HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-08-27, Page 1I ,t' ■-•pen wird'wWEDDING BELLS s. O.M PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; 9&5O OTHERWISE DENTAL GUN LICENSES—ran be secured from R. J. Moont. Lueknow. ROOMING HOUSE—Accom^MI tion for School students. Handy t- school. Apply tn Mrs. A. McTnvish. mAn WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write today Rawleigh. Dept. MI>271-SA-H Mon treat, Canada. FOR—SALE—-Number of^public^ lower, middle and upper schoo! text books. Apply at hodse, Alex Smith, SEEDCLEANING—Fall wheat and all grains and seeds, sweet clov- . er. hulled aa|d cleaned. — S. E. Rob. ertson. Lucknow. ’Phone 60-w. LUCKNOW. ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1936 SINGLE COPIES SCENTS HONOR LOCAL BOWLER WHO .•< IS GOING STRONG AT 85 —TPhtree-fcucknuw“rinks--took--partr—in- the Merchants* and Manufacturers*- tournament at Goderich last week and at whidu a presentation was made to David Huston, venerable vil­ lage resident and prominent «wjer in spite of his advanced age. The Goderich Star says:‘“David ‘Dad’ Huston of Lucknow. So-years old and the oldest bowler to take part, in the tournament, was presented with a finepipe and receiv­ ed a big hand from the crowd. Mr. Huston acknowledged the presenta­ tion -’and modestly retired into the crowd. He is a bowler of no mean ability and he and Mrs. Huston took part In, a mixed doubles tournament on Tuesday night at Lucknow, play­ ing until 1 am.” STORE. Wei Attended Weather Cleared After The First Rain In Weeks Fell On Friday And ■^Threatened To Mar Tattoo. Five bands and almost Ninety bandsmen took pail in fog Citiiiens Band.annual tattoo on Fnd^Teven­ ing. The first rain in weeks feu that day and at. one. time threatened to force a postponement of the event. The weather cleared however, and there was a good attendance present when the program got underway af­ ter the five bands had paraded to the •Robert Rae spoke briefly thanking ’ who .attended and then turned the duties, as master-of «wemome& .Catnter^n Gcdkfes, ..Ingham. Brussels. Teeswater and the two local bands, played two selec­ tions. Between bands htftfo Barbara Hicks off Toronto danced the Higfc- land Fling and Etta Belle MaeDon- _ - . . L._' /aid. the sword dance tn bagpipe »c- .. ELECTRIC WASHER. ..f'^jjijnaniment by Lorne- MacDonald. COMBINATION RANG emmxron Geddes rendered two vocal °* l>fe>hy . selections, with Mrs. Newton areom- RAE PORTEOLS umnist. Bandmaster Schatte of. Wmg- hten conducted a number with the combined Wingham and Lucknow bands. " j1- ■ ■ ; _Lunch was served uptown to the bandmen and a dance followed bn the platform, set up in the part where the1 program had been given. McKea- •rife’s orchestra supplied ■ the r^psic. like old times Round about the C.’N. R. depot _ 'I times : again, as loads of grain jpour UMU , _ _ _____ _ ___ __—.. - -, ______ > “Toff grain in turn are filled for ship "ment 'to Toronto. The afternoon 8 freight on Tuesday was made up of ftovuhn I ' WALNUT QWEST,.STUDIO COUCH J has' token on the appearance of old On Display At 1 ____3“=- “* DAVISON < SON into foe Steal elevator apd rarloads ......... ..... ■ ............off gram in turn are filled for ship . "went to Toronto. Tte: afternoon .......... ’ ' ' '.isacST a~heavy teadof grain rars firom '-tenn Lueknow. . Ripley and Kincardine. OFMi' 111 ■ ghat the ’ snorting 'engine wteldn’t make th? grade east of town and had to back down and leave about three ears here. As a result foe, af- terntem train in reaching* Lucknow. Barley is the grain so much in demands although foe price has eas­ ed off a bit and on Wednesday was reported at 92 ewits. i»‘- 1 ,. special prices on Topeils. Towell­ing^ Wash Cloths. Ftc. it —THE MARKET STORE. engagement announced ■- Mr. and Mri Wm. H. fWet; 'BrwMMd.. Oak. and formerly - ef As^M amM>te IM engagement' at M daeghter. MoHy, to Gev^ K. HakiN& PMkw and foe late Robert .Ptektey. of Walker- tetririage' te take pteto QiteRt' fo. foe ttBite of GfoteWtet, T" $500 In Prizes Offered In Good-Will Campaign OPPORTUNITY IS PRESENTED FOR RESIDENTS OF LUCKNOW AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT TO SHARE IN THE WINNING OF. VALUABLE PRIZE AWARDH-CiMiPHnnOM OPENS FRI­ DAY. AUGUST 28TH AND CLOSES SATURDAY. OCTOBER 31STT t ' __ _ „ '■ ■ H- ‘ — —-----' '---------' '' The Lucknow Sentinel announces in this issue foe inauguration of a *Good-Will Club" which for foe next -few weeks-will promote-a priie dis-| -tributioM--subsc,ription-and-sales- ram— - paign^-m=7iLueknow==and=foe=surround-~ = ing communities. *,- ■ ^^=A?alaaabl^Tr®s:""GnRra"''~A*ayr'”'s The grand prise list suggestions in­ clude: Chesterfield or Bedroom Suite: Electric Washer or Combination Range; Electric Radio or Battery Set; Walnut Chest or Studio Couch; Sil­ ver Tea Service ©r: Set off Silver; Lady’s or GenCs Travelling Bag; Folding Camera or Toilet Set; Din- .nerware Sett or Breakfast Set; Lady*s «w Gent's Wrist Watch; Congoleum cr Axminister Rug. In addition special prines will be give® ffojnfe.tthe greatest number of votes turned in from wihfo to week.. And, the Lucknow' Sentinel. is off-, ering rash'commissions to all contes­ tants turning in foe most money on subscriptions. ■ ■ ■ Purpose of Catepaign The reap purpose of tins campaign. iS' to create increased business for foe ■merchants of Lucknow and to secure renewals, arrears and new subscrip­ tions for The Lueknow SentineL Votes will be given by a number off local •stores .on eash purchases ' and pay­ ment of accounts, and votes' will also Ke secured by payment off subscrip­ tion accounts.. Plan of Competitmn Any boy or girl, nmn or woman, ran enter the contest by filling in foe entry Wank below and steading to the chab ‘headquarters at Tte Sentinel Office. Then start saving foe coupons which are given by foe competing Stores with,each rash purchase off 25 rents '^d over. Or you ran ‘get -your* friends to- save then fiw you. Each 25-cemt purchase entitles you to a coupe® for 25 votes. The largest total kt conclusion of the campaign wins foe choice of foe prise IfeL foe uext ’ I——■> SHOE SALE STARTS This week 2000 bills rolled cdf tte Sentinel press. , announcing a gigantic closing out sale font gets underway at RafoweH & Reed^s Shoe Store this Friday, and continues . for fourteen seSling days. The values offered war­ rant receiving your attention and iff footwear is required for any "dr all­ members of foe fondly, this is your chance to get it at reaaarkable sav­ ings • ' Tragedy Av« Edwin Smith's Car Yarned Thrtle In Saturday Night Accident As He i Successfully Attempted Tn Ayon! A Crush With Rohm Andrew^ Baggy—Was Taken To Goderich■ Buggy—Was Taken Hospital . Mr. Edwin Smith. Listowell Public Schted Mr. and Mrs. James SL------------------- is in Grderich Hospital recovering from ivories received Jn a Saturday night' motor. arcident past south off FLOMhER SHOW N^XT WEEK The annual -Hower show off, foe Lues* know Hteticultaral Society will he held in foe “CouncH - room* ■ in foe ,T»wn. Halil next Wednesday. Septem­ ber 2nd. Exhibits are to te ;m by one, o'clock -and members are urged , to. assist in making this a gtegeatts dis- ' play. Jt&dghsg will take place in foe ' afternoon and in foe evening foe ball will be open to aB. Thfe year foete will be no admfesfen. charged and foe Society is z hopeful foat foe «ommu®~ iffy, win turn out in full force and by seeiagr. the display may teeoone .more < “*ff?ower consctasu* Prize Ifete cars . 'he'secured ftoaa foe presadentt. Mr. S. ■ C. RatthwgBL - ■ ( ' KILLED AT SOO. VISITED HERR FEW WEEKS AGO CrasraOfMraJ.M.GreerKilledln Motor Accident. Was Former Kin­ less Boy- ___. Mr. Ronald MacLeod, a former Kinloss boy. now off Saskatoon .dsed from injuries received in a motor accident last week at Sault Ste._ Marie . - Mr. -MacLeod is a cousin off Mrs. , J. M. Greer, at whose, home word, off-; the "tragedy was received.- It is just about a month since Mr. MacLeod 'and his brother J*- C. ®f Hamiltoto visited here. - ' • ’ . , j ■ .- Mr. MacLeod received fatal injur­ ies. when his automobile collided with. one driven by a Michigan-' moto.rist.. The injured man died in the Soo Hhs-' pital several hours later without re^. gaining consciousness. ‘ He was -S3 yearsoffage---------;----- Two gto-Aatooim ladies, Annie arvl Margaret Shaw were ' critically Z tn- Honor School Teacher Miss Olive Kilpatrick Presented With Overnight Bag—Goes To Near At­ wood After 7 Years AtCrewe. (Crewe News) On ’Wednesday evening, about six­ ty-five. gathered, at .the hme' off.. Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Shacklfe-ton to. bid farewell to- Miss. Olive Kilpatrick, who for foe past seven', years' has teen teacher here. A program i .of- solos, readings, recitations and.spea^ ches was enjoyed. The following ad­ dress' Was 'read, accompanied, by ■ the presentation off an overnight bag to' Miss Kilpatrick, after which a dainty luneh, was served. ■ Dear Miss Kilpatrick. ' We have' chosen this .tirge to show a little appreciation off your work 'in thi? immunity in the '■ past. .seven years, indeed they have been pleasant years ■ 'with, you in our midst. Each. off your ex-pupils '-will .have some _re' . markable iemtanbranee bff yow kind­ ness. -your- sympathy off" your desire to help when we have 'needed it, . .' We." as a community - ■ have never asked you to assist us. in. our church work and concerts, but ' what yon have been only too willing to respond.. So we hope font you will find this gift'- suitedde and^" usbffuL Signed' on' behalf off the . People of Crewe. , ' Graham Barnin. Kmuneth Gauleyl RETURNS • HOME TODAY On foe road to a remarkable .re­ covery from' terrifoc head '.'injuries suffered .less than a month ago. it .is expected s that today. ' Mr. Ed. James wiE return to , his ' home ' _ in Kinloss Township from Goderich Hospital, where he' has been a .puff­ iest'for* foe past • couple ■ off ' weeks. Mr. James however. wsH be confined to his bed at home for a time. . CLEARED OF M1XUP * Herbert Buektom. recently involved in -a matte1* accident because foe He- ense was taken out in his name, was not held - .resp@sribfe in ■ any . way. After foe1 rircumstances off foe case had been explamed foe Magistrate off the Brampton court wrote Mr. Back- ten advising kun be did not ■ have to appear. His sfeter. Miss Backton. who was driving foe ear at .foe time off. the mishap, was assessed $101 and rests off USft. | SCOTCH NIGHT WEEK LAT£R , The* 2nd annual- Scotch . night in Lofohofw. announced for .September •fith. has been set back a week and wiR be staged cn Friday. September 11th. The change' bos been- made m carder to allow more ample time to advertise this event, so popular East year, and which those, in charge bwpe this year to'make “'bigger and better than everT. The Bread of Health;1 ......... < ........ ■ I—\ / jc Tte tetea H oV IQ Of Health QUALITY 4ND SERVICE OUR MOTfb Let Hollyman’s Do Your Bduus. specials for the week-end strawberry tarts phelsea bens RASPBERRY TARTS ’ ROLLS HONEY TARTS . < COOKIES MAPLE WALNUT TARTS JELLY ROLLS ■ : And* A Large Supply ’(Mf ■ r ■' .... CHOICE LA YER AND CHOCOLATE TRY OUR SOY BEAN BREAD. IT IS~DELICIOUSL H 01 tY MA N *S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow V July 15th We leave Edinburgh.- at ? o’clock by motor eosieh for the English -Lake ■District. The weafoer-mah; is a bit moody today, as Sun and Cloud •■£n- 'terimt.tently hold sway. Everyone we meet is' apolsigizimg for the- ’ very, rainy season. This' tiistrict. ■theJjautiL ts of Wordsworth. Coieritige. .South­ ey and De Quineey. is ijjtclined to be fitful.' I’believe, from a weather standpoint. We. p®ss; through the.'towns of-Car­ lyle and Penrith. It is no-w about l.LSD1.. .As we come Ground the bend we catch sight op .a red sail. boat-On Lake Uliswter.. The sun’ has . the advantage .at- present, and. as it rays play ©ia the- scene, ye ^especially thei feminine' aspect "of -©-ut party> give way-to texpressions off rapture.. The! guide points to the old home, off ■that; ••illustridushuntsmen and English, squire, John Peel. We- stop for a mo-! menu to riewJRoberL^enfoeyX-BLome^ at Keswick. M The English' Lake district. presents] a contrast. to the Tros^aehs. Each has j its distinctive characteristics. The'; Trossach country is more astere and J imports a strength of its very ow®. t . The English Lakes are very ■ friendly | —they - possess a , spontaneity thatr awakens an 'immediate delight. 'An, ! infinite variety off light shade and | i colour which is tn constant fiux. onef .cannot fail .to catch the sensuous ; quality that Wordsworth felt in' suroouedtrigs such as these. We ar-1 rive at the Rigcs Hotel. Windermere- about' I p-tn. To-morrow we have a j wards the sky,^ Tbe free day. ■ I tant appear to' be July ifftb ‘ ram-while foe .a I decide to rent' a 'bicycle and-eyrie fofe toys off foe around Grasmere ’Lake. ..There are J English friend, occasions' when it fe ': necessary to. Joong man with a j back, j withdraw from the crowd to ■ catch catches up 'to me mi e foat jfoe signmeapep; 'and beauty nature, j companion is ene couxEtxy- ■ It takes a few ' minutes to ’accustomtnen. A good Scotch mnwr be is Eby myself to. the hand ■ brakes on these j McDougall—a fed off lS who has •English bicycles. . Abrjut ice miles just' completed Iris work in Tfinrtanr •from Windermere .'is the little town.; (Coatinned ua Itege 5)’'- ..... z out- togeth­ er greetings I Rat Tire Cauies Mishap [ MaterfessCwj Two 'Loral Ladies Escape Injuries In. Anrieut Vehicle Sunday' Accident - As Car Goes Thru • Torrance’s C< Guard Rai! And Down Steep Rink Were .... . ' ‘ — Considerable ffetder. and "ody dam- 4 F^td cAr-td. Did- minu^' markers ■ left foe Torrance's comer eater . day mo rning amf landed ■ tn the creek at that pa rhe wheels was broken in ratefc four point fendfeg,. Moore might never have known off the unUcensed chariot tfc»t„ is said to .have brought a eoupfe Belgrave youths over to foe Bend Tattoo 'in Lucknow. ■ The .pair managed to get home dar­ ing the night and unturned morn- mg with their brother4te-Iaw a&d a snare wheeL but before they the . •return '''journey underway, Unstable M i'o re Arrived on the seem. The bro­ ther-in-law put up such a strong plea'I for -the bays, espOGEndfog - all their goo^- points, that foe 'Chfefts ' ■ heart softened and he let them go on __E*amng-> to" .h-’ csr hoc'their way. But he intends to do a was <nm<hef. httle rnvestigatta.. mto the past his- u—. — -___m jatKu*. ■ ’ oncers .Hmaged and r_>ry off the pair, and'if its not*' all 7 PAL SUNDAY. AUG. SOL 7 PM -^.oad body i-nt .'ver reared.* that friend brofoeMri-faw cfeimel -rt.. ---- T-------n.. t(1 .dt* to E'e. thg dtt<* nray jet.-find . town c.y jtr. , vjvNab under, its ownh-elves in- the clutches ef the tor fGC ;i po'Tver and.'“fie nest day was driven, ^reerirrg?. aFiangf the kaRhvrajrs white ito 'L'm&ntt for repairs. '.lacking Heerra* ... r L- SAW1 WILD CAT age was. dHn« t' J. C. 3>L*NaT* Ce seiaii 'in a Si‘r.d.*iy* a.r'ter-^-.on mi.-- bap. The to ' ■*«.....par.ts i'ff. “he rar. Mrs. MeNa5'*1 ara her <.=rer-tn-Ia^. Mrs. Walter Hamilton, es-'tiped injury except tia: M. Nah -™*rered- a <eis rely brato* f leer. The .3e*:»w- at the ’ Maybe you’ve been reading’ about 'itt. ?r ” . the wfflj rat which Bert* Cole shot ■ south off ThoradaSe East week. ' Mr.' **;!;l?s: a-e t-at a tire > W. L. MacKentrie off town, happened' f.'' *}**•' A" . ' 1 along at that point fust a few mtns ■ ;’*7./’* nsrike • utes after Cole brought foe animal • '•*r7,rT* I’ reue i cn-« s . down Cteesiderabfe excitement bn- J5C'“ i'ie i'1’’ ’’■’.’TV’1’ »v’'r i',r’1-TtA been stirred up over the affair, and'’1?.3 -en-tvo. rtr.<n. Both people off foe ricimty are .now search- ' J* I mg .for its mate kittens ' .■ ’>n- t.‘*P - oa: “Vome Now aW Let - .getter, sadhtte LtedT. tev Itl'V; ■ WML r-JL KrtTy Actsi, Itth. vkuptoMF , GRANGE-. HALL FRIDAY. SEPT. «K Wft PM. . . Ytetog Ftefo’s NigM ■ I ' AH Wttatoe ' foange HafiLJ GOOD CROPS IN ASHFIELD i Repeats ®ff exceUenff crops 'abw* ■ the Lake Shore fe AshfieJd are fre­ quently heard. On foe' MacMnrohv faraB. about a nrile north off Kmfful Stan&y .and EEwood Drenrram.lltessees t have harvested .Sit basheLs wff' wheat' from -fftetr acres, or better-than W t bushels to- foe ‘’*cre. '» ; ’a The cteet. to tte. lake 'foe 'better t' foe yfeM.' The MacMuanrhy farm is <w?Ey -a teste ' and 'a' tptorter* ' rhfetnd. stag the teke shore sptendrd retsanfe of wheat and bortey are re- poTted. teifo' an arearhge crop off This is ■sc^Btefited’- for W heavy- dew« I which octnmed ataost irightl&'dunrmg < ^HtX. t'N W-bAY AND SEN1> . THE- GOOD-WILL CLUB. •’THE SENTINEL eAFFECE. LUCKNOW,. ONT. • '■ * • . f PLEASE. CONSIDER ME AN ENTRANT IN.TtfR •' LUt’KNOU- -SENTINEL GOOD-WILL gCLUB ' ADVEETISINCL .. * SALES AND SUBSCRIPTION. CAMPAIGN •Nartfe Address *r foe