HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-05-21, Page 4THURSDAY PAGE DUNGANNON FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Wm. R. Tomlinson Qi 73 Lawyers At Ottawa (By Charles Lynch). a Press Gallery. House Of Commons. William R. Tomlinson, ■ Liberal member. for" Bruce riding, is one of the 73 lawyers sitting in the House of Commons. He has achieved Par-' liament at 34 and succeeds the late Hon. James Malcolm. Born in the Township of. Seneca in _ Haldima.nd . County. Mr; Tomlinson is, a son- of William Tomlinson and the late..Mrs. Tomlinson. He was educated at local - schools; the Caledonia Collegiate ap'd . Osgoode Hall. Called to the Bar ip Q^ob.er 1926. Mr. Tomlinson hung out . his shingle . in the town of Port. Elgin, ■ He be­ came deeply .interested in education and for seven years has headed the Board lof Education. He also served on the Cemetery Commission for three years., - z. ;Wins Party Nomination Mri Tomlinson served as secretary of the Bruce County Liberal Assoc- iation for a year. Mr. Malcolm was ill and his work was carried on by the young secretary. This brought him into prominence so that when Mr. Malcolm’s health prevented him from, seeking re-election, he was at . once suggested as his successor.JEhel _ Liberal convention was held at' Port Elgin, on Aug. 8* last. There were seven in the field fpr the' nomina­ tion; Mr. Tdnilinson was selected on , the1 third ballot. ; < . Although - traditionally Liberal- Bruce* is good fighting ground for the Conservative party. The largest majority Mr. Malcolm enjoyed was , 488., Back in 1872, Hon. Edward Blake won the constituency jjy 1,688 Tin any “event",“young - Mr. Tomlison wept to work and put on a spirited campaign. He defeated Gideon'’Rut­ tie; the Conservative candidate, -by .1.-679. William' Nicholson, the Recon­ struction party standard bearer, lost his deposit. V . Mr. Tomlinson made his first speech in the House of Commons, when he spoke on the Boulanger bill to amend the Civil Service Act. In this way he was following in the . footsteps of Mr. Malcolm, who \ first made his mark in 1923 when he hea­ rted? a parliamentary inquiry into the administration of the Civil Service Act. The Malcolm report has been held up as a model. The young member for Bruce is an easy, “fluent speaker; His riding is entirely rural. It. lies along Lake Huron, extending from Lucknow to Tobermory.jWiarton and Kincardine - IBre the largest town; - One-third of: the*'ydf®rs71irS. 'Scotch, one-quarter Irish, one-quarter German, and the balance English. The May meeting of-the Women’s Association of the Dungannon United Church, was held on Friday.- May; 15thvJat the home of Mrs.. Nellie Stewart. The president, Mrs. Jas. McWhinney was in charge. After a hymn was sung. Mrs. David Sproule led in prayer and the scripture les­ son was read by Mrs. Arthur Roach. The roll , call was answered by “My favorite flower’’. withW17 members present. Plans were made for the an­ nua.! Xwn social tb be held on Tues- day, June 23rd.. A reading /.‘Garden­ ing at Three”, by Miss Celia Pent­ land? and a . solo "by Miss. Lois Tire^ leaven, was well given and a poem. read by Mrs. J^ J, Ryan “The pack- age of seed”, A hymn and the bene­ diction closed the meeting. It whs decided to meet-at the home, of Mrs, Robt. Treleaveil for the next one; with Mrs.. Turner and Mrs. Donald Fowler in charge qf the program. A tenreent tea was seryed. Mr. Gorddn S. Kidd, who has suc­ cessfully filled the capacity as prin­ cipal of ! the Dungannon Public and Continuation school for' the last three years has. resigned find accep­ ted the position of principal of Wing- "Zion Bride Honored 4 , ' ■ <’ (Zion News) I In view her. appraes-hm^. mar­ riage, the Zion community and other friends of Miss Jessie Andrew gath­ ered at the Orange Hall and present? ed her with an Alladin lamp accom­ panied by a suitable address. s The bride-to-be thanked her many friends kindly for their gift and good wishes assuring them all, was "much appre- ciated. After a short program was given; lunch1" was served. “ Dancing completed; the evening’s entertain­ ment.,, . “Andrewf0 Wis been a< faithful name to vou for years—but Dame "Rpmor tells us v°u contemplat­ ing changing it /‘for better or for worse,” We are so happy toCthink this is. not a farewell gathering. You are jftot leaving us but rather bringing us a Scot from Cqlross. It, takes a certain amount'jof; ,gdbd Scotch to liven up a community. You have always taken a very ac­ tive part in Sunday School; Church League, as well as in all community activities. You never refused at any i ’ . —-—. ■ ■’., 1 Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A, D. MacKenzie— Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY. MAY 21ST. 1936. MAFEKING ham " Public school, with duties to j time to do your part. - ~ * — We cannot express—opi-apprecia­ tion in words—so we ask you to ac­ cept this small gift as a token of commence in 'September. We regret I Mr. Kidd’s departure, but congratu-' late him on his advancement. Wash—Yo’. he^r’boutdat new car ah got ? Boy, she got some speed! Mose^-How (fast is she? Wash—Boy, she’s so fast dat when ah streaks down de line all de hogs >*de deroadlook like link sausage. It’s the trouble you imagine is *coming that eats the insulation, off your nerves. , . . Lyceum Theatre WIN 6 HAM Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. ; Mr. James Webster, boundary west of Lucknow,; visited his sister. Mrs. Thojs, Blake and,' cousin Mr. ,Thos. Anderson. Friday and Saturday. Miss Mary Anderson of London, who . was?a guest at the Kirkland -’. .■Andrew. Ziott wedding. '.Saturday* visited dh.ring the. week-end with rel­ atives here. Misses Olive Anderson and Olive Kilpatrick were guests at the wedding also. Mr. and Mi’s. “David McWhinney and Bert McWhinney of Crewe, vis-1 ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake? Sunday. . t Miss Alma Curran is visiting her cousin. Mrs; Jim Mizner and Mr.y Mizner, Stratford. PARAMOUNT Iliurs.f Friday, Sat.--MAY 21-22-23 ROCHELLE. HUDSON and HENRY FONDA ' • " ■■ • . In; '■ 1 A DRAMATIC STORY OF COUNTRY LIFE IN^ NE,W ENGLAND™. -READ BY MILLIONS— 1 RIPLEY MERCHANT DIES Congratulations are extended to Mr. Norval Richards, who success­ fully passed his second year exams at the Guelph Agricultural College, with First Class Honors. I Mrs^ Andrew Stein is much im­ proved in health after taking treats ment /in Toronto. ' Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dahmer and family and. Mr. Bert Lovatt from Miliarton _ were . recent visitors with Mri ."and Mrs.'Wm? MacGill. ‘ Mr. Carman Hamilton has secured a good job near Belgrave. . Mrs? Frank MacCharles was mov­ ed from Winghain Hospital on Sun­ day to the home of her sister, Mrs. George Brooks, where she 8will re­ main for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Martin were recent visitors with Mrs. Huston in Kincardine. The remains of Mr. Edmund Rich­ ards of Detroit and formerly of Paramount, were interred in Hope cemetery on Monday afternoon. - mis. £,rnesr oeguss. oi XNiie is at the home, of her sister. ?Mrs. Robt. ■■r. _ _il_, ill _41.1. jL'1.— 1J that is prevalent lately. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan and dau­ ghter Reta visited Mr. Swan’s. par- r*aMK. nncuw,- uu«n iviwuw. ents. Mr« and Mrs. Geo. Swan in Ash- The regular monthly meeting of field on Sunday. Zion W. M. S. was held at the home Mrs. Watson Scott of Kinlough of Mrs. Wesley Ritchie on Thursday and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Buckingham last. A splendid report of the Sec- of AshfiekL visited Sunday with MrJ tional meeting held at Clinton- was ’ and Mrs. Abe Culbert. I given by the president, Mrs. George The date for the “Choir Concert’’ i Hufiter. a reading by Mrs. Edgar of the United Church, is set for Juno Ritchie entitled “Dont’s for our au?- 8th. ilmry; soloa by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie Wr onA Mre Cbnc Alton anri. Miss and Miss jrl«>» Hackett, were veryMr. and, Mrs. Chas..Alton and Miss h reciated Mr Patton closed •1 rimgan attended a convenuun Superior Stores in Londo # Regular Sunday service will be i held at Zion .iiv the morning next Sunday. Little Murray McDonagh of Bel­ fast, spent the past ten days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson. . < Mr. Harvey Webster, who spent the winter months with Mr? Fred- Anderson* has. gone to reside on his farm at Belfast. Mr., and Mrs. Ralph Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie and Allan were recent visitors with friends at Tiverton. ■ Mr, Richard Reed of Rapid City. cv ®nd_ Kenneth Welter of . Lucknow, THOvedrin“(^deri^Saturday spent Sunday with Zion friends: — Mr.. David Anderson of Dunlop, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Sam Reed. Milvert and Lorna were visitors on Sunday With the former’s frothers, Messrs; -John and. Harvey Reed of Auburn. AIRPORT’ fOR PORT ELGIN uie — u? Kvbu. v°“ an>1 V™* fiance five long Moore, who is ill with the heavy cold and happily to enjoy it together. ____1.^4. This is ithe wish of the Church. Com­ munity and friends. • Signed, Robert Helm, Lloyd Hunter, Frank Ritchie, John Ritchie. Zion W. M. S. was held at the home Signed, Lloyd Hunter, Dahmer and 8th.iliary: solos by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie Pearl Firugan_ attended a convention Wednesday of last week, for the' managers and clerks.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutledge and family, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCabe of Benmiller. Mi's. jas. Alton of Lucknow, spent the week-end with her son, Mr. Chas. Alton and family.. , Miss Winnlfred McClure, R.N.; left last week for Toronto, where she is now oh a case.’ . . Mr., David S. Errington of the 6th con., of Ashfield, was the lucky gues- ser to win the congoleum rug at Al­ ton’s Superior Store a week ago. The Dungannon Home and School Club will meet—FridayrJIfay 29th. at the school. 4 p.m. Mr. Robt. Armstrong is improving his dwelling- house with a coat of stucco. The work of cleaning un the Dun­ gannon Cemetery wilt be continued this summer. Any person interested may leave a1 donation at the Dungan­ non Post Office. Financial support is much appreciated by the. committee. Guide—“This cgstje has stood for 600 years Not'a stone has been touched, nothing altered, ’ -nothing replaced.” . ' same landlord we-have.” much appreciated. Mr. Patton closed 5 •RAPID-CITY <•* A NIGHT AT THE BILTMORE BOWL" AND MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON * Arrangements have been complet­ ed to have a municipal airport "in operation in Port Elgin this summer With unobstructed entry from all directions, the proposed site is twen- -r-.ty-two acres* in extent. ^Installation Visitor—“Um, they must have the of fencing, marking and other equip­ ment will be started at once. Mrs. R. McQuillin, Sr., has retdrn-- ed home after several weeks’ visit with Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Griffin, £ Mrs. W. G. Webster and Mrs-. Pet­ er Johnston .had their tonsils re­ Mrs. Webster is at Mrs. David Al­ ton’s home this week. ' I 1 . We welcome Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and family to our community, having moved into R. J. Button’s house, formerly occupied by Mark Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed and Eun­ ice, visited on Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Archie Nicholson at ^Belfast. Mr. J. D. Ross, who has been quite sick for a few weeks, is able to be back to school again. Mr., and Mrs,. Malcolm Stewart rer cently moved to Mrs. D. Stewart’s home, after spending the past year oh the 12th of Ashfield. D E OA S K3r/HE*Sr/AI SIk r T HE O N L Y -f "i ... I ; Robert Munn, brother of Diincan Munn, reeve of Ripley and of the/ late John . Munn who dropped ..dead ' nioYe than “a year ago while' .taking ! part in a play .'in that village, was ’ laid^to rest Sunday. His death oc-1 cuTted after a!h ’ illness of several1 - .weeks? ■ ■. ' The funeral service, conducted by ■ Rev. C. N. MacKenzie* was largely! .attended, for Mr. Munn was la prom- I inent merchant ajid citizen of that; place. He is survived by his widow.4! /formerly Ethel Knight and two sons1.! Lionel, attending Western. Uni vers-! ity. and, Muiray.* who is attending ' the Toronto, '^jlege of optometry. '■j. _____ d I. Mr. Wilson’Woods and Mrs. R. J.'• Woods were at Guelph on Tuesday for the graduation at the O- A. C.. When Wilson received his B. S. A. degree. Miss M. C. Rutherford is attend­ ing the ‘Conference Branch meeting of the W. M. S. at Sarnia this week. Messrs. George McQuillin, Eddie Gaunt and Ronald Forster left on Monday by motor for Kapuskasing. where they will spend the summer months at the Experimental farm. The Christian Culture Committee with Mrs. Lorne Woods, convener, was itt charge of the meeting of the Y. P. U. on Sunday" evening. Laurins Miller read the Scripture llesson. The tonic “The King’s English” was tak­ en by Mr. Wilson Woods and- Rev. H. M. Wright led an interesting j discussion. Mr. Mochrie favored with ' a solo. _, | 'I Mrs. Wm. Gamptieir is spending a I few days with Mrs. J. B. Rutherford. Rev. R. . W. Craw , of Dorchester j called t>n friends here Recently. Rev. H. M. Wright. Angus Mac­ Donald and Malcolhi Buchanan were at Goderich on Saturday for a rally of the Tuxis. Square Boys.* Mf. and Mrs. Ward Shickluha of Port Colborne, who are at present on their wedding trip, are spending a few days this week with her moth­ er. Mrs. James Gaunt. ST. HELENS it is too late t'JfOW is the time to repair your bifildinKs which have been un­ avoidably neglected during trying depression times. Get metal roofing with its permanence and low upkeep —and save! Eastern Steel Prtxiucta , offers two great values in - Metal . Roofing! Rib-Roll and- Tite-Lap! /' Each has exclusive features guaran*. teeing weather-tightness and easy application. They do not warp, shrink, crack, curl, or bulge. Ask also about E.S.P. Barns... made by the foremost Company-Built Barn manufacturer in Cahada. , Sole Canadian n>Dnafactar«nl wd disH- bvtontof Janasway jDookry «qwpM«aL ! / ¥ 9 I at Mr; 4 CON., KIN LOSS Va •t > i tv the rtf son, Mr Ren- wit li Mr; as a Mrs Fiistman Hamilton of Toronto, caller on the line last week. A. Graham attended the gra- rihiahle •f last quite Robb. » •'orious R visitor, with ........... ...........LMr. Jimmie and Mhis .Jessie Mac- cousin, with N.. i:>• Vera him. church mepls this .Wednesday 'inc. lost l-ejl / % '"r EVERYONE! pretty .well agrees today, yott need liydraulic Brakes for safety. That is why Chevrolet gives you perfected, swerveless Hydraulic Brakes in every one of its new cars—-for quick, smooth, true straightline stops* In addition, Chevrolet adds to this safety the protection of solid* Steel Turret Top Fisher Bodies—high quality Safety glass in every window of Lhe car—and the matchless; road-holding abilities of the famed *Knee-Action gliding ride. No other low-priced car offers you all these features. Test them for yourself by driving the 1936 Chevrolet today. And look into the greatly reduced 1% GMAC time payment pTan terms. ♦On Matter Deluxe Models G««lph Street Mon, Out Factories also at Toronto and Montreal I.Travel By "For, You ASHFIELD Mrs. EcTjohnston spent the week­ end with Miss Barbara Bueglas. | Mrs.’James Beaton is visiting her’ sister. Mrs. R. J. Bullen. 1 Miss Florence McDonald of Tor­ onto, was a week-end visitor her aunt. Mrs. D. MacLonnan r'“ • - • Rae of Toronto, with their < Mr,. / Gilbert Johnston, visited’ Mr. and Mts. J. MacRae. . MrXSCharles Shonas am! his Mr. John Shenas of Chatham, Smith of Leamington and Mr. wick of Detroit, visited recentlv Mr N: G. MacKenzie. ■ •? • ‘V ^’’cshyterian ..r Arrow Coaches For, Your Convenience” ARROW BUS SCHEDULE Effective May 3rd LEAVE LUCKNOW ’ NORTH BOUND at 12.25 P.M. & 9.25 P.M. Standard. Time LEAVE LUCKNOW SOUTH BOUND 9.45 A.M. & 8.05 P.M. ’ Saturday Only Exira Bus, North, 4.25 P-M. Itineraries planned -to ‘all . Canada, Vnited Mexico. points in States and UONSULTTEOCAL AGE^T T. W. SMITH ’PHONE 148. LUCKNOW Central Ontario Bus Lines Ltd. •’ Toronto |f 1 (Standard Series 2-|u$s. Ctapaiy Master Deluxi Models from$8M Mhmd atiaeiiy, Oikwt o»t /OtnnaMtUns. ' ■ OMOMitm. Hector Mae Lean horse .week. ■ > Mr. !v ill taking ... The annual meeting ho Tom- Bueglas during the h<> Dan Mac Inn is j and M i cate of GIVES YOU ALL SIX...PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . **, TURRET TOP BODIES BY USHER___________________ ______________ _ _________________ __________ _________ ______________VAIVE-IN- HEAD ENGINE.f. FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION... KNEE-ACTION (fMgHf Off Lim MmW4) SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT • Dungannon f Women Of Mrs on Pro Mb iirocti auditors, son and Mrs. W i son and Mi The roil ca . ........... .. oho telling how many attended in-the last v.... ihgs have h.een held in the , most of the members find thi cbn ven ient. tail hraiich of the homo The elect as follows. . 'See.-li ens, : district nzie met at Kenzic, suited Bogie ;, Kenzie: MacKci Kin tit tit c> Mac s re- T<»m Mac- N. G. ollin dole- olfin •nal(|. each they r, Mr.< Mrs. t _4 • .......... Marlhmald: to distrut animal. Mrs. ( “iss Annie Mae Maelh all was answered by / meetings voar. The meet’- eVcnipg as ............is more dilation ot het daughter, MisyE\iarv Graham. in Guelph. • ‘ i.^r\ friends 'of Mrs. B. Chesnut ate Limt to hear she has recovered after her recent illness. ,, ■ Miss Marv J. Irwin, is spending a vw week's , with l\er mother. Mi's.'Jones returned, home after visiting with friends in Toronto. Jean'"■Graham of Toronto, is Micndmg a few days, at her hottie, •ci^” /armors are busy seeding, the weather -being cooler, is mote favorable for the horses. s i..?!.1' ‘s engaged with his tuutor ploughing for Mr. R. Moffat.