The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-04, Page 51
* st
I V ■ . , , ' ' '
JUNE 4TH, 1936
Lucknow and Whitechurch, playing
their first Maitland League game of
the year, staged a no decision
" “doubleheader” in Whitechurch, on
Saturday that had plenty of whatnot
packed into five chilly and dragged
out innings, but which didn't lack- for
The *‘firgt game”, a two-inning
affair, ended with Lucknow leading
5 to 1. The end came as White
church protested. Lucknow using El-
liqtt Carruthers bit the mound, whose
name was not on the list. Aft agree-
t .merit was • reached to take him out
of the game-and • start it over. > Toby
Greer went ’’to the hilltop for the
((second, grime*’; wfrich was balled \
- in the lariLhalf of the 3rd./with the.
locals leading . 5 to 3 and White-
- ' church making a bid to oveYtake
them. .
Jack Rojlock had opened the last
of the 3rd by crashing- out a homel
and George; Garton was on 2nd base when Milan Moore smacked a foul
back into the swamp that lost the
second arid, last new. ball on. hand
This necessitated the game being53 <
it di<fc not look as if five regulation
innings could | be played anyway^
The teams lined> up as follows:,
LUCKNOW—Jack MacDonald, ss.;
Harold Ritchie. c.;> Harold Greer,
cf..v p.: /Bill Hewat, 3rd: Elliott Car
ruthers, p,; Charlie Jewitt, cf.;
, Leonard MacDonald, , 2nd; Elliott
Webster, rf.: A. McIntosh, 1st; Bill
Jewitt, If.
^^JKHIT^ORCH^Ghas^ Hender
son. 1st; Dave Henderson. 3rd: Jack
Pollock, If.; George Garton, c.; Milan
Moore, p.; Bill Smith, ss: K. Mow
bray. ss; -. Lawrence' Henderson, cf.:
Fred Lott, rf.; Caskinette, rf.; Geo.
Tiffin, 2nd; and Tiffin. .
Umpires—Thos* Moore. Horace
Aitchisop arid Larney Murdie.
'JW i
ASS.OC Lat |on aN D L1F E KS
in Canada
„2..... VIQLENCR- . -
The situation developing over the
use of ypung Carruthers is an" un-
’ ’ s
fortunate one. He is young, and has
all the ’qualifications necessary
’ play Maitland League ball.
I His ability as a pitcher was ’iin-
' known, even to the local boys when
lie took the- mound in Whitechurch
on Saturday, but two innings showed
that he looked like a comer. His
j name was not on the list and be
cause he was making good, led to his
■ use -being protested. -
• • '♦ •
We don’t blame Whitechurch.
Lucknow would likely have done the
same ■ thing. It was a mistake using
Carruthers, until passed by the exe
cutive. which without a doubt, would
have permitted him. to play; /
But it waSrt’t a case ’ Of Lucknow
trying to pull anything. Roy Finlay
son gave him the opening pitching
assignment bri. the strength of
statements by members of the exe^
jeutive that Carruthers was certainly
eligible to play with the locals.
• ♦ * ' *
His name was proposed, after the
executive had dealt with the list of
20 players submitted by the Lucknow
Club which resulted in Cliff Wyld’s
application being rejected.
After,the game was underway,
Whitechurch appealed to Bill Craig
a member of the? executive, regard
ing the use of Carruthers. Craig
immediately took the matter up,.
and although only one of ’, seven
members of the executive, proceeded
in rather loud. and. a times unbe
coming language, to1 tell the Luck
now Qlub, just what they, could and
could'not do.1 ' • • »
An agreement was reached with
the Whitechurdh boys to .start the
game over, but as the game had
been late in starting, an additional
regulation five-inndngs could not
be completed before dark.
• • ■ ' • •
The grime was finally called
a replay of the fixture will be
Several games have already gone
unplayed in the Maitland League. A
downpour Monday prevented St.
Helens* and Dungannon from tang
ling on the Lucknow diairidnd.... ♦ • -•
A Kincardine reunion committee
has been in touch with the Toronto
• Basebail Club endeavoring to have
the Leafs. play a scheduled game
with Syracuse in Kincardine during
reunion week.
Kincardine Baseball Club is count
ing on three new players this sea
son, Art Gregor .of hockey fame,
formerly with Harriston; Frank Cas
sidy, a brother of the fleet footed
Joe and Dorland JBarrager. who has
played with Napanee Gibbards and
whose transfer is beihg awaited.
ChOsley will nqt play Bruce Lea
gue ball this season, the first time
since the loop was organized in 1923.
It appears that some of the Colt
• , players had mercenary ideas that the
Club refused io meet, and neither
“Fin” Thompson or Frank McCartney
‘ would. sign on the dotted line, leav
ing last year's “B” ehampions with
out a pitching staff.
Aqgprding to the Enterprise,
Thorwson and. McCartney have play
ed their last games, in Chesley togs.
. But efforts are being concentrated
on bringing along some Juniors and.
Chesley will be back next year, .ac
cording to J. C. playing “amateur”
ball-^and he says we mean'’“ama
1» 4
.1 The May meetingthe U. F. W.
I Q. was held at the home of Mrs. H._
I Harris, with a very large attendance.
I Mrs. D. McKinnon presided. The
I meeting opened with singing the
I ^Opening Song”, and . repeating the
I Lord’s prayer /and Cteed in unison.
I The minutes of last meeting were
I read and adopted. After community
I singing, the business was dealt with.
I followed by a splendid program. A
- f duet- by - Miss Blanche “iMcDhUXaTF
1 and Elizabeth Robinson; Jpaper i by/ jana niiizaoetn Kooinson; ;paper - Dy Everyone has a personal interest ! Miss Mary Bell McLeod; Current
in <tbe ever-increasing number of events by Mrs. Farrow: solo, Miss
deaths from violence, ..particularly Kathleen McKenzie; paper by Mrs.
those due to metor-car accidents.. Opr I C. Robb; a Scotch reel by Misses
interest is, .first of all, an apprecia- Blanchd McDougall, Jean Graham
tion that we may shortly be number- Elizabeth Robinspir and Margaret
ed among the victims.; the' second | MacIntyre; a recitation ‘Was given
thought has tp do with a similar by Ronald McLeod; solo by Mjss
feeling with regard to relatives and Elizabeth Robinson; a paper by Mrs.
friends, and lastly, there is a general I w. Eadie: ia sopg . by . Mrs. -Martin,
desire to preserve and. safeguardI MacDonald. Mrs.'Little, Mrs.
human life, ’ ' \ I McKiiinon ,and Mrs?. Middleton., ac-
Bublic health authorities are con-1 cpriipanied by Mrs. Robb. The meet-
cerned in the preservation of life and | ine- took the form of a “Mother and
in raising the standard of personal I daughter” meeting. The members
health. Originally, they were fully [dressed in old time costumes. Mrs.
occupied with” their endeavours to I Cecil Robb winning the prize for the
control the wide-spread epidemic dis- ,| best costume. A vote of thanks was
eases; then; later on, they extended I given to the hpstess and the meeti...
their concern to all preventable dis-r closed by singing the National An-
eases. > I them. A bountiful lunch was. served
:>~D.ur-ing^reeent1-y^a?sr^^onsidet^Frin<L^--pleasant-aftepiooin-—whs “
able part of the ground gained has loved. The June meeting is to be held
Been lost due to the deaths from vio-| a^ the home of Mrs. George Lock-
lence. Obviously, nothing, is won by I call Aids to summer en-
saving a child from diphtheria if ’he I tertaming for Farm Women .
is to lose his life in a motor accident] “12 p'Ac:m
So serious' has the situation be-1 BEL FASTcome that, in many places, public] r "
opinion has really forced health de-1 opartments to interest themselves in I a. ^r’ ai$ Fre4 Anderson of
a nroblem whieh had been regarded Zion, visited m ^gqnday withMr.
as outside of theii; jurisdiction. - I aPjr_Mrs,....Jaek..JMeDonagh.
No---one-is"-sug'gestirig^tlfat health I Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and
departments should undertake re-rMr. and . Mrs. Sam Alton, spent Sat-,
sponsiblity for; safety campaigns or I urday in London.
for traffic regulations. The question I Mr. Tom Twamley left last week
that is asked of. health departments] for Regina, Sask.
is as to "what contribution along I j^r< and Mrs.. Archie Nicholson
medical lines they might make inl were ddwn to London Sunday, visit
order to help solve-this serious pro-1 jng. with Mr. Angus Nicholson, who
? • . , x ] is in St. Joseph’s Hospital.
broNem’ wh^h Miss Melda Lane o| Coldwater,causes From a medical point of I s»ent the week-end with-her. parents
Xw Mr. rind Mrs. Spence Irwin, wereview, consideration . might be given I Am1,, ''to , the physical and, mental compet-1 vl*1?)rs a.t. «ubur^ T?c.®^y- . . . j
ence of those applying fpr a. driver’s] Mr, ana Mrs. • Roy Alton visited
licence. c ° Mr Sam Morrison's on,Monday. |
/.Itdoes - seeggfbasonable to suggest
that certainJHegrees of defective vis
ion or hearing, and inability to dis-
tirieruish red and green lights might
be regarded • as handicaps which
would rule out thp right to a licence
to drive a motor car.
ed and so are easily detected, where-1 There is not much doubt that such
_ _ _________________________________________________________________ _ _____ _______a careful examination. It might be lit is a human failing to endeavor to O Vf'icw di Isl I _ __ ___ L_■_ __ .1 ;_—2 jjll xx '-I
ing, the easily detected defects in
the . case of all -drivers, and, iri the
event of accidents, a complete exam
ination before renewal of licence.
The only point fo this article is
the Question as to whether br not
the public, in their own interest and
for) tbeir own protection,, should con-j
aider a systeiri of requiring at least j
some measure of physical fitness in
those who are licensed by the state
to drive, motor cars. ,
(Toronto Globe)
; The Department of Marine and
Fisheries announces that radio own-
.— ------------- , ers who are not in possession of lie- ,
-. 'Some defects are readily- reco^niz- j enses for T93B will be prosecuted,
ed and so are easily detected, where-1 There is not much doubt that such
as others are revealed, .only through I action, is warranted in many cases,
a careful examination. It might be lit is a human failing to endeavor to
.advisable to consider, as a beginn-1 escape taxes,.and the radio-license re-
I srulation has been but slackly enfor
Oh' the other, hand, many law-abid
ing citizens who have sought to
purchase the necessary permits, ac
cording . to numerous complaints,
have been informed at Post4 offices and elsewhere that the forms re
quired had not been received at the
time of inquiry, and after two or
; 1 three attempts with similar results,
I have let the matter slide. 4, k-
I Moreover, the sending of inspfec-
I tors from door to door, appears a
11 clumsy, inefficient arid expensive Way
I of keeping track of radios and lic,- [enses. Dealers’ records* and last
| year’s tax receipt lists should supply
Lrnost Of the information at present ' I sought by these canvassers, and it
I can be no very hard task “to dfevise I
la means jpf following up transfers I
of radios from one private owner to
another. , . .
J It probably will obviate unrieces- is sp
I sary Police Court action if. in future here.
Apple Grower: “Hello, Peter, how’s the have-to worry about credit. Th* Rank Vnnw|
I always keep my agreements with them. You
will remember, Jonathan, that I enlarged, my
vineyard last year, and the Bank financed mp
new posts and wire."
- -“Gra¥e Grower?“ ”Pretty fair,. Jonathan.
How are apples?"
Apple Grower; “Likewise. My young trees
are growing like weeds and the old ones are
. in fine condition arid bearing well again.
And my financial side is good, too. I’ve paid
off ; my loan for seedlings at the Bank of
Montreal, jnd the Bank has agreed to help
me market my"Crop.” ” 4,
Grape Grower: ”So you’re another cus-
....tomer: -oPthar bank. I’m "riot surprised,
though, the way it takes care of us.. I don’t
Some of the Bank's services used by Fruit
Growers: Business chequing accounts; sav*
ings accounts; trade' and credit information,
domestic and foreign; closest cates on Amer* '
ican and all classes of foreign exchange;
special wire facilities to speed transactions;"
safekeeping of securities ; safety deposit boxes:—
money orders; letters of credit; travellers
cheques; banking by mail.
Lucknow Branch: S* D. WHALEY, Manager
.- / ' • ' • ■
Misses Mary E. and Elizabeth Sal
keld of Goderich were visitors with
Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Gordon on
Friday. , . i
Mrs. R. J. Woods and Mr. Wilson
Wbods spent Friday with friends at
Miss Dorine .Webster < of -’Carlow.
Miss Dorothy Webster and Mrs. Mc
Gregor and boys of London were
week-end guests Of Mrs. John 'Web--
ster. -
Mr.. Robert McQuillin of Toronto,
is spending his’ vacation at his home
It has- now been established in
England that there is no such time
as 12 n.m. A legal decision to this
effect has been made in the English
courts. » , .A motorist was charged at Kett-1.
ering with parking-his car on the ■wrong side of the road, beside a
sign that said distinctly that there
a*mSt and twel vT^m ” 'The'^defense I Ta^° licenses . are ready for sale in I Rev. H. M. Wright. Misses Vera
maintained apparently more with PdvaFe of ^e ^te set fortheir Taylor, Iona Swan. Laurine Miller,humor t£an hope of success that Purc.hase’; and lf .the matter, of Marv irwin, Messrs. Stanley1 Todd,twelve, p.m. is no time at all* meansh^ an Dick Weatherhead and Cuvier Ram
nothing, and is. not once mentioned clent a^d businesslike basis. age, were at Seaforth on Saturday
in an Act of Parliament. Therefore. rnFrirTivr1 itp tor the Y. P. U. convention.
the Solicitor argued, the:local council I c . Twenty-two youpig men of the
had itself committed an offence inf ■ , Triple V. Class' of the Wingham
erectingJEhis sign. I bought gasoline. I went to show;- United Church, provided a wonder-
’ This defense was upheld. The facts 11 bought some, new tubfps for my old ful program under the auspices, of
were verified and it was discovered!' rgdio;.’ the .Y. F. U. here on Sunday even
that / according to law 12 p.m. just ^bought candy and peanuts, nut bars ing. The meeting, which was opened
does not exist. One must say 12 mid-.|'*J an(l ice cream I with a song service, xVas presided
night. For • 12 a.m. one must say While W salary lasted, life sure was over,’by Mr. Mitchell. The Scripture
twelye noon. / | a-scream. lesson was read by Mr. , De Witt Mil-
— ------ ----------—• -.f-. . , - . , . , , ler. The • guest soloists were Mr.The 160th Rrnce Rattalion win Rt takes • careful planning to make Jack Reavi and Mr Gordon Budb.
ine lbutn Bruce Battalion will money go 'round; anrin of Toronto and numbers bvho d a reunion and old^home week in one’s method of finance must always t^nT
Wiarton June 29th. 30th and July 1st. | be sound. ' nrLiatedI In hi° “aX Vr F S
—— -----------------------:----------- I TVfH. Kokilc U’a vaal bai«/1 P.rel" . . *“ _ 3001 CSS, Air. Ji,.
Nov. 3—Advertisement for.
‘ giiri typist.....—...1...
p -TH. _.i . » ’ ' -A . ’
8—Week’s salary ■ for
< new typist'"
11—Roses for nevjf typist
15—'Salary .of new typist
15—Chocolates for wife
19—Lunch with Miss M.
Smith __________
22—Mabel’s salary 25—Theatre and supper
with Mabel .............
2fi—Fur coat for wife -
. • 26—Advertisement for
T male., typist r
6—new typist
10.00 I
With habits quite costly, it’s real hard Copeland, the . founder of the class.
I to save, j bused ' ' ' J 2. My wife spent “ten bucks” on a per- jesus>
‘Do you work in the shirt factory?’. “Yes.” ■ ']
“Wby aren’t you working today t”
“We’re making nightshirts this
week.” '
We have an abnormal wishbone
but lack the backbone to go with it.
After playing a pair of ball games
with St. Helens, losing the first' by al
wide margin and squeezing oiit-a win
herffilon Thursday last, the local juv
eniles took on new opposition,, and
on Saturday took a jaunt,to Dungan
non Svhe re they won a 12 to 8 -vic
tory;.,, ' \
The dine hP-‘"
I.tTCKNOW-rRussell Garniss, Dpn-
ald . Finlayson, .. Douglas Aitchison,
Jack Cook, John K. MacKpnzie, Ross
“pick*' Millet, who 'two season’s a MacDonald, Donald MacKenzie, Reid
f . McKim, Bud. Otr.
DUNGANNON-F. Eeedy, R. Park.
L, Colbert, * ~ — <•-
back played with Lucknow, is holding
down 3rd base this year for Alien
ford, who opened the seasoh on Sat
urday by dropping a 3 to 2 verdict
4 ’
to Meaford^
■. • T'
1. Eedy. H. Culbeit, N;
L. Hodges, T “
based his remarks on the words of
I Wnva I Vs”*0’ “And K if 1 be lifted up fromI manent wave. . the „ earth .will draw all men unto
The church came ’round begging. It me-
sure made me sore; Woyd Was received here oh Moh-
If they’d let me alone. I’d give a lot day, by Mrs. R. K. Miller, of the
more. death of her nephew, Mr. R. A. Mil-
They have plenty of perve; they for- ler; at Rosetown, Sask,, on Sunday.
get all the past, Dick, who was only ill a few Hours,
For I. gave them a quarter the year was well-known in this community.
. before last! < Besides hih widow, formerly Miss
...— Jean Todd of St. Helens, he is sur:
A successful business man, after j.v*ve<L-V?r a daughter Donalda, and a
eight years of absence, alighted at S0*L 1 ’
Deer are becoming a Common sight the station of the old home tokwn. in > this commUnity. but recentlv.
There wa^ despite his expectations, while working at Mr. Emerson’s. Mr.
no one on the platform whom he Lavis saw what they believed to be
knew. No one. a T.he. ani??aI came quite close.
j v' i-x x it., but on seeing the men, struck offDiscouraged, he sought out the across the field. . •
station master, a friend since boy- k4d Friday evening. June 19th.
hood. To him at least he would be open for the annual United Church
welcome and he Was about to ‘ L“‘
a Hearty greeting when the
spoke first.
“Hello, George,” he said.
away.?” ...
extend Rarden party.nxt,„r I ; Rev. H. M. Wright is attending
the meeting of the London Confer
ence of the United Church being
“Goin* at London this week.
Hodges. R Eedy, L. No, on fol! 17.
S. S. No. S, Ashfield
V Class—Rena Hunter. , . Mr.
' Sr. TV—Jimmie Hunter 767£; El- home
don Ritchie 7i. > ,1-^v
Jr. TV—^Kathleen Gibso'tr'73: Kath
leen Gardner 70; Lorna Reid 68:
Doyis Reid 44. ' ' * ...
Sr. ni^Rti3i<dl1 Ritchie 79; Keith
Hackett, 75; Keith Ritchie 61.
Jr. TL-Lyle Ritchje 408; Allan
Ritchie 366; Johnny Hunter 322:
Eric Hackett 302; *Marion Gardner
241. ?
I—Lorna Hunter 291; Lois, Hunter
286. ' '
* absent for natt of month.
__ _ ... Ave. Att, 16.1.
* Ada M. Webster
hisMoyer has returned to
ih Toronto after spending a
among his. friends here.
Miss Ellen Burns of Lucknow.’ is
assisting Mrs. Ernest Gardner this
week. ...
Messrs. Gerald and Melvin. Omans
of Detroit, spent the week-end with
Mr. and, Mrs. Peter Cooke and Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Reed. .
Mr. Fred Anderson and J Charlie,
Spent Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. John McDonagh of Belfast.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Campbell of Westfield, on Thurs
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ritchie on Sunday, were, Mr. and
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson of Lucknow. Mr. J. G. Ritchie, formerly of the
Anderson Flax Mill of Mitchell.
We extend congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Cooke on the birth
of a son on Monday, June 1st. Miss
Willeria Chesnuv oi Lucknow, is in
attendance. .
Mrs. Will Ritchie spent the ^week
end with her daughter. Mrs. kelson
Raynard. We are. sorry to report
Mrs. Raynard has not been1 as well
as We. would like and had to be taken
to Goderich Hospital on Monday.
tyre tirust she may make a good .re
Mr. and’ Mrs. F?ank Whitmore,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whitmores
and daughter Gaynell of Clinton.
Were recent visiters with Mr.
Mrs. S. Reed.
(Intended For Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion and
Cecil Armstrong, visited on Saturday
evening last at Brussels.
Mr. Dave Milne and Duncan Mac-
Charles of Lucknow visited on Sun
day, with Wingham friends. . .
Mr. Thos. Miller of Wingham,
County Master .of North Huron, and I
Mr. Jas. Owens, Deputy Master of .
Wingham L. O. L„ visited the Semi
County meeting at Londsboro. on
Wednesday evening and the Semi
County meeting of Perth County at
Listowel on Friday evening last.
Messrs. Goldie and Nelson Carter
of Lucknow, visited over the week
end with Wingham friends.
Mr. Tyndall Robinson and son
Charlie of the 6th con., Kiriloss, vis
ited i -on Saturday evening at Wing
ham.. Nurse’ Lena Robinson returned
with them for her week-end holiday.
The many friends of Alex Finlay
wish for his speedy recovery from
pleural pneumonia. ,
Mr. and Mrs. James Richards from
Flesherton and Miss Lyla Richards
from Toronto, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle MacDiarmid
and family from Jamestown, N. Y:.
and Mr. and’?Mrs. Roy MacDiarmid
and e son from Cleveland, were week
end visitors With friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGill were
recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
George Bell, Gulross*
Mrs. Mary MacAuley is nursing
Mrs. Pete Cook and her baby„boy at
the home of her parents, Mr. and ■
Mrs. Sam Reid. t ,
Mrs. Elmer Reavier from Reid's
Corners, spent last week'with her
sister. Mrs. Grant McDiarmid;
Mrs. MacAuley, Jean and Aifcrus.
were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geotge Swan. St. Helens. .
■ Mrs. Nelson Raynard was taken
to Goderich hospital Monday morn
ing, when her condition was consid
ered as serious. Latest report is
that- she- is doing as- well as can be
expected and we hope for a steady
improvement. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Graham of Ann
Arbour. Mich., spent the week-end
at the former’s home here.
Mr. Jimmie Hodge has been taken
to Kincardine Hospital for treatment
Miss Evelyn McLean silent a few
days with Mrs. Wiii, Brewer, Car
gill, - " '
Mrs. B. Slessor is visiting With
her daughter, Mrs; Stanley Fair.
Miss Katherine Robertson of Holy
rood. spent Thursday evening with
Miss. Clara MacDdriald.
Miss Mary McLean is . assisting
at Mr. Donald McFarlan’s. . '
Mrs. A. E. Haldenby visited over
the week-end with Detroit friends.
Mrs. H. -
spent last
Mr. and
motored to ______ _ _ _____Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bercy of Glamis
were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J.
Mr. Ronald DavidsOn of ListoWeL
,3nd a Knox College student, will
conduct services' in the. Presbyterian
Church this Sunday, while Revi C.
H. -MacDonald is in attendance at
the General Assembly which assem-
blv convenes until about next Wed
nesday. z
Mt. Douglas MacDonald, a stud
ent minister,.has taken charge of. the
summer mission field of, Mar. Lind
say and Lake Charles, in the Bruce
Peninsula, near Wiarton.
Mr. Frank Hickey of the Bank of
Montreal, has returned from, his
holidays, and the first of the week,
another member of the staff. Miss
Lillian Mitchell, commenced hers.
Brock of Owen Sound,
week with Mrs. F. A*
Mis. Levi Eckenswilier
Loridon'on Saturday.ASHFIELD NOTES
week . ... ___. __
The measles have broken out again
in our community. •
The June meeting of
branch of the Womens
to be held at the home
The . Sacrament of the
per will be observed in _ _ „__. .
terian Church on June 7th. with the
usual prepartory services.
Mr. Ronald Henderson bad an al
uminum demonstration at Mr. N. G.
May 26th.
tlrd Kintail
Institute is
of Mrs, It
Lord’s Sup-
thd Preshv-
on Tuesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and,
Freda spent a day in Brussels with
friends. *,
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McKinnon rind
babe. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Helm and
Mrs. Tnos, Helm visited with Ash
field friends on Sunday
We are pleased to note that Mrs.
Gordon Ritchie and babies have- re
turned home from Wihgham Hospi
tal on Wednesday of. last week and
are progressing favorably. r ' ,
Miss _ Della Gilmore of Kitchener,
is visiting her parents for. a couplo
of weeks.
Mt. and Mrs. T. J. Kirby of Stet
tler of Alberta, are 'visiting at R» E.
BORN^To Mr. and Mrs-. P. Cooke
■ on June 1st, a son.
’ f■ e
L ‘