The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-16, Page 8ST.HELENS Slips. Also many other fancy * i u.. “Wai with the hew spring suit. Crepe, Materials. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO*INSPECT OUR STOCK OF WORK SHOES . SUIT LADIES’ NEW COATS AND SUITS —Mrs. Pearlman just ^brought many new Coats and Suits back from Toronto, They are in painty Checked, Plaid and Flecked Wool Materials. NEW DRESSES—There arq new Spring and Summer Chiffion Dresses, most of which are with Slips, Also many other fancy Silk Dresses.. ■■■■.'/ .NEW. BLOUSESr-^lnGeorgetteandCrepaMaterialsand-in leading shades that corres -'ond J* 1 ~~ * !x NEW SLIPS—in Satin, Taffeta, NEW HOSE—in Chiffon, Service Weight and Crepes. ’ MEN’S SUITS—in the new fine Double Plain Striped materials. Also New Flannel ’ Suits. with Fancy Backs. } MEN’S NEW HATsUiri Tweed and Plain Felt; and in smart Style^^fith Narrow Bands arid Clipper -..crease.' NEW^SHIRTS—styled by Forsyth with Forfused Collars and in AHover Patterns. Also New Eversmart Shirts Cl 2LQ with Fused Collars,, Only __ SPECIAL—NEW FAn£y TIES, STYLED BY FOR­ SYTH. A CLEARING RANGE. FOR ONLY . 69 c B. PEARLMAN Where Style And Economy . Meet LUCKNOW, ONT.} ’PHONE 85. • • , WORK SHOES FOR EVERY TYPE OF FEIT * " *, ■ • '.I, ' ’• AND YOU WILL FIND A SHOE TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEED. You Suffer From Sore And Feet And Find it Difficult /!/*'.WM I ’ A • Should Aching To Follow A Team, Come In And ■ Let Us Ar."’Vse Yoiur Trbuble, You > J Will Be Under No-Obligation What- ' . 'ever. / ' , . t",' ^WEnEARRYWELLKNOWN^M^ “ONTARIO” “SISMAN” AND “GREB’ AND PRICED FROM $1.98 UP. Mr Rathwell and Reed’s Save Our Coupons For Valuable . Premiums,-s~— I t » now Easter guests of . Mrs, John Web­ ster included; Mr. ' and' Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvonne and Miss Zylda Webster of Toronto, Miss Dorothy. Webster of London and Miss: Dorine Webster of Carlow. Mr. Cecil Hydri, Mr. and Mrs.' Percy Hyde and tamily of Kincar­ dine were week-end visitors with Mr. Jas. Hyde. Mrs} Jansen has returned from a 'ffio^K’S^MCwTtfi'^JtcTi.ener friends. Teachers and students home foi the Easter vacation include Misses W. D. Rutherford ofI Kirkland Lake; Irene Woods. of Waterloo; Dorothy McQ,uillin of Sandwich;. Jean Web­ ster of Wingham Junction;- Mr; Chas, McQuillin ofClandeboye and Dorothy,’. Laurine and Gordon Miller and Norma Weatherhead of , Luck­ now High School and Neely Todd of Westervelt^ London, Mr, Robert McQuillin of T oronto/ was a week-end visitor at his home here-. \> ■ ur. W, V. Johnston of Lucknow, was the guest speaker ac the meet­ ing of the Y. P, U..6n Sunday even­ ing, when he gave an interesting and educative address on the sub­ ject “The Marks of an' Educated Man”.—. ' .. ■ • — ■ rue lecture room Of the United, vhuren was niieu to capacty on m.unday evening lor tne Kascer con­ cert, presented py tne Sunday schoo. uimer enp .leadership ox the superin- cenuent, Mrs. das. Kaniage. Kev. il. ja., Wright presided over tne parties uiany une prograjp. Kecitations were given oy Doris i'ayior, Doni Cameron Jean w right, Muriel W'rignc. Caro- W eatherrieau arid DM'dthy Webo. Numoers by Caroline, Greta and Mary ilumphrey, uy Jean Wright, Earl McDonald ano Allan cranston, by 6 boys of tne luxis Square arid , by b Junior girls urQught an Easter message, Duets were rendered* by Ferri and Loreeri McGuffin and by Vera and . Murray Taylor arid solos by Mrs. E. W, Rice arid Gordon Miller* while Cuyler Kamage contributed a mouth organ selection/ The pageant ‘’The Chai-, lenge of; the Cross” was a fitting conclusion to the inspiring, program^ This1 was presented < bv sev.eiL.-vbung ladies. Dorothy Miller took the part! of the angel Evangel, while Mrs. Tom'Todd, Laurine Miller, Iona Swan, Isobel Miller, Grace Weather­ head arid Vera Taylor, were'the six disciples. .• . * Miss Helen ^rguson of Auburn is a Easter visitor with her cousin, Miss Vera Taylor... ' Rev. T. C.. Wilkinson and Murray of Fingal were callers in the village on. Wednesday. Rev. H. M. Wright, Muriel, Gladys, Jean &. Billie left on Tuesday for a short visit with Mr. Wright’s mother at Chatham arid with Lfriends^ at. Leamington; 77 . Mrs. James Ramage addressed the Easter Thankoffering . meeting' at Whitechurch on Wednesday after­ noon, when several of the St. Hel­ en’s ladies were invited guests. Peter Shiells Enters . One Hundredth Year Amberley Man Celebrated 99th Birth­ day On Sunday—Assisted In Con­ struction Of Point Clarke< Light­ house test ®Ca<ie- Of Ranged. Quality Pamt^^otecI these'assurerfe»/>eeo glad i.ls reduce^Ous branrt beauty andto && ton Pax y°“' New Mail Carrier Mr. Ivan Pollock recently took over his new duties as mail carrier on route 3, from .Ri'plev postoffice. Mr, .' > jo r< suceeds Mr. Ben S. Logan, gon- , x-river for the pa§t. f6 year?. 'V. j< secured mthe r'oute ij-at a rtiu/'h Ip-’ er figure than that which has prevailed. Dog Willing^ To Mother Pigs \ It is riot uncommon to hear certain, animqls mothering the young of another -animal, but never before have we heard of a female dog wrll- ifig'to- rear suckling pigs. But Alex and Kenny . Purves- own sych a dog Which did- hot hesitate -to assume Caring for the overflow from an es- pediallv large .litter of -pigs. How- .Oyer, other means were .used to get the young nigs past “the baby stage” - and now they are able to look out for themselves. 1 . o. A !«i fLOCAL and GENERAL } Mrs. (Dr,l Johnston is visiting at present in Toronto. Miss Frances Thompson spent the past few days in Toronto* for. and Mrs. Ben Pearlman were in Toronto the first ,of the week. Mr. Tom Alton of Toronto, visited over the week-end at his home here. Mr. Sid Smith of Belleville is holi­ daying with. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon. ' „i Mr. Cecil Armstrong is unfortunate in having contracted a ipild case of scarlet fever.. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hender­ son and; Lois are visiting with rela­ tives in Alliston. “ . Mr. Joseph Mallough has return­ ed to town after, spending the winter months m Toronto. ' Miss Ada Watson . and a. girl friend ■ from London, were Saturday visitors with friends here. Bill, Charlie and Nora' Jewitt are spending the holiday , at their grand­ father’s home near Bluevale. V ^^THURSDAT~APRTL”TO •\Yw.wt- ■ Your Money’s Worth At T^mpletion’s ' . BOYS SCHOOL}BLOOMERS—Snappy Golf style (|*-| QE in Grey, and Sand Tweed -------........__V * A REAL BARGAIN . ; ..-^NAVY’SERGE~SHORTS(Fox’s)—Thekindwelldressedboys^' like. These are not/ ordinary .quality. q AA ; > Ref Pair ENGLISH CHAMOlSETTE GLOVES—outstanding value, are' .extra fine quality, hand-sewn and washable. Ideal for ^pr^ng/ Colors—©scuit and Snowdrop. Sige 6%', .7, 7V2- > Kip GLOVES—The kind you will ’want for . Spring, in the hew- length pulLons. Navy, Grey, Beige, Tan; Brown & Black. FOUNDATION GARMENTS-^-One, piece garments, with and • without inner belts, wrap Ground girdles, ’ A A Up. ; front, clasp and side hooked models r.........■V'1'iyv’ ' .. DRESS, BUTTONS—See our* range of Dress Buttons. [ Pearl .Buttons. Dozen __ ____________ _ JmC 4^ BELFAST ’ and Mrs. Watson Davis and are spending the Easter va- at Tara. Angus Nicholson, who under- Mr. family cation Mr. ....... . . . ... ____ xent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is improving. Mrs. Joe Smith is Visiting With her brother, Mr. Wilson Irwin* Mrs.- Irwin. . , Miss Melda Lane of Coldwater Miss Winnie Lane* of. Belgrave holidaying at their home here. Mrs. Jas. Agar held a v«aw suc­ cessful auction sale last weeR?^ Mr. and . Mrs.. Pharis • M spent a day last , week with tl _ tor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett.. . *We funeral of the fate Mt. Ralph Nixon was largely attended '_Z’.T service was held, in* Hackett’s church on Tuesday, afternoon.' Miss Eileen Campbell is assisting at-Mr. Glenwood Campbell’s for.a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Bert at Paisley on P *Sunday. Alton ’ • . I and* and ate ler.s Ut- The visitor’ Peter Shiells, oldest. resident of the . Amberley district, celebrated his 99th birthday on.Sunday. He enters his one hundredth year in good health, and in the retention of all his faculties, so that he, bids"' fare to, reach the century iriarlc. While truly a Huron Township pioneer, Mr. 'Shiells has travelled ^uch and has had a colorful career. Hri has travelled by all means, from ox-drawn carts to the aeroplane, having gone aloft last year for the first time on his 98th birthday. “It was all right, but there was nr kick in it,” was his opinion of air travel. He was born in ' Fifeshire, Scot­ land, on April 12, 1837. His early 'life was spent in Scotland, chiefly at Leith, the port of Edinburgh, where his parents, George Shiells and jane Rutherford moved a few years later. His father was engaged in shipbuild­ ing and farming. . In 1857, along with other settlers from the district they came to Huron township. Among those accompany­ ing them were the Howitt family, with whom the Shiells family enjoy­ ed a close friendship. George Howitt and Peter Shiells, after coming to . Canada went to Thorold where tney, 'were engaged in the canal work then in progress. Tn 1858 they returned and were em­ ployed in assisting to construct the 100*foot lighthouse at Point Clark., He and his friend,Howitt were-in New Orleans during the Civil War, where they were- taken for spies, but made : their escape . atop a freigh! train,’ In the year 1862 he wed Grace .achlan, who had come to Amberley district from Scotland^ with her par­ ents, Together theyC enjoyed a^appy married life for mow than a half a* century. Mrs. - Shiells died about 20 year's ago. < , ' , , Members of the family are: George Alex and Porterfield, iri Washington; ; William, Weston; Afidrew/ Toronto; Robert and1 James, Amberley;. Peter. ; Kincardine; Mt. arid;. Mrs. Jack Spanner and family daughter, and Mrri. Armr strpng of Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and MrsyN. E. Bushell Mrs. Mina White of Seaforth spent the week-end here With her sisters^ Misses Elizabeth arid Isobel Murdie. Mr. .Malcolm Watson* and Miss Mary, Douglas...of Waterloo and Kitchener are, spending the holidays at-their respective homes. Little Betty Blue of Amberley, has returned to her home after an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Grant MeDiarmid. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Oberle of Kingsville and formerly of Lucknow, were holiday visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs'. Wm. Porteous, . Miss Vera Sherriff of Dorchester, has spirit the first part of her Easter vacation^ confined to her home here with the measles, . Mr. Joseph Agnew returned to his office >on Monday, after being confined to his home by illness for practically ten weeks. Holiday visitors with: Mr. and fors. W, G. Andrew are Miss Flora of London, Arthur of Tprorito and Rob­ ert of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. J. ,C; McNab, accom­ panied by Mrs. Walter Hamilton and Mrs. Charles Cook, spent the week­ end with relatives in, Detroit. Mrs. R. V. I MacKerizie and Miss Maude Murdoch spent the past week in Waterloo with the former’s Mr. Steele Mackenzie and Mrs. Kenzie. Mrs. Douglas Graham and __ sons and Mrs. Ffe3 Bridle and dau- ghter of Goderich, are spending, thjs week with their mother, MrS. WHsotf Hamilton. IMrs. Freeman suffered a painful injury last week when she wrenched both her ankles in a fall on the Stairs at-the home of -Mr. arid Mrs. J. W, Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. George D. “Stockham of Detroit, were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDiarmid, with Mrs. Stockham remaining, for a visit with her parents. ’ The Boy Scouts will resume their meetings starting to-morrow night at 7.30. If the' boys are interested in the continuance of the troop they are requested to attend. • L Toin and Alex MacKenzie return­ ed to Toronto on Tuesday, after spending the holiday here. Miss Katherine MacKenzie went to the city- with them fpr a visit. Mrs. Ewen McKenzie is. making quite a favorable recovery from an illness with pneumonia, during which she has been visited by her daugh­ ter, Helen of Detroit. Mr. Kenneth Cameron of 0Paris is spending the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and JArs. R. J. Camefon. He accompanied Mr. Bert Thompson, who is holidaying in KinloSs. < c Mr, H. W. Alton of Lucknow, and principal of Walkerton Public School" will spend part of the Easter vaca­ tion in Toronto in attendance at the annual meeting of the Qntario Educational Association. Miss Edith Smith has returned to Toronto,’ after „ spending the - week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .Smith. Mr. Edwin Smith of Listowel is also spending the vaca­ tion ’ at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, James Nixon .and Keith, land- Mr. Raymond Post, of Detroit, were Sunday visitors at Kiri- lough and Lucknow. On their return, they were accompanied by Miss Penrle Nixon, who is Spending the week in Detroit and London, A Lovely Bride' ' Saturday’s Toronto Star Weekly carried a striking -portrait of Mrs; Joseph Allan Bales, of Richmond Hill (nee Margaret MacLennan) a daughter of M£ F. D. MacLennan .of Lricknow. bride, made a wedding gown jvith ttille Veil Blossoms. son, Mac- Mrs. Bales, a recent lovely picture inf her of golden ; ivory satin caught with orange, r ost’ an^ M’sa Grace Shiells, who resides Mrs. McCallumA Detroit with her father. - I *4 Templeton & Co. ■1 . ** t STYLISH AND REPRESENTATIVE OF ^CJLQTHESo/QUALITY” BRAND “CLOTHES of QUALITY take pleasure i u sending their special representative, a well-known author- ; ity on correct clothing and style. During his visit, yon may have the opportunity' o£ inspecting superior woolens and latest style indications . for the new season. Remember the above date. It means much to men interested in better clothing. C^TA . Suit and ,and e up Clarke CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES* . - Minimum Fares Adults 75c Child 40c from LUCKNOW and all adjacent C.N.R. Station^ > I* ft L ■ A P I L Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brock-. - villa,..Prescott,, Morrisburg, Cornwall, UJibridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allari- dale, . Penetang, Callingwood,'Meaford, Barrie/ )Orilliai, JMidhfid, Gravehhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of. Temiskaming & Northern Ontario RIy,; Nipissing Central Rly,; KapuskasWr. Longlac, Geraldton, Jellihoe, B^ardmore. -< ' ' Sat. APR. 25 tft jlORONTft 6lso t0 Brantford, Buffalo, N.Y.-, Chatham, .Chesley trilSjPl Exeter, FeYgjs, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, ‘ Kincardine, Kitchener, LofidOfi Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmer­ ston Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catherines, St. Mai^s, Sarnia iiSouth- Wdod>?ockStratf°ld’ Strafchroy’ W^^erton, Wiarto'q, ' wfegham, aS .R^ur CANADIAJN NATIONAL 1 .... • I i. r %• •\ I