The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-03, Page 5&£ .... • -"*• we» <«srs i «>n<i«te4r THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1936. J N 1 4F A • J JP*CUE8K _ | 0 L— .J. ft*r .>.^7. - « r A THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL j I jr l ; t •—.-V-......... / RANDPRiZEAWARDS r<-j J. PAGE FIV» PALMERSTON OUSTS WINGHAM A 5 to 1 victory in Wingham on Saturday made Palmerston Railroad­ ers the "B” winners in the Southern group of the Bruce League. In two straight wins Palmerston put the skids under the Huron’s hopes and f dropped them into "C” -ball, in which class they will proceed in the O. B. A. A. playdowns. Two bad errors in Saturday’s game are sai^l to have given Palmerston 4 „ruhs “and turned a close battle into a route, Colvin started on the mound but was replaced by Gordon Irwin, who -pitched-fine-ball in the : closing, innings -^and matched Doc. Lawson, Palmerston ace. i* » ' • Concerning the game .between Winghain and the Maitland All-Stars the Advance-Times, says: "A- tall, lanky lad. named Carruthers; pitched for. the Visitors and showed -a -nice turn of speed and a gqod curve, strik- , ing out no less than twelve’of the Braves- This boy pitched a- few games for, Teeswater near the end of the season □ and with a little .exper­ ience will give a lot of teams plenty of trouble.” Knitting A Vocation And Hobby For J. R. Webster St. Helens—There is one man in beaten the depression, fie . is J. R. Webster, who has passed his seventy -second milestone, and • still actively plies his trade as a knitter. Born on a farm in Ashfield Town­ ship, when that section was still in .e village of of he ■ ELECTRIC WASHER. OR COMBINATION RANGE / « On Display At RAE & PORTEOUS Away Free To The Buying Public of Lucknow and Surrounding District t CHESTERFIELD SUITE, OR BEDROOM SUITE On Display At DAVISON & SON A .'w '.*■ 1 WALNUT CHEST. OR STUDIO COUCH On Display At DAVISON & SON T SILVER TEA SERVICE. On Display At P. T. ARMSTRONG'S' XLS'® t FOLDING CAMERA On Display At A. E. McKIM’S —v CONGOLEUM RUG On Display At > TEMPLETON & CO. CASH COMMISSION PRIZES » (For Subscriptions Only) Additional Prizes to ^contestants turning in largest amount of money on subscription accounts. 10% Cash Commission to all con­ testants on paid subscription, during entire campaign. HOW TO GET BIG VOTES SCHEDULE OF VOTES GIVEN ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Paid-In-Advance and Renewal Sub­ scriptions for the Present Year—$1.»0 Each Year.__ _ \ . .1000 Votes Subscription Arrears Prior To Present Year — $2.00. Year...;..........3000 V "otes Subscriptions, Not Oh Present Mailing List—$1.50. . Year..........................5000 Votes Each Nev Each American Subscriptions. 50c Extra m. VOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED to the AIEN. WOMEN, BOYS and GIRLS of LUCKNOW and ' SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES to share in this big event. Y ou can win a beautiful prize tor your spare time in .the next few weeks. Secure.hew. renewal and arrears .subscriptions and receive vote credits on payment of subscription accounts. The largest total vote secures the first choice of the grand awards, the next number of votes the second choice; and so on until the grand prizes are awarded. Those contestants who do not share in the grand prize awards will receive a cash commission chequ^- on all subscriptions-secured providing a minimum of $50.00 is turned in throughout the campaign. r. THE MARKET STORE DOUBLE VOTES ON i SPORT SHIRTS TEMPLETON & CO. DOUBLE VOTES ON ALL HOSIERY Regular $1.49 — $1.35 RAE & PORTEOUS -The Red Front Hardware” DOUBLE VOTES ON ALL PAINTS ’Phone 66-w THE FORD GARAGE FORD SALES & SERVICE Experienced Ylechanic In Charge, • * 'Phone 40-w F. M. PATERSON DOUBLE VOTES ON FOUNTAIN PENS FOR SCHOOL 29c. 39c. 59c. 79c. FINLAYSON BROS. DOUBLE VOTES ON CHESLEY STAR FLOUR $2.90 CWT. 'Phone 91 •‘■W I 4 t>w S Phorie 75 A. E. McKIM The Recall Drug Store HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ’Phone 32 ---------------------------4-------— i The Variety Store The 5c to $1.00 Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES • J. A. GEDDES T. W. SMITH CENTRAL GARAGE DOUBLE VOTES ON TIRES and TUBES REST ROOM FOR LADIES MatDONALD BROS. DOUBLE VOTES ON ALL WOMEN'S SHOES THIS WEEK This Contest is open to any^ROY OR GIRL. MAN OR WOMAN, residing irt Lucknow or surrounding district. Employees of The Sentinel, club. merchants, their em­ ployees or thjbir immediate families are not enter this- Contest. This does not apply to newspaper , orrespohdents or, part-time employees. Entries mav be made on Entry Blank, or in THE SENTINEL. ./ * Vote coupons must- be deposited-at THE SENTINEL'office. Name of contestant must he plain<y t. .1™.. —------ in- Un < a Co rid- ... x. ................................ -................ - -............ - - or-tn accept purchased coupons, under penalty of disqual­ ification. "Contestants may work where they please, collecting back subscriptions atnd renewals as well as new; Vote credits will be issued on all. , ’ ’ . Tash must accompany all subscriptions- where credits are desired. Each Contestant fe an authorized agent of. this contestant must be plain<y Mte proper credit. • . upofis. once deposited in favor o'i nnot be transferred to another, •ntestants will riot be allowed to s< of Club Merchants’ stores, nor accept purchased coupon: eligible to writing to written on each to any one contestant. •licit votes in or out- tn buy or sell -votes -AND FOR CASH PURCHASES * \ A number of "Club” merchants are joining to co-op- ’ erate in this prize distribution in an effort to encourage, more local patronage and to stimulate' cash purchasing. Contestants and their Supporters who. patronize these ' stores will receive, coupons on the following basis:;—• 1. —One, unit of 25 votes given with each 25 cent cash purchase, or in the Same. ratio. 2. —Votes-will also be allowed on payment of out­ standing accounts. 3. —-Any Club Merchant wilT be .allowed to offer additional votes at his owrii discretion. 4. —Subscription votes and votes on Cash purchases . ' from Club Merchants are of equal value, and ejan be combined on total votes. WM. MURDIE & SON HARDWARE MERCHANTS ; Coal Dealers & Plumbers 7Phone io R. H. THOMPSON DOUBLE . VOTES OX 3 Cans Clark’s^ or Aylmer VEGETABLE, or TOMATO SOUP—25c—50 VOTES. 0. H. AGNEW DOUBLE VOTES ON ON ANY ARTICLE IN WINDOW Bakery For Quality & Service tasty" Dakes, cookies. TARTS & PIES ’Phone 36 Hollyman’s W. W. HILL GROCERIES. FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES 'Phone 20-w 9 10 11 12 13 14 w * ’ 4" ELECTRIC RADIO. OR BATTERY SET On Display At T. W. SMITH'S IWMiKWW. / Born on a farm in Ashfield Town­ ship, when that section was still in its first stages of sett^nent, Mr. Webster later moved to St. Helens, south of the. Lucknow. For a number of y , was employed on the estate of John Joynt, who served as the, Conservative member of the Ontario Legislature. Later when employment slackened < ... he,took up knitting both as a vocation I and a hobby. Friends bought some I of his articles and the demand in­ creased. He bought a knitting ma­ chine on which he soon became quite proficient. Today, at T2, Mr. Webster operates three knitting machines and markets his own. products. Because of their close, resemblance to the "home-knit kind the demand for his creation is considerably ahead of his ability to produce. ( In 1920 Mr. Webster purchased a Ford car of the Model T,type and to- . day he is still driving the same one. During his sixteen, years he has only • had one mishap and that came Two years ago. He was drying near Ben- miller and owing to his generosity in sharing the road with a farmer who was teaming a load of hay, he slid j off the side of the road. z When asked for his recipe for good" health and longevity this fine ■' old man attributed it to “willingness for work and ressia-cefulness when work .was stopped”. Aiui he added, ^tiiere would be less unemployment if ev- '7 erybody did the thing.” Summer Residents Aim To Improve Point Clarke RATHWELL & REED NOW ON. Gigantic Closing Out SHOE ’SALE DOUBLE VOTES ON LADIES’ SHOES F. T. ARMSTRONG JEWELER & OPTICIAN DOUBLE VOTES ON CUT GLASS B. PEARLMAN DOUBLE VOTES ON SUMMER AND SCHOOL DRESSES ’Phone 85 F tn , LADY’S OR GENTS f TRAVELLING BAG I On Display At * RATHWELL & REED’S 6 A A. T. Davison & Son k . • DOUBLE VOTES ON PAYMENT of ACCOUNTS ’Phone 28-Wi Lucknow Flour Mills ’PHONE 9 w; E. TRELEAVEN newspaper, and it is distinctly understood that EACH meniber will be RESPONSIBLE FOR MONEY and remit amount in full to club headquarters. The first ten Contestants having largest' number of total votes on closing date shall have the choice of the Gtand Prize Awards ih the order of the final standing. t- In the event of a tie for any of the awards, prizes iden­ tical in value will be awarded to each tying-club member. Also we reserve the right, to alter or add to thd above prize list,, providing that the value of the prizes shall not be reduced. Final count wilt he, supervised by a Special Committee, This newspaper reserves the right .to offer special credits at any time during the competition arid to correct Typo­ graphical errors that may occur in any of its announce­ ments. it’is understood that the interpretation of the rules and, regulations, and apy other questions pertaining to the competition, trill be decided by the Club Manager .and that his decision win be accepted as final. In becoming a member or participating in this competi­ tion, club.members,.agree to .abide by the above conditions. ——.— '■ .......... ............... »■ . -........ For Further Information, Write or Phone Club Headquarters— THE SENTINEL R. L. TAYLOR, Manager i 1 W 0 . -t ✓ d a»£k* DINNERMARE SET On Display At GEDDES’ VARIETY' STORE 111 F L ADY'S OR GENTS WRIST* WATCH On Display At D. H. AGNEW'S s SPECIAL PRIZE SUGGESTIONS Weekly Prizes will be offered to Con­ testants turning in the largest total votes from week to week: 1 1— PEN AND PENCIL SET J 2— MANICURE SET 3— BASKET OF GROCERIES 4— 100 POUNDS FLOUR 5— SIX PAIR SILK HOSE y Other Prizes to be Announced Later Note—Only One SpecMT Prize -will be allotted th any one contestant .. SAVE THESE COUPONS 100 FREE VOTES FOR NAME OF CONTESTANT: Eash issue4 during the competition this coupon, when neatly cut out and mailed or brought to the Club Head­ quarters. will count for the person * whose name'appears above. ’ ■■ At a meeting of the cottagers in the vicinity of Point Clarke, it was decided to form an organization, the . official name of whieh is to be "The Point Clarke Beach , Association.” This is to include the Lucknow. Pt. Clarke, ‘and Pine Biver Beaches. The immediate aims of the assoc­ iation are to devlop better roads, as­ sist in health raemasures and in re­ creation, and to secure improvemeitt of the mail service. Any . measures which concern all the beaches will be Under its jurisdiction. The following officers were elected for the year 1936-37: President, Rev. [ De Witt Cosens, Clinton; Vice^ptesi- dent, P. V. Smith, Grimsby; Sec.- Treas^, F. C. Beaupre, Iroquois. The Old Orchard Tennis " Club, composed of cottages in the vicinity of Point Clarke have just completed an up-to-date clay tennis court at "The Old Orchard^ previously part of the Courtney estate, located just south of Pine River. The court is en­ closed by a ten-foot netting and pre­ sents a Very lovely picture with nat­ ural setting of evergreens, winch add so much to the charm of the Point Clarke Beaches." This court is filling a real place in the life of the youn­ ger people and some of the older ones as well. A bowling greeri has been mentioned as the next thing to , | be constructed, 'O^- ! -------—--------- FINE DISPLAY AT ; ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW (Continued fro® Page 1) Huston. Pansies—Mrs. Solomon, Perennial Phlox—B. Ward, Mrs. D. Huston. 7 ' - Marigolds. French—S. RathwelL Marigolds, African—S. Rathwell Calendulas — Mrs. Solomon. S.’ RathwelL Cosmos—S. Rathwell, Mrs. D. Hus-1 ton. Pentinas, ruffled or double—J. Pick­ ering Mrs. Solomon. ' . Petunias, '.single—j. ' C-olIyer.- j. Leith. Collection annuals—Mrs. Solomon, S. Rathwell. Collection Perennials—-#Irs. Solo-, mon. r Roses, red—Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. W m. MacKenzie. . • , Roses. pitfeg^L Leith, R. Fisher. ' i' Roses, white-c-Mrs, Solomon. 1 Roses, collection—J. Leith,- J. Col- i ' ' • . t amations—J. Leith. S.. Rathwell. . Table bouquet;—J. Pickering. Mrs, i Wm. McKenzie. t. Larkspur, annual—Mrs. D. Huston, 1 J. Collyer; z , ) . Begonia, Rex—J. Pickering. ’ i i Begonia. Tuberous- double—J. Pick­ ering. Mrs. Huston. ! Best- collection Foliage—Mrs. D. ■ " Solomon. -Mrs, Hustoni double—-Mrs. Huston.■" single—Mrs. Hunton, variety potted plants—... I 4 Geranium, | . Geranium, Any other Mrs. Huston.