HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-02, Page 3V
Try this fresh fragrant Green Tea
i •
, ♦ ■
e bB bL g
■■: ■ by
,5 2 _i UFSIS
■ pan 1 ••'i i uini . Gordon XX'i-.-tM'by
find gold, in tlie tuid bush of’ Australia.
. They slake, (heir cltitm and start the
•pone: journey to tile coast..!•' -WORterby lias a fiancee. Gladys Chun-'
ent« tn E.ngtand, lAtt. when they , arrive
in .Sydney lie'marries, a pretty blonde.
• Imdi'li i.oiwufds tr'"p|mtn of l.ian to
former tianeec. - 'Gladys-- demerits, in
London and when Dan arrives she be-
li'o-e he is Gordon. Eve Gilchrist, a
typist, obtains .work in MedJicott’s of
fice, the broker who -is floating the
■mine. - Eve and Dan /fall In love but
wii'-ri Eye is confronted by Gladys she
believes in -Dan's duplicity.——L ■«„ •
. .
always keep
/g Sf
: V ~««- ■S'. sw
. A
\\ w.\\ *
\\\ i\\ \
Daily Newspapers Being Issued
By United States Government
’ It was at Karachi that Aujherst’
saw his opportunity, and suggested
to Dan that It was worth grasping.
“[ know this bit ahead of us, and
tlie . wind and the-^veather’ are just
right' for night-flying,” lie Sjuid,.
“With a bit of luck we can gain a
lap on the standing record; but we
must let them know we are coming.” j
“Suits, me,” Dan agreed. “Just;
whatever, you*.say.” '
Their safe arrival at Calcutta, and
tTie.ir prompt departure from that
-point, woke.the newspapers of Great
Britain. Brief and cautious' mes->
sages- had previously recorded the
progress of the flight of- Amherst-.and
a; passenger, Prescott’s nanie being
earefuliy suppressed. After what had
been published in London, it was
better to be on the safe side. It was
generally supposed that Dan was es
caping from the consequences of his
misdeeds. .
■ But at Calcutta Amherst 'gave
vent to some of his .new found en
thusiasm for- his companion., on the
trip. ' .
“Prescott, running away?” he're
peated indignantly when one news
paper made the suggestion. -^‘Let me
tell you, sir, that, he’s not the man
to r.un away from anybody dr any
thing. I don’t know why he’s in a
hyrry to get to Sydney. T never ask-,
edjhipi, and I shouldn’t advise you Y
a>k neither... But the object of this
flight is to get him to Sydnq'v as soon
as possible.. lie’s paying for it, and
he has- no other idea
cept getting then.,
.“Flying records?”
prompted by another question. “Alr.,: that Eve might have relented
' 4 i d n *1- i TA F Ovncd n'rl Im 4- 1-T J 1 • . /» ■
Whether Hiss Highness, the Eaby, is yours or another’s you’ll'
want to knit him this cunning set of Shetland floss. Anyone can
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ribs, caught with contrasting^ yarn to resemble smocking.
Pattern 1177 comes to’you with directions for making the. sweater
and cap in an infant and one year size (both given, in one pattern);
illustrations of the set, and.of all stitches used;; material requirement^.
Send 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this .pattern
to Needlecraft Dept., Wilson Publishing, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto.
Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS.
Use Tested Royal Sponge
Recipes and Royal Yeast
Cakes for these fine breads
Ah "Yii'-tij? t wrapping pres.’ryis. 1he
'fre^drie-'s of each Royal Yeast Cake- -
I Ito only dry^’fast with 1 i .is evlra pro
tection. You can count on tljyir i'ltll-
sirciigth leavening pmyer w-iejicver
you use them. 7 out of every 8 Cana
dian women who prefer'dry yeast de
ft packag’d today.
rREi? '
helps you !
"'The Royal Yeast
Bake Book" gives
test c <l ■ R o v n I
■ Sponge Rl'cipcs
lor fill the breads
shown above and
many othe.rs.
FREE—Mall cou
pon today!
' BVY MA nr-TV*
accept, as" the merest matter of
course". .
T*here was a great crowd to wel-
conpe them bn their landing at Singa
pore. Their luck had not only bepn
good, but phenomenal.. The wind
had always been favourable, and—
perhaps as a result of Amherst’s pre,-,
ca u tie n s—an4—Danism-tixeless-^nd-u s try_
—no mechanical trouble of any kind
’had ever threatened their advance.
, There were cables for both men;
cables foy Dan from Medlicott. and
from Cairffs. The news that suffic
ient capital had been obtained to
meet all requirements, and that
Slade had been instructed to pre
pare for a big push immediately <>
Dan’s arrival left him quite unmov
ed. The report of Cairns, explaining
the changed attitude, of the “Record-
Courier,” he did.not even react to the
end. ,He. was not, interested in
Gladys Clements, or in the steps pro-I Gladys Clements, or m the steps pro
posed to punish,.his detractors.
|T ‘‘Bad' news, old son?” Amherst
' asked*, scanning Dan’s glcjomy face.
I “You look pipped, somehow.”
“News is all right,” Dan said som-
I b’rely. “When do we push off' from,
'here?” .
Prescott isn’t intereste'd in that. He i <
doesn’t -know-what the existing re* I.]
cord, is, and lie doesn’t care. And i•<
there’s another thing. When we get j ]
to Port Darwin/if we ever do, I’m | <
through. I’ll turn her nose around, i
and go to bed ,for forty-eight hours. 1 ,
But Mr. Prescott hops into ■ another :
bus that he h.as ordered by cable tR.
Australia, and"drives right ahead to
Sydney. lie’ll get-there, too; he’s
an iron man.’’.
‘‘Maybe he’s flying to the death- •
d of some friend,” the reporter
■f ’ested idly. •
■ Ik’.i',- v. ho x.as’nt v. oik on an over- -
. and not supnorod to be Eston- '
lifted up a haggard fa-p n't *
i>ii;;’’.l lie fi dentil H-d al! i i..
The Buffalo
Two Coats
Assistant, Attorney General' a.nd the ’■
Public,. Printer. ' .
The Registef wilp. . appear', daily’
throughput* the yedr ' except on^Sun--
days and Mondays and' days f.o’.low-
•ing holidays. f>. , ;
The initial run was 15,000- copies.
About 4,000 copies ai'e required ia> ■
the - Government departments and
■agencies, princrpally in their -legal
divisions. The remaining copies ar»- .
for sale, at 5 cents a single copy, $1
a month by subscription or >10 a
A survey by the -American Bar As
sociation showed a wide potential de-
.mand for such a. daily record among
attorneys,' newspaper editors, schol-
arS -and business men. ,.
New orders, -the survey of the As
sociation disclosed, aggregate approx-
iinately 200,0.00 words ' monthly in
simple text. Perhaps an equal volume
of -interpretations, rulings and decis-..-
ions follows each mphtlPs,,orders.
. Henceforward all., current orders
..will.be published daily in official text'
in the Federal Register.. As rapidly
as possible the existing body of ad
ministrative law will be codified, de
partment- by department and bureau
by bureau. '
■ Fn.ni the New york "Times
The initial-issue of -tlic- first official
. daily ..newspaper oil the ..UnitedAState’s
Government rolled . f; oni the giant
pr.rsses. of. tlie Government Printing
Office the other day. . . .
Edited,: published and.circulated by
Gox eminent. personnel, it Is dgvoted
exclusively to the rules, order's, regu
lations. spcctficatichs»and judicial in-'
terpretations of the (xeetifive branch
of .the Federal establishment. •
A special appropriation of $100,-
000 is available from • the recent De
ficiency Bill to finance the venture
through the. remainder of the, 1936
fiscal year, which ends June 30 next.
The dail.v- is officially styled-The Fed
eral Register and is- In the same for
mat as The Congressional Record, the
closest, approach lu-retofore in Am
erican history to the official-- gazettes
of other- great-capitals. . ’
.The' Congressional Record, how
ever, is devoted exclusively to the
.transactions iand debates. . of the
House and Senate aiiii appears only
•vyhen Congress, is iu session. It is
published by arid for Congress and
never ha$l been offered as an official
record of government. By contrast.
The Federal Register undertakes to
present in official, authoritative aiid
. uniform manner the multifarious de
cisions of' tlie 130-odd Federal admin-
TsffaHve units.
It will be- a formal journal, devot
ed exclusively' to official texts. Edit
orial cd'mn'fent is ' specifically forbid
den by the statute creating t'be.en
terprise-. News of matters beyond the’
administrative and .quasi-judicial
agencies, is to be limited sharply to
the official -utterances of department
or bureau chiefs, a.s transmitted for-
iniall.v to the Federal Register Adniin-
,'| strative Committee, composed of the
’Archivist .of the United States, an
. . (From, the- Regina Leader-Post)
The Leader-Post’s inquiring report-
qt.took. a half hour off to -interview
' a~ nunTber—of-odditim er s—on-the'~pTes?'
ent state of the weather compared
with the old days. Here are some of
the views:
Ezra . Peters, Lemon Hill, ” Sask.:
“She sure stayed down pretty steady
. in ’ Jamjary,, but it ain’t nothing to
what it was in ’92. I was hauling
cord wood from the valley that Win
ter and the wood froze right to the
sleigh rack so-we had to burn the
rack because . 'w’e couldn’t ‘ get it
away from, the wood. Yes,'sir, "that
was a cold Vyinter. and the next
Summer we, had a great- crop of
. wheat, mosquitoes and bill collect
ors.”. . .
Beniah Bentley, . Spruce Crik,
Sask.: “Weather, did you say? Teg.
I sep it’s .pretty cold all .right,- but
not like it was back in ’82, when I
Was rifling'herd wes"t o.f Wood Moun
tain..Me, and Ike Weever,shot a. buf
falo bull that Winter and the son-of-
a-gun was wearing two. buffalo coats.
And; by crimes, h.c needed them.’*
Ira Swatfoot, Moose ■ Mountain:
“To tell you the truth,- young’ feller,
I think she’s-bocn pretty, cold the last
couple of weeks. It pretty near,
froze my mothcr-in-Iaw stiff, in Jan
uary, but we 'didn’t notice much
change in'her. But .I was out .ope
day tkere a couple of weeks ago,-
and I sure would .have froze my ears'
in ' the cold.
r.o ca.is
I Kim'A ing' i iit-ugh -to keep
• but of other .people’s biis;-
ge.t along protly well r.'W,
'in 1 .Summer. Good, day."'-
•i-'.v. Wuolbbtlom. 'Goose Guirh.
: “Weather? ' What, wu.ltrt
er?. Who c..ii'is'.’ I- a.n't
<::;l cf the h./use s ure Cii:
If y: ;j'ro h'.'li’i.g’for we.-',m.-r,
' e 'a”.-', ,.’,'.-t 1.. i':n n
. -“It. is quite! clear, that if. all the ,
fenceless.”-^-Mr. Lloyd George. -
Man Who
Whether the Remedy
You are taking for
Headaches, Neuralgia
or Rheumatism Pains
is SAFE is Your Doctor.
Ask Him
• . . •
Don’t Entrust Your
Own or Your Family^
Well-Being to Unknown
BEFORE you take any prepara
tion you dnn.’t know all about,
for the relief of headaches: or the
pains of rheumatism, neuritis or
ncurqlgia. ask. vour doctor what h® ,
thinks about' 'it —• in comparison
with “Aspirin.’'
We say this because.-t-ciorc th®
discovery uf “Aspirin,' must ,so-
r.dlcd “pain” .-remedies were ad-,
vised ugbinsi by physicians a!= being!
bad for the stomach; or. off'-'it; for
the liCui't. . And tl.e (ii-coxery of '
■. “Aspirin’’ largely 'ch.:need- medical
practice . ...' C'nintlexs thou sinus «f people',
v.ho have I'-.-.ken “Aspir,a.1' \.e;ir in
ai'.J (-nt n About ill vlie-.-l. have
..proved tb.al t he nn - U.<ml i.ndi'hgs '«
aiioul lis's.iielv \c\ire (•■I'l'i.'.'l.
■ Renn ii'.bc m tills "A -''in-' is.
riled c - •> - <j i '• ■’ ■'■''■■■• A’s net
r/js? d 1 ■ *r-1i>-’ vi’iiet <-l ,!». adacbes
and :il! c.>:11 i• >.• • i. ’• on-. ■■ '■ :.nd .safe
f.11'." ax era . .• .t-i ; ■ n i-> take . ,
in his bead fcx-
Havc you got1
' I ' He. had -been hoping though.’ he du
he continued. not admit as much even to himself.---
i and
sent him some message of encourage
ment and ‘ goodwill. If not in her
own name, she might have got.Med
licott to put a few words in, just ;
show that they were still friends.
Clearly.- Eve had meant it when
she said that she never wished tn see
him again; that be no Jonger existed-
for her.
-And pH live time Eve, a'.t’av- in
‘ London,’was smiling bravely «th the
' attempt to hide Av’mt -s1'e re’U.y, be-_
lieved was a brouking heart.
.She moxed i:i a x.'Ji'rl.'.
Ii\liy( and ' .joyful liust’o. - All a’-u' .
he r v.'f'rce ppoftli’'. openly tri|umpliapr
and '.lldly <.ptliriiist'ic, and all thi.--
coTPinol ion ve:.ii fed • irb-.'-ut ti.ic FL", n
s ,e l'X--. cd, and i.ad di.iir.i--,cd. :-t'-
r.'; riiv. ■ And.' v. h::t see *<e I . t.> 1 li'-;
c-irl uttcrl.• .< raoi and if’.li ’.!••,aid-v
ii:■ )n-i:!Ai..'Ie. not c-r.c: .-<>f l.v r
x. able. 1 1 spare :i '.' <
l-!'o lio, ■•.’,< nl.
iiicolt. -i'o.r jr, t -m-e. •«•. go
nt. s ly-li pai'i.i- to show lu-r 1
id been uiijust. and b.ast-y in ■
i rc'.i I'.icnl 'p f 11;:;i. . and x-. <>, I
laid .-<■>. much sirens ’f'n .Liu?' i'D’.’s
aii'e of'a reconriliat leii .xx’t ina'.ii I
of time. •- Thi- very IMoil ic'ott r
■di. taie<l tn her’a rable-t > Han, < <
noi-ed ’without, any regard to < o-t, ;
ot.* troubled ■ tn jncirue ■
ct'erring to Eve,
Cairns ;;1 < offipl. yvj I’.er
.. . . .relary, and Ife in turn xl J'
| len.gtlilj;’ cpnnmni’cat’lo’is, all refi r-
| ring to- the course he was taking with
('Jsudys Clemen Is- and tho .'“Record-'
’Hcak•and-'"’ Courier”. Ifut it never seemed to.
i. strike the la’wyer that • Dan’s rela- *
ml. of ;f'’-
off'if it hadn't been that I had’fr
them *o(F completely back :
Wi n11. r-■ of 1907. • ' Ilaving
i::.w. • a.:i,.| kiiov* ing't iit-ugh •
my u.i-p
r.css, I
winter r
Co .1
■ I) f; : i
o c
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fur i u‘- j <..'■■ ' . .i .J x i>’!T cl.- C i tf'.djoxi -
i'tu ,. i' ■ .tiled reii.i.v fonofr:i:.".i’.?,.
I £a'5 dy ' to
A ur.uin < ;’■ Fni-
Albv:la SiVrU Ills 1;. ’.’•1,,-
lui x e ■ fn ;:iil !h-' s-ap't Ol
l-S. .Tiii y go tU la d
and a lisn'at 1 a.i-n/ i-■Tom
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is JU & J. $1 - Sl'l H
Pr.-: c-f
The- CVXAn x S !' X '.•:<■ :! 7. t'xir JLNY l.lmlted
1 ■ 'i g'-m s ; <> ■ o •
T~"v' T?r’.rXg3«gS33ra33feaB
•’.V.m:'a ' ,1”..: tde in
■'A.''l"-::'>:i’1'i.>' the :'. . sli-red; •
l!,ide-im:ri< <d lav B.iy-'i (..■■ '.many.
Limited; I j •!< i'T t Im-m-mv Bayer
i,j the I'.'i’ii'. 11- a (oi'. i-rv Uibict,
Z7e tn a n d and G et
Issue Nof 13
'■>\\ ■
v \ -
s rANOARn iik <x-ns i
l-'rnser AvC. nnd l.lhcrtv S<.,Toronto. Ont.
Please sent! ttte the free Roynl Tcnst
Bnk’c Book. * ■
n < > • . > *
iL-llbl .
< - .HI .-'I ■
The la-
IW- ’SSJmsw »»i
muml R >j al. Buy
St rout’_
If work and worry lune got the better
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listless.' follow the recommendation.
: of more than 20,000 medical men.
- Take \\ incarni-i three times daily. v.
To Ihoinands who once felt ns you feel
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WineaKnis brings to you all! he valuable
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-bottli’i, arid the strength building
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and tissue building wine which quickly
soothes tired nerves and builds new.
wells*of energy. - ' '
T’roni t he. time .you start taking \Viil-
citrnis y oii will sleep better? wake more :
cheerfully, and feel more ncarly”*as '
you should. You will knpw, then,
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For those who are run-down, or who
siill’cr front ragged nerves, insomnia,
anaemia or debility, Wincarnis is a
marvelous Ionic'. (let. Wincarnis from
yoiir druggist today.Sales' Agents:
ilarold F. lUicbie & Co. Ltd., Toronto.
I' "a ;. r> s. . i i. ]•> ...(I | f > nfj
1 r 1 :11 a e-.i «.|'i tci. i.’cj , \.iti
writ',- jcr jyi 11 ictil-i rs uf’tlir
• rt-i] f nit i let .i;l\>vs ■),,t
stitute of Practical' anti
Tilt’.- 11r-7i.i• hj-
t11• >:iGilv tn.is.'.iziiic -<u !:• I;•
t’l'.viM-C.v 11»liI>Ti«-1). ,1 l.y
The Institute of Practical and
Applied Psychology
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Sample — T-.-rr- <'• •• « ■-
Write fcr y<’<r • "l\v ‘l’'< ■ t\ V J
.Montreal -j- , Quebec
V(?u WlLU, ■'O0-J
■SOME 0AV .|F vfu
always Qfv
ti-.n.s villi anrt'.'.cr girl niip.ht be, a
I'latter of some importance. Hu
blandly ignored that r'de of the q.fes-
* i ztii'u a.,th.pjeh Evo knew'He was well
po led as to the riason ot Dan’s
s::<ldcr lii.phi to Australia.
(JI'o-Be CoFti
. »,
' ■ I L L ?
Re^rtrclless of the nature of your
illness or its duration-, do'not fall to
write or telephone Iles Company
Kiel., Federal Building, Toronto, for'
♦Dr. Tlios. J. Iles’ free information.
•Notes of Interest on Ferments" and
. "Antiphyminol.” Successful during
17 years.
Mule In Cn’ntnil? diq't
. [•’(•How the advice oTCan’r
r.d-l’s leading‘ciii'ki ry < xpens
' and use Xliigic v.hen,i v< r you
•'.Jnike al I onio. 'Tins fatuous
baking.;.(.yad. r is .absob--
t diq-u’dable. ?