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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-03-05, Page 5
X - IS I * • ' *’ / ’• k f t ©■» # ■ ■flf < , THURSDAY, MARCH 5 th,1»36. * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 6 t PAGE FIVE 1 SPORT NEWS V LOCAL JUNIORS ELIMINATED ing a pass across the ice to where BY WALKERTON SQUAD one player thinks another player —. 'should be, but rather “layihg” a pass County Towners ftutplay Sepoys At'that is not going to be intercepted Home By Decisive Score Of 6 To 1 And Win Round 7 To 3 « ’ Lflcknow Juniors were eliminated .from the W.O.HiA. race last Thurs day night by the classy Walkerton team, tutored by the veteran puck- ster; Len TrushinslcL The score was 6 to 1, and \a disappointment, not ,only“ tp. the Veal boys, but also to the season’s largest turnout of fans, Pete Agnew’s aggregation,? the first Junior team this village .has seen in several seasons, “did them selves proud” in winning their group with four straight victories. They entered the first, round of the play downs and continued their winning streak when they took a 2 to 1 de cision from 'the Walkerton team on ‘ the latter’s own ice, which inciden tally was the first loss the County Towners had suffered in ten starts, Hopes ran high that the locals could “take them” again here last Thursday, but the Walkerton lads had other ideas, and on the night’s play they distinctly outclassed the 'Sepoys who just couldn’t get organ- ’ ized in the- face -of-smooth combina tion efforts by the visitors, who showed plenty of speed, and checked and back-checked incessantly. ?_-■_Erom__the:,-drop of the puck, Ehe visitors went on the attack that put the locals on the defensive and pre- t; ?- - - vented- then) from grabbing a cou ph- of early goals that mighty have swuhg^lhe tide of battle in • their favor. About the halfway mark. Tschirhart drilled . one _ from the wing, that beat Ritchie, and before ~thejperiod ended Crozier’Geihtred one’ out from back of^the net to Schmidt who was uncovered, and slapped the disc home. Schmidt also scored in, the second and third periods,"both on solo efforts, by which he worked’ in on goal, drew Ritchie out and slipped the rubber behind him. When Bill "Jewitt banged in Lumknow’s lone goal of the night, in the 3rd period, it pepped up the apparently disheartened team and they put on a,; determined at tack for a few minutes. Four port wards were chased put, but it was difficult to get a ganging attack tp ' click as Walkerton was doing a good job of clearing up the ice and also’broke away a couple of times to stret«b theif total to six goals as : the period waned. : . - ? Lucknow—Goal, Ritchie; defense, Hewat and Miller; centre; Fisher; ---- wings, Cr Jewitt ^and McDonald ; al ternates, B. Jewitt, Thompson, Boh McKefizie and Bill McKenzie. Walkerton—Goa|, Albright; de fense, Freiburger, Leo Schnurr; y centre, Crozier; wings, Schnurr Schmidt; alternates, Tschirhart, Gra- bill, Meyer. Referee—Howard Agnew. » wm— ■ mi UNITED AND S. K. PLAY ? 4*4 TIE TUESDAY ' Another Game Necessary To Deter mine Team To Meet Presbyterians In Finals—Will Be Played Tonight / ’ - - - — ' ’ »?.’ South Kinloss and United, Church League teams battle to a ten-minute .overtime draw on Tuesday night. The score was 4Lall., Another game will be necessary to determline which squad will meet the Presbyterian team for the Joynt trophy. Going into the 3rd period, Uniteds were down 3 to 1,.. but tied the count before the period ended. At five min utes in the overtime, Uniteds, took ... the. lead, but with a minutp to go Wes. Huston, S. K. defenceman, hoi sted a long high shot from his own blue line that tied the .count again* H. Greer netted 3 of the ’ United goals with A. Orr getting 2 and Huston and B. Jewitt one each for S. K., who drew all f-dur penalties* of the gaine. . ... S. K.—Goal , McIntosh; defense, Huston ah'd M. Henderson; first line, Orr, McConnell* Jefritt; alternates, H'. Stewart, J. 'Stewart, G. Mclnnes. United —Goal, Riichie; defense. Tteieaven and Collyer; first line, Greer, Cameron, Solomon; alternates, McKenzie, Rawlings, Gibbons, Leith.. and that a teammate can pick up on the “fly”. . • .?. • . • ’ » . , Ripley lost ip Kincardine last Wed nesday by. a 4 to .1 score and dropp ed the round 10 to . 2. Solo, ickn.ow /■ A 1 ■ ! . (A f ♦ ’ rt ■ • . „ :S Bob Thompson and Elwo< mon were the only two players to “go to Kincardine. In the absence of both Clark Finlayson and “Pete” A’gnew, “Solly” donned'• the pads for the Redmen and turned ill a good game in the net. r 'Locally hockey activities now teil down to Church League fixtures ano frequent juvenile games that the “kids” delight in. Incidentally speaking about. ‘kids’. W? F: (Bill) Thompson’s school team won . the Toronto Public School Ban tam Championship. Bill is to be con gratulated in- coaching his pupils of Hodgson School to. the city champion ship. ■ ■Clinton Colts’ eased...SOaforth but of the playoffs by a score of 10 to 5 on the round. CTi ri ton'1 and Kincardine- ’ ttHriRrif" battling for the championship of Group 13, with the C. B’s. getting the jump on the Colts by winning the 1 st game in the Lakeside town on Friday 4 to 2. Clinton won the second game. 11 to 2 and a 3rd game Was billed for last night in Wingham< with-a-speeial -train-to-riin-fTom-K^n- cardine. *'■ • * •. . Walkerton and Hariovef .Juniors met in the first ’game of the- semi finals on Monday night, when Walk erton won a 4 to 2 decisioh. The winners will meet? New Hamburg for the League Championship. Lefty Smith, ■’brilliant Collingwood hurler, is slated to. try out with De troit at their spring, camp and if he creates a favorable impression upon Mickey farmed ♦ . exhibitionan between Luck- Sepoys believe veterans’’ who WHITECHURCH i .. . u_______ __ ■ We are sorry to report Mr. Roddy Inglis is ill with' pneumonia. His 1 sister,’ Mrs. Jack Flanagan of Tor onto is "nursing him. We hope., for a speedy recovery. Mr. James Falconer’s neighbors had a wood bee for him last Friday, as he is slowly improving since his operation.. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Conn en tertained the friends and\ neighbors to «a party ^Friday night, in honor of their daughter Ruby’s second birthday, which comes on February 29th.’ • . -A ‘ Miss Mary Laidlaw, Ruby Conn and little Gordon Well wood, all had a birthday , last Saturday, '.February 29th.• Many here .will be interested to he$r of thp promotion,of Miss Edythe’ Peddle of Edmonton! to the position of inspector for the Department of Pensions and National Health for the city of Edmonton. Miss Peddle is. well-known in this community as she used to live on thq, farm where Mr. Albert M^cQuillin now resides Sheris a sister of Mrs. Gibson Gill espie. We are gald to success, ‘ Messrs, Kenny and Jr. of near Lucknow, community this week threshing clover for seed.' Mrs. James Purvis of near Luck now visited on Tuesday-- with- her brother, Mr. David and Mrs.. Ken nedy, - . • The World’s. Day of Prayer was held in. the United church last Fri- day, with a good attendance from both congregations. The programs a% printed was. used. Solo -wai. given- by Mrs. Harold Sparling; duets by Mrs. (Rev.) J. Pollock and Mrs. Jas.' Laidlaw; Mrs. Ezra Scholtz arid .Mrs.- Joe Tiffin and Misses Janet Craig and Velma Scott. A very profitable ^eet'ii^'’lias" enjoyed!” 7 I. LANGSIDE hear Alex are HOLYROOD of 'her Purvis in our Literary meeting at Holy roodThe on Friday evening, was well attend ed and a splendid program was nre.- sented. Miss Jean Johnston , and Messrs. Harry Jewitt and Raynard’ Ackert were the program committee.! Program as follows: instrumental music, Messrs.’Mark Johnston; Hom-j er Harris and Clifford. Johnston;! chairman’s„addres,s; road.-’n-’.- .Doris Eadie; duet, Doris and LIpyd John ston; reading, - Howard Legge; A mock’ wedding; Reading, Irene Pletch;- solo, Mr. Georgeliell; reading, Mr. Wm. Staffers; . Journal, Mr. T.evi Eckenswiller; Miss Donalds Mr. and Mrs, Russel Ritchie of SL, Helens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Tiffih. „ *- Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A- Pur- don, Whitechurch. Mr. and .Mrs. Victor Emerson,' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnes. Mrs. Albert Taylor and Eleanor spent, the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. *• . Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Conn enter tained • their friends and . neighbors with' a party on Friday evening‘.in- honour of their daughter Ruby,- heV birthday being on February 29. • ■. * ■• • •' * - . ■■ ■ Mi’s. Harold'Johnson .pf,. Lucknow, spent a few days last’ week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn. • ■ Mr. and Mrs. D. , McKinnon, 4th' con., spent Sunday with the latter’s- father, Mr. D;. MacDonald. The World’s Day of’ Player was observed in the . (Jnitect Church I . ’alWhitechurch, on . Friday. Those tak ing part in prayers were Miss Mc- Quoid, NMrs, Mag Ross, Miss Merle Wilson, Mrs.. Beecroft,. Mrs. David son, Miss G. Watt. The scripture reading! Isaiah 35/ was read- by Miss Velma Scott. Mesdames. J. Misses Janet Craig and Velma ;Sc5tt, Mesdames J. — - Mrs.- H^iro-ld- and. Mrs. Victor ElnerSon gave “The Story of th^ Day, of Prayer.” offering $2.15 was "received! Ducts were given by Pollock and J. Laidlaw.' I Tiffin ’ and E. Sholtz; . Spa r 1 i n-g-- gave—-a—-s o 1 o- ___ rr’*__..a____ ___■ umv- The Valad; dialogue,- . Lemuel Little’s Shock;' instrumental duet, Messrs. -Raynard' Ackert and 'Mr. Chas. Boul- ding; s.o|o,. Mr. Fraser Purvis; din logue, Family Mr. Bruce Reihl.. Cod Save the King. ■ M-r-. and ■ Mrs. Chas-; • Gong-ram--spent-- S.unda y _a.t_M.r,_E rne^t^Ackerlls.^—L_ ■ Mrs. .Al'mei; Ackert and <^Ja-ck, and Mi ss.' Catherine Robertson, Svere re cent visitors at Mr. Richard Elliott’s. Mr. j, E? Turnbull of Underwood,- is . visiting -with his daughter., Mrs. •<Ro.bt. MacDonald and Mr. MacDon ald this week. . Miss-.Edith Hughes of .Ripjey was. a decent, visitor at-!. Mr. .’Allister. Hughes'! ' Mr. and Mrs. iH-aryey Ackert and Clarence of Lucknow, and- Misses Blanche McDbiigaJl and Dorothy Graham,! were Sunday guests at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s. We are pleased to report that Mr. Goidon McPherson is making a. fav orable recovery from the knee injury Received while .cutting logs for Mr! Erneht Ackert. •tfi Disturbances;’ solo,. Rural School Reports ” ■, S, *S.. No. 4, West Wa.wanosh (Seniot Room) Average Test Marks Sr. V—Etta Swan 81%; Ronald Cranston 65; Allan Miller. 59. . / Jr. V—Grace Weatherhead 68 / Muriel Piirdon 45; Billie Humphrey 42. Sr. IV—John-Pritchard 82; Russell Webb 78; Jimmie Aitchison 76. . jr.; IV— Gordon MacDonald 64; Angus MacDonald 61; Malcolm Bu- . ehanari 60. . > No. "on roll 12. ! Ave. att.. 16. \ . Sadie, ,E. MacCharles. S. S. No. 4, West !W*awanosh (Junior Room) '' s" Test. Marks ; ' Sr. I Id—.Helen McDonald; .90%; Mae McDonald 88; Muriel ' Wright 84; .Gladys Wright 78; Allan Cran ston 77;’ Margaret Aitchison 68; Ross Gamrrtie 55. ’ Jr. Ill—Dorothy Webb 77; Marie Aitchison 73; Marie Swan 60; Phyl lis Gaynor 52. ’ ° II—Ear] McDonald 76; Buchanan 67. ■* Daily Marks II-^Earl McDonald 560; Buchanari 498; ' ' . I—Jean Wright 545; Helen Gam- mie 531; Wilma Gaynor 216. , Pr.—Jean Aitchison 569. Beatrice McQuillin. S. S. No. 5, Ashfield V “ Class—Rena Hunter. Sr. IV—Total marks 750; Jimmie Hunter 584; Eldon Ritchie 545. ‘ — Jr. lcen Gardner .467; 433; 3i4. Sr. Ill—Total marks 650—Russel] Ritchie 493; Keith Hackett 446; Keith Ritchie 382. ■ ’ II — Possible ““perfects” ’« 32—EyaT -R-i tch-ie—1-Tr-1- Marion~Gardner''C15; - Allan Ritchie 14; Johnny Hunter 9; Eric Hackett 8. J—Lorna- Hunter, Gladys Campbell No. on roll 18. Shirley Shirley' IV—Total—marks 650^Kath=- Kathleen Gibson ♦Loma- Reid 393; *Doris Reid • \ •• ' ’ ... .' ■•••• 4 ,V‘ Lpis Hunter, (absent). Ave. att. 1619. Ada M. Webster.; S. S., No. 11,, Huron ’ V Class—Bob Macintosh 69.57c; Dorothy McGuire 58. . Sr.: IV — Charlie Roulston 83;. Sandy MacCharles 81*;. Gordon Brooks 72; Mary McGuire 71; jack Roulston'64; Mae Barkwell 62; Eileen Griffin 42. i ' ( Jr. IV—Gordon Irwin? Six Ill—Arnold McGuijfe 96*; Evelyn Irwin'63; Frank. Barkwell 44, IT—Roddie MacCharles 92; Mar garet MacCharles 80; Jack Barkwell 72; Mary Cooke (absent); Rae Cooke / kinLough /Miss Hazel Percy spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs., John Barr, Holyrood. x i Mrs. Milton Walsh and Mrs. Jno. Wraith visited Alamis frienda os Monday. The regular meeting of the Church ■■ society wasAheld on Monday evening . in -the basement of the. Presbyterian >Church. The meeting opened with hymn and prayer. The opening chor us by the school girls. The scripture reading was taken by Miss Margaret Pirinell.. Mr^ Geo. ., Haldenby . had charge of the discussion. After the minutes and roil call was the,debate, ^Resolve, that it would be a . benefit to Lthe country to ljave ‘State! Mddi* erne.! Affirmative, M’ss K. Robertson,. and Mr. Wm! Stattersj negative, Miss C. MacDonald and Mr. Jack Hodgins. Judges, Mrs. Art Graham, Miss N. Malcolm and Mr. Wm. Hald enby, who gave their decision in favor, of the negative side. Miss Isobel Colwell read the current events." The next meeting will be in the An glican basement on M^rch 16th, and wil be an evening of entertainment Hired Man: ‘‘Are you the fellow who cut my hair the last time!” Barber: “I don’t think so. I’ve only been working here six months.” I / ;/ (absent). Sr. I—Virene Finlayson, Leonard Griffin, . Jack McGuire, Lovell Me* Guire*. . Pn===Ross-- Cooke (absent); * denotes absence for examination No. -on roll 23. • M. Campbell S. S. No. 4, Kinloas September — February . V Class—Orville Elliott 75.6; Ber nadette ..Cassidy: 75; Howard Legge 72; Everette Johnston 67*. _ HI—Helen Valad 75; Lome 72. . Ill—A'udrigane Cassidy 70; Sr. IV—Bassilia Cassidy 78; Ches ter Robb 68; Edward’ Cassidy 67. Jr; IV—Mary Johnston 76; Doris Eadie. 75; Jack Ackert 74; Donelda Valad 68; Lloyd Ackert 74*. Sr. Eadie Jr. Leonard Legge 63; Patrick Cassidy 60. . ' • ’' • ‘ ’ II -Class—Doris Johnston 81; Ell- wood Elliott 71; David Robb 70*; Danied Cassidy 70* (ties). •_ I Class—Jimmie Houston '(ungrad- ' ed). . ... <■■■. .• , Pr. Class—Winona Cassidy; Lloyd Johnston;' Harold Elliott; Harvey Houston (absent).;. Those marked with an ♦ have mis sed one or more examinations. K. Robertson. HERE AND THERE (- i ’5 **• defeated the Consider the CompatiY Back of the Cor I ■ Cochrane, will out. ® ♦' *. There is talk of game being arranged now#and Ripley. The they have a “flock of may be able’to take the . Redmen. ' * When Ripley skated off the iCe in' Kincardine - last Wednesday, having being eliminated from the O. H. A. race, Shirl Bowers, the 48-year-old Wonder man, stated his hockey days were over.. Although Shirl has said this before, his'hnnd seems to bethis before, his'"hnnd made up this time . •Stratford Midgets Kitchener Greenshirts in , the first game of group playoffs last Wednes day. It- was Doug. Clarke, the Luck<p ho(W! lad, who scored the winning goal, when he. baited in Jerry Stir-, ling’s rebound}. ' . , ; Bill MacDonald of Teeswa.ter, who suffered a severe. knee injury while playing > with the -Wingham ,0. H. A. team is ^ble to get the skates on again .and. is playing Town,League hockey in Teeswater. The local juniors passed out of th^ W-O.H.A. face on Thursday night but they did it in a sportsmanlike fashiojnp by giving their conquerors a' hearty cheer.■ • • • • There was no question about it, on jthe night’s, play at least, the better team Won and to‘ Walkerton goes the Lucknow boys’ best wishes in their quest for the championship. : • . t «" « « « * I&ck of.te^m play was one of the , most hoticeabld weak points of the locals. And team play is not barig- A A ' T^UTTING a Fisher Body on-a proved, able and A dependable chassis like Chevrolet’s is like enclosing a fine Swiss movement in, a costly watch case—it completes the quality. For Body by Fisher is the ^world’s standard;, of tasteful beauty*.roomy comfort, fine furnishings arid practical convenience in motor ; car coachwork-. . Moreover, it’s the only body that has built-in Fisher No-Draft Ventilation to guard your health as you ride along in luxury. And it’s fitted throughout with Safety glass. Drop in today and inspect Chevrolet’s Fisher Body, and all the, other features .that go to make it The Only Complete Low-Priced CaT. Ask about the greatly-reduced 7% GMAC Plan time’ payments. v.; , Mrs. j. Thomson and babe of Lucknow visited "on Sunday with Ttfr. and Mrs, C. Thompson of the 2nd con., Kinloss. Mrs. Wm. Webster of Lucknow, visited 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gardner at Zion. Mr. Chas. Rivett? of Dungannon, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Black. ■ - > .. A large gathering of people from here and there witnessed the cater pillar snowplough coming, 6ver from Wingham last Sunday afternoon. Miss Tena Havens and Miss Ellen Btirhs attended the “at home” on Friday at Zion Orange Hall. -Mrs, Lome Deeyes and children of Kincardine, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs.'Mervifi peeves Miss Beryl Gardner of Zion visit ed for a few days Jast xteek with Mr. and Mr’S., Wm. Webster.' His wife was dying. Calling her husband to her bedside, she said, “John, I ken you dinna like Aunt. Janet, but you’ll let her ride wi’ ye in the carriage 'to the funeral?” The husband; much moved, finsw- eredr “I’ll , dae that’for ye; Maggie, but itlll spoil rhy day.” L. ,. M. MacKENZIE - - Dungannon I * ‘ ' V Tune in every Saturday night at 9 “p.tn.. Eastern Standard Time, to General Motors Coast-to-Copst ffoykey Broadcast. PRICED FROM (Standard Series 2-pass. Coupe) Master Deluxe Models, from $909 at factory, thhswa, Ont Fulty Rulpped. Freight and Govariw Ratittratiaii Fat enty artri