HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-07-23, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL"THURSDAY, JULY 23RD, 1936.PAGE FOUR also •1 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM .Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. JANE WITHER^? c,K •n -■■«.,. ■■■ Two-Keel Comedy— “ALIMONY ACHES” PAPPY O’DAY A COMEDY DRAMA With plenty pClrish Wit & Song . I ' • , . • . 1 V Thursday, Friday, Saturday. JULY 23-24-25 . ......: ______ __ THURSDAY, JULY 23RD, 1936. ST. HELENS Some Holyrood Reminiscences I I ASK YOU to please remember, as you hurry along the highways bound for son^e distant" point, that it costs , you nothing to be courteous to other7 drivers and it saves you money.. . ... ... ................. . ___ It Costs you nothing to sound your horn on the —as—you-gfe^ about to overtake a" fellow “ ' ’ motorist and it may prevent an accident and thereby save you money. ; ; • It costs you nothing to give the other fellow a wide berth when you meet him and it may prevent a side-swipe and thereby saye you money. • It costs you nothing to hand-signal your intention to slow down, turn or stop and it may prevent a collision and thereby save you money. • It costs you nothing to “nip” along at the speed df the traffic you are in and it prevents other motorists from having to “cut-in” in order to get “there” and thereby removes one of the . greatest • < causes of costly accidents. • It costs you nothing to be courteous and considerate, of your companions of the road and it will prevent accidents and thereby save dollars and cents for . everybody and prevent broken bones and broken: hearts as well. . ' -j So I appeal to you from the standpoint of sheer ... economy to be courteous to other motorists on all occasions. Practise and preach the golden rule of the road — “Show to others the same courtesy that you would like to have shown to you”. \ I I4J Sincerely yours, , MINISTER HIGH WAYS PROVINCE OF. ONTARIO TRY Be a leader for better driving In 1867 and 1868 I lived as a lad at Holyrood, or to use the old name Co­ chran’s Corners, and perhaps - some boyish memories yvill be of interest to the present generation. My father kept the store and also the post offiee, which had been closed but was reopened under him. .Philo White brought the mail by stage from Goderich, going through to Kin” loss every night. We sometimes’ srit up late waiting,, for the stage, Mr. Archibald Cochran, Peter Cor­ rigan’s father-in-law, and Mrs. Co-‘ chran-were both living at Holyrood then. I have an- old store bopk which shows among our customers at that time Roger Cain, Siteele Murdock, John Basso, Gideon Fitzells, T. L. Mc­ Cutcheon,' George Morgan, John Gra­ ham, Jamieson Dempsey, Hector Hol­ mes, M. McLeod. DivMOLean, Peter Vancfe, David Houston, Donald rMc- Kerizie, Sinclair Meiklejohn, Archibald Gordon, Donald McAuley, Stephen Bradley, William McMjullen, Alex­ ander McKenzie,. Henry Harris, Jas. McDonagh, Robert “Johnston, Allan Bruce and many others. Some of the articles kept in the store then, are not stocked now, fqr example, hoopskirts and clay_ pipes. ~ ■ArMr~McCofin6ir kep"t fK^Cbchrah hotel in 1867. He. was succeeded in 1868 by Wm. Wadsworth, who later, kept a hotel in Lucknow. The second hotel building put up by Roger Cain was just new then. Three events stand out in my boy­ hood recollections of these years. One was the camp of Indians in the swamp to. .the., north for part of the winter. They lived there, made bas- kets.and^traded^aix>und.;Orr-one”oc- casion, having secured some fire water, some of them staged a fight in front of the store when every­ body else was supposed to be asleep. Another interesting occasion was my first tea meeting, or rather so­ cial, for I was there on the second night. Mount Zion Methodist Church on the corner of what Was James Johnston’s farm, was opened. I sat at the back on| a board laid on blocks and I remember that the singers,, who were said to be Treleavens from Lucknow, had« musical instrument new to me, probably a melodeon, and they sang “Shall we, gather, at the River?” which I heard theri for the first time. I thought their sing­ ing the finest I had ever heard; But the great event to me of these early Holyrood'days was the Orange walk on the 12th of July 1868, for, that day was celebrated • in loyal fa-, shion at the corners under the aus­ pices of the local Orange Lodge. Janies McDonagh of the sawmill, his brother, Robert and - Alexander, Rob­ ert Elder, the Dempseys and Robert Johnston, th*en living on what is now James Baker’s farm, were among those I remember in that connection. The local lodge had no fifer, so they secured one of the Irwin boys from Belfast and he acquitted himself very well. There were flags .and marches and orange ribbons, and speeches and I know there was at least one drum for I got a few whacks at it during the noon hour when no one. was look­ ing; There were little stands for the sale of candies and lemofiade; an im­ portant part of the program for they youngsters. I remember, that Mrs: Morrison from the Gray Ox at the 4th Con.; had a stand. Oh the whole it was a great day. The celebration was. on a small scale but there was enthusiasm and good will arid none of the crowds. of this year 1936 was happier in their gath­ erings than was that company of sixty-eight years ago. JOHN ELLIOTT The LxUcknow Sentinel Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A,. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor Campbell Thompson—:Publisher Whitechurch Couple . Honored By Friends . WHITECHURCH NEWS Mrs. Garton Passes ‘Following a serious illness of but a few days, Mrs. George Garton died on Thursday, July 9th, at her home in her 57th year. Although she had been ailing for the past few months, her passing was a great shock to her family and many mends CREWE Ellen Maize is a visitor With at. Guelph, ’ Carolyn Allin of Lucknow is 4 CON., KINLOSS ■Mrs. D. MeLeoc. ’ar/ aid returned h-.rr.e With friends in DeVc-'t. . Mr. and Mr«:. Ho-.*!.’:, r. and Shirley of Mstche?.. Week-end at Mr. T. E.: r < r Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bar. ?< Janet and Mrs. Bruck a:.o <. of London, spent the veer-e the sixth. They were - home by Miss Christens Ei. • has spent her vacation here. . Miss Lillian is to be cor.gratj.a ed on passing her music tion with honors. Miss Kate McLean • of Mrs. Wm. Scrimgeour and _ . Palmerston and Miss Rose Reeve and her-two little sisters. Elsie and Ada of Toronto, were visitors at R. Middleton’s during the week, j Mr. Malcolrp McLeod, Gladstone, Man., is visiting at his old home on the sixth, after an absence of thirty five years. | Miss Blanche McDougall and Har­ vey spent, the week-end at their hom'« The U.F. W. O. meeting at’ the home of Mrs. A. Ackert, Was largely attended last Thursday. ’ - * ’ , '♦ HI RON & K IN LOSS MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 0 t ————— Met In The Sec-' Al p. ni. Neil Ijb The Chair. W. Colwell Dai b j <>&•» • MiC li','.’pat.,it • '." '■ c v.' L’iit L i<L» 'wutii M '.<usuel ____ Zb.'’Hit " X'-iec u,' vuut . VI’ GF-a <*y bar . b ' ‘‘uv.uu'nu i. ariadian 7 e;epx.utiet 0: -buppuet Mg’Sf- $3'.'.50: ■ k rcCi-'z." ■ GemfrvE. W ages 8'2^ 1’.; Lse of < &r .Karv/t Emmertun Wages tSX.Vl. L D. McLeod Wages $23.0U, -Gvroot Gemmell Wages . $25.00; Hartley RLc- . Ta\ish Wages" $4.00.; Kenneth R. Me- Lay Wages $4.00; Ripley Express Directory $79.50; Ross H.. Martyr, Salary $45.00;-Director $20.00; James Cooper Rent of Shop $10.0,0.; W.: J. Lane Salary $135. 00 Stationery JgOc ■ Ripley Hydro $2.32; Matt. Gemmell, | Salary . $100.00; ^., Operation $35.00• i FURTHER ON LLlSS GAS i examine I If you want t<> save on gasoline; don’t tramp on the accelerator. „ This is one of the rules Worked out by an' engineer, who says modern- cars make use of twice as . much energy contained in gasoline as did the cars of ' thirty years ago. But. since it is up to the motorist to do the few­ things that will enable him tb take advantage of modern engineering? the ehgiheer suggests: .Accelerating gently; holding, the car in drily until moderate speed is ed; coasting to gradual stop of jammed on the brakes; tire inflatiop; shutting off in,< idling long periods; cleaning spark dhigs, keeping car lubricated; piw perl J . filled radiator; settin g intake manifold heater control for proper aeaaon; and finally, tuning motor re- imlrirly. ’ second reach- instead proper lead of b 7 » L'i* * A» W frb.it S»ev Tubs’. *J.C4:1 •JMVyjWj .t, u*Vif | Matt Gemmell Mileage Convention $7.52 (Carried), Meeting, then adjourned to again August 8th at 2.30 p.m. meet SCHOOL (FAIR DATES of SchoolThe followirig is a list Fair, dates for<1936:- . Kinloss Holyrood Sept.ii. ..Huron ' Ripley ",Sept.14. Bruce .Underwood Sept.15. Saugeen Port Elgin Sept.16. Eldetslie 1 Gillies Hill Sept.is. Arran Tara Sept.21. Brant ;t Solway Sept,22. Kincardine Kincardine Sept.24 Greenock „ Pinkerton Sept.28.Amabel Hep worth Sept,$9. Lindsay,S. S. 4, Lindsay Get;1. Eastnor S. S. 6, Eastnor Oct.!2. Albemarle Mar Oct.. 3 Carrick Mildmay /O*& Miss friends Miss .. __ _______ the guest of her cousin, Lorena Cro­ zier. Mr. Ed. Durnin andfamily of Stouffville is spending a fortnight with his brother Marvin and Mrs. Dumin., Mr, arid Mrs. Wm. Larkin, Arthur and Margaret are visiting friends here. Mrs. Blake returned honie after spending the past months 'with her daughters at St. Catharines anckTor- onto. Master Ennis Comfort of St. Cath­ arines, ■' " “ • •• ■ friends ■ ,Mn; fmnds z 14. {£.♦ • U 14 V. 'JU Mt x is spending the holidays with here. ' John Watt arid Cecelia visited at Lanes on Thursday. ' S-JHie Kilpatrick and Bernice spent the week-end with Mr, John Kilpatrick. Lucknote. ar-d Mr». Wilfred Drennan and were g’jests ’’•ed Plankett,of Mr. and Auburn, " on & few He it if ,ert v, ii of ‘Lucknow her *aunt. • friends PARAMOUNT Mary Loo/ Alex Myb.b Dr. Elgin Tov<>- r 7ov, Mil» Mr present, r . Dr. Durotny spent the week-end brother, Mr.Mr. John and M spent last week-end , The Param1 uur/t ’( ing was held at the Arthur Cook on J ue Master ^Kenneth Ma< Detroit is speeding the ho his grandparents, Mr MacDonald. Miss Ruby Reid from spending a few weeks Jamieson. Recent guests of , Mr. Oliver MacCharles were Miss r : J Ivary, 4t onto; «'M j' f j 7 •V f‘i~ ’ al 'Z A/Urf T ■■ E r. Ear. F. W, homo day a arid with O M 4 4 » rf t W i ♦ ' Ja i Zk Mrs n Job n and Mr Joy<vniver ina<.vnarles were .vijss Joyce Carter,! Seaforth; Miss, Jean •MacGib Ivary ■ 4th con.; Mrs. .Pat Baird, Tor­ onto; i Mrs. Alex MacGill and Mr. Robert .MacGill, Pawtucket. Rhode Inland. Mrs, Wm. Martin^Fred and Goldie spent a few days -last, week Guelph and Kitchener Mr. Harry Torrance and daughter June of North Bay, were recent vis­ itors with Mrs. Torrance Sr. and with Mr.; and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. Recent.-^visitors with Mr. arid Mrs., Archie Anderson, include -Mr. . and Mrs. Hockins of . North Dakota; Mr. Wm. McKay, Guelph; Mr. aria* Mis. Wm. McManus, South Bend, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Soler., and Kenneth and Missi Wanjle of Brussels arid Miss Elsie McLean of Tilston, Man/ Mrs; Stalkef of Wingham was the guest of her nephew, Mr. Chester Taylor and Mrs; Taylor; during the week.. •' .«'■ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gollaher of Norwood; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rob­ eson and son-Jack of Peterboro. are spending, the weeit with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Millerr^They were accompanied by Miss Helen Tfidm, riurse-in-training .Jn the Nicoll’s. Hospital," Peterboro, who will, spend a 3-weeks’ vacation at her home here. , There was ho morning service in the United Church here on Sunday. Next Sunday, the service will be in charge of the. Presbytery' Executive of the Y. P. U. with Mr. George Tay­ lor, the new Presbytery president as speaker/ . 7 ”>{ t Members of the Women’s Institute with their families, spent a pleasant day at. their annual picnic at Harbour Park, Goderich, on Thursday. Mi’s.- Allister' Hughes- of I'-Hblyrood was a recent Visitor with Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb. . Mrs. Elliott Miller of Windsor who is spending her vacation at Goderich was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.,.W. A. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. Mr; James Neely of Pigeon, Mich., t’was a visitors with his sister, Mrs. D? Todd and Mr. Todd. Misses Laurine Miller and Iona Swan and Mr. Richard We.atherhead attended the Goderich Summer School last week. The latter two were dele­ gates from the Y. P. U. Mr. Stanley Todd presided at the meeting of the Y.P.U. on Sunday evening. Wilfred Raipage read the Scripture lesson. The topic “Crea­ tive use, of leisure, time” Was taken by Gordon Miller. Mrs. Ramage led an interesting discussion. Miss Ruth Ramage. ’ of Toronto is a visitor at her home here. Former Resident Dies Word has been received here of of the death at Morden, Manitoba; of Mr. Joseph Godkin, at the age of 78. A native of Zetland. Mr. Godkin went West 59 years ago and in 1882 he returned to Ontario to marry Miss Margaret Ramage of St. HeL ens. They returned West and settled in the Clegg district until . 1917. when Mr. Godkin retired to Morden. He As survived by his widow, one son / and three daughters. Mr. Godkin in the early days teamed for Mr. Tbos. Todd.- His wife is the oldest, sister of Mr. Jas. Ramage and Mrs. Edwin Purvesi.The annual summer njeeting of the Women’s Ihstitute will be held on -Tuesday, July 28th in the com­ munity Hall; when Mrs. Joan Hamil­ ton Shearer, will be the special spea­ ker. St. Augustine liadies are the in­ vited guests and all ladies) of the community are welcome. Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Wright and son George, are spending a month’s ^.vacation at Charring Cross, Chatham, and at Leamington other joints; ZION ■ '•! near and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rintoul of this community> She leaves to mourn her loss, 'her husband and three’’- sons ‘ and, three daughters; William and John of Leamington; George at home; Mrs; Arthur :Holland (Evelyn) of Kitch­ ener; Mrs. Wm, Simpson (Gladys) of Detroit arid Olive at home. Otte daughter. Emma predeceased -her over twenty years ago. She is. also sur­ vived by one sister, . Mrs/ Howard- Spencer of Kitchener and five grand­ children. All'the family were present at the furierai, which was private, and was held from the family resi-- dence on" Saturday afternoon.. Rev, J. Pollock of the Presbyterian church of which she was a member and took a great-interest in, conducted the service. The pallbearers were Messrs. John., Craig, Ken. Patterson, Clatence Cox, Gibson Gillespie, Wes- ley Leggatt. .and Albert. Patterson, jnterment in Wingham cemetery, This community extends their sym­ pathy to the bereaved relatives. : Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair of Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rutledge and Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge of Brussels, Mrs'. Hdward Spencer and her family from KiteheTjer. attend- pd the funeral of Mrs; George Garton AND FOX NEWS NEXT WEEK-r- "Professional Soldier” I Travel By Arrow Coaches “For“Your Convenience” ARROW BUS SCHEDULE Effective May 3rd LEAVE LUCKNOW NORTH BOUND at 12.25 P.M. & 9.25 P.M. • Standard Time Leave lucknow SOUTH BOUND 9.45 A M, & 8.05 I<M. Saturday Only Extra Bus, North, 4.25 PAL Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, Uniteid States and Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL AGENT i T. W. SMITH ’PHONE 148, yjCKNOVT x Central Ontario Bus Lines Ltd. Toronto Mrs. Wm. Beecroft Following a heart attack on Mon­ day night, Agnes Robinson, widow of the late Mr. Wm. Beecroft, passed away at the residence of her son, Mr. J, Duston Beecroft. East Waw- anosh, at 8 a.m,, Tuesday, Julyj 14th. Until she was suddenly stricken on Monday night, Mrs. Beecroft had been ■enjbyiiig fine health and passing has cast a gllom , ovei* the community. The deceased, who was in her 73rd yehr. was a life-long res­ ident of East Wawanosh. having been born on the 9th concession, the daughter of the late Mr. .and Mrs. Edward Robinsen, pioneers of the township. It was 49 years, ago that she was married to her husband who predeceased her 27 years ago For­ merly a' member of the Methodist church and later the United church here, she took an active and keen interest in the work, particularly Ane. Women’s Missionary Society. I She was also a valued member of the Women’s Institute. > Surviving to mourn her loss are two sons and one daughter, Lewis of Edmonton, Alta.-; Miss Myrtle B., Reg. N.. of .New London. Conn.; and J. Dustan. at home. Also surviving are her nve brothers and two sisters: William and Thomas of East Wawanosh: James of Wingham: Peter of De- troit; Edward of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Mary St; John of Kansas City. Mo.: and Mrs. Joe Cumberland of Manitou, Mari.; and five.,grandchild­ ren. The funeral was held from the residence of her son,. J. Dustan at 2 p.ml on Thursday. July 16th. The service was conducted by Rev. H. M. Wright, pastor of her church. The pallbearers were her six nephews, Herbert Campbell, . John McBurney,- Gordon McGee. G. Beecroft, Ernest Robinson and Charles Robinson. In­ terment in Wingham cemetery. This '’ommunity extends their sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Forster at­ tended the 1 funeral of. her "cousin. Mr. Duncan McDougall of Under­ wood last ’ Thursday. Mr. Archie McLean of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting his' couson. Mrs. David Gillies and other relatives. Mrs. Elgin Wellwood and /son Richard of Orangeville, spent ythe week-end with her parents, Mr. Mrs. John Falconer. ; Mrs. Newey of Detroit visited last week with Mrs^ A, Emmerson. _ The Misses Gray, fresh air child­ ren of Toronto,, are visiting with * Mrs/Albert McQuillm visited on .Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. David Kennedy. ...Mrs. A. Fox Had the misfortune . to break a hope in her left wrist last Wednesday at' her home.. Messrs; Gordon and Charlie- Mar­ kle of the West, are spending sev­ eral weeks with their relatives around this community. The latter is work­ ing for his uncle, Mr. Robert Mow­ bray. , , iMr. Roddy Inglis spent, the week­ end at Toropto' with his sisters. Miss Chrissie Inglis and Mrs. Jack Flana­ gan; ,Miss Grace Coulter of Wingham, spent the week-end with Miss Velma Scott. Newlyweds Honored ■The members of the Presbyterian •butch met at the honiri of Mr. Robt. Mowbray last Thursday evening and made a presentation to Mr, and Mrs. Albert Patterson formerly (Miss Ida McQuoid). Miss Merle Wilson read the address and Mrs. Ren Naylor and Miss Catherine Mowbray presented the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Pattersori ■’xptes^ed their thanks in a few fitt­ ing words. . .Contests were then held, after which limch was served and a social half hour whs spent by all. Dear Mr. arid_Mrs. Pattersori: ’ Your friends of Chalmer’s Presby­ terian Church desire your company this evening; because it affords them ah opportunity to offer you their best wishes ’ and heartiest congratu- latiops upon yotir recent marriage. This is a source of great /jleasnre ®o your, friends, - more particularly when .vqu are both so well rind fav­ orably known. Our friendship has been of many years standing. ,(luring which time we have learned'to hdmire and Fe- spect both of you. Your life in our midst’, Mrs, Patterson ir^ business andb valuable service rendered in your Chuteh in all its departments, has- won our admiration and a last­ ing place hn our. affection. We ate earn that ive are hot to the "institute. < Surviving to Mr. Wm. Pepper Jr. and sister 'Miss Mildred McClenOghan. Doreen of Brucefield,- spent Sunday ..................... 'with Zion friends.- Miss Ada Webster of Lucknow is spending a few days with Mrs. R. Gardner. Miss Mabel Nicholson of Belfast spent a week, of her vacation with Mrs. Will Gardner. \ . Miss Freda Saunders of Mafeking. was a guest last Week with her aunt. Mrs. E. Gardner. Miss Mae Webster of Lucknow, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Will Gardner. Mr. David Anderson of London University spent the week-end - at his home here.Mr. and Mr?» Boden Ritchie, Mrs. Cecil Best rind children of Walker­ ville, are spending a few days with Mrs. Qias. Ritchie,. The Zion ladies wish to convey their hearty thanks to the ladies outside this appointment, who . so kindly assisted with the Jubilee sup­ per. Members of Zion community are in deepest sympathy with those who have been recently bereaved namely: . frxpds and family of the late Mrs.' F. Topp, Toronto; also, friends and family of the* late Mrs. A. Ritchie, Zion. Mi Kino a ith ...... HHH />/• a month’s vacation at the home of ber um le and aunt; Dr. and Mrs. M/Kmnon. ■ ' ’Mm. Jas, Cook is spending a few day- with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton of Ha'-kett’s. ■ ses Jean and Margaret Mac- m. of. Detroit, visited recently their aunt. Mrs. Robt. Andrew. Ellc-n Andrew returned with to Detroit, where she will en- TAX ARREARS PUB- 1 ISHED AT ACTON The town of Acton has live vay < to decrease tax During the past jten years of those in arears of taxes published in that town’s’ ...... ...... report. According to, the Acton Flee Press the scheme has been very eL - . _ # fective'as Acton boasts a smaller fist I happy to le .. ..................... — ... in^of tax arrears than, any other town ‘5rtse' •*« valuable a member of nut of like size.' ' cotigregation; your remaining with I ■ ■ ■*■■.■■ an effec- , arrears, the list has been auditors’ BELFAST Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hackett arid children visited with friends in Ex­ eter last week-end. Mr. Tom Twamley has returned home after spending a month with his sister Mrs. Begley of Regina; Mr. James Cook is visiting with Mrs. Roy Alton. Mrs. Victor MacDonald of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Mac­ Donald of Ripley,, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett last Tues­ day , Miss Feme Plowman is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Isaac Nixon. Messrs. Spence and Palmer Irwin motored to Sarnia on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin returned with thefn to their 'home here. '• Mr. Mel. Hackett of Parkhill spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett. Miss Ina Campbell is spending a few weeks in Lucknow. A successful wood-bee was held at Hackett’s phurch on Monday last. Quite h number from here attend­ ed the S. School picnic held at Kill­ tail on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis called on friends in the vicinity last Week. Miss Freda Barbour of Goderich is holidaying with, her grandmother, Mrs. Sam Sherwood. . Mr.' and Mrs. Sam Morrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gra­ ham and family, were Sunday visit­ ors with Mt."land, Mrs. D. K. Alton. Miss Marion Alton is visiting With Mr. and Mrs. J. Mullen. Mr. John Irwin had the misfortune ’ to fall and break his collar-bone last week. We wish him a speedy re­ covery'. • as has been rimde possible by your choice z of a life partner, whom wfe are happy to greet as one of our highly respected and honored mem­ bers of the community. Such good­ will. Mr. Patterson, could only be gained! by ’ one who all his life has dwglt/among us, * discharging his i duties and obligations faithfully. U The home, is not only the strength of the nation, but also the glory of our Christian faith. To its establish­ ment has been dedicated the efforts of the noblest people," and to the task of guarding the sanctity are ' onsecrated the best of the pea pie. / Integrity' and affection are reqmsit^®^ to success in this task. Those, we believe, are' possessed by both of you and, will he fully revealed as the days pass* by. ■ We ask you to accept these gifts As a .slight token of the esteem in which you are, held, and as the clock on-the mantle, with its tick-tock, tick -tock, tells Ton the hours are passing may it also'speak to you pf the-love > of your friends, and bring fond • memories of this happy evening. Signed on behalf of iChalmor’s •, Presbyterian Church, ' Mrs. R. Mowbray, John S. Craig, ■ James W» I .aidlaw^