HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-05-07, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINELpageeight
MAY 10th
. A Thankful Neighbor.
Public School Reports
• “Automatic
London on Monday a’nd has to re-
this fall, as superintendent
mission hospital. '
Rae and Pbrteous
Miss, Carolyn Well wood
China and Miss Martin from India,
spoke during the session. Miss Well
wood return’s to resume her work
Remember her with a sift such as:
started practise last Monday even
ing at ,Mr. Jack Grimbtebee’s, and
in a few weeks will be sending out
a, challenge for a team [ to* play
against them.
New Spring Undergarments for
every meiribgr of the family—THE
4 • . ' . 1 ■ 1
Lucknow are
at present in
Mr. James
visited over
Mr. Wm. Armstrong and sons of
Lucknow, visited the boys, from Luc-
. know-forking at Turhbe^ry Corners
last Saturday afternoon.
Turnberfy Corner Soft Ball Team
-New Linolei&n ahd Cpiigoleum
Floor Rugst New Low* Prices.^THE
Mrs. Mervin
Mrs. M. L.'
• ’ I
■of Wingham,
Obtain relief NOW
Hurting corns?, callouses, bunions, “Athlete’s Foot,”
painful feet, tired, aching feet, weak or fallen
arches . . . all- of these common foot ailments
can be relieved quickly and inexpensively.
Dr. Scholl’s.
representative from Toronto
—wrl-l - be- in our sto/e on^ v
May 8th
Learn how relief can be obtained
and get Pedo-graph imprints of-your stock
inged feet. 7 .
Rath well and Reed’s
Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality
when you can now obtain the undernoted top
quality brands of white lead paint at this
popular figure?
Insist upon one of these famous time-tested
brands for all your exterior painting. Any one
of them will assure you a job of (outstanding
beauty, long paint life and economy from
. first to last. * >
There is si store in your vicinity that can
supply you.
l Sherw^-W/luams
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion and
„ Mi\' RichatdL Carter, visited over the
week-end with Lucknow friends."
Mr. James Bums underwent an
operation in Wingham General Hos
pital on Saturday, for the removal
of his tonsils. We all hope fbr .a
speedy recovery fot Jim.;
Mr. Geo. and . Norman and Neil
Lowey of Lucknow, visited on Mon
day with Mr. and
Deeves0 and Mr. and
j Gardner.'
Mrs. John, Falconer
Visiteff last Wednesday With .friends
here. ■ .
Donaldson Bros, of Teeswater arc
busy trucking logs from the bush
of John Falconer. The hoys from
busy buzz-gawing wood
Mr. Falconer’s bush.
Owens of Teeswater,
the Week-end at his
An' Appreciation .
Dear Mr. Editor,
‘ I do not know whether this will
find space in your paper or pot, but
I just wanted to speak of the kind
ness of the Lucknow people.
I have been a resident of Lucknow
quiet, home loving person, loving
my garden, my flowers and all the?
little 'every day tasks of life, I did,
not mix with my fellow villagers as
much as, I see now, I should have.
My thoughts were With the “old
friends” and perhaps I thought I
was too Old to makenew. .
However I have , been ill, and
there has been a little token* of kind
ness come to me each day—-flowers/
fruit, some dainty, or perhaps just
a kind message.
For its just the little homely:things,
The unobtrusive, friendly things,
The won’t-you-let-me-:helpryou things
That make our pathway light.:
So here’s to all_the~Iittle—things;
The" ‘done-and-then-forgotten’ things
Those ‘oh-its-simply-nothing* things,
That makes life worth the fight.
Dance in the hall at Paramount
on--Friday, May -8to.- Music-hy -Ho=-
gan’s orchestra. Admission: Gents,
25c, I Adies 10c, tax included. Ev
eryone welc >me.
■- Room * I
March and April
Sr. Class—Pass—Mary McQuaig*,
Douglass Boyes, Patsy Miller, Gor-
don—Mullin.—Below Pass—BillieAllin,
Patsy Treleaven*, Albert Chin*, Ivan
Lloyd*; Ellen Armstrong*Allan
Stewart*, Joe Agnew*," Jimmie Fer
guson*, Winifred MacDonald*, Lloyd
Gollan*, • n
Jr. Class—Honors—Rhea • Durnin,
sMary Lorraine Johnstone. Pass;—
Mary Louise
Donalda Nicholson*, Mary Louise
Porteous*, ■ Elaine Irwin*,, Gladys
Campbell*, Richard . Turner, Below
Pass—Wilda Irwin*, . George. Chin*,
Murray Henderson*, Carrie Milne*,
Roy ‘ Aitchison*; Helen McCreight*,
William Floyd*, Faith Boyes*, Grant
Gollan*, Joan McQuaig*, Jack
Stuart*. .
♦. absent a week or more.
I. Murdie,
Room II
Sr. II—Honors—(Jean Allin, Jean
Webster) equal, Kenneth Webster,
Pass—Kathryn Agnew, Esther Pat
ton*,. Ronald Johnstone, William
Chin, Mae Webster, Ronald Macln-.
nes*,. Verna Dahmer*, (Doreen Mil
ler*, Norman MacCartney*), Geor
gina Geoghegan*, Below Pass —
Jack Wilson*, Mabel MacDonald*,
Jack Treleaven*, Lorraine Ferguson*
Lome Gardner*.
‘ Jr. II — Honors—Shirley Culbert,
Doris Taylor. Pass—Billie Johnstone
Roberta Phillips*, Alma Solomon,
Donna MacCartney*, Below. Pass-—
Lois Henderson*, Roy Havens*,
George Taylor*, Jessie Reid*, Ivan
Gardner*. H. G. Sherriff.
A Township sheep inspector’s Job
maybe thought byjome to be^ Very
remunerative one, for last week, in
publishing Kinloss Council meeting
nynotes, we credited John MacLeod
with receiving $71.10 for inspecting
Carter’s s^heep. Our error, Mr. Mac
Leod received only $1.10 for per
forming the duty. • . •
i' ■ * «
' . Room III
Report for March and April
Sr. Ill—Possible 440; Hon. 330;
Phss 264. Honors * Betty Taylor;
.Catherine Johnstone, Helen Orf, Ei
leen Geoghegan, Keith Collyer, Sam
Chin, Sam McQuillin, Ross Paterson.
Pass—Tom Patton, Russel Whitby,
Celia Wilson*, Bill Treleaven*. Be
low pass—Fred Webster, Kathleen
Reid*, Ernest Button*, Donald Mac-
Kenzie, Frances Armstrong*.
Jr. Ill—Possible 340; Hon. 255;
Pass 204. Honors — Alan McKim,
Helen ‘Salkeld, Jean Bushell, Doris
Wylds, .Melvin Orr. Pass—Jim Purvis
Marjorie Solomon, Ross Henderson,
Carman, McQuillin, Dorothy Pater
son, Lloyd Stewart. Below pass—
Donald Jbhnstone, Russell. Arm-t
strong*, Jim Hamilton*;Nonna
Ritchie*, Lome Reid*, Warren
Wylds*, Billie Button*, Reggie Fer-
guson*. .
* absent for one or more tests.
s M. MacCallum.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Thompson,
Listowel, Ont., announce the engage
ment of their only daughter, Harriet
Louise, to Mr. R. S; Hetherington,
of Wingham, Ont., son of Mrs. Heth
erington and . the late Mr. Isaac
Hetherington' of Goderich, Ont./^the
marriage V take place* quietly in
May. .
Room IV
Report for March and April
Sr. IV— Honors—Flora Whaley
79; Gerald Colbert 78; Rbss Mac
Donald 76. Pass—Murvin , Solomon
69; Evelyn Taylor 67; Jack Cook 65;
Below 60%—‘Dean Paterson 45*; J.
C. Johnston 40*.
“Jr. . IV—Honors—Willard Thomp
son 84; Carolyn Allin 77; Norah Jew-1
itt 77; Margaret Nicholson/76; Pass
—Mary Salkeld 71; Fem Twamley
69; Lloyd Wylds 69; Audrey Foster
68; Russell Garniss 68; Reid McKim
66; Allah Treleaven 62; Luella Creep
61. Below 60%—-Gordon Sjtewart 58*,.
Douglas Aitchison 56; Johnie Dah
mer 56; Jean Havens 54; Jack Men-
d^son,4L (D. Johnston atid^S-Jam
ieson absent op account of illness)-. »
K. MacDonald.
Mrs. Catherine Hopson and Mail
L. Robinton from Decatur, Mich.,
are visiting friends and relatives in
Lucknow. - _
Mr. and /Mrs. Win. Murkie r were
in Brussels on Saturday, attending
tha-funeral ofdheJatter’A^unt, ..Mrs
James Campbell.-- •/
Savings afforded by buying from
the Horticultural Society quickly
pay . the membership fee. See. notice
elsewhere about -roses, and glads.A
Messr^MA. E. McKim and ,F. M.
Paterson are at present in atten
dance at a druggist’s. convention
being held .in^he Rdy^nfork H
in Toronto.
Mr. Dave Alton, who was so ser
iously, ill recently with a heart aiL
nient, that his daughter; Mrs. Sher
win was called home, is showing; en
couraging improvement at present.
;The Women’s Guild of St. Peter’s
Ghurch willservea-May Time
Tea” on Saturday? May 16th, from
3 to 6 P,ni., at the rectory. Silver
collection. Everyone is cordially in
vited to attend.
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs.. A. C, Agnew on Fri
day, May 8th, at 2.30 p.m. The -roll
call to be -answered by -paying fees*-
election of officers^ Visitors welcome.
Jim Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A- P. Stewart, who returned home
about two weeks’ '.ago after under
going a major operation in London,
has made- a favorable recover, and
is able to be about again. .
Mr. John Kilpatrick had a small
bone in his left hand fractured,
on Tuesday, when a bag of fertilizer
fell and jammed his hand against
an implement. The mishap occurred
at Ernest Ackert’s fa
Mr. Alex 'Smith,
McCallum, Mary StAythers and\Eva
Greer, attended the
Presbyterial Young /People’s Uni
in Kincardine' Tuesday evening. Alex
Smith presj
addressed' by Rev. Frank Langford,
D.D. • '
tr ,, - ' , ' ■ . -s
Last week we had a look through
the Hornell apartment^ above the
Market Store, and found a remark
able transformation has taken place
and attractive living quarters now
replace what was formerly a store
room. Local labor was employed and
all material used in doing the-work,
was purchased locally.
This Sunday is Mothers* Day, and
an important day in the lives of
most mothers, who will be especially
honored and remembered on this oc
casion. Fathers’ Day comes a little
later, but somehow or other. Mother
generally has the edge on Dad
far as gifts are concerned.
Mr. Bob McGuire of Lottdon,
visiting here with his brother, Mr.
John MqGuire, and Mr. Coral Mac
Donald, who on Monday moved their
household effects from., the Berime-
geour residency in the villages, to
the Kirk farm, on Concession . 12,
Ashfield, where they will ;now reside.
Harold “Doc” Stewart, commenced
his second year on the Lakes, when
he sailed from Goderich on Friday
as a fireman on the Donovan. Lloyd
MacDonald of Lochalsh and Cecil
Gardner of Zion, have taken to sail
ing this season. Lloyd sailed from
Port Colborne on the Northton, while
Cecil boarded the John.B. Baird at
Port Dalhousie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick of
Ashfield,, have recently moved to.
town to "the residence near the Schoo’
which Mr. and Mrg. “Ndrman Wilson
have been occupying. Mr. Kilpatrick
is employed by Harvey Ackert in
the Massey-Harris implement shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have moved to
their own home on “Quality Hili’*
which was the former Hunter .pro
. In attendance at the^B^uce Pres
bytery meeting in Kincardine . on
Tuesday, were Rev. ,S. T. Tucker arid'
Wm. Murdie and S. C. Rathwell, the
latter two being president arid;, sec
retary respectively, of the Laymen’^
Association. At the same time,Miss
Gladys Tucket, Miss Martha Mac-
Callum, Mrs. Rathwell, MrsK Murdie,
jUrs. Andrew and Mrs. McCallum, at
tended the Presbyterial sessions.
Goes Into Business
/ •Mr. and Mrs. ' Andrew Orr and
young sori left for .Ailsa Craig last
week. Where Andy will go into busi
ness for himself, where he is opening
a shoe repair shop. Andy has learn
ed the trade here under* his, brother
Melvin. Andy will not gb to Aflsa
Craig 'a total stranger, for his
brother Jimmie -is. located-—there,
conducting a butcher business. '
The removal of Andy Orr^to Ails
Craig, occasions some household
changes rifi‘ the village. Mr. and* Mrs^
, Pieter McCall, move to the, Orr '“resi
dence opposite Miss Belle Robert-
at Holyrood.
over the meetin
every man is the spiritual Influence
of the homo. All honor to her; not
only on this day dedicated to her . ,
praise, May 10th, but every day.
There’s a liberal guarantee on
Hostess. ..and more! There’s
the assurance that Hostess was
produced by experienced and
skilled craftsmen in a modern
and well equipped plant*
Behind Hostess is years of.
manufacturing skill... a record —•
of satisfaction in thousands of
Canadian homes.
• “Controlled • Rubbier Ice Trays
^Humidity >Porcelain and
• “Automatic “Porcelite” finishes
Self>Defrosting“ ® Sealed Unit . . . for
• Servador—the original quietness never
door with shelves needs oiling
St Important Advancements
son’s, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Durnin
move to the house vacated by Mc
Calls, which is the residence of Mrs.
Rachel Miller on the eastern out,-
skirts of the village. Mr. Durnin has
been tenanting the farm of the late
Mrs. John Sherriff, two corners east
of town. ‘
Suffers Eye Injury
Mr. Oliver Johnston suffered a
distressing eye v injury last week,
received in some unaccountable man
ner while splitting wood at his home.
Stitches were required to close the
gashes above and below the eye,
and it is feared that the pupil is.
ruptured, causing loss of sight. Mr. ,
Johnston visited an eye specialist__
London on Monday a'nd has to re
turn; today for further observation^
to determine if the injured, optic is
responding to treatment.
Let Your Dollar I
- Have More Sense
by buying your Bedding Plants,
Annuals and Vegetable Plants from
the« Benmiller Nurseries, or from
the Stores that carry their stqck.
. We Grow None But The Bcst\
Benmiller Nurseries
’Phone Carlow 235.
— -—— -t——
That all -the ladies . Of the congre
gations of Blake and Crewe chur
ches are members of the Women’s
Missionary Society, was an interest-
ing-fact^biought-out at the 10th-an*
nual besting of the Huron Presby-,
terial of. the W.M.S. of the United
Church, held in Clinton last week.
Miss , Carolyn Wellwood from
Mr. Frank Johnston, Kinloss
mer from near Holy rood, suffered 4"
painful injury recently when a fourk
inch. spike pierced his foot. Mr.
Johnston was brought to Lucknow
where ‘ a local doctor gave him •. pn
anti-tetanus*.serum to ward against
the danger of lockjaw devloping.
’ ’ Mrs.. Conrad Decker was sadly
- -bereaved - .last—Wlednesday - Hby-■■the-----
death of her father, Conrad Ratz,
86, a resident of Milverton .and Wel
lesley, for many years. He had been '
ill for some time, For many years
he conducted a general store in Ros
tock. As one of "the pioneers , of
that district he built one of the -first
stores, in the village, four houses ahd
the sawmill. Th the yeai* 1872 he.
was married to Mary Pentz, who pre
deceased him four years ago.
Surviving are: five sons and five
daughters, William; Kitchener; Nor
man, Waterloo; Henry, Kingston;
, Herb, Ayr; Gordon, Duluth, Minn.; *
Mrs. Conrad Decker^ Lucknow; Mrs.
F. Keina, BYentha, Northern Ontario;
Mrs. M. Stock,' Holmesville; Mrs. -
William Ahm, Mrs* Gordon Meyers,
Milverton, There- are also fotty-W
grandchildren, and fifteen gm*d*
The funeral , was held Saturday,
with service at ,the hottie at 2.30 p.m.
followed by service in the Evangel
ical Chutph at 3, o’clock. “
Mrs. Decker, and -Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Decker and Billy went to
Milverton on Thursday^ remanipg
there until after the funeral.