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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-07-23, Page 6
*i ••"’T’r*' ..... ■ . * s "■■■•.. ft,. ' T womans V” * ft <• a iGavalcade, ;a (British maws rmaga-T lit / the is . both 1 .1- one >was -----•• 4J^frince-ffiiiwart|, -dson~<ai‘..ttire-llfoke- ®.nfi-litodire^aj^...i£xiunr-.4anff..-.- ■nepnew tthe King, [photographed iin Hiis perarrthiilatur iin ILondon. IHe \will :be mine nnonihs ailti con Jldly Tilth. ffilfW W ENIER OSHNWE5IT IRlanily -write <or [priitt oout tthe im- [greiiieitt* mnH rmethafi /and csenH iit tto- ^Miher With tiunkte amfi mHHress tto 3tnu*dhdlH Sciece, 9tin>m . 4E2H, >73 .AHrila&le Street, Tnrmftio. <(M CtQmss UlkM ’ Ufoted idietician .and expert on /all > icobkery /problems, Mrs. EK. 3K. Jfeiken <irf ffleriton, (Ontario, wvill conduct rthe (Canadian INationril JEfibibttion Godk- farg School mt tffiis annual (exposition, wtrtiwfa opens mext anonth. The school. <will ’dbee Iteeld iin tihe rthesttre iin,(the [Electrical and Engineering [Building jjuBt within "the IRrmee^s ’Gate. Mrs. &&en, “who is lknown fap mrnfiy On tario [housewives faor /her daily cook-i (exy broadcasts, /is m world (traveller: twho ihas studied tthe preparation <cffl unerils an mapy (.countries non faothi ajides trif fafre Atlantic. i (Chocdtette iMirtt IDcirik Melt fawo squares cooking Choeo- llttte over hot writer. Add > one euifEul [boiling water /and cook three -min- fates. Add fahree^quarters cupfiil otff fatfgar /and boil two minute^;. [Remove 3rom tho heat, .gilfl four /tablespoons; unarshmrihow "topping, and beat until: . onnorith^ Tour into•» large bowl;, afiflj fawo drops oil xft peppermint, one; (quart off miik, and ice. Bhake fhor-l mughly in jar or fahaker. -Serves fhae. [ —Miss May [Patterson, EE. No. 2,1 Norwood, Ont. , Scilad (Dressing cup White sugar 2 level teaspoons mustard 2. ’.level teaspoons corn -starch. 1 level (teaspoon -salt. % (level teaspoon pepper. . 1 /large eegg. , . . " | amp '.vinegar (white preferefil. 36 cup /milk. K 1 tablespoon butter. * i Mix dry ingredients, heat iin -egg, /add rother iingredients /and .cook iin double /boiler until -thick. (Keeps well ®nfl its particularly rtasty for /potato, ibe^t or /cabbage salad. Eor crihhage .-salafi tthin '.with sweet cream and fafifi. tto cabbage when ready -to serve.— Mrs- M. 'Gdllop, (Cookstown, 'Ont. Attention ,’J ■We -will pay (®l®0 on publication if or "the best salafi salad dish or ’.■re freshing drink recipe /received. SUNDAY “ ' ilEBSON IIV. -X. JULY 26 z CHIilSTIANITy SPREAD DY PERSECUTION.—Acta 7 : 54; B : 4; ®1 : 30-21; 26 : 9^11; 1 [peter 4 fl2-19. GOLDEN TEXT.—Be thou faithfiil unto death, and. I will give thee the crown of life. Revelation 2 r 10. TBE LESSON IN ITS SETTING ■Time.—The martyrdom of Stephen took place in AD. 36. The events re ferred to in Acts 11 / 19-21 occurred In AD. 42. Paul’s- defense , before Agrippa was given more than a quar ter of a century later, A.D. 59. The first Epistle of PeteT was written About the same time, AD. 60. . Place.—The martyrdom of Stephen oeeurrel in Jerusalem. The growth off the church in Acta 11 : 19-21 ra sters to conditions, for the most part,' 1n the city of Antiocb far noHh m - Syria (and fifteen miles inland from (file coast. Pafal’s. defense before, Agrippa was in the city of Caesarea,, faituated on ||;he cbast ‘ of Palestine toidway between Joppa and Tyre. “And they stoned Stephen, calling upon the Lord.” T’._ k_._ *: lated “calling” appears here as' fa1 present participle, “denoting, it l r..jSttfald seem, the continuous" appeal of the martyr to his Lord.” “And sayihg, ' Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” The title which Stephen gives to Christ Certainly .“involves a recognition Of tlim in* the two^fd|ld character tff a «ovc’*eign an.tf-a,.Sp.viour. - . “And he kneeled down.” “The atti tude of kneeling in .prayer would no doubt com’mtehd itself to the early be lievers from the example d^jthOrr I ird. “And witb •t 0 "( /if, tthat faevnut open vmbxb mat (Ohrtatian (disciples, faut ^piritudlly /minded .Otews. ‘ffiut (ifiaiil Haiti ‘.waste tihe fahurL’h, ^entering imto .every ihousq, rnnti (drag ging men /and women /committed titiem tto (prison:” The word these (translated ‘Haiti \waste” ifcs tidentical With tihe cone .used in IRsalm (BD :: 113 faf rfhe iravoges .of m Wild /beast. The aeril faff Slaul am the (occasion oaf .Bfopheiils unarfeyriiiHn ‘tprdbahly procured faim fa saeat iin tthe .-Sanhedrin. '—; , J Thtfy /therefore tthat \were ^mstetered were fahroad went faiumt ipreaifaiag tthe wotti?’ The (jeamwerts went tto IRheritae, (Cyprus. ®nfl Anrtiriiiib ’tfllilill®), /anti faome (certainly went /ae ffor Wb £Rome, ffor AmdroniciK /anti Huiiia -.ware dlis- (Cfotes iiri /the fatty faff (Rome ibtftare tthe ueonveteion off IPaul. l^Rom. ‘(Beloved, /think itt moUfstrange ueon- merniig /the ffieny ttsiaj /among jynu." The falfosion ’.here ite tto tthe ffire fay Whichgolti ife ttestfiti, /anti tthe word, its iprdbably ttakon /from Trov. 27f21. “Mfaich .eometh tunto won tfo grave jyou, ms /though a fatrange ttiifag lhgp- •genefl utito jyini’.” Satan /tries tiis ((anti ’here /a ■ different word iis used) tthat (he /might grove LusAunworthy; cGad fatifces lie /to fahew /that -we tare worthy. ‘[But /insomuch ;as vye /are /partakets inf 'Christ’s faUfferi^, ”2 (Cor, 4WQ; fBrib. A3I2; (Gdl. ]1 That mt tthe /revelation faff Ibis glory /also we nnay /rejoice (with texeeeiling jjoy:” iCCT. Hiflll). This werse /refers ito tthe faeconil (.conjing off (Dirttat iin glory .(Matt. ll«fZ7;; 119128;; 124330,; 22S-i31’).' - - ‘iff -ye /are :reproached ffor tiie mame <erf (Christ, falessefl mre gfa?’ W /are rra- imindeti /at tbnee off Matt. (fi/Ull, T2. lit ■is guile /significant, tthat tthe. iphrase, ithe /name of (Christ- iis ffounii. ifai._mD (father /place iin /the .'New Testament. ‘[Because tthe d3fahrit off glory mnfi tthe /Spirit-of iGoti irestetii /unto..jjam’/f|'HHfo- .outward /reviling tto Which tthe (idtaci- iples were exposed ’/brought iglory /and /not dishonor. 1 ‘IKot let /none of \you faiffier /as ta imuriterer, (Or fa - thief, ‘far /an awiltflGfir, cor /as ;a -meddler iin (Other /men’s imat- tfeers'.”- The ipoirrt Whidh tthe apostle /Peter '.here /makes ife tthat. While tthe (Christians nriight ‘suffer (because tthqy were /followers of (Christ, they fahorilfl never (be.guilty of any such ains fas <are.’ here rment i one'd. i in coiisequen.ee < Of which/theywoiilil [justly/suffer. *!But iff a :mai/suffer /as /a (Christian, let (him mdt ’be /akhamed, font ltet. faim glorify fQofl /in ttiiis mame.” nt >is aa wehy significant /thing rthat when rthe (Clnite- ctiaii dhurCh was fformeti, and rmen .were foorn /again’, /a mew /name faafi tto be coined 'to differentiate (them ffrom /rill ’the • other .people Off tthe aenrth. ‘'For'the ttime ife icomtf ffor j judgment /to fafagin mt tthe house ctff CGnii; <and iff iit foegin ffirst /at ms, What shall foe (the (end of Ahem that obey mot tthe gosqtel ctff ICtafi;” The /thought /here ife tthat (God :brings liite town (family iinto tthe .[judgment ffirst; allowing tthem tto faiif- ffier and to foe fahastlseid .and scourged /in fate love rthat ’they unay the [purged /and /marie /meet ffor faerVtce /and ffor (glory. • “And .If the righteous ‘.is scarcely Xred, (Where fahall tthe mijgoiily aanfi ner /appear?’’ (Bee ffirqv. H12S1L This Ife but a (continuation Un /slgntiy different language (tff /the (thought Of -the /preceding .versfe. , “Wherefore foet tthem false tthat fatff- ffer /according to /the Will odf tGhfl ccam-: unit.” The wotU here /trandlated rcom- miit iis /used iin tthe falasStcs ctff giving (ont ’s money (into tthe (keeping cof ia fffienfl. ’In days (When (there /were mo foantes, ‘this wms (constantly ilione fay [people going oh ;a [long ‘journey, /anti fauch /a deposit was -regairieil sts /en tailing .a peculiarly faacred (Obligation, ■Which mone ceoiilti violate cor tthiiik ctff vidlating without (the (deepest guilt. ‘ThCir souls :in \wdllfa0ii|g untto. m faithful tCreator.’’ Ilf ©oil fte tthe fall-) powerful Or eat or vof tthe /universe, con tinuing -to uphold the universe fay fate omnipotence, rthen /surely (he 'fa fable to Ikeep anything that ’we ccomtait tto faim. : Birtte IHl'onw Cults Sciititteiiiiit' minil Htaidtf iin Winnipeg Eree Tress—lit iis fao tihe great (.city iinstiutions /that dhe flood Of /modern !lif.e 'brings tthe 'most waried cargoes of /pattents .ill With fall imant mer faf /troubles. « That /is (Why /the great -city !inXti- rtufions /pre (outstandingly (furthering medicdl [knowledge^ mot coiiiy ‘training /those ‘speeffieti ■ departments wHiere /they [provide teiiriicdl ’material (for ‘students .of miedicdl -colleges ;ahd /nursing fforeek,:but fftfr. every I last < i|op- ttor, mo- /matter Ihow rrennwned, ’Who -walks tiheir \waTife.- EHospitals fare lite-, /coming more /anil /more /aware ttff rtiieir /responsibility iin tths iregard. Th»y /have Hevdlqpefl -While tthay lhave ite- ttaineH "their (first /purpose ctff -shelter. They Ihavje become (centres < tff Hiealtii tteaChihg mot mijly '/through (their iout- /ttcjjoy cdliifics, font tthrough /their -social faervrees .WhlChl When /adyisalile. ffollow (their -patients tto (their Ihomes!. They lhave 'become /a rpart < of ttite (educational system rdf tthe (country !m /the (etiuca- ttion i af. at 1 least two. of /the rp^rdf ess ions. The growing -science tff bio-Chemixtry Which mvery year discloses mew -won- 'der is turning its -eyres -toward ./the [hospitals. The [hospitals rare beeom- img, ;if /they are mt /already there. Hiighly /important mietiicariaboratories. JBCtence lhas iprObeti ’the immemoria’. imyster-y ctff faiirth. /Tlecenlh- fay -trans- rpianting tthe mnlbryo /prnduceH fay ar- ttfficiril (fertilization (into n lemrile’ rObJ Wit, 3>r. CQregoiw IPincus, The /renowned' .American ibidlogiat, < create!!!,living irrtb- i (-------------------;; , lT, 'k i. liiits. EHis ffirat satqp /was tto ssanune ttiis irdlease (OT IHorattone fflrdlaii M tffprii i the ipituitany gland <iff aa ffomdie irdlibtt. 'Tills wvas achieved fay mtimUtatipg «H- eectricdlly ;a merve -centre iin rti^e'«hrea« rture.ks medk, ffie ttiren (extracted. mn Yegg ieell mnd (exposed i tt fftrr aa ffew.mi in cites. tto ,n (tempcrqture ctff U1B idqgs. IE. Thus tfertilized wiitiinUt ithe mse <nf m nndle (element, tthe >..egg tedll iwas ttrans- uriittfrd tto mnnthar tf^mdle :ralibit ithitt /afterwards /hmugiit itt tto :birth. H2ahh chf tthe irdUhits thorn thy v rtins imeans %was tn ffemdte. lit iis [posd idle tthat iDr. IPincnS’-s diKiaavfi'iiifis wiill [ho mp- [plieil tto iiessen rthe ttrill off thiiman im©.-‘ tthethnnd. \With m llittte imore nre&eaiaih, -a Ibhilogist .-.states, itt ^hmiltl the [prtie- ‘tivdble ffor ffrdll women, wthp appear uindbLe tto ‘hear rtfas ‘Strain off Childbirth •'tto lhave rtfalir olhiniren rtnansplahtetl iin tthe tenilirytnih? -stage tto 1 healthy “Ihqs,t (mothers.” The rtrhnqplantsti aHiilil'.woillii ire thin .dll tthe (inherited fCharaetettistics 'iff iite ttnie jparentls iStib .iik’. ' (COIHinUrOE-,. /Mass.' .llta-tidffe (Gdllege, /noteti .e ducat iontil iinstitu- tiiori ffof .women, /announced irevently .it (had Changed lite <coat <rff /arms Ite^ cause aan .expert ihail (Hiscnverell tthe uold tone '.was /appropriate for Wiiiaws ■and -spinsters roiily. ERhnrre tie (C. ILa Utose, (expert iin iHeraldy, /pointed mitt tthat tthe /arms 'had /been displayed am ia diamond oar lozenge, Whereas tthe and liege ns fa ccor- ;po^ation, Who til'd [have insetl aa fahtelfi. The ■coat < tff /arms 4tas ’/been -.used -since tthe cdllegefe (incorporation iin 1EO4. ilteAWt^y iiirtn ith® dlliaiHUittati lit|tteUuinS off BERfite Ifilif^enawQX, Ithe “tiilil woman With tthe hsadkl” sisitt liwr imany icttria Lfluniilg ffrom ttjio (humane faiwiatyis eexj! tteiiniilitttnr lanil flnuWiitetl (for mraeluifa off /«. .imottmm :qiimtiiiPini liimbse fan dim faite. , Hittie l.Herarihi.t Ihnowii ffor ihipre i Ukui; ttiwD.dfocaiies ffor lhar ttidhtt off agatiinr-/' ’ lilgg fa trips _faWuK.Ae.idl (.CfetW limtte fffami (the fatveuu \was fapaxati ttiee faigtet off ttiie ffiumane fSodiuto'fa fapaxi dormer----- j . ...........................- Hlifapttdl fait Hlwdivullie. Tiixes off ti (cats vwere lunlter like Wiitdhen ffbutor. ttiffi oeat wuiifaiieil.- ■“ .Aiivtinus tageius off iwifadteres fatt®- Ilteti iinto. itta ttjiitumiB? IhiUKei, liiuai-iUtii tthe Whitlows ;anti iprqimtoil tto diemii ifafc. till® fatcmtuire. Tin»y (fnunii jit Witiunit coiHtiains cor liiiiniis. Withfafaiies con ttim fflunr iiifateall off ;a ■ ttirn vwdlte ssmdkestaiiEeli \Wttli Hitifofe Ihithtt faf nt®: mihStiitg tth® fatovdiiils tto <dhtriin iniona lhettt. qqu (itdlti Winter nijgttts. Un tthe (.collar vwas itiis. falil \wonumss" [treasure oiiiest, in faiant. minfamirij, Ifta lieil W.tth nuiiuse tfrnm tthe sstreUts. rHiffi standi itt ffuT waa-rs .anti thdlfaveti' itr tto. . dm WdluOlile.__ _ /__. _ ______;______ Tim IHinndne iSiwlpte wits Whi-nheU fateoitt ttite <c«ts. -Aiffiiis, dhdk, Hfonn?. -\Weerih’, MHit^y. ffihtte mull faovmfa! tthe (Others.. Iits. (Officer diitiiltt lfaitaw Wiiidh itff rthiim rfhfa liieiunith tthe ffloov. font cottiers ixeCdlleti iitttte ssaiil >ifaua faiwtaFS \wtts /ail iiHUKUitii laiiintdl /anti [that fahe cemitii ([converse 'Willi fain). Ifittie Itb-ft i under iprnt-eat. (Stir lituti hattareti (Off faCintinn f tor, inion tits., \Wnen ;a [previous ttfftorfe was inutile itv ireninvo liter.(to sail iiifalituiiiin fatie lreiuseti. tto. enter iit. •tlim mot igoiug iinu1 .ai»‘fao»» White [I (have < one rof inyy rnwn’.’' fatie tfte- (jdlareU ifirniiy. . ' , . • The wire (Meets ihnugitt limr liinnte [from itim (.ciW' ffor;iSHli»: dt was rfottett- '■ L'for rtaK. I arrears. lit «£f tthefHnmane SJoCiato’SB searittj liujr beats ; ifihe.-.was Iin ttite (fiintariij StetteHy Himes iin UHifo (CwmimiK Hnmdk fficidl (circles bound /to sseareay xwhen- aaver tthe fadbject (tff :thc [Royal (engage- mient wras (mentioned. ■‘Ilnsidc icirdles /in [London- /axe ■secretly /anttised ;at ‘the unrffficidl dle- midl <tff (the HKing'« (forthcoming mrflr-l triage tto [Princess AtejS^ntirine’.” , The mews /has -been [pidili^hel! -disLO /in IBeigium .arid in .America. [Impefeqptibiy, ;anii ffor /no .a^mar- »ent /reason,, /attention lhas been [priiti -.to IPtrnvess Alexandrine ’in EUritfeih -ncwspqpers. The IDdliy Mirror I has /printed 'oecasioad! gossip iparagraphs fabnut then. The Daily Express Hast [Week: [printed ;a [picture tff Hlrnrcess .Ales-1 fanfirine, -.with mo [font Why rthe fate-! ttuze Ihad ‘been^printed HaiSt ■under itdiosen [prirtteti facqpe: ■ ■^Horosvop* . 'diWloses fa thigilly gffteti [persondljty anti /a genius ffar , a bn ve t the average,' •filler' mtivan'cei) 4nf*ill«cl /artistic .anti acinhtffic. ‘‘Much ‘ttavOl /is tienoteii -hoTwst'Qpe, Whteh tfhows, ttoq, wrill gain 'her /greatest'fauwoss iin <-a country' other ‘than (tff ih:er ’Birth. "ffifer ipophlarity W$1 <.como fatter •marriage. (She Will I become ffnmnus Tor the.' rpdlilrr .activities anti WoitiH- witie intereSta anti mynrpatHi’es.' '“An fapporturiity tfhoiilfi oecur tiut- iing; ‘the imcXt .112 'month, ffor fan mitt- 'tftahdmgly 'htHlirmt rmnrrfage 'tn .-an (eminent 'taoniber tff h -frimhlly ‘foreign fa trite ’‘IPirinvtf 'her 'Oldest statCT ’MthJhave l<ovos/xrope,s>'fhat ;.atc ssingu- 'Jrttly in '‘hnrmo'nt With ♦th** IheroWtfpo ■ tff (Tlwrft ip-idlttfin*” •• • aine, [prints non fits (front;cover :fa rthe /current [issue ta [picture tff IRrinSess Alexandrine ILoiiise, ® /niece <tff tthe EKipg rqf Ttettmaik, ;nnti fffast [phrae iin iits (columns is given tto /rumors rthat sihe '.will miarrylKing Edward, 'Cavdl- evatie’s .article follows: Shortly (After tthe Heath uff King (George a -story was [passed, With fall tihe. fair ’7tff /authority which such fatories invoke, (from /social circle »to .-social circle, rthat When King 'Ghris- ttron of [Denmark Wssitell London ffor tthe .Jubilee the otompleted /arrange- .who i Lord, lay not'this sin to their chargeT’i In .James, <as ;in /-Stephen/we may’see' how the true 'Christian character,! whilst expressing itself in righteous! indignation against hypocrisy . mnfi' wrong, never failed ’to exhibit,* as its! counterpart, the meekness and gentle ness of Christ.” “And when he diadi said this, he fell asleep.” Chxst him ’ self Often referred to death as sleep (Matt. 0 •: 24; Mark ; 30; John 11 : 11). ' . , J . “And Sau! wa.; consenting unto faisi death.” This sentence really belongs: at the .close of Chapter seven The! word here translated “consent? sug gests complacent qnd full approval. “And there arose Orf [that day a .great persecution again the church which’ was in Jerusalem.” Jerusalem was,; at the same -time, the center of Jew ish worship, the seat of thi? great: Sarihedfin, yet where, then anti; through the ages, eyet dowr. to the; present, there was the bitterest fana-, ticism. “And they-Were all scattered’ abroad throughout fahe ^egilohs vf (Gf..out Lcgti’s1 prediction of "this very scattering, in* Acts 1 : 3.) “Except the apostles.”. The probability is that the apostles knew themselves to he the hca^ Of the- chuteh, :that they , were living jn times k most critical[ fbf the church ’e future, end that, no matter wh/tt the consequences might be, they, must ] stay in what the center of all Chris-' ’.ian activity. p “And devout men buried Stephen,” and made great lamentation . over} him.” It has ’been believed/by -many,; and there- is no reason fo roritrariict. The verb here trans-: Judaea, and Samaria -While leaf <and stalk /blights ungy be responsible ‘for greater losses ’than aniy other factor in the culture trff .ce lery, these diseases can be controlled with comparatively .ltttte effort anil *a mliniriium Of expense .ft iprescrifrefi recommendations are 'followed the disease is to be controlled, .-steps Should be taken before ‘the disease has appeared in the ffibld. : For the control of blights the [pro cedure 4.« just as important-as the ma terial used, because even ‘the best and most effective "fungicide can the ineffective if improperly applied. (Re gardless of the spray or dust to ‘be used, applications of fungirdUeshoUld tie marie. M^sufficieiitjy frspuent in tervals throughout ;the- growing ‘sea son, to keep the foliage/covered fay the protective film, WiliPh .necessi tate- spraying or dusting every’ weak pr ten days, from the time growth commences until the giants are (.har vested.. If applications are Imarfa less frequently., the unfolding tissue .is mot muffiCientiy protected, with the result that it may beebme diseased, and. Hire' infection has taken place the damage is done. The furigteide Should be applied witli adequate pressure to ntirely cover- the foliage and force the c.hemica. well down intorthe heart tire plants, Spraying Is a -protective; not >a curative .practice HI , ? dt_4hu., a ■ Ibiyf vo i<*e. 45 r I 'fl AV’F. rments ffor /the .marriage off Hife >r .Alexandrine ELouise, -tn Edward, ■was then EBrince off AVaies. The story .went on ito -say tthat ctff rthe ladt wfehes of tihe King tthat fhe /marriage go fforwarrl.’ ’’With cequdl .air off authority, mews lhas mow keen /printed iin .-a inlost > every arorintty. , .. ; ■ W ith hl 1 .author ifcy. '■fim ith !s VW eek )y, sensafiondl Australian mewspgper, iptfated *fhe report the ‘ftorthcom- (fag ’faarriogc.” tin .a (tetter fesuv lit said:'‘^'Cabled iirffotmatioP since ffdlly atorffirms it ,. . . ‘the af&ieidl announcement -.will icome tetter.” .’ 1 .Added : ‘‘A (representative ‘'from our il.ondon staff went specially'.to ^Copen hagen for “permission ffo (gett na ’photo- ,gtajih stt frill eo^ts available fa [London ‘fit soon, soon as‘the scopp cdhie had been ’TenibleH ‘tn [Lon- iton from 'Gopeithngen^ /bl I photo- /graphs o'f ‘the -’Dariish Koya’ Kamil? dlpH been cdllefi ‘Kimllly . '. tact with the ;and sr> obtained am ‘this rpage.. . ‘f0ur 'rntrciponden1 d ‘Since now wa; fabvrou.5 ‘that as tff (ShiitHk wotifi foeSapie cort tents' had been ire foftlefi ‘tn [Lon fa. ' , .our man made eon- 'Court ^phOtotemnhcrf.. the fotetinte -pithlhlhep I , , , . I’.week tthe SSimHay Hle'feree, ra Sheading: ‘“America ’ it ms ihdr aas four Ein^fe ihtidtf,” IPfineess Alcxanfiriw’^ !horo- iin lher fhstt sjHtc \ « ■ . ‘Alexandrine.1 IBoute- anil Hbi iww - iLetinra. ■ <* * t wT IW£-fE>' ■ '..(injaii .thmnmih. ’■ ’"Tt mnnurlime.- it-(cnitiim;/. rthw| niurit Hie (woTfatrirrttttfi itilong tfiin, ming rndl- heeptfiing liineh, tthqy juufat mnrtiev .fiijnitty ttiutt -k- siitC fafile ffor Hror. /anti /limy inuw the ipTactivtil./iSs avdl! a. ..attractive, IHere «s q [fna'h itmtt (nnlhfaiies till (the frcquiromcuta. Witiimnmilfi (ffll ffortUire »ff aiULtmihont worn- '.only. .A sstfft liiofihcv.ffa vgrttbd'rwtl ttr' ttite vyrlkv /.in ftrout ,antl Ibatfk /anti Mnifitetl thy (the HwHt. White ai fahm- Htetizing ifnfutt. jptmdl <e««oitteH‘ Ihy inverted :pteitfa.’tends >ijp tfo at imorit . <cwdl inhii Hfohcritdly faWteti (wriliar. Hnveitteti .[ptettte ,-axe irqpertteil iin tiie fateeves ffor .-arftivr farms'. ’The. » ‘'frrtek ife ‘se /athfoteH ffor HUfaUhtas. ’iifformti) ttcas'. ■strwtft amti faftav- -noon ‘.wear ;Bntt won .ea'rtit qoMfafoty ’ hSetill ’/ttehiy. Hot iBntbtmi Uhill , llfattemi Wo. IJWfitelB. faValhdite iiri ii-tes .’«2 V'3!4, W], .Wk ifl), H2 mud Hl4. SHixe fall treqilites h ytrrH- tff fafhinxHh ffdhrte. , , . tmw rw bEmnrm frwrniHRNs WW-iite vynur rmnre .lardf aidhtrs [pkiirily cjjiVfag tiiUtrlher rrff [prttbMm W&tttati. RBitdbtk*i sitemps rtjr' twin (dvrifa iit oaaWidliy nawH yyour andkr tfct> HMmn VW'tSdt' •AlldkiiHf TEjinOirtftn. v