The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-10, Page 7/ 5 if Financial lashes !■•.............., ""* ■ ....-6' . . w . . ■ BACGIBT'EK ■ ‘ Ste ifijtedl ^swikiug a ste-pxwate ...diwte- . telllL. ' ’ ^h®' (Cu&uilU flenatu.- ate ate eaiffLli bit si" ' Ste (t-teM inaw' .tiiipxM tLte niko„ ,Ste -rctedi gioiili" fftioiMi mdnra/tU-i essttmiaig; AteT £.'feiy tonmmife ail® <&ay:lkMSg; ..ffiimtL idte.« owHiiiOi tellpi teg ■■ ”Cau.4<i‘ dte waste' «tey Mtfo.ag.i" ■ !few Augautfaa, Hfe»rmipiiw' Mites has eiMnaiptaedl tte test dliiauteud dirM Me ffiEu.iitts pijjKwgMMrtty adjbfateig. ©tome fan .tte Fcteuipite' aiireai* and tte eis®®„ KG) fleet off- white wais iim qirntMtz* Bas Mm'seht ©uff four assay purposes. Tte1 fesffand (dhiiUll Buofa- fa nw. being pxnff dim, Tte- teilllfa Ihave .heeni sot rap* ■ Ttey, say ttatt. hate tui meveg fe’iEJ- sdJ •JMiyiiwiw,, 'Ibiiut fit Jhfa feted! & 'faff off ptepifa- lhi ""' to dtettte ■' f- .•JJtejjjtlL — Ete i’teliiig ai ate ttiiismrt'iiu 41'te .eavedl untpj , fete t* • .fc ‘ ji '■Q'i. SPIRIT OF THE NORTH 1 frei CHY MEN ON FARMS Yet ••&■ > STOP RESTLESS XIGHTS The Shortest Poem Enctase ® 1‘ envelope Tor ebrvespotefe.M r^at; soen® ’ men teed a. other jng,. but ears must1 b?rex-. ercTsetl: riia tix'iis. teC R-ITTOFIT ’ AVArt- household ’ articles. Later -Saving: Queen . ELsst.. terdSng, to T- IK.. Bfaehanan^ eonsuilitte titeiiy part said Dte. BL. Cl. MadDoweUL. ? " A-:.M I I TTie Institute of . Practical and - Applied Pwytectegy «K3 Confederation Building- eases m 'woiildl. be an Inter- ’ " ’ ' ,H. :- £ MAN OF FUTURE the situaitfeni and. making . it.-worse fea .it is. The tomaim mind is. eap>- . .; queer . ■ tricte, ausd somtofiinies,,' one- Dittfe imitoegetfeg' jjiy smueoue very cBase to- ’us,. • is lliirtow O™r . •< ’ '' —' "- ” -fe ■■ .“VaMtotafaig'’. fa oue of the* most .t.7_..^..: words'to the. English ar ttet', flte- .Ameanicam. language, oifaIE'gta str'atu: fa sd-.fee ■ JU» •tftortiD® mww» Btayd Orfcltadi l» Miw, * new **- 'fa-'boi® W$© tt® pro- vfite funufe for devetapmenfi «ff. «te Cfempaniyfa property iw tte # Efafc- Uaupdl Mk® area- The pm ©petty temu pHifiaiiwg 12 <jiafa®s. to ILebefl tU‘- ■’isaip:-|, ' fa faeaffedl approximaMy 2 -mites east llamdb' The- eowpawy proposed -a fikoHougto suinCace exam_ua.fea.il *tot toe1 paropfatfly iiimliisdtag ncemciimg aw® IhiBastiimg ^ir^lljimi^eiiny to a prcigiiaimime <off (dbaaubadl. teiillteg.. "B'rami tfae results, .off tte dtoiililtog,, eta- fluituve (teveiapmuemt ©tf Ute' uroper fly wilil tte pffamted to-- rH'iMiHW-S steiM stoktog ■ and uiteet- gtoimd'- raff. Dtevefaipmenft' • to* date PROBLEMS OF EVERY PAY LIFE By Dr. ML M. Lappbi 'carte off tte-. ciimipaay stew that vafa uues ranging from ^<3^ fear a cone feiagtllh) eff te feet tt®> .as-'hiigh as ffwg a Dengtlii, off -I® fleet ®®e seeuired. Tte pritsent? diiaimote J«iir.iiniliW W®*" gr.aiMwe1 fa tesignedi to seek ctunffiirfaai- atfioam off tte' previously report:., di vaD- nues,, and! fl®* extemil tte Diintes- off - tte e'.-samteacfen.', .pre^ibwsily' made.. ' Mfarng Cod adjjtetefeg JRSdg'tei! Ktekltind! . ifa tte: • Easflernj Kihifctendl I nite ffiehdi, Bas caorrfiedi 'otii hipprirsfafflatefiy 1,30© fleet 'off dlrfifitikng h.iini tite ruew’ workings.- A- ML Pofttgff'„ mmfine nmnwge'r', reports that uni-wu^rik- jl fisg (favni ttite 'waite' ffimiwn flte 425> ftoi ' Tteuttaif — dLMfai; -Mte ttaim',nte aft® .foot Bevel' aim assay of OLO ttttffil mie wtaiii >»!■• fate it* Me?' • 11®®"®?! ?te5r„tf(MI1,??s oBtmiited aagjisj; JLim im' \F" 1411 .........:ss= ; — ufl'i). Ite a. tewl! iiat ite tbotSiom, eff a 'ttav-;i I ' A WAYWARD WSBAXD- ,F “I have a tesband I cannot under- r stand,”’ begins a letter—in some re- jSpects- very patjtette—which J have 1 jusff reeeiv’eril fem a woman wto has. 'been married.flor nearly thirty years. I Apparently,, off and on, her husband' j has been wont to* go off and have illitlte'flotations with otter womem : He has 'one1 off Alfa speilh now and. fa ; “going' teagy' over an old? maid”. “Tte ■ rgo^iprdsTiWBrl^^kSWng- me; w hat can­ ing ee:giEeer, where str fippsng and/^ <5-’_n a^e.aak3- - has been carriie- teat an S ' those -opinjoiBd ®bdo® w M-’.s&Kpiteqp; L'^roucedi a- interview Dy, I5ft! 'fit. 'wide. Tte' vefing have Been j, he.ptuir and wrunout ,^udb fem'to I® flit A ,/qiuafe -win 1^' <ito know, what to Bji-'fei - snr fenrfi siimw wraiigmg! .advise- On course, I tmghfl be. able fro*”' ‘i to J® flit. A (j[uurter-‘vein i-W Ct,|.to to-tte root off ,6010 womagfa fehtetete .hfelting east'amt ’.vest nas through a . protracted pointe u, ife-overed on r*Li. m Uta1 '>f eom’t-sporte-nce in which I could ask 'tempamy fa capucaitete ac atpyoroote ter many ^m-stions' and‘weigh her hff1 ■ rat . wlhiJ/f-ht, "taoroiirov-'Weite- -iteHrertir ariaWerA. ■ .Bus1 that takes time, and- . '■ .©flSjCers and’ 'dfatetors! ste fa desper-dee.. x- ■ . • j&n ,t!- dimmers,, prest-f '■ the' -flfast pfac-e; I should like, ter A. isJampnelfe •■ vine-presE-1-to' be cpiite sure she is not misjudging Saitter;. seeiienary-treasunr-y IB’eawteniiiM,'.. .fe WwateSv ■ ,-... 1WJiinyw*E has: ■ jjcoiffiffipfetied three .diriiHl teHtte fijs 5Eo; I ■ 1 ■ n ■ v*'® u ■ ■• vte . „■ li weife and retedts ffisewed • gfiwe every- SMOLTS-IL-u^fttey ps I&ffe s e&w- J tttat tte riiA swffime stew- ete Itammry .. .... Free- spweh ■ teota. depth; 3Ute 11 Bute wwto an, !E«ne-. ttlkmmi it <wste .. - „ 2S feet M weffll miimnr- .prowgirSfe! mam.-, sis faadl s&e ..ne„ Wa» |i wMte W 2 eli­ te iRuites-sO) nHBaumy eteiigfei. f.M’tates’ji^nnnff^,^. fggft’cHff qjmamta weH .-a -te'fe ItffeMiiism® n® imate- a1 ffoirtote;, Ijoaiited with, 'fee igoM'ste rarfinsg' fin '■.’bud li^' /nite1 miwrtta off tefete tt® tafa j"4^© aind a hallff fferit -off cote, 3! fife ... .. ©taes lism’tt cHmpii-lifed to. ewoxw-1 4f?gs((j) wihuwg mimff tw&>'feffiit wfid® atod age tike right 'bind off' peowte to d® tte „ amotfer'. one ' foot wfidfe. IMIEinig,' fis night,.tthiiug;....... • Yens niaig'ttterk wmr(mrfimnnmfa to. dhttirtMWnnfiwp the femigftJki j Oipfeiiwmf iisnj'U wesh tejuife,, taitt litte, aimwB .faffatfeim <nff ttftw ro'iiniPivuHiwffd hmdl- pmuxhahi'y fa.iter- ttlhan steteetfaatk,' ... ,,■“ iiss adt..dtepith- and! to iim Ihterftiimgff 'Sefatee fa ffiimiliiig a way to' e-.iltaiii’aiie , a site for tte proposed -dlnaifflt..- .Sanr- .afiUI .waste, eteept lite Basu Ihfe’ff off a "face work fa'proceeding, tei'' tte Pfipe- 'cigariffe’.. ■■ ... Necessity tofe-tefe'.anwe''stone Efey gyomp) qff Tt cfaime wife' ’■■Biardi 'worte-srs- altetib "'i:m-5TpEn':i31faaj aimd driiHEng. "fly cumnience as stew as pns-' itej..".: 'Ite- gneus.' sihte ' ’ ' «''. ■ '' diaw’’’L lifghtewdgfa. ■ kydi? yon .. ;r. vfoxte. Itaimite; te stay, te ’id! a"fafe pw-' esjzepw. dha.' Hast ,lWf of ^itcatsg&y mia-W# -■ iilhid: ' Tte dhnffii oru flte 2ID® ffoutt Detel at (ffeldiern Ghpe Mffimng'(Gfe tas oufwanced' flbar ;a. (ffistamce. off' aBouff. (5® ■ fleet. with' ' hiigh" vfeDmss Enn' gnBS persiLdtfing. 'Tte orebody! was- prevtewsliy fintcaiseeftedl firn ............................ "to. (ratoHscut whikh., -fis- Befing drfivmsi to a’ cirtte,, teordfe W-estdfe’r. Ite s® bod if intersect a ftiigh grade 'discovery opEm- ywr (fliixiiu "ti. teve to swud. xv; yeuu yrite as a dteserfe. «. 's .. .Wejinto -tote roost facuteffr- ir ea are- tiioi pwjme. to nwpw ttete. aiaiiiW.ito.ff'jpuri' tiin5w!i.bf‘ '.v'Wh “thait aJle awtojge u. .. .... jid y.. Itton®'^ irj'J, lifff nlhi! ir” ' .. .1%-Biigv ihfunf .lketfibMl: tti’arM fa?' together.'. .;,„ .. „ A>. siittiis, KiRaiy pv nw.-Ju? iieuwccz! ynu . sffl tup* ©m surface some.1 21?®. feet ffiran®. tte sfoatftL. . Tte' ctefeSemt to t&BS wriim , " fa (WiJitiiimiiingr. - IDhriilUlimy frmntfe W®-- H ffooff fevefi intersected] favorafefa crom- '«(ffiittiicHBs and dfaiWiriig \viinD mw te fem- ttetotem fen® oippear fevefa ■ i ' ' ....■•■ '■' :. > . «j. : - ' ifajamond! dhifiUEing'. fa stjn.iuiiamkg;. am , COiigte' Mhtmigte <(to'tew offe- boy')) Mat? nite yosu wfeutt toqrj>.ite -te-OthtUJiiijiMte' '■•■' ''- ................................. ___ ----«!-. Jiiew. (OJSjiifw' ffitoy—Yite. te.';; II .vat? to tftffi Sfiyteuiaxpiffi (Gkalkdi M&ues pnoipeuty vto?te te-’ xp< wbkr’.i! H siirw‘ysdi! cotiuiin®., teijhiiiiing ILwiiaqjiDE.Girtflf'Mteeg ta tte' _____ _ ■ jj ^uiKllmnaxpMB stefioini tof Qteftem ftdrimil- VOy teirt?'a ?v . ihtei slay ' ™ ^Dffi ®ateCTm’ seettfeui off tte’ pwp»- t; fcugu. ..flnrtty’ bos finfferseefietfi at new v®im ■sftowiing good iniiinHiaillteittiijnL Ilnimer '^hiKeiy offi compfefifiom off .tte pnnsmrtt uurtiirta " «aawro^S®' entered! dkwelbpi- ’ Ifflisducoii $te' tafa w’h»n ste mT Jbc itgte fe nih’itef.'.’ .■•'"• '. ■ WiSir— Why eftses a mana say te’S Beem- flishiiiiig. wIivf, taj •Ihfatsn.’h aiEyitbiltig'’^ ■• ,' TWiSE. WE LOWE srodl fentaftr. ite. Hfe fftauid .-' •■■ Wi’he- faacttcyii.’HE cast ayid west, , Tte «>iii"y ffoife we lieaiffily wnutofl Are "?btse‘- w-» li»»e ifasii.-. '. Wt>'' tfiistrfti nlbome w® scauntely fanw„ We' pumsw' ate fllketiteg guest.. ' Amii'nefe! fuT irructy a staugfcifess; • Ww T,»; “fe w.'- wte .'live- am tafa. Xterrta tiny Jkiihg about, hu-v .’tetedl rJfemrfa Adtemfa petitets fjw 'feto/ns feer otter '.wunrem. ■•’ .-j w ‘ Sevrtrtranttmdkiuikrti! slhiiwfag niidt’ «»'•• .*uTSHi'tfl :«s. :ii n. gift it —Yes... ffikrt’K' fa tnyoiwir- '•; i?’‘*.',e*Vtag "hit H fags® .li,s ■ A^ifae Ser;,’ art:... v A IFU"A .-J . ■■ W «! .ilif— !t. ' iff if <&• V- Fte- r numm, pr wfitffioj-' MkMLumns Pled! ILalte , Gtoflf TOnte*,,. liofllfing TiEJ acres' th H-gilte j ouittai: abouit bailiff at ante eate off ffisitey, | i® making a- piiiiELr offitefing of teates "t® pateikte ffinaraKS fte a eaurapaiigm off m^pibratiinnu Tte dhite wot® oter- iirmi®y stated! By Gte MfeiWtew fini 29r22 "ianS were1 tte ffiigsfl djfeeoivoiry fin. tte dfiterartl. Steftee' work, tat? gtawui. fiimr I! mend , wigjnmniie wiiHD Be prpgecdbd _ , teiuife;. dutt' off wteiib tas; Been) puowni w ’* octo® < fffflW cfeoims-' wiia&)' wiidfefte off ' ■ ffrorni BU> to 2to> ffeet... fftesenit pHium (mill j.flte tte senidfiing iim off ® crew finune- ■. dShffelly to cRmpftfte saEfaxre expBsma- .uny _ tifem. Tlie- gojBunufi wiiim Be> gnuoineifi Biasr dfiuunimiil dlrillliagi, to te cuanriietfl outl • iim <jmijisaj«tibn' witlii tite siinkiingr off ai Stefas' of dbepi test pits.. ' 1 «>' j®®' Csr-i 2r Is FadsB^; SaiS F^r jteara A^GSLEi^—G< ire ” i’ Gfei’"- filin' atr win* smetil' ffi-ir. fllhf.' a-te'droitea -roun> whi?- ci’ti iGiiurftn t'W enm .Kurfsit "A lEl-vitro ■ wifavi -’ite (w:m iste-’iwu. hi’—' aT-ien. pijs:::.fe-Hrttcs. u” • FuuZgRBWhil. iissunnt’K Sr' v-totoeu;,'aipptm^tte :fa tthe plus •'1 Jfa’ses.' W’lMtev;. jjeife kud tte suit was-, lifajcd! te flh'< • tefete -off tedfetotuct" alhiiu DI! tears .ig-R. * Wfeir ihrtafr mat. MEte.**kfete i.n (faev- , many., te Iwnofl' 5h<r ^wndifeh 'ttorote and (Gtruunani immrta wurto fehv Mmittste offTih?' teniiim—wpiwn’ Ihta tetedD 3u#u®- tthngj- site- wmtM repay llrup -vllra te« Broc^IRt fiiimromi»n!y' ’ « “‘A gjwroniiMHnte! buii'uiiu. .4 ,..e a> eaanreil—fti® Ihf’iiil limre; m, tilhe B.nit fliit; dfewill teintef icmnot tatuy fe ” st ftf* Ikim ote.r-toGdlMndl Fraittk EirnTv;! ■'' ^Tte lFtosmfenrtw tteite Sunn <*?nd! (item a puttnitin. dim auiytfturg: ti»> iMtgife’ tt. Shsrote. Bv .* i!s' of 'jiWJiOW'. - were- festetoi I’ t’mr properties Ilny.’IU. ,1'.^ . '/I-..-/ ,'T1 • ; dent;? (Gtofeii dent;; W. IE. ev;;. Atetaiid il><swi»swc.ujww„ . . i:. !L»„ M„ W tetelt Orttectti auMf M P'.. playing some TilinfiBpsoiii.. ditectltek. ’ • -. .,- i tero^times, c - ~ _ ■. - CAUSE 'OE, CANCER .7 j ^{1 ■ can. go . &. long ................. , .' ' -1. . ' -a—-...-wn-y......-■- -:„ ■ '■. ... Gances' tea iresiiditl off a. wild growth of nnanmull celte -off tte tediy„ and Eke ewery ffiCter eterautleifettiir off tte Body, fis started', by teredifty pfu® ■ enxcfirww- mtefff Both firn team anndfitfaw, and; vaarfiattiitHte te' suomoupdiiiigS; .pEaymg tteiiir prait. said Dfc K MlteDtowellE,,-. of tte'Dtepartrsmidi of' Genetiite. Gar- ste-tas,. then^ste- shteDd immediately tegfa Irmtitutfan of WasfiniiigtffiEh,rfini a-. tote steps to.put. that right.!. .■ If slie fe quite; sure that she is in no .. way respous-dte. ■ for ter. husband’s , misconduct then ?he ste dd face him frankly on- the mater au'd ask his reastris, taking care to point out the: harm tte gossip is doing to both of them and what a nerve-wracking or­ deal it is flor. terT Perhaps she has sense trusted relative or friend who could, te present when, she approach- es the subject. Of course, she wfiLl! have to study to choose a time wUeh her. husband is iii a reasonably good niitad. Sometimes the appeal' direct to- a man’s sense of chivalry works wpn- ders.-- ,-.r *■ - ■—.-t ,,..... ......................te 1 think, however, that in this par- t^euiar ease, much*’ more could be ae.- 'eomplished through ecmnion kindness. My eorrespondent says “l^-feei I.ca" never forgive him”, and that betrays a spirit O' fbitternegs an presentment; She. will never,-Win back "the lost loye off ter husband so- long as.' she har-'- bars;.ttei.spirit. If she- will get rid .of ter, feeling-“of resentment,, -and: -set &er?.fef out deliberately to Be kipd and ^Uttonxysg. to- him and Ipnnsii her love- u pen him, that, I believe, will do more, good thaii -anything else... ' Qf. course tee .Tius’band must never be made to' 'feel that a deliberate ef­ fort is being "mafe to’ win back “ his loye. Ft he is niqte eooscious.’ te'ta-toue. attention, it ma yep oil tte wte^ thing. ' ’In tte seeadd places I would ask' her to face up* to her owm position frankly and tafc herself ..iff she has unconse- iousl’y said or' done anything ht any Fure to*. create .flte. rSfe between, ter h' ate'! herselfl. ' Uf .ste finife . racjsEtt adldh?e-5t$ Befdw tte ’ Ammrijcam! IbjHftffitiijQtle. Die. ’’SEa^Dtowe®. Bais Been: stmjflyTffig' tike, cause of feutemiai,,. ssose p?odh®(je<f by tte wikfil gu.©wf& ©f1 ■tfte wMA&.eellfe of tte' BBd'mJ’wfticfti Bias dfefietfi aJT bow featmeiits.'.'. W- Macfewe® Eta® raised! tteoug&i meows' ®f gfri?>.sraitihiE9’ off dtasfr iinter- b-reedking a BTock styaiin. ©f ndce wfiicfr ■ is-'-so) suscepOUs’ tf©’ fegteudia that .■nite ©a® ©f every teni willE devefep: the- unpfeasant .^iseaise^'whflfe.a. IEighf 'str'ate iis sto\.ff2?te,''j'aL_l_, d'J- ©f fit titeft only 2jBou£ due ©te ©ff ■ IOC.'. serves the Toron-tP' 3®aii ami Empire. wiliUl get fit.. ■.'' ... ' ’ Yet it was tisetfi'twice in American. ’’‘Uni 'Afro- Bltek: 'mtei,.’’. Dr.. MteDowe® newsy upeir service1 despatches recently- o’gpJhifinodl;,' “tte ‘tessdffitty prediiteosiing in® tte Canadian!. dhiEies..., We haw ,al- t©> 'Itetendiai' iis strong, But umfeir ttte1. ready ©Fi jeered: to> another' ,.bteba®QUS met ,By .©ae' .ote. ©ff ten fit fis^ ©wrhatemed! ateT Beuftemte fiamfe toij appear; . ®te. tte ©^spring off these mite that escapfe Eeutemte haye* jjast mnefo Iteutemiai te tte ©ffispteigf .tof, fetetete porffiffite.? Um '.tte' LgM-eoF. ©raj nng® tte' tereffiitty .taterng towaurd feutemtete weafe;, ate fit fis.expte^dl.. mdly uteeir rare' eondEtfens niet by cne' 'fWCJiTE:'/ The writer sf this column) is a trSvnetiB psyohdlG^st0 roid an- au­ thor at severaJ warks. He is. wiMmg'%»••! dea^l; with5 your .problems arr dgive you’ the of his' wide experience, j Questions regarding problems • of j everyday lifg should Ise addressed: toj Or., IWI,' C-sppini' Room" 421;.'■ 73, Ade'alide. St.. West Toronto, Ontario, j Great Spirit of the Xorui, I love you cent stamped? addressed reply.. . ] so,. • . ’ ■ ■ i , J ..;” . J:.. ■ .:■■•' ■• •' ■Your, mighty breath that speaks of God, _ ■ • ■ , ' Your biting’ winds that make men ■ ’ strong ■■'■•. .' An’d 'f^' 'with ’ iron their noble •blood. position and then later M*0' a 'Q’uad- nipifed walking on’nil fours or whdtter j thxrough. A survival, of, tte fittest we.!' wiH become a. face which eats' lightly 1 _ .. . r , ■ „ . _ but' free.uently. or whether’ survival j 1SP^1T or the North, I.see you, gm will come to the r.arrow-waisted with ' In. friendship’s stronger clasp-, .&,.' small^ splanchnic reservoir t-^r i In smiles of geld that grip the lu shunting, • binr-d _ awa_. ■ > from their a strength that moites -one g; brain.,' - ! « , ■ ■■■'■,, 1 ■ ■ ' ' . NEW YORK— So far we have not ted to abandon those widened, shoul- ( ders that create the pleasing optical illusion of. slim. hips. There is still.a tondenty to build them out with, folds and pleats, er' with a. squarish cut. In mote cases a bit of padding encour­ ages them .to- hpld their shape. Thr-re is 1 no rule ■ for skirts;, .'they are scraigitt and narrow or ’fiaring.- Y'ou have bat . to 'choose the silhou­ ette you prefer. But the-.edict has gone/ out that 'they must Be shoifc—at, ’least" 13 inches ■ o.ff 1" ; /” * innovation^ jtamely, tte use off the newly coined' “■‘Messaging"’’ to signify “notifying..”' liafiE another atrocity whfa&i- Bas crept into* eab'Iie despatches lately has toi do* with -tte manhandk Png off flte" wund “source.”',. “Such and such a source expresses tte rapmfeity'.1 etc-.”' ■ M this ' tendency -toi JL„.t ~____I _I ___ economize' .the telegraphic1 'costs cote- omit biff IflMi '■ T~ .. .,'i,tniaute to* spread! tte English tongue'1 “’W hem teredfay fa strong flte ete.j wiEB Be hopcfe.ssly degraded and the viaramteteii -fa, Dess .ianpofftomip . wtete. .public? taste- ruined.. '■ heredity fa weak the-environment. Be-. ... " - ------. ■;—'■■• ; areed^JaqprtaML ' TMs s JIr- Ht-ptam C<m&knt ttrae flair fewkenua anxa fair othmr.i, t xw- < ■ ■ w 91.. .. > * ■ Tterk of' t&fa tte. nextt tfinte r ACCQUHpHSBlI^t yad Enear scime one cDaiiimijig‘tereffitty i ■ ' - , fa alU tfitett mattfleBsT and tMinfl;.raff tffiEs' . 3&sw York.—Mrs.. ESafiharme Hep- agafin) w&bsbi yum an®. toM teiJVBtote-’btfau^ Biitthi control!-adymmbe) and mo- 'nient depiidtea .evmiythiiing! ’'t'toer of the .actress of tfte same name; *' '-' ■' ’, ’ Pretrnrhed toi lS^w York fem. Europe W h^C ham^ r. V oHSCTS Acsoinpaaiyiiig lier GW ter trip^. (fiir- •Stiaively. Alba.. — Frefam Wdffordl' Ing..,w^cfa..... winner ®f the-' wuiildfa A..L___ _ fe_„. ttfitte at Ohmgp) 'firn UHlfii,, wunilt (Defend fefa'orowni this year.. UBe said fe-. will! not.- Be tthresSing any wheat good mougfa ffasr s^jfaw purposes. Wtetfl-te termed tte “laosc serious drought I tave witnesserii im tte .33:. years of, my- ’ residence iim Alberto,”’> huts cut his wtewt crop' ate Ids farm: ’ near this Suutiieiim Alberto fi^wm ta\ 111 bustefa -am acre. , Ifflfa wheat,. Re said!,, pm&m$i!y y.ilK grads 3p?i, 2- nrw- tteriL, , ■' ■ Starve??.. Alka?.. — BfeFnmn In#. ■ winch, she conferred with. ©T- wimEfflr ©f the' wqbIIO when-ti Ba'in^ Gertai KeIKerrr in charge' ®f ’the birth tiitill® at O®aug0) iim I9f?»7i„ woniTt d'eri»nrii epntraD (djaiiie at the City hospital! in S'tocjfhohn,. Sweden, were two of her daughters;.'Pbgjgy and SEariain.. .They touted! both.' Sweden and Denmark: By oritoniobile- ’■• ' ffianuTton, 5K.Y,—Stan' in his evolu.- ciim. may be licuiied fi?r .an all-fours posture ;; on for a .survival of only the +feniH.vaisted; og tor h race-, that forr gi*ts its three smare meals and: eats frequimtl^y and lightly. ■' ’ ..' The1 reasons were advanced by Dr.. PmioiM A.. Laird;.'professor of ps;- citoliigy at CoFtmtu IDniversity,' in the ' MSedhuaH .Eecotyh ■ . • Kt!’ reports’ that after finding that office workers sloweti down and made increased'errors "the first hour after lunch, he experimented with Colgate- itiufents- to Ifearn whether-blbw£ dirawn from tile head by <ilqestibn explained! t!u»' dirJlhess. 1 , .Students <iid mental arithmetic' after eating and wfiaife: Byng with. Jieir hemte Bnver tJia® their feet. &t tilts position they were better than with- liearts hstfier tiian feet. Dr. E.aird fraud the expianation 'in. the1 splhmdiniii teservoir,’*' the - ~»i wheim lie fUbod? gathers around the vistterm r’“!gR.stSan*. he stated., draws bfoed '.• the hraiin to the' splanchnic '.■wrv >ir ' temporarily. ■ Feet ofenve load' drain, it back. tt> the Brain. ’.“Tih 'the- assumption, of’an; upright ’ ••:■■.df Jpn through' evoTutaimi,.” Dy. Laird , itatesr, ■‘homo sapiens Itos gained ad- i ”’.u|tages opd susfered fesses. If main-' kind went around on aH fours the 1 hkwd supply of tfe’ brain would Be .1 oetSery ■ / \ i “The superior size • of the hu’nmr. brain® may be an overcompensution 11 route ttp> fir- thip sfowing and accu­ racy tte upright pontes fta& brought in> its wate;. Sleep' may Be more im­ portant fetr men. tfflm® aodatafe Because ; tte faofiiMn&d pusithm) pronnii^ an in- ergased fflbw of Bibod CO' tte Braftii “W nttfiromfiiigr to> conjecture whether- t&e faf^we evofttfusni of Jbu?- rorotfi BsMipS! wfiffi fig fl&raf fiedd * 's®3&pod - y " * .. :‘ i ...Says the fOwen.Sound. Soil-Times) It must be remembered that the' ma-.; jimty of the . men who . are sent to ' fa-rms are not form hardened. They have been Eving on too much starbhy | food. Their hands are soft and blis-^ j ter easily;. and they cannot work thfrf Bong hoars without becoming more or ‘ less exhausted. These are things every farmer should consider. It takes time for ai city man to accustom himself to the handling of farm implements. He cannot be expected to go off the .ciry streets and pitch, hay all: day. It is physically impossible -for him to do so. . Such, .men should be, given a fair chabce to condiyfen' themselves. . j . Anchorage. ■ Alaska—Hugh Brew- star, aeronautics inspector just re-! [tuamed' ■ from ■ Kotzebue, Alaska’s' j northernmost aviation bas?,! explained iKte the Eskimos save the six tents'' jit costs to send., an -air mail letter. ■ • “Planes' in the Fr r ISorth: are, cov- ' ered1 with, penciled uirssages. When an, Eskimo reams that a ship is. going to a,tokvn where he has a friend, he writss a note on the^tull. When the ship Bauds,. Eskimos crowd around heading aff notes.' looking for one from-a friend.” ’ . ■ 'Wat is the world’s shiirtes’t iwem ?' There is one by George JiaeDtm •‘‘Cbnie, . Home.” Eut another <by Wa is still shorter: ‘T: W;r JEoht of us have asked' Walt1 Whit­ man’s .question, buz - few of us 'Sr briefly. SureFy there cannot’ be any shorter poems’thoft these, one of e;gfrt letter, and But if there ftp ;dtlV NOW a Genuine Colernan 9M«M! Extt*. auTO) &CCESSOSS95 Li. Anu, Lt; -1-i.NHARU LIMB Itfi ■ xtfi-n, iVes-u tteoiuo. lm- uraveu. wirh^uT sh* wider’ srraos. -e. cate*, sfeej.. Classified A-G—^TTS WiE®®El>r'Spirit of the ’N) x. men, With courage red't Wage ceaseless battle o 7 hills. Yet brothers-are on Life’s great ' —PERCY HOWARtC GAINED 12 Pounds , ' Xis “I . tired sleep. I ■ tried , ail and was getting- d. a friend u.~ —— was terraiy thfa.'. ruxifa-vr..-' ail the. time yet cquidr/t ■OrlTS of tonlffife „____p __leveraged when told me about C. C. A B. Tonic-Tablets. I quicklygained 12 ‘ pounds' and felt Me a new person. . Believe me I can't-praise C- C. & B- enougii.”—5L Fry. - Lachine. Pfe) t.-iu. can xaih atekfe so f:il out 'your- body' to -its kreight. C. €. &.. B Tonic ■eta-tain ■ four v.tai ingr?-> Galcium Carbonate to pur.fy, clear up p'imtey skin ar. d femaeh in 'dfe-c’ass or far Brewer's Yeast. B’.aud s- Irta a<’t of Cod.l'te in ahuniianfa jfaid’ at dll drug STOG in Cas.h Prizes You, f’.<ash to , natural ' Tablet- rhe Wooti. , .put, the s’ .^anJ Ext 1 ’intr you 13»*1^.11J «• I’ Free •‘H«“dp>*'Wr*.*. :TTstS4R™»''' rwi* ‘w* ''' CSWe fw war instmmerfr.s »« <a»»“ Jw*t results; <‘.7wa»n« «irr,i<-i> !it Mrrt<» Jhhji<.w>n <w «Kxv>:ii-ne ;i:is nc t»«.>::.«ns. TV-’U J«f» ttr‘4«sfee . ‘■hi'*. jiritn. , tnif , tnswwt rs*rit her «i <z.‘ers’ twsithwnr: -•. mi , Hwfls. ®sitotns. rf)c ’mret .-»r- <h'.rmertB at twI. «iw«!crrnrf.' nn I Bate ar-^sertfs wr ssw*n ;n *w tntfilira tu-n. SSerul. fwr mnr ’w .i^rr twiMf . wmh»>n *■ iihitttiwssH svru '.. ' i-lfib CAR .45! ’ TRICK aver,wriert» . or r»v»»nev r.ef'u.ndfcd, to , efiiiuiries: Levy' ■-rt!■•.■»-■ ?-'3* Q’s-^.r ’ One -ib-cer.i box. of these famous u’ipstles w.L- put iiealthy activity ..r.t.i' ~ -tr kidneys' and .bladder— fiash ’ cut harmful waste poisons and aei i -and prove to you that at’ lake yfiu have a grand diuretic and st.muidtez that wiil swiftly cause these troubles to cease, , B’" Be sure and get GOLD .MEDA L Hanr.em Oil, Capsules saf, and harmless—the original and genuine—fight from Haarlem .n Hi >l’.ar.d.; Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never sus- peet i;—some - symptoms besides .rest.ess n.s'h.ts' ar? backache, moist !y eyes. The aphochart :-’w to road clurictfe: -d'.tntingr at a glance rac PREPAID f Graphologist "Room 421 73 Adelaide St, W. Fartmfo t The Original 7-Rib, Roofing Write us Now ROOFERS surety CO, LTD. T- :'.- ST ■ r.ONt«>!S WONTSIB.*!. I ^TT A W A Qtrfe&EC