HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-04, Page 8s THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL•’t Archie Graham and AT ’Go.v^pent a^eWTdays last week at genera!public were invited to in- ~ri._ i___"i? n<_ »• jLj h<.._ snect the riewlv nnened P._ f, Fvanc & Save Our Coupons For Valuable Premiums ’* * * rather had to im- will soon be half RATH WELL 8i REED SUMMER S T Y L E REFLECTIONS FOR A LASTING GIFT GIVE BAGGAGE. f THURSDAY. JUNE 4TH, 1936 ** ;...................'__________s__a-------i Bro wn Running Shoes YOUTHS £ Q I’ SIZES 11—13 JWC boys* . ■ AT _ O / C 75c .PAGK."^rf r There is no more appropriate sift than a I smart piece of Baggage for the Bride We cordially invite you to inspect our stock of Overnight Cases, Week-End Cases & Aero-Packs ■ -T — -tfc J ‘ ‘ ' PEARLMAN’S ■ . ' -r ' ' . ■ • ’ ■. ■ ’ • i LADIES’ WHITE COATS—In White Polocloth and in styles __of Half Belt. -Sport-Backandalso-Plain-Back,~Styrewithall ’' " round Belts. , . s LADIES’ DRESSES—In Fine Chiffons, Crepes and Lace Mater­ ials. LADIES’ STRING SUITS—In Fancy Pastel Shades, styled by • Monarch. LADIES’; PURSES—These are Washable and in White and All, Pastel Shades. . _ is ’ ' \ MEN’S AND YOUTHS’®SUITS—The leaders in Shades rind in Worsteds or Flannels. Some are with Fancy Sport Backs. SUMMER TROUSERS—InFlannel Materials, In Colors of Sand and Grey with the NEW PERMANENT Cl QK Up* CREASE, in< All Sizes, AU--------------------------- MEN’S SHIRTS—In Smart„N.ew_DeeiJ|, Tones^ The newest thing —f<y~ Summer"Wear. These have the New' Forsyth Forfused Collars. . ; , " . ? MEN’S SWEATERS—Summer Weight Knit, with Zipper Neck and ^ome with Sport Backs. Where. Style And Economy Meet. LUCKNOW. ONT. ’PHONE 85. fLOCALandGENERAL^ Is your subscription due? It’s June and agine that 1936 gone. Mr. and Mrs. Kathleen spent the week-end at St. Thomas. Shedden and London. Mr. and Mrs, John Andrew, of Mayorthorpe. Alberta, came east on the excursion to visit their friends. . Mrs. L. A. Wall of Winnipeg" has (been visiting for the past couple of weeks with Mrs. Elizabeth Congram Mrs, Phil.’ Parafitt_“arid son .of Timmins, arg visiting with her par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Moorehouse Mitchell. * ’ . , . Miss Winnifred Dutton of the teaching staff in London, was the guest of Miss Flora, E. Andrew oyei the week-end. „ Mrs. Ewen ; Mackenzie and Miss Muriel Mackenzie are spending a few weeks in. Stratford with Mr. and fMrs. Alex MacDonald. Clifford Webster and Arthur An­ drew. accompanied Mr. George Hen­ ry on a -motor trip to Northern On­ tario. They left Tuesday morning.. Mr. M. R. Matheson, of Granum, Alberta, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex' MacDiarmid, and is at -present—visiting” with'relatives in Ashfield where he was raised. Downpours of rain on Monday and Tuesday, along with' more gentle showers, broke an extended dry spell, and gardens and field crops should now juirip ahead. Messrs. Ben Wesse and L. De Greer, the superintendent and the road boss of the Goldie Construction early shoppers at the start of the sale. , New Summer footwear for everyone in the family is being off­ ered at money saving prices* Many local and district Orange­ men attended the County banquet .in Kincardine. Thursday, where they heard arousing addresses'by Rev.L. L. Lawrence.. P.G.M., and L.' H. Saunders, grand organizer of .the order, containing condemnation of the Hepburn Government’s action in the school tax bill Mrs. A. D.1 Paterson.. her daugh­ ter. Mrs. Gunn and her * grandaugh- ter Lola, and Mrs. A. Davey,.all of Vancouver, are visiting with rela­ tives here and in Ripley. Mrs. Dav­ ey js a sister of Mrs. Wm. MacKen- zie, arid her sister-in-law, Mrs. Pat­ erson;. is a sister of~ Mrs. Ferris of town and Mrs. Jacksori of Ripley. Presided At Meeting Mr. A, E. McKim arid Mr. F. M. Paterson, were in Kincardine on Thursday, attending the district meeting" of Bruce and Huron County druggists. Mr. McKim. outgoing president, had charge of the meeting which was addressed by A. E. Han­ ham of Toronto, who spoke along lines pertaining to the past and future in drug merchandising. Rev. C. H. MacDonald is in . Ham­ ilton in attendance at the Presby­ terian General Assembly, which ,op- ened on_ Wednesdav.-On—this account' Communion was observed in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday, instead of this Sunday, the custom­ ary date, with preparatory services on Friday and Saturday, with Rev. J. L. Burgess and Rev. J. R. Greig of Bluevale the guest speakers re­ spectively. New Funeral Home Opens Last Friday .and_Saturday, - the spect the riewly opened C. ’L. Evans funeral home in north London, where Mr. D. M. Johnstone is in charge. The home itself, is modern in every detail of appointment and equipment and among its many outstanding . features is the beautiful chapel, eas­ ily the most commodious in k London. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone arid dau­ ghter Helen,, formerly qf Strathroy, who have beeri visiting here await-' irig the completion of the new home, left for London about three weeks ago. The Johnstone residence and ^funeral, home is situated at 605 Rich­ mond St., in North London,* by which all local people motoring to the city will pass. I , the home of Mr.0 arid Mrs. Victor Durnin. Mr. and‘,,Mrs. «D. L. McDiarmid and children and Master James Kennedy of Jamestown, N. Y.. and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McDiarmid and Donald of Cleveland were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. McDiarihid. During the .past several days, high school students have been writing examinations, that will soon be fol­ lowed b.v departmental examinations and then holidays, with school offic­ ially closing on June 20th, , Mrs*. Robert Button, Mrs. Well; Henderson, Mrs. J. A. Geddes, Mrs. Alex McNay and Mrs. Minnie Horne { motored to Windsor the latter part of the week, Where the ladies visit­ ed with relatives in that district. Won $5- . Ivxxa, m—Juauu-WA- of Mr, Jas, R. Hackett of town, held the lucky jacket at the Bluewater Theatre, Kincardine, recently, and as a result received a $5.00 cash prize. MacDonald Bros, °15-day shoe sale ip entering the second week with __ ...____ ________ ____ values equal to those snapped up by although he appeared to be. ____ ACQUITTED OF CHARGE When medical opinion failed to- 1 ‘ ___ _ tried to take shis, own life, Caswell Hackett, - was . acquitted of the charge by Magistrate Makins at Wingham on Friday. Ini given evi- k derice the physician said he ~ had misgivings that, accused was “fox- ... irig” and was really not unconscious.. to Soft-CollarComfort WITH SMART STIFF-COLLAR APPEARANCE Yes I The crisp smartness of a finely- tailored shirt plus the easy-fitting cpmfprtofacollarthatlooksstarched but actually stays pliable, absorbent and porous, a collar that retains its freshness and neatness from breakfast- r time to bed-time in all weathers and in a II conditions. A FORFUSED collar never needs starching. It’s as easy to launder as a pocket handkerchief. FORFUSED is a new scientific process which actually fuses the plies or .layers of cloth into one. Whether the collar is being worn or laundered this "fusing” is permanent— | no starching being necessary during the < entire life of the collar. Ask to see the New SHIRT with ^FORFUSED COLLAR TEMPLETON & CO Shoes All New, Properly Fitted and Sold Nice and Clean From Boxes. Refunds or Exchanges As Usual White CUBAN HEELS. SIZES 3—8. Wos. Corrective Shoe >-•- • ■ r BLACK, BROWN and WHITE ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS. A A TO EE. Campers MEN’S ■ :i. <1 ft7.SIZES 6—11 ---------------- --------------V J BO.YS’ <fc‘| SIZE'S _____ ________ _ . *p l .37 YOUTHS’ / d» I I 7 SIZES 11—3 ____ ........---------- The Famous Scot! BEST QUALITY NON-RIP ties MEN’S Cl QC SIZES ..... 1 BOYS’ " Cl OE SIZES 1—5 ..............;__.................... YOUTHS’ <b1 7ft SIZES 11 — 13 ..................... 1 • • D CHILDS’ * >ta SIZES 8—10% ..................................... mmuhM Sport Oxfords SMART STYLES SIZES 3 to 8 BEST QUALITY MENNONITE AND URUS CALF. FULL STOCK. REGULAR PRICES TO $3.50. ANNIVERSARY sale price I Women’s Ties BLUE, BLACK and BROWN. A to D WIDTHS Misses’ and Childs' .PATENT STRAP C l >1*7 SIZES 11—2 ..___ PATENT STRAP Cl 17 , SIZES 8-rlO ___& 1 • 1 / patent’ strap . ■. | Q*7C ” Z67c ___ ___$1.47 $1.27 SIZES 5—7 PATENT STRAP SIZES CALF SIZES CALF SIZES OXFORDS 11—2 OXFORDS 8—10% .