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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-05-21, Page 1
v / % 1 4 I ■' , - j; a 1 ;;■ $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; 12150 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, ONT;, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1936 _ , —....... ------- --- ....., ----------------' —................................------------------------------------------- -_ • SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS \ ......... ........... ’ ©DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist X-RAY SERVICE Office In The Johnston Block .. Telephone No. 5 Rev. J. D. Gilmour Leaves Lucknow Early In June FOR SALE-r-Kitchen range, /■ Apply to. S. D. Whaley, Lucknow. BEES FOR SALE—Bees, Extrac tor. Smoker, etc.—E. M, Henderson, ’Rhone 150-W; Lucknow. _____. FOR RENT—50-acre. grass farm, all new seeding, S % of the N % of lots 51 and 52, 1st Concession Huron Twp. Apply to F. D. McLennan, Box 254, Lucknow.________ WANTED—-10 or 12 head of cattle , to, grass. Spring creek through pas ture. Terms reasonable. Lot 15, 4 miles west of Lucknow on Boundary | line. — Apply to Albert Towle, R, 3, Lucknow. FOR SALE OR RENT—Desirable house and lot on;, Victoria Street, property of the late Mrs. Catherine McKinnon. Running hard water and soft water, also furnace. FOR SALE—several pieces of fur- . niture, cupboard,, bedsteads, mat- . tress, couth and. other articles. Apply to Executors of Estate, Jbs. A. Mallough, Robt. A. Rae. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL ..persons having claims again st the estate of John Johnstone, late - of the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or abopt the seventeenth day of February, AW. 1936, are notified to send to James McDonald; or Albert Campbell, R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ontario on or before the ninth day of June. A.D.. 1936, full particulars of then- claims in writing. Immediately after the said ninth day of June, 1936. the assets of the said testator will be distributed^ amongst the parties .en titled thereto, havjhg regard only, to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED at Lucknow this sixteenth day (WMay, A.D. 1936. > ' JamedndcDonald. Albert Campbell. R. R.3, Lucknow, Ont;; Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Beriajah McClure, late of the Village of Lucknow in the. .County'of Bruce, . Retired Merchant, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the 'Sta- tute in that behalf, that all Creditors and others having claims or demands against the. Estate of the s^id Bena- jah McClure, who died on'or about the twentieth day of September A.D. 1935. are required on or before the Tenth day of’ June A.D. .1936, to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to Jean * McClure; 889 McRae Street. Niagara Falls, Ontario, the Administratrix of the Estate of the said deceased, their names, addresses and descrip tions. the full particulars Of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly Verified by affidavit. AND take' notice that after such last mentioned date the said Admin istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and. that, the said Administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person ' or. persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated the Sixteenth day of May, A.D. 1936. Jean McClure. Administratrix. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Barbara Fisher, late of the Village of Lucknow in the County.of Bruce, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Bar bara Fisher, who died on or about ' the twenty-eighth day of September A.D. 1935, are required on or before ; the Thirtieth day of May A.D. 1936, f to mend by post prepaid; or deliver to William Fisher or Robert Fisher, , Lucknow, Ontario, Administrators , . of the Estate of the said deceased, : their names, addresses and descrip- . tions, the full particulars of their ■' claims, a statement of1 their ac counts, and the nature of the scour- ities (if any) held by them duly Verified by affidavit. ' ! And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Ad ministrators will proceed to distrib^ j . ute tlie assets of the said deceased i among |fee parties entitled thereto, : having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Administrators will not be liable for the said, as sets or Shy/part thereof to any per- son or perbonC of whose claims notice shall not have been received by i them, or either df them, at the time of such distribution. Dated at Lucknow* Ontario, this I 5th day of May* A.D.; 1936. William Fisher, Lucknow Ont,, Robert Fisher, Lucknow, Ont., * Administrators, i Curate Of Lucknow Parish Receives Parish Appointment, Near London —Was. Presented -By A* Y. P. A. On Monday Night. ( Rev. J. D, Gilmour, .who for the past, year has assisted' Rev. J. H. Geoghegan in carrying on his work in the parishes of Lucknow, Ripley. Dungannon and Port Albert, will leave here early in June. Rev. Gil mour has been appointed rector of the parish of Thairiesford, Crumlin and Lakeside, near London. Rev. Gilmour came to Lucknow in mid-June last year, succeeding Rev. J. C; Caley, who was trariferred to -Lidn^s—Head.—Duringthe-year-,—the young curate has mingled well in the community, as well as his parish, and it is with general regret that he leaves the Community, Rev. Geog hegan' will continue without an as sistant for a time. . He has been particularly active in the /young people’s activities, and on Monday night, somb forty mem bers of the A. Y. P. A., including vis- itors/from" "RipWv regular meeting, when they present ed Mr. Gilmour with a fitting re membrance. A program, lunch and a short dance made up the evening’s fare well entertainment. Prior to, lunch being served, Miss Dorothy Cook read the following address, and Mel vin. Johnston, president of the A. Y. P. A., presented Mr. Gilmour with a handsome signet ring. , Dear Mr. Gilmour, i It is with regret that we have, learned that you will shortly leave us to continue your chosen work in another parish. But we will try to hide our regrets in a shower of con gratulations, for |we are happy to learn of your promotion. ; At our A. Y. P. A, meeting and in all our activities, we will miss your assistance, advice and leadership. Especially have you been a valued member of our Dramatic—Society. But it is not only,/for your services that we will miss you, but even more- ■so as a friend, for during your stay here, you have affectionately attach ed yourself to all in the parish. We cannot bid adieu without some little token that may cause you to think kindly of your A. Y. P. A. as sociates. so on behalf of the Society please accept this little gift. WAWANOSH RESIDENT LAID TO REST FRIDAY Mrs. Jeremiah Foran, aged 78 years, and a lifelong resident of con cession 9„ West Wawanosh, was laid to rest in St. Augustine cemetery on Friday morning, following a service in St. AugUstine Church, in charge of the parish priest, Father. Donalin. Mrs. Foran’s death occurred at Bayfield at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. John McGuire, with whom she has been making her home for more than a month. Mrs. Foran was the mother of a large family of ten children^ Her husband predeceased her some twenty years ago. . Since then she has resided with her son Tom. who remains on the homestead. During the winter, she had been at tended by her daughter Nellie of Buffalo. ' ' Averts Bad Blaze Rathwell And Reed Shoe Store Again Scene Of . Misfortune. As Blaze Breaks Out In Repair Shop On Tuesday Morning — Quickly Ex tinguished, Its a case of double trouble - at Rathwell & Reed’s Shoe store.. Vic timized by thiefs less than three weeks’ agd, fire threatened the build ing on Tuesday morning. Fortunate ly the timely discovery of the blhze, with a. supply of water at hand, brought it quickly under control and averted, a bad fire. The outbreak occurred in the Shoe repair shop at the rearvof the store, apd was evidently caused from a fire in the strive. The .blaze appeared to have started in the wall behind the stove 'and spread into an open cupboard above, containing a quan tity of paper. Mr,, Rathwell was in the front shop when his attention was attrac ted' by a .crackling sound and on rushing toHhe back found the. flames eaping to the ceiling., A watet tap was near, .at han<L.and/ after dashing a couple rif pails oh the blaze, he phoned in an alarm. ; It was n&t necessary to lay a line of hose, however. A further effort* with the bucket controlled the blaze. Very little damage occurred, other than to the charred woodwork, A heavy 1 pall of smoke' hung in tho store for sometiihe after. DANCE-—In Paramount Hall, on Friday evening, May 22nd. Music by Hogans’ Orchestra. Dancing from S’ o’clock till 2 o’dock. Admission— Ladies IOC, Gents 25c. including tax. Everybody welcome. BRUCE COUNTY MUSICAL FESTIVAL To. be held in Fort Elgin, Thurs day evening. May 21st, and Friday afternoon and evening May 22nd. Sessions at 2:30 and 8:00 P.M. Ad mission-Afternoon 25c; evening 35c. OLD TIME DANCE The V. F. 0. Joint Club Will • spon sor an .Old Time Dance in. the Town Hall. Lucknow. Wednesday, May Hogan’s Orchestra. Roy McCreight. caiier-off. Lunch served. General ad mission 25c, including tax. > Every body welcome. ,r . \ ■ ■ Street Lighting Costs / Lucknow $1.44 Per Capita Eighty-Year-Old Congregation. Willi '' ■ ' / .. Have Rev. D. J. Lane As Guest 11935 rStreet Lighting Cost Village Speaker . . , I $1531.25—Based On A Population ‘ . |„ Of 1062, Approximate Cost To Every Man, Woman and Child Is $1,44. ; ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT SOUTH KINLOSS, SUNDAY The Bread of Health QUALITY I i—i jiThe Bread TlOV lO of Health AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO Four-score years of Christian ser vice will be marked, by the commun ity’s oldest church. This Sunday, May „ 24th. 'when South- Kinloss Chureh l 1935 ' street lighting in Lucicnow marks the. 80th anniversary. Rev. P- ebst every man, woman and child a *J.;Lane of Goderich will be the guest fraction over $1.44 each. The total speaker at morning and evening ser- CQSt was $1531.25. Lucknow’s popula- vl^rxS‘ j, i j r I t>on according to the 1935 roll was It is a far cry from “Murdoch Me- 1062° persons Kenzie’s. Church”, a little log struc- it is this question of cost that has ture_built 80 years ago at the Sec-Iprove(j a stumbling block. each time ond Concession, until today when the the matter of better lighting of our folk of * South Kinloss congregation., village, and ' particularly our main many of whom are descendants of street is urged. Each 100-watt street the Church’s .early worshippers, still 4axnD_\cost ^the._^nki.Da].i:tv_-$2-L00- -carry on a Christian endeavour that per year; each 200-watt lamp costs down through the years had wrought I $31.00 per year much Tor good in this community. An economical means of attrac- and which has, as well, extended its I Lively improving the illumination of influence for good far afield., .Ithe main street was recently pro Sunday will indeed mark a jnemjposed by the Borister Qlub. This sug- orable event uf the history of the I gestion was to string / 2 lines of Big vnurch .colored lights -from approximately ' ■ ........ '■ I Finlayson’s store, to the hotel. The AGNEW BROTHERS PAY 1 entire outlay-was estimated at $70. -™^^2yiSIT--TO--OLD-HOME -TOWN- and , the.-;^^ _____ I to undertake the work,,, on condition a*. that the line" be metered with mer-Rbv. John Acrnow of St* Marys and I phavspg sharing ths c*o^t nf ths pur* Mr. Wm. A. A, Agnew of Vancouver. |.rent ’ 2 ? ® C0St of 1 cur At nre/ent 100 watt bulbs are'used JSS £-ZSEi*?Min lishtine the main street. To in- oeaied dehehted .to rene w old friend- th t -200-watts would ships and look-over familiar scenes _„„^o;„i„ of their childhood. William is the.youngest , and John the second oldest L b about' *120® Sd of the Agnew family, who lived just an'nna11vd b T $ H east of the C. N. R. station. It was r Thn<sy+ho ri„k’ain the QO’s that John left Lucknow ft® _ • to further his education and subse-1 v?U1»hd ®®fhAt0 quently enter the ministry.. For|Loan«®nf’iihtin* tI means of lighting* the street and* it and nougat that, the matter will and is now at St. Mary’s. His brother I.ui j-Will, about the turn of the century. Ibe mitsued unt11 the aim ^ achieved left (Lucknow as a railway telegraph I ’I ; • operator. Later he gave this up and I MISS EVELYN CRAW HONORED went West and now is a prominent BY GIRLS’ WORK BOARD', Vancouver citizen, and president of I —— the Vancouver Pacific Paper Co. Presentation Made . Upon Miss --- ----- ...-------------------. | Craw’s Resignation After Six KTNLOSS TO WNSHIP H AS------H Years As National Secretary—To WHITE HOPE ENTRANT Be Married Soon. ' According to Wednesday’s Mail I At the annual meeting of the On- and Empirte, Wm. John Collison, R. tario Girls’ Work Board in Toronto 1, Holyrood,, is an entrant in the 1 last week, a ^presentation was made Jack Dempsey “White Hope” boxiris Miss Evelyn Craw, in recognition of tournament to, be held in the Maple | past services in this work. . ‘ ’ Miss Craw, a daughter of Rev, and I Mrs., R. W. Craw, formerly of I Lucknow, has for the past six' yeaPs, t carried on highly successful work as National secretary; Miss Craw is re signing from this office and wilt be married in the early summer to the Rev, Arnold Matthews of Drummori- dville, Quebec. ( LOCAL NURSES GRADUATE Eleven nurses of the 1936 graduat ing class of Guelph General Hospital received their diplomas on Friday night at 'graduation exercises held at the Oritario Agricultural College. Twp lochl young ladies were include ed in the class. Mary Helen Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.* Angus Graham. Concession 4, Kinloss, and Dorothy Alice Pollock, daughter • of Rev: John Pollock of Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. G:|iham arid'Dorothy« and Mr. and Mrs. George Lockhart, [were among those in attendance at thb - graduation. Leaf Gardens, Toronto, this Friday I evening. Collison’s name is one of 57 in the/list. His age is given as 23. his. height. 6 feet and his weight| 178 lbs. He is entered in the heavy weight class, and the entrants are matched in 6-rdund -bouts. He has been in Toronto the past few months training for the bout. Young Collison lives , about 5 miles east of Kinlough. and is knoWn in, the community as a scrapper of some ability. “Bill” is a son of the late James Collison and a brother of Mrs. Alhponso /Murray, concession 10. Kinloss; And while Bill has been thinking of boxing rings, his brother Tom. | living at home, has been more gaged with matrimonial ideas, ___ on Tuesday of this week joined the ranks of the benedicts- DISTRICT RESIDENT MORE I THAN 30 YEARS AGO, DIES I The following obituary concerns a former resident of this community, but our -inquiries have failed to defin itely assure'us who Mrs. Thompson was, or in what-locality she lived. No doubt, many of our readers will be able to give us this, information. Mrs. James 1 Thompson, nee Susan Anderson, died Igst Tuesday night at her home in Glenavon. Sask., at the age of 65 years. The funeral was held from the Glenavon United Church to Glenavon cemetery, with. Rev. D. E. Freek offi ciating. The church wap filled to cap deity arid the display-of flowers was a silent tribute to the respect and esteem • in which her friends and neighbors held her. » ,t Mrs. Thompson Was born ih Luck now,, Ontario, and married James Thompson in 1898, going west in I 1904 to a homestead- near Glenavon. In 1911 they moved into the village. Surviving her are her husband, James Thompson; a daughter. Jane; a son Frank, both at home, apd’ a sister. Mrs. Fraser, residing At Dev lin, Ontario,Pallbearers were: Allan McEach-l ern. Jack Edwards. William Kindred. Tom Alexander, Alex Parley and John Davidson. - . I . r- ..‘ J HOPES DAY GOES AHEAD | en- and Mr. E. S. Caswell, noting recently in The 'Sentinel that a -sport's day was being considered in Lucknow this year, states sn a recent letter that he hopes the committee atttains its aim. “I’d like to be able to get up that day,”, he said. However since that subject was discussed at d Booster Club meet ing more than a month ago, we have learned of nothing , further having been done. A committee, at that time was appointed to arrange for a meet ing early in May. to go mote thor oughly into, prospective plans. Cars In Collision • A minor- motor mishap occurred on | main street early 'Saturday even ing, when cars driven by Robert But ton and Isaac Nixon figured in a col lision. Mr. Button: was turning at T, W. Smith’s intersection and Mr. Nixon was proceeding west. A dam aged fendCr on the Nixon car was about the extent of the' harm done. Specials in Women’s and ‘ Child ren’s Sockees, Hose, in Silk, Lisle and ^e't—THE MARKET STORE. Local Creamery Expands Its Ice Cream Territory I Sil ver wood’s Lucknow Creamery Es tablishing Ice Cream Distributing Point At Wiarton To-Supply Large Territory In North Of County Silverwood’s “Instant Frozen” ice cream, supplied from the Lucknow plant, will this season be sold in a .large area in the northerh part of the county, extending as far as Tob ermory and up to now a territory in which this high. quality ice cream has not been obtainable. Mr. J. C. McNab spent some time last week , in Wiarton and that dis trict and so many new dealers have signed, up. that it has become imper ative to set up a distributing point Accordingly a 600-gallon storage wi|l be opened at Wiarton, and kept supplied from the Lucknow plant. The Wiarton distributer will supply the needs of the dealers in the north. Already iceless cabinets are' being installed and a„ vast volurite of busi ness is anticipated in the peninsula this! summer, and prospects of a further’ increase' tri business if Some Owen $ound dealers ^cah be signed up. Until now, Chesley was "the furth est point north, served by Silver- wood’s ice dream trucks operating from. hete. Hot weather has • caused this year’s sales, fo date, to Soar far’ above a' corresponding date a year ago, gnd the outlook for .the local plant this sedson is quite a rosy one. although it entails a vast ex penditure equipping dealers with ice less cabinets to handle their product. DISLOCATED ELBOW Mr. Harry 'Hackett of Ashfield, suffered a painful irijpry last week, when he dislocated his left elbow, an injury that has left the arm black arid swollen and requires the use of a sling. It was during seeding oper ations that tlie mishap occurred as Hatty was thrown backwards of the drill, by .an unexpected movement of the team. Harty got up to discover his arm bent backwards, at the elbow, opposite to-its natural position. In moving the arm, the dislocated joint snapped back into its proper posi tion. An X-ray revealed that no bones were broken. " / * I V - JVEEK-Wh-SPECIALS-- - CHOICE LAYER CAKES, CHOCOLATE DATE CAKES, DATE SQUARES, PIES, DOUGHNUT|S, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF TARTS, COOKIES, ECT. HOLLYMAN ’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 ——------——~------Lucknew Automobile Insurance _____It Isbetter to insure BEFORE the accident Reasonable Rates on all risks afforded by Policies issued by . Insurance Agency s LikIcmw t - . \ BORN RITCHIE—In Wihgham/ General Hospital on- Thursday, May 14th, to ,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. . of Ashfield, twin sons. | .S —ALTON In Al'nxnfidrar^Marine- and General Hospital, Goderich, on i Thursday, April 30, 1936, to Mr. and j Mrs. . Harvey Alton, Concession 7, West Wawanosh, a son? WEDDING BELLS MURDOCH—BULMER A May wedding of wide interest was solemnized Saturday evening, May 16th, at seven ©’clock in - the Humbercrest United Church, Baby Point Road, Toronto, when Miss Myr tle Avis Bulmer, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary Bulmer, was pnited,in marriage to Mn John Lovell Mur doch, second sop of Mrs. John G; Murdoch, all ’of Toronto. Rev. T. W. Hhzleworid, B;A„ officiated. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her brother, Mr. Jack Bul mer. was daintly gowned in poudre blue chiffon with shrimp pink lace hat and shoes and other accessories to correspond. Her beautiful bouquet was of- pink tea. roses, Miss Madeline Curtis was maid-of -honor, wearing a gown of pale pink ' ’lace with blue accessories and her bouquet was of talisman roses. Miss Irene Bond, niece of the. bride, was bridesmaid arid wore a' gown of peach organza with brown, accessor ies and 'bouquet of American Beauty rosfes., Little Margaret MacMillan, also a niece of the bride made a charming flower girl in a frock, of watermelon pink with halo, hat and carried a basket of pale mauve sweet peas. Mr. Wilfred G. Murdoch, .brother of the groom, .was grooms man. Mr. Flpyd Davies of Thornhill, played the wedding music and Mr. Ross Murdoch and Mr. Jack Kemp were ushers. Following the ceremriny, a recep tion was held Pt the home of< the bride’s mother; Mrs? Bulmer received gowned in black crepe with corsage of white gardenias, i The groom’s mother, Mrs. J. G. Murdoch, tfore printed blue chiffon with corsage of white gardenias. Baskets of pretty spring flowers were used in decorations in the church and home. Mr. HazleWood was toastmaster, and the toast to i the bride was , proposed by the | groomsman; Mt. W. G. Murdoch knd responded to by the groom. The bride and groom left for a honeymoon in Montreal and Ottawa. The bride’s going away costume was of* navy blue with gold accessories arid she wore the groom’s gift, a stpne, martin .fur. On retum. the youftg couple will reside in Toronto. Out-of-town guests were present from Lucknow, Thritiihill arid Agin court. * ’ j ‘ KIRKLAND—ANDREW The marriage took place rin Satur- , day. /May 16th, at eleven-thirty a.m., at Aftori Ledge, south of Lucknow, • of Jessie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Andrew, apd . • Gordon Brown Kirkland, sori of Mrs. .’Kirk land and the late Mr. A. Kirkland,. Teeswater. Rev. W. J. Patton officiat ed. A. ; ; The bride, given in marriage by her father,, wore a becoming gown of watermelon triple sheer crepe, with matching turban. She carried a bouquet of roses to harmonize with her. frock. Miss Olive Anderson play ed the wedding music and during the signing- of the register. Miss Ida McGowan, Blyth, sang. Following the ceremony, dinner was served to twenty-one guests. Misses Flora Andrew -arid. Ada Web ster and Mrs. Jack Gardner, cous ins of the bride,' assisted. . The bride and- groom left later for a motor trip to Northern Ontario. For travellingi the bride Write a two- 6009 NEWS Share In These Baryains EVERY SATURDAY During May, June and July See Our WINDOW SPECIALS For Articles Priced At A Real Saving To You. AGNEW’S , Jewelry Store ? Expert Watch Repairing GET PROMPT ASSISTANCE It is' rather difficult to convince a person that his eyes need at tention. Unless he is a victim of eye strain. And even then he is a persistent neglecter. To , the average ;| person it is always the “other fellow” who needs ah eye service. Maybe YOU are one of the other fellows. You may be without3 your knowing it. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service Masonic “Ladies Night** “Ladies Night” Was Pleasant Fun- ction—Dr. G. S. Fowler Of Tees- water GueBt Speaker. The annual “At Home” of Old Light Lodge was successfully staged . and well attended last Friday even- ’ ing in the Town Hall. It .being “lad ies’ night” the fair sex came ih for some complimentary remarks by the chairman', Mr- Sam Murchison, and by the guest speaker, Dr, G. S. Fowler of Teeswater. r Dr. Fowler’s address was given Jn his usual pleasing manner, inters persed with gems of poetry which he Used effectively to emphasize his ideas. He spoke of the ideals of Mas onry, while all do not attain these ideals, he assured* the ladies, their men folk werb safe whefi in the Mas onic lodge.' Splendid music was furnished by an eleven piece orchestra under the direction of Mr. J. M. Greer. Miss Myra MacDonald sang two pleasing numbers with Dr. Connell'asr accom- panist.andafter Dr. Fowler’s ad dress, Neil MacDonald entertained . the audience. With Mrs; Newton at the piano. Neil’s first number was a sohg he composed himself, to pub- I licize the Kincardine' Old Boy’s re union this summer. All his offerings were well received. ‘ • ' An abundant' lunch was served and a pleasant evening concluded with dancing to music by MacKerfzie’s orchestra. WILL ROGERS AT v LYCEUM FIRST OF WEEK’ holiday attractioni Will Rod-- “Steamboat Round'the Bend” on the screen at the Lyceum , As a gers in will be _ ___ _______ Theatre, the first three days of next week, Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday. This . is a “special” picture at no advance in prices. The regular show will ,be run the last 3 days of the week, so you can see a picture; at the Lyceum any night next week, “Way Down East”, is tho feature thisv week-end, ’ . . Bargains' in Boys’ and Men’s coot —. THEFor travelling, the bride wore a two-,piece ensemble of midnight blue ®n- X"^®^ ^e^arments. glish t wool With matching accessories, . MARKET STORE. * 6 *4