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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-17, Page 1
32 uo DEE TEAR UN ' ADVANGE; $230 (0THERW2HIE ' OLD M0WHS WANTED-T’ergu.; Eur Earms. Apply tto B. D. IRichard- Bon, Thane 4Q, Dungannon. EQR BALE—Aiwater Kent Con sole (Radio, electric.—Nelson Winter- stein. ■ ■ _____, MAN WANTED lor HRawleigh Route iff BAD families. Write (today. Rawlejgh. Dept ML-27LBA-1. Mon- ttyeal, (Canada;.________________ _ :. (CAR' EOR/SADET^Rord ^*8, <oPly (driven (BfiEDrariiles, Hn [perfect eondi- ttion. Alair(Garage 10SX172 Beason for selO owne> fe going West. Ap- ’ gi^.,ttb“Am^>h A. Mallaugh, Lucknow IREC0W0EW R© BE BRAIRD Wffi 3ED. 1IAM33S BWGIK (EEffiOSB ® (GENTS (GATHERING BAID TRmUHSE T0 DUNCAN MacRONMIID ■ “WAi '■ There was a mote off Aadness About Lucknote'fe Beattish night on iEriday, as tthe large gathering [paused :in silence as a [tribute tto Dunean Mac Donald vzho was laid tto irest tthat tternoon. “This [program will mot Ho® ajpened jin .a blaze ipf glory, for we have A sad duty tto [perform;” were tthe (ripen ing >remarks off (Cameron (Geddes /fo a Lushed Audieiuse. He referred ito ‘Dune:’’ Mheponriia A gugiiilaf .and conscientious rmeniber. off. tthe Citizens’ Band And with heads Lowed _ _ in sorrow, tthe gathering listened :to ')BTRAMD rto the {premises drf||fellow bandsmen gflay “Abide With MdKay Bros., Con. 2. Kinloss, Trite |Me”, after one minute’s silence hail - dl^, fSepteniber filth, A Alack [ppp, libeen observed. Ht was A Hitting [and Abuui. 77 «« -G «il«, rrhite sincere gesture of sorrow And gym strip. (Owner imay [have game by rpay il pathy. io which was added tthe wish —*— -s* 1 !,tthat the other ttwo Loys, injured iin .Hi® fatal aecitlent. miight nave (God DOUBLE MOTES (ON AlIL KUB- BCIfiiJTIONS BAID WHS WEEK. - DOUBLE WHIES' IIN (fHRJHJ BTORES, HR11IA9' AW'SATlIB- idase. HITCIAL TRIKE 'THIS WEEK ' '* B3101) (CASH about 77 or 2 imonths idltl. with white ingfor tafl. '(COAL IFOR ^AIK^Car<pf beAi|spefi<| to A quick recovery. - [grade Altteria icoal off tthe Drumhellei vein. Large Hump feize J&10.90jper ton off car /at Lucknow next week. Thone. Dungannon 77&-r-12. TO SILO (OWNERS We nre agam iprepared to BU you! silo rrpqriigemente with :a >new 13- inch AleCormick-Deering (Corn T* and with 15-30 [power we ^assure :you *. satisfaction. , MeNay Bros., B. 3, Lucknow, Thone ;68-r-7, Dungannon. [UNDER NEW MANAGEM^T Announcing tthe ajpenmg tt ____ _____ __ — “Lucknow tT^iTimirv” mnfler the :nev. j| Wound tthat might Lave grtovefi fi ■management iff Mr. Lum. (Guar- ** - ^nteed workmanship tat tthe ’most reasonable [prices. Eamily and {bach elors’ waiting A specialty. We (invite /you tto give us oi ttrial., NOTICE latere’ Tisst 1936, Mmiicipalitj <iP Die Millage- off Lucknow, (County off Bruce Notice iis hereby given tthat 1 havi || complied with Beetion 77 iff tthe 1701 | : tew’ Lists Act, And tthat Lhave goste. | riip at imy (Office mt Lucknow on "th* j nth <day of September. AID., 1936, rth v i Hist of all [persons to wife iin ttkij •said Municipality for rmembers o ' (Parliament arf tthe Mnnicipa', Eleetieia*rand tthat ^nch Hist rreina>n<| tthere for [inspection. And 1 hereb" j jeall upon tell waters to fake immed iate proceedings to have any (errors' jar commissions corrected according to law. tthe Hast day for gppeal being tthe 26th day off September, AD.,i 1936. . ' Dated at Lucknow Dus Stn <day of Beptember. AD.. 1936. a J OSEHH AG NE W , (Clerk (rtf tike Wllage off Lucknow. fines Wouj^i Wndew^ -------<iife»a=i6aarfln“aiBA ' ' ■. . .1 r ' Alvin Hammohfl Weakened By Loss IDf Blood—-Gash Hn Neck Narrowly Escaped Hitfiicfing Eatdl Wound. When he crashed (through one iff tthe windows in. (CmKttable Moore’s store .while tthe dance was iin [progress Eriday night, Alvin Hammond off Wingham received a gash iin bis meek tthat marrowly mussed /mfiietfaig a i-vzound tthat miight have [proved ^etal. As dt was, Hammond Lied freeliy from tthe gash back off, and below Hife ear. and was quite weak by tthe time tthe rflow of blood .was -stopped. Jdl-. though be received [prompt attention igr a 'local .doctor. The arming [man was removed to Wingbam Hifepital where he was confined for m^uple eff days. , .. I . The «tory here iis tthat Hanmumfi; was. a bit [troublesome and “.was both-; jring one eff tthe giipers from Kitehr mer. The affair eante tto a head in irontfe'of Constable Moore’s , shop, when a braw Beat as -said to Hiave ^ome along and "taken matters iinto?his[ awn hands, by socking tthe Wing hamite in a manner ttnat orove mim [through tthe show window, temashmgi [the sectional framework and -shat- 1 * cr attacking the teix grains upf Anoiher tetory. :in ajdte iff the ker-i iousness iff tthe affair, ife mat wifhont: its humor. Lt is to the effect that tthe. inquired .as to where/the (Chieff eff JPoliee lived and on (finding < out ihe on front iff life gilace. [picked ond up bodily sand tossed ifiim through the window, exclaimiiig, ““Ton’d better go Hn :and see thim:” The ehief[ vriio -had just retired, meedless to -say, lost no time iin gptflP ifrig on hfe trousers /and imyestigating tthe affair. ' The ..wound in Hamniqndfe meek was near tthe jugular rein, and bad iit been inflicted at tthfe vital spot, would have meant hfe death before rmedicdl aid could have staunched “the -flow of blood. - | W 1 1 Ht certainly \will Hte tto 1 he teiivan- ttage off .contestants tand fheir sup- rporters Ho -buy from Lucknow (Good- Will (Club Merchants on Widay iandf Saturday Lhis week ;and telso^lo ipay any ;aecounts that rmay [he uurtetand—. iriig. . How To Mrike Mnur Werikiy . ■ t ■ • BetmAs ' A Bdllnt Box will H>e A The Bertfhtel (Office, 'V wntes mre titedhe dieJpjBsitea. ®;a<cih leorttraiartf, {however,- '.z fehmild unrike irriiuns teacii Mhn- (day, xand m ireeoxd will li*e Ikqjtt off All werikly ttotrils, and tthe stan ding announced iin aarih ifesue off The Benfinel. Mfek Bor Moiir (Gnupons ■ * -i Mfes Elara McDonalii _^_______j^90pj Mrs. Twine Henry__ Mrs. Bfiri TFwipavpn TlWtel _ _______ ________:__;__1&375 I Mrs. Allan McGnnnel 14650 _________...__ _ ___ ______(Mfes Eileen (Geoghggan —,......=...rbfHAO [page. Also look /jjver tthe iregiilar Mfes Boy Hendersosn _................14350 advertisements !df tell tthe udliib imer- IMurvin SSdlomon —BR775 'chants appearing [throughout tthfe iis- Bohn K. MaiKenzie sue off The Benfinel, and scon are sure to .“find smile iinterestnfg specials and. ireal bargains. '•• ' '. BRemeniitex, tthe winners tiff tthe waL uafile grize awards iin tthe teontest are judged from tthe Hargestttotdl iff votfe secured and big vote specials help tto .increase tthese .totals. (Cash [Special ilfrize ' The special weekly [prize was won JSJJExZ----- last week by .Mfes Doris Eadie and ---- tthe special [prize tthfe wari^ ^ill be -------^3i00 .cash for tthe “most .votes Turned ^^^™to? —- iin ap tto teext Monday might...... KJS — Some contestants who .have mot.ae- Sg* ®“»» - eeivea Ihen snbsCTijrti^ neeeipt ™®s books and rmailmg lists should 'Cdll at tthe office ;as teafly :as [possible and re ceive same. ERemeniber subscription votes count big and tthe sooner srou get [your friends to subscribe. Hte' •to get two .votes for one«encash pur-; tehases.and /payment of accounts, but I- ._------------ ----------------------- ---------------. _------------------------------- .t offering specially priced rmerchandfee. | , ERead every ;adv. on .the (Good-Will advertisements tff tali [the jdliib imer- a muniher iff tthe teiiib (merchants are [Mrs. (Gordon [Rifehie_ _ zwvi/jorril ttr ,-rvv*4z>ALl iATII_ _ x®TT ____ j. I IMurvin Brilomon Bdhn K • (One gase iinte tthnusanfl, a»i miayhe .more, miight apply tto tthe remarkable rand rapid (recovery off Mr. BEfi, Tames upf Kiriloss, who sa few weeks rago .-suffered rxo irttiedl ra fekiill (fracture, tthat iit. was mot ^considered Hife Hife cmild Ifae isaved. - ' But (on Baturd^,. jjust ssix wedfes tto tthe diay, -since ihe suffered tfhe iijC iimg^r W. Tames muhtaxed tto tfhe wih ligge taeeonrpariied Eby Mfra. Tames and lher muffhex, Mfrs. Wfrn. Hlaiigins. EHe‘ was iin ttown mgdin aria Mlniiiiay. saiidi iis isedl^ fediipg aarid Itodkipg mine, eex-i -eept (that Hie iis ssfill weak tand an mecasiondl flight Hwarlnblm iin tthe rmorriin*^. Mix. Tames ccannbt reeeaU rnnycthing tthat ttodk gilaee Thoiit Hiim ffor HMi cdays mffeer ireeeiving sa tterriffie ahnw{ am tfhe fordhead with aa rpiilley (that: (broke Hoose from m (beam white Hidtefr-i | _ iujg a sslipg Hoad off grraha. Hite fltett — txeedlteeffanK orre tthosee off gasgiara-HBLSDSt "fions tto rfake (him tto (Gorierion IHos-i I rmdking a rremarkdiile rreeov-jl eery Hie will mot Hte Allowed tto tthis Trill. / JTte JBateari v HlfeaMi THhe S&n&aii ®ff ^ssbMi , (0HALHHW MSO) SEESdKB (0TEB MSEREt? Ite Yamr UfiiB. t \ —------------------------------------ ------------- SPEOBAn>S B0E TBW. WfflfcK-raWD BABBS (f^KI^M BBESffi HGlSHlJHKKgf BAHSES \'WHIIS ■'.BffiSJNET BAHSHS - ' ■ - ■' '” • ■ MAHwnr babies \ . iwiynw bmuls ■. • '■. ' "And A Bha^e Supply ®ff • . -- • (£WH£B TAHBER AW (GHflGGLMH® (CARIES BHEff ®UR BEAN TBI5FAID- IPT 11^ /“ " SOME IRIHT® DAUL tiff wdhune tto get tthat weight. Sfi. Hones, who ife sa ■brother--itolaw off Hohn &.. Mackenzie. off the Ath <con- I i ^telueii Meu&er ®ff Aito Saatifum (W IHiiitipii ffthnwHi (Uhritr Svninttain Rteu—tf-tther (Church (fifr- gariizafum IHreaertteil "Bte , Mi® MasRSallum And Mildred lEit- ediife. Htor tfhe ^second tfime within tehmxt, a Week, arganizafinns off tfhe inritfedl (Chureh. nnet sagdin itot w®£k tto ireeBg- niize tfhe ^seawiges ireurtexeii Hjy ttwo miure sonng Halites tflpit brave Itefft tfte ’ ivillaynp >. ; Miss Martha AkatfGaliiim who “Hiss useturneil tto Hfetrnit. wcas mrsseirfeefl Hsy tfhe (EHmir with sa ffourtfcain gan. She was te ycaiiteS rnEeniher off tfhe tetto saffian. The sajfflrass wtss iraaii sand tfhe [presentation imaite Hs7 Sirs. ERiiht. Strafhers. Ibetters off sgggrreeiafinn were gira- ssented Mss Margarat JEtteiite am Htehdff off tfhe A. BE, S..aanfl Hjy Mr. ThrHiwel] ms.. SSmriiay Sehmil gnrpev- inttoiutent. Similar Itetters were sawarited Mte? Mibireii ERifaHite. who Hute Tte£t ffnr ‘ Hamdan tfhe ffiret off tfhe mimtfli. Hte- EpEsssnfcafiveB off tfhe ttwo angariira- tfctens spoke s^grrediafivefer off Heer im- tfeeBsst. sand mid iin trier work, ( •JI. ■ —--------—. ■ .. SKUffiRS ffAEllteD IEN IBilFAggW SEE^ET BRUR fflTRWT 'mTOW? Wisita^ anter tfhe vreeSkee^ with Mr. sand Mrs. Thnmas (Snake off tfhe IEath off EHuxnii. were Mr. sdffl Mrs. A. IE. Wefifaer rand fEamSy off HEmontto. //■ — ■ jWm. Mdfhmffe Bhriken Dp /And Bnieate MHieri Beeam Shied Ihtto Ditch And Bg Bn1 (Grate Tigpjleil II (Onto Him ■‘Leave tthem Alone sand t&g^Illceame |HttnneT,” rmay 'have Aeen good advise tto ^iply rto Maigrfe -sheep, hut iit ihasiltt worked dart iin ttheat^e off Man. McGxoxtiefe giig. which was Ihsst -'as he Aftermath off a gseciiliar Highway _ ■ Hast waffik. ' “/.■’/ ' Mt. McGrosfle was Qhndnmw Hinnnd imaiHffit •with sa „ TQ&gMHind Hug, which Hte Lari im sb uerate am Hife dm. Mt. ‘Brilrife Dill” “Hife tteam shite rinto tthe liiitch At g glassing rmntor wihicle and man away. The gig and terafe ttojgited ontto tthe tfeansrfeex, gnn- ming Hum diown. ffirufeeii And shaken u®, Mx. McGxusfe nnanagte tto free diinstetf from Hife gmsifum. The tfeeam ; irecigttuEte and ttfen sa start mraite tto dteive tfhe Hug hack tto iite The Hieaijy graSeer cemiWritt stand march hack Humte sand was Ihfft anil tthe„rraaiisfae for [the tfhne thefag iin ® rnfther eexhai^hte Abate. When tthe owner rreturned tfhe giigf was gone ‘ we umderstanil was Aifll am tthe Hfet tfhe eend aff tthe week. , Whether iit wavived sand sanifiied iin- tto *f he rneattby swamp air was “tpirilete ugi” Hiy sGome [passerAy, nnay geet tee rrevealed tto ssdire tfhe mi^tery off “ttfhe ifesng gig’!. ----- ------- ------------- --------------_ __223025 •Archie (Graham _2-----------__rj__22T5 Mrs. (EHirer MCOhafles :....- ..„ /irffiTn .Mrs. M. HL HHudfey —______32001) IRonald Madjteod .....- .'______2095.0 Mrs; IBliraiteth Bdlt thhp>5 (Chester Twaniley ________HOttaC Mixiien Mowbray ----:.- 20100 Mrs. Stewart IDufriin __________2S5J0! Mfes Josephine (Gaunt_________ f®0.0 Mrs. W. JI. MacDunald -1 , : ffe25 [Mrs. Ewart jEaylof _________ tft475 ___ ’9350 U___2HO O _—__ $850 ____B750 ____BG50; ____. #a0(l 2___;'B375 _ ___S250 __ __ KE25 __l_B075( ____77600- :____77500] _____ 77500 -___®nro ____ 6600 ____: (6500 _____85300 ____*^75[ _......(6000 ‘ ____(6O0D1 _1__BOOO ^___»S25 Hrijmvy That (Gut (Gords Hn Arik . (Caissefl By Sharp Brukh ILafl Hb IDbiiEg^Nntely. Toms? Donald (Gangihell, S/ysar-jolil i son off Mx. sand Mrs./Mathew (Gamp- ifaell. meweomexs tto (Kirifas^, ite iraeco geripg rrifctely ffrnm a -serious sank wound. ifatHieteii [by aa rrazs&r p^tgeii thnteh Htaok. rtbat wias Hieing u^ed iin <cuttipg weeds adhout tthe farm ttwo, •weeks 2?ggo. ' • '•• The gash was resteivefi aamiss fries rrjght mrikte, severing ttwo Iljgamenfad mnd irasiilffag iin ttrie Ilittte ff^lhow Hes-i ling tnisheii tto Vl^hgham (Hoxpitkl ffnr? (treatment, ffite was adlite tto' rE2tum| Hiome <agam iin aa dlay air so. Hurt ite'l mat Trite tto. (he am Hite Stent s® seet. BEte ite getting idling iriiite|y (however aanil te complete rreeavery ite /expected. „ TEte (Gangihelte, who oeame ffrom rnear Tamflon iin tfhe sspring, ^ee ate- -o^yiig tthe former (jT^nut (GoneesTon Six. Khitess. where. Mr. iGamiihell iis iin tehagge off i mperatioiffi sand gnogteK^ iimprove- rmeirt. teeiiig ^pm^ineeii Hgr fhe owner Mr. Thomas Btewart off Hiuchstfeex, N .^3L Mliiite tfhe work off irenoreathsg iis - nrmt gait comgiteted tthfe farm iprnperty ' tdireaiiy oiffers m imaXked iimprov :ment .in aappearanee, sand “(Green VKiil- Itey ERarrii” ms iit ite ttormed, ite nstjaid heeamiTg ten aattractiiee fltevm tty. . . Mrs. Thomas Henry ... 7 ' Mrs. -Ham^ Bftdhie "7. Mre. Bas. ?T, wfebster" ... Miss fe Madlseod _■ ndhnston .... hamite“Tn a nmim^'tthbt ffrove jhhn St^Trihan^ ..you ’haveAo Ahare at(^GfaaTles - Mfes (Gertrude Treleavgn__ Mrs. SSam (Eups&ey — / ■ Miss Marion nrihnAon __^_ Mfes IRiihy BReili LX. Miss Beta Welsh_______ _ Mrs. Boseph Whitby _______ Mrs. M. (C. (Orr 1 \ Hmella ®reen _ _________ Mrs. IHemw ^Carter ... ■ M^^§^g^§^on .• ■ Mrs. Dan Wylife ___ _ 5S25 Mrs. Ernest (Gardner ________570C Mrs. Eliott Taylor ___-........“ Miss (Grace, MacLeod ..... , .‘SK^j Mrs. (Oscar (G. Hodgins ______ a^Tol Miss Elizabeth ERdbinsim______54061 Mfes BRthdl Marini __________."5351); Mrs. Barik Emerson. _____: ' ■ . .45275' Mrs. Matt MdDpnald - BillieJDeeker _______•. 75250! ssnroi MfflD MffiD 5000: SttOOl <3W)1 —------------------ 5DG0I Mrs. Wm. RL Mivms Aimnl Mrs. Lome Durnin ______ .anno! Mrs. B. B. MadKenzie ... ffflOO Eldon Henderson ■. ' ■ I 5000 t(The above Boes Ant rnecessariiyf Ahnw tthe ‘total -.votes, but gives tthe| correct standing eff each ,contestaitbL ” Il BABEB&IIL HERE BATERDAT i There will be ia basdbrill game in; tthe (Caledonia Bark. Lucknow, tthfe; Saturday Afternoon :at 3 grim,, be- ttween Wngham, champions of “ihe| (Central Lp-ague, and Lucknow’s Maitland League team. This should be an interesting tussle. Bilver cdl- ileetion, I GODERICH PAIR MEXT WEEK j Tuesday mud Wednesday -next. Bep-: ttember 22nd and 23rd. tthe Goderich Undnstridl Exhibition takes tthe Hloar. [Improved girogram for Wednesday* .afternoon an Dnnt iff Big covered grandstand. Two speed tfeste. 220f and 228 for fmrses iff $380. ^ande-1 —«, xrille {performances, Midway and mer "Undergarments—THE MARKETT Other ttllraefinriR. LTLIRE. o tthe grand gniize awards. Merchants ERlease Note (Club merchants are advised to give out tthese double .votes Eriilay. and Saturday am tell .cash [purchases and dll [payment iff accounts. Hiowever. : customers are reminded tthat should This be -neglected, [they are tentifleil tto tthem 'and -should rmdke sure tttey receive tthem. iDoiifile Wotes (On BribHcfipiimis Contestants who go ;after subsefjp- ttions for' tthfe week rmay greatly im-; crease , ttheir standing, as we are giv ing ttwice tthe regular wote schedule on teach [year’s subscriptions, mew. re- mewdfe or arrears, between mow and Monday. September “21st This Mtetekfe Standing The standing/appearing below iis rr ^i ------(figured from votes (deposited JIP to Miss ttferall. Little------ ------- Hast Tuesday moon, iindhidhjg ERegis- -M^s. fe^geBEayio^— ^aihmWes. • g’gff’Sg Mfes Doris Eadie —:----------------(63275 Mis; Evelvn Mixon . (tecil Miifiin______ ___ _______ff------ Mrs. Harvey J- Ackert----;----3L100 Mrs; Armstrong B. M“ilson ___A655D Miss Maud te iFfeher-------______3SZ0O Mrs; Dune. MdDbnaid t(Jrj) —25175 s Mrs. 'Wm. Lloyd ____________22000 Clayton ( Alton ----------— ----------201^ Mis. Archie Paterson —:_:__2SS2a Miss Margantt MCNali _ Miss Elora ’Webster Card <Of Thanks Mfrs. HJunean (MacDonald and idhilii- fen and 3ffrs. Margaret MasDonald -and family desire "to -express ttheirj sincere tfhariks to friends and meigh- hors who were so -.very (kind., rand' sympathetic at “the “trine iff fheir ‘'her-* eavement. Bargains in ffletfe and (Boys' SSum- -52-725 Mfes Annie (Colwell __ {Robert Moffat. ___■ _123075 a bad ieuner al OfSKML RRfcEAE MAKES NEWS aw btranger than idcmiDN UNSRECTHR DOBSON TN ANNOUNCING MTNNERS POINTED (OUT 36 SCHOOLS iIN/INSI®CTORATE IIAAIE (QUALIFIED MUSIC ggRAfTHElL—iti’ATR ON IFRIDAT WAS -HUGE SUCCESS. Mr. George C. Dobson. West Bruce inspector, according -to ihfe ‘remarks in announcing ttliie winners. Mr. Drib- •sim [pointed ote fhattthirty-six ^choofe in his -inspectorate now have quali fied music “teachers. He stated that, he was •< music in ---- --------- , _. see still more schools with qualified ■music -teachers in charge. | The physical exercise drill was performed by all schools, with Mr. All schools' entered tthe school chorus competition, with tthe exeep- ttion of Nos. T and '10. Little Norine Thompson from tthe 2nd school con ducted "the class m ttheir song,, whitey Isohel- .Orr was in charge iff the 1 lraigsirie sorgsiers. A qujntette of giris from the 6th school won 3rd prize. The awards were made as follows: 1st. Kinloss; 2nd. Langside; 3rd. (ith Con.: 4th. Second Con.: 5th. Khrilou^h; " 6th. 10th Gon. In the Bojfe’ solo class. Everett Lane was "first and Back Ackert sec ond. Their number was “All Through The Night”, “The Meeting iff the Watete’-^was’ the selection fig tthe six gh?l con testants. Elnor Mcgarlane sang if in sweet voice to take 1st place, clo seiy followed by “Sylvia SJaeksoh, ——y — tr---- -xir Lillian Carruthers, Helen Thompson.ochanrNo. IL2nd Cot^ou, 25, ^L. ^|ad and Dorothy Btartley. John Boss; No. Of the first foui winners, all but LiL irom ®iiiiD“Kh S^i:k9anaIcSro^^S ' 11 ra? hard 10 iPid* A ■" %■'’STIS; bET » mt ta the ®«g. township, hut Holyrood is "the . most r|,CT1^.^fUng i?.I7!n'^^ hP ^™h| A :__-__cziltlirirr*' 1«ea liLar*** Big With Dne Ulead And Bwo Bodies Rhrcn Here On Spring lie lEsinnated Ms EHayhg (fhily (One (Chance 20 Billion dttf Being Born A¥ay. There was can (item off Iloeal iinfcer-. ■sst iin ffhe ‘‘Stranger Than S?iefioii’’ feature iin tthe Toronto (Glrifee am BE Has. tthe taufhar off whteh tfhariks Boss MacDonald off Hateknow ffner infformation. Bfhe iitem ireails, “M g>jg with tiwo with ante ^head, was Hmrn iin ILudknow, tto Toe MaiMiiten, ® rhAcher. Triin- thad v Oiily ome medk’.” •iff tthe freak aantf tthe fdllowiig ffoate errindtete ^eets off (bodies sand Hieaiis k,;ara asomparativribj tfhe felap (Did Tupher Rlhivhis ^neer iin aWfiW’.’, was ^anutooilte f landed fhem on ffhmiay mghL when aff ^aeii “he .initessed more tthan one ,downpour vrariatibn tto tthe attaining. Hjy rratfiriig iff tram. ;hefare aand About tthe (time afff sa tcuppte Af ttap dfanras. Rte was LucknoAfe ssecond xmnuai Scotch >yoiing Ann MmiW.ysk off jni^t rn, lit [please (God H»’ tthe foolishness gT i it <xeems “to ttdke mmre tthan ■j-ggri ^taught thy Rten T/mtvfnTt) preaching tto save tthem tthat Htelfevei’ il cloudburst tto wash nut m SentehnKnife vc. .A. Briberteon *MIL A ffi 3 —JI (Cor.. tt-ii.Jgnthusrasm fwrtthss griteSeotth might “p^Aman. ?MT.. mud W B Brnnilh*-' „ _ „ U [pim, fR rpapuiarity which tfe rrapuliy ^xptf?5Seij -------------------- miomgntun-janri nrgy ^ren nmffim. of teeing gjrasem. Mr. Tmriim- , herald Hne return off tthe (Gal^lomun was tfhe nriiy one off Hie iff io rare- ”ttT ” “«T1 HAiefty eexpressed h PTQ*r‘ain 2uhdi«d Afe glleasirre in Hieing grrerent. sand fomy radrance mufilicrty -m traeeived, .UmnwAted Luekmm ffor iite '.railend id f Selections Sy tthe /combined Mhg- -nussraa! ttatent. • ham aand Lmdruow Band eentertained J Mrs. BRrad Kfeher uileaseii tfeau- tthe crowd. Alow :m gathering, dhie tto intense with ttwo ssdl® sand tthe mmss- tthe tram. Dameron *Getides. Lass Sari- !eeb mipe hand iff ttwenty [players AkteL ‘tone. asnU miaster iff xrexemuntes. who eed off mtore Hfgiihailij hiss' eontf touted gnueh (towards tthe ssucta^s 1 tCameton • Geifites ssang ttsfeh Lomond iff tthe might tthen'ttorik oflurigge. EHfe ttend with tthe mimteitee’ sfriirihig in "* ?st iiittS' was sa -sailvime.sss s& ttrihute /the .chorus, was Aneeessfril rin getting was [paid tto Duncan MaxDonrild. sa Ivonsiiiefabte yrilume ms *he iter iff tthe 'Giiizens’ Band, where hsard, ‘“dropping ® micltel tin won funeral was [held tthat Afternoon. |Seatehmen.’' Mare group Ahgring waps After iterief ihttraduetar©’ rfeemarks,|a A&easaitt warfathm mnii (CMmeroii » tthe Band ravpng- ifnto A enupte iff teonehntei’ with An rexeeltem tmmifeer numiiers anil tfhe xciteltent [program . .— ' was •; „ ' ' ___’ J MadDonald [paired -up tin sb. clever rawotd »itenre dhtet. And tthe gernwd brottpht tflteto tearik. Then xanto tthe Ag feature aS tthe (______-________- «, niightrr-tthe HiiHiianiters from.Krtdh- [Teal broad Lcrfteh with xontotiiom fn . eener sand (Gttefph, mat Bite iff tthem, (match sand brimght giterity off ;hiff m .rimAltete teand iff «even gipers Her. • and 3 ihaujihters./and what m Hmnri • Thariks tto All tthose who ttobk tthey got. Then /eanw Httfte Lucille (with ^sgecia] mtenfinn miatte‘ ixff «G H ' . (Eriritpiteir, Paughfeerr iff Angus iGamp- Bmithfe tefforts iin msriimg rptepAto- 7 'hell, tthe leader ’off .tthe Kitchener bions for ttite •=eitent. '.were tvhieeii ..tev Band. Lucille daneerl tthe Highland the, .’cteairnAn ;fti xenchfeion1 Hhuni' ' Birftg mpd ihL’.n, Aepaat lappeararree feritetttfons. Aiilh Zhang S^yne. tGan- -xtepped off tthe uifireirit mud gmsaHih’ snAa Ann Tih= King, ibroupht 'tto n ■ ..... ’the mmff hffriraL df Befftte teanees. lmidaBte eicra LutdOTiTwfe iseeirriH tfenited Hjy Mrs. M. C. (Drr Arid Mrs, tthe Bhsan Ilferews. ffeh might sand gave .tthe cfeirimriitta’- ISite&tt we •'heard a xnupte ,/ff JScotCh .visrans off a Aiitl tefltter -'migiif mtect xongs -sweetiy rang Ay MfesMyraMv- yyear. DoiAM. This was friilowed Ay wet A well [pafrohized diattfte Was tther Mary Loufete BRdrteoiK giving a fh« itete Jn tthe [town Aritl jeomfilete 'bodies (height Hegs, <ete» (Ontario, am Mny BO, 1936. iltibe advance’ nunhitte 4, Yet HfleMB Hsn CM hy 1® fear Am fmcffl (((OKCffiKT (HN HRHDMF SHIBT ffiSCTffiEffiD RSffffioiMmiewag^iin^ bba^®ro hard r ...._ (OF IKEEEfflUED IDWWKRHUHS THAT WHUBD H8MGNS: WHHD HAWHE AVAHIffiD (HUT BfflEE MffiffiHEE BM0W. eed at tthe fehoiilder, tthe ttwo dunites *• •• ” •* There is Also aii artists t mate..‘Although, animals - with jjbined at tthe merij common, iit ifeXife sis less tthan one a____....____ •iff la arcature iteefng born with head and ttwo ’bodies’.” Want Throng Bympafheifc BRf tends Attended Aer>vice (Qn Rrria^y—Band Assisted Rn The Bertvice ■One of the largest anil saddest fun- i •erdls (this village has witnessed was ’ ■ held on Lriday afternoon. when Dun- L can ?MadDonate. fatally jnjurad in ah (Labor Dpy .accident, was (laid lo^rest I; in tGreenhjll Cemetery. < . j| Aome -time before tfhe xerviee atom- ; § iftenced'. ttheir little 'home was tfilied “to capacity. Bev. >C. 3L MadDoiuild < conduted the xad xer.vice. And tfhen.H with muffled drums; tfhe. fCitizens’ (h Band led “the long [procession tto the ; strains iff ‘The Dead Hn Saul”.' The graveside -service was eegudliy j -touching as the Band assisted iin tfhe ! -service and played “Abide "Mt ith Me” : tune (Eventide; -and ‘Lead Kindly I Light”, lune Bandon. s , Three brothers. Glarenee, Gamer-i on arid Leonard MacDonald "and [three I brotherj^m-law. Mdledhn. BEliiott and ! George ’Webster. aAed :as [pallbearers. I The Lucknow ERipe Band ddirhiJt ^exhibition offitaneng*. “■‘The’ssmdliest toijte Mr. <Geoxge C. Dobson. West Bruce inspector, according -to ihfe “ramarks in announcing *f lie winners. Mr. Ddb- son [pointed out “that rfhirty-six sehools in his -inspectorate mow have ipidli- encouraging “the Reaching iff n the sdhodls and hoped ff* • MFith a large gathering off /proud ^parents and interested friends in attendance. iKhiloss Township Bchodl Bah- was successfully staged ;at (Hdjy- Tefld on (Friday. Keen competition and increased ^entries miade it among the best fairs /yet held in fhe Town ship. With Agricultural. ^Representative i G. JR. Paterson jand Inspector George ’-----------— --------------------- C. Dobson in .charge, ihe fair, “the f’Oss giving “the commands, d&rst off 14 urural school fairs lhat —x—j will be (held in (the County ihis fall, .got underway Shortly before two o’clock with “the school children’^ parade. . Ten schools and two hundred pu pils. were in the parade that lined up on the spadway :and with cqlor- ful hankers naming teach school, -marched around “the (field and "took up their position fur "the /physical exercises mnd competitions fhat were II) follow. , .:■ The schools, the approximate num ber of pupils from eadh in "the par ade and ihe “ieadhezs were: Ho. 1, Krilloss. Miss K. Parrel; 3hn 2, Kinlough/^. Miss 3ean Anderson; No. 3. 10tb Concession, 15, Miss Anne Colwell; No. 4. Holyrood. 22. Miss Katherine Boberfeon; No. o, 6th Concession. 8. Miss Bessie Cam- : d&rst of 14 -rural school fairs -that chpreh. 19. Jim Henderson and No:< 2 G THE TRUTH .About titlings teteradl. 41 „ ,_______ _ ____ ______ .. :preaching tto .-save lhem Hint Htelteve: 77 gum. Sunday Sept. 220th. IBiBDE ST1HM iWeiinesday, Sept. 223nd. STO ffum. j _ M0KNG iPMIUffiS NIGHT >r^------- SRxfiiax. September T8th-2Sth. (8 gjnu.t|mnmfissron on tfmday might, aand meari] 3It. (George Lowey. Speaker ' ‘ ‘ UffilUB (OF (IHLEBRttTTON BANKER (GETS MOTE Hoe Bartlett, iff tthe Barik tff Mon- I i As WaneouveX’-s (.Golden Tiibitee? .marked djy tone Huindraddia^ «dfi eelelirating. draws tto m <close ,4MH11- 3saraday*.’, tas Hie chooses tto gall Hiim- (self, [pens .an ihrter^sting meemntt off ing tfhfe tpertod off festivities. Th& "first iff tfcwoter tfiirae gpteoites. aap- tpeaig; ;m tfhfe ifesue sand Sehthtel tEesa- titefes will tinill tthe article :interestntg, and well worth [pausing tto tread: j (CAJ^ffiRON (GHDDtES' [ ^ome iff tthe unore oinigue tevente «Wirc-: treril staff haa received -a move tto welteknown bass baritone, -the Kingsville branch, where Hife du- wht) 85 Master iff Ceremonies, [play ties will commence when tee ceom- ted no small part in . the success iff ^i<hh 1,16 iis iat second annual Bntffeh, ' 'i i i,■ t present enjoying. Within -the past couple iff years nr •so. mo less tthan “three bankers 'have been ’transferred from Lgeknow tto this more southerly district. Tirst went Manager ©kettle lo Kingsville, next Tom Henry to Leafningtou and now Boe follows hfe 'manager “to.Back Minette “town. Hfe -successor will he 38. K-‘ML- (Ken4 Chins iff Hesnler, .who will he transferred here Swm Bt. Marys next week. >. ■ might held last Htfi’day. r • WO SRRT (G&fTS ' “3’oitib imuT lite ^served”, /so -say, bitt Hierefe g couple iff elderly gentlemen who mreh't “taking aa ^feftJk seat ;yet. They are Tohn Mdfuear iff: Ldbc. jin hte S83rd »year. and Dan ,W- ILead iff Hhe Second - Coni. Kiri loss, who :fe ^somewhere terouhd 775 “years did- Mt. /Mc-A’icar ’feja '.relative iff Tla*2- Hteirife. and gperitfe A good deal rffrife finite in fLudkniTW with Mr. Dunean _ _n _ _ — _ MadLeod. This ssummer. however, ihe Dance m “the (Paramount Hall am ^ussfeted Mt- tDan MacLeod in -taking TARATIUUNT DANCE 4 “they rnipeie. ■ ,,t. >,,. - \ 7,~ . trA[ , t, . ~ jj*»iiee ,iu hhj a-uxaiuuuirt uomii too tin. jmti auaemrou in “oaKingA new departure "ibis year was "the and t^I^.ur£> ^T^a™-Je'eTLT1?^ Ito&s, Bttiday. Bepteniber 18th. Music H?y -off ‘the ’^harvest anil tthe pair tff young infawhictiori of a .voedl solo eompe- Iran Jnnn and Joe limn followed ,n^"Hoga'rfs Orchestra. Admission. Gents ' did mien were the [first in "the neigh- lifum arid one which fe favored by (Continued on iPage »)^c: Ladies 10c. htehitfirig lax. iborhood tto have tfhe Job eomiileted. installed nwwnw Menifers off tfhe llmtal BRdhakrih 10fe- ifer (were iin SniithUniptori iktet /weekl vrhen Mrs. Tfemjlte fptetke, linsidlted' Mrs. Drill off' Saiithampton As tfhe ■new District Deputy Bresiitent off tthe Htehrikdh Assenitiiy, Mrs. tCiarlee ite tfhe outgoing Riresiftent Arid was [pre sented with Irier Bfeaht Dfeimt Depiity LlTesident gup ton tfhfe xteeashm. MrsJ Sproul \was tfhe Itaedl irepreseittativd ./attiHte gneefinlr which was Also Ati iOtattess (Godk. .Arnangentertte weite Amite tto rhdld aa -school iff limtruefion At KhieatHine- :A (Ehttdter. hers anil tthe ■acCeltertt grrogram [••‘Waiting z. iFnr Ships undersvay. Ette Belie, ranfl EEfelen Come tid”.’ Mfrs. Newton That Never __ ____sactroHipaiifed(fhesroibofete. Angus Ctonphellfe readings. . ihtesss tto/the Haggis’.’. sanrl “* An (fife To The Toothache’'' Were1 given to