HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-18, Page 3f
W,WCasb V
; Toronto - _____oj
“I’m too wise to meddle in personal
matters, like that/’
Sleeveless Frock of Open Knit is Laura Wheeler
Summer Hit!
V Every boy and baseball fan V .
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Pan Prescott unu Gordon Westerby
.find gold in the arid bush of Australia.
long journey to the coast.
Westerby has a fiancee, Gladys Clem
ents in England, but when they arrive
in Sydney he marries a pretty blonde.
Gordon forwards a photo, or Dan to
former fiancee, Gladys Clements, in
London and when Dan arrives she" be
lieve he is Gordon. Eve 'Gilchrist., a
typist, obtains, work in Medlicott’s "of
fice, the broker who; Is floating the
mine. ...Eve and Dan fall in love but
when Eve is confronted by Gladys she
Dan charters., a plane back to: Aus
tralia to^teheck up on Westerby.
“Then I say so,” Gladys cried
loudly. Don’t you pay any attention
j to this big bully, Gordon. Going to
'Australia, indeed; a, man of your
wealth ahd position!”
“You are going to Australia las
mine manager/’ Dan said, unmoved.
“You. have signed on for three years,
, XV esterby. Three years'” at breezy
Dangong. Or, if you prefer it you
jean dp your sentence in some quarter,
more confined Than Dangong. What
do you say?” • ’ . ’
Westerby- moistened his lips and
moved his feet unsteadily.
“Jast as you say, Dan,” he said.
“.Somebody has got to be there;, and
• you’ve done your turn, I reckon. You
can’t say I wasn’t always ready to
-\db my -bit/’-— -----------■-----------“
s “And what’s to become of me?”
Gladys asked. “Where do I come'in?”
“You’d better come along With
me,” Westerby said. “Don't6 get ar-
'guipe-with Dan Jiere. We’ve got a
lot of packing to do. See you before
I sail, Medlicott.” .
He walked out of the room, •with-
Gladys protesting in his train. Medli
cott watched them, go with his* cus
tomary twinkle.
“And now, Pijescott,” he asked,.“is
there any reason why we should not
shake hands?”
., “That’s for you to say,” Dan said.
.. “I’d like to have you answer a ques
tion or two before • I make up my
’.“I’m ready,” Medlicott
would have put things right,”
‘Well, they have , all come out
right,” Medlicott twinkled. “What
are you grumbling at?” .
“I’ll tell you,” Dan said. “You
wanted me to stay in Australia, while
you skimmed the cream here in Lon-
don.--You-thought “that“iftlTe "misun
derstanding between me antji Eve
here was explained, I mightn’t stay.... . . 4 . . But
To Return Ransom; Officials
Await His Word Where
To Send Money
TRENTON, N.J.,—-Attorney-General
David T. Wilentz said recently ^14,-
800 of the Lindbergh ransom bills re
covered with Bruno, Richard Haupt-
‘ would be\.. returned
Charles A. Lindbergh,
the decision io return
Lindbergli wras made
conference in Newr
by’J. Edgar Hoover,
BOOK, on
“What do you wish to know?”
“«You knew, when I went away,
that I’d fallen out with Eve here?”
Dan began. “You had the situation
sized up pretty accurately, I take it.”
“It was pretty plain to every
body,” Medlicott agreed.
’ “Except to the two people most
concerned,” Dan insisted. “We were
at cross purposes, Eve and I. A word
from somebody who understood Med-
Jicott would have „saVed1 me from a
iyear of hell. You used the cables q.
good deal, and you wrote quite a lot;’
but not a word of Eve. Why?”
“Not my business,” Medlicott said.
Housewives Marvel at Coleman Range
Lights Instantly Like City. Gas—Cooks'
with Free Air—96% Air, 4% Fuel!
A new kitchen range that offer.8 1
every cooking convenience of the
ffriestj city gas range is now avail
able to house
wives, wherever=f
they live." .
„ W. C. Coleman,
pioneer inventor
of gas-pressure, ap*
pliances, brings to
a lifetime of in
ventive' genius his
crowning achieve-,
m^nt in this amaz-.
ing new Coleman W.c.COLEMAN
Safety Range. Tl|is new stove makes
its own,gas from ordinary, lead-
. free gasoline. A patented method
of carburization converts liquid
fuel into gas. much the same as
in iwesent. ‘day automobile engines.
The ColomaU Range lights in
stantly,' like city gas: Its fnel-sav-
• ing B«nd-A-Bln "Burners, another
of Mr. Coleman's ‘outstanding de
velopments, producp a clean. Clear
blue flame, so hot that a low flame
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age family meal for five takes only
a few cehls7 worth of fuel.
Coleman Ranges are. beautifully
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appeflwice. They combine outstand
ing beauty with unequalled pert
. Readers of this paper wishing
full information about these, won
derful new Coleman Rangos will
receive beautifully illustrated, lit
erature and nhme of nearest dealer
•' by simply addressing a postcard to
Mr. W. C. Coleman..Dept. WIb-243,
Davies Ave., Toronto, Ontario. .
Marriage Ceremony
the feel of
for chill is
Framing to
The Rural Schools
' I'O os'
Issue No. 24 — *36
1- ^9
• .
mana’s , arrest
Shortly to. CoE
iWilentz. said
the money to
recently at a
York -attended
chief of’ the ’ federal bureau of in
vestigation; New York police-officials,
Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, state
police superintendent and himself.
The money is now^ in a safe deposit
box in a Trenton bank. Word was
awaited from Colonel Lindbergh, Wll-
entz said as to the disposal of the
Wileiitz, Schwartzkopf and An-
County prosecutor, dehied reports the
Lindbergli kidnap-murder case files
had been removed from state police
headquarters. ■ .
Governor Harold G. Hoffman’s fail
ure to- renominate Schwartzkopf,. led
to reports that thus he hoped to gain
access to all the Lindbergh files, and
That tQ— balk-ScRwartzkopf-iwould-Tea
move them to the Hunterdon County
prosecutor’s office before expiration
of his term Sunday. .
Asked about reports that the files
would be removed, Wilentz replied:
“Where did. that report start?”
Nothing lias been moved and nothing
is going to be moved/’
‘‘There’s absolutely nothing to. It.”
said Schwartzkopf. ,
‘‘They- are Hunterdon County re
cords, State of New Jersey records,”
Hauck said, “and I expect sometime
to make arrangements in. court to re
turn them to Hunterdon County. How
ever, I have made uo attempt to move
them yet.”
Hauck said the records , were mov
ed to the Trenton headquarters ot
the state police to give the governor
and others interested in the case ac-
cess to them. ~ /;'
That didn’t suit your book.
'Westerby suited you.
the man you wanted
skin the Elritish public.
“Has the British public been skin-'
ned?” Medlicott asked, with,.a gleam
of interest. ‘.‘£>id the mine turn out
a dud, after all?” v.
“You asked me why I shouldn’t
shake your hand,” Dan said. “Now
you have answered the question
yourself. What do you care about the
public, or meT'or Eve here?” ' •
“Just about-as much as the public,
and you, and Eve care about me,”
Medlicott replied. “Think that over,
Prescott, before you blame me for
your own mismanagement of your
love affairs.”
~ ’-“"Fd-like* to^ sIiake hands^with“Mrr
Medlicott, Dan,” Eve said tremulous-:
ly “It was all my fault, you know.
And I hope that he thinks of me as •well as I thlilnk of;him and Mrs. Med
licott. They have both been very
kind to me, of course, "business comes
. “That’s sensible, anyhow,”’Medli
cott said, and again proffered his
hand, which Dan accepted now.
. “And now tell me aboujt the
mine,” Medlicott urged. “I can say
now that the wife and I set aside a
share of the winnings, in the event
of its turning out;a duffer. You and
Slade did all the donkey-work, and
we wouldn’t see you left out in the'
cold. We made Westerby do ..his
share; we all rank as pai’thers.’'"
“What do you say about
Eve?” Dan asked.
Eve hesitated, flushing
Medlicott’s smiling attention. .
“If I am to". be consulted, I’d
rather not take that money;” Evp
said. “It is for you to decide, Dan;
but I would much rather be poor.
Please don’t think I am criticising,
Mr. Medlicott; I know all that, is to
be said for your way of thinking.
But I should always be thinking of
the people who lost the money. I
don’t- think I should like to get rich
that way.” ’ . .
“So there you are, Medlicott,”
Dan said, with his old sm’de, “Like
Eve, I thank you for tlie kind inteh-.
tioii, but — nothing doing.”
Medlicott shrugged his shoulders.
“Please yourselves,” he said. “But
if the mine is a« dud, why must
Westerby be harnessed to it for three
years? Isn’t that throwing good
money after bad?”
“The mine is well worth working,”
Dan said. “Even the people who
bought their shares from you may
get all the money back if they wait - nonagn. * ..... ............ .........
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Ritchie o,j.
Helens, his brother, Les^1ere-S gOjng fO be a wedding,
“ft Lotena Hogan of Markdals™ * “IL1? **•*" 1'
• - - A n.-* we are going
• some nightin-
He was
to .help
Kile Cro.ok in the New York Time*
I never see the maple trees leaf out.
I pee their branches bare at the sap
run, .....
And misty green tfhen buds begin
While ,1 am grateful for
sun •
Through swelling
in the air.
Then warmer days,
be done.
And harowing and planting;
where .
Is work I should ha’.e done last week.
'I spray
My apple trees too late and in the
Of an untimely summer spell when
hay * .
Leaps almost up to cutting height;
I doubt .
1’11 ever manage better. Till one day,
Sweltering, I pause in shade and
blink about—
. When did those full-spread maple
leaves come out?
and you a share-pusher said the gold
I .found was rainbow-gold. But the
place to find rainbow gold isn’t lhe
desert, Medlicott;. It is here in Lon
don, and -chaps like you supply the-
bright colours. You’ve got a big load
of rainbow gold now; but take care,
or one day you’ll put yout’ hand in
..yOur pocket and find it has all van
• “Have you done? Medlicott
“For th& present,”, Dan said. “Go
on, Eve; collect that Frankie girl,
and we’ll get us some lunch.”
“ Xnd . afterwards?” Medlicott
XVXloS •JtlUXdlc* vL A’liii iku "/I << A ^*4- f-Vt 4
spent the week-end with her .parents0, ■''‘ter tnat,
Miss Della Gilmore returned tc® we can hear
'TFifrboruM- af*or‘ - *■*”'
“Listen,” Dan interrupted,
been doing sums. First and last, all
that you’ve risked, including the cash
paid 'over as purchase money, is
£50,000. But you’ve fixed it so that
the.mine has to pay' dividends onea
capital of five times as much. More
than that, Medlicott; you and West-
erby have unloaded more than half
the shares,, at three and four times
their face—value. Yoti two have
cashed in hundreds of thousands, be
fore'any real gold has been taken,
out of the show. Isn’t that right?”
“Well, you say the gold is there.”
“It is there .to be won, but' you
and Westerby havsTalrcady' got most
of it in your pockets, I’m telling you
there must be no more of those con
juring tricks. Because it's my name
ybu’ve been conjuring with; apt! now
that'Eve has promised tot..take that
name, I think a good deni of it.. Un
derstand ?“
“Don’t l>e' sir deadly ?
“You know,”' Dane
though he had .not
newspaper that called
Made of coloreqWi.ng, its open lacy stitch goes; quickly, with
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Crime Prevention Planned
by Psychological Treatment
■ ____________ __________ a , . ■ .
J/XDo you take this wouilau?”
It, is done • differently in different
eoun tries. A-Swedish bride and grooiu.
for example, ride, on horseback from
the village church to their new home.
They are preceded by a fiddler and
cheered by the townfol’k.
In Yugoslavia the bride and groom
halt before the door of their new
home to. .scatter seeds to the wind.
This is supposed to bless their union
with many happy healthy off-spring.
At a Bavarian wedding the burgo
master of the village gives the key to
the bride after the wedding as a sym
bol of her new status as hausfrau. A
Breton bride- and groom go to the
marriage supper that lasts all night,
the bride in her’traditional peasant
costume, cap and apron.
•In Italy, the ceremony is performed'
usually at high mass with all the
pomp and ceremony of the Catholic
Church. On ‘'this side of the Atlantic
in America the custom of. the groom
kissing the bride is one that, does hot
exist abroad in other marriage cere
gr.ie... H .
He looked inquiringly at Eve, who
nodded a smiling agreement. They
went out together, leaving Medlicott
sta'rihg after, them.
“Nightingales?* he repeated to
himself.. “What the devil dogs he
mean by nightingales?”
And the fact that Mr. MiUon Med-
li’cott fought for some deep and siib
ister meaning in this innocent re
mark was the first indication of the
new respect paid by him to the opin
ions and wishes of the discoverer of
Da n go ng and its gold mine.
(The End)
Writes the Brockville Recorder and
Times: "Upon the .broad question of
whether or not pupils Of rural schools
should enjoy the privileges already
possessed by' most of the pupils ot-
urban schools, in the province, there
can be little disagreement. The boys
and girls belonging to jeountry dist
ricts are entitled, we feel, to just
as much consideration in this respect
as the boys and girls a|tbudi-ng*Yown
or city schools. They have just as
much right, for instance, tb supervi-
sipn of their health by means of exam-
in'ation and inspection as the boys
and girls in attendance at schools in
larger ceritres, and they also have
just.&s much- right to enjoy a brighter
.curriculum such as that which is al
ready in force in most urban com
munities. But this object can scarcely
be atttained without alteration in the
present utiit of administration or with
out some amalgamation am'on'g'st ftie
smaller schools.
PARIS r— Yvon Delbos, Vice
Premier and Minister of Justice, has
announced creation of a superior
council of criminal phophylaxy to
study crime prevention by psycho-
logical treatment of mentally defi
cient or hereditary criminals.
The project to be studied includes
isolation of such criminals to prevent
marriage and . reproduction. There
are np provisions in the plans for
compulsory sterilization as in Ger-
. many.
“The ,war against crime in France.
hitherto1 has been on the basis of
punishing crimes Or misdemeanors,
but statistics show'this in unsuccess
ful in crime prevention and as a re
sult crime remains [(one of the
scourges o’f modern civilization,”
’Delbos said.
“There are GOO murders or at
tempts to murder and 40,000 cases of
assault and battery in France an
“Mufch .of this criqie is due to the
impossibility of delinquents. to adopt
themselves to: the social state. This
impossibility is directly traceable to
physiological or mental blemishes or
perversions. Such cases might be
corrected! if treated in time or if the
person were' subjected to corrective
: The council’s researches Will be
conducted in “the psychiatric annexes
of the famed Sante Prison for men.
the Petite Roquette for women and
the” Fresnes Prison for children.
Ontario Cyclists Are
Arranging Long Jaunts
TORONTO—Old cycling enthusi-
' ists throughout Ontario are making
plans to have 1936 go down as
banner year for cycling in the pro
vince. The year marks the 100th an
niversary of the invention of the ped1-,
al bicycle, hence the extra emrgy'
One of the biggest of the special
country excursions planned is a 40-
. mile jaunt to Unionvile scheduled for
the last Sunday in September. Sam
ey. of ti.i^ efty. wh<5 is arranging
•trio, estimates that more than
100 old-timers will be on hand for
the trip.
spoken, “that
me a swindler
Do net be foot-tort. l/fteif
Cre« Corn Solve or Geis Bunion
Solve." They'll do the Iritis.
Fr'-rs1 rA- i ir M itln in C i-'.’.l 1
:>nrt rv. bv v>..r I hue <ir
B> 1'1 D. Id I. ■ ' I.'. II ,r..: I F
Kitih.e .k t'nti-p >[>v 1.1.1 . T.ii.ini.r,
Water Electrified, Drives Fish
Into Traps in Ireland
The government of Northern
land is concerned about the eels
writhe in its waters. The eels,.it
seems, are not easily (rapped, and ft
is because they swarm over too wide
an area. Isn’t there some way of herd
ing them into a channel so that they
will swim straight and true for the
traps’ The Fisheries Experimental ,
Station at Alresford thinks it ’ has
answered" the question, with electric
ity. . . . ”
What the station did was to exper
iment on a laboratory scale/with an
electrical barrage. Merely by electri
fying the water where the eels were
-not—to-swim it—becam e - possible—to-----
switch them to the traps — at least
in a large wooden tank. Now full-scale ,
experiments are to be carried out In
an Irish river.
“Public opinion is,, the life-blood of
the League of Nations/’—Viscount
Shows how to read character
front handwriting, at a glance^
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