HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-04, Page 1tf’
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J Ask Town To Consider
T < Taking Over Cemetery
] Cpuncil To Meet Members Of Com*
I pany—Matter Would Be ‘ Decided
_, _ . | By Vote Of The Ratepayers—Poll
FOR SALE—Steel tired top buggy, I }'ax *3 00 jTJ
drop axle.—R. J. Moore, Lucknow-, | Dumping Ground To Be Fenced—
> r,—r Only One Assessment Appeal,DRY CEDAR for Sale, Apply to < ”... ■' ■ -
: W~ & oryhone M'. : TKZ viUage on Tues(iay
HORSES WANTED—*3.00 to *5.00 to ;™ns!!'er .t”*
ai£ Si kinds of fox toed —Laidlaw PtopUsal that the municipality take
Fur Farm ’Phone 366-J Wheham over the ownership and managementFur Farm. Phone 366-J, Wingham. Qf Greenjlilj cemetery; Council de-
SEED CORN—We have the fol- fided to meet members of the Ceme-
lowing varieties, Irawwed Leamtog.p^^. ^0^^^sbotod they fav*
Early Bailey. White Cap Yellow Dent A a
Golden Glow, Wisconsin No. 7; Long-1 ^ai!?ayers/at, a,
w. G. bv a maioritv vote-
■ TFitfliVRH' WANTFlv I Mr. j.-G. Anderson, a member ofFor the construction of a concrete I
bridge, about a 20-foot span, on the P^ ®?ard. He pointed out that
’ Division Line; Concession 6, Ash- about thirty-five years ago the cem-
field. Township to supply reinforc- been poened. John Hildrcd,
tog steel. Tenders will be opened on &nG’
June 9th, at 8.30 o’clock. Plans, may I Jwo ..small^stockholders at that time
be seen with the Road Superintend I ™
.- . a8 a money making scheme, he said*
NOTICE TO CREDITORS I but rather as a need. However,, altho
ALL perseus having claims again- has not been a gold mine, it has
. st the estate of John Johnstone.' latepaid reasonable, dividends; .he ad-
of the Township of Ashfield in the vised, the Board, and should they con-
County of Huron,. Farmer, who died I s)der going further into the matter
on dr about the seventeenth day of I access to ,all the books
February. A.D. 1936. are notffied to of the .Company, since its inception,
send to Janies McDonald, or Albert i Taylpr, Mr.* Anderson and Mr.
Campbell. R. R. 3, Lucknow. Ontario Ji>h«. J,oynt
bn" or before the; ninth day of Junie, | stockholders at present, _ and it is
A.DJ 1936. fuU .particulars of their I owtoe toindifferent ^heaHh of Mr.
claims in writing. Immediately after I Taylor and Mr./Joynt that the Com-
the said ninth day of June. 1936. the. pany would dispose of its holdings
Sssets of the. said -testator will be I the inunicipality on reasonable
istributed amongst the parties end [erms’^ There is a perpetual upkeep
« titled thereto, having regard only to fund created of about $2000..
I . claims of which the executors shall.j along vyith the revenue from
then have notice (this fund, would also pass to the
DATED at Lucknow this sixteenth municipality in event of the trans
day of May. A.D. 1936. actlon bel^ approved.
James McDonald. Albert Campbell.] Twelve fire extinguisher bombs
R?R. 3, t Lucknow. Ont.. Executors. | purchased for theFire . CoiApanv at a.
Dentist ■ .
~ Office In The Johhcton Block
~' - Te>Hffio^e No. S ' v
I Masons Attend Church,
Hear Stirring
.Mrp. W. L> MacKenzie .Elected Presi
dent—Jitneys In Be Held Each
Monday.•; Night—-Tournament Dates
To Be Set Later. ■■■ ■> ,
With the bowling season at. hand,
lady bowlers in town turned their at
tention to the summer pastime last
week? by holding their “annual meet-”
ing to elect officers and conduct other
business. / , , j
The slate is as follows: 4 I
Hon. president, Mrs. D. Huston; pres
ident.. Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie; sec-1
rotary; Mrs. W. Henderson;, treasurer
Mrs. A. C. Agnew; social committee,
Mrs. Temple Clarke; Mrs. Russell
Robertson and Mys. Howard. Agnew;
games committee, Mrs. William. Por-'r
teous, Mrij. J. W. Joynt „and Mrs.
tee, Mrs. A. Solomon. Mrs. Robert ,■ a..Rae and Mrs. D. Huston. Chaplain of; Old Light.
Jitneys will be held each Monday Chosing his text from Isaiah, 28:
night and the date of tournaments 20. “For the bed is shorter than a
will be set later. Iman can stretch himself pri it: and
I the covering narrower that that he
can.wrap hipiself in it”. Rev. Mac- YQUNG MAN DIES I Donald pointed out that these words,
* _I were spoken by the prophet in con-
Siidden Death Of Charles Need- demning the foreign policy of Judah.
-i.*- » -___ ^*1 A . I ternational problems of today, andship Farmer, Cast Gloom Over our schemes and, efforts to solve
Community these, the speaker asked in this re-
----- I gard, “Is is , not so that today we
Ill only a very few days, Charles ate trying to lie on beds to short?”J
Needham, a young Huron Township I Speaking particularly to the Order,
farmer./living on the 10th donees he pointed out that with Masonry
sion passed away on Saturday. He extending to the four quarters of
was in his early twenties, and was the .earth, and with brethren in every
a popular young man in the district I land, it should be a ■ tremendous I
where "his. death is keenly felt. He 1J> -‘--i.— ^_._* i_.
was a member of the 10th concession
rural, hockey team,............
He resides /at home . with I his par-I
■! Sermon The Bread
of Health
I Rev. C. H.-MacDonald. Chaplain Of
I Old Light Lodge, Addressed The
Order Sunday Evening And Stress-,
ed The Opportunity Masonry Off-.
I- :ered-In-Promoting-World Peace;
L Departing from their . usual cus
tom of attending morning worship.
I members of Old Light Lodge, A.F.
I & A.M., attended ^divine worship ini
the Presbyterian Church on Sunday
I evening. About 50 brethren, all l^cal
members.. were present to hear a
stirring sermon by Rev. C. H. Mac-
I Donald, pastor of the Church, and
LJ —\/IO The Bread
“O V of Health
■ ■ / ■ • • •■ . J i
_Phone36 —————-—fcucknow”
An occasional patient learns
from an examination that NO .
help is needed. Learning THAT
is more than worth while. It dis
poses of an important ■■ question, „.■ ’ .jpvsica V* «»U *.U|.V.Vi*UV ■ MUVU..V.,,
—as it-removes the suspicion ^hat ’ T
the. eyes are responsible for ■'
headaches and other ills. An ex- "■/
the eyes are responsible for
amination , is desirable, no matter ;
’what'a person’s opinions are. % ;
..ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service...
Share In These Bargains
. ,. _ V________ _________„vMiny_at_;a-
-7———"" / - ~r~: ~"‘‘/'.///__________ | cost of $25.00, at the discretion of
NOTICE TO CREDITORS [the Company, are to be placed at
In the matter of the Estate of]points where they will be considered
Benajah McClure, late of the Village | most accessible and effective.
« J±?nMW.iE *5® S0Unty ? I F T- Armstrong and G. H. Smith
^e.r$an1\ Deceased. Notice I aske(j councii to: scrape' the diamond
is hereby givdn. pursuant to i the 'Sta- | d t th rflg ■ b n h k- teste in that behalf, that all Creditors d£cideJ to " t the? grounds
and others having claims ’or demands J^Xne bmlting the time to St
aimiratthO‘Estate of the .said BenaJ SbreTan1 “s "work^ThS ba°l
f SEE:• £? ^in be ^sponsible for the up-
I kee° ^be ^e,d ^be 1‘eSt °f tbe
reJ*A^n°ia9^°+re ^[season. Mr. Sniith had advised the
B- 1936,. to sendLQouncjj tbaj. tbe ca]edonian Society
^?lver’ xr Jean]had given the village a 99-year lease
FaUs. Ontario” AdSnisS&S ™-g* ”a„r^son c<,ndition il keDt
^^a^ea“i?nddSfpd: remainder ofthe Utan-
tions. the tuU particulars of their “Jnt- "“"“nW to *205.00 was pas-
claims, a statemant of their accounts sed- ",*>,ch >s . an increase of that
and the nature of the securities (if n™V0’,s^,nl.“?1.CT?,,t!
any) held by them duly verified byl# This makes Hie total urant
affidavit. I for tbe year based on a rate
AND bike notice that after such I per capita, on the villaae's
last mentioned date the said Admin-1 Population - of 1060 persons,
istratrix will proceed to distribute] Council resolved into a Court of
rthe assets of the said deceased, | Revision and dealt with the appeal
among the parties entitled thereto, ] f Mrs: A. M. Spence, who sought to
having regard only to tha claima pf ] have her assessment of $1600. low-;
which she shall then have notice. | ered* The assessment was sustained,
and that the said Administratrix]- The disgraceful condition of the
will not be liable for the said assets [dumping ground, diue to the careless
or any-part thereof to any person | disposal of garbage, etc., was again
or persons of whose claims notice ] brought up. “We soon won’t be able
shall not have been received by her]to get in the gate,” said Councillor
at the time of such distribution. | Ferguson. It was decided to wire , off
Dated the' Sixteenth day of May, |a section that will have the effect of
A.D.- 1936. /. • - | forcing the disposal of garbage in
Jean McClure, Administratrix, | the proper section.
. ' - --—I1,'*' | A request for new steps from the
j. DANCE} | roadway 'up * the stjefep bank ih 'front
Dance to the Paramount Hall, on | of Mrs. Mary Moore’s home was re- „
Friday, June 5th. Music by Hogan’s l^eived and Council decided to look
Orchestral Admission—Ladies 10c. | mto the matter.
Gents 25c. including tax, Everyone Council considered repainting the
welcome. I signs at the four entrances to the
rv rrn | village and will proceed with the
mi. ■» H11SK11NG . | work if it does not prove to costly.
The Lucknow Joint Club will meet] g>0 Levy Poll Tax
. dance is. requested. RgS Object- to"paymert™!
. CEMETERY ASSOC. MEETING municipal taxes, will soon be re-
., The annual meeting of the South Haired to pay a poll tax.
Ktoloss Cemetery Association will L TheI tax is set by law as not less
be held in the basement of South tban $1.00 and not mpre than $5.00 .
_ Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Wed-[and Council struck a happy medium
nesday, June 10th. at o’clock p.m. and, set the levy at $3.00. Council
Donald MacLean, Secretary, authorized the clerk to prepare a by-
. , ‘ ’ I law in this regard and when passed
I, O. O. F. DECORATION SERVICE by the Board shortly, will immediat-
now Lodge No. 112. I.O.O.F. will i&|
held at Greenhill Cemetery on Sun- a nnniiv’rK’n dpimfidat day, Junez 14th. at 2.30 o’clock. * D P1RINC,PALJ ..
Membets and visitors are requested] Andrew Thompson [has received the
to meet at the lodge room at 2 permanent appointment as principal
O’clock.—K. C. Mupdie. Sec-y, kO’TKT&oiSE?' .iS*’**
■ I school, i he appointment -alsoCIRCUIT GARDEN PARTY ......................
The annual garden party of the
Ashfield Circuit will be held at Zion
Church, on Thursday evening. June
11th. Supper served from 6 .to 3
o’clock; -An entertaining programr is
being arranged. Admission 35c and
. 15c. In event of unfavorable weather
everything under covet. i
The play “The Antics of Andrew”
presented by the Lochalsh Dramatic
Society, under auspice^ of Lucknow
Joint U- F. O. Club, will be staged
in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on June
Idtli. MacKenzie’s Orchestra ✓ will
furnish music fdr dance after play.
Admission - 25c.
law in this regard and when passed
• The Decoration Service of Luck-lely go into affect, --z
now Ledge No. 112. I.O.O.F. will re| . ___-
held at Greenhill Cemetery on Stm-
J1__‘ , at 2.30’ o’cleck.
Members and visiters; are requested I
, Card Of Thanks !
|, The family of the late George Pet
tigrew wish to show their apprecia
tion of the kindness and sympathy
extended them in their bereavement
on the Sudden passing of a beloved
husband dad father. They also wish
to thank those who sent flowers and
. those who so kindly loaned ears.
| pf - .
[school. The appointment also in
cludes the duties of supervising prih-
s I ciple of another two-room school in
( the town. Andrew has'been tenipor-
s atily engaged as. principal since Ea-
Jster, . ; _ 1.._/j1..........
i -■-■■■■ ,r~,
I , ______ V- ,
J Margaret MacKenzie of Toronto,
and a former. resident of Lucknow.
> came up from thg^eity to be present
’ I at the anniversary services at South
I Kinloss Church last week. That this
J event held a special /appeal for her
is not to he wondered, when' one
/ learns that, it was her father, Mur
doch MacKenzie, who eighty years
. l ago. took a leading part in the .build*
‘ ihg/of the little log church at/ the
. Second : Concession, t that was the
1 first house of worship tor early sett
lers in the community,. -
I. Miss MacKenzie frequently makes
J extended Visits in the village, Where
I | shie still owns a home, it being the
( frame residence oh Station street,
J just north of Mrs. G. T. Aitchison’s
home. '
During May, June and July
See Our
For Articles Priced At A Real
Saving To You.
More than a score of members of;
Lucknow Lodge No. 112, I. O. O. F;,4
were in Kincardine on Thursday,
when members from all lodges til ■
Bruce district gathered for the an- !
nual Lodge of Instruction, presided
over by Wellington Avis, D.D.G.M. [
Degree work was exemplified by !
Iteams from Ripley, " Underwood.
Lucknow. Und Kincardine. The local L
lodge presented the second degree.
Paisley judges awarded the trophy
to the Kincardine lodge.
I power for peace, if taken seriously.
God’s way. is the way.of Peace;, he'
pointed out; -
___ _ ___We . cannot run the world hap-
ents?Mr’*Tnd’M^______________________on Nationalism, he (continued,,
and about the middle of the week, pM" while it has its good points, it
feeling ill, he consulted a doctor. « mire madness for any little coun-
arid was ordered to bed with pneu- try to believe it is sufficient to itself,
monia threatening. His heart rapid- Modern developments have made the
ly weakened under the ‘strain pf the world one big house, but nations ap-
iilness, and his / death came with | to^fail to recognize this.. |
shocking suddeness by the end of, x
t^e week. ,, ;■ • i
‘ - "-/ ,h———. - —-------------/ s irtg in a- “yeasty” frame, but so_16ng |
Public ScbOOl RepOrtS I Christ, we need not worry, he stated |
Sr. II — HOTo°rT—Patsy Whaley, | pe£ple ,°/ to^ay I
Ronald Johnstone, Jean Alito, Jean .. Touc?17f ,°- < r?:* • . z li. t f
'Webster, Ronlad Mclnnes. Pass-Nor- Jlon °* v"’ “e Pointed out. that il» — ■.« «•.' I 'Rfla&Anrtr.i ti/YHraVirtV tcj ■n/xr i
Mabel MacDonaid.
Verna uamner, w uuam biun, uacK < , ■ z/ "y ----------- - , .—y .’Z” IWilson, Lorraine Ferguson, Jack ,mantle ?f a masons chanty.
Treleaven, Doreen Miller. Georgina when we have lived our three I
Geoghegan. Kathryn Agnew. Below spore and ten or whatever our allot-
pass^_j|ae Webster. ed span may be, this mantle is not
Jr. II—Honors—Donna MacCart- safficient.. When we meet our God.
ney. Pass-r-Doris Taylor, Billi.e John- ”- as,t b-e - pure cloak of I
stone. Shirley Culbert. Below Pass—|~ ji. ”’*itz”—
Jessie Reid*,' Alma Solomon, Lois
Henderson, George Taylor, Roy. Hav- Z jens, Roberta Phillips*.’?*-^ JMn anthem, and Mrs-
Those * marked * missed examina-1 ^aher sang a solo,
tions. H. G. Sherriff. j . .
Sr. Class—Honors (75%)—Pa^sy "
Treleaven, Mary McQuaig, PciGy ’ - ffil_ _____ _ __ ___- __,___ __ __ ____, _ ________ ____. ____Miller, Douglass Boyes. Pass (60%) I mail bora with two heads, but never I he received two cords of wood.
—Jimmie Ferguson, Ellen Armstrong [before have we heard of two animals The plaintiff as first witness,
50 to 59%—Albert Chin. Joe Agnew, with one head as was the case of a I claimed the defendant had taken
Allan Stewart. Below 50%—Ivahl freak among a litter of nigs born I wood without her knowledge or con-
Lloyd* T........... ‘ ‘ ’ ----- ’ ’ ' -i ... ...... _ .
Donald. Gordon Mullin
Ian*. 0 . , ........- -------,------- ...— —,*-----— -------- — ..—.
\ Jr. Class—Honors—J) on aid a Nich- | this one freak,, said to be alive at | of this she notified the _sawyer
olson, 1__‘________ . - ............................ -............................................. •
Aitchison, Rhea Durnto, ----------- -----------------------------— — -—
Campbell, George Chin. Pass—Mary neck into one normal head. Each of
Lorraine Johnstone, William Floyd, the bodies appeared properly form
Carrie Milne, Richard Turner. 50 to led, with a tail and four legs. In ly-
59%—Wilda Irwin, Grant Gollan. tog on their side “the-twins” faced
Elaine Irwin, Faith Boyes. Below each other, front to front, although
50%—Murray Henderson*, Jackie I the head was in a position such as
Stuart. x . . I it would be if a pig was standing
.. * absent more than a week. . I on its four feet. ■ I •
I. Murdie. I ' ------------------------- j
Rnnm Hi I Specials in Women’s and Child-!
.« —i .?!" 1. __ .. « ‘ « i w, . . c... / . , luongram estimated tnat mt. camp-Sr. Ill—Possible Marks 360; Hon-|reos Sockees, Hose, in; Silk, Lisle! ijeij. received probably 15 cords which
ors 270; Pass 216. Honor?—H. Orr, and‘Net.—THE MARKET STORE. I *.------j
C. Wilson, B.,. Taylor-, S, McQuillin,
C!'' Johnston. Pass—K. Collyer, S.
Chin. -^E. * Button, F. Webster, E.
Geoghegan, R. Paterson, K. Reid.
Below Pass—F. Armstrong, R. WhiL
by, T. Patton, D. MacKenzie, B.
Treleaven*. ”
Jr. Ill—Possible marks 340; Hon
ours 255: Pass 204. Honours—M.
Orf; A. McKim. Pass—H. Salkeld,
J. Bushell. J. Purvis, J. Hamilton,
N.. Ritchie, D. Wylds. Below- Pass—
R. Ferguson, L. Reid, M. Solomon.
W. Wylds, D. Paterson, R. Arm
strong, 1R. Henderson, C. ’ McQuillin.
D. , Johnstone. L. Stewart, B. Button.
♦ absent through illness.
M. MacCallum.
Room IV
Sr, -IV—Final in Group
Study, Art and Hy;
Gerald Culbert
Flora Whaley
Ross MacDonald —
Murvin Solomon
E-velytr Taylor
Jack Cook
Dean Paterson__
J. C. Johnston
Jr. IV—Standing -,. ........... „
May—Honours—Carolyn Allin; Fern
Twamley; Willard Thompson; Mar
garet Nicholson; Notah Jewitt; Maty
Salkeld. Pass—Lloyd Wylds; Jgtuart
Jamieson; Audrey Foster; Reid Mc
Kim; Russell Garniss; Gordon Stew
art; Below 60%—Donald Johnston;
Allan Treleaven; Johnie Dahmer;
Jean.Havens; Luella Creen; Douglas
Aitcheson; Jack' Henderson.
' K, MacDofiald;
EI Changes must come, he said, in-
rcluding new religious thoughts The
mind- of-youth he referred to as be-
I as they remain faithful to Jesus
I Action Against Ashfield •
Farmer Was Dismissed
in expressing, his .faith in the yoirng j
Touching of the, Masonic recogni- From Farm Owned By Mrs. Eliz-
Claim Of $50. For Wood Removed
abeth Coiigram Is Dismissed By
Judge Owens On Wednesday.miA MacCai^py "Kenneth’ Webster’ Jfasopry ho,YeveJff- £ n0[ ,a tojjgion ______
Mabel MacDonald. Esther Patton. 19n earth, Mr. MacDonald said, he ] • , it ' ‘ '
Verna Dahmer, William Chin, Jack ^newJ of nothing greater than the . “You have sued the wrong, man
-r *- . I hmn/1 vviantlp nf a mnenn’a pharitv I gR the Way-WTOUgh,’ Was the Opin
ion' of His Honour Judge Owens, in
dismissing a $50. claim brought
against Mr. Cyril Campbell, of Ash
field, by Mrs. . Elizabeth Congram i
in Division Court in Lucknow, “ on
Wednesday morning. The plaintiff
was assessed the court costs. ;
His Honour contended that if
[should have been brought against I
| Mr... Keith Cameron, who had the.
I Congram farm rented. Mr. Campbell .
| out Wood on the rented farm, and for
Christ’s righteousness, was-his clos-
During the service the choir was.
G. I there were grounds for an action, it
I should have been brought against
] Mr.. Keith Cameron, who had the.
Congram farm rented. Mr. Campbell
I had assisted Mr. Cameron in taking
* i . '.'I ot,t wood on the rented farm, and for
Patsy I Occasionally one hears of an,ani-rhis services, Mr. Campbell stated
//•A/rf X I vwnl ■4***»Vzw nnn/JiN .*m I L* An*/.
Billie Allin, Winifred Mac-] the end of the week by a sow owned
Gordon Mullin*. Lloyd Gol-]by J- L. MacMillan.
“ | In the litter, were nine pigs and
sent. She testified that logs off i her
property had been brought to Mac
Donald’s sawmill, and upon learning
■ toMary Louise Porteous, Roy birth, and which had two perfectly ] follow' her instructions, This he did,
“i, Rhea Durnto, Gladys formed bodies that converged at th'e jand the lumber Was-returned to the
A large congregation attended a
special servicb in St. Peter’s Angli
can Church on Sunday afternoon,
when Right Rev. C. A. Seager, Bish
op of Huron, administered the rite
of confirmation to a class of eight
candidates*v including Mrs. Fred Me-
’Quillin, Mrs. J. Ketchabaw. Mrs. Ed.
McQuillin, Miss Jean Farrell. Miss
Marion Farrell, Miss Eileen Griffin.
Miss Eileen Geoghegan and, Moore-
house Mitchell.
I, Nature
N. S.Art Hyg.
_.95 94 72
_._„85 90 . 78
.„.„92 78 75
.u_^83 70 73
,_76 Off .63
,_72 60 63
^.5(T 72 65
.„„56 56 60
for month • of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Nixon,
Lucknow, announce the engagement
of their daughter* Pearle Alfreds,
Reg. N., to Kenneth Campbell Murdie
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Murdie,
of Lucknow, the marriage to take
place in June*- •
Appropriate activities marked a
happy event on Tuesday, when Mr.
and, Mrs. William J. Brav of Dun
cannon celebrated their 50th Wedd-J
ing anniversarv./Mr.- and Mrs* Bray
retired from their/farm on Conces
sion ’7. WestWawanosh. early in the
spring. Many friends called during1
the day to extend felicitations. Mrs.
John Garniss of Lucknow is a daugh
Congram farm, by her new tenant,
Mr. Cecil Johnston.
I Thus when the defendant was call-
[ed to the stand,. His Honour ruled
that the log episode had no further
bearing on the case, and the action
1 proceeded with reference only to the
I wood Mr. Campbell received for his
I services. ’ ' ,
Upon cross examination, Mrs.
• Congram estimated that Mr. Camp-
I he had' burned, and two cords which
| he still had on his farm. Mr. Camp-
I bell swore that two cords was all
the received for his assistance in tak
ing out logs and dead wood,,which,
he understood from Keith Camertm.
was being done Upon Mrs. Cohgram’s
I consent. Mr. Cameron, the tenant,
testified it was he who took^the logs
to the mill for lumber to repair the
barn floor. •
, Before all witnesses had been call
ed.'and after the case had continued
an hour and a half, His Honour cut
things short. Wliat’s the use of con
tinuing unless you can show con
spiracy between Mr. Campbell and
Mr. Cameron, he asked Mr. J. W.
Bushfield, counsel for the plaintiff
and then dismissed the case. Mr. J.
H. Crawford, represented the defen
Case Settled
“We’ve been waiting, for you all
morning,” was Judge Owen’s salu
tation when Tom Bueglas breezed
into court near noon, after being ab
sent when twi^e called, He was de
fendant in a suit entered by the
executors of the Finlayson Estate.
I which was settled' after court , ad
. ....... . . .
auspices of the . LucknowUnder __ _ _ . ________
Citizens’* Band; the Forsyth Produc
tions trill present two big performan
ces here next Tuesday afternoon and
eyenihg. This company, of profes
sional actors will present a delight
ful 3-act comedy- “Big Ideas”, and
in the afternoon the .Forsyth’s Mar
ionettes 'in‘ “Puppet Frolics” is a
gay rollicking revue with musi.C, song
dance and comedy, an entertainment
for “children from 5 to 95”. Combin
ation tickets for the two plays are
50c fdr adults and 25c for children,
or single admission may be bought
for either or both concerts. The Band
Will assist with number between acts
Jewelry Store
Expert Watch Repairing .
A Large Stock
To Choose From
.........-..........- . - •.............— * -
F. T. Armstrong
June Birth Stone—The Pearl
Mrs. Paul Reed Fell,
Suffered Broken Hip
(Mafeking News)
-Mrs. Porter of Brantford was a
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. God
frey Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and Miss
Bernice Blake, were guests of Mrs.
Robt. Hasty. Dungannon; Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ^ebb and
Lois of St. Helens and Mr, Jake Reed
and AlVifl of Dungannon, were visi
tors at the home of Mr. and Mts.
Thos. Anderson, Sunday.
Mrsz Paul Reed, of Lucknow, who
for the peast year has liyed with her
i for the past year has lived with her
Friday, fracturing a bone to her hip.
This accident is most regrettable be
cause of her advanced -age. ’ V
Messrs.. Richard and Elmer John
stone visited over the week-end and
Monday-with Mr. and Mrs. William,
H. Johnston, Exeter and Mr. and'
. . Mrs. Hiram Moffat, Union.
aiting . for you all i Mr. and ' Mrs. Godfrey Hall atten
ded a family gathering at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas { Wiggins.
Dungannon, on.May 24th. the occas-
ion being Mr, Wiggin’s birthday,
Mr. and^Mts.^im Misner and Nola
of Stratford, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr:j.,and Mrs. Herb. Curran.
Miss Alma Cui rah . who had been .
their guest for three weeks accom
panied them home.
Miss Jean Anderson of Stratford
Normal School, spent Sunday at her
home here, * . - ' .
Miss Ruby. Reed of Zion who’ was
assisting Mrs. S. Kilpatrick for a
month, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. H. Moffat and sons Keith , and
Donald are, spending this wetk with
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston.
Mr. George Glenn. of Detroit is
visiting his father and brothers here
See advt. for Garden Party else
where in 1jhis i^suo. '
A. Port Dover grocer, finding a
nest and two small brown eggs in d
'bunch of bananas, placed the eggs in
an incubator and is awaiting the«re-
•sult .if any.
This community can boast of a
similar discovery, for recently Bert
McLean, a Kinlough grocer, fan-
across a nest in a bunch of bananas
in his store. In the nest was one egg,
which We understand he has .sent to
an- experimental farm to determine
the possibility of the egg hatching.
New Curtains and Curtain Mater*
COOKE—In The Township Pf Ash
field. on Monday* June 1st, to Mr.
and Mrs. Rater Cooke (nee Evelyn
Reid) a son.
5b^j&81ftSfeMSSt*ftl4faw mmbKmm., u«*