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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-05-21, Page 5
THURSDAY, MAY 21ST. 1936.FHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL h PAGE FIVE .SPORT NEWS f . i. In again, out again, has been the themes song atf Lucknow’s Bru.ce League baseball team. The decision to withdraw from the 16op was made on Monday, just one week after the Sepoys had made an eleventh hour entry. ......The week wqs featured by eonsid*- erable indifference : and the mighty important question of “where are we going to get a ..ball team;’’ and with - the opening game scheduled for next Monday; * '> '• • ■ . . ♦ •. ' Interest was keener earlier in the season , for a Bruce League team, but once the entry was made? enthu siasm -dropped to a low ebb, when it became all too apparent that: at the best Lucknow wquld have a feeble squad .and possibly difficulty in even fielding nine men at the be ginning of the season. Tees water is reported as keen to get back into the BrUce loop, and/ will now have the chance of stepping into Lucknow's place and filling their -t scheduled dates. . - w The News At Ottawa ...By... W. R. TOMLINSON, M.P. And so baseball attention here will be focused on the activities of the . “Sepoylets”, the chiefly student team entered in the Maitland League.• • ■, , • ’ • It will be a real break for the young lads and may develop some material fit'for faster company next year. Lucknow’s first game at home is notuntiP Junefith .with Blyth as op position. Lucknow goes to Dungan non next Tuesday for their first scheduled game. Dropping out of the Bruce League, may give a couple of local players a chance to tryout for a place on the Wingham team,. which should prove the class in the southern group this season. St.'Helen’s home games in the 0 > Maitland. League Will be played in Lucknow. They meet Auburn here next Monday in a holiday—fixture-.—■ ♦ ■ The South-Port combine in the . Bruce League, lacks a catcher,, cap able of holding Goldsmith’s blazing delivery and Jack MacDonald pre dicts that Ralph Pequegnat will come out df retirement to plug t/haf ■ weak spot;' . . " • • •"< •■ • • • V „ ■ J., C. also hints that Alf. .Noble’s status! as a “resident?* of Southamp ton is’ being questioned and whether or not he will do any hurling, for South, remains to be seen. Birthday greeting have been exten ded; to Murray Murdoch, iron man of the National Hockey League, born , in Lucknow 32 * years ago last Sun-, day. He has played in every New York Ranger game since the fall of , 1927. when the team was formed Murdoch first achieved hockey fame by leading University of Manitoba juniors to a Memorial Cup triumph in 1923. FACES GRAVE CHARGE According to last week’s Goderich berry Township, is held in the coun ty gaol i’and will probably face aj grave pharge- before Magistrate J. A; I ... w *. w—r *> ,| -T— ------ —----“5 • —! .-----" —------— V,. x—■- — — The young, man is believed to have‘seis, were week-end visitors with Mr. trfliizviim/i and IMlx’s* O» E? ■ Mr. P. MacDonald visited at Mr. , Mr. Geo.’ Evans and Mrs. Evans of (plinton, visited with Mr. a*nd Mrs. W. Helm .one day, last, week. Miss 'Emma MacDonagh of Lon don arid Mr. Jas. Johnston qf Brus- Signal, Caswell Hackett • of Turn- ty gaol1’ and will probably face a Makins, in that town today. ,_____' ... . swallowed about three ounces „of ior dine last Tuesday morning. An em- ________ ___ pty bottle was found beside his un- Albert Helm’s, on Sunday. ^©seious form „by JD.r^ W...JL^Con--J*-. an<1 iUrs d macvan.ua nell of Wmgham.^who was called by; Lucknow friends on’Sunday. Mrs. Hackett, and who succeeded in1 COUNTY HORTICULTURISTS MET LAST WEEK AT CLINTON The Creating Of Juyenille Interest And The Discussion Of A Prem ium List Stressed At Initial County-Meeting Of Horticulturists A meeting of officers, directors and members of all Horticultural Socie ties in Huron County was held in the Board Room of the Agricultural Of fice in Clinton, last Wednesday even ing. Representatives were present from the following societies: Sea- 1 forfth. Goderich. Brucefield.. .Kippen ana Exeter. The Clintan citizens Horticultural Society, while not- at. present under the auspices of the Department, were represented at the meeting. Mr. George S. Folster of Owen Sound, who is Secretary for the Dis trict Association, acted as chairman, and both J. A. Carroll, director of Agricultural and Horticultural Soc ieties. and Mr. ^John F? Clark of the Department of Agriculture, were in attendance. . Both speakers invited questions and1 those in attendance, took'quite an active part in the dis cussion. Mr. Clark emphasized the importance of juvenile, work with boys and girls in public and high schools and expressed the opinion that many Societies " were more or less neglecting this phase of the work. He stated that the improve ment and planting of school grounds was an excellent means of interest ing boys and girls in Horticulture. Several members mentioned, that the importance of premiums was. in many. caSes, over emphasized and that too many Societies were prone to forget the idea that theHorticuI- tural Society should be of service to the community. Other members poin ted out that it would be very diffi- ult to secure new members unless the Society featured a substantial premium list. . Before adjournment a hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Car roll and Mr. Clark and those present expressed the opinion that a County meeting next year would attract a much larger attendance.' NEVK MANAGER ,APPOINTED ; / w x AT RIPLEY BANK Mr. W. O. C. Ahem, manager of the Ripley .branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, who has had a forced va cation. due-te ill health fbr the past year,’is retiring on pension, having served the slotted time, which en titles him to this consideration. Mr, and MrS. Ahern, intend in the near future te return to Orangeville, from whence they came, sto resume resi dence there. 1 Mr. J. Willocks, who has been act* , ing manager during Mr. Ahern’s absence, has been abnointed his/suc- cessor and now becomes the Ripley Bank Manager; 5 BOUNDARY WEST I'lie May meeting of the Para- R?^ Benson Cox of New York ■ mount U. F. W. O. was held at the „ j„..„ i^x* day. May i^lh. Theye was twenty ladies present. The meeting was opened by all singing The MapJ Leaf F< ................................ ‘ KINLOUGH •mounx u. r. w,. u. was new at the .. , .' ..home of Mrs. Albert Cooke on Tues- s,K'nt a-tew -days last week at hu ---- — . about home 10th con: We are pleaded to report-that Mrs, M. Osborne of Huron, who has been ‘confined to her bed for the past week, is improving,.. She lis. at'- -tHe -bqme 6f her • parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Dan McFarlan. , ? ' “ A riuriiber from here attended the ..district' wneeting ’ f6f ■ r the W. I. at Whitephurch jlast Wednesday.. / Mr,, ami Mrs. Jos?, Wall w’ere Sun day. visitors at H. Bell’s,- r Mr. and Mrs. Geo; Huntley ,'of Put- pam; were tecent visitors atf Hugh Lane’s; ■ ■ ■ ■ : \. ■__ SSSPMrs7 Geo. Haldenby and Mrs. H. Bell a^e spending a few days at .'Hb.wa.rd McGuire’s Olivet. „ . .. Wm. Kempton recently. . Mrs. Stanley and Miss Ada Stan ley of Kincardine, . visited with the former’s son. Mr. Alex Stanley-re cently. * : ■ Mr., and..Mts._ John-Patteraon—.-<>f— Rinley visited with . Mr. and Mrs. R. - Richards recently. • , ' ‘ Mr. Gordqn Jamieson of Lucknow I is assisting Mr. Eldon Henderson with the seeding? Mr. James T. Webster spent the 'week-end with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Blake. . , Mr. Carman Hamilton is at pres ent eipployed over near Belgfave, ... M-Er-an d—Mrs? Johh~Henflersbnr vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc Gregor of Teeswater. The Sewing Circle will ineet at Miss Rhoda Cqok’s on Thursday. Mr. Mochre of St. Helens visited with Baird Bros, recently. Miss Myrtle' Webster spent the - - -------_ week-end at her home on the boun- Ripley visited with Mr. and Mrs.' dary. ’ * * <*>? w ’/Ciiuu M.Y ’ x Lip XyAcipic Leaf Forever, followed by the Lord’s ( prayer in unison. The mlnt.tps 'nf tbe April meeting The minutes ’of ................ .. were-read and ad/ 'o pted. * The call ■ .was 4' answered by somethirfg my grandmother mis sed oritold me. The next meeting* is tp be Held at; the home of Mrs. Wrii. ..Hamiltoq, 2pd « cqnn .ha June. The ioll call tq : fie “Something about the oldest, person I know”. Papers -to be i given by Mrs; Grant McDiarmid and "Miss Ruby Reid. Program com., . J Mi’s. G./Barkwell .and Mis. Jhck Mc- \Mr.- and . Mrs... Stanley* Colcjougm) Charlesi The .program .consisted of and* Mr. Peter Kenried’y;. spent ■ S'uii- l'’ day with her parents; Mr. and ‘Mrs. Reichard of" Gqrrie. '' ; ?< / ‘ Miss Agnes. Wilson’ of. Stratford, spent the W’eek-end with her parents Mrl and Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. A. Reid spent a: few days tvXtS” i last week with her daughter; i^rs. | . ^Lrs’. (Dr;) Balfour of Lucknow. ' K?? S f‘gin5’ tit w i v j old Camp ground;* solo - by MissMr. Wm. Egglestone and his dau- Rhoda Cook; accompanied by Mrs. ghter. Miss Eaglestone, of Detroit,J.jas-_ Webster on the harp; ‘ riddles i are visiting his mother.-, Mrs,_£athei^w&i.e-rPa-ri-4>y^^ ine Egglestone and his ^sisters, Mrs. i by Mrs. .Jas.. T? Webster. A vote-of Bert Reid and Mrs. Henry Patter- thanks was tendered to Mrs. Cookx son- ' | for the use of her home and the , Rev. J. and Mrs. Pollock and son I meeting came to" a close by all sing- | Mr. Jack Pollock, ’also Miss Ida Me-I ing the National Anthem. Lunch w a.s Quoid, attended the graduation, of' then served. ... j ■s. jack ivicuonagh and' iniant iR?roi Mrs. Wm, Gauley and Mt. and Ctarlw 'Pttder - - - Mr. Btake\ Alton is assisting Mr. ?pent Hany. Hackettthisweek.,-----:------=jee>aii_a.t i.ondon..... Mr. "and* Mrs. Richard Reid’ of Port ' “Preparatory service'* wIIT/be held Albert/visited with , Mr. and Mrs. ^e Presbyterian church Friday Roy Alton on Tuesday. • evening. Communion, will be held Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett on. Sunday at 11 a.m. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson, and Kenneth MacKay of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Smiley of Fargo, N. _____ ____ Miss Elsie Vint and Mrs. Cliff Dakota, are here Winding up the (.with Mr. and Mrs,; Clair Irwin. ? Hackfett. visited in Clinton on Fri- estate qf their uncle, the late Mr.T Mr. and Mrs. Tom.. Kentpton of day. .Andrew Ferrie. , ‘ .......................... reviving her husband. BELFAST M.r. and Mrs.' Pharis Mathers vis ited on Sunday with; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett. . \ '.r- . ' Mr. HaCrry Hackett Jhad the mis fortune to hurt his arm last, week ' while Workings with the disc. We hqpe he will Soon be able to work again. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and family • spent the week-end with friends at Holstein. A! large , number from Ziph and Blake <oongiregation attended Com munion service held at Hackett’s Church last Sunday. *’ .. Miss Elmira Alton is spending a -few~days"_in Lucknow, with Mrs. J. D. .Ross. ; Mr. arid Mrs. Roberton of Blyth returned home on Sunday, after, spending a-week w ith Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin., . ‘ ■ • Mrs, Jack McDonagh and' infant Hospital on Saturday. Harry. Jlackett^/thig.^-week. v " . .< ! ...■................ The shortest. Budget.debate in the history of Parliament' ended on Tues day night on a recorded note. The -SoeiaL-Griedit--subamendment~was^ de feated by 198 to 16. All groups vot ed against same with the exception of Miss Agnes Mac ph ail who refused* to vote/The amendment of the C. C. F. was also defeated.., the registered vote being 260 tc^.8. 'AU parties vot ed against this amendment with the exception of Miss Macphail. who’ vot- ed ,with the C. C; F. group. I might shy in passing that in my opinion the amendment and the sub-aniend- m^nt contained, no constructive sug gestions whatever. ‘ , A new resolution was placed on the Order Paper by the Minister of Jus-/ tice in regard to amending the Bri tish North America Act. This amen-: dment is in the form of an address to the British. Parliament1, asking that the provinces in the past two or three years required money , for purposes not heretofore in their bud-- get~and have been taxing the people indirectly, thereby Contravening the rights of the, Dominion Parliament. It is the desire oi\the Government that the provinces l>e granted . the legal right to do this. Under the British North America Act the pror vinees have the0 right of direct taxa tion only. A direct tax means a tax paid directly by the consumer to the •hrovince. Indirect taxation means* the payment of;a tax by a party who has the /right of “ reimbursing himself from some other .source, as for instance thb, gasoline tax. The other part of the Resolution pertains to an amendment to the B.N.A. Act whereby the Dominion may loan money to the provinces rer ceiving from them certain guaran tees of repayment and also that the Dominion may impose certain condi tions on the borrowers. For instance the setting up of a Loan. Council. There is no doubt that the Domiiiion has loaned large sums of. money to the different provinces, but apparent ly since certain decisions have beeii-l----- "zh^en/ lTWas^illegal for the’ Dominion to do so. In, qther words . it would be non-collectible. The Provinces have agreed to these amendments. ' There .are othqr amendments to be made to this Act but we are inform ed by. the Financd Minister that the "Bi'dvinciar Governments, together with the Dominion Government have not yet reached a decision. The mat ter is. how,ever,. being very carefully, studied and no doubt will be agreed upon in the near future. . \ .The Leader .of the Social Credit group.- for the first time in the his tory of',our country,, made a charge' that Wall, Street was governing our banking institutions. He was asked to substantiate his charges by nam ing the parties, bjit refused to do so stating, he would take no responsi* bility in the matter. In order to pte vent international complications be tween the two countries the Speaker demanded that the wqrds be stricken from the records. This, of course, is a sample of the irresponsible char ges made where their effects would be very far-reaching. As far as I was concerned, per sonally. the High Light of the week was the visit of the Agricultural Committee to the Central Experi mental Farm on Wednesday last. I found this visit one of the most in teresting things I have done since coming to Ottawa. This Farm is like a laboratory in that every portion of it has1 some experiment being carried on. For instance, one thing which I found very interesting is the experiment which has been con ducted for “the past five years in re- Jation to fertilizers., There' was a plot with no fertilizer where small crops rotated each year; a plot where commercial fertilizer only, was used; a plot where manure and commercial fertilizer mixed was used: and a, plot where manure only was used. The head of this Depart ment made a very definite statement to the effect that the plot where all manure xvas used as a fertilizer had by far thb best results. However^ no reflection on commercial. fertili zers was intended as . they are use ful in their own . place. The next experiment was in the piggery. The farm has about 50 brood sows and two. years ago im ported several sows from Sweden of the Landrace variety. It’ is claim ed that this strain has a more bal anced quality lor purposes of export bacon, although the experiment has hot been going on long enough to make a definite statement. However. I noticed on my own account that the litters of the Swedish strain av eraged 5 while the litters of our own Yorkshires averaged 9, so I think that, what the Yorkshire mav lack in balanced bacon produced is made up in, other profit to the farm- erse~—1 . ...................... ' .This Experimental farm is well worthwhile a visit should anyone be in the vicinity of Ottawa and no far mer should, hesitate to write to the :Fa.rin for information on any agri cultural subject.. Our visit did not allow us any time for the botanical section of . the Faifti but we hope to have this pleasure at another time. Denton Massey, Conservative MJ\ from Toronto—Mr. Canada,’ 1936--- is still embarrassed when he enters the House sis he receives loud, ap plause from the * Members, and deep sighs drift down, from the Ladies’ Gallery. FINE ifoFOSED Fines were imposed iri three of five traffic cases before Magistrate J. A. Makins on Thursday last. Rex Ostrander, of Lucknow, was found guilty on a charge of reckless driving which was laid after an «c* cident in Morris township ”pn Tues day. April 28th. Ostrander, cutting close around a bend, clipped the side of a car driven by Chas. Girodut. of Britton. The cars were badly dam- aged, but no one Was injured., Os* if under Whs fined $10 and costs.-— Goderich Signal. -i ’ i. Mr: .and Mrs. J, MacDonald visited BORN—"in. Wingham ' -Hospital, May 14th., to Mr.., and Mrs.- .Gordon Ritchie, twin boys. Congratulations.■ , 1 • • ', ■ ____.... , WHITECHURQH by somethirfg my sed or [told me. The next meeting* is tp be Held at; the home of Mrs. Wrii >4'* i __________- - “ine Egglestone and his Sisters. I business papers and ; questionare from headquarters read:. Community singing,. My Grandfather’s Clock; papef by Mrs. Jack Jamieson; sola by Mrs. Jamas Webster, playing her own accompaniment on the harp; an accprdian seie-;.tion /by Miss Grace8 E. reading, Mrs. Nicholson: 7 . ----------- ---------' °f: Goderich; visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Cook. ■ Z//Mrs72Agdrei^E^rson-^^ dine. Sister of Mrs. A. Miller,, and Mr. arid Mrs, M. Colw'ell arid family of Glamis, visited on Suriday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner and Kathleen qf Zion, visited on Sunday it iriAu/uiA HAND SIGNALS FOR DRIVERS (Signifr generally understood by Canadian motorists) Mott accidents are preventable. Do ybur part by clearly - signalling your intention before tSaklhg a right dr left turn. INSTANT ACCELERATION...FULL POWER...always For Sale At T. W. Garage, Lucknow SLOW DOWN orstop Hand and arm extended downward. RIGHT TURN ' Hand and arm extended upward or moved with a •weeping motiorifrom tire rear tn the front. LIFTTURN Hand and arm extended ‘ horizontally. Many drivers alto point with their indox finger.* I Careful handling of your cat is only one oi the things which makes driving safer. Your cat must also be ready to do what you Want it to do — when you want it That’s where Blue • Sunoco comes in. lt never lets you down. , BJue Sunoco takes you smoothly up’ and over the steepest hills;. lets you slow down dti curves *. then leap ahead again without shifting gears or taking,your hands from the wheel; D^^cautiously!_ Use good judgment! Use Blue Sunoco!