HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-02, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1936 -THE LUUKNGW^ENTINEE PAGE FIVH
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With the ice gone in their home
rink, Durham Intermediates had
work outs last week in the Maple
* Leaf Gardens, Toronto, to keep in
shape, while they waited for the O.
H. A. finals, to commence this week.
■ • • •
Durham’s ; layoff . came as they
Niagara-on-the-Lake series, which
the former team, last -year’s cham
pions, won by a narrow margin.
With the odds on Whitby to take
the championship again this . year,
the 3-game seriah got' underway. . in
GaltMonday night, With Durham
winning the opener? in -10 minutes
overtime by a 3 to‘2 score. The sec- '
ond game is in Whitby tonight.
Dundalk, a little, village of 800
persons, is considering plans for the;
erection of an arena. The Eastern
Steel Co. has looked the situation
over and has suggested that they
could erect a building with an ice
space of 6,0x160 for around >4000,
or with an additional 10 feet each
way for about 25000.
This is! less than half the amount
that .Lucknow was undertaking to
.raise, to build an arena, was it back
in ’29, when the project fell thru.
■ '• •' ♦
An arena at a cost pf four or five
thousand dollars does not seem like
anzim possibility in this community
right now, if sufficient Interest could
be aroused to undertake the ven
ture. . ■
■ _■ ■ * «
A stork called at the’ home
md Mrs. Peter Moffat and
baby girl. . "
Mr. and Mfs, Rbbt.^. Scott
at Walkerton oh Sunday.
A large crowd attended the fun
eral of Miss Winnie McPherson on
Mr. Charlie Hodgins returned., home
from Tordhtb, after spendihgfew
weeks with his brother Harry.
Mrs. Walter Hodgins returned
home from Kitchener, after visiting
a couple of weeks with her daugh
ter, Mrs; Thompson and Mrs., Taylor.
Mrs. Fred. Thompson was very un
fortunate Monday, when she fell and
broke.her wrist. . ■.........
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.; Wraith spent
an evening, at Mr. and Mrs. Stobo’-s
last week. A presentation was held
’n the honor of Mr. and Mrs. 'Stobo.
who are moving th their new home
»n Teeswater, shortly. ”
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ponnelly sp»»nt
an afternoon with Mr. and Mrsi Joe
Wall last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Watt. Day visi*»»d
the latter’s sister, Miss, Annie Mac-
Kenzie, recently.
of Mr.
left a
The trend today in all hockey lea
gues is, for standard ice surfaces,
and the' local rink is below the stan
dard that may soon be required: for-
playing any class/ of. organized hoc-
Thus unless ways, are devised to
enlarge the Ideal rink, or plans made
to build si new one, it would look as
if the “writing- is on- the- wall” for
future hockey activities here,
.••..a • . •
There actually was one sports
writer in the district that called Dur-
ham to win out in the series with
AJwn. He is the sportswriter on the
Kincardine News, and basing his
prediction on the fact that the pre
dictions of the Owen 'Sound sports
editor , almost, invariably prove
“screwy” he ’predicted Durham would
overcome the Acton lead. “It looks
big,” he said, “but any team that
can take the winner of the Kincar
dine-Clinton series has to be good.”
■ ’ * * ■ ■ ’
Insofar as the Circle-Bars are con
cerned, they had a nice club—but
we’d stack Chesley Colts, the W.O.
H.A. winners, against any team in
the lakeshore O. H. A., group, anS
would give ’em the edge over every
club with the exception of Clinton-^-
which squad could quite easily have
made a runaway race of the group
scramble had they so chosen/—
In spite of the disappointment oc
casioned last year in Wingham, when
the Hurons failed to win the south
ern groun 7of the Bruce Baseball
League, plans are already laid in
that town for the coming season.
e ,
Officers were elected at a recent
meeting, that was the largest and
most enthusiastic held in the Huron
town in several years.
• • • •
With Dick Doran, foriner South
ampton ace catcher, now. living in
Teeswater, Wingham is counting on
,adding him to their roster,, which
will mean considerable added
• • • « •
While Dick Is a smart catcher,
there are spots on the Huron’s I line
up that need plugging worse than
their receiving end, for Carmichael
and Groves can take care of. this job
pretty Well, and it might just happen
thfit Doran would get another as
signment afield.
e ' e' • • ‘ •
Regardless of where he plays; he
should add some punch to the Hur
on’s attack, with the firillow, altho
Dick was always “duck soup” * for
Gordon Irwifi, in sp|te of the fact
that. Doran. gave Gord the signal a
few seasons back, when the " pair
were in Teeswater uniforms.
"X..' '• *'
The Huron’s pitching staff is com
posed of Colvin, Chalmers, Peterson,
Tiffin, and Andy Bell. ■
' •* e e; .e » .s. ;
And in event of. Liicknow not en
tering Bruce League competition,
the Hurons could draw on any Sepoy
material . they Considered might
strengthen their dub.
‘ . « e
So all in all, it iboits as if Wing- ,
Spring is here. The Canadian Band
is on the air haying opened their
1936 engagement last week.
Miss Betsy Walker had a Very
successful auction sale of farm stock
and house furniture on Friday.
Mrs. Roy Mackenzie of Ripley,
visited for a few days * with her
mother, Mrs. MacLennan.
Miss Agnes Wiley spent a few
days recently with her aunt, Mrs. W.
Hardie, near Kincardine.
The Dramatic Society have been
hdsy_Uately preparing a play to be
Presented in the near future. Watch
for the bills if * you want an evening
of fun. Don’t miss it, as it is one
’augh from first to last.
Mrs. R. J. Bullen, was a week-end
visitor in Goderich.
Mr. ^and Mrs. Ian MacLeod and
Catherine Ann of Clinton, . were
guests of Mr. and Mrs., Will Helm
m Sunday. • ’ >'
Miss Jean Long and her mother
spent Sunday with 1 Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Hill of Purple Grove.
Mr. Alex MacL.ean, who spent the
Winter in Chicago, has returned home
a few days ago.
Mr; and Mrs. Les. Ritchie
Alvin . visited Jim Sherwood’s
Crewe on Sunday. ( ' .
Miss Irene Hogan has . returned
home after spending a month in
Mr., and Mrs. J. Little and children
were visitors at Albert Helm’s, Sun
. Mr-, and Mrs. Harry Farnell of
Ripley spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Les. McKeith.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Cook ’visited
friends at Clintoii on Sunday
Mr. J. J. Gilpiore and Frances and
Miss Emma McDonagh and Miss M
McIntyre, motored from London on
Sunday morning, to spend the day
at their respective homes.
Mr. and' Mrs. Hfyrvey Webb and
Lois,, of St. Helens, and Miss Jean
Anderson of Stratford, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
MiSs Bernice Blake1 of London,
spent the week.-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake.
Miss Olive Kilpatrick was a week
end visitor* with her. cousin, Miss
Jessie Andrew, Ziorj.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eisner and Nola
of Stratford and Mr. John Curran
Sr., of Crewe, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herb. Ctirran, Sunday.
A number of ’ the young folk of
the community, were pleasantly en
tertained Friday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer PhiUips. .
?‘What is the highest form of ani
mal life?” was the question put to
the class.
“.The giraffe,” responded a young
pupil. .. .
But .mark you, their success.chiefly
depends on Colvin’s arm, for when
it went dead last year at a crucial
time, Clinton had no trouble in tak
ing the grciup championship play
off series.♦ . • *
Whether that arm will ever be as
,effective again, can only be deter
mined as the seasorf progresses. And
We would venture to say that..if Col
vin keeps burning ’em in, with his
main object to pile up a strikeout
record, as it was in. games against
Lucknow1 last year, He’ll bum out
ham should < field a fairly classy rtB”’again this season before the play
ball team. offs arg over.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walsh en-
; tertained a number of their friends^
at a house party in honor of Mr.
I and Mrs. Jnp. Wraith, who have
ifioved from this community.
Mr?. ‘ Karl; Boyle has* returned
1 home after visiting London friends.
Miss Alice Pinnell is assisting with
L the work at..Ha.ro.ld Thompson’s, Kin
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Haldenby at
tended the funeral'of the late’Winnie'
McPherson, which was held from her
home on Monday last.
Mr. Dobson, I.P.S. called .at
school last Monday.
We are sorry to report that
Fred Thompson, con. 10, had
misfortune to fall ‘and , break
• 'arm. \ \
About forty-five young people- of
the Kinlough Church Society, were
entertained at the Orange Hall,
Lucknow, by the Young People, of
South Kinloss.,
.■j.- ' ■ — : <... - • . ■
On Friday* evening the Women’s
Institute held a contest program in
the hall between the village folks,;
with Mrs. A. Coultes and Miss- Vel
ma 'Scott, as captains and the coun<
try with Mrs. T. H. Moore and Mrs.
L. Grain as captains. Chairman for
the. Village, Jack Pollock. At the
conclusion of an interesting program •
the judges gave their decision i in
favor . of the village folk.
Mr.. and Mrs. Fred. Thompson of
Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Mrs. W. pinnell and Chester of
Culross spent Sunday, with Mr; and
Mrs. J.. Richardson. r "
Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm.
Brown. /■ »-
•,, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Jessie
and Walter, spent, Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Deyell of Wingham.
’ “Mr. and Mrs. Russel. Ritchie oi
St. Helens spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Tiffin. i ■
The Langside Rural Club are hav
ing Mr. Neil MacDonald, '■ entertai he'**'<
of Kincardine, on Thursday evening
of this week, ifistead of Friday ev
ening owing to Mr. MacDonald being
engaged elsewhere for ’Friday even
ing. •. :
• The Whitechurch Women’s Insti- itors at Mr. Richard Elliott’s.
We are sorry to learn -that Mrs.
Fred Thompson, 10th-con., had the
tute are having an entertainment in
the hall on April 9th,. when a short
other numbers.
Mr. and Mrs, George Walker and
family of East Wawanosh, were re
cent visitors with Mrs. Walker’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W- J. Humphrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ritchie have
moved from Ashfield and have taken,
up residence in one of Mr John.
Joynt’s houses in the village. Mr.
v * r j ’ we are glad to say is improving.Miss Dorothy Webster of London I __ x , - ■ . . ?
and Miss Dortae Webster St .Carlow I, Mowbray m0vddji?to his
were home fir the wett-end., - hoU5B the v.‘Ha8o last. Thursday.
> Cuyler Ramage read the Scripture j Mr. and Mrs. James Melnnes and*
lesson, at the weekly meeting of the i ^^ily jnoved on Monday to. Mr,
Y. P. U. The topic “Christian Youth!
and Politics” was taken by Djck j
Weatherhead. Rev. H. M. Wright
led an interesting discussion.
. Congratulations and best wishes
are due Mrs. Chas. Durnin, Sr., who
observed her eighty-sikth birthday
on Tuesday, March'81st.'
Mr. John ■Clubb was taken to
Wingham hospital, last week «■ with a
severe attack of shingles on the head
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, of
Toronto visited last week with her
sifter, Mrs. Joe Tiffin.
Mrs. Sidney' Ferguson and son
Donald of London,, _apent.-last.-weekJ
with her aunt, Mrs. Archie Clow, who I
(Continued from Page 1)
ses and those which remain face
great competive odds, H.e refered to
ithe 20.million dollar head; office ."of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce,
built at the expense .of the Canadian
and holdings. J ?
"An analysis of the factors of the
I Great War, Mr. Nicholson pointed
I °ut, v shows the underlying causes to
have been unemployment, internal
strife, and economic problems;1 Al
most ’-the same conditions exist' again
■today. ’ ‘ x ” /
I" “But.the condition, is not hopeless,
I think- there, is a way out for the
■ Mr. and Mrs. James Melnnes and?
- ~ • ■ . - j
| John- Mowbray’s ’faj^m. /
I Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
David Kennedy/:
Mr. Henry; Godkin, Mr. Lance I condition was not caused by The
Grain,-Mrs.'Frank Henry and Mbs.' Creator. It was brought, about by
James Wilson, are under the doctor’s I mnn end not. maliciously,” he said,
care. We .hope for a. speedy recovery The solution as Mr; Nicholson sees.
Quite a number from here atten- this co-operative system, in-
ded the funeral of Mrs. CMrlie.Gil- ste?d of the /0hless competitive
lespie of. London,, a sister-in-law of sYstem. Herefered to the gold stan-
Mr. John Gillespie, Sr., which was‘ K
held from Mr. Currie’s undertaking | Q^the va%e of good^ ^produced and
parlor in Wingham, j j ..
Mr. and . Mrs. Andrew Wilson vis
ited last Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Jacques.’ I
Mr. and Mrs, George McKague of I
Teeswater, spent, Monday with herl
A good contest program was held
in the Institute hall last Friday ev- I
ening, with, a good attendance. Th e I
contest was between the village folk I.
and the country folk. Those taking
part’ in the village contest were: I
violin instrumental by Mr. Robert
Mowbray, with Miss Janet Craig at
the piano; readings by Mrs. .Robert
Mowbray and Miss Genevieve Watt:.
■sb1b~Miss Janet Craig; piano instru-
Grain,-Mrs? Frank Henry and Mhs. Creator. It Was brought u about by
James Wilson, are under the doctor’s Ian<^ not. maliciously,” he said,
care. We .hope for a, speedy recovery The solution as Mr; Nicholson sees.
Quite a number from here atten- co-operative system, in?
ded the funeral of Mrs. C&rlie.Gii-1stefd °£ the_ ruthless^ competitive
dard as foolish and would base values ■
Mrs. Aimer Ackert and Jack, and
Miss Catherine Robertson, sspent the
week-end at Brantford. . They atten
ded the Operetta presented by the
pupils of the''Ontario Blind School.
This, year, Miss Gwendolyn Ackert.
was the leading lady, as Fairy Queen.
Mrs.. Chas. Boulding accpmpanied
them home from Rev. H. Ackert’s
at Caledonia, and is visiting at Mr.\ sister, - Mrs. James Mclnnes"1
Ernest Ackert’s. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robf. MacDonald
and Jack,' spent Monday at - Mr., J.
E. Turnbull’s of Underwood. Mrs..
MacDonald and Jack are remaining
For a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard .Eliidtt and
Ilene spent Friday ,at Mr. Thos.
Robb’s, Amberley.
Mrs.. Rachel Culbert,^ Eva and.
Lorne, Mr. and^Mi's. John. Peter^
bough and family, were Sunday
guests at Mr. Wm. Eadie’s.
Miss Annie Burt "returned to her
home on the 14th Con., on Sunday,
having spent the. past three months
with Mrs. Chas.. Gongram, .
Mr. Wni. Houston ' returned home,
from Toronto on Saturday;, where
he has been undergoing treatment
for his leg. ’
Rev. H. Ackert of Caledonia, was ;
a visitor; with friepds here on Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs; Wesley Whytock- aiid
?oh of Teeswater, were . Sunday vis-
which was
me-act play will be given along with misfortune to fall on the floor and Tiffin; violin and guitar’ instrumen-
break her arm;
on Saturday |service rendered, which would not
Ihterment in Winghaii st™nSle international trade, but
rather, promote it. .
In concluding his remarks, Mir.
Nicholson made clear that by a co
operative system, he did not mean,
co-operative stores in opposition to
private and individually owned busi-
I nesses. The private merchant today,
he said, is just selling goods on a
commission and is compelled to act
as banker, when banks refuse credit,
to such a point that, the merchant
in some cases, doesn’t know whether
he or his creditors are running it.
The meeting was sponsored , by the
Toint U. F. O. Club, with Mr. J. G.
Anderson taking the chair at the re-
| quest of Mr. John ~ Jamieson. .
Anderson' paid? a worthy compliment
, , . . to Mr. Nicholson and stated thatmen a , M.ss -Merle Wihon; mus.eal wUJe there Me who differ
playlet gwen by M.sses Velma Seott, in lheir there are none that
Anna May and Susie Carnek,-May doubt but that ..g,^ ., „ ,ta,
Wightman Agnes cuiespxe and *et- cere on , wbjMt thoroughly
tie Fox, Mrs. Gibson Gfllespie and.Ltt^je(j
Mrs. Ezra Slioltz. Whitechurch or
chestra gave a number and in the . ' ? T -----
shadow by Mr. and Mys. Ab. Coultes, Mistress (to new maid): Be care-
Olive Garton, Dawson! Craig. The when you dust these pictured,
country program was - , then given. are all Old Masters.
Those taking part were: piano duet Maid: G6id gracious; Who’d ever
by Master Clifford Farrier and Mrs. fc?ink y°u’d been married all these
W. R. n Farrier; solos by Mr. Bert t'mes’ mujm.
Cullimore and Mrs. Harold Sparl
ing; duet by. Messrs. Bert Cullimore
and Garnet Farrier; dialogue by
Mrs.. George Tiffin, Mrs. Wesley Tif
fin,. Miss. Grace Richardson and Mr.
Charlie Tiffin; solo by Mr. Orville
tai by Messrs, drtan Grain and Mr. I
% ■ */ ’■ ■ -
Robertson, ’ accompanied by Miss
Mary Dow on the piano; mouthorgan
isstrumental by Mr. Fred Lott. The
judges were Messrs. Wm. Hender
son, James Wilson Jr. and Mrs. S.
Ferguson. They decided the contest
was won by; the village folks.
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