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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-17, Page 6
1* f -*»<ia S- ■>; W&agfngg suit croar AtEhatSs aft sfeEft off Sight to ftaudbn,. nfene ufllitoii Sy Edife SferrfU.' Pesto Efeuny ftbiHmauv stag^ smfi nigfitt oiliti) singer?,, towaudi ILandbni aftor tefeaf®' feanr ifjayjfl Btemetfc Afi?- puuft, Nfewv ®seSv PllaiEe Landed! aft Sauxhi. Whte® mi less; tSsui sisteepi. Hours.. ratting? new mark? for ticeam ara^mg. I ' *• ■■ - ■■'? '•''■' . WWWWW" JKwUui-l ■•..;i;,..;■.-,■,-flW.!< Certainly , ifc cannot have been be cause-' of fee daring' .natnre of- fee J®feBagfl.aii2reaL.af_feat__MS3od—far. feat ■ affected by'. women, .and' gMs was-, ass follows, acEordsns* . to Sfe, Ehrrfsanv “As to ranndstfon, fee young woman who wouEd ta&e a OS^ KamKEt Pk^ A&sat: ReA OiafSsr&m OsBefe fiwetl O® W CeHfe at EK^r- RoosSl CefcaM Ayswesl - j hfeFYcdcWa^T B^r €&sfc tSafilk " . SOILEWO0B!-® jot some itt^esfeig^acto.E bayevI^rnedLabout. my frfemito . and?' nudSon pfcfen& a^-“ sswnatesi, Roping feiey wiffi ^W-ass'-new' to jsmei as? fee^ were to' me 'And? fiadi a ggtelng feis' mncsKatr togefecat' . . \ Eidttel’ BhrTymore once supported^ to inutt dug? im an’ 'arttmal picture. STartne Snesrerto smSiug fece i» fee same'-<Hte names' by an aatomotiife tine mi febse early ads_. *tTini'e to- Jfe- fesefl*' . ■ EEad’ge 'Evans- was fee- litfle- I^eSI. wfiO’-sat-(Mti. to cafe- off s&ap- once uptra' a? fene in'- fee ads feat asSsaii y&nu - “IStoto .■'S&rai to 'Eitifle- F^nsy ini, 'fear' Warne?-*’" SSdridw --Davies- was-fee model ■fen Efeward ©sandier' Christy's, femtms- pahflug;. “Mornfng,7' and. ®fer- Jtene was. training to be a. •ft ■ *■ Agre Ea^EsSi and ®«ssse asasmEira tfcs -'msem- tBtszj; is d«MHFatwro by deora-^saSi©®- IVs is, <Se&BiiMHa: by a^edEire, its - ■styfe fet sESHuffiy fEasfey, pEemefewis: pjtehty ’ wearEsmssie. . ■' ‘' '. ■ ;' T&e% in., Tirae's 54©pe.. a®a®t w ^nt-, ■ •caavsr smai? tte Jai&fifee, .Stayw HeGeer ss ssnewd ^wnratiioniis, ’ tfee * Sjce® 1 - SEaysr of Lesadosi, Ssecsjfa^ he casme .®®e • here . to see ns, Stifle .to d®/* Victoria is ssaobfensK” • •, ; T313& discGTered feaE is was a’ sonart device to afttirsct sssiEX-idJEEessSes tty iieawag: ■ fee artii^e ®®E ’ef Sts -asrsroea ; parts o fepeech — and -lass' teeean. 1 ■ _ lowed to: tear, fiastoianx.- amicautemtoffiBy, ®? ■ all -'fee baEf-edwc2ted. as ' fee U justed States — 'arwi fest as ®e perfect symisisJ of Sts tesmsi ■55®?s a®2 wea. -< ■ '■ Ttoae doesn’t-, toil sx? lies ■ Vancouver and to?’ '■ pnahSr as«f s&fvate- cimems- a®i '.it ear&SMiy rei&raiss tossm' say tor. a. sagie- p-tezsaiEt flaixg. .Tisae knew? . aawsaey to. fee •’•^pficura- tiatimred.' by. mneaiis ef Ealf-s«s**'!5te®ir . aad fe uf fee (j£i4-3Sj~?3!&2<e sid*7, r&sr. .T 'ftor&sr? it---1-; Foor Pair of Twists l. < In. Foor Years Is- • \ ; . Sorely a Record ’Pbrteaf Coapie .feye -Had j ■'Tbikteat;' CMMreii ® ■ HgM .Yeais — OeireB'Cnfe | ■& One Roohdl - ; POWF, QmL — ;J®ss. jMEpte- -Frsustte of .Pdrtueuf probably regrets * XKftjW*1 ■'4W!i' sypl BxT ** y2s*f ■ ■■’* -, .... iM .Tiiitf *tttnp» rarga fbrwni against’ rtehel® as lottfer attisc&ed Ltextirt^ nortirera S&atrfd city, ceriter df bitodlesft rarabafc nx hvii want. SheH-ftteP ££wh retlehs. tank" huge’ ttxll- among -Leyadistsu Fail ett city is Linmineiit. ’ ' ! l'' .f .»«* —"— ------ ADVANCE CTR'DER FIRE aSw-nt ssesi feat there-' is ■*. leal •©£ fee ilg- "lie ciaiculute'S te ■ pinesesoai©® as tftetoMtoia y $&. .1- iter ^TtaBe f y gees attocfig' to® .-Vissed a ruuE- ' Rhumr. ferr TTnxmttu. ..wbeato Hep Hsgtfesfi tsvw .grast-grandi neyHsws? and; sea- many relatives; Rfgfit. Sfevv Elight Rhn. K AL Wto- ningttmdhgram.. B.isHdp*’ of ILandijnj. EEng.. passed) through’ StontreaC TPie- .picitire gtihve- was- ttekesr St the' .Hhnarenttira1 Station as he? wartt- efe Hettyeen trams.. Ru.SE Raraissin,' Wimfen Star, ''olumnisd,' wonSers- wife a gcfeod .many other people why fee nine ties - wepe . ever -cansideted "gPSf” cf is- < v? L-nET-T Lady ?.ru s®W f.tX-, . ter fcsat M Str51 ^■"hkaisar^] 3’n*“s St. 1. rat a” 4 Sitei by nsa-.n x far' 1 >'«v. Sjpainh MB Fl--rer i'-i? R.- -y L^-a^.- ■ ^ss ,| .Yer* Tira^-.v line rrry *7-?-* i« enm-' .-j-’-^ Aimv-- ' 1'V u TSp- p» fe'i s^f. PARTS uer - 4,ette c cashed ruco1^nen tie- hig F freighter' -rfeninapie -ia fee St. Ifewrence' recently, fee CaasdSan ■ Imbci rank so quickly fear fee .eraw was tacky, to he raved. . In our pucture, left, iis Fir?t'. Cfficer CaUnte of fee. Renmanle .~feo was'trapped in b•'■.•■• ■> aa« had to rlirnb tor "-vra "he n»f. ' 'f“e.,w~2?« V?fe hita is. fee Eer.”.-cr.- ■■’?.'■feief-steward, wSv One'man went down wrfe fee safes. . w ><* As- cfjamninn dram mayoress; lovely PrisasUa Eveleth will Lead. Winter Raven. F- ■EL. • CdISHT£J3.£XTl dram carps -ti Cleveland enuyen- tfittu She's n-v^tring: a. wreath des nigs ting rank.- rtoeta ssrc Q X- ' • rhe'-first Spanish-sirip to visit. Montreal in array years wats fee • Gam and Diax Lure vessel, Jfavenxsar. Reporters' and others w&re banned frritttt the shop. Gspisju Etmssrtae-l Ksrfe:-ex, 'who ossdsl. speak a word ©f fcaigiisii, and hardly a syRahle of FreirrX is sWwra in tire inset, The Xavamar beared for South Afeerica, wife news- print. i & i®W? f®r^.©en.