The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-03, Page 3I
rain has been reported here and
there in f
. there. is a
.enough.he' was reputed to be worth a hun
dred million, the old adage “Come
easy—go easy,” seems still to express
a great truth..—Chatham News.
the West. And even though
a drought there is still food
“Easy Go”
The estate of the fate Arthur ‘W.
Cutten, former Guelph boy, who died
' in Chicago, is estimated at $.350,000-1 this beautiful country.” — Kingston
Icessful operator in-the stoc. kmarket..|
he'i was reDUted to be worth a bun- «
Those Millions
First we have the drought and we
' are told it'is going to cost the coun
try millions of |g£lars.
Then we have a shower and it id/
described as worth a million dollars
| —a shower is -never worth two mii-
’ lions nor even half a million, it is al
ways an even million!
Then, we have a rain, and it is
worth a million, too.
Then there is another jdry spell
tliat is to cost millions, which are
partially wiped out by another mil1-
lion-dollar rain.
What we want to know is: What
becomes of allthesemillioris, and
Smart Exporting
The Canadian Wait Company, Ltd.,
of Montreal, one of Canada’s oldest
exporters > of ladies' dresses of all
kinds, has introduced a new idea , in
to the packing of goods for export
trade. Their new shipping container
embodies in a packing cage the prin
ciples of the wardrobe trunk, tbe ar
ticles being hung inside instead of
packed, as is usual, thus eliminating
creasing and damage, and landing ‘the
goods ready for the show room or
window.—Canada’s Weekly.
other? places besides Scotland.
Scotland, however, has been Buf
fering economically as a whole and
the Highlands-arHi Western Isles are
describedUby one authority as a ‘‘tru
ly distressed area.” The population is
statutory’ at approximately 4,900,000
persons being threatened at the same
time with deCline. ‘
► Tbe new campaign is intended1- to
create a desire to develop the coun
try’s great resources in coal and iron
as well as shipping and agriculture.
If the slogan is taken up seriously
beneficial results should be obtained,
■ as there is nothing likfe getting /all
“classes1, aroused with the need of pro7
gress.—St. Thomas\ Timcs-Journal.
? ;
Joys and Sorrows of Thresh*
ing Time Vividly Pictured
By Competition Winner
Too Much Speech-Making
Telling of -the visit of the motor
party of English tourists to Gauon-
( some of the guests ^‘ stated that th^y
could re-arrange their visit so that
there would be less speech-making
and more time to viexv the scenery ot
Considering the fact tliat at one time, r Whig-Standard,
when the late Mr., Cutten was .a sue- | \ ------r-
Our Language
We do not bother to hold conver
sation's any. longer, but we do make
certain animal sounds in our throats,
which- we can interpret and which,
can-communicate' simple ideas, while
we reserve our better notions for pol-'
itical speeches, letters .to thle editor
or. for sale. By this means, we have
reduced communication of thought to
a remarkably brief and compact pro
cess. .I -'- ‘ :
Where a man like Dr. Johnson
would require several hours and prob
ably twenty pints of tea and' several
loaves - of. bread and a 'couple or
cheese to convey a thpught to his
companions of'the coffee shop,, a mod
ern young person can'^o the whole
job in a -word cr two. , . fll 111
“Zat you, baby?” “Yeah.” “How-
ya?” “Okay.” ‘Howz ever’thing?”
“Swell.” “Ugh.” “Hunh?"’ ‘WhatCha
doin’ t'nightT’ “Nothing! V'How Jbout
a show?” “Okay.; About S.” “Uh huh.”
“Okay.” “Okay.”
This is what we call a conversa
tion.—B.H. in Victoria Timies.
A Strange Case
A strange quirk in the law of Can-
“ ada is revealed in a speeding case
dismissed by an Ottawa magistrate.
A soldier of the Permanent Force was
arrested for driving a truck at an ex
cessive speed. Wbe. nbrought before
the court, the magistrate , found „ that
I . the soldier Thad been driving totefast
and in a manner dangerous to the
. J, public. Yet, because the driver was a
soldier and because the vehicle was a
government .truck, the magistrate
found that he had no jurisdiction.
The case was dismissed. That may
be sound law. but it is not sound
-flemmon sense. Supposing a soldier
in a government truck killed some-,
one, it would be' of little consolation
to go to the bereaved and tell them
it was all tight, the victim was killed
by an army man in an army-car. The
mourners would get no consolation
from that.
Just because a man' is in the Per
manent Force, he should not enjoy
unbridled license to go careening
over the highways to the-peril of ev-
J eryone else.^—Windsor Star.
Insulation, of Houses t
The Sault Star argues that use of
insulation in al Ihotises in “northern
districts should be made compulsory.
That might be going a bit too far. But
anyone who can possibly carry the
extra initial expense would be foolish
not do have a new . home insulated, for'
the saving in fuel would pay for it
'' within a comparatively few years.
The saving is marked even if it is an
old house that is insulated.—-Ed-
inontOn Journal. '
Return of Canadians
.The sight., of these -men in their
crowds in the London streets re
called1 vividly the war London, with
its darkness and rumors! They are
middle-aged !>o.v and had- little- of
the soldier about them except the
medals they all wore—1 saw sev
eral with six—and the look of men
who had come’through a lot.
One remembered that itA was the
Canadians' who withstood the first
gas attack in the war and how their
herwsna .thriled“lFn^and^aOhe“tiinar
in their eves as they went about the
new monumental London that hac
replaced so much of the homely Lon
don that was in their, memories.
Some of them were taking their
sons to hotels and restaurants tliat
have long since disappeared, such
as the Tavistock Hotel in Covent
Garden -and the Golden jJ?Crd’ss at
Charing Cross. They were relieved
when they could show their sons St.
Haul’s and the Cheshire Cheese.
Now the Canadians have vanish
ed, too, back to the land whence
they had come. . so. , manfully and
hopefully in 1914. The thing that
many ef them took back , in their
minds was that the men here still
take off their hats as they pass the
Cenotaph.—^Manchester- Guardian.
Chronic indigestion may be due to
parts of the Empire ip readiness for King Edward’s Coronation. The busts are cast in molds and'of
them afterwards sprayed bronze. Tins picture^shows a worknia^' removing a bust from a mold.
ter and Drought
An American Scientist Exr
plains a Mystery of the Bible
• The locusts of the Bible were not
locusts at all. just grasshoppers.
They did not hop. They flew. Our
grasshoppers hop. Query; .Why dqn’t
our grasshoppers fly? And’ why
didn’t the biblical grasshoppers .hop?
Dr. J. R. Parker of the Department
of Agriculture thinks he has found
the answer. It has a bearing on the
Ask 'Dr. Parker, and he will tell
you that, hopping grasshoppers can
_ . . , —- -J -Ask 'Dr. Parker, and he will tell
the simplest of causes, we are told. ’ J_ _
\\ e heard of one man who was a be Changed into fliers, thereby c.lear-
martyr to dyspepsia for years and all ing up the biblical mystery. He kept
because of a misprint in his wife’s,| Western grasshbppers in his labor
cookery hook. | atory, juggled temperature, humidi-
ty, food, (and noted the effect. Heat
and hunger changed hoppers 1 into
filers. Wings became Jonger and finer,
bodies slimmer, colors brighter!
What is the reason? Dr, Parker
explains in terms of the‘‘survival of.
the . fittest- ..When there is no food—;
the case in hot deserts—hopping and
walking are accomplishments of little
aid in the struggle for existence. Fly
ing ability. coupts. So the hoppers
develop it. Fifty-years ago—in 1880
to be exact—clouds of grasshoppers
darkened the European and Ameri
can sky; The insects clustered three
inches thick on some railroads. Wheels
simply slipped. .
The- conditions must be fight for
the physical transformation. that Dr.
Parker brought about jn his labora.-
tary. Hence we are not likelt to see
clouds' of grasshoppers. After all,
, ’ ‘ ' ' ' ' ’ D
The Croughs Use a Peck of
Potatoes a Meal and 12
Loaves of Bread Every
; ..<-> ?; Day ''• ...
New York. — Threshing time on
the farm is a period of tragedy and ,
comedy; it is. exciting while it lasts (
and “only too soon do we country
people have to settle back into our
ruts and monotony.” ’ Sb ; wrote Mrs;
Albert Eisele of Blue Earth', Minn-,
-jn her weekly column of country c ’
respondence in the Fairmont, Mis
Sentinel. ' . - !' . ■ • ■
“Threshing Time” and four cd 50
^olumns have won -Mrs; Fisele a-
■prirze of $200 and a' trip to New York
and Washington as an award for the
best rural correspondence of. 1936 in» '
a contest sponsored by a niagazine.
Mrs. Eisele’s work was ches-c-n
from 3,600 clippings from country
papers.; and the 'judges said that it
was -■“Threshing ' Time” that brought
the decision. Here is what she wrote,
in'part:. _ ‘ '
“Unless you have taken an ai-.tuaf
acters in this biggest play: of the -
rural year .then you have missed one
of life’s richest episodes. For into
-the brocaded fabric of this season is...
‘woven and embroidered the most
lavish and -colorful ‘of tall the skeins.
“Threshers! What a tumult' the
verv- word arouses in the heart of
.every family in the ran; what a .tu
mult even it arouses in-., every indi
vidual > in every family in ■ the run;—'
grandmother, -for a woman. gets just
from-'the Littlest boy to. the oldest.'
a.o exciied over her 50th dinner for
threshers' aS' she-, did her first.
“It creeps up, on you and before
you realize, it ‘The -Threshers' are ;
'ing to - be at your place to morn.
'Suddenly ‘The• Threshers’^ become
menacing, almost1 sinister, group,
men—instead of being life-!
.neighbors and friends, .you beg
think --of them as .being,
gangsters- Threshers cn tbe ?
indeed! J, '
■“As'Jlong ago'as last Wt-ek jou, ha! -
the .cellar cleaned out, -'rafiefi sw»
old odds and ends thrown out
the pond, your apple pickles.-
'.berry jam. pickled beels a;
all handy'in the front
new. p- tatces dug and sorts
and turnips cn tap,* and ail
to do down, there until the lam r.
ute is get sweet corn. ;
several heads of cabbage —■‘''“■.t much__
less, to work ateSutf 1 _T“
.'“Bur the multitudinous things that
must be done yet: Get cut thg
tablecloth, sort oct the silver,
some extra cups and tumble.s,
earth more bowls and dishes and
plenty, of roller towels and <
towels. Look up that coebanut cb
recipe you misplaced, check up
recipe for burnt sugar cake.' be sure
and get the vinegar .jug' filled and
don't forget. to get salad ere:
“You. get feverish and bar.'
decide. that the’ window iimve
be. washed "on the outside, all
dead flies and cobwebs; c
to fix a place' on the fre
the men to wash — th,'
the flower bed, they’ve r^t
“And after it is overt yen find a
casserole' of spaghetti and trmrtt
on the back of the stove, which ;
the cooks forgot to p?ut cn the ta^
Titus does each threshing day unfi
its tragedy and its ccmedy. And thus
does each household expose its.
iiy skeleton; and -so likewise,
the nei^hbephood take on ucw ■!
est —exaggerations and fabri-re.
are in order. • An empty turpe
bottle becomes a whisky bottle,
your husband becomes a drunkard
ycu are in the habit of hav!;
parties and so it goe& And i
citing while it lasts.' Only
do we country people have
lack into ruts of m.onoto;
• Peterborough, Ont. — The Hiller
“stork derby” is entering the home
stretch in Toronto, with $500,000 go
ing to the woman having the most
children over a 10-year period, ac
cording to the terms of the will of
Charles V. Mlilar, but Mr, and Mrs..
Janies Crough ; of Ennismcre 'Town
ship. are not' interested. I
‘ The Millar, contest applies only’ to
Toronto—that is, why they are not
interested. If they were not * barred
by geographical location,. they would
doubtless be very interested indeed;
for with their 18 children; they would
be right up among the leaders in the
.derby. . .
. Sixteen of their children are'living.
Twins idled at birth 13 years, ago.
The couple were married in Ennis-
more Township 18 years ago last
June, and the • eldest in their large
■ family is 17-year-old Timothy Crough.
at present working as. a laborer and
contributing to the support of his
eight 'brothers and seven sisters.
Next to Timothy comes 16-year-eld
Vincent, followed by Carmel. 15; Ur
ban. 14; Patricia.' 12;. Helen. 11;
Peter. 10; Theresa, nine; Doreen,
seven; Jack, live; Michael, four; Em
mett, three; Paul, two; and the ba
bies, Colette, 17 months and Shirley,
Tour months. ■
, Ten of the children, including the
twins who did not survive, were born
at the fhrm home; the other eight in
Every day the family consumes 12
large loaves ' of bread—representing
100 pounds of flour every ten days, A
peck. of potatoes is used at each meal,
so a bag and a half of potatoes a
week is just right.
Fortunately, says Mr.’ trough- his
trop of'late potatoes .has'survived the
prolonged drought. -Bread and pota
toes are their main diet, he says—
adding the family is if lrisfh des
Honey Bees on Strike <.
The peculiar type of weather that
. has been characteristic . in Ontario
this summer has produced quite a
few abnormalities, including water
shortage, bad crops, forest fires and
ruined pasturage. From Lindsay
comes a report of a strike. among the
honey bees famed, for devotion to
industry and habits of thrift exem
plary for human, beings.
It seems that'bees in that district
have not done any honey-gathering
for more than a ibonth. They quit
their activities during that-spell of
terrific heat a month ago and the
owners will have to provide sugar to
keep them from starving.
The reason seems to be that there
is virtually a failure of flowers from
which the bees * gather honey. In
tense heat and shortage of moisture
has practically obliterated wild and
cultivated blooms and consequently
the bees are without the raw mater
ial for their work. The net result will
be that there will be a considerable
shortage of honey during the coming
winter for it requires a percentage of
-the crop to feed the tees.—Sarnia
Canadian Observer.
McGill’s Comeback '
Heartening news comes from Mc
Gill University. »
For the first time in over a decade,
duting the past financial'year McGill
met its budget without dipping into
capital funds. The annual deficit was
^ut from $303,000 to $1S1,OOO, and this
remaining deficit was met by the gov
ernors out of their own private funds.
That shows both generosity by the
governors and real co-operation be-1
tween the university staff and the)
board. For note that the deficit waS.
ent by §122,000, involving the strict
est economies, in which the staff loy
ally co-operated.—Montreal Star.
“Wake Up, Scotland!”
in Scotland, the land of the hea
ther and thistle a new slogan is be
ing heard on every side. It is “Wake
Up, Scotland’”' Such a slogan could
be advantageously adopted by many
—------—---------- -------,.
THE wonderland of oz
r .
Ba&ed on the stories by L Frank Baumr « - ■Ba&ed on the stories by L Frank Baum
we Need more ‘
IIT«.er.:.’. —’ The British Empire
should imr.\ed:awly face the problem
of - immigration and dispatch more
people from the British Isles to set
tle in |the vast spaces of Canada- and
.Australia. Eady Elibank told mem-
tx-rs of "the Engiish-speak’rg uru-cip
8jxakjng at a luncheon rx'err.g.
the Wife of the 11th Baron of N<.va!
Scotia sa;d the ' immigration subject
was a “thorny one;” but unless Eng
lish-speaking people tackled;thej?rcb-
lent for themselves, foreigners would
do it for them. Hon. G. -Howard Fer
guson, for-sser premier of Ontario; ex
pressed appreciation for Lady Eli
teink’s re'marks. ■
“The English-speaking union) stands1'
for the binding together in bbnds of
fellowship of English-speaking people
of the world,” he said. Betention of
world peace would be greatly assisted.
Lady Elibank stressed, if all English-
speaking people ■ would continue, to
work together in close, co-operation
and friendship.
When Jinjur declared war upon
Glinda and the newly discovered
Princess Ozma, Glinda gave orders
to her soldiers to attack. Immediate
ly the army marched upon the Em
erald City with- pennant's flying and
bands playing.. But when it came to
the walls, this brave assemlage made
r sudden halt, for Jinjur had closed
find barred every gateway, and the
walls of the famous Emerald City
were built high andrithick with many
blocks of green marble.
Glinda brains in deep
thought, while the Woggle-Bug said
in his most positive tt»ne:
lay siege to th
into submission
we can do."
Scarecrow. "We
and the Gump cab
Sorceress turned at
smiled. “You have reason to be proud
of your brains,” she exclaimed, ‘ let
us go to tie Gump at once
“We must
. city and- starve it -
t is the only thing
/’ answered the
still have the Gump,
still fly.” , The
this speech and
It took but a few moments to reach
the spot where the Gump lay. Ganda
and Princess Ozma mounted first. Tbe\
Scarecrow and his friends climbed
aboard and there was still room for
i captain and three soldiers, which
Glinda considered a sufficient guard!
At a word of command, the Gutap x
flapped its wings and carried -the
jarty over the palace courtyard.
There sat Jinjur, confident that tbe
walls would protefct, her from beT
The Gumu landed sateiy. and be
fore Jinjur had time to do more than
scream,, the captain and three ^soh
•- diers . leaped but and made the former
-queen a prisoner. This act really end
ed the war for the army of revolt
submitted as fedon as they knew of
Jinjur’s capture. The city gates were
opened and Mmidst stirring music the
herald announced the accession or
Princess Ozma to the throne, at which
there was great rejoicing aUion
men of the city.
Junior—-Mother Pear, what
/'segond-stciy .man”?
• Mother—Your father is one.
don’t believe his first story, he always ?
ha£ another ready. I
‘ 1
Home Was Never
Like Dog-E'
Sturgis. Mich.-—Elever, .year ' ,'.d
Mildred 8addison, missing fretr. h :
for four days, was' found living if.
dog-house in her . own backyard '
cause; she explained, she' didn
housFwcfk. ’ ‘
Her jannts. -Mr.- and Mrs. C
SauuiSA' n. 'had enlisted‘p:lice a.:
the search... for her.
Mildred explained -she slept
dog house at night, and left
ne:ghb<rhocd during the 'day. . ■
. I" ■ ■
Regrets Are Mutual
f " • •
“Sorry I gave you the wrong nu
bcr,“" said the polite telephone ope
ator. •
“Don’t mention it.” answered ti
man. who had made up. his mind not
to lose his temper. “I'm sure. the
number you ■ gave ' me was much het- ’
ter than the number I asked for.
it just happened. I wasn't able to use
it.”' - . ’ ’ ‘ . 1
is' a* , '
If 11 have ever seen.
I forget yourself.
He: ^Jhat is the ugliest r*j3U I
‘ loud, jdarlaitg., Y-'ta