HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-30, Page 112.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE;" 12.50 OTHERWISE DENTAL Dentist’; X-RAY SERVJf^ Office In The Johnston Block Telephone No. 5 DISTRICT REBEKAHS GATHER AT LUCKNOW MUSICALINSTRUCTOR ART McCartney —' teacher of Violin, Banjo jmd Guitar. -Special instruction for. children and begin­ ners. Commence at once. WANTED—Outside pump. Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALE—Baby carriage, good repair, Apply at Sentinel Office. GRASS FARM TO RENT—If "n^t rented will pasture battle by month. S. B. Stothers, Arthur, Ont. The annual meetipg of Rebekah Lodges in Kincardine district No. U, was held in the I.O.O.F. Hall here, Tuesday afternoon, with- represen­ tatives present frpm all lodges- : in the district, including .Southampton, Paisley^ l^alkerton, Kincardine, Rip­ ley and Lucknow. Mrs- Temple. Clarke D.D.P. presided, Part of the business was the nomination of the District Deputy President for the coming year.. Mrs. Gertrude Doll of South­ ampton was recommended’ to succeed Mrs. Temple Clarke and it is expec­ ted her appointment will be ratified at the meeting of the Rebekah As­ sembly to be* held at Toronto in -Tune£------------------“ At the close of the meeting, sup- ner was served by members of Jew­ el Rebekah Lodge. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1936 - JI. I-- ■ ■■ .. ■ . ■! l.ll . , . J . 'll. , . . I V1 " ' I 1 ■ ft Church League Winners Receive Joynt Trophy ■■ 1 ' ' Presentation Made The. South Kin- Joss Team At A Pleasant Party Wednesday Evening -r Necessity Of An; Arena Stressed . LOCAL PHONE OFFICE UNDER NEW SUPERVISION SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS FOR ADOPTION—Baby girl, ap­ ply, The , Secretary, Children’s Aid Society, Walkerton, Ontario: SEEDS FOR SALE—No. l White Blossom Sweet Clover, No. 2 Tim­ othy, Seed Barley and field peas.— Rod MacDougall, ’Phone 26-r-28,. Ripley. DAILY BUS STARTS FARM FOR RENT—100 acres on Con. 10, West Wawanosh, 30 acres broken, remainder in grass. Apply to Mrs. Hannah Taylor, R. .2, Luck­ now. Effective this Sunday, the Arrow :Bus' l;iner recommences a-daily bus service south and north from Luck­ now, information of which is given elsewhere in an advertisement in this paper. X FOR SALE OR RENT—Desirable house and lot on Victoria Street, property of the Tajte Mrs. Catherine McKinnon. Running hard water and soft water, also furnace. Apply to Executors of Estate, Jos. ■ A. Mallough, Robt. A. Rae. Wins Cash Prize Mrs. W. McIntosh of Lucknow, was a winner in the Korekt Lines competition in the Daily Star re­ cently and as a result receives a prize check f jr $4.28., $500. is divid­ ed nnicmg^th^ in eacti competition and oh this oc­ casion' there were 117 with the cor­ rect solution thus cutting down the share each one receives. Jufie Collyer sometime ago. won about $23. in a similar contest. t ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel Leach, late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Engineer, Deceased., Notice is hereby given pursuant to. the Statue in YhatUbehalf .that all: creditors and others having ° claims or demands against the Estate of the said Samuel Leach, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of November, A;D. 1935, are required op or before the Twentieth day. of May A.D. 1936 to send by post pre­ paid or deliver, to Margaret Picker­ ing, Lucknow, Ontario, the executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased their names, ad­ dresses and deeriptions, the full par­ ticulars their , claims, a statement of their accounts; and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them,. duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said execu ­ tor will proceed to distribute the as­ sets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having re­ gard only to I the claims of which, she shall then have notice, and that the said TOcecutor win not be liable for the sail assets or any part there­ of to, afty jmrson or person's of whose claims notice shall not have been received, by her at the time bf such distribution. • Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this twenty-eighth day of April, A.D.,. 1936. Margaret Pickering, Executrix of the Estate bf the said Samuel Leach. HAMILTON—In the township of Kinloss, on Monday, April 27th, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. .Gilbert Hamilton, a daughter. ■’EMBERLIN—In Lucknow, on Tuesday, April 28th, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emberlin, a son. I -____________’____■ _ ; ’ New Curtains and Curtain Mater­ ials. Chintz, Cretons, etc. — THE MARKET STORE. , a , •. • NOTICE The dumping of garbage, rubbish or anything of this nature . along . iliage streets, ( the highway or in rivers is strictly prohibited and -hose so doing will be liable to pro­ secution. -The village dumping ground I.” the only proper place for the dis­ posal of such waste or refuse. R. J. Mdore, Constable S'- ,1 . ’7 ....... .1 W - the six- LUCKNOW JOINT MEETING The Lucknow Joint Club will hold, its monthly meeting in the Orange Hall, on Wednesday, May 6th.' ,8 p.m. Please attend.—Sec’y. REBEKAH DANCE tain at a dance in the Town Hall. Lucknow, this Friday, May 1st. Dancing starts at 9.30. Hogan’s or­ chestra. Gents and Couples,' 50e; Extra lady 25c. REORGANIZING CALF CLUB A Calf Club reorganization meet­ ing will be held in the Orange Hall/ Lucknow, on Saturday, May 2nd, at 8 p.m. It is expected that Mr. G. R, Patterson, Agricultural Representa­ tive, will be present. Everyone in­ terested is ufged to be present. at Jewel Ilebekah Lodge will , enter- / Iride Elect Honored By Friends At Zion (Zion News) On Saturday afternoon in Orange Hall here, about fifty or ty lady friends of Miss ’ Jessie An­ drew, gathered in honor of „her ap­ proaching marriage, ’ to shower her with gifts and good' wishes. . After the guests had assembled, Miss Jessie was brought into the hall, while the guests sangl a humorous parody to the tune of “How Dry I Am”. Call­ ed to the . front where a table was Jaid with. a lace cloth and centred witb; a miniature wedding cake, an address was read by Mrs. Lome Woods, when Miss Andrew was pre-' seated with ten pieces of stainless enamelware, in cream, and red. ‘.‘ThA More We Get Together” was then sting.. Miss Andrew ■ thanked her friends in a very, fitting manner for their expression of kindness in this way. Mrs. Geo. Andrew of Lucknow then gave a humorous reading., Mrs". Patton sang a. solo in her usual sweet voice.; A' social hour was Spent in writing of favorite receipts and autographs which were also presen ted to the bride-to-be. A dainty, lunch was served by the ladies. . Messrs/ Alt. Ritchie and Jim net* of Lucknow, visited’ at Homes here on Sunday.- Miss Jean Reed of Rapid spent the week-end the guest of,het cousin, Miss Beryl Gardner. ■’ Mr. Wm. G. Webster of Lucknow spent Sunday with Zion friends; Mrs, Eddie Johnston and daugh­ ter Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Web­ ster, boundary west, visited. Mr. and Mrs.| Will GardneV; on, {Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tas. Ritchie and Mr. Dan McGregor of Lucknow. .called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner Sun­ day evening; * ' Gard- their V. r i Thanks For the fine response to our request of last week, we wish ,to thank those, who have so kindly returned to our plantcream cansnot used for, the storing of cream. We ire looking' for a large number of cans to come in this week, and Sincerely ap- predate your co-operation in this regard Silverwood’s Lurknow Creamery. dity, V A pleasant party in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening was the final gesture in bringing. to a close , the t.935-36 Church Hockey League ac; iivities. During the’ evening, the South kinloss team* winners of the Toy nt Trophy, emblematic of the League Championship, were preseri- t’ed with the cup. z ' A brief but entertaining program got underway, exactly an, hour late and this brought an apology from the president of' the league; Dr. W- V. Johnston, who acted as chairman- The program opened with two se­ lections by McCartney’s orchestra, and included the following numbers, all of which were roundly applauded, Yolo by ’TM^MarU ^ bagpipe" selection by Lome MacDonald; . ac- aordiari selections by Alvin Miller and, solos by Cameron Geddes, Mrs., Newton acted as accompanist. Before making the trophy presen­ tation, Dr, Johnston briefly reviewed the history of the Church League, organized two years ago. Emerson Irwin, manager of the South Kim loss team, the Dr. referred to as the “Connie Smythe” of the team, who ^nfoEtaXhftMy “was~;ybrswt“"^ occasion. But, the president continued ■although the brhins of the team is oot here I will call on the rest of . vqu,” as he summoned the players to the. platform. Dr. Johnston expressed apprecia­ tion. of Mr. John JOynt’s liberality and interest in sports, and his kind­ ness in donating the trophy, a simi­ lar one to-that which he donated last year. In the enforced absence of Mr. Joynt| due to illness, Mr. J. W. Joynt made the presentation. “Yiou might as well be seated,” he said in addressing the team, “I might talk for a couple of hours.” But he didn’t^ although he did ad­ vance some ideas worthy of 'consid­ eration. Mr, Joynt favored more younger players, even below Junior age, getting a change on the various L.eams. While he agreed that it might be more interesting to watch older olayers in action, he believed the sole aim of the League should be to give the youngsters a chance. He also *xpressed„ the belief that sport fans :n*fhis community should be able to nrovide an arena here within a few years, - ’ . ’ . .. in the absence of. Wes. Huston,- captain of the team, the cup was re­ ceived by Howard Agnew, / who ex­ pressed the thanks of the team. 'His biggest thrill, he said, was scoring *oals on his twin brother “Pete” and bis biggest disappointment, waiting in vain for Art McCartney to come Town the ice to the S. K. defence. Wellington McCojf, who referred the season’s games and’ Bill Youn manager of the Presbyterian team, which opposed S. K. ,ih the playoffs, were not present when called on for a few words. Cam. McDonald did the pinOh hitting for . Mr. Youn and con­ gratulated the winners. Robert Rae and Art McCartney spoke briefly wjth “The Fiddler” getting in a crack to even matters with “Ag.v “We need a new stadium and there is no reason this village can’t do it,” said Dr. Johnston in his conclud­ ing remarks. He, pointed out that some organization could put a little money away each year and shortly would have, a sufficient sum to under­ take to raise the remainder. Playing members of the South Kinloss team who were on the plat­ form were, Howard Agnew, ^ndy Orr, Harold Stewart, Jack. Button. Ale^x Macintosh, Gordon Mclnhes and Bill Jewitt. Those' not present .were Allan. McConnell, We§, Huston. Morgan Henderson and Jim Stewart. Aft abundant lunch was served and the evening concluded with a largely attended dance with mtfsic by Mac- Cartney’s Band. . The evening was arranged by the three, losing teams, with the win­ ners as guests. S/ K. was awarded the trophy on a goals-tb-count basis., for-with two games played a break in the weather prevented the 3rd deciding game being run off. '..........................- HOLIDAYS START ; Next Thursday, May 7th, the first half holiday of tbe season, will be observed by village merchants with business places Remaining open preceding Wednesday evening. f . . ' r I ^nd the 1 Announcement is made today effective May 1st, C. F. Holland be­ comes Manager; of the Bell Tele­ phone :■ Company . with supervision over the^Lucknow^1 office and with headquarters at Wingham. .He suc­ ceeds J. H. Scott 'who transfers to Listowel as Manager-there. Manager Holland comes to this territory (from' St. Catherines ‘and has been stationed previously in ■Toronto. He has had a wide teftr phonq experience fully qualifying him to assume his new responsibili­ ties here. .v , In addition to Wingham and Luck­ now, Manager Holland will super­ vise. Bell offices at Cargill, Holstein, Harriston, Mount Forest, Durham, Hanover, Walkertonf^^Soutkshipton. TAKE OVER RESTAURANT The Marylin Tea . Room, owhed and^ operated for_ more_ than two years .by' Misses Mae Davison and Mary Watson, has .changed hands Mr. and Mrs. Noble ■ Johnston Ashfield are the new proprietors took charge of the restaurant Monday. of and on Attend Synod Meeting Rev. C. II. MacDonald and 1 _ this week at the 62nd meeting . of Rev. C. IL MacDonald and Mr. Tames.?Pickering were in. attendance this week at the 62nd meeting . of the Synod—of-Hamilton arid Londorn held at Niagara Falls, in ..Drummond Hill Church, which stands on the historic battlefield of Lundy’s Lane, The. three^day session concluded on Wednesday. Rev. C. H. MacDonald has been Synod Clerk during the nast year, an office he, assumed when Rev, Austin L. Budge, M.A. of Ilag- orsvilte!/ withdrew fo become Moder­ ator. of the Synod. Rev. Budge plans to retire and has. tendered his resignation aS'6 a nastor in the Presbytery:, of Hamil­ ton after 40 years of service to Hi'; '•eloved churtfh, and has been granted retirement effective on May 6th. < . . i - ■'• Competed "In Festival Miss Mary Douglas Of Lucknow, and teacher at Kitchener; took part ;n the contralto sold class ‘.at the Stratford Musical Festival, the lat­ ter part of the week. There were four contestants, and the adjudicator' stated that he would liked to have 'ieai;d mbre singers sing the superb hut . difficult test piece “Into Thy Hands.” Miss Douglas,, placing 3rd with 75 marks, was only 2 marks be­ hind the winner and 1 mark behind >he runner-up. ■ ii i ..i i . n ■■ * , Boy Scouts Greet Field Representative . 1 » I Hear Pep Talk. And Numerous Scout­ ing Suggestions That Should Proye Valuable In Reviving Local In­ terest — Require Uniforms And Equipment Eighteen scouts were on hand on Tuesday evening, to greet the Field Representative, Mr.. Paddon . of Tor­ onto, who gave the boys a “pep” talk and threw out numerous Scout­ ing • suggestions * that should revive interest that has been lacking dur­ ing the past,few months, in spite of the untiring efforts of the Scoutmas­ ter, Mr. Clyde RTeid. ,' Mr. Paddon also met the Scout Executive prior to the meeting and pointed out to this body, ways that they could be very helpful, in promot ing Scouting in Lucknow • The Scouts are at presentf han’(|i- . capped’ by lack of uniforms ’ and 1 equipment.- It is ' believed that there" will be numerous’ articles not'in use ■in the village, such as hats, necker­ chiefs, poles, shorts, etc. that could he made use of b$r the boys, who would be glad to receive them as. contributions or at reduced prices: The Scoutmaster,, will be pleased to learn abdut or receive any Scouting ' equipment. \ . Camp time,is not so,far away and those who shovV interiest and accom­ plishment in Scouting work ’during the next several weeks are likely to get a chance to go into camp when the tinfe arrives. As soon ' as the troop is properly equipped, a public appearance, possibly >a church par­ ade, is contemplated. Barents can their bbys in ifhat the boys dance at the do much to encourage Scout work, and see are regular in ation* meetings. —j—" |-g^ — ThiB’dBreiiciof Health MoVIO of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO .-t—— ; { WEEK-END SPECIALS CHOICE LAYER CAKES, . CHOCOLATE DATE, CAKES, DATE SQUARES, PIES, DOUGHNUTIS, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF TARTS, COOKIES, ECT. H 0 L L Y M A N ’S QUA LI T Y BAK ER Y Phone 36' Lucknow Automobile Insurance It is better to insure BEFORE tlie accident Reasonable Rates on all risks afforded by Policies issued by Agnew's Insurance Agency Lucknow PRESBYTERIAN SUMMER ---- “7SCH6OL~bATES ARRANGED f‘ • - ---- - ----------- ; • . , s Dates for summer schools at David Perrie Memorial Camp at Kintail, conducted by the synod of Hamilton ind London of the , Presbyterian church have been set,. • The boys camp will be the first opening on July 2 and continuing tor a week, with Rev. W. A. Young if Hensalj, ands Rev. A. R. Gibson, 3f Mitchell, in charge. .. ' . The young people’s summer school, will continue from July 9 to 16, with Rev. C. H. MacDonald, of Lucknow, m charge, and- the sdason will con- lude with the girls’ camp, from July 6 to' -23, with Mrs. Arthur Leggett. : the MR. & MRS. LYNETTE of Walkerton, will be at EVELYN HIXON'S Beauty Parlor ' For PERMANENT WAVING Wednesday, May 6th z and Wednesday, May 13th S3.50. $5.00 & iiso ALL WORK GUARANTEED ’Phone 19. For Appointment ■>f Molesworth, in charge of camp. , ' LETTER ON SUBJECTS OF INTEREST ARE WELCOME MISS HAZEL GEDDES wil be at Miss Culbert’s, an WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, TO bo PERMANENT WAVING Prices: $3.50; 5.00; School girls $2.50 ’Phone 13-W for Appointments In many of our exchanges we find jditors asking for letters from their ■eaders on any subject of interest to the community. We thiiik this is i igood thing and would welcome opinions from our readers which we •hail be. glad to .publish. All letters must be signed, though it you do not wish your name to appear in the paper we shall be glad to re­ spect your, wishes in the matter. There are many community matters that are worthy of consideration and discussion. Let us air some of these views in the paper and see if they , will bear the light of investi­ gation. LIME FOR ANNUAL CLEAN-UP With the coming of what appears to be spring, there is need to wipe >ff the scenery the smudges left by; Old Man Winter after his long stay with us. Citizens are now fable to get out their rakes and other im­ plements and ply them where the most good can be done in removing He accumulations of rubbish which can be found without any trouble since the snow has disappeared; Lucknow is naturally as fine a beauty spot "as anywhere, but it requires some sincere effort on the part ' of its citizens to keep each of its many streets and premises looking their best. There has been a great improvement in the appearance of most of the., local* homes' since the old days when rank, wild vegetation was about the only thing to be seen on our streets and on .many of the home lots. Let us,continue with the’ improvements and the good Work go ‘bn, so that the summer of 1936< may see the- old village looking clearer and brighter than ever before, with Attractive features there: Constable Moore, keen * streets clean looking has soundel a warding ag­ ainst .dumping of garbage orrubba^e along the streets oh in the rivers. added here and in an effort to andt attractive $1.9*9 BUYS a pair of good wear­ ing work shoes at W. J. LITTLE’S SITOE STORE. • • ‘ . Permanent Waves Miss Helen Beattie will be in Lucknow on THURSDAY, MAY 7th, giving the new Dfe GRAFF MACHINELESS WAVE All waves guaranteed. This machine has many advantages. All machine weight gone. Especially for white, and fine hair. PRICES FROM $2.50 to $10.00. FINGER WAVING, 25c. Make Appointment with Mr. Huston. THE CARE OF ’ | YOUR EYES A DUTY If you properly regard the importance of your eyes you will . . consider theft welfare a DUTY. You will be careful not to injure them by overwork, and will seek any aid they may need be­ fore they actually DEMAND it. Submit to an early examination and prevent distressing results! ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service. IN MEMORIAM MacDONALD—-In Moving' memory *■ of Rebecca MacDonald, who pgsSed away April 28th, ’1934. ' Just a token of affection, ' Ard a heartache Still fo;\ you. Sadly missed by S6ns & Daughters. In Charge Of Regiment Thousands gathered at the Fort York Armories in Toronto on Sun-, day for the fufieral service of Her- . man Magill, who lost his life in the > Moose River mine tragedy. The de­ ceased, a Toronto lawyer, was given a full. .military funeral, having , en­ joyed the "Tank of lieutenant in the Toronto Scottish Regiment. .Com­ manding^ Officer F. K Odium was 'in charge of the Regiment and^dtn"*- ing the . Service ,read a message of sympathy from King Edward to Mrs. .Magill. Cot Odium, as a, youth, spent his summers in Lucknow the home of his grandfather - at