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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-17, Page 4
I> 4 A KEN MAYNARD ri. ..•■I■q ZION ASHFIEXO NOTES HOLYROOD 4 COH.. KINLOSS I I ) . Lucknow has thri?W to the sound »■ paartly -■ r eco:nstmcted miEEg llF-Iftg *. kept , -Lbiilr- pt fe® the TG5EESQW211 of QVER THIRTY PER CENT. OF CANADIAN CASUALTIES IN ' GREAT WAR UE IN UNKNOWN GRAVES. LISTED AS “MISS ING”—FRANCE FEARS GERMANY WELL AGAIN POUNCE ON ' THE3L ' ' Tn "Western Courage”. LIFE ON THE RANGE ' ‘ ■_ ‘ t 'r4 ' • ■ ' . afep„ ^-NEXT WEEK— SOISBY 'BREEN We' regret 'toe departure of Wl ' ■■'find ■Mrs, Gam.' ~ " Mr. LEardld Gai-dner and Mrs, WiH Gardner spent■-Sunday with Mr. and- ■»-•. ~> to --w-r^ ■Two'Reel Cnmedv— ' • ■ . ; ■ ■ ’ . A... ..' KRAZY KAT CARTOON . .SNAPSHOTS. & NE«^'REEL' Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SEPTEMBER 1748-10 «bep*w; -** e7 7 * THE WCKNOW SESTOCKL WHY SUFFER? YOU CAN EAT WHAT * YOU LISLE ff YO U • t«ie GASFRONOX ' - ON SALE AT — MeKMfS DRUG' STORE ' Back to School! 3fc_ gwd Mrs. M&thaefi Ganx&fe ypgrrfr Sunday at Mr. Thomas White's Mr. Wesfey Harrison; of CaEfsw was a recent visitor at .Miss Flraadteto Pferte^ ' - . ■ ' - • . 3fir. ted Mrs. W. little of Bctet-- fcard ted Mr. Eittoe Sr„ of Stoforto. wee ireeeit visitar with Ifes Gwrai- Aefcert. Mr. Little to a tetehejr g£ SEfes Ac^sart’k, ' I ■ Mi®. Keating of WaBtetan. to wtoto- iag SEss S- Ptevto at pmsetoL 5to- C&teice Farrwar to 'toe EL W.' L defegate to the ctrnventmn at Wtor- tsED. Septenher !3Mt and 25. • [ ;■ Mfc. and 'Mrs.. Maynard Lewis- ..bf! EMtariX with haw feeea- hoEtoytogt at Mr E&hted Eater’s retoraied am Skgatoy. Mtos Mary €tee teft this week: to attend MacEhmald. Chlfege mt Gneiph Mr. and' Mrs. Xjhsx Barr aad family scent 'Sunday at • Mr. 'WmC Ptaniy’X. I2to. . ' '',... Mr„ ■ ted Mrs. it eafers of Tees- water. Misses FyadeJ and Flbrerne Henson, of Ktolass were- recent vfei- tors at Mr, Albert Thampsuifs. • s' 1 Decfemw Respecting Newspapers Any p»ar?Gni who/ takes -a paper tte- guteriy fr<xoT the post office, whether addressed in fffiis name a® another's nr whether he has- suhscrfi&ed or not. fe responsible fe® payment. If a pear- i scam oardera &lg paper ' (fiscau-tmued } hemust pay sK arrears. ar toe pub-- Esher may’ tfcntarrte to send it uutii. payment fe made. and then' c&Efect i the whrafe aiWTtot whether toe ( is taken ar tet.' Fiiafe Lfflsg Last Watofe Norman; . Yntsin, Cnucessfimi 12L - Cafoag. fanndi a watch white stuck:- '] fcg oate that turned oixt; to fi&w r beeit lost 35 -years aga, by'the tete Swn LindkPy. toen'-awn&r <f. toe $«5hl The gdld case was ife gued eon- ;' sAXEEaasiOx « Mrs. Woodsaird 36s.‘X. Rfce of- St. Helens visited tost week with MiS. EL Maarten. • .. ■ ' Mrs-.. Junes who> uiadterweut sb® eratojui for toe removal of tonsils, cetmmed totee from Toronto. Etey. A- 3®_ XfchtoJsQQj of Tisronto. and Kes sister. Mrs. A_ Mari&rtyte, ivere. visiters on toe fourth test .week. Messrs. Fraser McJkfemnx. Biilte McKenzie and - 3£earfe MfedJetoui •«&■ tended toe CL N_ EL Mr. Harry Laris. who is nx toe Wmgham is' recffiveariasg af ter.'tee accident wheoB-.he brok&r • his Begk ■ ■ Mr. Alton Graham spent a few days to Ttatato East week. Mr." and Mrs. EL Maddtetoui arid George,- aceomparied by Mrs,. El R®&-' ertsnam and Mrs. P. Etabertestt. spent Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. Archie He Arthur off Etotex. - Mr. and-' Mrs. Howard Rtotoshw spent 'Sunday at tod* home '«ff Mr.. ■T/Bo&tosna.- Mrs. Rafitosbto wto was seriously hurt to a fblLfe much ito- pruved we tee gted to say We" September meeting of toe UL F'.W.O. is to,» te toe? home ®f Albert fcittte. .. . ffeo^and Mte. X Ferine® arid family ““ terrier and Mrs. Cuy- visited <to W fourth THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1936 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts at Of) P.M. 'venture lacked a gwfeg spirit until | Xasses Somervilihe came. He had set- ; tied a BJEsmber of years previous to 1858 in Wawanosh, ®nd in' that year j he ■purchased a large portion of the land from 'Stauffer.. He knew that if 4 a vilteg^ were- to be built it most . .have ..some attraction to bring the ,, settters to trade. Thus, it was that ■ drpfng toe same year, he erected a; .twtFF 0,11 fhe Nfee-Mile River . whiich ;• ■fiows through the village. Daring tK> same year -he surveyed the site of toe vsUhge -arid gave it the name of Loeknaw. "Fog some tone, the viDaged seemed’! to waver, and, some of the . citizens ( - despaired of it ever attaining . anv :.- pirein^nreiBiee...,®; was .chnring toe next, wnmteg that Mr. Campbell arrived and i opejsed toe first • store. t"A tew weeks . ■j Tetter the citizens were ■ gratified to. teg®"'tost- Lucknow post office ted bees* officSaHy granted to them. Cam- ; pbeBi was appointed as the first post- ■ 'i master. / i 'This; gave am added impetus to toe.’ -; - "vfllisBge and it .resulted .in. another | ■ fiood'-of. settlers, wifieh -eclipsed by h ; toy' the first. Fbr a nuteber.' of yegrs.. - ■' tore coffitowd, and it reached • its-i L" "li'J.'"’_ i - ware-. ®f n grere- toat warranted it be- ; fug.' made iasto a separate- incorpar- i atten. ft was- tofin that ■ the- stormy session began- for .toe, village-. A spe- / eial meeting .was held of toe Tesi- : donuts at which a. Tesotetten was pass- i ed -showiRg toe majority was.in late-' j er-'of-toeir.becoming -a separate, wura-. i ®EEp®Ety. - - <. ■ ''Then 'toe 'Goffinty -Ceamcfi of Huron , i TOre^wd by-law for the Wporpora- ''■ fion ifflf'toe- wBage. In the by-law. ! however, they put the stipalation '• toat'it.was to- be- annexed to Huron ! ter mmd^paF '.purposes. The County ■! ConnTciir -«gf Brace also passed-.-a -by law' vtoito was- similar to toe’ Hn>r<wn - -except ter toe,, fact' that their gtfe-n-latm-n was topfr toe village -was ,j ■: to. be. annexed, to' Bruce. • - ' -. I J The . villagers who sensed toat. this 1 sitEiaifiop' weald result .in a -deadlock between toe -two counties, took action to see’ tost' toey were not going ' to suffer W- it- They secured-' the ■ pas- ; sage of a special, act of - incorpaira- j .s®0®' thrygEgb toe legislation of IST3. .- fiFTTd an election, was .. held during the 1 faEowir^ .January, .the' following viL . -lage cowiceL being <ele<sted:: Reeve, M. ■ - 'Cffimpbell;: - couueilloTS. Alexander Me- ’ilntyre, ■ Walter. Treleaven .Thomas ; Lawrence ■ and Charles Mooney. The question as' to county jurisdic- •; Cron. -ar?re Ipte, mtsefUed by the act_ •■ ’of incorporation, which explains -the \ passage Of" toe' foHawing resohstion ! at the second weetfeg of toe. counts--; eifc ' :..•• | i ' “Moved by Coun^Bor Lawpence. ’• that toe clerk "be instructed' to write' ! tte govetoor-m-council id :- have : "toe ' Viliage -&f Lucknow annexed to ■the County of Huron for mumcipal purposes, as -this council considers toe visage disfranchised under toe present, drcurmstances?' : Bp-law Na. 1 -appointed 'George T. I'.BEigess as clerk .and treasurer. The question off annexation -''kept. ■caTTming .np- contimia®y A certain it— rate, old gentleman one night was toe~resEdt of precipitetfeg 4a -street- 'fight,-oyer the fact that he' bro’ijghx toe Question up in a bar room where a TTnmhpr of Huron -rand. Bruce men . were.- Thfe. was w indication. of' the ■ teeing at toe tone. As is 'usual'in such cases, there were' Tuumsrs of trickery in regard- J to toe . annexing. Many old-tamers; tefd that a special by-law wns pass ed to^r annexed Lucknow to Huron, and that secret pressure was given to suppress the act. . ■ Bribery Suspectied '.. ' 'After this tob people sent queries i-to' 'toe' Government :»s to what they should do. As a result, a special ag- - ent aane to' -take a “pbH’’ of the pee-' ‘pie. Through an alleged '."toady' deaT’ toe pdH was crooked, and so a special order-in-council was passed. > which annexed Lucknow to Bruce. ' Many of toe vxEIagers were openly angry. A letter of the time'.shows 'toe general trend of their feelings: ' "And after that deaL I have a strong inclining to leaves the place altogether. We felt we should be a part of Huron, because oor interesh- He closer to that county than they do to Bruce- ®ee’ righteausiy- an gry. because of toe principle of the whole- affair. I feel certain that there ;was bribery in the matter semewhert' and if that party dr parties could ' be ascertained they wosld’ have their, preaous hides' scotched for theibf-- i fair.” ‘ r " ' i I About a month previous 'to the is- ■ sue df the order, toe Village Goito'cal j decided that they might have a eer- j, tanr inSnence by a- conceited action A special request was shm up to, the Government. Protesting the latter'? action, and asking them to redetasiter jtoe ■ matter. Their resolution,. how ever, (fid -not gain any results. . as toe* ranter went through, and the Vii-t lage of Lucknow became annexed fo^ municipal purposes to the County of ' Bruce. . ' ' ; ' At toe. time when Lucknow was still fry fes' -infancy several of the township?, were somewhat opposed to its growth. There 'is no.-apparefe reason |for this except, perhaps, that nUmy, bf toe settlers had moved 'to the vifisge. The hostility. . became . apparent when it came time to make educa tional facilities. The townships, al though it would have been to their Tnutual i benefit, retesedi tn aid . fe-. -braiding' a schpol. A log'^schoo! was built with the money which" had been raised in this way. The famous Goderich and WaJfcer- ‘ |-top stage fine was maugurated' with i Lucknow as one of the 'places of call Outside mail facilities were of a high order, because of the ■ fact that Luck- IBX5in3335^L- 9 j ■. otmtsuicu •««□(■ m ■ Ypres has been a metea for p®- P°^ts. _far toe outlook m every dir- grimages ever since- tfie ribse* of toe to^r^edl • . ■ war ‘ Pteipfe' firmm aU qUurtess. off - Sanctwary .Wood. a Beigamn toe Etirish Empire’ have bem® at- eye to' business, although toe fra. frfct< famous city. <Wten annoQ^..«» was expects to pay was th of rite fertv reaMWc appearaajc^.- Along tue wuoh fe.- ite ®3ae' we ' ©’^served ■ nothing tha® ' re- wfth toe minded us spurarfh of aid trenches. FeduiiteK"- ■ • ' JPbssrfreadtaefe ttl ted/wrfete®1 , sSk- fmsressive ®Be®s W ® nxghtmaire tn' assy whh *Fr.» westft through toe operations in this district m 1SJH7> is 'about .ei^-ht' miles Was™, catnrid cite YpteSv it c-fcanged hands four tones te toe tote,.The village, whieh to® presents uteehi ■ toe stete' appete- atoefe as otter reteBt communities.-surStmg SJEtSr I°2W, GteadStes. ' dteifig that w>^' week-end. ' ted' toe inhabitants took toiemffiy feterest m the.' vite rite® te®&. Adjacent to-, toe viBage is She *»■ trrtsst: aif burfisdsu 'R'anstelttes. ,aire ; destemte at- P^b4tedl.' and Stere is & C^uadter- w to ca-ntiire moEument here, to?' site is terraced X EritafeS f f -a wwrnus pteces in the Phssrhendaele ] ELt eSStou* territory w sighted what temasfet' .' " Mr. atnd Mrs. Wil! Rpss and 'Audrey; I Lafetse. ’ v'isfeed .- with Mr. • ■ and, Mirs. Ernest Gardne’- on 'Sunday. ' Mr.. Gordon Kirkighd delivered te t consigmheiEt of honey' in- .Teeswate1- '■■ last week. - 1. Mrs. Richard .Gardner was in Lon don from Ftiday r£0 Monday even ing. . receiving tretemeut' fitom " SDtr.’' Henderson, eye specialist of tote -city. We hope ter am 'iraprowemeut. in toe eomStion of her eyes.-” ‘Mr. George Hunter and WiH mbt- Ored to Stratford on Munday with 'EHeda. who s -attending' Normals Mrs... Fred 'Anderson- speut a,'tew days last week, on toe- 10th coql while ,.- Mtetesfci Mrs. Jack McDonagh ■-atten- '.;... ded toe Toronto etofbfeiiEin. Mrs. W. IL -Gardner -and <0&ve -of Cochrane, Mrs. Wm. Stahley .--anu Miss Ada .Stanley of Kincardin'e. •called on Zion friends on- -Sunday. -Mr. .'Floyd CaimphelL who- pur chased a farm near Belgrade tots' .faffl moyed -his stock and hous^h^d effects-- to their rev home rece-mLy. 7 ~ . 1 _. ... J ■ imphefl from - our,,.- cammimlt-y- iarelld 'Gardner' 'and' Mrs. WiH • tenc»lm»w4- 'CS yi! ■» .Xr?YT— ~»w^S+«L ■ m — 2l-,, Mrs. Joe '-Freeman of Leehurn. "te& eostoy. Nineteen | ua. . ------------------------------ - years erne vay nsuto tombted | gmte<it by GouncEELar Trefeaven, nf toe seeed ever ^srase «s it -<§d ' toe - - .day toe pf^rites were traveEfe^: ini -toe SatearfL White toe CSEnadssrs" were fighting- toefe way to Pfcss- .-Aendgefe Radge toe defenders ted a, .dtrosjjg 2®y in very wiet 'westoem Tyne CbSi Cmnetery, one cf toe largest “Gsrdmis of toe Dead” under | toe suigservisKHi of toh Ensperjail War | Graves ConttsfesianL is one toe' cemeteries, tost impresses toe- visiter with what toe Btritishi suffered. For; ;toe great part of IST7 toe armies. mafer Sir Do^gias'i Ha^s^'cmnEmand were obl^ed to feep toe enemy en-1 ■gaged. At Tyne CotL i® ww ■apon row •rest nea of ear race equal in num ber to toe sirengto of 12 complete battafions. Nine temdred *Bd'si±ty^i i'ste .headstones bears partseElars re-' garding - Ctem^azte. On a seHikur- i cufiiar f&t wsdiL M test- ingS by 500 I feet IsngL 34*838- “Massing’’’ we nsem- i ortaliaeX • ■ ■ ’ r : i Expect To Be Powced On Again -At Tyne Cot, where' toe appallfing slaughter of tem»n 'Efe in, a struggle which we believed at tost tone would end aE wars is so> evident, we thought ■j.agam of wtet was told us by a pfe-war firiend. who isarrred a French gfef after toe war; and who has been fiving’ in a city toruugh i_ which tofsusands' c©f toe idjgrfens passed. HftteFs wjEr-f3Ee preparations means only sue thing to toe French, that toe Germans wiU pounce on .them again. * The Franco^German i frontier is thought to be strongly i terrified, and toe invaders wiH coh- , front a different set of conditions next tone- nevertheless, toe French jaare in dread of a war of te-1 ■ verge, and wide-spread destruction to life- and property, resuitfeig item aerial attacks during toe first ample of days (perhaps toe first few hourg) is Expected, he said. Insecure France ■ she- uat'nrally regards as- vital to her -.existence- 'am' ailfiauce with Great ; i Erfeam.- ..' i. "to ISSgfety Again i. ■ The busses, took us to LSte. and ' from there to Antwerp we travelled ■ by-, train- ‘’and boarded toe RJKJS. Montcalm for England. A Belgian mifitary band assisted . eathusiasti- . cafiy in toe send-off accorded ns. Late the foHuwing (Tuesday! mem- ' feg toe pdgrfetege ships wete weH . igto the Thames, with toe shijqifeg -• in -this wteld-rmm-wmed waterway at- ;■ tracting attention. By turd the shops landed! their passengers al toe Til bury Docks, where trains were wait- - feg to convey us' to Londifai Busses, < each marked with toe name ©f the hotel' to which a pilgrim, was assign ed. picked us-'up 'at' St. Paiicrus Ste- ■' tom. and by' late atterncon- tola ’ great ■ crowd ®ff vraitiug Canucks were billeted m . hotels. evening -the pflgrijns ■ were prominent in - the streets, in the- restaurants and the theatres. - ' ■ . . . ■ Another-' chapter in the story of the Vtey .Hlgrimage had eottenenc-' ed .and in our next and' ffea$ letter we w® deal with some of the high lights of our stay in the world’s grea test ciy and with the French Gov ernment’s invitation, tod®, which fol- lowed. Between; 4JJ0& and CS0& were guests of the Government of toe Re- ----------------- - —------------ *—- pttoifir fe. -Paris and' elsewhere. for ' tew whs cm a south extension. < the four days, and the manner in which Wellington. Grey and Bruce line, “hey entertained tra was a very te-1 . Lucknow has thrilled to the sound markable demonstration of feel-1 «f~the pibroch. To the north of thr i ■ b rnnm-m, narai casuatCTes - - - , — _ ■ - -------- -! —■———-c. «u«m wi uie teet-»u*«^ ,zi w >uit? imh uu or enc* n«a&*u, more were cf enprrete pSI-boxes where, German * .ngs of the people of France towards < village in Kfeloss and Huron town toe faBC-Xster dtefeeo? ef mach^e gunaers made, the advances Canada ywt Canadians. f Isidps there were st cue time many Miss Emma MacDonagh of London spent,the week-end with her parents. Mrs. Humphrey and ■ Will were •guests of NLr. Jake Hunter's on Sat urday. . ■ ’ , .' , Dr. and Mrs. Evans of Clintem. to ted with Mr. and -Mrs.’ nil Hehn . one day last -week . , Mr. -and Mrs. J. G. Ritchie’of Mit chell were Sunday visitors at Robert Ritchie’s. ' . Mrs. Long. Mrs Gidmore and Miss’ Jean Long spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill of 1 Purple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hehn and hahe spent Sunday with friends in Clin ton. Mrs. 'Cook. Sr_. left Monday to visit her daughter. Mrs. MacGee in God erich. . Mr. and Mrs Irvine Henry and Ross were guests of. Mr. and Mrs. LeSi Ritchie last Sundag. BOUNDARY VEST The September meetings of toe Par- arponnt U. F. W. 0. was held at toe home of Mrs.' . John . -ElendersHn 'on Tuesday aftenwnn, September* TSth. There was a very good attendance of i ubfHrt JS ladies. The nest mePtinir is ’ -n he held at the home of Mrs. Clliver M-.‘Charles on Tuesday, October 20to. The'roll call is Wow to make ii homo nleastent for a family. Program Com. YTrs. Eldon Hendetson. and Ethel Wurtm: Papers. Mrs. O. McCharles tod Mary McLean. The -meeting was wened by jeIS singing the Maple Leaf Forever, followed by toe LpFd?s- ^ayer in unison. The mimu.es of toe August meeting weye read and de fared correct followed by business -igpers ' read by. toe serretatr. The nrogr&m opened by a splendid paper by Mrs. Wm. W»mi!tnTi-:'\msrrumeTital by Miss .Ruby Reid; recitation by Sarah McCauley; vocal solo by Miss Amte yicPcrnald: reading by Miss Rebel Martin: instrumental by Miss ’ Rhoda Cook; paper. Mrs., John TSufm- Hton, paper by Miss Mary Conk on First Aid in Cotuimmicahle Diseases’. *\ very interesting contest wap ‘ enh- ducted by Mrs. McGill. The program ■’•ame to a close by al! joining in the 'National Anthem. A. vote of,thanks was tendered to .Mrs. Henderson for the pse of ber home and a dainty ’unch was served by, the. hostess'. Mrs. Wm. Stanley and daughter if Cochrane mid ‘Site. Stanley.' and Mists Ada of Kin curd me. visited te- •ently "with' Mr. Alex Stanley/ Mr. and Mrs. James T. Webster, ^pent the week-end at the borne \ of •heir daughter. Mrs. James McNain if Amberley. ’■ . . W. and' Mrs. Ah, C«nk snout Sun- lay at/the ,home of Mr. Adam Mc Queen (and Nfiisrs Mart McQueen. 2nd •dn. settlers® of. Scottish , descent. nrnd n srrejst influence -was made • ht toe viL 51 lage by this fact. v V 1 ■ January 2HtK hitfial day rtf ‘Rohett . Bums.. has always beep celebrated with the a.toinus. Bums hall during • toe past number of years. — By< Harry- J. Moggie. m the London -Free Press.