HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-07-09, Page 8IS N' ' St 11 a 5 A •0 I i. t ov .........1 • „■ WHY SUFFER? Y0U CAM EAT WHAT YOU LIKE IF YOU , _ . - ,r... GASTRONOX THE wcknow SENTINEL THURSDAY. JULY 9TH, 1936 4-W • ...■ i i|^ ■ ’■ Mr. and Mrs. Mhlcdlm Armstrong and sons; Billy and Jimmie of Port*' Arthur, are holidaying in Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdie. Mr- Armstrong leaves this week for Tor­ onto to ’mark examination papers. Members of °the Lucknow ladies True Blue Lodge were in Goderich last week, when the Girls’ Juvenile Lodge of London exemplified degree wo^k. About 150 sat down to a sump­ tuous banquet that followed. Mrs. A. D. Patterson and grand- daughter, Lola. Mrs. Gunn and Mrs. Alex Davie, who have visited in the community left for their home in 1 T1 'if' Ixwv J3hiz>iOr»z, son of Montreal are visitirig I the Western states. GAPTR.ONOX knocks gas, heartburn and that heavy feeling--relieves dyspepsia. If y,;.u are afraid eat. get this wonderful stomach powder today. GASTRONOX will help you to immediate relief as it has helped thou sat ids. At all drug stores. ON SALE AT — McKIM’S DRUG STORE C'—- ~. A ! Sunday was a happy day at the lAf AI and GEnER A L /home of Mr. and Mrs; Moorehouse LVVALdna h when all the family were “T prtfsjent for a family, re-union. Miss Helen Thompson is spendingj the week. in. Toronto. - i Mr, Jack MacK"endriek of Mindspr *t home bf his mother. Mrs. W. spent a few .days in-town last week, p • • •' \ Mr. aibi Mrs., A. Q. Smith and j Miss. I. Ann MacLennan of Evan- daughter.Wwere callers. here on * ~ ’ “Fir^t”. . • Miss’-Maudie Fisher ’ is a with relatives, in Kitchener ■' sent. , . ’ ” ' Miss Flora • Webster rias long sick spell and.has t------- some six weeks in bed., ( Bruce. MacDonald bf Stratioru is holidaying “with his .-■ grandmother. Mrs. Ewen Mackenzie. -Miss Lillian Hoare of Orangeville* is a visitor at the home of. Mrs. Henry Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. -J. K McNab. Mrs. Walter Hamilton and so^. Jimmie, were recent visitors in Ten onto. . Mr. and Mrs. Reiher and Donald and Richard Weiher ’ visitors of Mrs. Thohids Watson. Rev. and Mrs.C. H Dickinson and B.-C. by way of Detroit, Chicago and young son of Montreal are visitirig. I the Western states. . 4Malcollni Watson.'Gordon John­ ston. Miss Katherine McKenzie and Miss Kennedy of Teeswater, motor­ ed to Kingston, last week to continue their summer*studies at Queens, This 1 week. Edwin Sffiith went to the Col- 'lege of Education- at, Toronto and Bill Henderson to Western Univer­ sity. Londori. Mrs. D. M. Gordon Of Detroit who has been in the hospital for the last six weeks has recovered sufficiently to go to the home of her daughter Mrs. F. A, O’Brien" at. Lake St.' Clair. Mrs. Gordon will be missed by her friends., here as she has always spent the summer in Lucknow since moving away eleven years ago Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bales of Rich­ mond Hill and Mrs. Sorley of Toron­ to and Jimmie and Barbara Ann; . Hicks arrived at F. D, McLennan’s - of town on Tuesday evening before - .July 1st arid ...had a good day’s fish-' Vacation Togs / •ttS.* • w $ATHING SU-ITS^Pure Wool Bathing Suits — Children’s, Ladies’ Men’s, iri.a variety, of styles .................. .$1.00 and UP- .. . ■» ' • ' 1 * K1 ' ' ' , POLO SPORT SHIRTS—Short and Long Sleeves with zipper neck, colors, white, yellow and Slue .............................'.... •. ,98c. —^HOSIERY^SALE—YbuF~c4»l^^ vacation. Full fashioned Chiffon Hose in summer shades. Moondusk, Reve. .Toasty. Pair ................................................. • • •.. ......... BATH TQWELS—Heavy absorbent Bath Towels. You, need ■ plenty of towels in. summer and you can afford io have them •' . at our price ............................. ............... .... . I5r U|h VOILES—Regular 29c for Per Yard. SOCK EES for Children. Last ex tops. .White &■ Colors. Pr.. 25c. , SOCK EES—Rihbett top coIofs . i Guides At Camp Seventeen members of the ' local company of Girl Guides, under the leadership of Mi’s. A- E. Mfikim, dis» trict commissioner, have been in camp at Kintail for the past week. ;. T , - u c ,.u ■.. A- " \ t mg at Lake, Huron-.on- the holiday Thg regular meeting of the Wo- catching 93 lovely perch. The Hicks J .. men’s Institute will be held at the are ‘staying for the summer holidays.' ■C1X 1 -Mv'Vo Held Going Aw»y Shower ■' ! Music, Visitors - welcome,. i1 ■ ?homeM?ofk Recent visitors with Mr. and Mi> ’ <lean MacMillan, to’’hririor Betty with - Dan Wylds were Mrs. Nettie Stev;. a miscellaneous going away\shower. ’ —■ —ct - — ___=-^/, ,_v_-enS—and-daughter ..Ruth of Lansing^ /Betty... -eft-on Monday—to xommence4 - mencmg-aFSummer-course-at GuelphJ Mich . Mrs/ j^hr McCullough ot"her training as a nurse in Walkerton ‘ Toronto; Mr. and Mrs? James Mont- Hospital. . ! -=~——— * —. Rible? a,'d M1S Ht'nr> 01 Mrs. Wm, Armstrong Sr. and J KITCHENER PIPERS STOP < HOOKING ’EM 2 AT A TIME K " ! daughter Beatrice, have returned, OFF SATURDAY EVENING Mrs. Wellington Henderson, Mrs. London where they have been ' ______ . nt • R Button Mrs Pearlman of Luck-‘ 'is,t!n" lor *he past two weeks with » t With the bass season booming, now and Doug Trench and Don Gil- Mr*. Arinsfrbng’s; daughters, Mrs. Devotees of the pipes and Scotch {general reports are-.that there are He« of Teeswater motored \o New , ,and Mrs.-Banret and sop. Mr. • dancing had h treat Saturday .even-’* more -fishermen than bass. Not so ’ x - ' -vveok1 Alfred Armstrong, who accompanied • ’mg; Not long mfter our own pipe! at a spot ’known tp local devotees, Audrey Henderson “hen*. Prime on- Sunday. Mrs. Arnis-jband had commem^ed 'its’weekly pro-,, for here they hook.■’them . two at a r—f----~—-—rtrcmgr wh‘c^h^r"beW~qutte"111^ ur"carIcuidF bT THt- • ; dually improving. ” chener. aiici Guelph pipers, having ; Iyer, who frequently set out before I Dr. and _Mrs. ’Will Hackett were serious Strangling Attack heard of the< Saturday evening pro-1 dawn to land some of the fuiny tribe mer member’: of the lwd *Highl$6 6jam«nd’Jubilei inniWarv at last W/dfesfiv!’Mrt® %»'“* *?», «> '’?* <' fe'I days a«°-^ «'“,'se J ... , ......... . ft Jami ; The smaHer, bAbe i legiate at a salary of S1450.00. , ’ . ‘.unable to swallow. Mrs; Aitchison and 1*- I ,-»1 s. w. j. l. j was taken tb London where “treat- . tc. .. on n yrj jn The West : Annointed Teacher ment opened a throat passage andvverg : In renewing his sentinel spbsenp- i Appointed learner returned home Friday and i«Mu^. MiHer of Elstow,! ,M1e?Jona Mitchell pt Luckow. , horme Friday and is ' Sask..* and a former Wawanosh bov. has been a member ot .he M»ar- . . * , f . wwk:rnc engagement. > spending jAtates that jL-^at district it is very ] toa /Wh schooy staff, has. been ap- Mr. Harold Burris, principal of a -------------------;---___,___aJ-L.- . penuu g ftn.i crons are short pointed commercial teacher at the twelve room public school in Fortin dii and vrpps are short Listowei high school, he, duties t<, Wdham. has left on an Atlantic vov- L" H. Gevghegar, Mr. and Mrs. W. F Thompson of [commence with the fall term."- Oge to spend the holidays in the Old ne-5j> vls’t’>r m Mitche.il 'on Tiiesday ----------,——: -------------------------------iZL.iont.> aie spendiug the^week-W!th ^—„ —-----^^^__C<>uiitiy^Eor the past several suni- "Ho wax acompanied to I Mrs D. Geddes underwent a «»mjor his parxmU. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. i , "rs- ~ mess Harold has been pursuing his Mr>. (jonghegah who nsned withmer , abdominal operation in. Wmghmn ! Thompson.- They were accompanied.1 re^n p!ve,laai^r J.11' studies, and this trip comes as a well Pa’viits. "’■V* hM ^rs 'T. Vand Jaii Smilk £i“!v- or‘"!be' on »™er Francis Buck, sonof Mr.' ite .lire, uno UH. spend the nonpars nere. are enroute to Montreal ’1 ** .2% U r Mr< A P Buck of London, and «rid "h "as not agreeable , to At rhe' .picnic and reorganization i to start on Atlantic ‘ voyage to and Aiis partv sailed ' * " grandson of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ -Hrrtmg . of ’he. Bruce Presbytery of I Old Land; . . * • '* ne < l.u. eh. held ar Port Elgin ! Mr. and Sirs. McGuomb and son, H<^?r ^’de ft-v S, T, PucKer - - ; - - -- — V.axru.alii y ;;f 'the, I'boxingent ,1 I P. Reed. I I '■ ie. ston is home Tuesday of this Week ■ for a short holiday of two Weeks, I going back by Toronto, and Roehes- •ter. i J'1:’. j Mrs. F. S. Mackenzie, Douglas ia« had a ariti Isabel have returned to their ah-omiv <i.ent ■ home in Montreal, aftey spending a• ’p -iw.?ekat die home of Mr. and Mrs. P J. MacMillan. - . > Mi\- Harvey MacDougall di Dyment' Northern Ontario, is holidaying at his home - in Kinloss, prior to com- visitor ar pre? Mrs.O. A. C. f. Mrs. George D. Stockhom of De­ troit an,d. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mac- Diarmid ’ of Cleveland.’ Ohio, spent the Aeek-hiiid at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alex MacDiarmid, "week-end»'■ M’hep Mrs. R- S. Hetherington of , "st ’Wingham received iast week for the j York last -o^peii< a ___________________:_________iJnrst._time—since Jhere marriage,- .she.jjhere where Mi»s_ Aud..y. Hem Mr. and Mrs. Win Huston of Det-/was assisted by Mrs. Win. Porteous 1 ln tr ,nin£- roit spent the., past.. week with his who. poured tea. ~ parents, Mr. : Mrs. Dave Huston. • Hutchison B A. a Tor- ”P fr9m Detroit to be present Mr.: "and Mrs. Rri; Alexander arid mer member of the local High I the Diamond Jubilee, ann^ son Bob of. Detroit, were week-end j Schvoi staff, has been re-engaged to ,< - ---- - visitors ■with Mr and Mrs. Thomas j teach-in Burns. ' “ Mr. and Mrs .'"Ernie Donald of Hams^on visitors with Mv. ano Aitchisoji. 1 Wiliard ■{ Thompson 1: some time jit M;.. Win. Barbel’s ' • Guelph, where he is re<-eivir.g pathic treatments, ■ . I COLORED 20c. . . 15c & 19c. Templeton & Co. T _r JU __ own pipe! at a spot ’known tp local devotees, hrime on- Sunday. Mrs. Arms-j band had commented“its weekly pro-,, for here they hook, them , two at a ■ 1 vr"caiTbads "of" Kit- ‘Tifiie. Dean~MacInries and" Roy CoT- I ' gram, stopped, off here . and five of! pulled .out two black on the one therii.. in natty regalia fell. in with line a* few days ago.—of course AirchUftfr- MM* - hoHlmieU' the °ari<i an<J the next hour, the • there vveye two hooks on the one line. Aitcm&(m_ came perilously mu_4i(?;-rtfr T},^ pin^ -4^ Scotch danc- The smaller of the two was about , ing entertained an immense crowd i 12 inches, the larger weighing 2% which gathered. A quartette of . the pounds. ? . visitors drew a big hand for the ex- . h’bitiom, of the Scotch reel. They! .were -enroute to . Inverhuron to nil a 1__- ! hust-(i JUNE EXCEPTIONALLY DRY. . COOLNESS SAV^S CROPS x abdominal operation encouragingly since, Miss Mabel McClute of I m onto and Miss Jean McChir-. Rej. N . f Niagara Falls, are. at precept i»-<•u- pying the ur old home . here j Mrs. T. S. Reid h^,., EidoG. panied by Misses Lome- Nrw-oj-. e.nd Ohristine FiiiH.v'srn "e^uii-rri . to ’ iiha on Monday Dr. J. F Maeke<De’i -u’.. stopped '>ff to s^y w -r-end> . here ias< w^.ek eniou:- .to Nheir eot- . rage at. hruce ,»n t ues«iav * I*nt month kof June has been ah z LTistoweli bv oxceptionallj- dry' month, although ‘ • not a record breaker; Official read­ ings give the month’s rainfall as J.49 i inches. Another unbsUai feature . of and Mrs. A/P. Buck of London, and u-’!e « was riot agreeable .to grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm' ' man? *T -saved grain crops that woiild Anns*iong. suecessfullv passed with * <’thei wise Jiave “’burned up”. The - was rppomtyd j McCoomb. a mJ Toni Macken-. < T ' so* al functions have ex<*n.matiyi kuhd 'p^. iPO-vre| up<p tn.m Toronto hXvi . < 'spend Sunday at the n-m-.t pf Mr. and ‘ Mi and Mrs. F ran k-Scott of Strlt- i flr Mackenzie On .then- ■-..ra- Jni Mr 9|U "Mrs, w Raw iuni they were accompuneu o> A e\ , K;-cnener. were wlek^d tors J Mackenzie who was hi’didaying here warn Mr. and Mrs. Cpnrac Decker. Mr. and Mrs, JI Carberry of .Toron- •V * heir return they were aceompan- to are visitors with Mr. and; Mrs' ec by Mrs. Decker. Jas. Johnston. Win.! Uiany 1T saved grain crops that would l ong, successfully passed with A>thei wise have “’burned up”. The ’ - honors his grade vic.lin . highest official temperature of the ./f: of Toronto Cwnserva- n?uutlr was So degrees and only on < ■ __ .7___ . Music, conducted by Elie | three other occasions did the mer- of‘Miss Gladys Hodgins.'»July Spivak, noted violinist and Concert e“rY get above” SO. while several:. ... - .__paster' '»f the Toronto Symphony : nights it dropped dangerously near was hjdld at the boiaoie of Mrs. A./orchestra. Francis is a pupil wf-:’the point for a damaging frost. | e» vi.h a number of young lad- Miss Norma Kenny, A.T.U.M.; and’ Having has been in full jg^ring the ,v'! Monday after- was presented with a certificate aj.d ! • *-----*- J '.axiGT «»..u. : was. held at received as a prize, a gold pit ?'o? ‘Cameron Mac- having taken- the highest marks . ir- - ats, grad*-.' . bven held during the past week in tory of i' - r of Miss C‘ ’ I. 2.: L. bride elect. Or. Friday, an afternoon njaster ‘Th; les ........ noon; a similar event sf ihe 'home of Mrs. Donald. ;s., a I past, week with. a good yield, a!’, ho ’ grain, is short from the . weather -inc unless rain soon -falls. serious ■damage may result. *tL “f i