HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-24, Page 3.... A .CANADA 1 . Ub&ar A life iimuaiaapie automiihy says . tout :u wutatan“.nmiy nww expect to ■ ffiw£..®tuar yuiwss lhn®ar titan sb. nuBg, • tii® ayteage eqjeteitaey stomfiirg tat , ifisftyttoiniii;, iasa iter fflrae as emiptaisd 1 wMh" ffiiffitydriyne ffta'tite ■tandl off aneaa- ■ titan. This testily seernffi fitair fin wsew off . ton* umiraut off ton® wiratisfl tty ... nmJHuidlnuss fin' ■ wtaiting ■ tor nratetei® off tite.'^Eiifir sern.— EhimBfitarfl HBsjpiffii- tttai:. . .'. ’ - Ate HtegtanmEnsi Ktemuiiiiiig iin tite nutate taf to® Tter- nijtanuBlte in Gteaff ffitaitesita may ■ unit - 11® as statisfiartiiiny os tite ©Dwaanmimitt . dtariww®, Hutt titeire is in® Itedk sf mm® titenTgrihesB fltar tamriteffirrit fa' tite Rayah Afir IFtaim. Din tite l^uss off (Gnmmmffi am Way tS5Ln T2K3®, ffteaur fer ffiteffiw-iiri announrtafl tihrit' to® (Suw- ramiitentt irrfenritafl to immeEtsaB to® ®L. AH. ptaisamnri! By iwltallihg 2J5I0D nmaiffi pilliita, HtaTone? Mtetah, ffiKTL TH® nespnnse was immffiEteiEB ;raiil mnw iit is lEntaumrofi titatt fin tite fiiiferimi tite flam® Bats ffawm itarnwaswtfl By HfiHffl® yatafis atari! ramp, semfl araau Buys;, tall (terihaus off sehiwbde' eaititer fin, tite tair, air as gpufoifensii. Vtataunit Skwiirtap, Ai?r MEafeter,, fin to® Htass ter, Emitfe tite tafter 'dhy afitatefl total tite ir®oiuriifiig 4,was (mrintarifliy atafite- fiteteory. — Mtarttietal Gtetati®..' SSfl-'CSaiiisg' life) ■ Hit ■ is veny gnutf filing to know total;, ffi» fiar as Tfflarmltnrh is romrffflnmfi, th® sttneet omdiiterit toiandi fltar th® fedt Htalff .of tite prwsmi.it ystar is so) nnnffi ■ fisttBear titem tile aflure^iimfing graftali off H2HTu, on impn®wsm®iitt tetoriitatafl .- ■ Tlirngtey to GHiiiff GtataJmEnTs .stfite (firteurg (CBmpwigni. ■ IStat (nimHl in m s ggmerrily' .mi® fffilll fiar/.-fiiaim tetite- . ffnitany Urn newltawiirg '.tite qjffiitaiiimi ' "' .Sjjp to® wftuDa? gnnwirnt®,, tit® dtetertlr rotate off Hfiriteays Ugys tite “tariHi- sira w.iiflh naafiwuy tnrrihf” tiyp® off aanfi- dtem temvedl th®, greatest ■ iincnsiES®. Tan to tite? end of JJun® titer® fruiE Heem 6ID sunk aumifimts iin ©trtamm. as rorm- pimefi wtefii -Uff iin, th® ffinstt.- HuEff af - Itertt y®EZ. Itn tir® srm® prafinfi nmtarr actnifeite' fomm aill ouiisbes mmmsetfl By .7713 pipr ronil.. tite- minriifer af psf- snra injured! Itemg 3iP.p®r (smfc. Hij^h- te amfl tite- pnripwtty dtenuge- 7Z8 pmr cent.. Higfiiw titan fin tite ctmraspnmfl- arg nnnrtiis af ffilffiRi: ■ TUter® wwr® nrintt nuns am tite rrnndl, ill is tin®. But tins (files nrit ainraunt fltar tite Highmr mnniltartt rat® As asn ihrfim&- tiiiim tiluu speed! and! (cnitateSiHss wen® Itergdk- nespnusifife, titan® was am iilr <cruis® off ’jSFiff pair cnmtt. iin til® uurm- Biar <rff fttatal] audifirnts iifwriteirg arri!- Htekiriis Btatweem matinr -vtenidhs. — HtenriiEnr Ste^tarifen. *1 / SJnie On Ulfe ffiSfetinr BSte9aN«Hy ffitatew® mum niifihgr air a passeap^ar im oi ntaghtenr'k ccm- was kdltefi. TB® dlri.vH.ir Bu® Haem annwfctofl -iin Ftmte Hnrdte? af “teiiinihta] iregHgomrc:.'” An- atofar instiinii® off tite? taustt piHipf® ten (ifitem nri^jihxr® wHran imntenEltaiti&r titey step) into am aiitomriiiite. TH® mum uaspunsilite- finr tite? fftetal antei- dteitt wu® ffntefl igHHD aanfl His; (firming; pranriit atannffteB finr site mrmto®. A Hite air. tite? Ih'itihvay (finer tot tenmn to ®Etny \u liigfh write® fin ti'isT sstiinmtte af sum® (Burnt®. — Gtiuwai Jbunmril. ^Etfl Csn&Hm WitiHir taitiitoiir. Hmwte af til® ton® ' titey Hitllii up) amB up lift® B ai busiteis® astiuiiitiiimmtt fin* GHianiitor,, Ghiiiriin, ttwm yaiingr mum war® sentomedl ,to firm, yrarr.® iir. jEiigteiim \ Bluiitemtiuny. Hi aa fitiir smnpfis of tite? swfft andi atmtrim qutaihy of (Chmafiimi ‘ fiistiii®. ‘ AnnwnB-rubbery is an® af tite’ wansft of cmirrm® — amfl thus® young niteri Biew utatetenfl sun tome® aiteqptate to tite'- oatauram-(BTto af tite ’ puau® mnfl .saaurity of til® aauntry;. Amt wHrite one* tin® nrm dv.sih® to <fivi?.v. amunnrismite. <m® is Haumfl to WHKiinrizir fiiiiit if iin tii® grant mrighr iteiriTg napufili® justice- wer® as- sun® and! :xs swift a® tote, atrnr® itn tite Tmtei’ wmtilB lie fiur teas ptev- tabnr.. - Eu.itnxc ®>r:ififi. SlV ♦ITO H tito i ___ . ____ __________ im."tiiuse> toEwdlirh’* ihnmra -^~ Birge! J? priopte Mihm tew ntitiiirafi amB unsettikdl dlnvu. .—(Ctal’ta’y ffimtalH. • ‘ f fcjurmg mitnnniinie ti«ni.- unTWinhi; ;rn tins cay iir. Hilt. Eel is estiiftntetB ’toutt 3001(010’ Ammritiins nnW Stean® W&ta$ TH® Btec® fEtem nnsttoiift Ihra Putt, tite . first wteitt and! ill arerugasfiS) teste’ to to)- ata®. Tins Hrra iteem aa anmimm yiirilB iin ffientt auunty tiife yoaHt, showing titati w® am taffipirrg atatai off tow Hate wfiutat ©taring Ihsnifc ijn GSran&u ^MElfastoiEan S&emfi, X 4 if - CANADA THE EMPIRE X W. itare Hanseed Tte- Dnstitute? off Rsciinc Reliiititam Haas dtaii^-;<DaHni W.. ffltaffiig, ®iitoir off .tite Winnipeg Free? ffhesi^, a taigih Hiumii' fiii (dteotahg ihirm as. iitis new (dtaifiinran!.. Bte Gatairilitan Bora mndte a rwwiTre intiaateM® atody off infeamattental tafftar®-. Tite spinmnEB h® Bora ®spm®r ssfl fin rrwgHrrdi to .tifesie fin toe? ariifeffisr e® tiitat te Ibra (flriiivmnsiB ttpflHi tat itanrrte amdl aifinoadi unrii fin His ntav®- papiar stall mmgtems arttiirites have cuutatafl fltar aa gnetat (fetal- Th® uucag- mitiimi toat He Has rmteived} finmh tite Ihstiiitafe wHfirih Has prat arftudluferii fitt ta wmiiitali.. sffiteians seii,, Miramtairi Gta5ffiunrite, fe titeieiigiHiy fetervefl. — B&fimaittan JJtaiamtal. . . ■. wnMdKffW jflMhmmaidl ' CamsdiiaEni amtt warap nntt nBmtiimmfl off anfit (fin (nnwfOnty aim itemn «ff crim^ rnm-mr- hwtiweHWi- Ifontiffimi ffizufi dErrmfip. IH&fflee pfirftaiffis anm® ffijann- Bfrtflfccmi to (Ommfin tilmim mnmccAo im tftw> atihar dih- eatiimi. Ehff torae ato snm» Ghnadhaan anffeto w&ihi® wunfic iifi Ifarawm iin thg CStfl EamB asm£ vaeOiBsfl By dmnemring sntt Ihvrax tora®. Urnst week Atilftnar Wmihg;, off Thnantip, reKffliwsfi cshlh fiwm off rrM-etpfcdHndjwfl ITcm- ctnni aani rtrenii feres unzEtt WiEEffis cmrrvmnueK Beb smxtt affi nrmrnp ttfttfnpp was ai G&eDy. eftaarcti off (fispnaihg off torom. ThiiR ih jhdhmrfl a irmfi Ibtfonr ffwattt. lit ih pmeBidiCy. many yearns tihms aany Gamofiinr anttihlt mmff m cafifel emptory ffoor hi® wradk feura SB. Eafftfira (feEUeir.. ife to at ftrnHntp- to ton- Dm® off EfernlirgM, annffli onunfiny I pnrtogiitofflni. —- Financiasll fftitit. Thg EL 2H. Army infantry' teunn winch dtefeatedi alW cthw setwise'teams at the Matinnali JBaffe Ufatoh^ aitt Gamp) Eteriiy,, gh„ mctunedl with iito trophy.. Lett t® right ((kneehhg)) Sgt. R1 IL. Spears,, ChpiL BC El j Bfetdiy, ILI (Mimam annfl Sfefc. EL WiML. ((Seated)) %tt >. EBiK^her;, PMi- CL HJensfey and! C^ti. v ■ HL EL 'UlfaydL. ’ ' •/ ' iiidhstry jand thrift which fcwe made? America..”' Simple; services were heldi for Em vingr Tha’Ihergj; 3fT-yea£j>Mi film pro­ ducer,, im the presence .only of hi® fo-m-iTy studio1 associates andi a. few intimate friends. Rahbi Edgar F! Magniu, conducted the services at B’Naii B’Rith Temple in Hodywood. Etc keeping with; the simplicity of ;Thalherg’s Efei, his wfi* dew,, screens star Mor ma Shearer,, re- qpestedi that there be no- pallfoearers. Thousands of messages were*- re­ ceived front. ®U over the world By Mis® Shearer,, including ai telegram toon® Pfcesiifent Roosevelt, which was not made public;. - —-— tfLrffa . Any amsemtiira that: snrimnny fe mitE to dfewiise am effnwrttiwii s flair natiintik mt a^uftem;, ffik Butoi^r wauilfl lie Be nefiitedl. Sev.erTineies^, i_ ____ Yatik Times news story Ihys; toe IW iti flair fflmfii sb ahrnTu. Am .idir aamffi- toniiirg pihnit iin Mew jfeto^r was; anranum By' nuts, toms summer:. Bte engmeei® amfl atiiem sanratiffir (hqjerts tttiefl toiair snentiihr he^t to ntrut to® nodimt ihwumira,. smB EaltaiL Timm ®: pigmtinnfl'"' Bmiffiirg sipmfihtmTfrnt went to toe tity pound! amfl harrowed! iits diEy's (ntiftafr- off sfemy onto. As gtmsto off toe fiuctonyj toe rots: ®n® cmnffirtiaffiy liauseff By diiy anw scii np^fit tory mne ,'giivem fine® rang® off toe ffictony. Every rnmnimg: to® jum~ ihms sweep) up) tfie slhfin nuts amB anmflmtt toe Bunti ng asdte flandk to toeur daytime epfentimmife-. Ait Dstostt. nepunti,) tiie Times’’ stony (HmtiDuiflsti, to® fiaatorsto rat pnguTatinn: W2ES niHEmhg ffiEtimitiira.' — .tot. Tlmnras TiinHj^ibniinndl. _ _, unr ttofe to dfewiiss am ^eaiiiiraii aaiitetotite j cat;, pns;- mnl mfjyBff. aa Mew, Off Sqgadffinsr fifte affl ffi cpiestiira af spnlliiig:: Etah FamfiHr — to® pcTanm. Gtatanflnr — a (fiEtoneaimdl. Ga&ndter — nmafim® ting smuntiiihg: tanB gtestaiig; rihtoi an pnp®n:. (Eritardhscr — as cBmuiteh. Gyib imfier — p®n af as mntox. Ghlhmltar ((air cuHtenBtar)) — aa stintater'. — Th- canto Sti^n:. H5aflSlifiSimeaa»w Ste mum remains sihgjte. IE li® Hu® mo w-if®. Ii® is mmcnitefl 11® ® fiurtoiy,. " tebfi ai, stating uuifl on- snnretiiihg lilt®, titeti. -— Tiimis». ' THEEWIRE MKimw^y MH® Staiiy iin nriiriiig on® “pflims?’’ going . Bilging:. Tlhise;, nutoctally;, an® nut to U® piidleifl up) By young; ntawrammES. Th® way to tB® tapj, a® im any athmr aaffing;. im Bnrgi amB anflinuH>. “Th® pmirtt ik total tiira® ik pflmty af mam titer®. EkoBaBiy miwnr Befimte iir. to® History of to® nrmihg; imfiistry Hu® to®, dtenamfl finer grrmE mem Heen. grrmts ®r air Fes® ®iry. to-ffill. TH® ttitahiiig: ffiarilitie® are mrailhfilte—mm® UettaK. SuterilirisHip® an® am after:. TH® tehtnirtr fiarrr tite? nigiitt typ® af yautir tte spilmdidl. .IViliunniisfiuiig Sftindiiy Tlhm®. i ur Pass1 sJKril tat axra? , Any txmil can. braafe tit® eggs». but it fcuius m enute to- mixlhr toe dhsirett mmrihtt® out of thenn. (Star toying pun is ffui| off liroihm uggSf. we or: fimtt. namMimtodi with, an ffrsfttn mnssi, toir orw, mntotiidF for- ai ft off fpmiiufftasi. The wori'di dbes- stag, tardi ’ Hnwewr Tiaodl& ttfe H pltayidi mur pmitip. tour®, is ahvtys to® postihiiitty of ai firesft) Beginniiig HF out. ''off (mrruptifln. roir. cornu- fi-'toi sweetoe®;, totem out off to® ffdiur® off snnutiinKB rtray oontit’ toe dfewm off sens®. TIhs Hetttar ptati ftaf idl off us wduTdi Be. tin cuirs® mcnirnirratinnp amft to diicidte fimr. ourselves wHnft is toe fliitLire w® wauiW iiiig to liuilll|, and! Hlw w® aum emto smdi adll off us ®nr- ttomtm tw itEB tnulcnn^. SBatosmnm. 0 f Inaugurated In Britain UfflOL Bfessey AEGHBfflEEEDEffiS. Sfcsfe .'O»®EEa®gcEfee^l - SHOT Afifesqptedl by DemmBEHOL I TEDRONTto:—-A campaagn off advem fflteng Gaundta tenned By eaprata “tli® reefed regfimtal catoptagm yett Eannclted By a ffitatoriiriq,’-’ wiffl. li® opened tofe Hfiffi hr Gtetat Britain;, to® Caniiriiani CHiib was taEffi recteriffly by Efem. Vii&- oetar. Shmsey,. Cttnadhi’s BEiglh ©mntate- Suomsr iih Emiifim.. Tli® pnognann will .start in ffitetolter im to®, flategjjw area and wiill canttmu® tome flour miurtitai, to B® -tMHawmil tty. at tihriltar effort in eaoft off to® great! atetataes off Qoptaatiira- iin tite -Britsit IKfes.fo • ‘Tmte tite-' tibgaui ‘Ganmiai'©idling,’’ tan appetal will B® made? to, to® Brittain "^fintestater,. totafiter,. and aansunnar to buy ©mmStan firadtetofe off. tai fijmi®- ’ tfi® Eiigfi] GammfSHihiier said.. ‘'Ehfor- mtaiiimi wiiH li® gtoesn titorto?- tai tli® (Etannfitan exporter - neg ndrng . tois cnnrptagiii and Bis caxipertafiim invit­ ed.'” ! * ‘'TH® Gtauufitan visitair is conscious' off to® dfeiEntai off fflinuriiirin news ini tii® nredrapaEitan and pusvininuB press of ©satai Brittam." siriiil Mri MasSey.. ‘"Hfife pnafiiiran alime? cadite tar wv amiBdiiii study. TIirmigfii' tote press, tffiron^ii filing, tdinau^ii tite spate® warifi, esfiifiitiuiis,. tfirougtii ,-n dnaem (fiffierentt nxedte,, it titauid fie passim® to nnrite Ctannilu bet-terr ferrawm iin Ehgr Hrnffi.’” 1 f - IDm Stassey reported wiiat bee terni- ad ?n; ^tiTTrFfaUrg”’ fin ©nest Etitajir in tii® pnpuitar iifem .afi ©Enurim. “©ver titer® w® tar® stilll illinugiLt off very fces qjtanlfly as ta land off wiifi® open spaces givtan efiteffy to agiihufliiiraB pursuits.'” Tan) litotflte was.known off to® industrial! (tewihpmenll wiiiitih liodi piloted ffi® Bu- mikritem among; th® first imfiistrtei: mpfiinra off tflte- world. tatiinugHi agricul1- tiui® rfflmrinsd tii® “firandhtiim off aur fflrtanmriir lifer” ■ Tite’ Bffigik (Cammfesiiinra regretted tite- popuifir iifeih <ff dipihmuti® missiaui was ttnpientJy represented “liy as (lie caiMCiv® aalbr-sclieine- off piiilfe teas and wliiil® sputa.” Tfite-aerGananiiiil siite* off dipfinnmey representa aa very snnril esr pemfitiu® (if time;. 11® staff. “Qter af- flues oversea® witoiin tjB® HBnpwe ar autaifip ill are- pnacititeii! instiitatians ffisfetihg to achieve- prantiinril pur- poiHita;, just as prauticta! as titos® pen- ■flimmedi Hy sb. past office or anatom's Hnus®.'” '' * “B Haw® fiesta immensely struck: By tite spitife witih wfimHi life in tite Biut- isifa telfes today iin tai. its aspects seems to lie infitstei tty tii® vitality and aanffittem® and enemy wftiiiHi mark it.” Mir. Mitesey stiff iin turning tin a> gem ertaJ revtew off afStijs. Today Brittan (rated Ihy alainr to a renmritabte amt inoreasuig standard off prautifeta eilid- enny stinking degree? sotehted mor® witih pitaity and ettei Httppil off, titej d 'lfeii quality off tire old modi tarns, .and: r xte ituaai; pixraitV) tiie- '^nmnrei-rSsi^pff' ideas.” few weeks in tii® uneasy aint testia'ss attnasplieto off tii® (Cttntiirenc would nurite- elttnr tite? imputamc® off things “ttntt fimtfd iff lilira Boteis rot tante? sta­ tistics.’’’ tii® spiritual’ liihsiiip) off Bhit- iidh people? bused am diranfaracy” “hi fbnnn off givrantaomt wiiifcih Has tteem sodtemti^,, dHlIiiHrately rmjuitliitedl averr Italy informs Great Britain qffiis- ially that /it- must insist upon “ta&- equate diplomatic.' preparation’’’ Be­ fore a ttecaamo) Ganfenence to map) European security cam Be telkfi.. • Pheviously,, Italy hod accepted! am mvittarira to affve-puwer Lacam® parley to lie held this autumns tor the purpose of effecting &. new Eur®- peans security- agreement fix toe face of Germany’s. rearmament off toe Rhineland! a targe? areas a£ tite wariffita surface-, Butt nowhere- more jetabusly guarded tian. fin those caiiutriies avtai' wirtae: th® . British ’ fllag; flies..”’ NEWS SHORTS;} Mrs.- Biiry! Manfehum,. only woman., wit® ever- ffgw the ^Etiantij^. @cean softg. firornn cost to west,, urges Can- odhi “to mafe pruvismn now fan toe aweir-aaean; aair traffic! that is sure 'to come.”’ z ,Em Stax Fimnuisca',. Municipal Judges Thunnra Faley,, gave defer IL. Green thirty days era ai charge of cruelty to. atamalkj. -Kihn^, and. Eris ptat -fdiick,. •“Bhatoer Grawfitajd!” were- found .to tie intoxicated! tty a “snusennetra”’.. . Rogeir W.. B’taisata declares busii- jnesip, after ste jeiEto of depression,, jhas, tat last reached! narmta.. ] Hee saiifl T98B! will Be'toe best since ’DfJSS fan aufifennabiihs- arid: steel and ! among lines eqptaSte; ar exceeding 11192® peaks Fie tritoU retail! trade,, pow- ,'tar pradiiutibn,. cement ami efectrical f appltennes. He predicted! ® shagg) advance iir, tite puff® of restal estftafe;, emnmndaties anti stadte, wages onff interest (fetes,, ranger form scops terd ® rise fin rail­ road tntafiin. He j starfi tite only shortage will be iir. toe caimage cp»p> and “titos® fun­ damental! characteristics af integrity,, Flight JLteuti. Shelldata GaBemani and Aircraftsman. JT F’artey,, missing' nu th® Nartheta Ganadte hinterihnds; sihi- c® Aug. IT;.. Hav®‘ been Ibcated aEw am to®, shares of Pttint, Eafe(». 25® miles northwest af Iffife tirseduig patai in tite- Northwest Temritartesi. Eart Reliance. is about TP® mflles nortfir east of Edmonton. • ' Pbpulatibtt from am^aniinaf stani- poiiit,, at toe Western® Qidatib' Fair grounds at Eaiidter,, ©nt,has grown, substantially a-ihee to® opening- Vital stitistfc® includes on® Jersey calf Harm in t$te. stalls af Dl JL Bieggs,. St: Thomas:: twa> Holstons,, an® belong­ ing td> Hayes and Garnpnny,, CaTgaty^ ten Ktite pigs and Srar pigeons.. One rabbit on ehibiihra is also.- expect- ,ing su visit from, th® ritark. ----------- Th® current epidemic off infantile paraiyisls- is> assuming: a menacing aspect,, with lithe-'total number <j£ casr es- in: Manitoba now 1301 Ebun new cases- ini Winnipeg brought the- totaf td- E7i ra that City.. Vancouver — Fortune” waited! on &. downtown Vancouver' -street for' Qp- v.iH® ML Niiemeyer;. 2Efryear oHB • un> empteyedi telegraph, operator.Nu®L hreymr- kicked! a brawn, paper -eaivtah ape; on-to® sidewalk them picked! ft up; finding interfe- TOO1 crisp NewEtaife of GanarEa Sa- bijTs.l Efe took it to.® Bank whose itam® appeared on toe envefope. A department store,, to- wHfcfti toe money was consigned!, re- warded Nuemeyer- fair his honesty. ,; EEte- toothbrush doesn't hang in, .the bathroom* and, we don't .peau'hhE name om toe Ihsufe cover off toe family Bfbfei. But he squats onii every twfg off tite family tree — that Petriff that prods u» mto accidents; within the wall® af ho me . He eats, witoi us,, steppe wftoi us;, tofcp® hdk Batoe wlto us„ gedte (finhrifc witoi us„ EHmo&ssi wftous;, qgoarrta® witoi says,- “Mirai PEI hold year eqati?’ Bfe^mocke aim. fiumqir anrt gKEwatos our sorrow,, Jfeers at ub evmiy window ancE translatee our priyato Hifte ihi toe gnfifi® print.. ©ur association! witli Ed® neEtateras totefery I® BtoUong:. Often he take® Mb first griteiihg -^fee' to toe finp&to- neffl) off fife prank® ftteralTy Btaore w®' W® “tay Behind . toe ears!’ How sfcange are toe. , things we dte to fife prompting are cBscIosed by toe Nta- tomaH Safety CouitaHl, wfiicb,, witoi to® taff off toe Wark® Progress Adminfetra- toteb, recentiy cornereiE toe knave and cfiokect frumTrEnni a report aw two* years off fife mnukeyfiusihesff fit Coolt County EEfifca®®)),, EEteife.. . The offlxriaE record is a survey off aEl home accidtaits toat sent’Beffpatfents to toe Coofc Coimty EfospitoB (Biting I9SS and 193^, and it tells a story off tragfe; fiumorous, curious anff ordin­ ary events.. The survey was toe first off its kind conducted in toe EQriiL ed States It scrap ases a dontestte dram®, toot tears away, toe window shades and torus toe waffis of our homes to glass tftrougfi- tehich toe glare off- public scrutiny fixes on the emotions and circumstances that sent <S02E patiESds to> toe institution during toe two> years—iriiured inf accidents- in toeir fiomes ." Accidents in. American hames fiarve made a “pifier” of toe automobile -c- cideut problem) that currently,, and. justly,, has warted toe country , into a lather.. In 193b there were gnly (toe belittling is fcr compatisou only) I,- 32T,000 automobile traffic accidents against 4,531,aOG accidents in. our fiomesi . Only in toe “fatal” column did au­ tomobile? traffic accidents Best domes tic mishaps—37,000 dead against 31,-. 500, SEotor accidents disabted per­ manently 105,000 persoug . in 1935*. wfiiie tile Bxmfb accident total was 140,- 000. Motor accidents indicted tem­ porary -disaBility on 1,130,000—home accidents, -£,4'60,000;. These figures scoff at those who talk off ‘'within the safety at our Hames.” The certain cost of Home ac- tadents in 1935—lost wages, medical expense and toe 'overhead cost of in­ surance:—was 55(lO;6oO,OOO. Home ac­ cidents were responsibfe for more deaths .than tiny other general class off accident causes, . motor vehicle traffic- excepted. i Contributed €»• The Journal by the- j British Aircraft Society, ' EOiMHO'M — 'Air pilots,, meteor- olpgist - and afiservat&ni stations have been working in MewfouHriland since the autprami off 19®4 on accum- nfeting- data fbir one- off toe most eam> "prehensile wcatiupr -forecasting sch­ emes ‘ever devised. It will be. used for the north Atlantic: air services and-toe investjgtaiiaiis have been un- : dertaken ihre British Ate . Ittfe tatty and toe Canadian -and ^JeW' found'Iand autoerilnes.. .. They Hudtefe charting of toe up- ptar ■ tair and' ten ■ eKamtetehom1 of' toe prevalence af tog in toe Sfewtouiid.*"- -land zone and ate®1 tom mauthi af to® Lawreueei' A number <s£ tog-: r®r- portihg. sttattteos Have- bse® set uj^ ceundl toe coast and fnlhmf> and, al£- tfiey ear-round (jbsmwatienaE • tndteptflb toat white ‘diifftatarfc ffynig conditions are apt t® persist ijp areas round Sb, Jrihtek toerefe ®. central clear zone mi Th® ground organi­ zation wO Be t® keej® an to® 'mnicemtarte off -tofel and 'toetaf torough dterir efiannete, (tearting' off toe upper wST pro’®® upon wfitete it iis hoped,, ® liig’&jfegree uf accuracy iin fimeeastaiig wiU Be hasedb A a£ !ffyteg! by Imper^ ial Airways jtatetff Has Been nrrolved nr obtaining toe necessary abservai- tom®. j Results'ta£ tofe tataeorological wurfc are Ekely t® {taJo-taice toe sdeetont of sate® tor Itewtoundtend?® airparfc. Th® present proposal fe t® construct e Itaidmg ground out af virgin to&- est at Hatties Camp) and. td equip it wfto am artificial runway capable off anbwing aH sizes and types aS landpfene to- take off and EandL Coie- suitatom^, to- tak® place during Sep* teteber,.' fitaw® Been ariEanged with am Air Ministry exptart,, wftose advice will b® a chief factor ii®. toe uftonate (feefeion. - Dr toe Atiantte service tite prind-* fpfe of rarifo control fe to- be estenided ■ even further toon, in -the Chntirieafal tervices. Filats iwifl he festracted f'as.ta-' course: and as to landing place® by radte in accordance with, to® weather fitormatom avaHafife om to® ground. The British! autooritfes have Be­ lieved. from toe first toat toe- trust- > wortoihess obtanted fix modem dying; boats is sufficient, to, afiaw. theta to operate in safety'over long stretch­ es- of ocean provided only toat they : may be eettaiui qf finding a lauding; /place free front fog ^at toe end off , their- flight. . Stevertoeiess,. they ■ ar® , not negleiiting toe jjossibilitfes and . c- j ' fhgfito toe next. few. de Hayilfend Al­ batross foux^enginkd; Eandplane Whfeht £s expeoted^to te cfi. a speed “off some 250 miles*■t tiff enturpr it. sr. i wavier, ' wliicli. ifi l mu& to preserv-iuion. ill give color tit ft’s another BHtenn presents; ttuiity in a tertiiin: attributes as ymitir amt ate. tile' ise. off irnugiiiutiira. ‘'that vivid sense s a. peculiar EAgr I’- toe- u wliii Fimnnce to^lTfe." . XTitssey .mill, ri: . trade there w iSJile's? rertp* red- A B® GLWAS WILLIAMS *T I OfoBii ijjF. ffllff*. tir*tiT .lOtfW&flE 1ft ft (suiuF o DiMMioiiift- Ktrwt®. Wfettfi® mi-t&Ptur«« ms OTUi *1 .6 naBiiiM Memorial to- Fousder of First " Private na .. . Toronto*' ' SM ltmHiWFW5> STORl ifrTE 118^^7011125 'R1CME IS^IWIPS" (W SESHJSESdEOW UR. Wfel&’FHCMEJUSr •% B R£$S«H5>7Ei M ^TAh’b'DtRlS^ HMxOF SGLlW I >WriKR» . TORONTO—Kindergarten equip- 111 0111? •fol* the training of the younger cautpers. who are given holidays at Bolton Camp each summer by the Neighborhood Workers’ .Association; of Toronto will Be housed , in a self- contained kindergarten. The buiWL ing, recently presented to the camp- by the Toronto Kindergarten Asso­ ciation. |is a memorial to the lata Mrs. J. L. Hughes, founder of th® first private kindergarten in: this and leader in the movement ^vhich. resulted in, tis^mcorporation of kin­ dergartens in to® public? school sys­ tem. Interest In this unit, toe first kindergarten unit _in at summer, camp­ on tiie continent has been aroused! both here and abroad. •No regular kindergarten curricu­ lum will be .used at'Bolton, it was explained,, ag it. is. «£_■ present 0H a- ^mil-experimental basis. ■ The . prd- g.ain of activity will be adapted to lireriiento pf children at suin- mps« stressing open-tar rec- and play, nature study, fam* ■with 'country life and simiiaxr There is acr'atnmadatidn ren hi the building.' kindergarten was estab- .n Toronto by 3frs. Hughes -fit- snd in 1381- she took charge of public schoot kindergarten, □ecorinhg supervisor of kinder- listed : 1J7?, s' th® .flrot later gnrtens for the entire system. ■ Great Brittan’® outlay»for Beta^ and social services thia year will w $2,100,000,000, * Forestry in Great Britain provides work for 8,000 person® ft® stnnmsa^ 4>G0ff la winter. '