The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-03, Page 7t to r - A—2 I </X n * X _ A gsunieral view of toe" tiiinve'il&ug of toe King Geoirge V Memorial ait Peacetaven. Stasrin, Earartaniii.i. rwenntty, Ttee mriietiuwniri, besides ccun’imem^'rnri’Eg’.toe Irite Kring, also caiEs attenrii® to toe fact toat Peace ima is sriuated rirectly over toe Zero Metofcau . LESSON _ X.—September 6. TURNING TO THE. GENTILES. —: Acts 13 . 13—14 : 28; ' Romans. 10'': 8—15. ;• Printed Text Acts 14 : 8—13, 19, 20;.' Romans 10 : 8—13i GOLDEN TEXT.—1 have set thee for .a light, of the Gentiles, that thou ’ shpuldest. be fpr salvation unto the. uttermost .part of the earth. Acts 13 : 47. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—The visit of tfie apostles, t®' , Anxioeii in Pisidia .took pia.ee.'. in 48 - A.D., ■'y.'hUe the work in leonium. and' ■ at,. Lystra oeeurred- toe fojlowing year, - A.D. 49.. The Ejiiistle to the Homans was' written in A.D. 57. Place.—Anti'oeh in Pisidta was about ,. 'one hwnidbred miiles from ..Perga,' ”lo-. •cated ‘near toe ’ rivfer An'toics, .in the ■ district.. pff Galatia called Phrygia. Icominm was about nmmy iwles soutta -----eari -of—Amtioch,—wisale^-Lystra-- was- —^a-bofflit—tHrto—gmie^fuettarrisoutoeast- .' . yfles stfil J'mrtoer' to toe eask, ■ • "And at Lystra there .sat a certam" man, impotent in Sris feet, a "tripplte from finis mother's womb, who never, had walked.” The details of tons man's; CoiMEtioD' are characteristic of Luke’s interest as a physician in toe' diseas­ ed conditibn of toose whom fine des-' caribes. .’ "The' same beard'. Pari speaking: who, .fastening . Jiris eyes .'upon ‘ him.” ’ The same verb is' used: of’ Paid, in’ Acts 1? : 9; fri : 1. "And seeing toat he tad fafito to be made whole.”-.-The man's ’ heart shone' out in fiiiis face, and toe .Spirit within. toe apostle re- cognized toat'.was a fit objieat to h>e -, .. made 'by finis, cure- a' sign, unto toe men of Lystra. ““Said with a Doud voice. Stand Pp- rigta on toy feet. ’And be. leaped up and., walked." Of, toe healing of toe ’ lamnie mam at toe Gate. Beautiful f Acts ‘ - 3 : S), . • '■ ' ' ', '"Amd when toe mufitfituiifie saw wtat . Paul bad. done, they lifted imp totor; voice, saying im„ toe. /speech of Lyca- enria. The gods are come’down to us ', , of Icmiim, amid Derbe about' tweasty I in the likeness of men,’’. Heathen ! stories of descents of the gods to toe j earth were common emougfii, but it ; ■‘was only ‘ among batoUrons jpeopJe, 'like the Lycaoniafis toat men were! still prepared 1© believe them.. ' The ] old des'eemt of Zens 'amid Hermes, amid j how they were hospitably entertain-! ed by Baucis and PMlemcm, belong-; ed to tori region and thus the people I believed that.the gods had again de-j ^.scemded.. ..Of fcemsrse Paul and Barna-' . has did not know what these people > •' were saying. . ■ ,' ■ ! ‘"And they called Barnabas. Jupiter.”; ' • This was the Greek god Zeta, ' the ' king of the gods, .of stately and c®- ■ jtaamdtng.pre3ien.ee.. '“And Pan.!, Ider-'.' cury, because be was the chief speak- i er.” ' JMereury was the -Greek .god Hermes, the . chief .attendant of Zeus ■ and the god of - efioguence. ■ . ‘“And the' priest .of. J bpiter" whose -tfemjaJe—was before-The city, ..'brought.; -ozein. amid .garlands. ^junitoL.. T.ta g,ai£^t. and woarid take done sacrifice. with, the muhitodeg;.” The gatotods ■ here ' spokFm’"' o'f'‘’’werT’’'made ”cifi'“Wcjo.r' 'eaves and flowers interwoven.', and "were ipsed to -adorn. the victim, ■ toe- ' after, and the priests at a heathen sacrifice.. Thorn gh the apostles did not f know what' these people were' ! they “calite.-d • wfcar wta in their minds l.’wh^n tb«y saw wfiat they were. doing. and at once prorested with a..i tfc-er power anain^ot such a misjnt.erp. eta- .tion of tfe-'-mtefV'1-,-. “'But there'' came Jews', tin the; from Antioch' and Icoriium:. and having per- sradeit to* fflaufiticodes. to*y stoned -Paul, and dragged him put of'th* city, supposing that. he was dead. ■’ r-ome of these, Jews came a ■ distance' of one hundred - and thirty males to- harm the ';-.ttes. Hw tnmickiy fickle. pedplfi. change their enthusiasms T ..,.,' . : “'But as. 'the disciples stood round; about. tern, he rose up. and entered into.- the city:- and on the morrow he - went forth with Barnabas to Derbe.” ■The narrative mnd®notedly leads us to recognize ,in St. PanTs speedy rd-' covery from snath an outrage, and his - ability to resume .ins joumfey, the good hand of God, upon him. We may well notice St, lake’s reserve, -not dwel­ ling upon 'the apostle’s sufferings and ids carefulness in refraining from magnifying the inesdeuit. r *'Bnt what saith it? The word is wight thee, in thy mouth,. and in thy heart: that is, the word -.of faith,? which w'e preach;” This statemient >af Paid’s is a CofflutmuiataaB M‘ the argu- ment -of the preceding verses. ■ The righteousness which, is offered in ■Christ'-does next -demand /oiur ascend­ ing to heaven te get. it .dr descend­ ing' into Hue abyss to -otMano it, h3Et it <is iTninnwed.to.aly at hapd- ' v'Bec^e"ifTSo!r sSa^cbnf^^ thy mouth Jesus as Jpoird.” Cosafessing Christ as 'Lord ■ is pubKe^y acknow­ ledging bls faU and final authority over -us; "And .staff ■ believ'e ".in thy ■ iueari that Grid' Tais'- d him ircm the dead,' than sha t be saved.” The word •heart’ insre means the wiiale soul, the inner mam., including "the ujniifcerstand- ing and the1; affections. Saving, faith, is not, mere '.ritelF cl sa! assent, but a cordial t rece-i^ist? an<tlv resting- .em Chnst aiond’ fur safratiosi, ..■'.. “'Fur' with the fira’i map beiieveth. amt'* rigihte©>.-snijess." This may be paraphrased -a's . tor vteu a map be­ lieves in toe Lord Jesiis Christ with ail' Ids ta2rt be is accepted, by God as righteous, ,i.e - Ji'- kas been justi­ fied. "And .with toe mouth confession is mato unto salvauoii.." TKe -cSfiies- Sita w ith' toe mouth repres-rits toe in Kia .life on *arto owns and .©beys ' Christ' as his L xri!; it .to-ius. stands fee •toe tartov path a.cmg-vhj<<h toe , jus- ' tlfir-f st-'p-e *o to-?;’ j-roH.ir.-d a® ; scr-'-d -t'®e. aid fina!; a-rim. ; '. 'For to? ■ -rtept i: e st.' h. Whips' ■'.belri'.v fill-««n ' 1. ria. to'ali ■ m T be p ■ stame.’’ No t'fi is'.ia.fi ,' by' beii't !' in JlkrL-t ever has' anything to be ! 'a-’.armed pf,' Christ never -disvaiipoiatts. i “For toefA - is nr> uifttocti'i®' 'he- twe-to J-'W and ..Greek: tor' toe same • I—ord si? Lord, of aU.' and is rtrih umtfi aB. toat call upon i^m.” To caEE .upon tine Lord is to worship him. to be- •iit.rfe ' in him. to accept, iris offer’in Christ.. ”. '...'«. "Fur. Whoever sbi.fl cal! nptin toe name of toe Lord stall he sawed,” The ■jguotaiiiaMi is 'from Joel'-fftoS- -f Acts 2; 21). The avariairiLiy <wf sal’vati®n' in' Jesus 'Christ .to aS men •eveirywbffire ctorid not -be. more 'emptaricaHy stat­ ed' toan in to'Cse verses. Twice fi® we- fiTni.it toe' word whosoever, Once fio we find the w®srd afL . Rejected last Year Tony Cxnsw.eh ’ f je _ IiiiiLe . E pictoreti wito ^fririrutafcer J_nmiy'in iladusw Square Garden. Ne to' defend toeir totes against Izuu Ambers ’amid Dave Cr-wley, regpectfve’y A wave e •»?.’ wtofsa toe depto oto'w-fitor is wjtaail.to like hes^lx cf tfe’ crest the trnristorhed tevA ' .. ■iihfw atave, ”' W *2ifT' frilJE ]"ipff ’ht®! tTMigns rest am a Wwt. of JLeuua sfiaeir f*ere toey suraeM mm -driving- «t toe refes. y to.,lit to ■beerfto-.’' Wfiidh ■ <d?l «ifEL.re-'j—STS last jtear ©ffimjsaseiS wrilh i-.M xaifl.'VM am W’l- ' . ■ In fitotr worfe toe ttautafl ©f ineject- •ed films was refacfed by to3rae-<^nari- >e!ES to ©me year,, .'arid ■ toe Maiimbfeir frif films ■ riibeireid was.-ftes^' by ribomt 'i^e- toJIf... Rri-A^ifly toete tas bee® m ariatfci'd' to-jetaetesst resetoBy ito toe ■ctaracxer .'of'tofe.'.phffiw^ wjatose .' raricto .icri icensorto^p. ' • .. mrea^Kmiltog '.Snucnesse 5s stawm titoer -of ffeatEite iffitoes passed -tofi coiEDita2®^ ®sto "‘M ' yirffiv. .’Posse icsrrifi- .to' ififiiffiS' “'w.Xiito , n®y ' TpannKrae/as j -©Eeto . TforiTyHwflf’' ' 1iirp»i?gj- ’ware'- - -tq;;t =stotoAri. to- tisfe 1-S2 fkSnfl1 tor .dhiiiffl- ^m.e «rfy six per ©gsit- ©ff n? fflhr to abeto eiigfci agatosE [pieiitotootas eSettf ■totoS' tritog,, fizto ifeaC <®f ■ jteEEErjsace .toat 5t tas . .•v/cri!! cOTree, tori to dtoefes fiatotogk. (®t tote. SSsriitool! raates fitorrice to "Hr-.f-gr i£s£; ss- to fetows -.3 pri-ritota Ws. 'cfesritorinfiriES to. ’■ :>teri of storatoHEny tor riOdteEn sue Sifflowsh ' "iDtotofiM 'yatoeri .1; .’"X® ’ ' vauitfe,* 2; femdSy,” Ij 'ri’to,’” 4. The .cta.rmam ' Mr. O_ JL'. Satoer- to'rime .otoeraes,:: ""Stoosto sstoly towtos , iltar 'scgebs touvnues, as sara^lesnEin- w.y '.Arrim . -of sztomfiifSE toao'wfedige ,' riazy. tod to 'tosnmtoton, tocmenste fte. franE iS I;®. SO) jier ■■ceim.;M^'e hgye to ’ guktonnes-r® sortoll towe «to ttfee-. .graatost irtmsaqEjtenre.. They; ate ex- nefflsrveOr teeffigtoiaeto as a nmefitoto ©ff totoruttooxn. ■ as tod&cstteuS by tthe • ewEr" tosnetatog Mnmfeer ©ft Ooms; foietog sab-,' ; miriie ii by riwitogtrnEan avrd (ctMmnnDEnciaB (^scerais, e&ac^Wtall , sucae&es anoi .’The uiitoef rKassans tor. ttte ctos tobenoiEGS are toe jpassitolltoy' «to, gfiv- toy -c-if.ante <6an neEg&tas gmajCHnafe’ toe- ' (tofierstowniaffli to (ffiscasErage ■ :W shc-wtog -Gt -crime pjciriEies^ ito- m-irtoriy apM tohetoraHwn sate rikw- • ftoebtrit tuiussE tor’<ito^!tfiB3m; <£uwfcy - ti> torincris, toe esaStesriam tos^sug atoaictog, tox&tai-jfiuiiii c r * btonriior .-are icriber toe totonvtwTntftcCT (iri toe • be bsmrufi to jpeigei by :<n in Erie- ictooEms n&mssgii— tutsriry,’” says toe reyrari, a liriiie ufitoariuEiirie tori at .jmege-d by .vtori 51 drives m sstonjgT in!