HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-05-21, Page 8S'!"': I * PAGE EIGHT WWW* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ' Condemn Divorce And Present Liquor Laws 4* Wfe ARE HEAVY FOR WARM WEATHER WITH A COM- PLETE LINE—UP OF WHITE ‘ FOOTWEAR FOR DRESS ■ ■ OR SPORT ■ . ■■ ■' . A Style for Every Individual Taste, whether High or Low Heels, Ties or Saiidals, in Widths AA -to EE. .98 up. :Prices from $1 :' For The; Children . ■ A PAIR OB WIG WAM CAMP SHOES, OR SISMAN’S SCAM­ PERS WILL STAND THE, WE AR AND TEAR OF SUMMER­ TIME, IN BLACK, BROWlji AND SAND COLORS. , / Every Pair Guaranteed To Give Satisfactory Wear J ' 1; ... 4 I—“————ai>■M'—- Maitland Presbyterial Goes On Re­ cord As Deploring Apd Condemn’ ing Above—Mrs, (Bev.) C. H, Mc­ Donald and- Miss McLeod Give Reports-r-Mrs. ..'Douglas Graham. . Spoke On “Greater Consecration”. St. Andrew’s Church,, Wingham, was this year the meeting place of the Maitland Presbyterial of , the Women’s Missionary ’Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, when it convened for its twenty-second an­ nual meeting. . - A large' representation frbm each society in-1 the' Presbytery was ‘pre­ sent at botlumorhing and afternoon sessions, which were most capably presided over by the president. Mrs. Kenneth McLean of Wingham. Mrs? W. J,. Henderson extended'greetings. The devotional period of the morn­ ing session was in charge of the Dungannon W. M. S, Prayer was of­ fered by Mrs. R. Davidson and an earnest message calling for, greater consecration was presented by Mrs. J. Bennett^ She defined Consecration as “Separation and Sanctification”, and enlarging on the actual meaning ■ <" LOCAL and GE HER AL ) Sacrament of the Lord’s. Supper will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, May 31st. Dr. R. L. Treleaven was 'in atten­ dance at the Dental convention in Toronto, the first of the week. The 24th of May falls on Sunday this year, but Monday, the 25th will be observed as a public holiday. Miss Jeanne Graham of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Graham. The Dramatic Society of St, Pet­ er's Church, Lucknow,, presented their play, “411 A Mistake,” in . .Port Albert on Friday, evening. . Mr. and Mrs. James Kirby of Teeswater and Mr. and,. Mrs. Dawson of Auburn., wefe Sunday visitors, with. “Mr. and Mrs. Thomas AitChi^bn. - Mrs. Ellenor Rohrbach /and Rich­ ard and Mrs. Dr. M., Wolfe, Marjorie and Bill, all of Detroit, were week­ end guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Hill. '■ ■ t . Mr, Grant MacKenzie, who this term completes his study of medi­ cine, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. THE SMARTEST AND MOST CONVENIENT TIE. ALWAYS •' READY . . TIIL’RSDAY, MAY 21ST. 1936. . POSITIVELY CANNOT—Crush or Wrinkle. POSITIVELY CANNOT—Twist Sideways or Look Untidy. ( POSITIVELY CANNOT—Loosen or Slip out-of-place at knot POSITIVELY CANNOT—Be equalled for perfect neckwear appearance. ' ■ / FROST FENCE -Joi- FirmF®1®*' . i CHURCH NOTES TIGHT LO ZINC BONDED awcavNo/osreoof... PROTECTION W.G.AmEW, Asent WE HAVE STRONG Weather-Seasoned Plants in TOMATOES, CABBAGE, CAULI­ FLOWER,. CELERY,. PEPPERS (very wholesome and . as easily grown- -as—tomatoes)- and a great variety of the finest ANNUALS. Our < Annual CARNATION i s BEAUTIFUL, very fragrant, blooms long after hard frosts. STEWART BROTHERS Benmiller Nurseries ’Phone Carlow 235. J NEWSPAPERMAN DIED >C. K. Stewart,- 48,< advertising manager and foreman of the. Goder­ ich Star, coming to that town last year from Midland,. died suddenly at his home on Saturday evening. Mr. Stewart suffered a breakdown in health about a .month ago but ,was making a favorable recovery, when he suddenly expired. He had planned to .return to his work on • Monday, but instead hC was laid- to re§t in Maitland cemetery that . afternoon. “ His wife and an eleven-year-old dau­ ghter- survive. Lucknow Gang Making Chips Fly In Culross Half Dozen Men Engaged In" Clean­ ing Up Bush Near Alps Golf * Course—Logs Went To Teeswater Wood To Wingham. Some' half dozen Lucknow men 1 have been engaged for a time in ; bush work in Culross, and by en~ ' quiting from, a member of the gapg, the publisher received some Infor- < mation concerning their activities and their ‘‘shanty bush life”. as he termed it. ' . > .. The gang is composed of Harry < Champion, Richard Carter and Cecil ; •Armstrong of town apd James Owen. J Mervin Deeves and Mark Gardner of Turnberry Twit., the latter two hav- j ing recently moved there from Luck- . now. Mrs. Harry Champion has her ( . hands full in cooking for the hungry bushmen. ' ‘ The bush "where they are working ( is on th§, 4th of Culross. near the ‘ Alpine Golf course. It, belonged to , Alex MacDonald of » Langside and , Was Bought by John Falconer of Wingham. It contained the finest ! cherry, maple and beech trees you • eVer saw. we are .told. Donaldsontf' Bros, bought all the logs .and haye them . cut and all trucked \to. their mill at Teeswater^ The gang are busy taking out the wood and they estimate there will be from 1000 to 1200. cords before, the bush is cleared Out. They have be­ tween 300 & 400 cords cut now, and trucks dre busy drawing the wood to Mr, Falconer’s wood yard in'' Wing­ ham. They have their own engine and sawing machine in charge of Ilarrv Champion. ' We could be "given no definite reply when we asked how long ;the . .job might last, but one of the men re­ marked “We’re only a bunch Working men trying to make a liv­ ing, and We are appreciative of, the Chance to work, and, interest taken in .us”. ; 0 . .Local Society Debate^ At Kincardine The Presbyterian Young People spent a very enjoyable evening with members of the Kincardine Y. P_. S.. on Monday evening; The meeting opened with hymn 270, followed by .the Lord’s -prayer,- After the' Scrip- ture the minutes of the last meeting were read. The meeting was then favored by a number from a* sextette after which Rev. RuTdyloi gave an address^ of welcome. Mr. Harold Cox sang and Rev. J. L. Burgess led. in prayer. A debate between the two societies resolved “Reading is more- educational than travel,” proved to be a . very interesting debate. The affirmative, and winning side was up­ held by Miss Peggy Borthwick • and Mr. Wm. iShiells. The negative side was supported by Graham Sherriff and Leonard McDonald. Rev. C. H. McDonald, Rey. Burgess and Rey.: Taylor acted as judges. Miss Ruth McCullough and Mr. Ross MacKay sang solos, followed by a boys’ quartette: The Kincardine president addressed the meeting.. Rev. Mac­ Donald closed with prayer, after which refreshments were served by theKinc^rdine.society. 1____ United Church Y.P.S. The last meeting of the rY. P. S. for the. season took the form of a pleasant social evening, with Alex Smith in the chair, and Mjss Martha MacCallum acting as pianist. The Scripture, passage was read by Miss Janie Alton. Musical numbers con­ sisted of a: vocal sold by Mrs. Fisher accompanied by Mrs. Newton, and a piano duet by Miss Martha Mac- MacCallum and Miss Gladys Hbd- gins. An interesting discussion of the topic was given by Mr. ' Mac­ Intyre. Miss Gladys Hodgins then conducted a, contest, after which lunch was served. Any members desiring to attend Summer School are requested vto leave their names with Miss Marg­ aret - MacCallum or Miss Margaret Ritchie. . ’ United Church ,W. A. . . The May meeting of Mrs. Arm­ strong’s group was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Robb, on Tuesday ev­ ening with a good attendance present Meeting opened by hymn followed by Lord’s prayer in unison. Minutes were, read and adopted. An interest­ ing journal was read by Mrs. Wil­ fred Anderson. A pleasant duet was rendered by Mrs. and Miss Trelea­ ven; Miss Yourex gave a very in­ teresting talk, which was followed by a reading by Hazel Webster. A social time was spent and meeting closed by Mizpah benediction. The June meeting is to be held at the home of Miss Hazel Webster. CORRECT DATES FOR KINTAIL CAMPS ANNOUNCED■ ____ The camp committee for the David Perrie Memorial Camp, Kihtail, haye arranged the dates for camp activi­ ties. which differ from those prev­ iously announced; They are. Boys’ Camp, July 1st to 12th; Young Peo­ ple’s Camp, July 13th to £0tn; Girls’ Camp, Jtily 20th to 27th; Ministers’ Camp, July-27th to 31st. The boys’ camp is under the direction of Rev. A, R. Gibson and Rev. Angus Mc­ Iver. The young people’s camp is under the direction of the Rev. J. R. Greig as Dean, Rev. J. L. Burgess as registrar and Miss Nellie Malcolm as camp mother. The girls’ camp is in charge of Mrs. F. Rowland of Walkerton. The camp has advanced a’step fur­ ther in its-work by adding a minis­ ters’ edmp. The Rev. Professor Bry- den of Knox College, will be the spe­ cial lecturer, giving a Series on “The modern attitudes to the Christian faith.” The Rev. J. R. Greig of Blue­ vale will be in dharge of. the minis­ ter’s camp and the Rpv. J. L; Bur­ gess of South Kinloss will be Regis­ trar. r HELPED MAKE SHOW SUCCESS of New Curtains and Curtain Mater­ ials^—THE MARKET STORE* June 1st Is Deadline All radio licenses must be pur­ chased dot later thari* June 1. A. A Aveling, radio inspector for Western . Ontario, announced last week. Anv owner not securing a license By that; time will be liable to a penalty. ,.'A' check-up on all radio-owners—wilibe- started during the first week in June* the inspector Stated. .' pur-- -of™both7“i>ieaded -for-7a---fuller-deyei- -MaeKenzier-——----'■■■• ■1 --------—— John D. Ross has made a favor­ able recovery frorii a recent serious illness and on Monday resumed his duties as teacher at thg Second Con­ cession school. 4 a Miss Peggy MacDonald has return­ ed home, having spent the past week in Paris and Kitchener. In Paris, she was a guest1 of Miss Wilkin, a re- opement of these qualities in the lives of all. Detailed and encouraging reports were received from ajll departments as well as that of the executive. A most gratifying statement of the So­ ciety’s finances was presented by Mrs. _R, Martyn of Ripley, in which she stated ®the amount sent I to the Provincial treasurer was $2,950.87. „ __ ___L , ___. _ Dedicatory.-prayer- was -off ered -by- cent - visitor at the- MacDonald- home. Mrs. R, Martyn of Ripley, ii Provincial treasurer was $2,950.87. rJ____ , ' Mrs.Wm. Simpson of Langside,; A review of the year’s work of the Presbyterial was given by the Cor­ responding Sec’y., Mrs. C. H. Mac­ Donald of Lucknow, apd a report of the Provincial meeting held in Ot­ tawa in April, by Miss Dean McLeod of Kinloss, in which she paid tribute to Lord -and Lady, Tweedsmuir for their interest in it. After the greetings of the Presby­ tery , were , conveyed by the Rev. K. McLean of Wingham, the morning session closed with , grayer by Miss A. McCallum* of, Kincardine. Promptly at 1.30 p.rii, the presi­ dent. Mrs, K. McLean, opened the af­ ternoon session; the devotional per­ iod WPS in charge, of South Kinloss Dnd Kinlough societies. Mrs. D. Gra­ ham also spoke on the need of “Greater Consecration”. This was the theme chosen, by the Presbyterial forthis_.year’s_messages,^jandher pointed question was “Do we conse­ crate our time—-those spare- moments otherwise not profitably spent?” The president, who now so ably presented her address, further stres­ sed the subject of “Greater Conse­ cration” of both talents and time de­ voted to the Master’s work; to, labor with God and with Christ planting the; Gospel seeds of Truth and Light to bring forth beautiful flowers of reclaimed -lives. A much appreciated number op the program was a quartette sung by the ladies from Calvin W.M.S. uTfne Provincial president. Mrs. Hilts of Toronto conveyed greetings -and—reviewed the mission work of the W.M.S. in Canada. In her address she stressed the need of the ’day was greater interest in that work. Resolutions were passed deploring and condemning the present liquor legislation and divorce in our pro­ vince. . . A delightful item of the afternoon meetink was “A Model Mission. Band Meeting” conducted.in excellent’style by members of the Wingham Mis­ sion Band. Prayers by Mrs. John McRae of, Ashfield and Mrs. John Linklater of Teeswater closed a most helpful, in­ spiring and encouraging meeting to- gether of Maitland Presbytery, and returning to their several places of activity; each would feel like Jacob of old “Surely God had met' them in this place,0’ the result of which could oply be a high resolve and a keener' endeavor to carry out the Society’s motto “The World for Christ”. The next annual meeting, will D.V. be held in Whitechurch and following are the names of officers foi; 1936-7. Hon., Pres., Mrs. Ar Strachan, Bru­ ssels. Ont; President.'Mrs. K. Mc­ Lean, Wingham.. Ont; 1st Vice Pres.. Mrs. A. Leggatt, Molesworth, Ont; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. John Linklater, Teeswater. Ont.; 3rd Vice Pres., Miss N. Malcolm. Holyrood, Oht; 4th Vice Pres., Mrs. H. McGee, Wingham, Ont. 5th Vice Pres., Mrs. R. Davidson, Dungannon, Ont.; Cor. Sec’y., Mrs. J. R, Greig, Bluevale, Oiit; Rec. Sec’y., Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Kincar­ dine, Ont;; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Mar­ tyn, Ripley, Ont; Mission Band Sec.. Mrs. J. S. Armstrong, Teeswater, Ont; Y.W.A. and Girls, Mrs. T. A. Currie. Winghbm. Ont.; Home Help­ ers. Mrs. (Dr.) '-Simpson, -Kihtail. Ont.; Life Members. Mrs. W. A. WiL liams. Cranbrook, Ont.; Glad Tid­ ings, Mrs. G. Krauter, Ethel, Ont.; Supplies. Mrs. Wm.l Douglas, Luck- riow, Ont; Welcome and Wei., Mrs. . Guthrie Reid, Teeswater,' Ont.; Lib. and Lit. Mrs. Janisa Parker, Brus­ sels, Ont.; Press Sec’y., Mrs. John Pollock. Whitechurch-, Ont.; Convener of“ Nominating Committee, Mrs. A.- Leggett Molesworth, Ont. ■ ;.....■...'.... r ■ •■■■ ■ degree conferred Mr. and Mrs. H. Clutt.on and little son Stewart, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Chesnut , and Willena. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Ches­ nut is recovering from a severe ill­ ness. , Mr.: A. J. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Matthews and son Billie. Mrs A. C. Barrett and Miss Ellen Bar­ ret :of London, were* Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willikm Armstrong. ' Mr. Sam Carnochan, who suffered a serious paralytic seizure some time ago. has made a remarkable recov­ ery, and \ is able to be about again. On Monday, Mr. Tom Burns drove him down town, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald and Miss Eva Greer, motored to Tor­ onto on Saturday afternoon to 'at- tend. the - Murdoch-Bulmer— wedding that evening. They were accompan­ ied by Miss Yourex and Gladys. Pen­ rose; who visited in: the city. A Bruce County L, O, L. banquet will be held in Kincardine rilext Thursday evening, with Mr. L. H. Saunders, the guest speaker. Messrs. John Miller and Bert Ward attended a, meeting in Kincardine an evening recently, when plans were laid for th$ event. ; / Mrs. George D. Stockham of De­ troit, is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDiarmid and caring for her, mother, who returned from London last Wednesday, after receiving diabetic treatment. Mrs. MacDiarmid will be confined' to bed for a time. 1 Mr. A. E. Millson of Stratford, an enthusiastic , bowler, is chairman of District No. 4, of the Ontario Pro­ vincial Lawn Bowling Association,; the, appointment having been made by the Provincial Board. Mr. Mill- son presided at a district meeting E. O. Gallagher. M.A., B.D.; of St. Thomas Church, Owen and formerly of Lucknow the special speaker on the .oc- of County of Bruce L. O.>L.' Cameron Geddes was in Goderich oh Friday evening, assisting with popular vocal numbers, in adding to the success of the St. George .Church' 'ministrel show. • ” In announcing the event last week, the Goderich Star said, “Mr.. Cameron Geddes, the well- known concert and radio baritone, who makes'his home in LucknBw has ^volunteered his-services to make the St. Georges Church Minstrels’ show on Thursday and Friday nights this week a standout success,, “Mr. Geddes heard of the affair through his old stage friend, Mr. Chas. Meakins. the . director of the show, apd immediately volunteered his—services. He will sing Such fav­ orites as “The Glory Road0 and “Wagon Wheels’*, f / r The Auburn Theological Seminary (Presbyterian) Auburn; New York, at its Commencement on Thursday. May 7th,, conferred the degree of Bachelor of Theology upon Rev.' Albert E., Millen of the Salem-Riv- jrsdale charge. Rev. Millen has Jeen taking graduate studies under Dr. Gaius Glenn .Atkins. Rev. Albert E.‘ Millen graduated from United Theological College, Montreal, ip 191i), having received his earlier education under such out-, standing scholars as Dr. Alex Gor­ don,D. Litt. Dr. Abbot Sfiiith, Dr. R. E. Welsh, M.A., Dr. Hugh Pedley. Dr. James Smyth.—Teeswater News. Rev., J. fit. Mahoney, pastor of Underwood for the past three years has acceped a call to.. Brussels Uni­ ted Church. the change to take place in June, XVMlASHJll VI OHflUUally d-il enthusiastic , bowler, is chairman of District No. 4, of the Ontario Pro­ vincial Lawn Bowling Association,; the appointment having been made by the Provincial Board. Mr. Mill- son presided at a district meeting held recently in Mitchell. ’ Rev. rector Sound will be casion ........... __ ______ church service in Tara this Sunday. Rev. Mr. Gallagher, is County Or­ ange Chaplain for Grey County. • Miss Grace Smith, advance agent for Forsyth’s Marionettes, was 4n Lucknow, recently, booking their show to play in.Lucknow, ‘early in June, under Citizen Band auspices. The entertainment consists of a special afternoon concert, of special interest to children, with a- play at night. Revs; C. H. MacDonald of Luck­ now. J. L. Burgess, South Kinloss, J. K. MacGillivary, Ashfield and John Politick, Whitechurch, were dis­ trict clergymen present at the or­ dination and induction on Thursday evening of" Rev. R. Taylor as pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church, Kin­ cardine. ' • " Rather heavy frosts were exper­ ienced in the Community the Jotter part of the week. Wheat .and clover are reported , to have suffered to a degree, although nd permanent injury is believed to have been done. On Sunday the temperature soared to 82, but dropped back again and on Tuesday a cold wind sprang up ac­ companied by a disagreeable drizzle of rain. To Graduate In Jude Miss Marjorie K. Henderson, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Henderson of Lucknow, will be one of ten members of the Strafford Gen­ eral Hospital graduating class- to re­ ceive her diploma when graduation exercises are held there onJune 17. Miss Henderson, as a winter class student, will not complete her train­ ing however, until early next year. Visits School Mr. G. G, Dobson of Kincardine, Public School Inspector, paid his spring visijt to Lucknow school last week, conducting his inspection from Wednesday until Friday. ,On Wednes­ day morning, - he was accompanied bv Mr. Campbell, Assistant Superin­ tendent of Education, for Ontario. Mr.. Campbell, who tours the prov­ ince. spoke highly of Lucknow school and the work being accomp­ lished here |ri all departments. Condition Is Improving , Getting “back home” seems to have been a better tonic for Mr. John Joynt than all his treatmtnt in London and in Florida where his condition became serious while taring in the South, Qu ite a man when he returned here a FORFUSED SHIRTS—Colored and White. ' “ LADIES’ KNEE HIGH H.QSE-—the leaders in summer hosiery WHITE GLOVES—Silk Ribtex, fancy puff, New York styles. LASTEX SOCKEES—For Children. Holds sockees up, no drag­ ging under the foot. That weekly chat with John is the big event in their placid week. weeks’ ago, Mr. Joynt is how con- stairg. His village* friends, hope he siderably improved and able to may soon be able tec take a ride The undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint are now reduced ln price . to $3.75 per gallon. Their famous quality is unchanged. Why risk using paints of less reliable qua- . lity when you can have the assured­ beauty and protection of these time- tested brands at this popular figure?'. Any one of them will give you a jotf of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy from firtt to lait. There is a store in your> vicinity that can supply you. CANADA PAINT with the supper dishes cleared away, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Banks sit down each Wednesday evening. to a rollicking game of checkers.' Really they are just filling in time Until their son John makes lus weekly long distance call from a far-away city — a few minutes after 7 when Night Rates are in effect. He never fails them, and his cheery chatter means more to them than they would care to say. • On “Anyone” and "Person-to-Person” callsj Low Night rates apply after 7 p.m. and Low Week-end rates ALL DAY SUNDAY. wifi- sick ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _______ tew leave his sickroom and come down- down street again.