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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-03, Page 8
LUCKNOW SENTINEL their Mac1- were j,,, * «,**«jH* ’7**.**to: ".'Ip t» Annual Be were* passe® as 'VEShge : $9*2.38;* Hydro, Water $72.55' an® School /WEDDING BELLS fe* % UKALandfiENERAL) Monday is Lahar Day and a pdbHc halfday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNab are hoiEidayiug in Chicago. Mrs. to Struthers. Mary and Jean visited last week’ in Toronto with. Mr. and Sirs. A-El Reynolds. Mr. Lome Shortt of Kineardn^ visited recently at the home ef Mr. Jack Smith. PALI* MILLINERY display, an -Satur®ay,--Septemher 5th. at BELLE ROBERTSON’S. ” Read the’ merchants' double vote specials listed in the Gaad-WflI Chib a®, to this issue. ■ , Rev. and Mrs. to W. Ciraw and Miss Isabel of Dorchester, renewed, aetpiatotances m Lucknow last week. I . 1*V* muss gilahvsi victoria tucker ffiimlly dUmghfawr of .Rev.. S- T. Tucker i-affir®’ IWfr^L. TwfearZ of Lmcknow. whose* to . Mr. Roger- K .dtossa- ^ssfteir an®” the* Me. Sfe.-'Remitter ■of SauJfc . Sttfe. .*aia!rre> Quito has begg wi®-"taik^ pfUaee quietly the fiffisft week ioi Sep*- femibffir att Imcknow. Beth airer* gra®- uates of the Umnversuty of Toronto;. THURSDAY', SEPTEMBER 3, 1936. Kennetb (nwfoni. Tap Dancer Kincardine Pipe Band Lucknow Pipe Band Massed 30 Pieces Mrs. Fred Fisher, Miss Myra MadtonaM, Mezzo, & Others Cameron Geddes, Bass Baritone Master Of CctomMcs ANGUS CAMPBELL of Kitchener, and 5 Old Country Pipers from Guelph and Kitchener; ilso his daughter, “One of the Best Highland Dancers In Canada” will take part ............ • ■ • • --------------------------------------------------— ——“———5— ■--------------------------------------------------------------- ' - — " nfcKslis^b i Ladbmrf to Concert, 30c, including tax Children 15c Free Parking WEBSFEB-QUINNEY • A pretty* wedding' was solemnize® ' the home- of Mr. an® Mrs. 'Ebner _ nrnnery,* of Hyde |JPhuik on Aug; 22L wbmr their sihteir 3 Verna, . younger daughter ®ff Alfred Qurnmey ®f Lonr- doa Township) .was unite® in marriage to Mir. J- Cee® Webster, son- o< Mr.. and ®Ds_ Jas. T, Webster off Lucknow by R’^v Mr.. Dtaamfiord. * TiTto Eufide entered the ISivipg' room 'on the arm of heir father■ who gave h^r to marriage. The bride chose for . Itof wedding gown a model of whEtte; satim tore with wEraeh she wore ai wedding ■ veil of1 mmbroidere® sink net an® carried a bowspet of opihefa roses an® baby's. . .breath tie® -with wfeftte* satin streamers. Miss"R®th; SISEer .of played the wedding' music.*, the * gmom. was best mam. ■ The* gywmTs gW to the bricDesmahi wa- a silhjgr cake plate and’to the gro.om- suoui a gold chain coIEar u®® tie* set The Bandlesmaid. Miss Velma Ed wards. of ' London, wore _a fioer- ItorgtPn gown’ of Mue* sEEk with large pfetonp* hat and carried p®nk roseS. Mr. Clifford Webster, brother- of the groom, was best mam. •. ' Wire Webster, the. grooWs . mother wure-ai printed, silk easemble with gJtoid®egpftto nff pink' wses an® Mirs. ATifito® Quinney' wore a Mue and white chiffon dtaess with corsage o^ white ruses. Mfflawing the ceremony, a wedding d&msfiur was served ta> the immediate* relatives^ after which M®-- and Mrs;. Webster Eefit to spend their* honey moon to the Georgian Bay dtstnett. The bride cEftsse for travelfflmg a hijack swfit with white ’ accessories. On theri.* retunnr they wfEE reside in London. s in Lucknow last week. Sir. an®1 Mrs. W. X Little an® El- fett mptore® to Barrie the 'first of the week ,to visit with relatives 51rs. James Pequegnat. Mn Nelson Efeqgegnat, an®' Misses AKee an® Joy P’eqgegnat of Stratfor® were* visitors East week with Mr. an® Mrs. -Roy. Hudson; RevP am® Mrs. A. W. Brown an® two: ®aiugMears from near Hamil!ton> vis®e® wfifhi friends ini' the domimun!- fty* Jast week- — - -t—’ ■■ —y -■ —to— “"l^CTmeifh--CamerQn“ain®tolinL”Mac^ Lairem of .Dfurnbo* visited! the, end of Hye week, witfc tfee fopnafs parents, and^Hsl to Jr'Cam^dto Dtr. A. PhfUEips of ■Chicago!' an® Mr. am® KEtsl Hadgins ®f Stratford were calfers on Mr. an® Mrs.. Thomas Roach am Wednesday. Sir. C. T- MacGregor, principal of EEzabeth Zagler school at Waterloo' visited on Sunday to Tnyknaw* with his;' brother, Mr. -Di Ik MacOregpr. Miss Winmifee® Johnston. . student Uiuurse at Western Hospital, Toronto;, is spending tw-i weeksT teoladays With ■her' ; parents,, Mr. ■ and Mrs. Peter Johnston. ... 7 Thg Women's Association) of the Unite® Church,, qur • Tuesday, - pre sented Miss Gladys Tucker with a loively, EnEtfeH-engrave® scEver water pitcher. Mr; an® Mrs. Jack SrnEtlt. Joyce an® Jean an® Mrs- McDougall. Freda an® DWothy- and Hunter * Patterson •' Eni Stratford. Seaforth Colored I Attached To Bell Holes Befitted! Agreement Received By • Cous he® Om Tuesday Night—But Vff- figge. Must Assume*. AID Responsi- BflEty AmjR With Summer- On The* Wane* CbumciE Takes No> Action!—>- . We® .Seek SwimmEng Pool Infor- mationi Early, "in the* ' spring. fit wasf?pro- pose® by the? Ebosters’’ Club* to> string colored Eights along main street an® the Village council agree® to) bear t&e cost of. the* material] an®-work in tfito connection. Permission. was sought to> use Be® Telephone poles where necessary to» carry these Ernes which were* to rum parallel, along each side* of the* street.. i With' sumpier- on> the wane the I Council Boar® on Tuesday night re ceive® a commumLcationi from the !Be® Telephone* Got. date® August ' the IGth, which granted this permis sions The communication regretted! that ai reply could' not' Be- given until • this date an® pointe® out that the-re*- quest covered non-standard eonstruc- tion>, which generally speaking; con stitutes a bazar®. It - was necessary ! ffpir Bell engineers toi thus' make* a /tu®y of this type* of construction., as* it to the* only one in the district. Con tinuing ' the letter said that • the grpun® clearance* did' not comply with the- Railway Boar® requirements an® that the local commission would have* tor assume all responsibility for accidents or damages.. Council declined to* take any action on responsibility in. the matter,., but mq®e* it clean that their offer had held goo® a® along to> carry out the work- It ba® eotly been propose® by the* BObsters’- Club th get permission flout property, owners to attach these Tines, to their buftdirigs but ha® hot been acted' upon by the Club,. *GL IB. Smith an® Robert. Rae ad vise® the* B’oard that the Booster Club fen® had falBen a few ■ do liars short of completely equipping the entire Pipe Bundi A municipal.' grunt of $25 was agree® upon; , * ■ The* H.. EL Pl Cl advise® tre local commission that a, Chech up of the in- staille® capacity of all commercia u^ers was duel . Reeve Anderson . and Howard Agnew will] 'shortly,. make this cheek Up; The mstalTe® capacity iffects* the service* charge. ' . Total! accounts follows: .£13802; fiber®, totpidsitmt® of $1-150, It was ’ pointed out that nearly $114'0® ha® ^een receive® in pre-pay ment of ta^fts an® that between $800 spent Monda in® othmr'pc W immers Em the mixed jitney on Monday evmping were Mrs- CTafr Agnew, Mrs. D-. Huston. Mrs, Soto*- .non, Clyde Reid, Mr.. Procter and Win- MacPEiersun_ * * . _ , Mr. “TedT Smith is stiH confined to Goderfch HospittaL, where he to imder observations- He is feeEhg veil hu'wever, and the soreness , in ‘ties: side is practically gone. Dri iff; V. Johnston! is spending two> weeks? at Cook County Hospital iim Cbfcagov studying an® observing iin eoimectmn with his profession. He plans to rfftoim nhaut September- . Elth. Mrs. Johnston accampanie® the toctor, Mf, an® Mrs. Brlifie Brshop> an® son Jack of EtheE an® Mr. John Johnston an® grainddaughter off Bluevate an® Mr; Chamiffie Sbueh of Brussels, visit-* e®, with 'Mr. an® Mrs- W- J- MeNaB in Sunday. The September meeting of the* Yomenfs Institute wiEE be held 9>t the "'home of Mrs. G- A. Greer jon 'Wednesday, September 9th, Auction ;ato of artfctos donate® by members- Note change" of date. The Gaod-WiHl Club contest . Es proving papular. Remember to get your* votes at the .stores with the pehants an® if youTre not in the com petition yaufll fin® some off ympr friends will fie eager to receive them. 3tays Fann* At Belgrade Mf, Flay® CampbeR has bought the farm of John T. Bell at BelgraVe. Mr; an® Mrs. Campbell an® family,.' who) have* been farming on the 12th af AshfieJ®, leave shortly for lew home. Mrs. J. W- Murray, D. A. Lennani an® F. D. MacLennan vrsftors at the Toronto Fair over the .veek-endL They motored to the city lceompanied by Jimmie an® Barbara ton ‘icks, wbo> ha®- spent the sum> ner En Luckno w. . Rev. T. El Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy, in® son Jimmy of Norwich, spent part of East week with the former’s' lister, Mrs. Thomas Roach an® Mr. Roach, eon. fi, KEnfoss, Saturday vis itors at the. Roach home were Mr; tn® Mrs.. Wheeler an® Arthur of XJma. JUST ARRIVED), a large range of faU an® winter samptos of suitings in® overcoating,1'The price is $fi6;50; irr® up, MADE-TO-MEASURE. The GREATEST VALUE that, has ever • ieen offered in Lucknow. Choose your cloth an® Httyfe you wish, and have it made to fit you. Call and look the samples oyef. — TEMPLE QLAREE. Merchant Tailor. Teachers Change' Miss. ©Give Alton. last year at 3fonte, is this year on the Toronto' ;eaching staff. Gordon Johnston, who has been teaching at Clifford., this ;erm is- at Severn Bridge in Musko- ra, Mr, Malcolm Watson; who has I oeen teaching at Waterloo; will spend ! this term at Toronto University, which he will enter soon. Locally the teaching staff to unchanged and in f rnbst other cases, teachers who* have j beln holidaying at their homes here haw returned to their same schools. ■*.--■ : , - it*.............-rt...j..............-■ I. '■*........I...-' . in® $9001 in back taxes had come in ! vs well as some arrears from the i ’ounty Treasurer. .*» i Reeve Anderson enquired of Coun- i llwr BUshell if he ha® anything to> I .sport regarding a swimming pool. [ Mr. Bits he® state®, that severs® ha® [ »een speaking of the matter and. he i ,elieve® internet could Be aroused in he project,. Reeve; Andefson thought t would be well if members of the. Boar® an®? public spirited citizens youl® ‘ seek information where wh^n possible concerning the an® requirements of a pool. 1. > ••y.; Fteom I all Stations in Eastern Canada . GOING DAILY—SEPT- 10 to OCT. 3 inclusive Return Limit: 45 days CANADIAN NATIONAL Holyrood Post Office Established 80 Years Ago Mr, John Elliott Retfues History Of Holyrood And Ripley Pest Offices— Has Known Personally AH Post masters At Holyrood Except The First One— Miss. Susan Ptarves Filling Position At Present. As a small bay, early to the year 18681 I trudge®, as I r erne mb pt, with am older brother, from Holyrood cor nier to Ripley post office; more tlian. two mSes west on lot '2, com 8, the agenn® tot from Huron, township' boundary. RfpE&jr office was being- moved an® the post office at Holy rood was to be reopened in the store at* the corner with my father as post- master. Quar errand was. to get nffor- matton from the retiring Ripley post master. Mir. Thomas Harris, J.P'.,one of the original Kinloss pioneers ano grandfather, of the-present Thomas Harris, af the **7th com, Kinloss. He receive® us kmdly an® sent us home satisfied... 1 That was my fest and only visit to Riptoy post office, .but its story as given by Norman Robertson in his ■ History of Bruce County always in terested me. .' '*, | Estabfishe® in 1856* at lot 4, com . Huron township;. Malcolm, McLern nan was its postmaster for two years. It was then moved to’the house of Thomas Harris^, who* was postmaster til!! 1868; In that year it was moved to John Brown's house; lot 12; cou. 7. Huron, an® finally to the present location, . tot 15, con. 7, Huron, an® Donal® McDonald became the post master. He was succeeded in 1874 by Paul Dl Mclnnes,who goo® Scot that he was, did not like Riptoy, which is the dame of a .town in Derbyshire, England, an® he succeeded in .having it change® to a goo® Scottish name, I Dingwall, more id keeping with the ! nationality of the majority of tne'i settlers. The railway station, how ever*. was calle® Ripley, and to avbid confusion the post-office ultimately reverted to> the* old name in 1880, and Riptoy fit has been, ever since. Biit to return to* Holyrood Accord- [■ing tq> the records of the Deputy Post- I master General, the oiffice was opened August 1st. 1856;. with Mr. M. Mac- Kenzfe as the fest postmaster., (Mr. Norman Robertson gives the. name is William MacKenzie; which is pro bably correct))'.. On the 9th of May, j 11857. it was transferred-* to John An-| (torsorii. an® in June 18641 . it ’was |closed. Mr. Anderson was a pioneer* : school teacher* and) after his retire ment" he live® at the Black. Horse I (iKintoss))* where hei died marry years pgo*; I remember him well: and I was at all] times greatly interested in his reminiscences. In April 1868, following a petition to the Post Master General, the office Jivas reopene® with William Elliott as ^postmaster but he die® before the [year was out and; was Succeeded by [Andrew7 Campbell, in December 1868. Then followed Mrs. Agnes Campbell, an® Mr. John Purvis waq appointed >n the 1st of December 1897. Follow ing Mr. Purvis’ lamented death, his sister, Wsb Susan Purvis was ap pointed on the '30th June 1927 and hals efficiently filled the; position ever since. With the exception of the first,. I have personally known Tall the postmasters of Holy rood. JOHN ELLIOTT. CORNS remove£whr CASTOR OIL? Say goodbye to clumsy corn-pada and risky razors*. A new liquid called KORN-KING ends* pain,ini .60 seconds. Dries up peskiest corns or Callus. Contains pure castor oil. camphor and iodine. Absolutely safe. Win ner of Good: Housekeeping Seal. Easy di-‘ rectfona in. package; 35c bottle, saves untold misery. Druggist returns money if KORN- " KING fails to ' remove, any corn or callus. For sale at, F. M. Paterson’s /' /. Talking Pictures Advance Film Service Presents . “Red Haired Alibi** FEATURING AN ALL STAR" CAST WITH TOWN HALL Lucknow » > ADDED ATTRACTIONS . Maple Leaf Hockey Broadcast Comedies; Cartoons, Musical ■ Shorts, Etc. ' z 12-Foot Screen; Safety Films R- C A. Sound An evening of exclusive entertainment Performance Guaranteed Appreciated Ini Over 100 Towns ADULTS 25c • plus Government tax 2c CHILDREN t*5c tfx free SHOW STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. I ap- TROUBLE AT DANCE John and Goldwin Martin, who are* trying to run the Paramount dance ' hall; west of Lucknow, in a rp*mect- able manner, had* occasion tofrject an alleged drunk who was wobbling peiceptibly on the dance'floor on the nighf °f Saturday, August 15t.'i, and they were interfered with* by William Johnston;, age® 2lb, of Huron, who in a more qv less booz ed state .is said to have started. to swear and otherwise raised a. distur bance, while Thomas Howard*, aged 23. also of Huron, was state® ti> have assaulted one of the brothers. Plead ing guilty, in Magistrate Walker's ■ court here on .Tuesday morning to charges in connectiofl with the affair11 V 1 Ml Llitj <lTF<Ltl they Were let off on paying costs of each and warned riot to repeat m future,—Tir-”~ - ”** - -Walkeitoh He raid-Tinies,; I ■' i