HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-18, Page 7Classified Advertising GOHN’S NAVY BEAN the FRESH SEA SHAB PHOTOGRAPHY constipation. feel "np and ap’VHarrnless and sen tie, they7 _ Malta the bfl* flow freely. They do the work ■i A An Active Development I' HL Extra Cord v 7 According to President Walter Head, of the National Council of what done. e ♦ WEEKLY* NEWSPAPER ■ ■ ■ ' . ........• f LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping ■••n the been' productive Sel|ir.g nrj the open market 5nine fi*r the owners us. * Some of Us can remember way back when depressions were blamed on people who had money stuck in mattresses and old tin cans. , be merited. It' year when mother, Was sick'we had a girl baby, and now-daddy’s sick. ■he' i * y , QV Wifey-—Darling. I always hit my fingers when I. gb to drive a nail. Isn’t there some way I can prevent this? the QIVE YOUR FRIENDS A. REAL, ti^at $2.00 gets 6 fresh Shad pre­ paid to Ontario, or 20 for. $5.00. Other fish on request McCavour’a Fish ' Markets. St John, N.BL AUTO ACCESSORIES lint /COMPLETE STOCK, new and. used. • auto, truck parts. Compare our priees before buying elsewhere. Satis­faction •guaranteed. Canadian ’ Auto Parts CO.. 337 Queen St. IV., Toronto. pANADA'S NEU\ NAVY. BEAN. V "Gohn’s Rainy JRlver” ripens farther, north. White. Splendid cooker. Heavy yielder. Frost resistant. International winner since 1&32. Foundation stock, grade A. 6i|c per lb.' (.5 or -more pounds at -40c lb.) delivered. ■ Albert C- Gohn, Emo. O.nt.; originator' e|Q UP. . BICYCLES; $2 UP, AUTO- r . mobile ’ tires.". Free . catalogue. Transportation prepaid; Peerless, .195 Dundas West. Toronto:, ’ Darling—Yes,, You should hold hammer in both handsi Ill-nKObA-him/ splendid., blood' pi A”id, it has qu-aH;ies of th prepared like you steady h'.'tf w drugs . , Send for Free Sample today.' A- S. WARD & CO-. Dept 6. 910 Confederation Building, Montreal QALESLADJEfa, FAST SELLING CAN- . adian. magazine with Liberal com­ mission; Write to Knitung and Home­ craft, Department- 7. Unity Building, Montreal, Quebec. BICYCLE and AUTO TIRE. BARGAINS■ ■ ,■■■■■ ENLARGEMENT FREE with every 25' cents order: roll film developed, printed 25 cents.; reprintS'-S cents each.' Satisfaction guaranteed. Artistic Thoto Finishers. 29- Richmond East, Tqrontos There Everywhere •' A brother to every other Scout, Without regard to race or creed -»I Jonah:. Is this the whale? ..'Whale : Yes: yvhat do you want? Jonah: I want to know If I jean set a room for three days at your weekly rate? RHEUMATISM NEURITIS and NERVOUSNESS Tfy ® rKEE SAMPLE ©f LOST WORK THROUGH RHEUMATISM - ■ on Railway It was little short of a tragedy to this railway worker to have to give up his job after 30 years. But. his rheumatism was so bad that he . had no choice — he could walk only with a cane. The advice of a friend led to his taking Kruschen Salts — and he went on taking it until he was able to go back to work agaiij. This la. the story, in. his own words:—- “For three years 1 had arthritis vary badly and had to walk With a cane. Also I had to give up my job aa a railway shtmtA, after 30’ years • in the Yard, 1 was advised by a lady to try Kruschen Salts, and 1 took bottle after bottle to give it? a trial. I found it ,was doing me good, and , continued until 1 was relieved. To- tty 1 am in the best of health and am back at work again,. I cannot praise Kruschen Salts too much*’* — , The pains and stiffness of rheuma­ tism are ■ frequently caused by de- poaits of uric acid in the muscles and. joints* The numerous salts in Kruschen assist in stimulating your Mver and ‘ excretory organs to" healthy, regu' action, and help the—excess uric boundaries—of— Jellicoe^—Consolidated. acid whic is th© cause of a great deal, of suffering.. The farmer’s son who had gone to the-city and made good as a big league ball player was home on a visit. One ■ day he gave Dad, a lift" with the plowing. When he came in that night Dad. asked if the mare was ta • good shape sifter- the day’s- plow? Ing. ' Boy—Yeah, but she’s got a little Chari ey-horse. Dad—Well, I’ll be darned. I didn’t expect that for two weeks. ) The essay on “World Peace” which won for Scout O. W. Matthews, of Portland, Ore., fhe $5,000 college •cholarship offered by Eddie Cantor, the comedian, was based on personal experience. Scout Matthews was a: member of the . American contingent Jhe. International Scout Jamboree Of 1933 in Hungary, and the essay pre­ sented the result Of his observations Of the mutual friendliness shown there by boya of many nationalities. . 500 Scouts, Guides, Cubs and; also Brownies participated in a May jam­ boree at the Winter Fair Arena, at Guelph, before a large, audience. In order that the local Scouts might give al! their attention to their pro* gramme numbers, the Scouts from Acton came in to act as ushers. V . — ■ Alfred Scadding, of the Moose Rlv- . er Mine tragedy, Was formerly Assis­ tant Scoutmaster of the 1st Queens- ton, Ontario. Troop. "He was a man |Who could meet aqy emergency," '■fates a Queens ton correspondent in the "Niagara Falls Review." • The lighting of the 6thoke signal fire that flrat informed rescuers that the men •wore atm alive was attributed to Bcadding’s Scout signalling ingenuity. A --------- - "The Boy Scout Movement can. moke a worthy contribution to any town. The boya who are interested in WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Y«m*ll Jump Out of Bed in the Monung Rawin’ to Go ' The IiXr should pour out two pounds of > Bouid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile li not flowing freely. your food doesn’t direst. ‘ It just decays In the bowete; Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Harmful poisons so. Into the body, and you feel aour. sunk and the world looks punk. A more teWelmovemeut doesn’talways get at the cause; You need something that works en the lifer aa weU, It takes those good, old Carter’s Little Liver Pills to get these two __pounds of bile flgwfag freeh? and make you - fief"up andup’THarmlessandgentle, they •f calomel but haveno odomel or mercury in them. Ask f«r Cfeter’s Little Ufer PilJS by i Uame'! Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c. ..............\ . ,fr„. FINANCIAL!Morris Kirkland Gold Mines is continuing shaft sinking at the^ peyty in the Kirkland,, Lake area and latest reports state that the first statr n has been cut below the 750-ft. level. Present plans are to sink to 1,250 ft; and^open up 4 new levels oh which lateral work will be done east and west, concentrating at first on the 850 and 1,250 ft. horizons. TORONTO—Mining Corporation of Canada, Ltd., is unofficially reported to have acquired an option on the Rouillard property comprising a group of 7 claims adjoining Hudson Patricia Gold Mines in the Clear­ water Lake section, Red Lake dis­ trict. A considerable amount of work has beqn carried out on . the property on surface, and it is planned to carry on a campaign jof diamond, drilling and exploration. A diamond drill has been shipped to the Jellicoe Consolidated Gold Mines p’roperty and Will commence operations shortly, A series of holes have been spotted westward along the north ore zone, formerly known as the Jellicoe-White Horse ore body, and now incorporated within the $182,140 in April and $182,382 in May 1935. During the month the mill handled 14,338 tons, approximately t1 ■» same as-ip "April, but an increase over the 12,97.3 tons treated in May last year. Milll.ead3 averaged $14.00 per ton, against $100 in the same period last year. ; Harry, Darling, M.E. in charge .of work at the Porcupine Watbom Gold Mines property, reports that the Nd. 3 t hole,' which is being drilled near the boundary |ofr Porcupine Creek under Option to Noranda Mines, has cut a zone showing a width of. 18 feet. Assays taken across a width of 4 feet rah"*9 ’in gold -per ton, while over a width of 9 ft. a value, of $2 was secured. A new hole will be spotted* at once at a point west of Operations will be under the super­ vision of Bankfield engineers. Directors of Pickle Crow Gold Mines have declared a dividend of 5, cents per share, payable June 30th to shareholders of record June 16th. This is the. second. payment of this amount fo have been distributed to shareholders-,—■-the - - - initial - dividend- having been paid on March ^Ist last. Siscoe Gold Mines—) Production at Siscoe Gold Mines for May totalled $193,496, against' Scouring are the type -who make the best citizens.’’ — A. S, Rennie, M.p., for Oxford, and former Rover. Leader, or ’’Skipper,” of the Tillsonburg; Ont- Rover Scout Crew. ■S- '■.—~' ’ ■ • ■ • ' Windsor Scouts , interested in the making and flying of mpdel aircraft will do patrol duty for the Border Ci­ ties’ Aero Club this summer at the Walker Airport. On visitors’ day t3ey will keep spectators away from Incoming, and outgoing planes. w. the Boy Scouts of America, the cost ot maintaining the local Scout organiza-'1 tlon to the city of St. Louis, Mo., is 2 cenfs per day per Scout. . This com­ pares with $150 per <tay spent for the arrest.ahd conviction of each boy charged with Juvenile delinquency. A new housing experiment in the borough of Heston and Isleworth, In 'England, has been the setting aside of a site for a Boy Scout headquart­ ers. The results have been so satis­ factory that the Corporation has de­ cided to make' similar provision as fl feature of all such housing projects. . Lady . Baden-Powell. speaking of the, late King George’s interest in Scout­ ing and Guiding, told pf His Late Ma­ jesty’s reference during a garden par­ ty at Buckingham Palace to. the Prin­ cess RoyaPs love of Guiding. “She is always doing this/’ said the King holding up his fingers in the Guide salute, and with a wink at Lord Ba­ den-Powell added: “You know, the Guides are going to beat the Scouts- if you don’t look out.” / '“And that.”' said Lady Baden-Powell, “Ur.the last picture I have'of him ,iii my mind — making the Guide salute.” . for the 17th Consecutive Year Performance like thia ''ai'ast — — ahows that Gum-Dip­ ping, HL Extra Cord ■ Pliea under the Tread and the. Other entra safety. features it* Fife* atone Tire* afe. not' jttat claims hut. feaKtiea that make them different and anterior to other tires. ^Chjgoto',- tiie t'ir<« Champions ouy saa the’. nearest Firestone •. Dealer today. ....1.-.^..... ....-.............1..; .:.^... 'Firestone ‘ ~ j & ’ Vanguard Long Lac Gold Mines announce a programme, of diamond drilling on thekw^roperty in the Lit­ tle Long Lac area, lying adjacent'to the Hollinger option. The directors state adequate finances have, been arranged for a complete plan of de­ velopment. * z . .Officials of Lake Maron Gold Mines announce that they have’ purchased a grouo of 8 claims in the Little Long Lac area lying, east of Hard Rock Gold Mines and south of Ok- lend Gold Mines. Nagnetometer work indicated that the..main band of iron forination strikes through the centre of thi£ property and that there is a large fold I in the structure. A crew of nien is on the property; and dia­ mond drilling' will, be commenced shortly. Lake Maron also holds a, block of 24 claims, adjoining Elnios oh the West, and -plans are in hand for the- development of this property. im­ mediately. Development funds for the present operations are being provid­ ed by i?ne of the principal groups in the carhp. McIntyre Porcupine profit of $3,582,912 or after provision for-all charges, in the 'fiscal year’ ended March 31, 1936. This compares with $3,691;67-7 or $4.63 a share in thje previous year. Net bullion recovery was $7,994,251, at compared with -$7,593,566 a year ago- ■ ' - ' ?'! The balance sheet shows current .assets Of $12,605,429, against current liabilities^ Of ^1,519,968, leaving work­ ing capital of $11,085,461, Compared With $9^071,107 at the end of March 31, 1§35. ‘ Ore reserves including’ estimated and broken totalled 3,574,720 tons averaging $10.88 a,ton ($35 gold), as compared w’ith 3,430*481 tons and grade of $6.65 ($20.67 gold) jn the p evious year. , Some 57 properties were sampled and reported bn and fa:vorable re­ commendations were made on 6, one -of~ which—was-o p ti o rr e ch--U n d ergr oun d- work on the 19 claims optioned from- O’Leary Malartic shows 24;000 tons of ore averaging .415 ozs. per ton. A shaf^ is being sunk to-550 ft. and est mill is being erected. Mines had net $4.49 a share, ■.A .smart locar cook, and practical dietitian says . when we go to the table we need the first helping. We take the second because it tastes good,. The third, she insists, ’is a plain case of being a hog. Keyroc Gold Mining Company lia9, announced the acquisition J.of further properties adjoinins'' their present group (fin Rouyn Township. North­ western Quebec. Two additional pro­ perties have been taken ia, one ad­ joining on the east and another on the south, each consisting of approx­ imately 150 acres. Previous work on the easterly property is reported to have disclosed highly - mineralized zones. All the sinking equipment is now completely installed. Shaft sink­ ing will be continved to the first level followed by lateral work and diamond drilling. 1 Omega. Gold . Mines will increase mill capacity from 300 to 500 tons daily late in the coming summer, ac­ cording to the annual report. The company is indebteded to . Castle- Trethewgy Mines for $627,503 ad­ vanced to cover costs of installing the mill and these advances consti­ tute a first charge on earnings. In February and March the mill treated 17,352 tons of ore for a net recovery of $60,992 and for a .cost of approximately the same amount. Ore reserves . are estimated » at 440,000 tons averaging .197 ozs. gold and in addition a considerable low grade tonnage, though indicated, has not been developed sufficiently to allow inclusion in the reserve calculation? Initial, tonnage came from surface dumps and from work done under­ ground in slashing and. preparing for regular stoping operation. The balance sheet shows current assets of $61,596 and current liabi­ lities of $55,520. Castle-Trethewey’ owns 2,560.000 shares of -the 5.000.000 share capital. . Brownlee Mines r Brownlee MinesLt4.. aioining -Nor- anda Mines on the north , in JRouyn Township, Quebec, is going -to re­ organize. It” is planned to give’ one share of new stock for five of the: present $.000,000 share company. all of which? stock is issued. The’propos­ ed new company will have an author­ ized Capital of 3.000,000 shares of $1 par value, of which 1.000,000 shares will be given to the old company leaving 2.000.000 shares in the treas­ ury for financing purposes. . Dunlop Consolidated Mines C. D. Salkeld, M.E.. anti a crew of men is being sent into the-Long Lac property of Dunlop Consolidated Mines immediately for a thorough examination and campaign of dia- rrtOhd drilling. A development crew is also, slated for the company’s holdings in Louvicdurt, in which area the Premier Gold Mining Co: recently became interested. Drilling continu­ ed, at Dunlop’s Malart.ie holdings with core results ■ expected shortly. Good mineralization , was encountered in the first drilll bole. ' ....- - ERASERS '■ ...... Erasers are the^iicest things. Of that there .is no doubt. We write wrong words. A fexv quick swipes-7-and’ big mistakes fade out. And you will find erasers,-of a very different kind. Extremely helpful, if you will try to. bear these facts in mind, When , you bump someone in fl crowd, and,-almost knock her down, A soft’“I’m sorry!” will‘bring smiles and rub out that old frown. Apologies, invariably, obliterate mis- ’ takibs; And three small words, “I love, you!” can erase the worst heartaches. I A young man proposed to a girl. She accepted him. He folded her in his arms and said: : Young Man—Darling, is this the first time you have ever been loved? Girl (sighing)—Yes, but its so nice I hop'e it won't be the last. A friend suggests that this column advise vacationists to go to a. hotel or resort because vacationing with »friends isn’t what it is cracked up to be. He says you always feel con­ scious of the extra work ydu give them and you don’t feel comfortable, adding that it might’ cost more at a hotel, but you won’t have, to say: “No, I’ve got enough” when you’re still hungry and you won’t have to jump out of bed when ybu’ve still got a cduple of hours« sleep in your system, and you won’t have, to think alf'of the time, "Are we will wel­ come?” • ' ’ ’ THE BIG SPLASH! ' He rocked the boat. Poor Ezra Shank: , These bubbles mark O o * o .. ‘ o ,r . ^herc Ezra sank. He had never had such * a tough time in his life. First he got angina pectoris,.followed by irterio-sclerosis. Just as he was recovering from these' he got pneumonia, followed by pul­ monary phthisis and tubercolis. Some­ how he got over them Just in time /fave an Aim in Life? The race ’ may' not be the-swift nor the battle to the strong—-but', the k prifes tn life DO go to the mentally p alert stid efficient, ' * You can bring direction "to on your life and learn self-mastery. Mental Efficiency ( is a matter Of training. * . Write for particulara of owr confess. The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology J s 9io Confederaiioii Enlidlng,1 to get appendicitis, to say|| nothing of pyon-hea. All in aU^ejn.exer_knew how he pulled through it. It was the ■hardest’spelling test he’d eVer seen. Some girls, cart break., old friends much fafeter than they, can make new ones. ‘ ' Little Chap—We’re have a boy baby at our-house today. Visitor—A boy .baby? know you’re going to. baby, niy dear? ;Little Chap — Last Husband—It certainly is true that money talks. Wiwe—Well, I do wish you would leave some here to talk to me dur­ ing the "day. . Somebody is always doing somebody else said couldn’t be Capps Gold Mines ■*, to Consider Mill Directors of Capps Gold Mines will meet soon to discuss plans for mill installation at the property in North Carolina. Officials state that while no decision has been reached re­ garding size of the original mill unit, it will be at least 100 tons per day and possibly 150 tons. .Sufficient ore has^ been developed and indicat­ ed to feed a 150-ton unit for,mor? than three years, and any unit now decided on will be the first step in large milling operations. ADVERTISER WOULD PURCHASE country weekly at reasonable, terms. Send particulars to Box 42. Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. W„ Toronto. WASHINGTON* — A group of Can­ adian distillers paid the United States treasury $3,000,000 recently and end­ ed a situation which threatened to curb the heaVy flow of liquor from the Dominion to the American market. Neither the number of distilleries in'the group,, nor their Identities was made known here. These distilleries the Government charged, owed millions In Customs du-, ties on liquor which leaked Into the United States during the long prohi­ bition era. One hundred million dol­ lars was mentioned unofficially as the amount Of duties in arrears. Soon after the new Canadian-Am- eriean“trade agreement was signed, it was announced here the Canadian dis­ tilleries In question mighj be barred from the American market if the debt allegedly.incurred in '.probibfFiw days was not met. Agreement was reached with the' “distlilenei following the"cbnferences with officials of the treasury, state and justice departments.. Suffered years bad head­ aches and Constipation! '—T.....~.............. BOUGHT — SOLD QUOTED Latest information on shaft ., sinking and drifting upon request' W. S. ALVEY & CO. ‘ LIMITED 80 King St W„ WA. 7061 Toronto .Quick relief from FRUIT-i|-TIVES and troubles have not corrie back. f’For many vears I suffered from severe headaches and ____r ......... Then I read of Fruit-a-tives and tried t hem. They brought quick relief. Now I am never bothered as Fused to be, for I know Fruit-a-tives can) always make'me fit and.healthy,’’—“Mrs. P. • Longewav, Guelph. . Fruit-a-tives are the discovery of a famous Canadian doctor. They* contain concentrated extracts of nature's fruits and herbs. They tend to induce normal function of elimination-organs and tend to t<?ne up the *entirp system.A fair trial of Fruit-a-tives wifi convince you; /—«——-----j------------------- - r, —____— ■ ■>’ < twa e u.Un b’.iS <vf spJer.dM results, ’'“.f'.vr.s real . Viet in teach with • .Write—Wire—or Telephone * LY»dhur«t 1143 THE UNITES FARMERS’ , CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY. LIMITED I IV f* mtMMlsSlJ'X ''EPT; Union Stock Yards. West Toronto