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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-17, Page 5
■ tn a. WEDDING BELLSASHFIELDr jBMWna .J1M0IM1 rag WaBHesS||^ Afthatt M-wilk <, ftEftfiitet;; fenm Sfggfe O ". tonLet ILtauff)—<, ffiftwwajafl ffillEittfc THE MARKET STOR E Y<au„ Can Save Money toy-.- •Jug Tor Cash—The totaliet tStBEe ate ITwwBcntMy JBuys .B Tld ’ i ■Sfffls ©My For (Cafe ■ J BAE & PORIIOLS ^Thf SEefl Front Harffwart-'”' Thone THE FORD SMME ' FDMLSA1JES4L SEBOC1E Experienced Mechanio ■ .-In. Charge ■ TPhone 4?(kw 5JWAJL BfeUG ST0RE. HNLAISffN BROS. FLOOL FEED .^E© & (GR0CEI6ESS Ttimne Sb-W Il r TEMPLETON i C O. (QTAIIIO' ®KT ©ODDS '.at bdwest mcES IPhone 7Z5 I,'..' __________L—^_a— A. E. MdCIM The IRpsriD IDrijg Store FOR SCHOOL SCTWJEES' Mhone ’.‘32, . life Variety Store ■ The ar tto SHOD SfaK® ■ SCBOCBL SOT’UfES ■'. -IL A. (GEDDES /. i. w. smith CENTRAL(GA’iRAGSE A Full Urine «tf Tires, Accessories. Etc. BEST IJD0M FOE EADIES MxmMiMI) BIBS. SraiOE SWKE “The JEhime uff (Good Shoes*' TfE KEN ITS CASH Tor Further |4, ©tadite MtafcL . 1 H&w® ffaanrfli—J?, Ftatwrillr 4^ ffltartflff WEffittite < ©hurffls. —; " ffiftwoxd Elfturiit/ O3ff—3L Warft- Mur- Wenstt ILm®^ '4, • ©hvfflte Fib Sirtfc ffiftwoad UBujffiL ' • ^ravimmktap, Lanfe—U, Aftheht ©dta®Hk 4, ©trwiflte EffiUttfc; 4. JEHwobS ffiliurtfc ffianoafl ffiHfiufit.’ _ffkffiQr Sjp,«rikfipg—fy, Elfisttt • fftar- ■<©£:; p, ©nut® MdLeenfl^ 5i, WT'imrtewT) to-Lenfl;; <, totny Jhjftntefcim;; ta„ flTlff- fenfi UJaiSlawt Tfmotatafis—41. ntermte' Farfite '~~$£ Eton® Eaffig; 2. WiSnta ftrtaMteiffiy;; JL , ffitaitald Onfift; <, Mafiy .ffiffinofam" 4, Osstil Jtafimstim. Maaanaonfi — 77, Marian .. (QnffiBrm- Sffi. Staftw (Crim®; 77, ©anas. Emrin;; &' IBgtty JDhmallflHH®; Bflft, Miamn® ffiteirfr 4, Otgril Jltahnslun. ' ’■ffitafe Hrnaff—4KTI, BRtauTWTQb ffiaowr;. 2 (G&(C, Jneen TFtmTnHCTTtmr; lKtaonteffi ffirimia&dHnn;: ffift, ffifiteah MdQten^^iag; L Hftpiaiifer Stalins ffi, Teitesa ©a$- - - '• . •„ . <’ ■■ Ltaff (pell®—2 ® & ©J. ffklggy Ajdkmr; Uffi. ffirimalii' 8* ffteanil BSnufidtey;; 2, Jtaan ThampHan;; 8i. Jfesta® ffit ©bn;; 2, TnhnnspHan, ."■ 4S-^Apple IH®—U, Libert ©hftatall; -A, Hftinfis Eaffie^ Iinmw> ffilarlte- WT), rKtamafifih h£dh£: S. lErinnift^ (Ctadfewn- tattas:: S, ©rase Mrilamfl. Maple ©issam—A^elma SfaaweKt; Wtesen Stewart;; Dili, nDamiilfi Ska®;: Uffi., EigniKfita J L -Ailheig SadhwriE:; Wtarih .Obdfih—-2. ^femnfii®, Murray;; 4. HDffnfe JlriinHStatt; 77„ ffimittB (Gra- ftiam;; 2 (GdA (Q, IBenrin® fflmmenman;; *£,' Akita® Stewtatt;; .£§, Efenn Stesosrt. . HDfish Towel—ifi, -Arm® fftaSaeg; ,.4. Hfehm ’Wteff; 4, tAufiniHi® ©te^fer;; i, JErinaifiby Stanl^" 2ft, Mvam® Mp- MiHmr; St Terasa (DaffkenHtte. -Atpmm—-31. -Ife^taie ©tax;; 2/ Syftain May JtarikteHK;. ffift, Militetil MriTfer®- ^mnr, 2, Manama Wteff 4, UahnKtaix: 2 (G&C, ©rata Hfrfiiifltay.. BShillfe Eteesfi—®, fftaan MariEfinmnff 51. Hjfliian ©arrirtherar. m, ©suae SEtata Len&: X '^ertmiita Miffiray;; 2. Ttahm ThanipHan;; 4, Mary JJodtaKtam. Ffflirth® WmteU-gfl., tatamik Wray-; 4. IStaKifii] Elitett; 4, Mhs?fl dtatastaK; Bffl, Anigus Mowhrmr;; 4, Mfirita® ©as- kiih';; 3J, Eftean tos^s- . Wfinfiow Strick—% Wemnirm Wiwmsy ©nt- ©tats—-2, Htaiph ffitalfeifist; ffih, FtamWffh TRowst; 31, Mtair EtikHnKteffipr;; ■3, Ena UiffiiKtoir; -SffffiKfih Jlrirntaiim;; X Mmfiel ’ 'Ghecker Htanrd—O, Thnialfl Htaeg; BL. Euniifl ©lass;; 4, Jtatik Atatett:; 2, Albert ©dtatalh: 2 ©<&©, Uftrafl Btalfl- mita.. .. ! . ®Blite-®nfe—hP, IDmrrflfi ' TRom;; 39ft, Eniiby EBjhss^ 2 ©& ©, Erafi ffrtalfenflgL; 2 ©&©. ©Hitaia ©rimiltay; U. ©htaE:; IL, -Affimrt ©ritasOl. . trfirtUEEs; off AUfilfi .Animiils—2 ©<&. ©. 30ta^srat IBrin tihg. :; 4, Brims Jhflm- astan:-4. Ehramfl Elliott;; 77, Jh®7 ©kf- tes;; 3$. ^tataniicE Mums7;; 77, Murium ©r^faum. 4 ’ . Jffirtirre off ©tafcfte—2 ©&©. ffihUhnB totatihgt; IL. Stariha;; 4, Eadten S, .Ain® Starker;; 4. .ILmn® Eudta; IL, Auite^ fe^on. Sheep IBniik—k, Jtatik ArfitaEt: 4, Brins® Trim® . ' I' ■ ».. ■^gtamufenral State ffinofe—S. Muf- dteUn Mmff mnrfr; ;2 ©&©, Staggy JSte- kta; 22 ©ffi©. MHriguret Akkny a, ©raise MarUtauti;: S. Htaha Murfedlk: 2? SEtaleh Thimgkum. ;■ '. ‘The (©nitik ffiE£swn,Stak’’-j-42 ©&,©. Mmrinn Wnritaorr; 4, BKnn., Miinnna ©es- siBy; 4 San., ILtayil .SdhiHrfcnir: HSin., Smtaffl JEBtatt;: SB Em., Eileen Stew- aart; S EELin., BRrarikie MurrEy. “Mita jHmiEgtas’tt-77 Enibs, ffitaF- fha StinEmn: 77 HShilnsE; Msritan ©m- ffinnr; S LLiiilnsfi, ’taermiKa Muhtar; 77 SLirilrss, »Htaiv®y Mri^uilita; 4 High® itass, JftannEe EHmstan; 2 Bnritass, - tKeifh MiBrintalfl. rtHSte Mfinfftt-S, JSjgiBes 5. ^tetam Stewart; 77, IStateaen Thum- i;; 4, Brinfe 'Eft® .■sethp (day Mewf&rm?! vusm lift® Sttit® 1®b©£ “fe” aaxEarjpimiHhp) Bap . fttestirpg- PaamsEteim Steffi. «> .«B > ., Wtfftuug 2-ftut ftiMB,, ffffi® gtemg (Gritesmitfti ^iuiuHi TEffmii® 4. to ffi «rii Stittiufftey,, gftsfh^ SterifttenEjteon se 2 to n ®4g® an tffl®. SHHte-ffff-ifis® sfflMHte WimghEsm w® to IgfiJ to fftetarjilte 3®teHrfftey amfi wufifl ftuofe to worn dhe to. ttte-uip tftfe ssehs air to— te&nfiufi- aiiiaa.. Siate ftmswseBL aauteaii ai gmnb ffumameitt off i&e'ids^HBte oiii& (W-. ■ ■ And wftiHn" ISKfin^Httn ftuotete spa wfiffii fftetafi&a. nn iffi® feast Hummfi off to® ‘‘C’” gfteyteixwmB to® ©Staten ® nrmtfih mnirTfg refftey to flteftter ffteff Wriptotem rpiittehfii® tend ausui® 2(1) Hunte, Avhmntg to® ftbuitely ttasfte Sjy a tetoH®- off 217 to St ' * . .ta» ■ • ■ Miffing ffiop ffiwTt rm> ton® fin itavfis- Tffigtefipg. to® gHsteffifirfe® ’ off Smilffiig <a -new nfirik to’, nagflai® to® im® rite-. s£ta£0®si te few w®teks te®i> ffiy fete. ■ ■ “ A rftoninintop ft®£ n®pfnted totet te steel nfit& wtitfih wtnatet touteges fin «ffi- nneut talari-;, '.wiifiii ten ni® spur® off ffifis: WD ■.wiuild most tejgmsfinsite^’ .'§42011. spruiiifiing ~®mteiihmtofie . toes fttourr touiifl 3® tahtefimriL, tend tat to® nninnent fit teppfiurs total ® ?ne.w nfitfe wfiB ft® fHEp.rtod iffiffovp tote tenixw Sites. ' ■•.' f ■■. .■ .■■■. -■■ ••fftose tarfier. feur Satis ffine feam WtatechiEKah. ‘ liiitffle Smnflafl EUtaxfat Starwes ■ femn 3ta<k,' waffle fest fin t6he ipitafie sperikring itamfest, Has subject foetag ‘"A. Wheat Stairik T«®s Ute ' Stary”,, ©race ®nfl tonfewi “30tac- JI®tiff tbwiin .staters feom fifop ffifih \w®hsb feta affinfl fed, Stay Jtahnrtnn ffirtari IHrifetrand,, 4tfos tanff, Oiffiimjl ftusfititaw Pff tomray”^, fefo. The hungiLefe gariize Est feflosert —Wftjeta., -<gut,—Jfea® SlhunoiHOii;; 2: ©.&©, & WiTFio StadKimum. Wheat, sheaff—S. Jtean Thompson, 2 ©. & <C„, ©hftahti LBrindley- 2- ©.&©L, .Ksaihfffie Mimrtfin. ©lata, <gnt—ML Brimtafl Stass;; 2 ©. <& Oafiys Lamauit. (data, sheaff—ffirintaifoy fefan- tafe; 2 ©4&©„, (Statijte Itamutatt 2©L Brimglil lEnss^ Bam Bushel]- , Uflft, Iffiariffifi ©fiorrt; 2ft. (Tltrfforifl ri rttalmv Bffitfey, <gn±, V afesta , Itawnq 2. -Sadk Walsh;; fe JBaartflfl (GamP, 2., IBenruse . Jlfftason- i. 4Jffi«rt ©iffwedlt 22 ©<&©, ©ertafl Mndtay.. ffitatitay. sheaff—-Stardid .©nest; :EL Mary. Wntaiffo; 7t, ILItoyff ®miny, 2, ■Itatat .Wfflfe;; ,fe©&©. tetalfl ffbffniU il®’- ... ' Swfoei ©urn—Htaiph Uta'ideribj';; HU. Keunetih Htasfe &. Btannetfo ©tar,; U, JEtaiit® Burssia; X Bmrtld Biest: S, W»?rril Bnrklqy IFiield ©mm—-ill, --Afoga® Mar Urrwiin;; Bfrirotfoy Brown; S, IFtantta ©tar. Entaiss, Triuitay—SL Fraiik Mnr- •irt&y, 31, TRerdtaiea J®.nrrtey- ffift, toldrail Madenggfoan;; 2 © &©, ISfen • Ban- rnerman;; ifift, fertejih Tiffin;; 2, LAfthaent ■ ‘Gdhwell; ■ Totataffis, Tritah '©ofikter—3®, Btannie i Tiffin:;. BL fljmna ffindgute;; Uft, Jfos^ih (Tiffin:: fi. ISkfinm Stewart: W, 35®- ; • (irail Mallnugfa;; ®. Aifieon Stewart. I Mangels—a, Btorite TRab®; 22 ©&©, ' ] ®,verie£t Eritatihgy™ :3. lEfifffe Htass;; bP, i Francis Brown: 2. Harafld Haliieiiby:; Ife Eleanor WriFtaritemp ! Turnips—HJtayii Jhfimstan;; 4, ' iJEtardlfl EUtant: IL, BSarrild ©tas;: ffift. ■i-Antiraw Hfentetamr; 22 ©&©, Hfoaefl ’ Haiiieriiy;; X ffitasfli. Lmm. j Hteffta—Mill, -Joe Tiffin;. 31, Hrtarik 'Mumott 7L -fey (Carter; HSft, .Afein 1 titafih ;3, Muriel WtiBriite; 22, SSmima . 1 fen. . ■. . ■ '■ ' ■ ' ' . * ©antas—2, Staten Thompson;; 4. Hart Artett: X Atermfica ffimnags '! 2. Edna feartsmr; S.. WunriSted Bum- 7 Eidson; Aft. Barnite Tiffin.« (Gtaions—22 ©&©, Margaret Britafl- i 'tey; 31; Ihia .Jriimstan;: 2, Wiihna Hitalii- ‘•’griby;; 2 © & ©, .UfiEn Britafll^r,; 2, Au- ■ (■.thtey Imeson;; 5> Jinan fftariteeEt- . I Tprsnips—2 ©&©, ©raffia ®riinfl-L (Ii&r£ ffi. Wfies MiMiDair; '77, Hterrtm Stthnson; 2D, MStirefl MriCteiteghari:: S, .Amantia WtaH; Everett ILane. Sgunsh—2, -Arteta IBiteteelt; ®. Htea- itnice ©tekHntefe; BD. Mffiirafi Moura:: S. -feteie ©tar; 4. BBwnofl Effiutt; S. Wain IDnnalitenn. ,■ WedtaiFP-^IH), *S3®3jrafl MnClengg- ‘'hag: ah, Boorite MHCIeiE^hun;; ®, W3- Vana Stewart; S, Hteen Stewart; 2, Ev- tersest' Jame; 22, Hugh Home I Spy—71, Maigret ©rfeanr; 2ft. ! Elliott Ttartfe; Uh. Btamtae Tiffin;; 2. 1 Hugh Lan^ tg, Muriel Maffirife; 4, Daniel ©assuJg. | Show—ijft. ©IffiuEti Ertidhte-.: ffi, ffiS- liutt Turfite: S, -fess® ©tat; 4. -Hun®? Mctswan; 21, Eunta® JRupfita; S, Ifeahel ©tar. Offing Htoom Hhnnjnei—Sih, tomiEfh sRo®;; 2 ©t&©. TterriiGE JUannEerman; 4, ILiUpie Eaiite:; 4, .IDprfe IBarr: 7Z. Margarat ©rsham;; 2, Jfesan Thumgcsim mining Hbrann Snonuet-ffS ©<&©. IReggy .Askin;; 4, Btorite Hitexite; 2 ©& (C. Mariixm MnnjtnrTr;, 3, TRrrnik Mur- raj:: 2 sac.-Htedte Wnra: S. Lillian ©armtaers. .Asters—2. Beten ThonpjKon;; 4„ .Lome Eafite; 2 ©&©, ffteggy J&sknr; ! Ml. Daniel Tiffin; 7Z, iRriis^ Hrwnr; 7Z, ■ ©ordon Mri®uiIIin.r ( Ufiilox—4, Brinite Hteute; * 71. -His' ;‘Carter.-; S. Mill MaeEiinnun; S, BBeuep j'Drr: 2 ©^r’C—Edwarfl Weingntt; 2 ©<&©. Hraan ILattther. Mirite—31, Donald SRuost; 1, DnmS?y Stanley:; Uh, Brirtss MCleryegiiarE; 3h, ________ Htiihy ©mrir; 2 ©»&©. H^epManneF- M ___ ___________g wedding iff Ihta mute: S. Jessie ©tax. n Ton should nut part near, interaaee- 1 season ttodk ndat® on Saturday ,af- 'Cosmos—2 ©&©.. Ternice Utanner- ffinns. on curves or rhe feeg iff .a hill. i:^Eno(m hnnH. (--man; ~. Jtettha Sfeisnn^4. Leonard When ,vou have to part .-van -should' wf-r -• ota;-,,™. ibiegge; S, Murray Matmunum; .t. set off the raavelM jortwj .< she >» T„ Str JSLV park, tc Tfinair stationart with iff ^byd Unwin; 3. Eiteen nribnston: 2© bs-hs iull ® ®:fe .diiiicuh iorl:?21£,3feroS,f5f5^„^n'1“aB*Bnl! (^C.'Gerala ilhraahs:: n Emdia (Slhffl:. wnurnni-hincr te,,- fee->a® Eowani McLean. I TTffirhenB-^, Eiteen ‘Carter: 3h. MiT ! The ceranuiry which was perur-ro- MtEteneghan. B. Kill® SRoss:; ®. bed by BRev. J. C. Nicholson, toos Welma Stewmrt «... ................Eliintt; 3.-ifer- i“ -w m . JLte ‘^aitams.^iareh Sirs, mhompsmi: 1.,Eiteen ffitaekwell? j."1 ma™^ '£ ; Bsinai Marardlite—Bern -Mm-: 1B5rfh„J± hstrnr: HO. 3%ah& Brawn: 2. -Hnwld! hSi^heXrhSSl gwSTS. ®>- 'O^EtonJ5- Wtafc. pink roses, liiy-iff-ihe-vafiej' and (L iL-ff . ’ maiden hair fern. She was -attended !tt> — fey Mes. Eurty MeLean off Toronto. ' wearing an orchid ‘itress and hat. “With WM.MURME & SON 1AIHWELI 4 SEED Ww ffitave iin ?Sff<nL . sax EA^ES ©ought tat tenfl (Eh- Skill »on tdhat liases IDoiiifle ; tallies .AHiowefl ni THmu’W '■ (G^KriOEEIES. FROT TWL1R THhune S2 D. H. AfiNEW .ftiEWEIlEB “• AA> WATCH TEPATK , : 3-Day Sonriiee Ear (Qurility <1& Sendee 'TASTT (CAKES. <a00KHES. TAIRTS PffiES - - ". ■IPhone 36 J4300 mioi iberaieb HhnsMiSa EEW3S3ISTW • and FOGERAL MSBCT0E IPhone SHtata. W.W.HU .■ O4QdERUES FRESH i . . ■ ' ■ ■ ■. EFTELinfe VEGETABLES IPhone 2ltew , , • -t,________________ IPhouE ’ Odb' .' a. l UMsnmjE 'wn^;. ■-. EEE AD <& EASTW EBOOJE TTW00CE <9 Armhter-wBny =fomwfrw*s wees? ffaalfi 5h ©Kewe (CHuirdh am Smteaiy whan oi ffurmsr rpastei^ B&erc. JL A. Waflheg,'. HEtiksun. ffiunflurtefl tfflee sserdkaas &B- tfeamunn aand ffwerrngg;, wdriffh wvere'-wtell aiEteiixteii. (GriEtertfiiiiffi amHunrteo tty> Mte. Menary Ihfft Emfteg;' tn visit feitenih iin IBteinafft. W, ©diui ©ntefer Ih^£t Mnnitey -tn « atetenfl SfcmtSnrfl iShninEte. ' "Mfiffi Elten Wntejp -i anrfeettain&d m mmffiter off Bmr f&itenfls «m Mutel^y. . Mr. aanfl Mrs.' ffrterh (Gumm aaate ffltettram wgsi® gpterite' off Mr. iunS Mrs. ffteiik (Gmn^n am Snnitey„ Mr Atey ©tcdh^ xwas hnmte ffirnm ShHinunffh.nn am Snuft^L Mtes fffermtef- .Mhiifil^ wms ffinme fernm Lniikiiixw ffur tfihe waetetesufl.. 3Sas. Mte-fltew Shariktefcan ntehnm-' •si ttimme SatiEEiiEsy affter snemSii^- tfi® gw. .vzefik wdfib ffriienife up Tunnttn. . Meas Eislk- S-van af Dmigarmim, Spent (ft® Wseedktenfi wdSi 3fe, BSMte. 38E® (Gheb Einmgan wass tfihe (guest off liter aantein, Steffli MriEmnteU ten Simrfcey Mr. iaanfl Mite Tiffin ffiMptenftek aand , teiiiiiisen wsSEe Suniiiey teteitnis wnfh Mr. suite. Mrs. T M. - HDsnmnn, ((Untenfed ffnr ILstet Mteek)) . "Mtes fffcgnrga; ©mater ife fin TteruniD atite titeipg amp off. sS® ffunr ffrnni Hhmffi (Gnuitty bn ttrite pmrt im puffing ate, Tnrintto estiifbifuni. ©u^te sat tiffi” .Sum® off Ws. 3Sten- tergr unaer tS® iwetelteenrl weei® Mr. mnfl Mrs. Will ffitegjhgt off Brmiihim. Mr. aanfi Mth. /ShII off MmrteeEfi:; Mr. anS Meb. term Mtereer off. SteratSuril. Mr. asiiff Mrs. Egtih. TGnmten tend ffimriife off Mgtekffiig aand Mr. aanfl .Mite teiftni (□uwEftn aanfl &rt£h- _ Thais: f&tnm H®se -vffii) adiiteniffifl tfi® TPorniTtn eeKiiitufnm weer® Mrs. Hffifep.. HffiniH omd (tterifl. Mite Mutt.'ShmSt- Itetun. Matete Ahi rm jnnrl Hinrr® ffihss- flgE ©iteilte IEteunn, ELmne^ (Braiiam. Hfiufiy. Semi® mud iLontnsinEe. Mr., tend MFK. .3L. JL TEtteteuxaen tend Mrs. Wstehy;' Wounife off Tusmrhi, teteitefi with Mr. tend Mrs. Htentt Uira— Itesaxeen am Mmriigy. Mr. aanti Mte. Jtemaffi TEheeniten.. Ein- tedil. Stewer Eraen MMrttush mud Mr. tend Mrs. fEhasnnun Miththteh off Ahinil- snrr edited^am Mr. tertd .Mrs.. MiffiteeS ------- rr-----n-------^ezhnig. atefentted tfi® Wit! santi Mrs. Drennan WnEititaffi off \l\inte- Drennirn. Simihry esi MteF Mates! Htaifl ; ■___— . - „.»■ -. giimiir ^rhiefa '.was iteUfl im SEcatSwte •.im Manfisy.. Sfc. tend Wes. Arfiurr dSiiltentt sreent aa dtey JESsitibr wiifih Sfc. anil Site. .Krftm Eivstt. ■ '.■■■ ; pahamo-unt . ""■.■“—~ -5 _ . . ttltatilnng And {Raasing”Eeceut^^ta^ ^idh to- visiting* hffhr^ther^David11 whuffs ‘T)o not park whene your .ear ir<gy 'Wtm. ift. Martin were Mr^- -jn ■ ’ * ’ i .■ • oi^cm-e the -vision off -other drivers. •FawiTihriH; HEir*?.' ^Robert (Gdttsdhalk. 1’*- . Mrs D Webster -from Tiverton; Mrs.. to. and tos. K. F.'wrish were in ieid tend ton. Euller &Wi D^oit- m last week ^ding The Sirs Creech, Eddie and tiohn ffrom to . Faix^hs brother. Fine liiver and to. and Mrs. Wesley. Matthew. (Gdhome and Edith from Clarks. Mr. and Mrs] 3iei! J. ---------------- tos ft^ymer ffrom Kincardine spen- -,are visiting in Cleveland, 0hm. last week with her daughter. Mrs. Mis? Luelia Cowun spent the past feaac "(Ensign. , . , . week hi Toronto.; 'to: and Mrs.’ ‘Grant ItiadDiarmid The. Presbyterian AV. M. S. meets and Douglas spent the 'week end with this Wednesday at the home of Miss friends tin riamestov.m smd Cieveianii. JIamie Johnstone. Miss SSaffy (Cook ^peht a few days [Rdhy’s; Dress with tor. mnfi JHhs. Ad. WacDonaid. ,0ver ~?<H> T-ears <01fl Fine Tfiver. , . . The Kintail branch of the-TVomen’s - Mr Fred und ‘Goldie tosrtm are. jn-ftttsnf- met last- week at the home Pratie. te^nHteo- ffhe London Fair this week n.- p MarDnriaid. This being The law -states that “no motor fe- , where (Grildie exhibiting his caff Grandmothers' Day. the roll call was hidle regardless of whether .attended &om f he Lucknow Calf Club. answered by each one showing •— “ "*”***—i*"J u“ «««« to. Deter and Wr. Alex MaeNay antique. Mrs. /Sieil MacDonald has in a Xrevelied were m Toronto last week. ---—,.r ’■’ ■■ MAFEKING MdLEAA'—SlfrlTffl .'.-An i*" ~ f”1’" WadKenzie approaching ear? (to iaae a eonse-■ lent glare anti impossible (to see beyond ■ ‘the parked car. . It .is i®st "to leave your car . in gear as veil a" .’1 . , -. . ■■■„,,- ey brake, esjiLciady -.if on .a slight Enintt' answered hr each one showing an or unattended, may he .parked upon — __TZ_'_ ‘ ’ ” I portion off m. highway her possession a baby’s'’ dress over r.utsirie iff a city, town ar village •’ " ’ -------” .when it might he parked afesewhere. Tinder no circumstances onay .a we- _ _ _ __|______ _ ____ _________ hicie fco? parked on a curve or hill uh black .accessories. Mr. Barry Itteliean the highway unless there s .a clear assisted the grnoni. During the sigte and unobstructed view Snr at least j;ing iff the rregisterJT Love TnuJFruly' ----- . Hegariiing ' S. Mehraa mnr; 2, —____________ _ -, JJrihteffnir; 2,Efltel IHteSedby. “The Hirmik’—A, EBtehen Wteiait; ELiiliian dhrunffheiK; 3, Muriel Me- Hhiiite:; 2 ©&C,. Extern Eliimimit: S, Dimifhy (Guskeuette:: 3, Jtean Jhftm- sttun. ■ .' ■^Setssdiunrii’—4, SRessille KS^Siifct; -n. Wirrfean MadLteite: 2.-ffiteien Thnm- jpsuir; SB, Hfhriihte M. tFhnwis; H. ritean 3iaet:iihir: 7Z. Einiijte (.Carter. . • School Wur-k ffiiipk — 2. .Etihm Thnmpsmt: 2. SRnrmn Slot: K, ILaamihte tKnriteei: HD, Doras MtlCifenejfhHn; n. 'Grata? MadLswd: 41. Mnry ILiilnHttor.. IHedtfr Poster—8. Pi teen Hluss; _ 41. Lloyd HnhiHirmc; U. Lomu EBnihihs; 8. fftavte Sosk: -4. Mmonn 'Ctessdly: 8. Trankm Murray.. -Graynn Dnnvine—2. HSiita -iladkkm • 2 (G-SHc. S&emiee Sannermnn: 2. Snr- dlri (GmsSt: 4. Hmmid •SniHitTn: 2 ©JR C. Burman Lnmmtt; 8. MfinniicB Mur- irag.- 1 Map iff tBrune (Gn.—2 L<&<C. Marg-; jtet-3Br miltey ■ 2. Htahfh fHiiliterihy; 2 J. Everett Harner 4. Uianidl 'QassiiiJ*.; 4,1 Davte Eriiih; 4. Eiwmte Eliintt. | ■ Cateiirhir—22 «G& C. ■ Efteen tRmnres-? •mart: 2. ISvmmsa Mutt: 2, Tenn TfanjnP > <Kuff: n. Lillian (CarriritherK: h, Aimes Parker: 4.. LepniEte KteSJte. ■ Minr 2, Enriitte M. ERutwhi:. 2. Hleler Thompson: K. Eunice ‘Cur-; •ter: 2. Eieannr MtEHriune: 2 ‘G&'C., Peggy .390sknt“2 (G&1C, tEterrrite. Wrm- |-irK?y. . ,' ' I Essay.' Mritireg—2. ffiteten- Thump-- ssmt: S.-Enriitse M Eurvs?;j2. Eleanor- ■ MdPHfhm; n. K»H«SSU1I amuuMHcm.i ... n.r, 8. Htetni Muteritell: fL. AHtett tGdktell t-p-I aitarii .otaOTF-n ssm. ama 3E . -nek: SJn'. SR; 5k. n: 3Sro. 7Z: : HSiritesK: IKn. 8. 3loyS’ Sriln—2, Everett Uaane; 4,- .Batik Atetett. Sriln. iGifte-teE.’Eteamir MifFtathrne 2, Sjihiia Jhafflsron: h. : teEKt 2. tHeien iShumpsmt: 4,' UhiuaiitB Wtetari:: 1. Dhtedthy Stahley ' IflaTnmnidi Lnittest'--—nil. EFHnsaffl HRuss; Th. Eenrtefh ffitateK? Uli. -Ukavid' Tiffin: 710; .^isteph TffFrn. _ __ _____ ___ Liye Stntik mui iPniittrcy 'Jhrmihp—* lnirted -.in imarrhigte Mte Affr '2 ©&• C. <Getterl Btnteley ." 2 ©<-(C; H| ' Peggy Askin; SB. donn MnSEmnnn; 4. fDrviIh? BJliirttt: 8. Eileen dibnsttun: •8. tGewgte IL. Moffitt. ‘ | SSrikmil Eirmite ante IP. .C 8.^'m.;; 2 • Green Kiii less: Einhisi Mr. send Site. Sfebvilte SSehrittgiminrr off SSlihsngun -.vteEB witeiinEF wdtth tufe? Zlatteffe tfacuffhei;,. Mr. SEL JL IL- Steifo'' 'test weffidk ... The Mtemerik; Asssodtefiim -iff tthe ffhiitefi tOhuxdh met? tfite BFuitHay aff- tteernmm Jit trite Hnmte off Ste.. tBrnnudl Swan. t ' ■, ' ■ 31t. .tnw JSte. Siriht. Slums ■ttediteii SmidiHy awitfa tfheir ffriente.. Mr ante Mes. Hltehmi] ffhutehte. Sfenjiiridtm’ Mt. Jhaness A. Cteulteshniik off tjDwei; Srurite -.vote m. wmitur am Wimfipy wct£h Mx. antii Site. Wm. BBray. Mr. ante Mrs. Mim. ffitenry mite gtnann- 'Sirti Silly tHenry off Etetetentton waste watek-jeite wsrtrms wiith t^alafites there. Mte ffMiin Stertfhmii' teefcuxi tec (Ttopgsamum wiith a&hem affttrr ^HHnir-- i .mg sa anmrth mt EteshsKtmi. I Mr. Jttrihn Shaw mate Mess fGIyee ; Stew .iff tLnhthm. vissiteil uii Sunday ! art ^ite hmm? iff Ml. A. ffuilientx ‘.Eh 'ttherr 'rretum. ffhgy wexee- meewnnsmeii. ny .tfheif drmther ffirutee. Twht- had ; spient tfhe tPnstt, wtedk ■ thate. • - EEtev. ilriim Ms^tex. ffamter Knitted tOhprdi; tiHifttnr.. mnil ffinngg- iff tim -muming swurship Sunday amti nitehthv i «ji rnimbeersms’ ssHEdhass ag time ‘Gtewe? Eath'tem (Cnmrfhm-;; ^ni «ff M,. A. Hmbtert . teioiiaifetHi:; a. -Umm Utefker. ‘ i—2 tG&C.' Crette tBrindley.: il). tthmrild Sloss:: 'T. Eimtae Carter; ■£. 3»nn WadKimron: U. SStrr- man iteeson: 2. (G&C. tOhrissie IHalii- ■dzriisy. , I . ^iKtiirfiunts—7Z. Warten (Grsrhmrt: Tik riiHieph TEifihr; B. Wary Jhihnston: 4. IHonild Elliott:: 2 (GaHC, Erifh ZLnu- -fher. one hundred years old. all hand made, which nriginaliv rame ■from Hreiand. Mis® "Emeiie Brown read a Teem. _ ‘"Love". Mrs. Mackenzie Tread a Misses tPesrl anti rijora Thompson ‘The Serves iff a THoneer AVo- cff Lucknow 'Spent the weeteend nt man’’ and the ‘■‘Outiook ffor the Teen their home -here. -, ;A£se' Gir’.”. ” AVm. MacDonald . <-*• ■Si* V *V'* *<*•'**a**tt? j -JOiX.HJJi . -.jfri ■' VCXSB.ltXH.BJii , Jfc. aa8 |fcs. 4«^J®®* read a poem “Wother of Mine”. The vehicles, “the Jtepartmenf of Eigh- ohmerWas served i?y Tourzpirl ffriente .-T«. rijy. spent Santis? with Mrs. Eenryte aw»n<fence tvat n<^ ja^ mj in- ,way!s has the ffnlinteW to s«y:; “The, iff tfhe hntie. in the spacing iiinmg “ranirma ERndk. '(Qndtetel—8. SOnztel (parents, Mr. anti4Mik.. Johnston m torestine afternoon was Spent. .need ffm care in passing vehicles J.xnom. decorated in blush pink arid MtSBritie 2 (G.&’C. ERernits? Hhnrner- uepwoiifh. ■ g _ Ashfteld wte well represented «t; ir°m Chiari canp.it he exaggerated, i^hite, Eor travelling lhe bride “wore man; lb. Eennefh Sluss; H. Em.. AO-Torn tf.ihe ®n*. * »’..........u. a™..-f, I. — »... .. •....... . ’ ^arnia^KTS hi <<«•'•. evening and all, came home well vacrition with meirihers of hfr the emenaiOTnent. parents, Mr. anti WepworihL - MoritoeriL*“ S^ute. spendmg a week’s Sami|jt- ■ MttLteiti Mrs. S. E. Sidthete rinri tehildren jmti Ectetmi of Arthur, anti Mr. -3. <C, Stichers tif ’London, vwtee visitors rit 'the ihome off Mt. and Mrs. E. iSodon boring the yreeteenri. Thomns T. Anderson spent •ipnitt -of last week with relative . at 2S<m. ■ ■/■' . wfes Grant? Hlake of Arkonn SF®ii« rtihe w«ik>end With liter. R nod Mrs. Thomas Wake. man” and ti the highway unless fehere s a clear assisted rtiw groj two hundred fciit in each •direction?’ pwas rendered fey overtaking anti passing i After the ct ij ' • - MATTHEW TAKUffrUI Matthew Fnrrish. native of Ash- fieiti township, psissed away on Sep tember 1st at Detroit- Deceased war sWrfive Jtehrs iff sue. n_sun of the with kueh futile, late Mr. and Mrs. .lonn Parrish ot " , . Akhfieid. He I^ed for some t»nw St j ---------------- --------------- before moving ; Detroit nvp?- tWeitty years ago. Al! passing mitet i® done on ’the .tert J® Tteyy ,hh® .&tess rwtth finsttrihing mv Tmrit Guiwdll; 30. tDomflti HtosK; » of the vehicle overtaken. Tt ® dmi- eessories. . \Venniica Mumiy. geroi® and ilietail to pa^ or. ..a curve; iQn tfheir -return ffrnni their wedding Lurred Hltvik. Tiilita—a. Cifitmi or nil’.- nr at ai.w point wtere »‘ie^ h±ip fe Detroit, Niagara and Toron- Cnvter: 1. Albert ‘Gdiwtill: 2. Muriel >s not a clear view atari, awpte] ^b- ;Bna tos. McLead will -resiik iiffiriite:' ilfi. Wnrilri ERoss; TO. raen- voaiiway ahead In passing a vehicle ,1T! frrnnhfs ^Ou£h Dimiiam iieth _ ahead .of him, an operator ® eitter- aioad. ing the artwa! rignt-rff-way iff tap 2 (G&€. fBetntee Hteimer- ipan.. [ ' 'White IteghbEn. ‘GnrikfnpLttlTl.Eifby Gorin: .41. Uhnrte TJatite; •$. Teresa <C»te -kenettn: H).' Wtexine Tieiii: 110, Hhffi Ttass: 41,. Dante! Ctassidy. -tscace uuaise 01 .jan<»v««u y-- .wj„ - . ■■ ■ +ni , “ ~T — While‘vtarking mi The .crusher 'near Tseghnrn; {Pullet H, Cifftim EtiE4erifi 'htitoi liter Wrerihn Mr. < -ulumet. fllhcn., he.ore moving to «n -jitoir Guytier: TO. Shihy tCmm; 4. IDnntel ■8Bd ms. uinmuas ramie Detroit over twenty years ago. JHe malf To Tonriiim ■ - ' . iHpile.. Alejc J&eir iff Teeswntex. -ci^idy^WO. ®ob RtessFK. Wnesn <Cas- . WttSftti to 3blm Long Of Dei® loaves a writew and* seven '•children.«'. wrii. Cmlitett. son of Mr. W. A mrifeted a painful injury when hte ktiirntte; 4. Dor® Eafire. ' ittilfe^ wWe Questa iff W. ami 'Surviving hto .are r®? . Gulhertf of Ashfieid. has keen chosen Tight artn caught in ta -pulleys ffReta THiW Men-Tl). IDanriffi Eues: . Hrs. WIi Aniitew. ’. < ■ . ®n£ of vtohfirild-'' hv -G ® ’Paterson. Agriciihimi! Tte- The ligamehte and ri&in iff to® arm ' to anti Mrs. .Iohn DlaLe tand . Stoaetorti formal school toils year. Gmienrh. to .mid ISr^Kenneth Tm-. ’ to. Wil ritefin (£hWdtoten wh-' n-.. toils week httentimg to® ffunmal of ibis cousin. Miss Eotoy. . Detroit fer the TititeraL proarhmc wiffu 'and is justified .in- tins irtrih when there is. nh possibility i. : tPHnscnrunK ranter <r« Sin. 2,‘fjTBjserttaii’^' off Hhairt. tto Write1, rite iShurfh-uEn ttsdEf tto . femihni' Wtejtterr. Hteir. Mhn. titehmgsfc tfe drite tLutikmw ’' 3hyy' ©hifi ante :fs grriing -Witt Ttwv [other rntenihertL Tuesrhiv .feptenitar ' •'Ifitii ante EtetaraniijEg Tiuissiiay 'iFiip- ... "’.. -—--—- —1 iin.ssiiesBssror h* ‘riteF -etarorttfi] att tthe Mesttexr. BRnr. L . TDLGSffilltt^WLHKIffiR A upitet weililing too® stetehnitete tat 4 pan. un Munday. ttheilltamu o .(the '“irgirie... wHteii 3tav. Mr. ©engtagftri. ._. ... — . ____' fen® Mv&nfSter str Mr. feinr Tiger: rf Attrett Ub®y wzlll rresiite .tr, grrmnrJs feon® fin BRnr; AHa-ret, :.).... ■ ffriihraniiiit ■ won. -.wiiera kptau tgomg -rttih ruins thitdkeg iff -wir SR®’. Hun -pfoniff tin fetvwn m 2”Vv !®th tend imtarannjE ^ttiud jyeear i1 Eiwond Eiihltt.tied xtt the Western ®hir.