The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-16, Page 4THEtUCKNOWSENTINEL — -------------9—------------------ ------—----- ------------------------ THURSDAY, APRIL16 th, 1936 MAFEKING ~t the Lucknow’ Sentinel BOUNDARY WEST Mrs. George Twamley held a bir-. ________ thday dinner party at her home last Published every Thursday morning Friday evening, on the occasion of ‘ •_.-.* Eldon's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Twamley, Norma and Doug. of. Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley, Hilda, Eha and Fern of Lucknow, and George Twam­ ley.;-' _1„ ____1____? • L at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. D. MacKenrieProprietor Campbell Thompson--Publisher THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1936 ~ CHURCH lNOAEs a run ERRANDS” *Tm your Telephone, jhe best little runner of yrranda you ever saw. •When, it’s raining or snowing, or the ehiL dr—» need attention, or anything else keeps you indoors, I’ll save you time and discom­ fort. Hl do your shopping and your messages quickly, without any fuss or bother. *And what’s more, my fee for continnous 24-hour service is. surprisingly small; only . .a few cents a day.” HAVE YOU A TELEPHONE TN YQtTR. HOME? Our lot cl business office uHl gfadly supply information. Mrs. Wm. Irvin and Miss Anna Irvin spent a few days recently with friends in London. Mr. an& Mrs. S. B, Stothers and family of Arthur, spent part of the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton. Mr, J. C. Stothers, I-P.S., and son Donald, ?of' lypndbn/'spent Good; Fri-- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Horton, and Donald remained for the holidays. ’ / Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Twamley,and children of Chatham, spent a few days this week with the former'.- mother and brother here J We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and family back to the farm for the spmmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall and children and Miss Mary , Hall 'of Brantford, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Geodfrey Hall and other relatives. Miss Pearle Irvin from I-ondon is spending, the (holidays at her home here. ..,■■■■. ..’...—-...... — Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick spent part of this week at the form­ er’s home. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Day from Ham­ ilton visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Curran. Mr. and “Mrs. Hiram Moffat and: sons, Keith'and Donald, of Union, visited with Mr. land Mrs.Richard Johnston. Other guests there Sunday included, Mrs. Thos. .Alton, and sons Harry and Torn and daughter, Alma~who' are-holidaying with mother , in Lucknow. Miss Winnifred Blake was from Union Sunday and returned Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Moffat. Miss Grace Bfake of Arkona, Mis“ Bernice Bla.ke from Western Uni­ versity, London, and Miss Jean An derson School, are spending the holidays at their respective homes , Miss Olive Anderson part of this week with London. ---- - • I The Y. P. S. are having a social in the hall Friday evening. Miss Susie Gibson spent Sunday at her home at Zion. |, The Easter Thank offering service’ scrip lure Prusoytexian Y. P. S. ■ . ’ ■ 1 xtaoyierian 1. r. £>. opened ' in esu^. way. 4U$s ruttaerme MacKeu- Eie s prepared toe program. Maudit risner reaa are alter woica ine xouowirig program too a piace: tue cancue bearers, JL>or- otby c a ter son, neien Urr, hveiyn lajior, nm aua oam ersbn ana.u'uu Urr gave a pleasing driii; pantomime oy miss K. Mac- keiilit s ciass; vioiln selection oy ui. uiue, accompanied oy Rex. ustfander; auets by lkatnenne and t raiia Mackenzie, and oy Manon ■ Maiuonaid ano Marion joimstoue; iand readings oy Grace Macpnerson ana isobel Douglas. Alter nymn 22i | was sung, Rev. C. H. MacDonald closed tae meeting With prayer. Ashfield Easter ThanKodenng Service - " Easter service was held at Hac­ kett s cnurch on Monuay evening, Zion and Blake appointments taking part in the program. Ine meeting opened with . nymn 2hy, after which Rev. Mr. JUattun led in prayer. Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. George Hunter,-followed- by a solo-by- Ho w-- ard Blake. A pageant “The Keepers of the Cross' , was well presented by the ladies of Hackett’s auxiliary. Miss Elleda Hunter then gave a reading after which Mrs. Patton sang a very pleasing solo. Rev. Turner, of Ekungannon,. the guest speaker for the evening, gave a very interesting address. Other numbers were a duet by Misses Melda and Winnie Land and a solo by Mr. Tom Blake. After a hymn, Mr. Patton closed the meeting with prayer. The April meeting of the Para­ mount U. F. W. £1. is, to be held at the home of Mrs.. Richard Rich­ ards, on Tuesday, April 21st. The roll call is to be answered by “Ways to fight moths”.. The program com., Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Mrs. Ensign. Papery, Mrs. Jack -Hamilton and Mrs. Mary McAuley. Mr. Lloyd Henderson spent Sunday atthe~-homeofhi8-parcnts,Mt..and; Mrs. John Henderson. Mr. Cecil Webster , and Miss Verna Quinney of London* spent- Sunday at the home of the former’s parents, Mr; “and Mrs. James T. Webster. Mr,<and Mrs. Al-yin Irwin and. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley and family, spent < Sunday with Mr- George Thompson of JKinlough. Mr.lieonaid 'Webster* of Port Al­ bert, spent Sunday at his home on ,the boundary. •». Mrs. Clair Irwin is not as well as. her many friends -would like to see her. . Miss Myrtle Webster of Wellesley is spending the Easter .holidays at -her parents home. Mr. Russel Button is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Alex McKay. '•• * -. Lyceum Tlieatre WINGHAM ■ - * ' Show Start# at 8.00 P.M.♦ Thursday, Friday, Saturday. APRIL 16-17-18 TOM BROWN AND VIRGINIA WEIDLER in , *W<WeS” STORY Of The. LIA1BERLOST By (Jene Stratton Porter also Two-lieel Comedy— ' . “FERRY GO ROUND” A r CARTOON AND NEWS REEL WHITECHURCH NEXT WEEK— Miss theii home from Stratford Normal here. is spendifes relatives', in under the auspices of .the . circuit * TV. M, S., held ! in Hackett's Church PARAMOUNT Stockham were recent visitors. Mrs. Grant MacDiar- MacAuley is spending with Mrs. Alex Mac- Mr. and Mrs. Spanner from Tor onto were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R. Richards. Miss Mary Cook, R.N,, is nursing Mrs. Robt. Shiells at Amberley at present. Mr. and Mrs. George from Detroit with Mr. and mid. Miss' Sarah a few weeks Diarmid, Lucknow. . ME. Mike Sanderson from Toronto was a ree’ent tisitojr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald., Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roulston. 2nd eon..- on their marriage in Hamilton, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. Viv­ ian and Billie and Mr. Wallace. Flan- nigan from Lobo, and Miss Kathleen Carruthers. Sth con., were recent*n»* Rmr-p Teatme annual meeting , . carrutners. btn con., were recentme Bruce Deague annual m - thi_ Thl3r5day evening,. April ,16th. Monday evening, was an inspiration ^tors at the home of Mr. W. R is to be held this year in Kincardine. to all those who attended. Martin. * ED to all those who attended. ♦ >*** GIVES YOU ALL SIX... PEtFECTEi HYDUBLK MAKES . . TIMET TOP BODIES BT RSHEK ... . VALTE-I* HUD ENGINE... HSMEI NO-DRAFT rEWTIUTlW... KNEE-ACTION (M la* De Utt NMtaj... SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT^ PRICK) MOM $772 fStafartf tota2-pn. faster Detin MMta • nM HR why we urge you to come to our showrooms and drive the new Chevrolet for yourself. Ten minutes at the wheel will tell you L. M. MacKENZIE > _ •• . Dungannon Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques and family of Preston spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques Miss Leila Leggatt of Wingham, spent the week-end .with her parents Mr.' arid "Mrs; Wesley - Legatt - - Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and two children, William and Vivian, and Mr. , Walter Flanagan of Lobo, spent a few days last week with the former’s father, Mr. Wm. J. Fishe,.r, and also Mrs. Fisher’s mother, Mrs. Carruthers of -near Ripley. Mrs. Annetta Knight is visiting her brother, Mr.- George Fisher of Lobo this week. _ Mr. and Mrs? John Gillespie cele­ brated their ...fifty-fifth wedding an­ niversary on Sunday, April 5th. All their family and ..their. grandchildren were present. Congratulations. Miss Annie McQuoid is visiting relatives in Lucknow. .» . The Easter Thankofferirig of the Presbyterian Church,, jwill be held on Thursday afterrioon in the church, wrhen Mrs. McWhinney of Dungannon will be present and , address the meeting. Mrs. Albert Walters and two child­ ren spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. GoPdon Elliott and Mrs. Elliott/ Mrs. Alex" Reid returned home from Lucknow ■ where she spent thfe winter months with her daughter. :Mrs. Dr. Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. Russet Reid of Brant­ ford spent Eastier with his mother; Mrs. A. Reid. Mrs. R. Reid: is spend­ ing'this* week here. Mir. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan'Ken­ nedy of Wingham and Mr and Mrs. Lome Durnin and little son of St. Helens, spent Easter with their par­ ents. Mr. arid Mrs. David Kennedy. KINLOUGH Misses Bessie and Jean Lane at’e spending the holidays at their home here; . 1' ’ ' Mr. jand Mrs. B. Logan .and Lenore of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gill­ espie and family, arid Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Borthwick of St. Catherines, were Sundav visitors at Jas. Hodein’s Misses Betty and Dorothy Me Ever of near Tiverton aye visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, Jas-. Hodgkinson. ■ ”' Miss Mary Cox spent Friday with her cousins, Edna and May Boyle. - Mr. and Mrs. W, .Bushell arid son Ronald, /and Miss Greta Hodgkinson arid friend of London, spent the week-end at J. B. Hbdgkirison’s. . Mr. John McFarlane has re-opened his store, which has been closed since vacated by Mr. S. R. Haldenby. Mr. and Mrs. Spanner and daugh­ ter, Miss Marguerite, and Mrs. Dr. Armstrong of Toronto, were callers at B. E. - McLean’s, on - Friday, ASHFIELD NOTES * ■ I --------- » 4 Mr. and -Mrs, Eldon Johr. t >n of 1 Lucknow, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, *W. Heim.. - Miss . Rena Huhter is spending the holidays with her grandparents pt Belfast. ' v * Miss Lorena . Hogan of Markdale, is spending, her vacation with her parents. j Miss Emma JIcDonagh-. of London sand Miss Della Gilmore of Kitchen jer. were week-end visitors, at then respective homes. '’•I Mr. and Mrs. tan MacLeod ahef ; little daughter of Clintdri/ . were ‘ sruests of Wm. Helm’sz on Monday.' We are Sorry to report, that Mr, 1 Glen . Campbell .’is at present under •; the doctor’s care. He has been threa- l; ,i ^ened with pneumonia, . Mr.' Michael Hogan, who has spent -,the winter in Florida, returned home * ■ i a few1 days ago. . At .a reorganization meeting of the Maitland League last Wednesday applications for 'entry in the League ” ! *Gr<r received from St. ^itlens and j/Wingham,^ These will. be dealt with '* 'at another leagm? mooting on April ...... , 29th. j. * . ' nftern’oon with * ■ <: ' /ow. Your Uncle Dudley Ffirfore^® Prices Rise^ - JVOW^-ia-the-time- to-repair.. your___ buildings which have peen un- avoidably neglected during trying depression times. Order your roof­ ing before advances in the price of steel push up the price of roofing. Eastern Steel Products offers* two great values in Metal Roofing! Rib- > Roll and Tite-Lap I Each has exclus­ ive features ^guaranteeing weather­ tightness and easy application. They do not warp, shrink, crack, curl, or. bulge. Ask also about E.S.P. Barns -. . . . . made by the foremost Company-Built Barn manufacturer . in Canada. Sols Canadian manufacturers and distri­ butors of Jamesway poultry eqripasesL Guelph Street Ptatan, Out Factories also at Toronto and Montreal If You Want -o . The best quality of , POULTRY and STdCK FEEDS Decreased Mortality . . . with Increased Growth : Use Our r ALL-IN-ONE Chick Mash (Scratch & Grain Mash . Combined) VITALIZED WITH ' Y—O. Blatchford’s Feeds A. W* SMITH, LUCKNOW Agent .. HOLYROOD Mr.-* and Mrs*. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs; Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. Job of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. George Har­ rison of Clark’s, spent -Sunday at Miss Elizabeth,. Pierce's. Mr. and Mis. Wes. Pollock and , Guerney of Clark’s, Mrs. Wm. Elliott and Bill of Huron, spent Sunday at Mrs. Aimer Ackert’s. Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Guerney Pollock are remain­ ing for the- holidays. Ml*, and Mrs. Cliff Harron . and family, ^ivere Sunday visitors with Tara friends.' - Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Palmer, Lois aiid Billie and Charlie and Miss Margaret Palmer of Kincardine, were- Sunday visitors at Mr. Thos. H. Harris’.,' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and Clarence, were- Sunday guests at Mr.•Ernest Ackert’,si. "■ ’ The clover threshers were on the line this week. Mr. John Jamieson of Parafnount and Mr..^ Stuart Jamieson of Lack­ now., ■ were recent visitors at Mr. Thds. Harris’,: Mr. and JJrs. Wm. Eadie, Doris and Lorpe and Mr. Reggie Mroom, spent Monday evening at Mrs’fw.eh-:' el Gul bent’s. MT. and- Mrs. Joe Wall. 10th con., were Sunday visitors at Mr. Mark Johnston’s-. Mr, Gordon Statlers of Oakville, was-a teok-end visitor at Mr. WnT. Stattgrs’, Kj^en Petefbough is spend­ ing the holidays with.her grandmoth- t'L Mrs. .Rachel Culbert.’ 1ns, Friday evening will be the last Community club dance'-Of the season.. Miss Doris Eadie spent Monday Mrs. Clarence Far-