HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-24, Page 1I. T ■ p • to take ad- Employees 0 h HAD CAR STOLEN i ..■ -.a i 17 TO PAY POLL TAXt V John BORN \ • T ach-' near year the of Mr. of this ment on Subscription Accounts. is 35c including tax,., and the general) ■-LUCKNOW TO HAVE BIG DAV NEXT JULY- 1ST. prd- both and At Meeting Heid Ire ©range Hall On Monday Evenrig—Chief Organizer From Toronto Arid Workers From Lfatowef And! Wrigftam Present. ' Kitchener And Guelph Band Already Eng,aged As' Feature Of * First Celebration Here In Eight. Yews ■ CAR' FOR SALE—Ford V-8, o< driven 6020) rriles; in perfect eondffi- . tiara. Afeo> Garage DWT.-Reason- for 'geffing, owffeXs- going WesC Ap- ■ riv te Joseph A. Malfeugfo, iMefawir. ERNEST BEECROFT AND ANNIE TAYLOR PLACED SECOND AND THIRD—PRESENTATIOIN MADE AT EVENING CONCERT. FEA­ TURED VARIOUS NUMBERS PRESENTED BY THE'DIFFERENT SCHOOL SECTIONS. Pinkney and Miss Olive Farrier: No. 17. - 7“ _1. 77L. ..._____'2.....s; No. 3, Miss Margaret Mason: No. 4. Si. Helens. Miss Sadie MeChailes. MissRIDES PINTO IN CLOSE I RACE AT KINCARDINE When Vic. Whitfey gets astride his Route of 800) famillies. Write todriy. RawfeigK Dept ML-SfHL-SA-rl, Mon- treaL, Canariaa Bayment of oldi accounts means big votes this week. Read about it in fhe Good-Will Club ad on page 5. effect they struck a happy medium 30th.1 an<i fi^od toe fee at $3.00 which is ‘ payable upon receipt of notice. WON SCHOLARSHIP A splendid record has been ■ ■ ■' C LU IB ' COMPETHTON' ■ THIS WEEK AFFORD OPPORTUNITY FOR CONTESTANTS TO IN- FDR SALE — 25® pnpnd Tayfer Safe, new. Apply at Sentinel ©ffiee. ? MCENSE'S—Deer, trapper, grara . <feg Ifeenaes nrari available;—R- J-* Moore, Lucknow ’ J" ______ Ruby Reid ___________ Belle MacDonald ______ James Ritchie ......... Maggie MacLeod ____r ONLY ONE GOOD SAMARITAN. - SUNDAY, SEPT. 27th: BIBLE STUDY - .** * * < *’ * i , and Mrs. James Forster/ Underwent j prito pony you can look for a real a« appendicitis operation in Wing-1 heat - in a running race which ““ making a favorable recovery, ...." .....Z.X............ $230 A YEAR—$130 IN. ADVANCE—50e EXTRA TO U. '& A. -4 LUCKNOW, ONT,, -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1936 $5® OLD 'HORSES WANTED—Fer gw 'FW'Farms;.,Apply to J- D, Riom.®' .. son; •pifew 4®, Dungannon; ' LOST—LadSes” swmmer coat, be> ■ tweera Langside. Cfnuiniife and Whrte- ' 1 \ chumd®. Muder ■ pfeaise leave aft .The Seratmel Office.' ; , . " Juily 1st, next ■ year, 'foa® .been set' as the* dlate for a big day ini Lucknow the* 'first eefebraitfen to* be held ,f in sow right years; ■" The ^Kitchener,’• and Guelph . Pipe MAN WANTED ■ ffor^ ^Itowlrigh Band,-that-'Bais’ become so popular in*, this feeafity thfe season, has already □een-engaged, and wiM be a big feav.' fine* aftevnoonr—and -evening per for- i nuance. , ." I .wknow’s Scottish right has; done n®wh to> revive this celebration; en­ thusiasm) ini the eommurity gnd there seems; ■ to be w reason why a. realty Big' day: cafiraot -be ‘teranged and sue- cesstfiailHiy staged next First ■ off July. I. Lets get behind-it!! . --.aucti©# sale—of frin? stock (houses; eattfe arid ait .Lot- 5 Cora. 4* Krifess,' ®b . 'Friday ' next. October- Sri, alt (/clock. See bilfe Robert Moffat, Ptop ' Matt. Gaynor, Aw. FARM FDR SALE—miles ■ goritb-^Esft of Helens; D^bfe ba®ns with) stables • underneath. Knpfem^rt bamn Firame Bwse; rti^ TOmqg; tthtgarigh farm. A. bargain . at ' $120O^-W- J- Todd, Lucknow '■ ■ • NOTICE; BEL ACCOUNTS. . , DffluBfe Votes; plus big baraus votes I wil® be giweni this Friday and Satur­ day <m all garage- and Bfeeksmittb a£- coutfftg;, back of July 1st; Take ad- varatage of . this offer; Garfield ©ritrandrir. FARM FDR ‘SALE—Tenders will . Be received for the sale of Lof 9'; Cora 3.’ Kinloss; Twp- "The" fianrto, eon- sfetts off .100 acres, more or, less of good' Baruil with barira- and stone stab- ling 4@rx60)’- and' good etmafortriWe house. Tenders vriBB be received up’ to - : ©rtjjjheri 15th;‘.Lowest or- any tender nriri necessarily accepted.. FW further particulars apply tri Rod MeDowgaiiil K. 5; Lucknow. Local Have Joined Labor Union •Employees of the' Lucknow .Table j Jdmpany have .beemrae.g part of the-j' Garpenters.and Jointers Union; More'1 .han the reefuired sixty per1 cent of' empfeyees favored joining the ■ Un­ ion and ,the fecal, unit wjas officially organized ait a meeting ijri the' Grange HaJl on- Mondiay evenmg; Piresemt at the well attended meet­ ing' on Monday, were workers; from ListoweL where the Union) is opera­ tive, ’and from Wingftam; wherer a simiilaii’ organization to> that heri&. has recently been, formed, the two> to be interfecftfng; Mr. Cooper of Toronto', chief labor organizer from Toronto1 was. present' to>-' addltess/and 'take charge off the meeting.. •'During the first Hour", of speaking and dfecussfen the meeting was open; A standing vote was taken to' deter­ mine those favoring the Union and the 'meeting that followed was for1 organization purposes and open only to* those favoring the action taken; Some 20) pf about 30’ employees of ;the fecal plant havevsifened. I We understand that the heads pf ■this; village's only furniture manu­ facturing establishment have not yet , been asked to> recognize the union and! it has been authoratively pointed ’ out that the new organization is not LADY' BDWLEBSr • ACTTVITTW ' J ■ " ■' _ ■ ' ' . Winners; aft 'Friday^, jitiw M the fecall green were Mira. R. Robertson, 'W;, TMta; ^C Stewm<,^’aidl; M&ra., Oarcfee^ 3rd; and. Mira. Sofemon, 4tSL - - .TVE8& 15 rinks; competing -the Undies recently held a successfuJ 'Irish TreBfes tourtfamentL The winning: rihky skipped By Mira. • McGfiiiviraiy ‘ of Paisley had 4 .win® and a pfes of 25. jjfors. Rome's ririk of Phlmerston> and Mra. darkens rink of Lucknow ' were ti®i fori second pfe^e with 3 win® and a plus >of 11. The local! rink, comprised of Mrs. Huston, Mrse W. IL Mackenzie- and Mrs; darke won the pfey oflf. Fourth place went to Mira. W- T. rink of Car- gflE witlD 3 wins and a plus of 7. Emks were present from Parsley 3, Walkerton 2^, Wfnghan® Cargil® planning, for the time &eing aft fehst, Hanover and Palmerston^ one each, fey ■ requests before the* mam­ arad Lucknow 5; agement. " THREE PUPILS STAGE CLOSE RUH FOR TROPHY AT ASHFIELD FAIR , ALLAN ’ GAULEY, BROTHER OF WINNER LAW YEAR, . WIN S AWARD THIS YEAR WITH 47 POINTS—JACK FARRISH SEC- ""©ND WITH 4®.POINTS AND KATHLEEN GARDNER 3RD, WITH 44 POINTS, AshfiielHl Township Schoo® Fair [ Vegetables^ fruits and flowers held aft CurrieTs Comers ora Friday, made aj gpod showing, despite’ the SfepC lath, was ara unqualified sue-, fteaft and drought of the summer sea- cess; Favorable* weather clear and sow. All classes" were filfed with the bright^ added to the success; and exception off one flower; the gaiHart, pfeasnre of the event and the atten- daa. dance waa good. Seven schoofe par- j fe; noteworthy, that the Eaton tfcipated as foifewtf; No; L. Fort AL 1 atireir trophy was won this year by Bert, Annie Ba*r; Novi Allan Gaufey, a Brother off Kenneth 2^, Kingsbridge Separate School, tjtai- ©aufey, who was champion fest year., chers not present; Nov 5; Zion; Miss’ Ada -,M Webster* teacher. Nov9?,^onv 1 9’, Miss ©live* Anderson; teacher ;; No; I0t Lanes; Mr; DUncan McKay, tea-; efier; Nouj5t Lcchafeft; Miss; Marg­ aret teacher; Nov 16; Crewe; Mri John; Martfi®, teacher.. Tb» opera the afitsmodnfs proceed­ ings; the several schodfe; each dis- pfeying-its Banner, fined up’ and iiiar- dted to the grounds; where the “yell?*' was givenu They ffmm formed up; fra , massed formation, log the Strath-., _ v________ . cona exercises, which were directed I erick MaeKenzie. By Mr, BL C, Beaconr, LF,SL Favor- "able cpmment was heard upBra the raaimen h» which the child' reh ’ adipiitited themselves; reflecting much; credit upon) the teachers; as we® as the pupils. The (various, cong;etitions—public speaking, recitation, and rnstruTnen- tal music; were listened to with nwch pleasure, ah wete also the spelling match and weed naming contest, Ohly one sfight accftfent occurred to mar the pfeasure of ah; otherwise ' perfect d’ay; when Evelyn Little* re»- ceivedl ® kick from one off the colts; which beratne reatfesh rand nnmhra- ageabfe in bring exhibited. No; ser­ ious ihijury resulted arid', she Was; pfifefty" ehojigh later to 'tomh ihtO' the show ring and exhibit her colt. -------------------------- -------------------- Payment Of Accounts & Subscription Arrears Two Big Features This Week -------- - - - 4 'B-' ADDED VOTES IN.f GOOD WILL 5 W Bonus. Votes On * Eaeft Dollar Paid On Acctent Next Saturday— 5000 Votes For Each Year Ar- "•■■■•■■'Tears' Suscriptiora''"^-'''--'"-'---- Enthusiasm) in The Sentinel Good- Will Club’ campaign has now reached the peak. Contestants and tbefr sup­ porters have begun work in earnest to pile up' their vote totals. Subscrib­ ers. are afeo' responding and paying 'subscriptions; in advance' vantage of the special vote offers- made " during this competition. Added Votes era Payment of Ateounts I For Friday and Saturday/ only, September-,25th and 26th, club mer­ chants wfll offer iiouble votes . on the payment of all outstanding ae- counts. By presenting these receipts at the Sentinel offiee on Monday next the customer or. .contestant wfl® Be given; 5W bonus votes for every dol­ lar d paid on account, providing toe account was contracted Before July ■1st. i . ' ' Added Votes on Subscription Arrears , Between Tuesday, September 22nd; and Monday, September 28th, 5000’ votes wifi Be giyen on each; year back subscriptions. Payment off each year off arrears before Jan; 1, 1936, wEU ; secure the extra vote'" schedule. On I subscriptions running, after that date i regular votes only wifi! apply. ! Special Prize For This Week j j For most votes turned fra. Briw,eeI1 [Tuesday, September 22nd, and Mon- | day, September 28, will be given i $3L0©i in cash. This, club prize appears !' most popular. * . ....... Mrs;1 .'Stewart Durnin was-, the win- I- ner off fest week’s special prize [ Contestants Please Note J: ' To' take advantage off the weekly special vote* schedule, contestants • should make their 'returns at the ■ office not later than; 6 o'clock each ! on ! on-!; 11 5 \ ADVERTISING DID IT A iittle three-line ad in The Sen­ tinel), at a trivial cost, made three little children happy in short order, John, Grace and Florence Hudson; children of Mr, nnd Mrs. Roy Hud­ son, had been lamenting, the loss . of John's little pup, and as their grief didn’t lessen after the. pup had been gone a week, their dad decided that something would have to be done about it. And wfiat did he do ? He inserted a little “inconspicuous” ad in The Sentinel, ft came off the press Wednesday night arid first thing -Prifc ‘Thursday=Fma©riHng^he^wheT^fc6uts?ss SENTInEL (DFFI'CE- open SATURDAY EVENINGS During the Good-Will Club compe­ tition, The' Stentinei Office • wil] re­ main operi eaehi Saturday evening ’ from 8 to 11 o^clock. / . . ! Country contestants can make their weekly returns at this time, .Miss I Mrs, {Mis® John l-Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miss .Miss- Mrs. Mrs.. __ 42,950 __ 41325 __ 41300 __ 44,450 __ 42,025 __ 39,725 __ 30,675 __ 28,900 __ 25,150 — 23375 __ 23375 — 22350 20,125 19,900 — 19,675 19,025 — 18,025 — 16300 The Bread ■ r~< /i<^» of Health MO VIO The Bread of Health quality and service Our motto Let Hollyman’s Do Your Balring. SPECIALS FOB THE WEEK-END STRAWBERRY TARTS CHELSEA BUNS RASPBERRY TARTS ROLLS HONEY TARTS v s COOKIES MAPLE WALNUT TARTS JELLY ROLLS _____And A Large. Supply Of CHOICE LAYER AND CHOCOLATE CAKES TRY OUR SOY BEAN BREAD. IT IS DELICIOUS. — - ., - ' ' • ■......■ _■ ~ '.............................. HOLLY MAN’S Q U A LIT Y B A K E ft Y Phone36. Lucknow 1 ‘ ' is.” ‘ .. • of toe pup was known and soon the kiddies were rollicking. around again with their precious pup. •* "~u.: ■ ■ ... . ■ RECEIVES APPOINTMENT , Mr. Frank King, B^.A.,yof Silver- woods, Cargill, and formerly of toe Lueknow plant, has been appointed Record of Performance Inspector by the Civil Service Commission, and assumes his new duties immediately. *■ T-~~" —s^“ j' ■ Former Local Girl And Husband Figure In Holdup Mr. and Mi®. Edward Snider And Detroit Druggist Herded Into Back Room Of Shop At. Point Of ^.Gun And Relieved Of $25.00—Compan­ ions Loot Till, “^Vajf’ On 2 Cus­ tomers- And" Escape. Official Openins Io Mark Fair Tomorrow / —— ' > .Minister Of Agriculture To Be Met At Town Hall—Parade Of Live­ stock To Preceed Speech—Pipers From Kitchener To Be Present. With final details receiving atten­ tion, prospects aTe bright that to­ morrow, Friday. September - 25th, will see an increased attendance at Lucknow's 71st annual Fall Fair. Arrangements have been made to speed up judging events and with additional features of interest for the crowdii the. show this year prom­ ises to' go over in a big way. First pf all on Friday, Fair offic­ ials and local bands will meet the Honorable Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, pt the Town Hall, from where the party will proceed to the park. Preceeding the Minis­ ter’s address, there will be a par­ ade of livestock past the speakers stand, gftet which the gathering will have the pleasure of hearing one of the province’s most prominent men and an interested agriculturist. This year there will be two horse judging rings, so that this end. of the show may be run off more quickly. President John McQuillin points out that a special feature of the horse classes will be the inter­ township horse competition, with one township, showing three horses against another township. The horses do not, necessarily need to be owned by one man, but each trio must be owned within the township. < Two bands will be on hand during the afternoon. Efforts werte made to have the Kitchener * Pipe Band pre­ sent also, but- while they cannot be here as a unit, Directors of the Society are assured that three ot four of these popular Scotchmen will be on hand with some special num­ bers, as well as to assist the local pipe band. The Cowan Concert Co. will vide the evening attraction nights , of the show; Thursday Friday. Those who can, are advised to be present toe first night as it i^ a well-know fact that the hall is usually overtaxed toe second night of the show. Friday night’s concert will be followed by a dance. Enter­ tainment events are this year reduc­ ed ■ in price. The concert admission is 35c including tax,..and the general, . • - - admission to the dance, is 25c, tax' golden wedding with you. included. 1 Signed on behalf of your friends. Present Kinloss Couple On 20th Anniversary Kinloss Friends Present Purse Of Money To Mr. and Mrs.' Melvin Irwin At House Party Friday Evening That. Marked Their 20tb / Wedding Anniversary , There was a gay time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Irwin, (nee May Henry) Second Cdricessiori, Km- , loss, on Friday evening, when friends numbering 125 or more, gathered to spend a pleasant evening of crird playing and dancing. . . The occasion marked the 20th wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and friends took advantage of the occasion to present the celebrat­ ing couple with a well-filled purse of money, as well as numerous in­ dividual gifts they received. Oddly enough, the artificial flowei that adoned. the anniversary cake has thrice served such a purpose, and each cake it has adorned has been baked by Mrs. Thomas Henry, mother of Mr. Irwin. The first oc- casion was at her wedding fifty-two years ago, next the wedding of he? son, Melvin 20 years^ago and on Friday night it again , was used; oa this anniversary occasion. f During the evening, the presenta­ tion was made by Wm. Kempton af­ ter the following address had been read by Gordon Maclnnes: Dear Friends:— If we were all strangers here xo you tonight, we would think we were assembled to congratulate a bride and groom, instead of a couple, whe are celebrating their twentieth wed­ ding anniversary. < Most of us have known you both all our lives. We have enjoyed your hospitality many times and ,we al­ ways feel that we are very welcome in your home. So tonight we have come to re­ joice with you and your two charm­ ing daughters—may they always be a great delight and comfort, to you; We have not gifts of china to offer yon, but instead we ask you to ac­ cept this purse of money as a token of our very best wishes for your fu­ ture happiness. We hope that life’s best. blessings may be poured out upon you and your family. We shall look forward to celebrating your Miss Olive Kilpatrick _ Clayton Alton __________ Maudie Fisher __ M. E. Dudley --------- Margaret Me Nall K. MaeKenzie ' ... John, Carruthers _J Ewart Taylor __ Eldon Henderson __ Annie Colwell____ Malcolm Stewart __ Eileen Geoghegan Josephine Gaunt ■._ Joseph Whitby ___ Gordon Ritchie ____ George Alton —i_3______ Mrs. Irvine Henry ' ___ _ Miss Elizabeth Robinson__________ Mrs. Jas. T, Webster _______ 12,900 Mrs. Bert Treleaven 15,600 D. L. McKinnon -----------^—15,525 _ 14350 1 14350 _ 12,275 _ 11,725 _ 11,675 1 1.1,125 _ 10,97? 10,950 10,700 _ 10,275’ - 9360 __ 9525 _ 9300 _ 9300 — 8750 _ 8500 __ 8075 _ 6725 ™ 6700 ___ 6600 _ 6525 __6500 __,6300 __ 6000 6000 ..... 6000 Isaac Nixon _ ____;.......,__ 5925 Ernest GarHnpr ! gvon Eliott Taylor ___________ 5650 Grace MacLeod ■ ....' 5625 Vera I. Little -________ 5350 ©scar G. Hodgins ••• • 5475 Catherine G. Hamilton___5,350 Ethel Martin ........ 5350 Jack Emerson _________ _ 5275 Matt McDonald » 5250 J. S. MaeKenzie _:______ 5000 ------Miller -----------1__________ 5,000 Robert Moffat ------------- 5.000 Mrs- Wm; R. Nivins ............. , 5000 Mrs. George Tayfer _________ _ 5000 (The above does not necessarily show the total votes, but gives the j correct standing of each contestant), j Note—Contestants with " less than 110,000 votes will not be shown in fu- Mrs. Allan MeConnel ___ Miss Joy Henderson ____ | Mrs. M. C. ©rr' -___—■....... I Catherine Johnston .............. ■Mirs. Thomas Henry ______ | Mrs. Elizabeth: Bolt _ Miss Sadie EL MeCharles _ Leonard MacLeod ____I___ Chester Twamley ............„ j Mrs. Mark Johnston ______ [Miss Ruth Winterstein___ ] Mrs. W. J. MacDonald____ i Jerry Culbert -____!........ ..... Miss Etta Mrs. ' Miss ' Billie Decker ................. ‘Miss Gertrude Treleaven [Mrs. Siam Cupskey --. Mrs. Dari Wyids _______ Miss' Marion Johnston __ Miss Beta -Welsh _____ LueHa Creen _>....... .......... iMrs. Henry Carter ____ Willena Chesnut _______ Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Herb j Monday. If unable to come in Monday returns .mriy be made Saturday. evening between 8 and o^efeefc. . This Week’s Standing i Cecil Mullin_______________I28,350 Mara. Armstrong J. yrifeon.—121,225 Mrri. Stewart Durnin_____;__120,175 Virden Mowbray ___________113^100 Mrs- Dune. McDonald (Jr.) 113,050 .111,025 .101375 . 95,875 83,275 80300 76,100 67,050 . 51300’ . 51,400 . 50,175 _ ___ _ . 45,800 ture standings. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snider of Detroit had a new and unusual ex­ perience one night last week, when about ten-thirty they dropped into, a neighborhood durg store on W. Verner Highway to make a purchase when silently and without warning ■ three armed thugs entered. While ■ one pretended to use the telephone , booth, the second emptied the cash register and also “waited”. on two customers who happened to come in, while the third, at the point of. a guii, forced Mr. and Mrs. Snider and the Druggist into a tear room where ,he took $25.00 from them. I After cutting the telephone wires and in­ structing them not to move for at least five minutes till they *got across the street”, they disappeared. However, the police were called and were- on the scene almost immediate­ ly and gave chase but no arrests Miss Clara MacDonald Archie Graham ....:........ Mrs. Lome DUrriin---- Miss Doris Eadie __ _ Mrs. Archie Paterson _ j Muryiri Solomon —____ i Mrst Archie Aftehison _ Mrs. Wm.,-Lloyd —___ Mrs. Harvey J. Aekert . Miss Flora Webster ---- Mrs. ©liver MeCharfes ■ __________ OBSERVED 85>TTT BIRTHDAY Mr. andi Mrs. Bert Gammie and ieved By Robert Gammie, of family and Mrs. Alex: Woods spent! Elora, who was the winner this the week-end in ETora, where they Were present, at the cefebratfon which marked the 85th birthday of Mr. Orimiiriefe fj»therii Mr. Gammie; ■ . ! .X. ..H, ... I. ... ..... J*I. ... .^>1.. ’ of the Ballardll Scholarship at i Elbra High School. The scholarship 1 amounts to $100 and is awarded an­ nually to the student having toe 1 best all year record to his credit. I The young student is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Gammie of West Wawanosh. .......... ’ I. At . ■ Police, the first of tod week, were still searching for a Ford V-8 sedan, license E-6277, owned by Rev. Har­ old T. Aekert of Caledonia and for­ merly of Lucknow. The car was re- portefl stolen from in front of Grace United Church in Caledonia last Fri­ day t evening. Gram; Roofs, Vegetables; Flowers Spring wheats qt.—Roy Culbert; Charles Adririm. . Spring wheat, ahead—Roy Giilbert, Charles Adams; , Oris, qft.-—Chester Finnigan. Oats. sheaf—Hriold Adams, Gra- ftari Durum, Barley, qt.. — Raymond* Murphy, Kenneth Gaufey, Marguerite Jamie- son, Roderick McKenzie. ' Barley, gficadT —r Kenneth Gaufey, ;Tom Phillips, Gordon Martin;. Roder- Uorra—Helen McGee;. Grant Parrish John; Hunter, Joseph Morrison. Turrips—Horace Crawford, Elaine Little. Harold McGee, Allan Ritchie. ■ Beets — Lori Hunter, Harbbu'tn? Adams,. Vincent Austin, Marioni' Mac- Kenzie; Crirots—Evelyn Little, Violet Col­ bert, Allan Gaufey, Lorena Crozier. Onions—Keith Blake, Warren Zinn,. Agnes LednoM Pri’Srijri — CTark Zinn, • Kathleen Gibson; Grace Campbell, Pbmpkiu—Rena Milfer, Teresa Au­ stin,. J. C.. Drennan; Elliott Riivett.. Asters^-John Austin, Keith- Blake, * Lorraine Drennan;. StsabiosOu-Edn Phillis; Zinnias'- Helen-' McGrie, Vincent ; Austin; Ross- MaeKenzie, Lois Hunter. (Continued <n® Page 41 Seventeen residents of the village are subject to poll tax and will be assessed the $3.00 levy which is th ’ be collected within . the next week or so, and which will enrich the munici­ pal coffeurs to the extent of $51.00. AH single men, between, the ages of 21 and 60. not otherwise paying tax­ es. are subject to this- levy which can be set at- from $1.00 to $5.00. CAROLINE HUMPHREY OF BELFAST WON TROPHY AT ST. HELENS SCHOOL FAIR HACKETT—In ..the Township of Astyfieldi, on Thursday, \ September .?------- uc -u 17th, to Mr. riid Mrs. Wilfred* Hac-1 Who is your neighbor ? Liike 10v29 . When toe council put toe , tax into Itett (M. VbsM. MaeDbnaM. 2 P* N.> a snn. Jairea Donald. 18 P.M.—WEDNESDAY. SEPT. r r TTT- t. rr YOUNG PEOPLE’S NIGBLowey—Hi Wmghami General Hos- J g RM.—-FRIDAY. SEPT. 25 pitaT, on , Tuesday, September 22iid, to’ Mr. and Mrs... Norman Lowey of Euefchow, a daughter. McINNTS—In Whigham; General Hospital on Sunday, September 20, to’ Mr. and! Mi’s. John McInnis, Lang­ side, as son. MOWR’ELx.ira Hensail, on Tuesday September . 22nd, to Mr. and • Mt3. Robert X Hoote (nee Gladys Webb) a sun; ■ - ____________________JGHT „ P.M.—FRIDAY. SEPT. 25TH. Mr. George ■ Lowey, Speaker - ORANGE HALL Underwent Operation Mr. Walter Forster, son of Mt. .. r1* - J PLENTY 0F BLOOM Bert Ward,, who takes .cpiite a^ pride ih> his ffowers, Brought into the office fest week, an aster stalk bearing a mass of Bloom; The one plant, frhfeh Bert says , is an; Eitg-. Ifefi Aster, has iiri Tess than 144 flowers in frill bloom. He received cerec jthri seed from? his .sister in England.lions.1 an appendicitis operation in Wing-1 heat - m a running race which are ham; Hospital on Thursday and is ■' being featured at many fall fairs; I Vic placed second m Kincardine' last (week in a thrilling run that Was al- HAD CHAMPTON STEER CALF ■ most a dead heat. The time for the «!•*«'»* t:.5s r8’*’«? Calf Club, exhibited his Shorthorn (to be reCord tlme a aiming race heilfer calf at the London Fair last 011 the Kincardine track. week, where it was judged the best —-----a-.—--— animal m the show and was the win-, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED net of the Shorthorn; Association's ’special award. London papers Car;. • s; Thomas MacDonald, ried. a due picture of Goldie and his Ashfield Township, announce the en- ’catf. u , , gagement of their daughter, Clara TsaBene,..to Mr. Orland Alonzo Rich- Wni. Culbert, _DUngannon. were, other ( a-C ltor'-w- -ismembers of the local dub to Be en-1 4. Wr-and R- Rich- tered in the Western Fait eonipeti- iaTds of Township, the matA ions. , \ ' j riage to take place in October. Th.e wdafher man was kind and . _ _ when the eatly morning fogs had roll- I .^^Waisbn Davis ed away, ideal weather prevailed for h the seventeenth ‘ annual School Fair Beatrice UeQufllin No? iX Fordyc^ held at St. Helens on Tuesday, Miss Lauretta -McBurney; No. 14, The fair got away to a splendid — - - start about 2 o’clock, when the six , schools formed into lines at the cor­ ner and with banners streaming and led by Piper Wilfried McQuillin, In- iS-t6r1^eafo”1 and Woods? Agricultural Representative, matched Wellington H, to Miller S Orchard. Here m massed forniation. the Strathcona exercises were creditably done by all the pu­ pils, ■frith the i commands being given by Inspector E. C. Beaeom. ’ Here too. later, the freed naming, spelling and mental arithmetic com­ petitions were keenly contested and the other contest^., and live stock judging were "watched with interest. In the adjoining church shed the exhibits were on display with large entries particularly in floweris and some vegetables, > The schools participating in the fait with their teachers were as fol- Iowsr No. 8, Dungannon. Mr. Graham Miss R. Jean Logan. , Mr. Ian McLeod, his secretary. Mis? i- Bessie Watt auiPMr. MeKerCher. were assisted in the judging by Mr. Ken neth .Cameron on the fruit; Mr. Wi<- --B-X* on poultry snd- . Mrs. Wellington Henderson of Lu. kr J now in the domestic sciencfe. In the evening the fair was brought [ to a close when the public speakiner recitation and musical contest* wet? held in the church shpd. Rev. £L Jp • Wright was chairman for this inter - [ esting program, which was intersper- . sed with musical numbers from the various school sections. Inspector E., , C- Beacom,~ ’ Band Gordon SL Me In tyre. 'B.A. of Lpcknow were judge? for; the competitions. The chairman’s^ remarks were /fol­ lowed by a Selection on the bag pipes by Wilfred McQdillin after- which Tn- (Continaed On Page 51