The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-03-19, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCHWth, 1D36. V, r S. K. TRIMS PRESBYTERIAN TEAM IN PLAYOFF OPENER Wini 6 To 2 Victory In First Game ' Of «Best 2 Out OF 8/ Series For Joynt Trophy—Second Game Was -------- ----------Last Night—- —-w- The first of the 3-game series/ for /“ the . Joynt7“ Tfdphyr embrematic of the Church League Hockey -Champ­ ionship, went to ? South Kinloss, when they defeated the Presbyter- irin team on Monday night by a 6 . . / ' to 2v score. The ice was heavy’for the ’tussle, but somewhat, colder ’ •. t:' weather give promise of it being, in better shape for the. 2nd game, billed for last night. , Before a slim crowd, for a playoff fixture, the South Kinlpssers took an early, lead and added a pair of markers each period to keep well * / in front of . their opponents. Bill iJewitt, while he went scoreless, fig­ ured in most of the S. K. goals and ■ hung up - several assists. Howard Agnew on defence engineered num­ erous threatening attacks and on / one occasion the play clicked and he banged home Jewitt’s pass. Alex McIntosh, cool custodian of the S. K. meshes, turned in a spark­ ling -performance and was unbeatable when the Presbyterian power plays were staged in dangerous, yet... futile attempts to cut down the lead. “Doc” Stewart opened the scoring for S.‘Ko when he banged’ home at surprise goal from a blue line face- off. 'S/ K.’s . second goal came from: a face off When JeWitt got the disc back, to “Red” McQonnell. who drill­ ed. it home. Howard Agnew got the only penalty. of the period* ....... Huston and Charlie JeWitt served penalties early in the second period? .Bill? Jewitt broke through twice in quick succession, “Pete” Agnew blocking nicely on the first one, with Jewitt shooting wide ori the . - next effort. Jim Stewart made it 3 to 0 for S. Ki/ when :he. rifled one of the wing. Dune. MacDonald bat­ ted one ’n on Macintosh after play had. been called, but . Charlie Jewitt /___;___. sqprhA shortly after for the Presby- BANTAMS PRESENTED . The Hodgson School Bantam Hoc­ key team, winners this season of the Toronto Public Schools’ Minor Lea­ gue championship, and coached by Mrr' W. F.~“Thompson/ "Wfe’/ildiv^ ually presented' last week. Each boy* received a pin and gift, in the pres­ ence of their parents, at a meeting of the Home and School Association ip* the Hodgson auditorium.. Lady .McMillan addressed the Targe gath­ ering. f "■ /*. . " BOWLING ABILITY RECOGNIZED In Florida, the National Lawn Bowling Tournament has , concluded and recounting the general results, the name of Alex M. Crawford, of Wingham, Ontario, stands out as prominently as ever. This burly Scot must have been* reared on oatmeal and haggis plus the balmy afrs of Lake Huron’s familiar coast-line, for he has | been winning bowling tournaments .ever since. Wingham was k jungle; so that his successes .in the recent tournament surprised no onb. There is no Use in trying, to gild the lily afresh, so that the re­ counting, of the long string of boil­ ing successes of Alexander M. Craw­ ford on the, greens of Florida and of his native heath would not only be a formidable task but , an? entirely superfluous one. A And now, just to climax the whole nerformance, the' membership pi thp St. Petersburg Lawn . Bowling Club, the largest on earth, so ’tis said, at the last annual meeting‘handed this same Alex Crawford, on a big brass tray, the vice-presidency for 1936. m t________ ____________ ________ tdi^w first goal, M. Henderson was chased for boarding. Andy, Orr, Bill Jewitt and Howard Agnew, pulled a nice passing play« with “Ag” getting! the marker. Jack Fisher came right back for the equalizer, when he took *Runch” MacDonald’s pass. The third period got underway , with Charlie Jewitt/ doing time for.. 1' tripping brother Bill, .who followed ® up by centreing one out to Andy Orr -------__, for goal - number jh M. HenderSon - the1 S. K? net. Jack Fisher broke in on Macintosh, but couldn’jt get the rubbey past him. Jim Stewart iriad.e . it an even half dozen as he picked the corner before the period ended. • * . . . S. K.—Goal, McIntosh; defense, H.«Agnew, M. Henderson; centre. B. Jewitt; wings, Orr and McConnell alternates, Wes. Huston, Jim Stew- | / . art, “Doc” Stewart, Jack Button. Presbyterian—Goal, “Pete” Ag­ new; defense, G. Fisher, Clyde Reid; centre, J. Fisher; wings,, L. Mac­ Donald, C. Jewitt; alternates, Bill Henderson, Bill MacKenzie, Dune. MacDonald and. Fred Steward. Referee—Wellington McCoy. “KIDS” LOSE AT HOME ... —r-l The Wingham Midgets took on the- local juveniles here on Tuesday night in another of a .series of interesting tussles these teams have staged whenever roads permitted during the ■ winter. The visitors/.Were a bit too good for the local “kids’* on this oc- v caslon and handed them an 8 to 3 setback, ■ ,/■ But the end is not yet and s if / weather permits, another-, encounter is scheduled for 'Saturday, when a turkey dinner will be a stake. There was a bit of a shake-ub in the Luck- , now team which lined up as follows: Goal, Allan Treleaven; defense, Ross MacDonald, J. C. Johnston; centre John K. MacKenzie; wings, Johnnie Dahmer and Jack Coolc; alternates, Reid McKim, Donald MacKenzie, Gordon Steward and Bill Treleaven. The “£ids” had no trouble in fin­ ancing the cost of .the local ice. pal­ ace, for they put some high pressure salesmen to work, who had no trou­ ble in disposing of a number of ad- rtussion tickets to the big battle at-a dimeathrow. ...../ ' Kenneth Cameron is a member of the Drumbo Wolves hockey team, which last week qualified td meet button in the. semi-fihais in the On­ tario Rural Hockey Association. Dutton won the series. ' * ♦ * Drumbo gotf into the semi-finals by; defeating Cayuga Reds 4 to 2. Kenny, husky defense man of the “Wolves** got the tying goal of the game. / a <V Ross MacKenzie . of the Paisley Advdcate states that the 0;H.A. is likely to incorporate a new rule next year, alloWing no team to play -in -rinks with ice^surfaces—less Than- 160x 60 feet. . ■ , Which would' mean curtains for' Lucknow as far ds organized hockey is concerned. . ./—- — --— " The Kincardine Hockey Club end-' ad up the season with a: credit bal­ ance somewhere around the $300.00 mark,- ’/♦ ■■ e •* HanoVer Juniors, the “Rip-Saws”, snded up about 150 bucks to the good. ' ♦ ■. • All of which just adds to the local headache that comes in trying to local juniors were group winners, they couldn’t pay expenses. A $20. trip by train to Brussels,. was too much for the shaky, treasury to stand. ■•/,■'' j , Baseball,, thfe past two years has not been a paying proposition either, notwithstanding that two years ago' the 'Sepoy nine were Bruce League “B”, champibns. ' So it’ seenis to matter not, wheth­ er winning or losing, financing sport .in Lucknow is a “ticklish” problem- ' And speaking of liaseball, the sea- son is fast rolling round. •*»**.• * • Although. Jack- MacDonald of Chesley announces Lucknow as a sure Bruce League starter, it is doubtful if the Sepoys will be in the League this year. . * • ■ *■ But then again they might. *.• * • ’ • -For by all reports, Bruce League ball will be dhidfly *’B” calibre this year, an^ the League may nbt oper­ ate on st,cfi a big. scale. , ■ _ ' s » ■ Owen Sound appears to be the only dA” class team this) year, and there are those who would eliminate Owen Sound arid also Huron County teams and confine competition this year within the County. Which might not be a bad idea at that! ' ' * ♦ * „ • Durham eliminated Ciintbn by the tune of 6 to 2 last Thursday even­ ing, abfl now it looks(hs if Durham will do a fade out of the O.H.A. race asi they dropped the first of; a gqais- to-coUnt series with Acton on Mon­ day .7 "'V1'1 **6 . I >1 -a ■F rff ;IT . MAFEKING ''■n . > PAGE FIVETHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 4 /; - LANGSIDE The Whitechurch Women’s^ Insti­ tute held their March meeting on Monday afternoon in the hall instead of on Friday, on account of the stormy weather. The Opening Ode was sung and the Lord’s prayer re­ peated in unison. It was decided , to have the. play ^Listen to . Leon*’,, on April'21st; and on March 27th to Country and the Village folk, each to4 have 8 numbers.' The. captains for the country were Mrs^T, H. Moore and Mrs. L. Grain, and: for the vil­ lage, Mrs., A, Coultes/ and Miss Vel- rpa' Scott. • The financial statement showed $11.71. Thanks for the fruit were received, from -R. J. Ross,,/J’. Richardson and Mrs.. T.; Gaunt. Miss Velma Scott . gave a reading “The Courtship of Larry O’Dee”. The topic “Irish Customs ~ and Habits”, was given by Mrsr/Ezra SholtzL A Temp­ erance paper was given by Mrs. G. Gillespie. An Irish- song was enjoyed by all. Misis Mae Wightman conduc­ ted a St. Patrick’s contest,. ' 1 / Mr. R. Tiffin .and Fred spent Suru day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ritchie, St Helens, . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown ’ spent the week-end with friends at the lake. - Mr. and Mrs. M. McNeil and fam­ ily of E. Wawanosh, spent the/week end with TTr/anii Mrs. S. Stuart, «—■■ ■;■■■——-Tf—. • g WHITECHURCH Ml/Rpbt. Mowbray is visiting; rel­ atives at Tees water. Mr. and Mrs. James'Falconer vis­ ited'one day Jast week with Mr. dnd Mrs. Lester’ Falconer of Culross. Mrs. Jack Flanagan returned1-home to Toronto last week, after spend­ ing . a*, few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis. 7^M'rrrahd-i-TMrar^Lo*'ne/rDhFniny-*and~ little son of St, Helens/ visited Sat­ urday with her- parents, Mr,■' arid Mr^. David Kennedy. ■ Miss Merle Wilson is visiting .-rel­ atives at Stratford. - ■ .;. ' Mrs. Cox is sick and' Under the! doctor’s eare.< j All the yo.ung,.pep,pie of the Pres:’’ byterian congregation are invited to the manse on Friday evening/ ; A cribbage party, was held in the Institute hall last Thursday eveningi; The winners were Mr. Rhys PoTlpck, and Misses Olive ■ Garton . and Janet' Craig, Mrs. Caution returned home from Teeswater last-' week, .where she spent a few weeks? ■ ■ ■ Miss Leila Leggatt, of Wingham spent the. week-end at her home 'here. ■ ■ '1,, PURPLE GROVE Miss Beth Walsh returned home from Mr. Will Ruttle’s> Miss/Lettie Gawley is spending a few weeks “at Mr. .Victor Crawley’s. Congratulations to Mr- and Mrs. Ben. Scott on the gift of , a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Petjtyplace of Riversdale spent Friday at Mr. Ben Scott’s. ----for4--- KINLOUGH Mr. Thos. Malcolm is not as well as Iris many friends wish to set him. Mi*, and Mrs. Win. Percy visited last week with Mr. and/Mrs. Neil McKay near Glamis. Miss Catherine Robertson of Holy rood was a Sunday-visitor with Miss. Anne Colwell. •• • . • Mr. Frank'Currie spent' the week­ end at his home here. . « Mr. W. H. Scott returned home from Visiting relatives' in Walkerton. Congratulations are" extended to Air. and Mrs, Russel Collins, who re- turned home from their, wedding trip fast--Monday... • ' — Mr, ^Andrew Emerson visited at his< son John’s-last week./ . Mi*, and Mrs..Alex Percy•> visited at Mr. Howard .Thompson’s on Sun­ day. , , ■" ~ Mrs, John Emerson visited at . Mrs. John W. Wraith’s' on Wednesday. ASHFIELD NOTES “"/Making maple “'syrup is the order if the day. Mrs.. C. Pollock of Huron spent a, Vew, days with her parents', .Mr. and Mrs. R.. A. Grant; . . „ Miss 'Isabel Gr^nt -is nursing a sore arm, having had the misfortune- to break a small bone in' her arm:... Mrs./Janies England spent last week with her niother, Mrs. D. Stew­ art' of Rapid City. ' Mr. aiid Mrs. .‘George’ Swap cele­ brated their. Golden. .w.e.d.d.in.g„__ahrii/ versary on March 11th. We extend '•ongratulatiqns. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacKenzje and« family visited with relatives for a feW days last week. / The Presbyterian W. M-. S. meet-'. ing: which was—to-be—held- at-- Mf«.- Ilepry MacKerizie’s, was postponed in account of the bad weather and the condition of the roads. ' . ? .The; Mary Hardie. Mission •'Band •ihet a (/"tllri manse on SatUTd^y.”' March 14th. ' . ’ ' ■ The snow plow has been at work y , 'road is now open for traffic. 't The people of this community . were sorry to learn, of the death, of Mr. D. MacGregor of . Lucknow. Mr farmqr on the Lake Range and <was babe of CreWe, were guests of Mr > ■a highly respected resident. / and Mrs. Herb Curran, Sunday. HOLYROOD Mrs, Chas. Congram spent Mon­ day afternoon, at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s Mrs. Robt. MacDonald and Jack were recent visitors at Mil .Andrew; Hamilton’s.^ • Miss Catherine Robertson spent; the -week-end, with Miss Annie Colwell. Miss Kathleen MacKenzie^of Lang­ side spent Monday with , Mrs.Rich­ ard Elliott.' \ ’.,/■ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie Were Tuesday visitors ht Mrs. Rachel Cul- bert’s.. ■ ■ -—Miss Ver,a Juhnston of the 2nd feon? spent the, week-end at thfe borne of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. -Mark Johnston/ ' 15 . 1 .< Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Thompson, of Kinrough'W'ere"recentcallers"-t(nsce Mr. Gordon McPherson. Mr. arid Mrs.- Robt. MacDonald ( . .. . and Jack were recent visitors. at oh the Bluewater highway apd the Mr. Wm. Eadie’s. . <■ / ~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris|and Mr. Earl Harris, spent Monday ev-! cning sit Mrs. Aimer Ackert’s. . | Mr. Ernest Ackert is attending the MacGregor Was for many years 'Fire Insurance Convention in Tor­ onto this week. to 2. • ■ . The SoOth Kinloss, Presbyteri.au on Monday night could be "battle of brothers” for rio less than six pair of brothers are bn 1 Charlie tussle termed a . the two teams. They are Howard and Harold Agnew,. Bill' and Ct'“r!:* Jewitt, ■ Jim and “Doc” Stewart, Jack and Gordon Fisher, Dune, and Leonard MacDonald, and Bill and Morgan Hfendersori. ‘ . II'-I Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Townshend, Lon ' . don, on the arrival of a baby girl. The snowplough made its way tbrs on Monday night, and once again the villagers feel as -if they lived io the front of the country, after the road being closed tp/mojtor traffic for / the past .six. weeks, • - * Little - Betty arid., Delbert Hedley ; of Glamis are visiting their grand­ parents,, Mr. and. Mrs, Jno. Colwell Mrs. Kari Boyle is -visiting rela> ’ tives in London. Miss Mabel ■ Johnston, who hai been under the doctor’s care for some time,/was able to return te her home, 10th con; We all join is wishing Mabel a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Collins ot with Mr. and Mrs. George Colwell. The regular meeting of the Church Society was held on Monday even- -ing;—Miss-Nellie Malcolm--presided—s- and opened the meeting with hymn 760 “I ..need;. Thee every hour”. The Lord’s pra'yer yvas followed by Miss Evelyn McLean reading the scrip­ ture, lesson from St; Luke. Mr. Bert McLean had charge of the discus­ nori and Mr.’ Edbert Bushell read ;he current events.: A Humorous pro­ gram followed under ' the direction . ,)f Mrs. George Haldenby. Miss Hazel Percy, Mr. 'Spence McFarlan and Mi-. Wilbert. Hodgkinson, and onsisted of music, Misses Alice and athei Walt and Edna Boyle;, read-! . :ngs, Misses Kathleen Graham, Ev- ilyn Pinnell and Hazel Percy; duet. Little Doris arid Lloyd Jbhristbri; /Horus, “The Wedding Of Jack and I ill ,” by the gir^s; solo, Mr. Bruce Reihl; Scare Crow Drill by the school -jhil(lren^-/Fhe* meeting closed -with • ./he National Anthem- The society ... accepted an invitation to visit the South Kinloss Y. P. S. in. March. Committee in charge' of program-—. Miss Kathleen Eckenswiller, Mrs. Bert' McLean, Mr.. Edbert Bushell. Mr, Fred Jackson. Current events— lMt. Geo. Haldenby. Topic—Mr. Mc« Ritchie; SCripturd^Jesson^-Mrs. Art Graham. Discussion—Mr. Burgess, Mi.sS Pearl Irvin bf London spent < the week-end with her borther, MrA|^^ Will Irvin, and Mrs. Iiyin. ................... ~ Misses Olive: Anderson and OJive Kilpatrick were week-end guests of -Mr;-and—Mfsi—Harvey-Webb-and-“Mr™ and Mrs. Lome Woods of St. Helens; Harvey Anderson spent the week end renewing acquaintances at the 0. A. C., Guelph. This week he is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kil Patrick while attending the Fire-In­ surance- Convention, which meets in Toronto Tuesday „„and Wednesday.. Mrs. Richard Johnston is spend­ ing this week with her daughter. Mrs. Hiram Moffat .and Mr. Moffat at Unidrir/Heriittle/lgrandsonr Keith Moffat, who had. been with his grand­ parents for six weeks returned home with her. ; ' . Mr. and Mrs. S. J. “Kilpatrick vis- fed Mr. and Mrs. Lome Woods; St. Helen’s, Saturday. iMr's. Sara Saunders who ‘has; been onfined to her bed for over a week 's somewhat improved. “ Those/who attended the; social at Hacket t*s Church, Friday evening reported having a ■ very pleasant time.' A nlumber from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Web­ ster of Seaforth, Thursday. .Inter­ ment Was in .Greenhill cemetery.* /Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran ano .............. ii Chevrolet is the only low-priced car that gives you full, three- point safety at the lowest cost— along with Valve-in-Head engine, -for maximum power at minimum expense for gasoline and oil—*Knee Action? ^gliding ride with shock- . proof steering—and built-in Fisher Easy 7% ’"CHOOSE a Chevrolet, and you taZ get all three of today’s biggest SAFETY features: ONE—-perfected Hydraulic? Brakes, to bring the car to a swift, swerveless stop, with lighter-than-ayerage pedal pres­ sure. TWO—-solid steel, orie- B piece Turret Top Bodies by Fisher! THREE—-high quality Safety glass No-Draft Ventilation, throughout the car ! . GMAC terms. PRICED FROM ’775 (Standard Sartos 2-pw. Coops) Master DaLuxa Madals from $909 bilwed atfKttry, Oihnr^ Ort. Fdtj i <uiwH. Freight Hi tattMMt RttldnOM Fh nly artri *On Master De Luxe Models Consider the Company Back of the Car L. M. MacKENZIE Dungannon