz ier, Katfaleen Gardner, Grace Camp- j MeH, Louise CampbeB. j J Maple Cream—Kathleen Gardner,: > Marian McKenzie, ;OEve , Edgar," EL ■ .1 * . . ,Se*®W;. ■ , ;.J J’ Button Bag—Margaret Adams, fe-' Abel LednCT, Velda MeCreight, Lorna. | Hunter.^ p.Lr w p*.i .. i .1 Irararanne.Drmnjan, Frances Me£reiglit, : -Bese Murray^ ; ■ ' ' | J; . Work Apron — Lorena -'Crozier,: Kathleen Gardner, Wdlet Culhert,! iDeris.BoL . ■ t. Scrap Book—Videt Colbert, Lor-j j i&at Cnmer;, Morion KKenrie, Kath- ’i’ l«Mm rkthsrm ■■ ■; ■ Model in Plasticine—J. C. Dren- 1 han.. Catherine Gibson, Billie T^rlor,' [HArvey Ta^lar. Salt Box—Tom FHffips, Herborn i, John Hunter, Lyle Rtfafim, Wludow Bax for fiflwers—Roirald Treleaven, RusseH RStdine, Roderick CoHeerion, 3 of 5 rape finals—Ken neth GauJ^^EIEatt Rivett. Medicine CAbinet--RonaId Tielea- ven. Tom PhHIips. T • CABeerion eff 12 pfctares of Wild trtOTK Ate-n GauieF ygrrwh Annuals—Erie Hack^t, Clarite Zinn., . . t B«S MacKenje. Cttherme Ga«m, ren Bluett-Alton.-CfiEriEe 2&Ai: CJitoamn iff 12 speennras.cff ifk-n itwritcy ■ and Grass—Keith Hackett, Agnes Gsatewm hi Moihb—Loma M. Rrid: Chaffie Adams, Keith '.AEAa' 'Goiffey; Hany Braman, Itxr-’ - . _ ' . ana ' CoIIeetKm of ID Insects—Eleanor SpKqqI ■ • rtolbyrion of Fetne, Agnes -Lednur. Wiiriog, MxpDrxwina. Art^Easoy | Writing. Primer —Mkry Murphy. Nm^em Spy-Loma. Little. Jock SWwood’ KatV ggj’ Kathleen Gardner. Alton writing, 1st Class—Clarke Zhm. Apples-Kathleen Gardner, Elaine Little, Jack, Hackett, Eoy Culbert, Evelyn B^-Timx^es-Elwood Miller,Wri^, 3rd Ciass-Alton Qauley. PeaZ^DGuald England. Horace M^enzce. Marion MacKenzie. Colbert, Helen . Mac- Class—Lorna M. Reid, Assotod-F-ruff—Kathleen Gardner, Wstt> Helen. McGee, Graham Warrsi Zinn,' Clarke Tiirm Allan , . -rm-Hontey . Writing, ath Class—Harriet Whit-. Poultrv Vhilet Colbert, Jean Nelson, Rets Barred Rock, cockerel — George W^on. D?«SriSh' B°™*d BWK- vS L^^hie^Stay- JF’AHo-n gor/gy, , ‘ Keith Hackett, IsabeHfe Hamilton, Whj^^Leghom, .cockerel—GeorgeFarrihh, Lorraine Drennan, Helen q ¥^P’tu-4^ C^3 ^rvett’ McKenzie, J. C/ Drennan. Helen McGee, Eleanor Petne. Lorna White Leghorn, Pullet—Jack Far- wrisk, GeoTge Farr.sh, Lorraine Dren- S i ? nan, Helen MaeKenzie. M Vloiet Har' White Eggs—Jack Farrish, George rlf? L-i • -m it Fairish, Rusaeil Alton,. Lorna Little.Brown Eggs—Allan Gholey. How- , P^P3* Loraa Hunter, aid Blake, Evelyn Little,' Jim Hunter. ; t i r.' I " Live Stock 2nd Class, Drawing—Lloyd Saun- DaW CalL Heifer—BiHy.Farrish. ^a-_ Haymond Murphy, Tom Phillips',' Dairy Calf, steer or Heifer-r-How- • riv "■ xtrard Blake, Katherine Sennett, Mar- ,o Srd C^ D^wmg—Efieen Wal- guerite Jamieson l2ce- Helen, MacKenzie, John Austtm. Agr. or Draft’Colt-Pearl Jamie- J son* Jack Farrish, Duncan Fairish, Fh £^9a„J^*In®rTDnTJC^-^aT" Evelyn Little. . nsil- - Philips, Lome Phillips, Ewe Lamb, breeding type—How- tv..-- w ■ ' -r- ard Blake. Keith Blake, Henry Dren- nan, Ronald Treleaven. S??331’ f Marjorie Bissett, Phyllis Market Lapib — Howard Blake. B*~ce- , . ’• Trel^en. Halter-Broken Colt—Duncan Far- ran- JinnB» Hunter, , .ririL ^'acfc Farrish. Pearl Jamieson.', Competitiima M55^PraT^,falf’~§n7aT^ B1^ue Speaking — Keith Hackett, My Farrwh. Erefan. Domestic Science Recitation. 2nd Class and under— Bran Muffins—Eiame Little, Mar- Elaine Little. Marguerite Jamieson, garet AdOpis,■ Katkteen Phillips,, Mar-''Rena Miller. Katherine -Sennett. g^t‘ .. Spelling ..Match—Kenneth Gauley, ■ Raspnerry Tarts—Eveiyn\ Little, ; DuWsn Farrish, ■ Ruth EngtonA Manott 'MacKenzie, ' Lorraine Dren- Grace Campbell. M(-^';nz’e- ’ .•■•■' Instrumental Solo—Annie Colbert,' - , ~ -----.--------- ~~ — white Cake, Iced—Louise Camp- (violin>, Joe McGee, Graham Dumm ‘ham Branch of the Canadian Legion SSj ?kekt Gra^ CAmpbeR, Eugene Maisone. of which. Kenneth Weaver of White- £d» FtalLps., Mental Anthmetm—John Morrison, church to pre^ktof Joseph Morafeon, Agues fLednor, Fceda Saunders. Daming—CecSia Watt,- Agues 'ILed-i nor, Grace /Campbell. ILfltma. iReitL J Weed Naming—Kathleen Gardner, Dunean Farrish. Annie (Cuffibert. liar-, ena Crozier. ■ ■■(,■, lave Stock Jiidging—-Osiham Dur- nin, Joseph Morrison, EnsseB Alton, Roderick MacKenrie. ' T. (Eaton ” (Prizes, ’Chaugnonshiip— Allan Gauley, 47 points; Jack Far- rish, 46 points; KatHeen (Gardner, 44 points. Tins was (based on the ihigh- %et. number of points won (throughput the fair. The 4PL prize /was n (hand some silver entree <3i^h; 2nd, (a ihodk •"A Picture Hnstory of Canada’’^ 3rd/ sa book ‘Tilai^y <d^s in (Canada”/. ..Mrs. A. Little <enter±ained the ladies of the KsmAhea Club on ThuT- last, ’there fieing ra good ratten dance. Mrs, McKuman presided, rand the meeting opened by singing the (Opening 'Ode, followed by repeating the Lord’s prayer rand the (Creed ini unison. The minutes of last meetings were read rand adopted. The roll'call was responded to ’by “An Apple i Reripe”. Jitter community singing fhe fiusiness was transacted, when it was decided to send clothing rand .quilts rap f-aunth. The program owm- i sisted off ra Raper by Mrs. A. Suther- j land am “5Ho,w the Marne anfl school ‘ <can raixoperate”. A duet -by Mrs; A. l Otfle rand Elizabeth .jRdbinson rac- ’! coinpamed fiy' Miss Blanche • Mac- ' DougAH. Current ^events'' My •' Miss Demi McLeod:; A (duet My M1®- <&.• Arkert. rand Katherine Robertson; ,ra piano seilo by Blanche MadOpugalU ra paper ajm ’“How to make schodl interesting” 3gr Katherine Robertson. A vote off thafiks was tendered the hostess and the meeting closed by singing “God. Save the King.’” Re- freshments were served rand (a social time was spent. The ’October meeting1 iis to be at the home of Mrs; Archie | Mr. rand Mrs. Dan McKinnon spentj the wefek-end 5n (Gnrilph. ' ;j Mrs . R; Moffat (entertained ra osar.| load iof friends from Londsboro last1 week.' , Mr. randi Mrs. Buckton .,rand /daugh ters iff Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. H. Budkton; Miss M. Ross, rand -her brother., Roaiy visited with friends in (Guelph on Saturfligr. A pleasant time waas~ spent on Friday might at fhe 'home of Mr. ranfl Mrs. Mel;,Irvin, where they celebrat ed the 2ftth anniversary <ff their wefl- 'ding Miss Annie McLeod visited withj her sister, Mrs. Bert Bam of London on Thursday last. . .. \ S'r. HELENS' .y; Druce JREE^ytte?sr <cf fhe. Thntsfl 0hurdh ^Canada andt in Oiffrird m Thm-sflay, Septemher jl?Z. IRev. Idhn MeKOlcfp presided. TWarity-flwo ministers and fwehtg^wo Hay onem- 'aers oEtteuded, (derides several wisit- rig flaymen. Mr. Ross -M. Rdherison iof Font Elgin was wceived as & (candidate ’or fhe rnomstxy. The presbytery fund assessment was, -set ut 17% <eents per ^resident menfher. ' * • The Misrionaiy apid Mriritensnce ^nn-nrrittee n^portted fhat- ijihe fhiind- ship in tfhe (Canadian Werit is onore serious 5fhah ®wtt. Loynl ampport. of lhe ■C'hinich’g work unfl ^aithfid mse af (the duplex (envelopes were urged. Any (advance 5s cOgpendaait am :a deepening ,®f tfihe sspfeituifl life <of Hhe church. tRev. lieriie S-JMdtt hf (Bervie, was (given (supervision o>v(ei’ qlhe mse uf fhe pred^tariyfe JaiitaKcn. Fev, D- ■'T-1 Marian. ' MA., ■ DD. Jrieriflerit Sff IHairiiltpn Odri&rence 5s to visit fhe presbytery mt fhe series >f banquets Tor odfiimd board nnem- aers. Det. 2D tto 22. The program of fhe SritdSienDm- inational committee <on tfhe Fvgngdl- tzation of (Canadian fLiile & tto be supported. - - . Four Regional Night Sdhorils dn Leadership Training are tto be held : at Whlkmrton amd Fort Elgin «Jom- mencmg Friday. October jgtj ^WSaMcmi'i^rm^rihg October Wth, ind ut (Egd^r commencing (October ■ 21st. Boys’ Work (aetm&es were ’.urged: fhe posrikiiEty iuf bidding ® Boys’ Camp on fhe Summer Schodl (grounds next Jody 5s being (esqflared. Temperance instruction 5n Sunday Schools rand IReliginus .Educafiun dgr mhndtmss 5n Bridie Sflhqris. were urged. Friiritatnons were (extended tto Ebenezer aamgreghfinn am 5ts Dia mond Jubilee. .ft The (Generri (Council was menrar- iaiized- fco qdaee The New Ohriodk under fhe Board uf Sunday School Ruh’lications. ■ Tharife were texpr^sed tto Oflforfl Anglican ianfl Edited (Churdhra sanfl (Public Schodl Trustees fur -court esies shown tto trine prerigifeiy. ,. The Sharing nnedting is do be belfl in (Cheriqy. . / A. C. S. Smith. Senriary Mr. (GeorgeMeQuittin, who has .spent (the summer at the Experimen tal Fann, Kapitokasing, was home! for ra few. days beffore^resuming Ihis; -studies At the (O. A. (C., ‘Guelph, this{ week. J Miss Florence MdQuiffin. student: nrrrse an the Stratford (General Flos-; pita! ispent Friday rat herfiume her^fi An interesting ranfl important fea- ture is being introduced mto the? ^rlinril 'Stere tthfe.jweek, when Miss, Bbmdhe McDougAH off HoTyirood. will ©WWON Miss Nettie iS|«'mih- hfis wtAmril Worn ra iw Awufils wuratimi tqwifi with friends -anfl tefittlvw* ui fl'mwmtu Niagara FAlto, St. Thnnm^, Strut- ford anfl (Gnihmidh. Nr. (Gurdon Bull nnfl .ih\nu’h>u Feme Ate jewing ntTXt wnpk W the west. Where they intend mhfitng then- home. ' Mrs. H. J. L. .U»™ — uttenflefl tfhe SWUuitfl Fair Tuesday Airs. Thomas IRhmtt suiTored Eut|y amfl 'luntfly r . pn Mrs. Thomas Rivutt suiTorud dn :acute nttack axf aiwmnd iritis mid' ‘W* mushed to sGoflpririv iHuspitul imd immediately iqmriitufl on. Dntest-.W- mnrfaa wrh»<> that hnr luiiiditiiin n rushed tto (Gofltwicth flmqutul i fAfarfafawtu. Lyceum Tte WNQtAM . Shorn Stmte ait kJH) fl'.M. UUiurailivy. Fuifluy, ’ Suturiiuy. SHTOIBffl 2WS-26 liwmin BREEN :in Lorraine Dren- Grace Campbell. Concerning township matters rand summarizing 'IE936 farming qpera- tums. The (Goderich Signal tepuris ran of West WawUnosh as follows: fTau don’t hear of: any farmers buying new ..automobiles these d^sj’ declared Reeve Wiffiam Stewart, of West Wawanosh, in fife homely phiL csaphical manner, in answer to a query on. “How rare things going qn the fam ?" i Reeve Stewart, six-ply reeve Of ibis township, is given credit for being a solid sort of fellow, not given much to talking, but fie opened up on Tues- . dsy of thi? wefek. | “Leave out the farmers wfio had ’ good wheat rand barley yields rand we only had about half a crop in pur township ” said the Reeve? “Tn the two Wawarioshes. in eastern Ashfield and !Colborne, in Grey and Howick | the ram was very spotty. Many fields of oats were so short they: had to be exit with a mower. Much of it was never threshed. A lot of fhe hay was- short. too. and the berries and the early rappies were a washout. There’s more to farming than wheat and bfir- ley, especially when you haven’t get any wheat and barley, or very little;” tee philosophized. The reporter sat tight and agreed, for an interview with Reeve “Bill” Stewart can’t be had eyery day. “I see where Peter Scott of East Wawanosh and Wilmot Haacke of Goderich townshijb say their taxes ‘are p&id .100 .per cent.” Mr. Stewart drol- Iy disgressed. “That’s nut true. Our township to in the best shape of any. in the county. We have less than $100 '■'’’let’s Eng Asa®’’’ . Biihby When, the youfhiiiil iChhf radiun Imm Ringing ’RtAr, piafle fumuus 'fir Mhi -singing am ithfe Eddie Cnut-nr “Radio fjjkogrirm—-’’i This its 'hiw fiirst Dictui’e—ta ttoAt* Kiir Music . Lovers, . AMo ■“ . . UMD iltEEL (CDMIED’S ■' ' O.T) . WWS :. ports were (that her cuhflitum favorable. Mis. Abe Smith mid biihy son rt'- ttumefl (to tthrir hmm? tm Munday from i (Goderich -Bospitul. r i Mr. Thomas (Rivott • aunwoyefl « , (truck load atf bMW riiildreti from, > (the Dungannon. Srimdr rtb utiund the . St. Driedh Sdhotil fair whidh was 1 (hdlfl Tuesday. They uum? 'home wofl , pleased with tfheir..uriadg unfl prtmd. ; of rthe (recognition fhrir lexhiliits were ! given. Anniversary .services will he aib- kervefl dn tfhe Eriitefl (Church on Sun- I (flay ibext. Fallowing (the- jj) Hun. Sirn- day school serrice. mwmnmg worship , will be in 'Charge 'Of Bev. (Hugh Wil .i son of Auburn art Ml h.W.. guest spen- ■ I Iker ahri -again ut X30 pan. Special ' mTOicJbv tfhe 'dlioir will he given.’ j Mrs. David Spiorie' hTpoyecl 'fiuf wedk-unfl with her .daughter. Mrs. IRdheri Wilson in (Goderich. NEWLYWEDS M0N0RED A muniher of friends und (neighbors gathered as u surprise party. ut ' f he Ihnme of Mr. 'Charles Fowler on fhe (flth concession (tff Ashfield on Mon day might, tto -honor Mis Mrifle and Mim Iby presenting • trimm with m lovely dinner -<sdt. AH <enjoyed :a social gv1- uding. Briar fo ifheir (marriage Sut- urduy. Mas. Fowler was Miss (Ruby BaH. (Crewe. The Septeidher unset ing>of (the Wp- imerife Association of -the (United (Churchy was Ihdlfl Mt (the home <of Mrs. S. Swan. The uneeting upenefl with 'flewttional exercises led My fhe pres- iifledt. The mill udll was .answered My ;a averse Mf scripture <coritaining fhe word ‘Beace’’.. Ht was decided (to get u group df duhilee singers-fo Jire- sent aa (concert 5hf.fhe near future iff possible. Mrs. (Rev. Turner gave m- sriu, :a (reading My Mrs. Thomas Weteter '’Educating f ar Peace”.. The meeting ulosefl with :a hymn ^nd Ibedefliction. Menihers iff Mrs. Swari’s group served '-tea. The (attendance was 3D ’ The Dungannon “Home .arid School Club” will Mold fheir Septopniher (mee ting tttes Friday might at fhe schori Mt ® pan. An Snteresting program ns planned :anfl Mrs. Saunders <of (Goder ich Central School (Club ds ^expected ito ®ive an (address. AH anterested 5ri tfhe Schodl (Club rare anvitefl to cmrie. : T0 I -NEO’ \VVa:®K— 'Special ’Mow Be Fleet” ~-'^AS4b\‘fRE~'':^an(L=^J4DC^ERS^Tt' £« s ’$ STORE -AT-- ■ WUC1AM WELSH TO ANNOUNCE THEIR FAUX SBOIVKG ‘OF LADIES’ NEW READS-TO- WE&R (GARMENTS:!— Trimmefl anil (Untrimmefl (Goats Triple Sheer -anfl Dine Wool (Challis Dresses Awon Knitted Suits ..Felt .anfl Melvet Bate Anfl Accessories '<•« •: ,J‘(COME .AW SEE THE NEW STHJS. MOD’LL LIKE THEM AND THEY ARE S© REASONABLY PRICED. A WILD WEST SHOW Apparently ‘Bill” Mhdure. sixteen year-dld Dungannon hoy, ’has been putting-hn ra wild west shriw, with Raymond rand (Gerrilfl (Currie, anueh smaller hoys than Me. ras unwilling members off fhe cast. Tins was ante off County (Constrible MdlVjlle Orajge^s first ajases rand Me wHl prdjmlily llong remeniber ft, for it is (unique. young (McClure, a Sne-ioi£king<chap is (alleged to 5mve raped rand tied aip Rayipond rand to Move piillefl the sdhirt tail from without (Genild^ pants rand shirt1) while ft was htfll on the Mpy. The shirt, with the Mullet Mole, rand the 22 rifle used, were am <ilispl^. Ludkily tbe Mullet entered the ground. This was Altogether too texciting for a <quiet Manflet Hike Dungannon, so young Mr. MdClure faces two (as sault cMarges, which were rafljournefl for two weeks, the Migr Meiug freed in the 'custbfly off Mis father. 'The Al leged offences look place am Septem ber 4th.—(Goderich SypiAL .....- . v-- ->-•-- - I - ■ ’ BE SORE T0 SEE OUR TEES- • EULAT AT WfINGH AM FALL FAIR, (OCTOBER TgC^ An interesting gnfl (imporirant fera- ^dhnhl Mere fhfe .jweek, when Miss Bhrnrim McDougall off Holyrood, will ------ .—v?-— ^-^7- give instruction in music for one hour! -to have shotja Mole (through ®t Jihe ra week on each room. Week-end visitors in (the connnun- ity’ indhriefl Mr. Helmuth Schleriker) off Bridgeport rand Miss iferene Woods' off K5tehener with Mr. and Mrs. Rob inson Woods; “ Misses Dorati^ Web ster -of London rand Define Webster off (Carlow with fhedr mother, Mrs. John Webster; Mr. (Gdldwm Burvesi riff Fergus rat his home Mere. Sunday School (Rally Day was ob- served in fhe United -Church on Srin- -duy nndrmnh, when'-fhe 'theme of the. service was ’We too, worid bring our (tonsures”. (Rev.. H. M. Wright pre-! -sided .rand the Scripture lessons were read by Marie Swan, Helen McDon ald rand Arthur Ramage. Rev. .Mr. Wright gave the address and Dorothy Miller stead .a. -^tory . “The* Jar of Roseniary,” which was followed by a recitation by Jean Wright. Mrs. Ram rage.the.superintendent, made an ear- mest rappeal f or greater interest in fhe. Sunday SdhoSl. The regular meeting of the Y. P. U. 'was held on Sunday evening. Cuy- Jer Ramage read, the Scripture lesson rand comments. The topic' ”A study of the present liquor situation” was dealt with hy Mr. E. W. Rice. Mrs. Buchanan of (Lucknow was a' visitor last week with her son Robert and Mrs. Buchanan. Mr. McKiriley Ramage, is home from St. Paul. Mr. Neely Todd, who has just com-, pleted his course At the Westervelt College, London, was home for the week-end before going to Stratford ; where he has secured a^Josition with the Stratford Machine & TodI Co. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Swan included Mr. and Mrs. • Robert Deyell of Wmgham and Mr. de ““t#5e “““■ ““ I land » ftfbetta- «• * “ «■ ■ £ss^. A. S. Wehh. -W-. I. Miller. /2^! ™ »nchinK war, Edmonton. W- J- Foran. Fred. Webb. Kenneth Purvis. Eldon Miller and Robert Ly ons were among those- who attended the, Western Fajr. London, last week. The appearance of the. • United Church caused many favorable com ments on Sunday, as a result of the ra week 5n teach room. I HIRST WSET HERE UN 34 WARS Francis" Leddy Mas totunmd to St. Augustine for the (first time =since leaving there 34 yestB rago us aa lad of 16. He is ra ^visitor vwfh Patrick Walsh. While rat St. Augustine, Me hoped to merit Mis Mqyhooil eompHn-' ion. Thomas McCabe, for «s ra Moy he was raised At the MdCribe Mome. but to Mis <3i iponflanerit Me (fbunfl that the MriCAbe M»s Meenj _________ ___ ._ off yeais,; and that (none asm give Mhn mny die; finite information ras to the . where-j abouts iff “Toni” the last (member off, fhe family io liive in this wicinity. ' •One of the first things ihrit Frank Leddy made a point of wisiting was the St. Augustine Church. Li 19D2 when fife left, plans were (being 'drawn, up for the proposed church rand pre parations being made for the quarry ing of the 'rock from the Maitland river, although the exact (site find mot been decidediupon. The old school-! house Mas been renovated rand many of the old familiarities are gone. ; . Mr. Ledfly rafter leaving St. Au gustine, travelled ;a good deal in the avuen veveu »w»<xin —u w. ®’ddle Western partst off Canada rand and Mrs. George Scott and family of J fhe IT5nitAe?. 7 Jnosrwu ’ lanfl ,n Alberta. He is at present ran- abandoned for ra ! _ _________MRS. MENAEY Death aflaintofl one our Alder citizens am Saturday last, in tfhe »per- soh off Mrs. Mary Menary. Her sud den (death was’ fine tto an attack, iff acute. mfligestion which lasted but two <or tfhfcee hours. She was former-. Ily Miss Maty (Curran rand (was mar ried tto Mr; James Menary .about for ty years ago. Her husband prede- , ceased her thirty-one years ago rat' (Crewe, where tfhey farmed. Mis. Men- j ary fhen moved to tfhe village where Ahe has since, -lived -and passing in I. her seventieth year, leaving tto | mourn " Shacklet im tfhe ted (Church t -------------------------- ------ meetings When fiefilfh .permitted. Some of iher outstanding qualities, were daintiness, -kindness tto fhe sick tfhe giving iff her -services at differ ent tffines, rand ra true love for tflow- crs. .A large concourse, iff friends gathered at fhe home Monday rat 2 :p.m.. tto pay final (respects with (her pastor. Rev. T. R.'Turner -in charge Among tfhe flora] tributes was ra wreath from fhe Women’s Associa- tfion. of which she was mi honorary member.. The remains were laid tto test tin Dungannon cemetery. Miss thtis Rivett, on Thursday last, ■ entertained eleven of her girl chums tto ra partJk’the occasion being her (twelfth birthday. Many happy , returns Uris. - 1 0 er only sister, Mrs. Nellie * . She/took fin active part I ranches iff the sUnL'i fi rand (attended the . VHTECmKS W«dnes. i Thursday m 30 - ocr. i DR. <G. H. (CHRISTIE. PRES. <0. A/C. WJEL1L DFFIOIADLT (OPEN THE FAIR AT U30 THURSDAY AFTEIfNOON SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS THURSDAY AFTERNOON JHTNW DANCING <0W TIME IDANOE 'GOMJCTITION WltESTIffNG MATCHES THUItSDAF EVENING !R. .0. Currie. Pres. ‘ ®L IL. Sherbonfly. KecSy. / GOVERNMENT BUYS S1TOCE CONES AT $2.00 PER BUSHEL m ttte coumy We have less than < efforti} of the Indies of the church. tht taxes outstanding and j cleaned and redecorated it last I’ll call the county treasurer to hear i weok. ■ • witness.” Gw*.. to Vlie »» Mr* Erskine explained that East ..regular meeting of the Women’« In- Wawanosh had no taxes more than been postponed to Oeto- three years outstanding and that God- ber erich township had only non-resident ; Attend funeral Of Forme r' Resident taxes'unpaid, but that amounts owing !■ Mr_ JaH Kamaj,e> >rs. Edwin Pur- m each case Were more than m Mr. v*is jjab and G<>jdwm. motored to - Sarnia on Wednesday u. attend the 'Gmmg^k to the ^0Risrtuatoon,| faT|CTai fif MrR „ ^r>nher. who. MTj v^TaTt ^ent ^be&M prior to her marriage, vzas Miss Jane good, thirty to forty ; i>;irnage, a former resident of* St. bushels to the Here, especially neAr Lleiens the;^ lake shore, where heavy dews during the drought, helped greatly. The mangels rand turnips will be nor- i mai. perhaps better than normal Late-J potatoes are a good size,, but fewer ^Game and Fish Protective A. in a hill. 7“, ____ L_ ___ hold up. Corn is pretty fair and fhe 1 pasture is the very best,” he said. I’ll call the county treasurer to hear week, .' ______6wing to the Wingham Fair. the [ Would 'Close Muskrat.. Season Members <ff the Gri*y and Brnco . _ .. r ■ — . - ■ - -------- ----- —-- ------------- - ... -The present price ^cn’t ? f-mn meeting in Owen Sound last j week, passed a resolution/ favoring that a closed yseason for muskrat he declared in these ‘ counties for a per iod iff five years. .The-resolution wa passed ’oh account iff the scarcity df muskrats and fhe plugging iff «?toanp- with Vegetation that ■ woul.d ordmar Hy Ibe kept channelled by • them mals. : Rent Armory .The Wing-ham Armory, no longer used by the militia: for training pur- poses, has been rented to the Ir'W'L Air, JRonald Forster returned home ’ last week, (after spending the sum- ' ' mer months working at Fapaskasihg. I. Mr. Walter Forster was opera- ; ted oiiTast Thursday- in Wingham hospital for ’appendicitis. We hope - for ;a speedy recovety. Messrs. Wm. Fisher, John and Al fred Paterson and Miss Agnes Pat erson, -attended London fair one day lakt week. Mr. John Paterson won 7th prize And Mr. Alfred Paterson won Hth Iprize in Sheep judging there. Con- gratulations. L Miss Lila Emerson of Wingham, visited last week with her mother, Mr«,. A. Emer?5on. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Fenngdy of Wingham. Mt. and Mrs, (Henry Tidh- hourne and Miss Olive Tichhoumf Of Goderich, visited on -Sunday with Mr. .arid Mrs. jlayitl Kennedy. Miss Merle Wilson returned hottie from Toronto last yzeek after visit ing friends. . Miss Agnes Wilson -of Stratford spent the' v/eek-erid with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Mias Leila Leggatt of Wingham and Sditia Helen Patersop of -Plirit. Mich, spent the week-end with the formm-'«' parents, Mr. and Mrs; Wes-" iey Leggatt. ('Ipt^ndr'd for Lhst Wedk) ‘Quite a number from here ;atten- ---* /' ------- ----(....‘ssjry at i liangKide last Himday. v/hen, liev, AL ! Wi,fl '.^s- Clap Grant 'Mnd biy iittk rismghter Alda, also Mnyr Bes- er visited on ; .....Uncle, Mr. anfl Mrs-. Jamnfc Mrinnea. Mt and Mrs, Htanley Goldougii, who h»w- been working thr- past sea’ son with W J Ember,, have riitunr- «d to Ui&ir ham ucur Fatdwieh. (CHOROH NOTIES ‘ Lakeside residents of Bruce .County have an o/iportunity to collect an i extra bjt iff revenue jn the -autumn ifropp^the gathering iff spruce rand Lpme cones. The Cones must be pick ed green before the seed pods open and '" release the seed, which means f he pickers must climb the ttees for the topmost cones. Mostly the resi dents go after spruce and white and red pfrie cones. f A Gwerrmtent buyer periodically visits the flistricb dnfl purchases the '■•tines from the pickers. They are then whipped^u; Angus, where the <>'O vernrri' uSr Ezeprimerita'i , riffrires- tratnm farm is situated, arifly the seed is scientifically extracted to lie o wsfl n» refimsitotion vnffk. Bruce . Peninsula produeess a bet ter quality iff. erme than any. uther' locality and some varieties We found ,,.-r <r„ ,, only an the Penmzuia. A buyer te- ! d<J7h7 '•entty declared that ■ to Algoma and ' L„..Krow.- nuT)l)i^, wne the Renfrew dwtnH the /top has k>n, <ff T^sv/aufr pmdheti «eef» very disaprwmttog. and thg ( Mr Wiii ^,r{4 ’r , Bruce Pewmswla must be thoroughly daughhfr Alda ai« "'^hed tto« year As a i ate Mnjrmea of ’lecs/wate 2000 bushel- rff spruee /wm will he < SuhdAy with therr r • . and panf fur at the' priee df ^2,00 P'-r bushel, wnreh means a ni'ie t/dy num tx, thaw- Who '-ar/: to the rnriinw* Pine eoiVtS not brtog suxfh a good , United Church P. S. ' The executive. had ,.Z 2., meeting Monday owning. After Hie opening, hymn unefe! Bob MacKenzie lerl reading. The Bible character whs given by Rexford “The T’resent Liquor Situation'^ was i ably taken by Rev. S. T. Tucker. Tfle meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. charge of Hie LordL J’raycr, in responsive r “Ruth” ... --------J Ostrander. Margaret Rae sang a solo. The “topic , ' . ..4, LUCKNOW AND ST. AUCWSfifrNE PRIEST GOES TO WINDSOR At. f.Iu> mass •nstinp Church ", f r>ori [f»V(R inn ff n iSi!?! feiehraterl in St. Au- Snhdny. the Rev. T. announced he had hv hK bishop, IJjgltt .on- awsunw the pastorate r’f (he Precious Brood y^w his dim >trd bn Thomas Kid‘cUS& t ch and that thij in Si.. Augustine Parish, exactly one year ago ’since . Donnellan assumed charge parish and; the Lurknov. inis-' In hL farewell address he Dome instrw end J< Diocese the Chur Windsor, f Sunday It e Lather ff fhiH <.ion, l hanleed the parishioners during his period Roy. .f St //ill h I ratoj- in the parish. Father «Martin .-iff the ‘ -staff ,. Peter's . Crtthedrnl. London, tsuipc the dntfOM of. atlniinis- of the iWnsii on Sunday next. i / I