The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-10, Page 6.l. A- . - CANADA r w- “LETS SPEND A QUIET ...UDAY- BY THE SEA” / I •v i FAULTY BRAKES - Th? jnm» rar woman who takes out j a driver’’s license performs a wlim- tery, act which involves an implied cosntrafet with hisfeHow citizens... Sure­ ly ©he eff toe. terms ©f that ^contract is a ■.dedaratio'n o® the driver’s part i-fa-f. Jhe possesses and wiffl iexerci.se that speck ®f 'sense .whteh;.teHs (him that brakes are life-savers. It is- nd iHfp-anrUdealh matter toe^engme. wanT'-terto over, but a •car feat can’t be stopped within a reasonable dis­ tance is 'the equivalent of a- mad <eHe- jrihgMt.—Wifoipeg Tribune.. at all ewents, hawe immw» than once been painfully xeiminded that their nrily right seemed to be to get out of the way,—Montreal Gazette. * ♦.*'■. . TOO FAST i JKaye Don, who -once drowe an auto­ mobile at dose to 200 mules an hour, believes that fifty mfilqs an ■-hour is too1 fast for ears <on -highways, brut his Ttpta.an.-n Jg one that w®' strike the aye^ rage person as a bit mmsuaJL He con­ tends that when a car is travelling at fifty miles an hour it hasn’t the ■extra speed avattabie that may . tee needed to cope wjfla an (emeigeney.— Sanfiit Star- ara*nMi‘,aw yfoifYPtna fo pmottesttattioilttS aff iffiwiit sad amd ttheiir statefoenute <are accepted at fare value wMaramt ■B. ' A mmiffmlbueir ©ff factors Ifaawe ©Offlithriifo- utted to tob?. fosxciall mewBuntifiona- Emw ojpat®®® ©f wemnenii played a pmomim- <enat mote. ImdlunstUiiraD todh'ipxeDttdkwie anil vfirtaall (Piqfmi Unity betweem tee semes u© BaunEtoess. beeped ueuaim® the colkd-nmuKd stiigima. ' The dhiiiagad ©aomuMoaM: nain&ir whiihla .platod nadfllfioiniE ®if , .wionmenn to . a Baettitar BMXEutttonn to surpijNtot a tasliiaod toa® mniilffltonrR (®ff BBtto 2111® tt® 3S!ippO)irt ® wife adi&d ffuniell to toe fetotoist"* fLiiite- — • ■ Sanfltoneitsititoltols -who).... _w©effi—ftot.. toe ©M aumd (danry .toe iniew wiilffl iiomtiedie,, at ItoaEtt, tout. aWllntfe® ©if toe Ihomd- age <off sptostteiihfiMixd was Ibminiitoitoir- n-nTin- ®ttnwDiki£~ popolar .spout in.' North . a -Amfoca is neifeer’baseball""nor foM- bafl, golf i£EF itemfi's. fit "’is,- en toe cfo- ftrary, toe a^-dld sport <of "swimming. ,.''"' This findfing is reached by sitatisita- ■ritamg (of toe United- -States Naiicmall. Beereati®® Associaf&m,.. who . report • itoat fo„ ISeJa no fewer ttoau'4®,W0y®®O. people" wept tp. toe -pfibEc. beaches, and . IS^O®0y0®!0 to. toe 'iMxtdobr swififofog " pfl©8s in toe coutfineiffiL Tins ccaigxares witfe ia ’seasonal parto^paitfiem- in base­ ball '<6f T0U2S©y900 and in gsfif. bf • ' ’■sfe^hfily more tfen-j(6^01010^0(0(0■ - i -. ■ Swinmfiig: is toe most informal '®f ' ®i£l sports; and. (toe- cheapest, and is also toe most enjoyable.-—V^ncmrver . ,S®n. ’ .-■■’■' I. ■’ ■>’ - ■*-’.-*. #• , - - ', . ■ ' •<■ pROTNG'DANGfiSKS. \ ' A T©r0nto,busiiie5s man amormneed to ihfig femw^tPCTin caiEipaTEi'ons. toe1 ©tosH .' fth^ ftW,1^ptfeiiy*’”to'! . difoe dewpiowfe - to ■ wfok«JS^^^i5ed' ■.-. in particular to top .flayfo local stato-’ : . imnbilp fotafetoag, -'TOtlniwfe . usu - Hirrglh ©n fiy. Ihepla ©f (driHrinllcffn Ahi x'intg, .hit-iand-: -?----: rua j^peeders^Jand.jc^^ *tofe'-©haQdfe&mmg. - And • whether ycra,1 Eve-in Torufito- ©r ClaywiHe, «' ean - realty ^rrgiatfese wfito- film., fo&w ji.ak'.--.- ^2-"-- . tL,**'- "axat—' . .if ■ 'fo-— I-1'-' --■•* wBC* iraoa® W, 3389K xKS BEEB 33ECT3EEg ,S ■., , - , car any fonger. The moment ynd 3fit .x fibe open road to-day youhe aatamgU- .-^. .^gajcaify espaseei w memetatsdi, ’tiaaeo'tt- fodls -231fJ martrns—-a® "y' 3s?£Bt3£?'’ SSfiEDg' p®4p=r' Hip 'CTeEtisa! CK ■■;*sg^*toe Eeense tag.—Gnefph Mercury.' ■' ■ < X,' • .AN UNUSUAL CASE '■ ’ ■;, Donald leaEmouto, a ■canMfoafity- garden plot wfoker fo' HanfiEton, was killed fey a bolt uf Eghtoing, and toe. cfitotaiwtairKjes ar® so. umssual'toait w® doubt if another case similar would be ‘ reported fin a year. . ■ ■ White She was-at work, a toam&r- ,storm <came up. spfiakly and wfito sev- ©cal <otoer. wudkets he (Started to 'ran , . for shelter. He ,was gmng along a r -'-chider path when he was ■ was strnBk ’«m.','©te.„. fegktfiiilug ifo ®ts way ,.;5!. ,-rapped.©ftf has dtotora^.,'., .s; ' • 'j , 5 j,? He1 ’was .;earrymg: forfRhfog*: wfinchi would attract -Kghtrfog and was not I ' near any object which ©fight serve’ ■ ■ „ ■toat purpose. He was meieiy £kssu& ‘ toJfihiEfc down -out in the 'Open, tost bap- pens So seldom that top, case be regarded as enremeFy unnsualL -r— Peterboro E-tjafoirnpr. ' THE USUAL EXPERIENCE ; • A SJttaiford man. who grows huge ■yegetaKles tells of Afofotfog diree- tsfos from a woman who appeared to ...him ■ in a yisian as be slept. Most ■ ®t us who do any backyard garfiptfogi have been driven to it by a tomrani who appeared 'in broad dayfighfc, —i Woodstock' Sentmel-Review. - * « * PETITION SIGNING ' ■• If. anything is worth petitioning for, sign it, -font -donn'T get top habit cf signing every petrtiem submitted to you. Eememher your name is, <sr @sght to. be. worth someHEmg to you.; - —Chatham News. *.-*■,* RIGHT OF .WAY Pedestrians generally may tord comfort • ifi the ruling cf a :Ckfo2gc> judge that in the middle' of the- street , to^y “rfost be held” to have toe right cf way. -'Many of them, .in Montreal .. TOSEM-il'lIK, (CMit.-—TM© -wtouM lb© "Uiitttoj fctanitf® ©tf Cww^hi ikeepmas ®mtt bf a/wair iiini’ toe IPbdL'ir iim whihfe .©itoffig . nBiiiw irnuniittrf-tdl iSniaittteS rar CtoM IBiniittanm was iimiwobyeidl, ijnu to© ©jpiihiiiiuffli ®>tf ilhiwf. ISIrai- imwimi MatfKfflfoiie,' ©tf ttlhie llaw. «fiepant- nmeumt ,nim toe ' rifeveusutty ,bi’ T'raJUmtUoC - Tiies Wiittlh) (lis_ . " -. ' toref. JMaeKeausiie awtfviiuiiKtihdl 'to© ©pta- iiiffwi Dini a. ipiypxeir piaepauedl' -tfioc jiMeHeiifila- ■ ttiiona to a iiuimU iwilbiie W-snusimo© at to® ■ siista iiMteini^tooxtal .©cM-' meme «»tf to® fimOnito <.off ffiinciidi© Ife-bmfiotns- JHle wmbto taan. (toMiufla's (ftofee..©©^ . grapIbfoalL ,<eufilnwall amud, ‘tffcwmontDii© ttfies ’WinDu (toe Effiiiitodi 'Sniatffes wwte' irafeaim ,- ■. toatt iitf (toe tttepisiiMlii© hwa©ue iinaU©Uv©d to. nuuajjiOBi' nwoMYtiilliin iitf's wiidlb -eiitaeir a UDnnuh /i? peam ©ff Atottffc peweir amdl these -<ee- lypiT.Hifl.Htll ft© AmnteirTiitauM .ttaHnes -lit wffixuM U'Hjwv© ‘“©Mmeimelly dliilffliioilltt iitf nurat fiam- [pxutsfiilbDie ifioir .(Cauaidla tt© naaiieiiiaiimi Iter niKeratoalluttw.."” •■ pan'ttiittiitllaii'iiy ttnuie fit tae ttntc.wiiyUe adhoadkii ttaum top .THmiiirtedl Stattes wouM tonixdfc tout auexeesa to ABatsba. tQutough Oumute- . vtomiM lb© essHnitiiall to lhejr (tetfgmMwe,. ©IffipmCTWtp • ffiparattMEBS.. ffif ttHniis war® so fit weraM foe ‘ ‘'“tatmtastffl© to numagfine - tontf- Chimaite: waxnM atttteimptt to pto- seirvie bar stohtt iMnttnainfiiy It®' tame® . anrnhnjw. jiff ,' tfttii® mnffitfiffiitt waiff wilttlia toe . IFTmntafl SttaiteE.)"” ' . .•'•■ Bff BHrttaiiffi) .HmvuHvraifl Om toe (gmestoom ©ff Oamaalla foeta®. damwm iimto • a ffitaefiffic war iim wfeSsflu (Great Witaaimn was ihivblvffiflii;. fftaoit USkaffi- lEkmzzte wmotec- ‘‘‘Wtea Hffiis Mujes!®' fi® ait war ami rtiifo suibjjebis' -aine iim start • Bengali ttberaiy MnijgEiiieaitts fount'noiome ctf . toSs JNtaSestty’fe tospaaMUe gwenunonEEits sav® ttfoatt ©u® jrespffimaifcte iter. His Ma- j®stiy'’s (flesteaatom rar aimxwini^emDeut off' war, ins a©ttfiweHy~Kigs®ransfihte far' panttfi- ©iilpattiiran iim toe’ (CMofortt ©ff war_ ' ■ ■’ “tout toe ffiaett ttoatt (Gnraatt torfitaiim. lias wmy (Extenaive tattanestfs amfl ©ran©E»- ©arans iim" Oinmni,, amfil toe ©sostfanee ©ff.. ; Mm® iKrang,, Unnfitefi . IKtasutam - amd Pfofoimn©© pfossessijsah ;mb!1 mnanxdatfflB firn tote JParfifi© ~_ gneattly nnxmense ttfep prornCTWiitty jaff ©araatda bEtag finwmUvefil fin aimy ttnraaMe amifiimg iim tout part ©ff ttoe' wwhM. * * “BKtany (Caanufiiiaji® wfo© mifeM toe ffni®- ijuunad to senate mnani' to® (OmaimEni- wteallito natosr ttoaua partafipate fijr m MinraQxeam war WraaM doaitot to® mlhfifiiy ©ff toew ©raniEttay to avwd pairtoHipaffiiiin. iim - a toefofte' war ©ff- toe rtinrmtfoiji©ms suit- - • Hiipefi.'” " io- Ozzr ,G®esfe "fftenwnto TeB^giiaiam wiriitos toe Aann- (eawann tojuntots mimitog toto (Caimmdhi. for Tina (eaitemideifl stay ame fotoitotou to uase toeto umetoir <cans ifsir jutnoiiriitt. ©t foir ©toer it fam jixeusiomll jwpaisess. The, meguntotitoa to <d©sijgHB©d to pinetrhiatt wimipHtiiiiikom lby tayMasitonis wirda tar- paytog Ib-tts>iE:iess (P^mMa^tofeinTr^ The totenat to SeTtacall to.tofeintto. Baao- ©wiiii'ie to Hight ineritotdy^ towRewefr, whudh lmdu- (Eate -tont. IhxeaH janatooniittjies nune aifipdy-. mrh;g^b-mTmTWjyw'uKiirmnxe!tana^r-Brwg!!ii-St... Ttemumg to megnoDirtedl toe tease ©ff a ssib Undoubtedly, if people wfito to see '^fef'~su^E^:T^EdiEa^f3myi=:r3ffiJStr not 'Only cease-toe oinsdientific eutetig fof trees that is now practised,. but ramst return to something approach^ ing its. natural state a wry esnsider- 'able acreage to every, county <of ©Ider ■ ■Ontario, which -was never fit for agad- cultore and which toould never have .been, tdtoested <of its forest growth.- to adchtiGHi, they imiiust cfiaossut "to - the restoration <pf ■swamps ©r -©b© to- toe I ■estaJbfo^hment ., ©f ‘ stoutor sfccEtagE I batons -by, sneans <of /dnmw.a^^norikwlltp: I Recorder and Times.- ' .... * . ★ ■* ’ THEN-.A^DWW The bathing gaatfl 'uaseid to (dress .Eke Mother .Hubbard, says am .(exchange, but now toe (dresses Eke her cupboard. .—Herald. ’ 7^ web Statistics have taken ifihe ptopt cut hftoe.W joke toait '“toarafied pec^te; ...... ............... 0^ Central Asia, varaous PMb; aft seams says toe fo TRales- "ar Tjjyg Aag^tes-Thnes --IFSnuifings .-©if ifiiiEe t- ‘ , - /, - ^. ■ ■ u-„ -----wuhuuu^s. UJU. fercx .am,a 7;n %rafon- WhTTf-p force us te- lEESurance comipames sssure us toat fog, used by moms ©r les> tyramificall watnrted. men and women reg- gnypymimfoifo ft© suppress flfap sfoffofog to^r- better •to- toe mmtaEty tables aad. ^KHfcftjed populace to Japan, toan <do hatotons and EptositeES and Orona, saaim, ttte iH.2s.1s.nfc,, parts <offi todta, Ttosia, Syuto, Hutoairia, ffifom- tdeato rafe ®iaradta Sim., jga^ Gfinmahy, Fctend, Italy, P©3to- j, ’ » ®a$, and a- tosen States ILaitto Amih- SHASSS^UHE 1EAITH ' ~?aa^ ctorvtus ■ - • --• . .•■ , A _. , ■ nut ©f tea- pi5BsSrt .a new wood war X. K, Morgan w^ <qtort®d as toeing wfhto fine® yeans. Is toe world .to- stad tost < toe UJS. Government saae?—Offta^ Otoren .’V ■ ttaued -to spend twice as- mmih as it > j canned 3Sg Americain fortunes would ... (/ (dissipated wtiftlum Hu jfcy yeans. John lEL, HockgfeElEr, Jm, atoed' to comment <tm toe ^tafemen^, said he ■totSUghf iMir. MriiTgam ‘“gave-toe for- ftnmes a'good, long tone.’”-. Many wfiM Egy it is a good ' fhfog tout wcaffiflh’ tocrald be tfefafibrated toat.-ewEiy great fortmne rsjhssehts injustice to the images. But when we pili WjealBfe nun. Hyp ^teond m rfo <owin ndefen^ we toad Hw^te is unmdh to be .said. With few exEeptannE, if any, toe great- fontanes -are ’used for toe, phbfic advamtage. The wealth cf a Mhrgam ©r a EoakefoHer rea^tes toe pifint — TT----- -J_ JLIX^^ -I If’ It... . ®f paling mi£hnns_ <m, scores ©f fonffl- ®c^k, and .fits, ©wuef lodfe ahoht .-for ‘ ways cf spendmga sharx for toe. gen­ eral good. Tims toe peepie have, been gi ven great U3uwersd3£s splendidiy en- <dowed, . hospitals, ptohe htearies, parks. life has been lengthened .by rnifidmCal rEsearto .finaastod fey tosse torto.iitpgi feft ..fit ceittoj tffofo as iEBjndh wmdd ffipwe been 'done for toe people Lfif top. United Sta&s, to toe past- iWff ceufiury, -had pcssesed a'law saying so©, findrvidnal ©fight ■fa» am forpnfop ■of more, say, toafe a year? One-half the' incomes ■ '^f toe larger ■fcrtaies is taken fey goveamment .as a ..tax’ Wealth .is feefog shared.—Ottawa JcKumal. * * ' * _*. ’ ' CANADIAN RECO1T®T This business revival in Canada has been cranfempmiary with a general re-' vital in top iwfctto CcfofoaopweaiEh- ■of Nafifefis, which began, -some years ago with toe remarkable fimprovemeut- in irmtrnm. ermfiirtom &f toe 'j Mother Country, and whatoto^s befen; extended io •aU parts &f toe Empire.' | This is a rfedval winch has been -a •. Fmgkmd ugnalllly' saiEgigestts a ‘“siaiilff ©f toe ©taotne” to tteitES ©ff toousannds. fljjiip' drmfo Onrik ft© top arnntopirm nesoirttis fin tamdreils ©ff special (eaafUBrsaoin trains. Semis udea ©f toe taeimfmdjxiiis mto to toe.seaside fee gleamed fiwm the poeture above, talkm at Margate. The CooMng of F’kB This is ffihe season when bity fiefflk are infoilging thefir fiitofog famey mtattg (Cwadiam ^treamns ? arad ran tour Haihes and ftfidal waters. To ftfeose who fofep Ifeadk with Hmm toe <gu$sti5ran ©ff (Ctedkfog to-fir -<catdh --natamalSy anises. 'The Tumcmt® Star .fc® fesem rrargfifer- fotgtofo, and .meeafils tost Stefamsom, who 'tad Meanly'two .years ‘at toe iffop afotYCYtjf. wholly <um ffidh, attter ear- perfoenfting' with fiiyfog them, gtiiffl- fog, baJfefog amid bofilfogj-tefifiled down ,fo toe ®nd to a daffy t&ft <of booted fito. ©m hfo espErfimace toe ©uidskqjb- firan fe idmaxm toat boffimg fe best. • Thfo inray be all v®try whU for toe bass ®r pfidkerhl rar Ttoge ©ff Omttario, : but fit is mott good enough for ttoe mrat ®ff ©ur Hrfitisfo' Columbia fresh waiters | OT ttoe jgrfife® (or tenr-tr salnmuip (cagght aimag ramr ©oasts. None ©ff toe arte ©ff .pffinfcfog lha*i improved upom Hyp prim- forve' metoad ©ff farbeiforng toem, spiEt cpEn and sEspenfed,fffc£t st toe tote ©ff a Madh-wood" fire, «r along trenches (of m-ark coals—toe way fit is ■ -dome fin toe .coohfog ©ff sabnwn by toe ten ff©r- toe ftfeohsamds ait toe sumirf Sodfce picnic. Im tors way affj toe ritihmess and fftetor ©ff toe fish is halkecL, fin, te- tafined in its ^natural propwrtioms •'ana uramsrred by toe -grease -of toe frying pam tar drawn out <&r ■diluted by- bod­ ing water- Unto ©rar fito tons coakel ■to brown 'lErtepness- era toe o.ratside is , tasted, -erne ’ knows nothing' of toeirj gastronomic possibilities, all' toe love : of .St.pf 'and toe famefiest cihefs ©f toe comtrary- . ,■ .' -, —V: ct oria ■ Du "y Times.,. fa I iffo© hnmt (fcrisiwe wit, w found to immffipsall ttfaihr asttato as sumetoinng <dis- gnrranpM and iumMteHS©iL ... The *"©0; iiaa2Hd’J ©ff toe j©toe .bfeks-- fees om$dy . yfflnhfead fftom top fomp <tnff to© tw2fiaffid eartoj' ffiwnp unjpnn a ttBnoe nannmianited wom­ en ®®to,3® hept woy qraiiet about toar “^iiEglte btesEffidnEs^L ®Tw susdh w®m- ®n (lwuimt toflsnr state as a iViiutoE^/sand fearw. no© heattattaam in, pasrisffiimg 'fit fee­ ton® top, world, ©f ®fld fit: was tart- ■priite tout made «M mnands gmifess jptofotorate tor toefir. .Buaady (estostemc©. Tttffi wbbiM (ffid mot Maeve that aary aistnit^m (EHUUlfl fe®S© feeUljgUutod 2S to puffer to IE«® • •’Tuday many toy ©ff Jhnnmber ffiiumm a nBEaiifey pnifflll ft© llnfo fototfok home. He was ffiuffid $25 for huB Jkmtaffiss. IBrudkoBIte; mepwits tout a, Eunnmsr wsfitent at. UDeUca Talk© twue finned $25 berauste he alllkowed Ms Cainadiana guofe to use Me aanr' for ■■ppnrrrrfog sl EUpgfiy ©ff ©©iriiuwtatt if® pff®- serte top ©torfh ©ff a day”s ffii^nfing. ■ - Thsse wrMfimiJE ®ff toe law, iff ttoey fltan fe® irfbtsmwd as i^toto, were putrefy itetomfoto' ESttoer (toe sttattnattffis ®r ttoe iwnMgifafttafffia ar® at fault firn imffl&ctfing .ptummtomwprTnt. fo eases ©ff films Tfofi. (OmtBifams do mutt wamt visitors tt©- toils euunnifary tfa® fee tnuatted ummfairily ®xr mnupmdtly- -TWndmemt ©ff toe sanrt de- yfoiibfol fie m©t ©nfiy uunajjiittt. .but fit b ■stfujfifl as w^HL ’ The tfounist hnsfinesE wiillll m©tt Ikoimg ftenmrnto- iff suito <t®m~ (fliiftifoins aw aHtowetfl to phevafil. „ ' Stead Memoay * OiiW- “<Y©ur "wife renmfinds w£ ©ff a -girt! I used to go witfto.” SsDSHofl IKitta: “Ste’E always me- wfoffimg jme ©ff toe saime ttfatagT , “Wrfaatt us allifomtiy, IMaff" ■ ■', _i m »«{«_- — -'■ I*’* - ■ tf X* ~ — -nrr** w---' “ T A.mMSwiraKDtninijjj ipiuux, ns (DtiixiiSEiKcifvii ®y rmamy. wnnmasn as an iiinfflnaMMMBBtt ' ran a fau^DsanrfL’" „ fl / AiArtaTht WlAtolfe CoinitaiHiitafl by The Soddy <of MMn AiraaffiL JL<(^N1EXO)N '— IBttfiffoh ainfl Annasri- (cam ergghheais an® <a&-©pHtaffiiig fin ©me ©ff tfihe UMEt fiBtaansEtong pwrfomnll ttaaiv®!] ©rpmfimasnfis ©f ’ n®cifmt ■ ytEanto .lite toijjtrt is .to© wiixfoitimi] ©ff oi : ttwjHHfoit mcundEaihte arnttor^t® ffm tfihp . ’ Aonasriiram ffitepfofammitt -©ff C©nrmanjHi. •A lEhiitito aiEiraHKD^iiie is Miirig ffittedL The macftmB© ife a idfewefexjiimenit -«ff ttlhe ulaiitfffldyntainrmd*’ ©gr . dfeffidit ' ttaia&- ©ffff gynwtem®. Tt jgb®s nraftor-tonr aiccnrammodhitoom ■ wiito a ©Siraed amfifini asnrfl sate-by-siite EEifflfiiqg, auxd iit wfiffl mum ©m tote mraxd ©r fin the aito Whem toe ' taarMters (te«uite to ©rndkapge .tote IhjgftTway ff©ir ten© torwny ttltey -esotand to© ima«tetme”s nwttair Utettes,, efl© :a .jjtiurap talhfMotff aunfl ffl'emtiinap© ttlhsfar .fewnYty ats a ffiiafey tte&sed aauftingiin«L JFiastfinattiimg ■ pnwHiikdMtes ' ar® ©gftf‘in©d itqpi lly «Ihe (&as«3B ©ff ttihte iniiartellte ■ austagiiiw -for. fit ffitaltodiss :a «©bfiffiwn © fh© n«i»6iftitew (off tenm’i- Mifi. <£wmnmainhxaftbiwns ffiw pofeaftie aiiim- fehate' 'PWinsrs. ILunjgt aifir lEme (ungam- jizaaltan? am© iailte wfitfimutf dfetoitilltfry ft® flmwSte IfMin- ©vgi Wttil tto:amfp5n1t tit) amd fijtcOT tfifeiir sbiwflnufanaw^ but " 1. i I toe iprihTtfhe HTErpferre <®wwr rmrntt w-' txafy 3«»dy tnyrej® ihiwKg ^Hke ft© Ih'ara Tk <osr. ••’Oie ntathitolhto hs&hpiinTK riff dt-’ ffTinfi’j toe evipfrtffiijttr-m* ■ <^T fe <ike- sictt'B’r. wJli fee suite tt<«> tohxe <dwirxr- tt^tew p5rTnmranfe<;ww to ife. -<w®(et v h hwatt toii/jterr ifo’irflT) ttinme to *'te ipitfehr ^TTnhHpnt’ «ir- ■Tlttorp*. . ’ ■ ■ UDteitcscatittj^' iiiiw tlFtartflp imd torse .'as© aitooi toe w?.xd Tflie art, toe ff ninft ©ipd rfftntsrihw abiyS « h tRnd fJW ich' "fh'hfd t'h» I I I <C toil tj, Staor HUrtmrer AaM "Ww foillt 'ISTailtctt,;. Tax. ’ lb .1; ■ ' rFU-MANCHU /I “Tfa# Efcu (Mtodiw WmssH WJ3 'UfsT-fe ’ II OTi cstSaML TThnrz irsr't , , ran ©artti anrcittfflr pair off gresr Eyes J- =5l •jitr? <Sra&s®fKsm aaesr ffrom ffti® ■d’asw- •*- w ' . ., - .11 •••tmg trooTTi wtiKtow. - - - o? is aft vfirar. A T’rn Tnrrnrm? r.ryrn nw- hcb’hYfl toe "• •’?»£»&■> ©If ' ■ Wjjfev .Th; viHidh if-wntn. , Ti.'E radrr.ErCTT. ’’"b WiuTWJiit kftji ^/fornTtd fl®-' rrfflfa o/pirti (SffftBT,. tn ;rt . “ iffo 1-ntn ' tetwdng'SrtKjfend *>e fesr -.a fobrr. SirT-un CCtexty. bar Uunpy was nsft ch&bsL :.h>, Cian- ’hHiainrsr ' TilUtt «lff H ■ !)> ‘h- -if 'lr> r ’•|i ■ r, -■ te ,1’f!R|>-,itlIKjUh‘ f-WJ'