HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-08-27, Page 6'I TP The lucknow sentinel {»,AT PEARLMAN’S FOR LADIES: SMART NEW DRESSES IjFl^U,"WADES. r NEW HOSE TO MATCH WITH THE REST OF THE OUTFIT. FOR MRN« new SUITS IN THE SMART DOUBLE PLAIN SfTPlPia ' NRW HAT WITH CORDED band and side BIDGEl OTHER PLAIN ST YLES ALSO. NEW SHIRTS WITH ' FUSED COLLARS. ’ l.i. $ K, INHERE IS ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF SCHOOL, CLOTHES 1 " FOR BOYSI AND GIRLS. {' I ,,.W, ‘ '.»■ ■ /. ■ >‘~ * V - B. PEARLMAN -Lucknow; Ontario. Where Style And Economy Meet Mia L-S.r.;. r GASTRONOX knodu g*B, heartburn and IF .WTlft'H If.K 5 that heavy feeling—relieves dyspepsia. Jf KiEJhiOrfB ,.a_. —ytm-Mre afratd ^o-eaL-get tbU ^OPtt^rnM . -CAN EAT WHAT stomach powder ^rcGA^r^NGXTW^ , help you to immediate *rel»ef aa it has helpedLIKE IF YOU . thpusanda. At all druz stores. • take GASTRONOX ON SALE AT — McKIM’S DRUG STORE , Mi r ...... ~ ' J“ Honor Young People Of Blake Community Presentations Made To Miss Alice Shackleton, Bride Elect .and To Mrs. Wm. Andrew. By, Blake Church And Community. Blake ONE C ^Special Permanents Wd'/mre. 'giving'Extra ■, Special in Permanents.' • Ona*' Permanent For $3.00, •■d baing a friends for lc. KOIe'B®A''Fpr $3.« THURSDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 1936. T ' ■ . . - ( LOCAL and GENERAL^ Mrs. P. J. Naylor and Jack of Tor­ onto, spent the past week at her home here. Mr. John Beaton of Toronto was a week-end visitor with relatives here. Mr. Jack Webster of Kirkland Lake is spending two weeks with re­ latives here. Miss Etta Lane of Ripley spent “the" week-end atthehomeofMr.arid Mrs.. Jas. R. Hackett. ~ | . Miss Mae McMahon returned to Toronto after holidaying twoweek^ with her mother at Bruce Beach. Mr. R, W. Andrew of Listowel is visiting this week' at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W« G. Andrew. Miss Flora Webster is still confined to bed after a long illness with phle­ bitis, from which her recovery is very slow. ■■ Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers ^of Kirkland Lake spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davi­ son- Mrs. D. McGregor, daughter Lil­ lian and son Frank of Duluth, called on their cousin.D. D.McGregor, -Ross—StoLucknow;—- — MasterRichard TurnervisitedlasU week with his uncles1, Mr.' Robert Wraith of Culross and Mr. Fred BFANT NEW RINK Although burned lessi than two weeks ago, an agitation has already been started in Mildmay for the con­ struction of a hew rink to replace the old one. and a public meeting in this connection has even been held. New Post Office By Christmas The Campbell Construction Comp- any of Toronto has been awarded the Federal contract for the erection of a new Post officq at Mildmay. Work is underlay and the new building will ■ pr opcupat“iojr~by~GteiStiiias” Seaforth barbers on Monday boos­ ted the price of hair cuts to 35c. Good-Will Club Specials aa PRINTS—Stripe, Dot and Plaid Prints,. correct for school or home frocks. Fast Colors. 36" wide. 1 ^bf* an<^ ul> Priced at Per Yard -------- --------------------——- >( Mafeking News) A very pleasant event took place Fridayevening—inBlake’schurch, when at the close > of the regular Young People’s meeting. Miss Alice Shackleton was, led to the front, while the audience sang a song composed for the -occasion. Miss Grace Blake read the following address after which Miss Olive Kilpatrick presen- ted the gift, a mantle clock. To Miss Alice Shackleton. Dear Alice: • .,t I have the honour, at . this time, to address you on behalf of Blake Church and community. In your quiet and self-effacing way. you haye, during the past score of years—more or less—given freely of your time and talents tp the advance­ ment. of the social and religious, life of the Church., You have followed in the ancestral footsteps in serving so freelsrand^wholeheartedly. .Thus far you have been loyal to the^co^munit^but we have learned to desert us for fields farther away* You, .too, have responded to the home -making urge and have .decided ^to exchange blackboard erasers a carpet sweeper. _ zzunity in which you plan to settle trust that you will be with us in; spirit and will visit us from time to time aS occasion permits. We beg of you to accept from u^T this memento which indicates in a ■to To, ^rs. Margaret Finlay Andrew: Dear Margaret: It is my privilege at this time, to address you, in a Very serious and personal way, on behalf I of Blake’s Church and community. We. as 7 neighbors, have watched you grow from infancy to young wo­ man hood. Your Parents nurtured you with care and this community added something to your personal back­ ground. .Consciously or otherwise,, you absorbed The atmosphere of the neighborhood. Your family is one. that made ^a generous contribution to the social and religious life of WHITE FLETTE—excellent quality. Makes Children’s n t/* garment. 27" wide. 2 Yards for, ______-__________— CHILDREN’S PULLOVERS—Wool mixture. EQ^ & V-neck.—Attractive colors_at ... .................. • MV HOSIERY SPECIAL—If you take, pride in neat ankles, here is your opportunity with sheer chiffon at low cost. Sea- EQ son’s best colors. ■ __i.... - l... ‘ ;____ __.2__v v L WOOL PLAIDS1—54" Wool Plaid for sport Or street wear. Clan Tartans—Gordon, MacLeod.dnd Macintosh. . d* Q Q E (It is thrifty to sew) -?...2? ;• ■' • •________ BOYS’ LONG PANTS—for school wear. Snappy <!* 1 OE Size 12 to 18 ■ ■ . ____ __ ____1 .4 O MEN’S BLUE DENIM WINDBREAKERS Sizes 36—46 Tartans—Gordon, MacLeod, Dlake’s~churclmniithe nmmediaterlo- cality. . We have gaj?ed much through our value what you have done very high­ ly and we are pleased that, when the — , time came for you to lay down the for teacher’s pointer and take up the roll- „ __ . .!ing pin, you still remained one of us We wish you well in the new com-j Instead of deserting the community 'down. We’will miss you greatly but III- HALL OPEN IN EV EXHIBITS TO BE IN BY ONE O’CLOCK Misses Beth and Jean Land of Kinlough, Lauretta McBurney and Nora Van Camp, of Belgrave spent Tuesday with Mis3 Lena Hackett. Mrs. C. M. Johnston of Sarnia, spent the week-end at her home here. The first part of the week. Miss Helen Thompson was her guest in Sarnia. Misses Pearl and Annie Turner, who have just returned from a trip to Vancouver, spent a few days with Mrs. Allan Turner and other friends near Lucknow. Mrs. Gordon-R. Moore and children of Rockwood spent a few days with Mrs. M. Moore of Lucknow, Master Alvin and Miss Muriel remaining foi a week with their grandmother. . Mrs. E. N. Hodgins and Miss Mar­ garet MacCallum returned -If 'from .. .-k,- .. -• Sarnia the end of the week whereCQUid jin the commuruty life. ^and ex- they were the^guests of Mr. and Mrs G. G. Moore (nee Gladys Hodgms). Mrs. D. M. Thompson and son Rob­ ert, are in^ Chicago this week to at­ tend the wedding of Dr. Kenneth Thompson. They accompanied Mr. i nd Mrs. W. F. Thompson from Tor­ onto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallis . Englehart and Ifv., and Mrs. Frank ifeena of Brentha. N. O.. and Mr. anc Mrs. Howard (Keena and June of Ripley were week-end Visitors of Mr and Mrs."Con. Decker. Are. you. going to be a contestant in the Lucknow Good Will Club?- If so, start early to have your friends save the coupon votes available at • 20 stores in Lucknow. Watch for the penants, displayed only by “Good Will. Merchants”.. • Mr. Alex MacDiarmid. accompany ied Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stockham t< Detroit the end of the week, from •wherfe they plan to leave on a fiye- weeks’ motor trip to the Pacific coast and south to California. Mr. Mac-' Diarmid may visit with relatives ir Vancouver and return by the Cana­ dian West. Mr. G* S. Robertson of Lucknow, well known to many in Clinton and vicinity, was in town Tuesday calling on a few old friends and made this office a brief call. Many of our, read­ ers. we feel sure, were very much interested "in his reminiscences ap­ pearing in the Lucknow Sentinel and reproduced in these columns, term­ inating last. week. Mr. Robertson has had what many would think a rather hard life, but he catne through with flying colours and now at the age of fourscore and one, is still enjoying physical and mental health and. an optomistie outlook on -life.—Clinton News-Record. Upper School Results Following are the names and stan­ ding. of the Lucknow students who- wrote on the Upper School examin- ' ation papers set by the Department of Education, including the names of those who were recommended on ■their year’s work. I—75—100%; 11—66—74%; III__60—65%; C—Credit, 50—59%; F—Failure—below 50. Armstrong, Frances—Mod. Hist. C; Alg. II; Lat. Au. Ill; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Comprc. ... ~ ■<' Campbell, Ina — Eng. Comp. C; ’ Eng. Lit. C; Mod; Hist. F. i Collyer, Stewart—Al'g. C; Geom* C.; Crozier, Colin—Alg. II; Geom. II; I Lat. I I you have brought a new member in- - to it—I refer to the one for whom you gave up your teaching, career and entered the ranks’ of home-makers At this time, we wish to present you with a small token of Our Sincere appreciation Of our association with you down through the years. Please accept it with our kindest wishes for your success and happiness through­ out life. r • Cecil Johnston presented the gift, a walnut table. Mr. and Mrs. And­ rew expressed their thanks and ap­ preciation for the gift. Mrs. Andrew said she had always enjoyed helping in the plays and in any way she tended avery hearty invitation tc all to visit them ip their home at an? ed. There Were over sixty present. RAPID CITY (Intended for Last Week) r _ Mr. John Carter of London, visited sma]l way <?UT sinc?re aPPr^tio" relatives in Ripley, Lucknow and vic- of our association with you. With it iuity goes bur best wishes for a bright 'Ef- a"MtasPPShS^i “^pressed her motor teq> through west with Mr. for the Kift- her pride in Fred Dixon <rf Dun^nnou. , home community, the^ pleasure Mr. John McCosh returned home ske had taken in her work here and Monday after a two weeks absence: jnvited all her neighbors here to Miss Evelyn . MeKnight of hear visit her in her new home. Listowel is visiting her cousin, Eileen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Presented___ Carter. ■ y-r- —j and Mrs. Will Andrew were “ Miss Winnie Thomson is spending then invitled to come forward, while L some time with Mrs. Harvey Maize, Miss Olive Anderson read the ad- time; Refreshments were then serv- Ashfield dress. ed. There were over sixty present. of our association with you. With it $ ‘c I */■ ANNUAL Flower SHOW < Under Auspices Lucknow , Horticultural Society In the Town Hall LUCKNOW WED. SEPT. 2 Rain Breaks Drought Wind Storms Follow Friday Rain. Was Followed By Dam­ aging Wind And Electrical Storm Saturday Night. > ■ ' What was claimed to be the worst drought this district has ever known was broken on Friday by a splendid rain that soaked well intothe ground and which has since been followed by further showers that' have satis­ fied the present moisture require­ ments. ‘ Saturday night a damaging wind storm tore through the community shortly before midnight that was fol­ lowed by an electric storm and tor­ rential rain. Another storm followed about 4 a.m. . Saturday night shoppers were ei­ ther marooned by the storm or were sent scurrying for home in a hqrri- can-that made driving difficult And whipped up clouds of dust that didn’t help matters.. - Apple orchards ; suffered and as well as trees being broken, barrels of fruit were blown down. Sheaves of I grain were reported in one instance 1 to have been whipped around like paper, Whole sfooks were picked up, and tossed, about and many sheaves were scattered across an adjoining field. ’ In the Auburn district, the storm seems to have been more intense. Barn roofs were partly ripped off, Maitland Henry being one to suffer this loss to his building. During the electrical* storm. Westfield -* Church was struck, tearing oft the steeple and bricks from the front of the church. John Hardy’s barn in Turh- kerry fell prey to flames after , being jnlso struck by lightning. » Bot. Ill; Zool. II; Phys. Ill; Au. C; Lat. Comp. C. . Culbert, Jean — Eng. Comp. Eng. Lit. C. Douglas, Isobel—Alg. C; Lat. Au. II; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Comp. C. • Finlayson, Cameron—Eng, Comp. C; Eng. Lit. F; Alg. C; Lat. Au. lift Lat. Comp. C. ~ * Finlayson, Christine—Eng. Lit. II; Mod. Hist. II; Lat. Au. C; Lat Comp. C. Fletcher, John—Eng. Comp. F; Eng. Lit F; Lat. Au. C; Lat. Comp. C. . Graham; ’Myrtle—Alg. I; Geom. C; Phys. II. Hamilton, Catherine—Eng. Lit. F; Alg; F; Geom. F; Phys. F; Chem. C. Hamilton, Isobel—Eng. Comp. F. Hewat, 'William—Eng. Comp. (F. 'Eng. Lit. F; Geom. F; Bot f’r Zool. Ill; Phys. F. Horne, Audrey—Mod. Hist. I; Alg. Ill; Lat. Au. II; Lat. Comp. Hl. Hunter, Elleda—Alg. II; Geom. I; Bot II; Zool. Ill; Phys. Il; Lat Au. II; Lat Comp. II. 1 — Johnston, Marion—Alg. II; Geom. Ill; Bot. II; Zool. I; Phys. C; Lat. Au. II; Lat. Comp. II. Johnstone, Eileen—Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C: Joynt,, George—Eng. Cothp. F.‘ Lane, Hilda—Eng. Comp. F; Mod. Hist. F; Bot.. III. MacCOnnell, Mary—Eng. Comp. F; Eng. Lit. F; Mod. Hist. C. MacCtostie, Hugh—Eng. . Comp. C; Eng, Lit. F. „ ' • ■ MacDonald, Manion—Eng. Comp. (I; Eng. Lit. II; Mod..Hist. C; Geom. F; Phys. C; Lat. Au. II; Lat. Comp, n. Macintosh, Alex—Alg1. F; Bot C; Zool. C. . MacKenzie, Catherine—Eng. Comp. II; Eng. Lit II;. Alg. I. MacKenzie, Frank—Eng. Comp. Ii; Alg. F; Geom. Ill; Zool. Ill; Phys'. C; Lat Au. C; Lat. Comp. C., MacKenzie, William—Eng. Lit II; Alg. li; Geom. C; Zool. C; Phys. II;. Lat. Au. I; Lat. Comp. Ill; : MacKinnon, Be|h—Eng. Comp. C; Erig.'Lit F; Mod. Hist. F; Geom. Ill; Lat. Au. C; Lat. Comp. C. MacMillan, Jean—Mod. Hist III;. Alg. II;-. Lat. Au* II; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Comp. II. McDonald, Mary —Eng. Lit. F; Alg. C; Bot C; Zool. Ill; Lat. Au. F; Lrit. Comp. F. fMcKim, Mary—-Eng. Comp. Ill; Eng. Lit. F; Geom. II; Phys, II; Lat Am C; Lat. Comp. Hl, Martin, John—Alg. C; Phys. F; Lat. Comp. C. Miller, Dorothyi—Mod. Hist. Ill; Geom. II; Phys. F; Lat. Au. Hl; Lat. Comp. C; Lat. Comp. Geom. F; NO ADMISSION : ™ 1 ’ l[ SECURE PRIZE LIST FROM S. C. RATHWELL -- ------------------------------------y School Opening GET YOUR SUPPLIES AT The Variety Jtore ' - TEXT BOOK . EXERCISEBOOKS PENCILS, PAINTS. INK, PENS, ERASERS. WRITING BOOKS DRAWING BOOKS SPECIAL PRICE ON WORK BOOKS J. GEDDES CORNS REMOVED WITH CASTOR OIL? Say goodbye ,to clumsy com-pads and risky razors. A new Equid called KORN-KING ends pain in GO seconds. Dries up peskiest ■ corns or callus. Contains pure castor oil, camphor arid iodine. Absolutely safe. Win-! ner of Good Housekeeping Seal. Easy di­ rections iri pnekaxe. 35c bottle saves untold misery. Druggist returns money if KORN- . KING fails to remove any corn or callus. For sale at, F. M. Paterson’s Parker, Ruth — Mod: Hist. If; Geom. C; Bot. II; Phys. H. Ritchie, Violet —Eng. Comp. F; Eng. Lit. F; Mod. Hist F; Alg. II; Geom. C; Bot C: Zool. C; Lat Au. F; Lat t Comp. C. ■ Sheiriff, Graham—Eng. Comp. F; Bot F. . Thompson, Frances—Mod. Hist. F: Phys. F. Thompson, C; Eng. Lit. Harold •— Eng. Comn. C. Thompson, Robert—Mod. Hist. C; Alg. F; nLat. Comp. C. Twamley, Hilda—Eng. Compel; Eng Lit. F; Lat. Au. C.; Laf Comf>; C* .f, Weatherhead, r Norma—Lat. Au. C; Alg. F; Lat. Those who carry tales usually put riew wrappings oh them before de-' 1 livery. Comp. C. Miller, Eng. Lit. C. : Miller, Eng, Lit. Newton, Eunice—Alg. HI; Bot. II JI Zcjol. II; Lat. Au. C; Lat. Comp. C. I’ Nixon,7 Dorothy—Alg. C; Bot. Iw Zool. III; Fr> Au. HI; Ft. Comp J* Gordon—Eng. F; Lat. All. F; Laurine-*-Ehg. F. •** Comp. C; the chin, is increased, imams in that position right. shouiAfer comes ffi» bringing the head up. of the swing. (Prine.) 4